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Analyses of lithology, organic-matter content, magnetic susceptibility, and pollen in a sediment core from Okpilak Lake, located in the northeastern Brooks Range, provide new insights into the history of climate, landscape processes, and vegetation in northern Alaska since 14,500?cal?year BP. The late-glacial interval (>11,600?cal?year BP) featured sparse vegetation cover and the erosion of minerogenic sediment into the lake from nearby hillslopes, as evidenced by Cyperaceae-dominated pollen assemblages and high magnetic susceptibility (MS) values. Betula expanded in the early Holocene (11,600?C8,500?cal?year BP), reducing mass wasting on the landscape, as reflected by lower MS. Holocene sediments contain a series of silt- and clay-dominated layers, and given their physical characteristics and the topographic setting of the lake on the braided outwash plain of the Okpilak River, the inorganic layers are interpreted as rapidly deposited fluvial sediments, likely associated with intervals of river aggradation, changes in channel planform, and periodic overbank flow via a channel that connects the river and lake. The episodes of fluvial dynamics and aggradation appear to have been related to regional environmental variability, including a period of glacial retreat during the early Holocene, as well as glacial advances in the middle Holocene (5,500?C5,200?cal?year BP) and during the Little Ice Age (500?C400?cal?year BP). The rapid deposition of multiple inorganic layers during the early Holocene, including thick layers at 10,900?C10,000 and 9,400?C9,200?cal?year BP, suggests that it was a particularly dynamic interval of fluvial activity and landscape change.  相似文献   

东南极拉斯曼丘陵地区莫愁湖(69°22.3’ S,76°22.0’ E)沉积柱中的有机生物标志物记录了全新世中晚期该地区气候演变过程。不饱和长链烯酮在沉积柱111-76 cm (6450-5100 cal. yr. BP)和36-30 cm(3700-3500 cal. yr. BP)深度有检出,76 cm深度以上基本消失,表明该地区在5100 cal. yr. BP前后气候开始由冷转暖,冰川消融,陆壳抬升,相对海平面下降,同时大量的冰融水使湖泊逐渐淡化。沉积柱底部长链烯酮的检出阶段与东南极相对海平面较高时期相一致,而沉积柱36-30 cm(3700-3500 cal. yr. BP)深度不饱和长链烯酮的痕量检出则揭示了一个短暂的气候干冷,湖泊盐度升高的时期。沉积物中正构烷烃反映的当地气候变化所控制的湖生植物群落演变过程与上述过程基本一致。  相似文献   

全新世以来浙江地区史前文化对环境变化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对浙江地区史前文化的时空分布进行比较研究, 发现4000 cal. a BP前本区史前文化遗址在空间上不断扩大, 较为显著的扩大曾发生过两次, 一次发生在马家浜-河姆渡文化时期, 另一次发生在良渚文化时期;同时以河流谷地为通道, 史前文化从西向东不断向沿海扩展。4000 cal. a BP后, 以马桥文化为代表的各史前文化地域明显收缩, 东向沿海扩散的趋势终止, 同时伴随有南北两种不同模式的生产方式和经济形态转变。浙江地区史前文化分布与全新世海面波动有显著的关系, 尤其是杭州湾两岸的史前文化遗址分布与海面变化的关系最密切, 7000 cal. a BP 以来的低海面-海退成陆过程为史前居民提供了广阔的陆地生存空间。浙江地区史前文化变迁与环境变化在时相上具有一致性, 对比天目山千亩田泥炭和东海内陆架泥质沉积的环境演变记录表明, 4000 cal. a BP前浙江地区史前文化的东向地域扩展是在全新世气候适宜期背景下进行的, 是农业文明和海洋文明共同作用下的扩展和延伸;而4000cal. a BP后史前文化的地域收缩是在气候干冷和沿海海洋环境恶化的背景下发生的。以上初步证明浙江地区史前文化的发展、扩张和收缩与环境变化呈显著的正相关, 而气候环境变化正是引起上述这种变化以及生产方式和经济形态变化的深层次原因。因此, 气候环境成为浙江史前文化变迁的重要影响因子, 其对文化的分布、传播、扩展和演变等都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

Mid-Holocene changes in vegetation, palaeohydrology and climate were investigated from the sediments of Lake Vankavad in the northern taiga of the Usa Basin, NE European Russia, through the analysis of pollen, plant macrofossils, Cladocera and diatoms. Lake Vankavad was probably formed at ca. 5000 BP (ca. 5600 cal. BP) and initially it was shallow with a littoral cladoceran fauna. Macrofossil and pollen results suggest that dense Betula-Picea forests grew in the vicinity and the shore was close to the sampling point. At ca. 4600 BP (ca. 5400 cal. BP) the water level rose coincident with the decrease in the density and area of forests, probably caused by cooling climate and accelerated spread of mires. There was also a further rise in the water level at ca. 3500 BP (ca. 3800 cal. BP). The initiation of the lake, followed by two periods of rising water-level, as well as the increase in mire formation, was a consequence of a rise in groundwater level. This probably reflects lower evapotranspiration in a cooling mid-Holocene climate and/or higher precipitation in the lowland area. Also the decreased forest density and area may have contributed to the lower evapotranspiration. It is also possible that permafrost aggradation or changes in peat ecosystems might have affected the hydrological conditions in the area.  相似文献   

A 9000cal. year record of geochemistry was analysed in a sediment core obtained from a Swiss alpine hard-water lake (1937 ma.s.l.) that is located at the present-day tree-line. Geochemical stratigraphies are compared to changes in mineralogy, grain-size, pollen, and macrofossil records. This allows the reconstruction of the effects of changes in vegetation and of 3500 years of land-use in the catchment area on sediment geochemistry. Using principal component analysis, two major geochemical groups are distinguished: (i) Changes in concentrations of Rb, Ti, Zr, Fe, As, and Pb are closely related to corresponding changes in the concentrations of quartz and clay. They are thus considered to represent the silicate fraction which shows an increase from the oldest to the youngest core section. (ii) In contrast, Ca and Sr concentrations are positively correlated with changes in silt, sand, and calcite. They are therefore considered to represent the carbonate fraction which gradually decreased. Based on constrained cluster analysis, the core is divided into two major zones. The oldest zone (A; 9000–6400 cal.BP) is characterised by high concentrations of detrital carbonates. The more open catchment vegetation at that time promoted the physical weathering of these carbonates. The second major zone (B, 6400 cal.BP–1996 AD) is divided into four subsections with boundaries at ca. 3500, 2400, and 160cal. BP. The lower part of this zone, B1, is characterized by a gradual decrease in the carbonate-silt fraction and a pronounced increase in the silicate-clay fraction. This is concurrent with the expansion of Picea in the catchment area, which probably stabilized the soil. The middle part, B2 and B3 (3500–160cal. BP), comprises pronounced fluctuations in all elements, especially Ca, Sr, Mn, and Rb, but also in clay and silt. These changes are related to varying intensities of alpine farming. In the same section, Mn/Fe ratios are highly variable, suggesting changes in the mixing regime of the lake with phases of anoxic bottom water. The uppermost section, B4 (since 160cal. BP), is characterized by a steep decline in the silicate fraction and an increase in Ca and Sr. Despite the decrease in the silicate fraction, Pb increases, due to elevated atmospheric input resulting from early metal pollution, are masked by the high natural variability. Generally, changes in vegetation, which correspond to climate changes in the early Holocene and to human activities since ca. 3700cal. BP, are the controlling factor for variations in the geochemical composition of the sediment of Sägistalsee.  相似文献   

Many lowland rivers in the United Kingdom, including the Nene, Soar and Severn, have layered floodplains with a basal gravel of Pleistocene or Late glacial age and a structureless silty clay superficial unit burying the entire former floodplain. This burial is illustrated by the existence of variable, mixed and pedologically disturbed sediments and palaeo landsurfaces between the basal gravels and superficial silty clay. This paper presents a comparison of the pre- and post-late Holocene palaeo landsurfaces and palaeochannels using data from the Nene, Soar and Severn valleys. From this comparison it is argued that during the mid to late Holocene (ca 4500 yr BP to 2500 yr BP) floodplains and river channels underwent a metamorphosis. This is indicated by accelerated vertical accretion, a reduction in floodplain relative relief, changed floodplain soil conditions, a reduction in channel W/D ratios and a resultant increase in the silty clay proportion of channel perimeter sediments. There are indications that hydrological change preceded this metamorphosis but the primary cause was an increase in fine sediment supply during the later Holocene and a disequilibrium between channel bed and floodplain aggradation rates resulting in relative incision. This metamorphosis, which is explained in this paper by the proposed stable-bed aggrading-banks model (SBAB), is the key factor in the Holocene evolution of low-energy floodplain systems in the United Kingdom, upon which more subtle short-term fluctuations are superimposed.  相似文献   

We conducted a paleolimnological investigation of late Holocene deposits on a distal, constrained floodplain of the Cauca River, northern Colombia, i.e. the La Caimana sedimentary succession. The record starts sometime between 4,500 and 4,000 cal yr BP, when the first high-energy fluvial events inundated an ancient soil surface. From that time until about 3,260 cal yr BP, a stable and probably seasonal flooding regime was established on the floodplain. From ~3,260 to ~2,800 cal yr BP, ephemeral and shallow swamps developed on the floodplain. Their formation and duration depended on their connection with the Cauca River. From ~2,800 to ~2,400 cal yr BP, fluvial influence became more dominant, establishing a semi-permanent connection between the river and the floodplain. From ~2,400 to 1,400 cal yr BP, episodic formation of ephemeral swamps occurred. During this stage, floodplain lakes displayed high salinity and nutrient concentrations, and possibly alkaline conditions as a consequence of reduced water volume when the connection with the river was reduced or lost completely. A change in the hydrological regime occurred from ~1,400 to ~850 cal yr BP, when high-energy fluvial events were punctuated by periods of reduced flooding that enabled soil formation. Generally, connection with the Cauca River resulted in lake waters with low salinity and nutrient concentration, whereas loss of connection with the river led to lakes with greater salinity and nutrient content. Paleocurrent analyses indicate that flows came predominantly from the Cauca River, suggesting the lakes were formed by the impoundment of La Caimana Creek. The sedimentary succession of La Caimana offers a unique, high-resolution record of the evolution and dynamics of an ancient floodplain of the Cauca River and its aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Exposures along the lower Kaministiquia River (near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) provide insight into early Holocene lake level fluctuations and paleoenvironmental conditions in the northwestern Lake Superior basin. These exposures show at least two large paleochannels which were downcut into offshore sediments, and were later filled with >2 m of sand, ~3 m of rhythmically laminated silt and clay, and ~6 m of interbedded silt and sand. Buried by the rhythmically laminated silty clay unit is a well-preserved organic deposit with abundant plant macrofossils from terrestrial and emergent taxa, including several upright tree trunks. Three AMS radiocarbon ages were obtained on wood and conifer cones from this deposit: 8,135 ± 25 (9,130–9,010 cal), 8,010 ± 25 (9,010–8,780 cal), and 7,990 ± 20 (8,990–8,770 cal) BP. This sequence records an early postglacial high-water phase, followed by the Houghton lowstand, and reflooding of the lower Kaministiquia River Valley. The drop in lake level associated with the Houghton phase forced the ancestral Kaministiquia River to downcut. By ~9,100 cal (~8,100) BP, older channels eroded into subaqueous underflow fan deposits in the Thunder Bay area near Fort William Historical Park (FWHP) were abandoned and colonized by a Picea-Abies-Larix forest. Based on stratigraphic data corrected for differential isostatic rebound, the lake was below the Sault Ste. Marie bedrock sill between at least 9,100 cal (8,100) and 8,900 cal (8,000) BP. Shortly after 8,900 cal BP, the lake quickly rose and buried in situ lowland vegetation at FWHP with varved sediments. We argue that this transgression was due to overflow from glacial Lakes Agassiz or Ojibway associated with the retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet from the Nakina moraine and/or the Cochrane surge margins in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. A continued rise in lake level after 6,420 ± 20 (7,400 cal) BP at FWHP may record uplift of the North Bay outlet above the Sault Ste. Marie bedrock sill and the onset of the Nipissing transgression in the Lake Superior basin.  相似文献   

A 5.52 m long sediment sequence was recovered from Lake Terrasovoje, Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, in order to reconstruct the regional environmental history. The basal sediments, which are dominated by glacial and glaciofluvial clastic sediments, attest to a Late Pleistocene deglaciation of the lake basin. These sediments are overlain by 2.70 m of laminated algal and microbial mats and a few interspersed moss layers. Radiocarbon dating, conducted on bulk organic carbon of 12 samples throughout the organic sequence, provides a reliable chronology since the onset of biogenic accumulation at c. 12,400 cal. year BP. Successful diatom colonization, however, was probably hampered by extensive ice and snow cover on the lake and restricted input of nutrients until 10,200 cal. year BP. A subsequent increase of nutrient supply culminated between 8600 and 8200 cal. year BP and is related to warm summer temperatures and reduced albedo in the catchment. Warm conditions lasted until 6700 cal. year BP, supporting the establishment of a diatom community. Colder temperatures from 6700 cal. year BP culminated in several periods between 6200 and 3700 cal. year BP, when high amounts of sulphur and low abundances of diatoms were deposited due to a perennial ice and snow cover on the lake. During the late Holocene, relatively warm conditions between 3200 and 2300 cal. year BP and between 1500 to 1000 cal. year BP, respectively, indicated by high accumulation of organic matter and reducing bottom water conditions, were interrupted and followed by colder periods.  相似文献   

The Kangerlussuaq area of southwest Greenland is a lake-rich landscape that covers a climate gradient: a more maritime, cooler and wetter coastal zone contrasts with a dry, continental interior. Radiocarbon-dated sediment sequences (covering ~11,200?C8,300?cal?year) from paired lakes at the coast and the head of the fjord were analysed for lithostratigraphic variables (organic-matter content, bulk density, Ti, Ca). Minerogenic and carbon accumulation rates from the four lakes were compared to determine catchment and lake response to Holocene climatic variability. Catchment erosion at the coast was dominated by cryonival processes, with considerable sediment production due to the limited vegetation cover and exposed rock faces. Input of minerogenic sediment at one site (AT4) was high (>1?gDW?cm?2?year?1) during the period 5,800?C4,000?cal?year BP, perhaps reflecting intensification of cryogenic processes on northeast-facing slopes and rapid delivery to the lake. This period of erosional activity was not observed at the nearby, higher elevation site (AT1) due to the lower catchment relief; instead, there was an abrupt decline in carbon and minerogenic accumulation rates at ~5,800?cal?year BP. Sediment accumulation rates at the inland sites were much lower (<0.005?gDW?cm?2?year?1) reflecting greater catchment stability (more extensive vegetation cover), lower relief and substantially lower precipitation, but synchronous increases in mineral accumulation rates from ~1,200 to 1,000?cal?year BP may reflect wind erosion associated with regional cooling and local aridity. Carbon-accumulation-rate profiles were similar at the two inland sites, with higher-than-average accumulation (~6?C8?g?C?m?2?year?1) during the early Holocene and a subsequent decline after ~6,000?cal?year BP. At the inland lakes, both mineral and carbon accumulation rates exhibited a stronger link to climate, driven by trends in effective precipitation and regional aeolian activity. Catchment differences (relief, altitude) lead to more individualistic records in both erosion history and lake productivity at the coast.  相似文献   

The Late Glacial and Holocene geomorphology of the Manx uplands has received scant attention in previous researches. Solifluction deposits and terraces provide the earliest evidence for geomorphic activity after deglaciation. Fluvial incision into drift-choked valleys is correlated with the formation of the large mountain front alluvial fans that flank the Manx uplands. Formation of these alluvial fans is constrained to 15,000–10,500 cal. years BP by 14C dates on organic deposits beneath and above the alluvial fan gravels. Alluvial fan and river terraces along four valleys postdate this incision. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) and 14C dating provide a tentative chronology for these landforms. The higher terraces are Late Glacial fluvial surfaces that were probably occupied by rivers into the Holocene. Incision during the Late Holocene led to the abandonment of the higher surfaces, producing a suite of younger river terraces and alluvial fan surfaces. Independent dating constrains this fluvial activity to post-Bronze Age (3500–2800 cal. years BP). Increased human activity and climatic change during the Late Holocene are possible causes for this increased geomorphic activity.  相似文献   

分析宁镇及宜溧地区中晚全新世典型剖面的地层划分与特征,采用R-Q型因子分析方法估算气候变化值,揭示5700a B.P.前后发生在本区的干燥降温异常气候突变事件。气候曲线与沉积相序列的对比分析表明,宝华山浅棕黄色砂土夹角砾层洪-坡积相是该突变事件背景下的产物,且该突变事件还具有全球变化区域响应的征候,林峰桥同期淤泥质层中Fe3+/Fe2+比和粘土百分含量异常值进一步印证了这一论断。  相似文献   

Study of Lake Pepin and Lake St. Croix began more than a century ago, but new information has permitted a closer look at the geologic history of these two riverine lakes located on the upper Mississippi River system. Drainages from large proglacial lakes Agassiz and Duluth at the end of the last glaciation helped shape the current valleys. As high-discharge outlet waters receded, tributary streams deposited fans of sediment in the incised river valleys. These tributary fans dammed the main river, forming riverine lakes. Lake Pepin was previously thought to be a single long continuous lake, extending for 80 km from its dam at the Chippewa River fan all the way up to St. Paul, with an arm extending up the St. Croix valley. Recent borings taken at bridge and dam locations show more than a single section of lake sediments, indicating a more complex history. The Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers did not always follow their current paths. Valleys cut into bedrock but now buried by glacial sediment indicate former river courses, with the most recent of these from the last interglacial period marked at the surface by chains of lakes. The morphology of the Mississippi valley bottom, and thus the morphology of Lake Pepin as it filled the valley, is reflect in part by the existence of these old valleys but also by the presence of glacial outwash terraces and the alluvial fans of tributary streams. A sediment core taken in Lake Pepin near Lake City had a piece of wood in gravels just below lake sediments that dated to 10.3 ka cal. BP, indicating that the lake formed as the Chippewa River fan grew shortly after the floodwaters of Lakes Agassiz and Duluth receded. Data from new borings indicate small lakes were dammed behind several tributary fans in the Mississippi River valley between the modern Lake Pepin and St. Paul. One tributary lake, here called Early Lake Vermillion, may have hydraulically dammed the St. Croix River, creating an incipient Lake St. Croix. The tributary fans from the Vermillion River, the Cannon River, and the Chippewa River all served to segment the main river valley into a series of riverine lakes. Later the growth of the Chippewa fan surpassed that of the Vermillion and Cannon fans to create a single large lake, here called late Lake Pepin, which extended upstream to St. Paul. Sediment cores taken from Lake Pepin did not have significant organic matter to develop a chronology from radiocarbon dating. Rather, magnetic features were matched with those from a Lake St. Croix core, which did have a known radiocarbon chronology. The Pepin delta migration rate was then estimated by projecting the elevations of the top of the buried lake sediments to the dated Lake Pepin core, using an estimated slope of 10 cm/km, the current slope of Lake Pepin sediment surface. By these approximations, the Lake Pepin delta prograded past Hastings 6.0 ka cal BP and Red Wing 1.4 ka cal BP. This is one of eight papers dedicated to the “Recent Environmental History of the Upper Mississippi River” published in this special issue of the Journal of Paleolimnology. D. R. Engstrom served as guest editor of the special issue.  相似文献   

Seven vibro-cores were collected from three shallow lakes of the Gabon (Kamalété, Nguène, Maridor) along a 300-km west–east transect close to the Equator. These lakes are located in very distinct landscapes: coastal forest-savanna mosaic, rain forest and savanna with colonising forest, respectively. Core chronologies were established by radiocarbon dating. Study of these lacustrine archives (textural variables, clay minerals, organic matter components, δ13C, pollen) allowed comparison of late Holocene environmental changes recorded at each site and with results from other studies. Lake Kamalété indicates minor climatic deterioration (increased drying and greater seasonality) between 1,410 and 500 cal. years BP, which is also recognised in southern Cameroon and east-central Africa. Lake Nguène was surrounded by dense moist forest throughout the last 4,110 years, but shows significant deterioration from ~2,800 cal. years BP, a phenomenon seen at nearby sites. Lake Maridor shows a decline of forest initiated a little after 3,800 cal. years BP, which indicates timing that is distinct from the two other sites. This was probably a response to local conditions (i.e. outlet damming). Although the three lakes display generally parallel climatic trends perhaps linked to SST oscillations, there is not perfect coherence between these three sites. Differences among the three basins may be attributable to local factors like groundwater hydrology and slope instabilities of such shallow lake systems in this equatorial region.  相似文献   

Climatic and environmental changes since the last glacial period are important to our understanding of global environmental change. There are few records from Southern Tibet, one of the most climatically sensitive areas on earth. Here we present a study of the lake sediments (TC1 core) from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet. Two sediment cores were drilled using a hydraulic borer in Terrace 1 of Lake Chen Co. AMS 14C dating of the sediments showed that the sequence spanned >30,000 years. Analyses of present lake hydrology indicated that glacier melt water is very important to maintaining the lake level. Sediment variables such as grain size, TOC, TN, C/N, Fe/Mn, CaCO3, and pollen were analyzed. Warm and moderately humid conditions dominated during the interval 30,000–26,500 cal year BP. From 26,500 to 20,000 cal year BP, chemical variables and pollen assemblages indicate a cold/dry environment, and pollen amounts and assemblages suggest a decline in vegetation. From 20,000 to 18,000 cal year BP, the environment shifted from cold/dry to warm/humid and vegetation rebounded. The environment transitioned to cold/humid during 16,500–10,500 cal year BP, with a cold/dry event around 14,500 cal year BP. After 10,500 cal year BP, the environment in this region tended to be warm/dry, but exhibited three stages. From 10,500 to 9,000 cal year BP, there was a short warm/humid period, but a shift to cold/dry conditions occurred around 9,000 cal year BP. Thereafter, from 9,000 to 6,000 cal year BP, there was a change from cold/dry to warm/humid conditions, with the warmest period around 6,000 cal year BP. After 6,000 cal year BP, the environment cooled rapidly, but then displayed a warming trend. Chemical variables indicate that a relatively warm/dry event occurred around 5,500–5,000 cal year BP, which is supported by time-lagged pollen assemblages around 4,800 cal year BP. Our lake sediment sequence exhibits environmental changes since 30,000 cal year BP, and most features agree with records from the Greenland GISP2 ice core and with other sequences from the Tibetan Plateau. This indicates that environmental changes inferred from Lake Chen Co, Southern Tibet were globally significant.  相似文献   

全新世浑善达克沙地粒度旋回及其反映的气候变化   总被引:6,自引:13,他引:6  
 利用浑善达克沙地北部锡林浩特风成砂/古土壤剖面的粗颗粒含量、标准偏差、中值粒径、平均粒径和粘粒含量等气候代用指标,对浑善达克沙地10 ka以来的沉积物粒度进行了系统分析研究\.结果表明气候变化存在4个阶段:10.7~9.6 ka BP气候相对干冷;9.6~6 ka BP气候温暖湿润; 6~3.4 ka BP气候干冷暖湿波动频繁;3.4 ka BP以来气候以干旱为主。  相似文献   

Combined analyses of pollen, seeds, woods, micro-charcoal and non-pollen palynomorphs from Stagno di Maccarese, an artificially dried out coastal basin north of the Tiber delta now occupied by the Fiumicino Airport (Rome, Italy), document marked vegetation and environmental changes during the last 8300 years. Between 8300 and 5400 cal. a BP dense mixed deciduous and evergreen forests surrounded a eutrophic freshwater basin. An abrupt change around 5400 cal. a BP marks the transition to a marshy environment, due to a lowering of the water table. An increase of cereals and micro-charcoals matches the presence of a nearby Eneolithic settlement. Between 5100 and 2900 cal. a BP there is a remarkable expansion of riparian trees, indicating an increase of the water level. Between 2900 and 2000 cal. a BP, a new development of marshlands points to a progressive lowering of the lake. After 2000 cal. a BP, during the Roman exploitation of the area, an expansion of arboreal vegetation is recorded, characterized by evergreen and deciduous oak-dominated forests, while an extensive chenopods marshland matches the presence of saltworks. On the whole, the Stagno di Maccarese area appears very unstable, due to changes in lake level, introgression of marine water, eutrophic phases, flood events, desiccations and openings of the forest vegetation.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地东部尕海湖DG03孔岩芯粒度特征及环境意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹广超    马海州  隆浩  陈忠  张西营  周笃筠 《中国沙漠》2008,28(6):1073-1077
对柴达木盆地东部尕海湖DG03孔岩芯沉积物的粒度特征的研究,结果表明:在12 800—11 800 cal a BP之间,DG03孔沉积物主要以砂为主,含少量的粉砂和粘土,表明钻孔地点的水动力条件比较强,湖泊水位较低,尕海地区经历了一次短暂的干旱事件,这一事件可能是该区域对全球性的YD事件的响应;全新世早中期(11 800—5 600 cal a BP),沉积物主要以粉砂和粘土为主,钻孔地点的水动力条件比较弱,湖泊水位较高,气候环境相对湿润;全新世中晚期以来(5 600 cal a BP以来),沉积物中砂粒组分含量越来越多,粉砂和粘土含量越来越少,平均粒径越来越大,钻孔地点的水动力越来越强,该区域经历了一个干旱化的过程。  相似文献   

The timing of the last deglaciation in southern Chile is re-evaluated from a calendar varve chronology (Lago Puyehue, 40° S). The climate shifts are analysed by continuous annual varve-thickness measurements through the ∼17,100 cal. year to 10,800 cal. year BP time window (∼3.5 m sediment core). The varve years are determined by the alternation of light (phytoplankton-rich) and dark (terrigenous and organic-rich) layers forming graded annual couplets (∼0.2 to 0.8 mm/year). The varve chronology is constructed by conventional varve-counting methods on thin sections after correction for instantaneous volcanic and/or seismic events detected in the thin sections. The calibrated varve-age model derived from the manual varve counting is constrained by high-resolution grey-scale (GS) semi-automatic counts of the annual light phytoplankton-rich layers (∼120 μm to 300 μm thick). Due to physical sediment properties the GS constitutes a proxy record for the phytoplankton/terrigenous varve-thickness variations through the sediment record. The varve couplets are thicker/thinner during humid/dry phases and darker/lighter (negative/positive annual grey-scale index) during cold/warm phases. Our results show that at 40° S the last deglaciation took place in two phases between ∼17,100 cal. year and ∼15,500 cal. year BP. We note a climate instability between ∼15,500 cal. year and 13,300 cal. year BP and a significant dry phase between ∼15,000 and 14,500 cal. year BP. We evidence a cold event in two phases between ∼13,300 and 12,200 cal. year BP interrupted by a dry event between ∼12,800 and 12,600 cal. year BP. The onset of a significant warmer period is observed after ∼11,500 cal. year BP. Our results provide new evidence of a Younger Dryas cool reversal in southern Chile, i.e., the Huelmo/Mascardi event Hajdas et al. (2003) associated with an abrupt dry pulse at ∼12,800–12,600 cal. year BP. The high-resolution grey-scale measurements performed on the biogenic varves from Lago Puyehue provide a reliable calibrated chronology of the regional environmental and climate shifts during the last deglaciation. This is eighth in a series of eight papers published in this special issue dedicated to the 17,900 year multi-proxy lacustrine record of Lago Puyehue, Chilean Lake District. The papers in this issue were collected by M. De Batist, N. Fagel, M.-F. Loutre and E. Chapron.  相似文献   

Diatom-based inferences of post-glacial hydrological change from a sedimentary record from Felker Lake, British Columbia, show millennial-scale pacing of climate over the past approximately 11670 calendar years with change at ca. 8140 cal. year BP, ca. 6840 cal. year BP, ca. 5700 cal. year BP, and ca. 2230 cal. year BP. Early postglacial diatom assemblages are dominated by fragilaroid taxa, suggesting that cool and moist climate conditions and relatively high lake levels prevailed at this time. Early Holocene warming near ca. 8140 cal. year BP promoted Cyclotella bodanica var. lemanica, a fall bloomer competitive in limnological conditions associated with warmer water and stratified conditions. Short-lived peaks of Stephanodiscus parvus/minutulus between ca. 6340 cal. year BP and ca. 5860 cal. year BP indicate periodic increases in nutrient availability and prolonged mixing likely associated with long cool and moist spring seasons. The diatom-inferred depth of Felker Lake increased during the mid-Holocene to reach a record high-stand at ca. 5860 cal. year BP. Large changes in hydrological variability and terrestrial vegetation at Felker Lake occurred after ca. 2230 cal. year BP when high-amplitude centennial-scale fluctuations in diatom-inferred lake depth and salinity are observed. Change is first documented in terrestrial vegetation at this time by a shift from open Pinus parklands to a landscape that periodically supported populations of Cupressaceae. Three record low-stand high-salinity events are reconstructed between ca. 1910 cal. year BP and ca. 1800 cal. year BP, ca. 1030 cal. year BP and ca. 690 cal. year BP, and ca. 250 cal. year BP and ca. 140 cal. year BP. The low lake-level episode of ca. 1030 cal. year BP–ca. 690 cal. year BP is coeval with the Medieval Warm Period (ca. 1000 cal. year BP–ca. 600 cal. year BP), a period of intense drought in western North America. Post-glacial hydrological change at Felker Lake is coherent with regional, hemispherical, and global paleoclimate events, suggesting that millennial-and centennial-scale shifts in water availability are a persistent feature of the climate of western North America.  相似文献   

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