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Of 21 flares of importance 1 or greater, observed on 15 days, all were found to lie adjacent to a neutral line in the longitudinal component of photospheric magnetic fields. In most of these cases, the flare consisted of two or more segments separated by the neutral line and located in areas of strong field and high-longitudinal field gradient. In some cases, the flare segments extended into areas of weak-magnetic field and low-field gradient, but maintained an orientation adjacent to a neutral line.Optical and magnetic field records of higher resolution were obtained on 6 July 1965. These observations reveal an excellent correlation between the size, shape, and intensity of the H fine structures and the longitudinal component of the photospheric magnetic fields, except in the vicinity of the neutral line. Sections of the neutral line are marked by long fibrils lying perpendicular to the neutral line or by small filaments lying along the neutral line.The development of a flare of importance 1 in this region appeared to be more precisely related to the neutral line than was found for the flares and magnetic fields observed with lower resolution. The two major segments of this flare lengthened in directions approximately parallel to the neutral line, while simultaneously drifting perpendicularly away from the neutral line. The initial rate of drift systematically varied from 1 to 12 km/sec at a series of positions approximately parallel to the neutral line and corresponding to increasing distance from strong fields. The rate of drift was also observed to decelerate throughout the life of the flare.  相似文献   

Using the proper motion and parallax data for 1011 O-B stars in the Hipparcos Catalogue we have derived the Oort constants, A = 17.60 ± 0.21 (km/s)/kpc, B = −14.62 ± 0.20 (km/s)/kpc, and a solar velocity V = 16.7 ± 0.10 km/s in the direction l = 45.3° ± 2.8°, b = 21.0° ± 2.3°. For a galactocentric distance of the sun of R0 = 8.5 kpc, we then get a galactic rotational velocity of the solar neighbourhood of Vlsr = 273.9 km/s, obviously much higher than the IAU published value of 220 km/s. We have investigated the cause for this difference.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the relationship between photospheric magnetic fields and chromospheric velocity fields in a solar active region, especially evolving features of the chromospheric velocity field at preflare sites. It seems that flares are related to unusually distributed velocity field structures, and initial bright kernels and ribbons of the flares appear in the red-shifted areas (i.e., downward flow areas) close to the inversion line of H Dopplergrams with steep gradients of the velocity fields, no matter whether the areas have simple magnetic structure or a weak magnetic field, or strong magnetic shear and complex structure of the magnetic fields. The data show that during several hours prior to the flares, while the velocity field evolves, the sites of the flare kernels (or ribbons) with red-shifted features come close to the inversion line of the velocity field. This result holds regardless of whether or not the flare sites are wholly located in blue-shifted areas (i.e., upward flow areas), or are far from the inversion line of the Doppler velocity field (V = 0 line), or are partly within red-shifted areas. There are two cases favourable for the occurrence of flares, one is that the gulf-like neutral lines of the magnetic field (B = 0 line) occur in the H red-shifted areas, the other is that the gulf-like inversion lines of the H Doppler velocity field (V = 0 line) occur in the unipolar magnetic areas. These observational facts indicate that the velocity field and magnetic field have the same effect on the process of flare energy accumulation and release.  相似文献   

By means of a simple relation between the velocity v of the fluid particle and the velocity vf of the photospheric footpoint of the magnetic field line vz and Bz being respectively the components of v and the magnetic field B normal to the photospheric surface, it is shown formally that through the phtospheric surface the transport of all the quantities attributed to the magnetic field, such as the magnetic flux, the magnetic energy and the helicity, is independent of vz, and vf is the only kinematical quantity on which the transport depends. In addition, in the neighborhood of the neutral line the velocity vl of the moving curve of constant Bz is found to be equal approximately to the component of v or vf in the direction of vl. Since vl can be measured or extimated, so can the components of v and vf near the neutral line.  相似文献   

On September 14–18, 2000, a medium-small solar active region was observed at Ganyu Station of Purple Mountain Observatory. Its spots were not large, but it had a peculiar active filament. On Sep.16, a flare of importance IIIb with rather intense geophysical effects was produced. Our computation of the magnetic structure of the active region reveals that the rope-shaped filament was concerned with a low magnetic arc close to magnetic neutral line. An intense shear of magnetic field occurred near magnetic rope. The QSL analysis shows that a 3-D magnetic reconnection might appear in the vicinity of filament, and this can be used to interpret the formation of a large flare.  相似文献   

Based on photospheric vector magnetograms obtained at Huairou Solar Observing Station (HSOS), non-potential characteristics of the magnetic field beneath the filament in active region NOAA 9077 are investigated. We focus on the structure and evolution of the magnetic field from 00:08 UT to 10:25 UT of 14 July before the Bastille event. Particular attention is paid to transverse field strength, shear degree and horizontal gradient of the line-of-sight magnetic field around the filament and filament channel. The following characteristics are found. (1) The magnetic non-potentiality has an obviously non-uniform distribution. The shear degree of the transverse field (Hagyard et al., 1984) is very large, up to 75° in some sites beneath the filament, such as the initial brightening site in TRACE 1600 Å images and the breaking site of the filament. The transverse field and the horizontal gradient of the line-of-sight field are very large in some parts corresponding to the hottest and continuously brightening portions. (2) The mean strength and mean shear angle of the transverse field and mean horizontal gradient of the line-of-sight field have obviously dropped in most parts beneath the filament for two hours before the filament eruption and onset of the X5.7/3B flare. After comparing simultaneous UV and EUV images, H filtergrams and Dopplergrams at solar atmosphere, we suggest that magnetic cancellation is likely to quickly transport the magnetic energy and complexity into the higher atmosphere in these two hours. This leads to magnetic instability in the filament and eventually causes the eruption of filament and onset of the flare.  相似文献   

In this paper, the chromospheric magnetic structures and their relation to the photospheric vector magnetic field in the vicinity of a dark filament in active region 5669 have been demonstrated. Structural variations are shown in chromospheric magnetograms after a solar flare. Filament-like structures in the chromospheric magnetograms occurred after a solar flare. They correspond to the reformation of the chromospheric dark filament, but there is no obvious variation of the photospheric magnetic field. We conclude that (a) some of the obvious changes of the chromospheric magnetic fields occurred after the flare, and (b) a part of these changes is perhaps due to flare brightening in the chromospheric H line.During the reforming process of the dark filament, a part of its chromospheric velocity field shows downward flow, and it later shows upward flow.  相似文献   

The process of magnetic reconnection in anisotropic plasmas is studied numerically using a 2-dimensional, 3-component hybrid simulation. The results of the calculation show that, when the plasma pressure in the direction perpendicular to magnetic field is larger than that in the parallel direction (e.g. P/P = 1.5), instability may greatly increase, speeding up the rate of reconnection. When P is smaller than P, (e.g., when P/P = 0.6), fire hose instability appears, which will restrain the tearing mode instability and the process of magnetic reconnection.  相似文献   

We study the magnetic field evolution and topology of the active region NOAA 10486 before the 3B/X1.2 flare of October 26, 2003, using observational data from the French–Italian THEMIS telescope, the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), the Solar Magnetic Field Telescope (SMFT) at Huairou Solar Observation Station (HSOS), and the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE). Three dimensional (3D) extrapolation of photospheric magnetic field, assuming a potential field configuration, reveals the existence of two magnetic null points in the corona above the active region. We look at their role in the triggering of the main flare, by using the bright patches observed in TRACE 1600 Å images as tracers at the solar surface of energy release associated with magnetic reconnection at the null points. All the bright patches observed before the flare correspond to the low-altitude null point. They have no direct relationship with the X1.2 flare because the related separatrix is located far from the eruptive site. No bright patch corresponds to the high-altitude null point before the flare. We conclude that eruptions can be triggered without pre-eruptive coronal null point reconnection, and the presence of null points is not a sufficient condition for the occurrence of flares. We propose that this eruptive flare results from the loss of equilibrium due to persistent flux emergence, continuous photospheric motion and strong shear along the magnetic neutral line. The opening of the coronal field lines above the active region should be a byproduct of the large 3B/X1.2 flare rather than its trigger.  相似文献   

In this paper, the energy storage for a spotless two-ribbon flare is discussed with reference to the morphology of the chromospheric fibrils surrounding a filament prior to the flare. Also, on the basis of the Kippenhahn-Schluter model of filaments, we discuss the instability of magnetic structure in these filaments. We found that once the gradient of the magnetic field or the curvature of the magnetic “trough” exceeds certain critical value, the Rayleigh-Taylor instability will be triggered off, leading to the sudden disappearance (Disparition Brusque) of the filament. At the same time, a neutral current sheet will be formed in the field with magnetic flux concentrated on both sides of the filament. Rapid reconnection of the field lines then lead to the onset of a two-ribbon flare.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional coronal magnetic field is reconstructed for the NOAA active region 11158 on 14 February 2011. A GPU-accelerated direct boundary integral equation (DBIE) method is implemented which is approximately 1000 times faster than the original DBIE used on solar non-linear force-free field modeling. Using the SDO/HMI vector magnetogram as the bottom boundary condition, the reconstructed magnetic field lines are compared with the projected EUV loop structures as observed in the front-view (SDO/AIA) and the side-view (STEREO-A/B) images for the first time; they show very good agreement three-dimensionally. A quantitative comparison with some stereoscopically reconstructed coronal loops shows that the average misalignment angles in our model are at the same order as the state-of-the-art results obtained from reconstructed coronal loops. It is found that the observed coronal loop structures can be grouped into a number of closed and open field structures with some central bright coronal loop features around the polarity inversion line. The reconstructed highly sheared magnetic field lines agree very well with the low-lying sigmoidal filament along the polarity inversion line. This central low-lying magnetic field loop system must have played a key role in powering the flare. It should be noted that while a strand-like coronal feature along the polarity inversion line may be related to the filament, one cannot simply interpret all the coronal bright features along the polarity inversion line as manifestation of the filament without any stereoscopic information.  相似文献   

Observations, from the Apollo 16 Spacecraft, in lunar orbit, of the total radiance of the K + F corona, from 3 R to 55 R are presented and discussed.

The logarithmic slope of the K + F coronal radiance, in the region r > 20 R, is found to be n = 1.93, slightly less steep than previous determinations. The photometric axis of the radiance is found to be displaced 3 ± 1° north of the ecliptic, for the region r > 20 R, and this displacement is interpreted as an annual variation due to non-coincidence of the ecliptic and the symmetry axis of the zodiacal cloud.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the H filtergrams and vector magnetograms of the active region NOAA 7070, in which a 3B/X3.3 flare occurred on February 27, 1992. The average area per sunspot of this active region was in declining phase at the time of the flare. The vector magnetograms indicate that the magnetic field was non-potential at the flaring site. Besides non-potentiality, the longitudinal field gradient was found to be the highest at the region showing initial H brightening. Further, in H filtergrams no appreciable change in the morphology of the filament tracing the magnetic neutral line was noticed in the post-flare stage. Also, the photospheric vector magnetograms show considerable shear in post-flare magnetic field of the active region. In this paper we present the observations and discuss the possible mechanism responsible for the 3B/X3.3 flare.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the Martens-Kuin filament eruption model in relation to observations of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The field lines of this model are plotted in the vacuum or infinite resistivity approximation with two background fields. The first is the dipole background field of the model and the second is the potential streamer model of Low. The assumption is made that magnetic field evolution dominates compression or other effects which is appropriate for a low- coronal plasma. The Martens-Kuin model predicts that, as the filament erupts, the overlying coronal magnetic field lines rise in a manner inconsistent with observations of CMEs associated with eruptive filaments. Initially, the bright arc of a CME broadens in time much more slowly than the dark cavity between it and the filament, whereas in the model they broaden at the same rate or the bright arc broadens more rapidly than the dark cavity, depending on the background field. Thus, this model and, by generalization the whole class of so-called Kuperus-Raadu configurations in which a neutral point occurs below the filament, are of questionable utility for CME modeling. An alternate case is considered in which the directions of currents in the Martens-Kuin model are reversed resulting in a so-called normal polarity configuration of the filament magnetic field. In this case, a neutral line occurs above the current-carrying filament. The background field lines now distort to support the filament and help eject it. While the vacuum field results make this configuration appear very promising, a full two- or more-dimensional MHD simulation is required to properly analyze the dynamics resulting from this configuration.Presently NRC Senior Research Associate at NOAA, Space Environment Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.At the NASA National Space Data Center.  相似文献   

Every two-ribbon flare observed during the Skylab period produced an observable coronal transient, provided the flare occurred close enough to the limb. The model presented here treats these two events as a combined process. Transients that occur without flares are believed to involve magnetic fields that are too weak to produce significant chromospheric emission. Adopting the hypothesis that the rising flare loop systems observed during two-ribbon flares are exhibiting magnetic reconnection, a model of a coronal transient is proposed which incorporates this reconnection process as the driving force. When two oppositely directed field lines reconnect a lower loop is created rooted to the solar surface (the flare loop) and an upper disconnected loop is produced which is free to rise. The magnetic flux of these upper loops is proposed as the driver for the transient. The force is produced by the increase in magnetic pressure under the filament and transient.A quantitative model is developed which treats the transient configuration in terms of four distinct parts- the transient itself with its magnetic field and material, the region just below the transient but above the filament, the filament with its magnetic field, and the reconnected flux beneath the filament. Two cases are considered - one in which all the prominence material rises with the transient and one in which the material is allowed to fall out of the transient. The rate of rise of the neutral line during the reconnection process is taken from the observations of the rising X-ray flare loop system during the 29 July, 1973 flare. The MHD equations for the system are reduced to four non-linear ordinary coupled differential equations which are solved using parameters believed to be realistic for solar conditions. The calculated velocity profiles, widths, etc., agree quite well with the observed properties of coronal transients as seen in white light. Since major flares are usually associated with a filament eruption about 10–15 min before the flare and since this model associates the transient with the filament eruption, we suspect that the transient is actually initiated some time before the actual flare itself.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

A great 3B flare, whose X-ray class was X13, occurred over a delta-sunspot at 00: 01 UT on April 25, 1984. Before the flare, a strong magnetic shear was found to be formed along the neutral line in the delta-sunspot with shear motions of umbrae. The shear motions of the umbrae were caused by the successive emergence of a magnetic flux rope.Before the flare, several groups of sheared H threads and filaments were found to merge into an elongated filament along the neutral line through the delta-sunspot. In the merging process the helical twists were formed in the filament by the reconnection as in the Pneuman's (1983) model.At the post-maximum phase of the flare, the helically twisted filament spouted out with an untwisting rotation. Examining the morphological and dynamical features of the filament eruption, we concluded that it has some typical features of the flare spray and that it seems to be accelerated by the sweeping-magnetictwist mechanism proposed by Shibata and Uchida (1986).Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories, University of Kyoto, No. 276.  相似文献   

Using data from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), and Hida Observatory (HO), we present a detailed study of an EUV jet and the associated Hα filament eruption in a major flare in the active region NOAA 10044 on 29 July 2002. In the Hα line wings, a small filament was found to erupt out from the magnetic neutral line of the active region during the flare. Two bright EUV loops were observed rising and expanding with the filament eruption, and both hot and cool EUV plasma ejections were observed to form the EUV jet. The two thermal components spatially separated from each other and lasted for about 25 minutes. In the white-light corona data, a narrow coronal mass ejection (CME) was found to respond to this EUV jet. We cannot find obvious emerging flux in the photosphere accounting for the filament eruption and the EUV jet. However, significant sunspot decay and magnetic-flux cancelation owing to collision of opposite flux before the events were noticed. Based on the hard X-ray data from RHESSI, which showed evidence of magnetic reconnection along the main magnetic neutral line, we think that all of the observed dynamical phenomena, including the EUV jet, filament eruption, flare, and CME, should have a close relation to the flux cancelation in the low atmosphere.  相似文献   

A quantitative theoretical analysis of electric field and current distributions in the ionosphere is given assuming certain time variable convection field profiles at an altitude of 1250 km. A number of idealized assumptions regarding the ionospheric characteristics are defined and discussed. A qualitative discussion of a quasi-stationary configuration with an approximately curl free electric field is also given. Geomagnetically field aligned current densities i of the order 10−5−10−4A/m2 are consistent with quite reasonable assumptions about the convection field E. Oscillations in E with periods of the order of 10 sec should readily be generated when σ is large. In the quasi-stationary case there may be a mechanism that strengthens and concentrates i locally under certain conditions. It is found that a number of recent high altitude observations of convection field reversals may be consistent with large potential drops along the magnetic field lines. The solutions obtained as well as some of the basic assumptions are compared with observations.  相似文献   

1986年2月4日太阳耀斑的演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据乌鲁木齐天文站的H_α耀斑及3.2cm射电流量观侧资料、云南天文台的黑子精细结构照相和Marshall Space Flight Center的向量磁场图,对1986年2月4日的六个耀斑的形态相关及演化联系,特别是0736UT 4B/3X大耀斑的发展过程进行了综合分析。主要结果是: 1.4日大耀斑的初始亮点和闪光相的主要形态演化,与活动区中沿中性线新浮现的强大电流/磁环系密切相关。后者的主要标志是沿中性线的长的剪切半影纤维及它两端的偶极旋涡黑子群(1_3F_3)。 2.上述大耀斑与1972年8月4日0624 UT大耀斑爆发的磁场背景及主要形态特征相似,表明两者的储能和触发机制可能相同。 3.大耀斑爆发的H_α初始亮点,双带出现,环系形成,亮物质抛射和吸收冕珥等现象同3.2cm射电流量的变化在时间上有较好的对应关系。 4.重复性的前期小耀斑爆发位置和发展趋势与大耀斑的主要形态及演化特征相似。它们相对于剪切的纵场中性线两侧的位置相近或相同。因而,可以看作上述强大电流/磁环系不稳性发展过程中的前置小爆发。  相似文献   

By using a topological model for the potential magnetic field above the photosphere, the appearance and development of the separator as a result of vortex plasma flows in the locality of the photospheric neutral line is considered. The possible relation of such vortex flows with a flare activity is revealed. The arrangement and shape of the flare ribbons in the chromosphere, the formation of X-ray intersecting loops, the early appearance of bright knots on flare ribbon edges are naturally explained by the model provided a reconnecting current sheet arises along the separator in the coronal magnetic field of active regions as a result of the evolution of the magnetic field sources in the photosphere.  相似文献   

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