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This paper presents field, petrographic–structural and geochemical data on spinel and plagioclase peridotites from the southern domain of the Lanzo ophiolitic peridotite massif (Western Alps). Spinel lherzolites, harzburgites and dunites crop out at Mt. Arpone and Mt. Musinè. Field evidence indicates that pristine porphyroclastic spinel lherzolites are transformed to coarse granular spinel harzburgites, which are in turn overprinted by plagioclase peridotites, while strongly depleted spinel harzburgite and dunite bands and bodies replace the plagioclase peridotites. On the northern flank of Mt. Arpone, deformed, porphyroclastic (lithospheric) lherzolites, with diffuse pyroxenite banding, represent the oldest spinel-facies rocks. They show microstructures of a composite subsolidus evolution, suggesting provenance from deeper (asthenospheric) mantle levels and accretion to the lithosphere. These protoliths are locally transformed to coarse granular (reactive) spinel harzburgites and dunites, which show textures reminiscent of melt/rock reaction and geochemical characteristics suggesting that they are products of peridotite interaction with reactively percolating melts. Geochemical data and modelling suggest that <1–5% fractional melting of spinel-facies DMM produced the injected melts. Plagioclase peridotites are hybrid rocks resulting from pre-existing spinel peridotites and variable enrichment of plagioclase and micro-gabbroic material by percolating melts. The impregnating melts attained silica-saturation, as testified by widespread orthopyroxene replacement of olivine, during open system migration in the lithosphere. At Mt. Musinè, coarse granular spinel harzburgite and dunite bodies replace the plagioclase peridotites. Most of these replacive, refractory peridotites have interstitial magmatic clinopyroxene with trace element compositions in equilibrium with MORB, while some Cpx have REE-depleted patterns suggesting transient geochemical features of the migrating MORB-type melts, acquired by interaction with the ambient plagioclase peridotite. These replacive spinel harzburgite and dunite bodies are interpreted as channels exploited for focused and reactive migration of silica-undersaturated melts with aggregate MORB compositions. Such melts were unrelated to the silica-saturated melts that refertilized the pre-existing plagioclase peridotites. Finally, MORB melt migration occurred along open fractures, now recorded as gabbroic dikes.

Our data document the complexity of rock-types and mantle processes in the South Lanzo peridotite massif and describe a composite tectonic and magmatic scenario that is not consistent with the “asthenospheric scenario” proposed by previous authors. We envisage a “transitional scenario” in which extending subcontinental lithospheric mantle was strongly modified (both depleted and refertilized) by early melts with MORB-affinity formed by decompression partial melting of the upwelling asthenosphere, during pre-oceanic rifting and lithospheric thinning in the Ligurian Tethys realm.  相似文献   

The compositional variability of the lithospheric mantle at extensional settings is largely caused by the reactive percolation of uprising melts in the thermal boundary layer and in lithospheric environments.The Alpine-Apennine(A-A)ophiolites are predominantly constituted by mantle peridotites and are widely thought to represent analogs of the oceanic lithosphere formed at ocean/continent transition and slow-to ultraslow-spreading settings.Structural and geochemical studies on the A-A mantle peridotites have revealed that they preserve significant compositional and isotopic heterogeneity at variable scale,reflecting a long-lived multi-stage melt migration,intrusion and melt-rock interaction history,occurred at different lithospheric depths during progressive uplift.The A-A mantle peridotites thus constitute a unique window on mantle dynamics and lithosphere-asthenosphere interactions in very slow spreading environments.In this work,we review field,microstructural and chemical-isotopic evidence on the major stages of melt percolation and melt-rock interaction recorded by the A-A peridotites and discuss their consequences in creating chemical-isotopic heterogeneities at variable scales and enhancing weakening and deformation of the extending mantle.Focus will be on three most important stages:(i)old(pre-Jurassic)pyroxenite emplacement,and the significant isotopic modification induced in the host mantle by pyroxenite-derived melts,(ii)melt-peridotite interactions during Jurassic mantle exhumation,i.e.the open-system reactive porous flow at spinel facies depths causing bulk depletion(origin of reactive harzburgites and dunites),and the shallower melt impregnation which originated plagioclase-rich peridotites and an overall mantle refertilization.We infer that migrating melts largely originated as shallow,variably depleted,melt fractions,and acquired Si-rich composition by reactive dissolution of mantle pyroxenes during upward migration.Such melt-rock reaction processes share significant similarities with those documented in modern oceanic peridotites from slow-to ultraslow-spreading environments and track the progressive exhumation of large mantle sectors at shallow depths in oceanic settings where a thicker thermal boundary layer exists,as a consequence of slow-spreading rate.  相似文献   

The microstructures in the Erro-Tobbio peridotite indicate several stages of recrystallization of olivine + titanian clinohumite-bearing assemblages. The development of these assemblages is closely associated with serpentinite mylonites, in which they occur in shear bands and foliations and are inferred to have grown synkinematically, in veins, and as post-kinematic radial aggregates. In the peridotite wall-rock adjacent to these mylonites, the same assemblages have recrystallized statically at the expense of original olivine and pyroxenes, mesh-textured chrysolite and antigorite veins. In addition, the olivine-bearing assemblage occurs in widespread vein systems. The brittle deformation of the peridotite resulting in the development of these vein systems is closely related to ductile deformation of metagabbroic dykes in the peridotite. Although early metasomatism resulted in extensive rodingitization of the gabbros, some dykes show an eclogitic assemblage of Na-clinopyroxene + garnet + chloritoid + chlorite ± talc. These observations, the microstructures and the mineral chemistry all suggest that the assemblages in the ultramafic rocks and metagabbros developed during a prograde evolution towards high pressures (>13–16 kbar, 450–550° C), and during subsequent decompression. This metamorphic evolution is considered to be related to Late Cretaceous intraoceanic subduction in the Alps-Apennine system and closure of the Piedmont-Ligurian basin.  相似文献   

The petrography and mineral composition of a mantle-derived garnet peridotite xenolith from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe (Arkhangelsk Diamond Province, Russia) was studied. Based on petrographic characteristics, the peridotite xenolith reflects a sheared peridotite. The sheared peridotite experienced a complex evolution with formation of three main mineral assemblages: (1) a relict harzburgite assemblage consist of olivine and orthopyroxene porphyroclasts and cores of garnet grains (Gar1) with sinusoidal rare earth elements (REE) chondrite C1 normalized patterns; (2) a neoblastic olivine and orthopyroxene assemblage; (3) the last assemblage associated with the formation of clinopyroxene and garnet marginal zones (Gar2). Major and trace element compositions of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and garnet indicate that both the neoblast and clinopyroxene-Gar2 mineral assemblages were in equilibrium with a high Fe-Ti carbonate-silicate metasomatic agent. The nature of the metasomatic agent was estimated based on high field strength elements (HFSE) composition of olivine neoblasts, the garnet-clinopyroxene equilibrium condition and calculated by REE-composition of Gar2 and clinopyroxene. All these evidences indicate that the agent was a high temperature carbonate-silicate melt that is geochemically linked to the formation of the protokimberlite melt.  相似文献   

Textural and petrological data of mantle peridotites sampled in the central and western parts of the Romanche Fracture Zone (Equatorial Atlantic) during the oceanographic expedition PRIMAR-96 (Russian R/V Gelendzhik) are presented. The studied rocks are mantle peridotites carrying patches, pockets and veins/dikes of magmatic origin, interpreted to be the product of various extents of magma impregnation on mantle partial melting residues. Estimated partial melting degrees based on clinopyroxene Ti/Zr ratios are in the ranges 5–13% and 18–20%. In highly impregnated samples, refertilization of residual peridotite minerals precludes a correct evaluation of the degree of melting. Magmatic products occur as pl±cpx±opx±ol±sp aggregates with various textural features. Interstitial pl-rich patches and gabbroic pockets are interpreted to derive from magma migration through the upper mantle by diffusive porous flow in the ductile part of the lithosphere and melt–rock reactions. Metasomatism of the host peridotites is testified by Ti and Cr increase in spinel and Ti, Sr, Zr, Y and LREE increase in clinopyroxene. Veins and dikes reflect channeled magma migration focused by brittle failures at shallower lithospheric levels. Minor or no chemical changes occurred in peridotites impregnated along fractures. The compositions of magmatic minerals in impregnated peridotites are consistent with derivation from variably fractionated melts of probably MORB type. Barometric estimates suggest that the Romanche peridotites were impregnated at minimum depths of ca. 9–12 km. Thermometric estimates for the peridotite hosts are in the range 750–1050 °C. The spread in temperature values is partly ascribed to localized heating by migrating melts of relatively cold peridotites. Our data and the occurrence of both fertile and depleted peridotites in a neighbouring area along the western Romanche FZ are in accord with the hypothesis of small-scale (<100 km) mantle heterogeneity along this fracture zone.  相似文献   

Mantle peridotites from the Erro–Tobbio (ET) ophioliticunit (Voltri Massif, Ligurian Alps) record a tectono-metamorphicdecompressional evolution, indicated by re-equilibration fromspinel- to plagioclase- to amphibole-facies conditions, andprogressive deformation from granular to tectonite to mylonitefabrics. The peridotites are considered to represent subcontinentallithospheric mantle that was tectonically denuded during riftingand opening of the Jurassic Ligurian Tethys ocean, similar tothe Northern Apennine (External Ligurides) ophiolitic peridotites.We performed chemical and isotopic investigations on selectedgranular and tectonite spinel peridotites and plagioclase tectonitesand mylonites, with the aim of defining the nature of the mantleprotoliths, and to date the onset of exhumation of the ET peridotites.Spinel- and plagioclase-bearing tectonites and mylonites exhibitheterogeneous bulk-rock major and trace element composition,despite rather homogeneous mineral chemistry, thus indicatingthat the ET mantle protoliths record a composite history ofpartial melting and melt migration by reactive porous flow.The lack of correlation between the observed geochemical heterogeneityand the structural type (granular, tectonite, mylonite) indicatesthat the inferred reactive porous flow event preceded the exhumation-relatedlithospheric history of the Erro–Tobbio mantle. The tectono-metamorphicevolution caused systematic chemical changes in minerals: (1)Al decrease in orthopyroxene; (2) Al decrease, and Cr and Tiincrease in spinels; (3) Al and Sr decrease, Cr, Ti, Zr, Sc,V and middle to heavy rare earth element increase and developmentof a negative Eu anomaly in clinopyroxene. The studied sampleshave Nd isotope compositions consistent with a mid-ocean ridgebasalt mantle reservoir. Sm/Nd isotope data on plagioclase andclinopyroxene separates (and corresponding whole rocks) fromtwo plagioclase peridotites, representative of the plagioclase-bearingmylonitic extensional shear zone, have yielded ages of 273 ±16 Ma and 313 ± 16 Ma, for the plagioclase-facies recrystallizationstage, significantly older than the expected Jurassic age. Thisindicates that the Erro–Tobbio peridotites represent subcontinentallithospheric mantle that was tectonically exhumed from spinel-faciesdepths to shallower lithospheric levels during Late Carboniferous–Permiantimes. Our results are consistent with the previously documentedevidence for an extensional regime in the Europe–Adrialithosphere during Late Palaeozoic time, and they representthe first record that extensional mechanisms were also activeat lithospheric mantle levels. KEY WORDS: plagioclase-bearing peridotites; subcontinental lithospheric mantle; mantle exhumation; Sm/Nd dating  相似文献   

内蒙古阿巴嘎地幔岩捕掳体与岩石圈地幔性质探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
阿巴嘎地区新生代地幔捕掳体岩性主要为尖晶石二辉橄榄岩,矿物组成有橄榄石(Fo89-91)、单斜辉石(Wo43-49En44-49Fs3-11)、斜方辉石(Wo0.7-2.2En88-91Fs8-11)和铬尖晶石(Cr6#-20)。橄榄岩结构以碎斑结构为主,除此还可见海绵边结构、重结晶结构、粗粒结构和变晶结构,部分橄榄石发育膝折带和伊丁石化现象,这些特征暗示该区地幔经历了较强烈的熔体-岩石圈相互作用和复杂的演化过程。大地构造位置上,阿巴嘎与大兴安岭哈拉哈河-绰尔河及五大连池-科洛同处在兴蒙造山带上,但阿巴嘎表现出与华北克拉通西部北缘相似的热状态及饱满型-过渡型的岩石圈地幔性质,区别于大兴安岭中部具有古老残留的岩石圈地幔,暗示着兴蒙造山带之下的岩石圈地幔存在时空上的不均一性。而这种大尺度岩石圈地幔的不均一性可能与软流圈-岩石圈相互作用程度、上地幔复杂的地质演化及兴蒙造山带内部不同块体的活动强度、时间等性质有关。  相似文献   




The origin of magmatic layering is still hotly debated. To try to shed some light on this problem, two ultramafic–mafic layered xenoliths from Puy Beaunit (French Massif Central) were investigated in detail. The nodules belong to a stratiform intrusion emplaced in the deep crust during the Permian (257 ± 6 Ma; Féménias, O., Coussaert, N., Bingen, B., Whitehouse, M., Mercier, J.-C., Demaiffe, D., 2003. A Permian underplating event in late- to post-orogenic tectonic setting. Evidence from the mafic–ultramafic layered xenoliths from Beaunit (French Massif Central). Chem. Geol. 199 293–315.). The 3 to 5 cm thick nodules have, in common, a central orthopyroxenite layer; the succession of layers is, respectively, norite–orthopyroxenite–norite (PBN 00-01) and norite–orthopyroxenite–harzburgite (PBN 00-03). The variations of both major (by electron microprobe) and trace, essentially the RE, elements (by LA-ICP-MS) were measured in major mineral phases (orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, spinel) along cross-section perpendicular to the layering. Strong grain size, chemical and textural variations occur along these sections: they can be continuous or discontinuous, symmetrical or asymmetrical. Such complex variations cannot be solely related to a single magmatic history (fractional crystallisation, mineral sorting). Other processes such as element enrichment by residual liquid channelling along layer boundaries and/or sub-solidus recrystallisation and element redistribution must be invoked. It appears, in particular, that element distribution in the central orthopyroxenite layer could result from the injection of micro-sills of orthopyroxene-rich liquid between previously consolidated layers.  相似文献   

In the considered wide sector of the West-Mediterranean southern Europe, the collisional phase of the Variscan orogeny during Late Carboniferous and Permian times was followed by magmatic intrusive and effusive activity and sedimentation into intracontinental, alluvial to lacustrine basins originated by wrench- to normal-fault systems. The first volcanic cycle (generally Late Carboniferous-Early Permian in age) is represented by early calc-alkaline andesites and rhyolites, in variable amounts, and by following large volume of rhyolites, and by dacites. Both andesites and rhyolites show K-normal and high-K calc-alkaline character. The origin of the liquids of the first cycle is ascribed to partial melting processes at the mantle–crust interface telescoped within a thickened crust. The melting is considered as the consequence of thermal re-equilibration following isostatic disequilibrium and the subsequent collapse of the orogenic belt; the ascent of liquids occurred in a (trans-)tensional regime. The second magmatic cycle is represented by alkaline magmatism, and exhibits typical anorogenic features consistent with a rifting regime. This event was no more related with the collapse of the Variscan belt, but rather to the post-Variscan global re-organization of plates that evolved during Late Triassic times to the neo-Tethyan rifting. In both cycles, important differences in timing, areal distribution and outpoured volumes arise.  相似文献   

采用Carius管结合MC-ICPMS法分析了内蒙古柯单山蛇绿岩地幔橄榄岩中Ir、Ru、 Pt 和Pd 的含量,与典型的地幔橄榄岩进行对比研究,发现柯单山地幔橄榄岩中Ir和Ru明显亏损,Pt和Pd强烈富集,具有极高的Pd/Ir值,PGEs地幔标准化配分模式具有较陡的正斜率,明显不同于通常观测到的代表部分熔融残留相中铂族元素配分模式(负斜率或平坦型)。柯单山地幔橄榄岩的Ir和Ru与MgO呈正相关关系,表明Ir和Ru的亏损可能与部分熔融过程中硫化物的消耗程度有关,而与PGEs在硫化物/硅酸盐间的能斯特分配系数没有直接关系; Pt、Pd的富集表明本区的地幔橄榄岩不仅仅是经历过部分熔融的残余,而与来自深海的橄榄岩和大陆岩石圈地幔(SCLM)中的方辉橄榄岩相似,因此推测,本区地幔橄榄岩在部分熔融后又经历了富Pd的熔/流体交代,而熔/流体的来源可能是在岩浆分异演化过程中"熔离"出来的硫化物。  相似文献   

Integrated petrological and structural investigations of eclogites from the eclogite zone of the Voltri Massif (Ligurian Alps) have been used to reconstruct a complete Alpine P–T deformation path from burial by subduction to subsequent exhumation. The early metamorphic evolution of the eclogites has been unravelled by correlating garnet zonation trends with the chemical variations in inclusions found in the different garnet domains. Garnet in massive eclogites displays typical growth zoning, whereas garnet in foliated eclogites shows rim‐ward resorption, likely related to re‐equilibration during retrogressive evolution. Garnet inclusions are distinctly different from core to rim, consisting primarily of Ca‐, Na/Ca‐amphibole, epidote, paragonite and talc in garnet cores and of clinopyroxene ± talc in the outer garnet domains. Quantitative thermobarometry on the inclusion assemblages in the garnet cores defines an initial greenschist‐to‐amphibolite facies metamorphic stage (M1 stage) at c. 450–500 °C and 5–8 kbar. Coexistence of omphacite + talc + katophorite inclusion assemblage in the outer garnet domains indicate c. 550 °C and 20 kbar, conditions which were considered as minimum P–T estimates for the M2 eclogitic stage. The early phase of retrograde reactions is polyphase and equilibrated under epidote–blueschist facies (M3 stage), characterized by the development of composite reaction textures (garnet necklaces and fluid‐assisted Na‐amphibole‐bearing symplectites) produced at the expense of the primary M2 garnet‐clinopyroxene assemblage. The blueschist retrogression is contemporaneous with the development of a penetrative deformation (D3) that resulted in a non‐coaxial fabric, with dominant top‐to‐the‐N sense of shear during rock exhumation. All of that is overprinted by a texturally late amphibolite/greenschist facies assemblages (M4 & M5 stages), which are not associated with a penetrative structural fabric. The combined P–T deformation data are consistent with an overall counter‐clockwise path, from the greenschist/amphibolite, through the eclogite, the blueschist to the greenschist facies. These new results provide insights into the dynamic evolution of the Tertiary oceanic subduction processes leading to the building up of the Alpine orogen and the mechanisms involved in the exhumation of its high‐pressure roots.  相似文献   

The Dalnyaya kimberlite pipe(Yakutia,Russia) contains mantle peridotite xenoliths(mostly Iherzolites and harzburgites) that show both sheared porphyroclastic(deformed) and coarse granular textures,together with ilmenite and clinopyroxene megacrysts.Deformed peridotites contain high-temperature Fe-rich clinopyroxenes,sometimes associated with picroilmenites,which are products of interaction of the lithospheric mantle with protokimberlite related melts.The orthopyroxene-derived geotherm for the lithospheric mantle beneath Dalnyaya is stepped similar to that beneath the Udachnaya pipe.Coarse granular xenoliths fall on a geotherm of 35 mWm-2 whereas deformed varieties yield a 45 mWm-2)geotherm in the 2-7.5 GPa pressure interval.The chemistry of the constituent minerals including garnet,olivine and clinopyroxene shows trends of increasing Fe~#(=Fe/(Fe+Mg))with decreasing pressure.This may suggest that the interaction with fractionating protokimberlite melts occurred at different levels.Two major mantle lithologies are distinguished by the trace element patterns of their constituent minerals,determined by LA-ICP-MS.Orthopyroxenes,some clinopyroxenes and rare garnets are depleted in Ba,Sr,HFSE and MREE and represent relic lithospheric mantle.Re-fertilized garnet and clinopyroxene are more enriched.The distribution of trace elements between garnet and clinopyroxene shows that the garnets dissolved primary orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene.Later high temperature clinopyroxenes related to the protokimberlite melts partially dissolved these garnets.Olivines show decreases in Ni and increases in Al,Ca and Ti from Mg-rich varieties to the more Fe-rich,deformed and refertilized ones.Minerals showing higher Fe~#(0.11-0.15) are found within intergrowths of low-Cr ilmenite-clinopyroxene-garnet related to the crystallization of protokimberlite melts in feeder channels.In P-f(O_2) diagrams,garnets and Cr-rich clinopyroxenes indicate reduced conditions at the base of the lithosphere at-5 log units below a FMQ buffer.However,Cr-poor clinopyroxenes,together with ilmenite and some Fe-Ca-rich garnets,demonstrate a more oxidized trend in the lower part of lithosphere at-2 to 0 log units relative to FMQ.Clinopyroxenes from xenoliths in most cases show conditions transitional between those determined for garnets and megacrystalline Cr-poor suite.The relatively low diamond grade of Dalnyaya kimberlites is explained by a high degree of interaction with the oxidized protokimberlite melts,which is greater at the base of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

东波超镁铁岩体产在雅鲁藏布江缝合带的西段,与周边白垩纪沉积岩地层和火山岩以断层接触.航磁资料显示该岩体约400km2规模,地表出露连续,地下有一定延深.超镁铁岩体由亏损的地幔橄榄岩组成,主要有高镁的方辉橄榄岩、纯橄岩和少量二辉橄榄岩.方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩中橄榄石和斜方辉石属高镁型,分别为Fo=89.5~91.5和Mg#=90~91.5.但二辉橄榄岩中的Al2O3和CaO含量明显高于方辉橄榄岩.方辉橄榄岩中单斜辉石Mg#=92~95,二辉橄榄岩的Mg#=92~93,两者的值也重叠.二辉橄榄岩中的Al2O3和CaO含量要明显高于方辉橄榄岩.这些均为阿尔卑斯型地幔橄榄岩的典型特征.纯橄岩中的橄榄石Fo=92~93.2,其斜方辉石和单斜辉石的Mg#=~93,但Al2O3和CaO的含量比方辉橄榄岩和二辉橄榄岩的低.三种岩石的成分变化规律,反映了地幔部分熔融程度的差异.二辉橄榄岩铬尖晶石的Cr#值20~30,反映为典型深海橄榄岩特征,指示MOR环境.与其不同的是,方辉橄榄岩的铬尖晶石的Cr#=20~75,指示MOR和SSZ两者兼有环境.岩石的原始地幔标准化的REE和微量元素蛛网图模式支持了上述的认识.东波地幔橄榄岩中的岩石学特征与产有大型铬铁矿床的罗布莎地幔橄榄岩可对比,岩体中已多处发现块状铬铁矿石,其铬铁矿的Cr2O3含量56%~59%,表明东波是寻找铬铁矿大矿和富矿甚具前景的一个超镁铁岩体.  相似文献   

Studies of mantle xenolith and xenocryst studies have indicated that the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) at the Karelian Craton margin (Fennoscandian Shield) is stratified into at least three distinct layers cited A, B, and C. The origin and age of this layering has, however, remained unconstrained. In order to address this question, we have determined Re–Os isotope composition and a comprehensive set of major and trace elements, from xenoliths representing all these three layers. These are the first Re–Os data from the SCLM of the vast East European Craton.

Xenoliths derived from the middle layer B (at  110–180 km depth), which is the main source of harzburgitic garnets and peridotitic diamonds in these kimberlites, are characterised by unradiogenic Os isotopic composition. 187Os/188Os shows a good correlation with indices of partial melting implying an age of  3.3. Ga for melt extraction. This age corresponds with the oldest formation ages of the overlying crust, suggesting that layer B represents the unmodified SCLM stabilised during the Paleoarchean. Underlying layer C (at 180–250 km depths) is the main source of Ti-rich pyropes of megacrystic composition but is lacking harzburgitic pyropes. The osmium isotopic composition of layer C xenoliths is more radiogenic compared to layer B, yielding only Proterozoic TRD ages. Layer C is interpreted to represent a melt metasomatised equivalent to layer B. This metasomatism most likely occurred at ca. 2.0 Ga when the present craton margin formed following continental break-up. Shallow layer A (at  60–110 km depth) has knife-sharp lower contact against layer B indicative of shear zone and episodic construction of SCLM. Layer A peridotites have “ultradepleted” arc mantle-type compositions, and have been metasomatised by radiogenic 187Os/188Os, presumably from slab-derived fluids. Since layer A is absent in the core of the craton, its origin can be related to Proterozoic processes at the craton margin. We interpret it to represent the lithosphere of a Proterozoic arc complex (subduction wedge mantle) that became underthrusted beneath the craton margin crust during continental collision  1.9 Ga ago.  相似文献   

At Mt. Vulture volcano (Basilicata, Italy) calcite globules (5–150 μm) are hosted by silicate glass pools or veins cross-cutting amphibole-bearing, or more common spinel-bearing mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts. The carbonate globules are rounded or elongated and are composed of a mosaic of 2–20 μm crystals, with varying optical orientation. These features are consistent with formation from a quenched calciocarbonatite melt. Where in contact with carbonate amphibole has reacted to form fassaitic pyroxene. Some of these globules contain liquid/gaseous CO2 bubbles and sulphide inclusions, and are pierced by quench microphenocrysts of silicate phases. The carbonate composition varies from calcite to Mg-calcite (3.8–5.0 wt.% MgO) both within the carbonate globules and from globule to globule. Trace element contents of the carbonate, determined by LAICPMS, are similar to those of carbonatites worldwide including ΣREE up to 123 ppm. The Sr–Nd isotope ratios of the xenolith carbonate are similar to the extrusive carbonatite and silicate rocks of Mt. Vulture testifying to derivation from the same mantle source. Formation of immiscibile silicate–carbonatite liquids within mantle xenoliths occurred via disequilibrium immiscibility during their exhumation.  相似文献   

We document the presence of dolomite ± apatite in orogenic peridotites from the Ulten Zone (UZ, Italian Alps), the remnants of a Variscan mantle wedge tectonically coupled with eclogitized continental crust. These dolomite peridotites are associated with dominant carbonate-free amphibole peridotites, which formed in response to infiltration of aqueous subduction fluids lost by the associated crustal rocks during high-pressure (HP) metamorphism and retrogression. Dolomite-free and dolomite-bearing peridotites share the same metamorphic evolution, from garnet- (HP) to spinel-facies (low-pressure, LP) conditions. Dolomite and the texturally coexisting phases display equilibrium redistribution of rare earth elements and of incompatible trace elements during HP and LP metamorphism; clinopyroxene and amphiboles from carbonate-free and carbonate-bearing peridotites have quite similar compositions. These features indicate that the UZ mantle rocks equilibrated with the same metasomatic agents: aqueous CO2-bearing fluids enriched in incompatible elements released by the crust. The PT crystallization conditions of the dolomite peridotites (outside the field of carbonatite melt + amphibole peridotite coexistence), a lack of textures indicating quench of carbonic melts, a lack of increase in modal clinopyroxene by reaction with such melts and the observed amphibole increase at the expense of clinopyroxene, all suggest that dolomite formation was assisted by aqueous CO2-bearing fluids. A comparison of the trace element compositions of carbonates and amphiboles from the UZ peridotites and from peridotites metasomatized by carbonatite and/or carbon-bearing silicate melts does not help to unambiguously discriminate between the different agents (fluids or melts). The few observed differences (lower trace element contents in the fluid-related dolomite) may ultimately depend on the solute content of the metasomatic agent (CO2-bearing fluid versus carbonatite melt). This study provides strong evidence that C–O–H subduction fluids can produce ‘carbonatite-like’ assemblages in mantle rocks, thus being effective C carriers from the slab to the mantle wedge at relatively low PT. If transported beyond the carbonate and amphibole solidus by further subduction, dolomite-bearing garnet + amphibole peridotites like the ones from Ulten can become sources of carbonatite and/or C-bearing silicate melts in the mantle wedge. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. In memory of Lauro Morten 1941–2006.  相似文献   

Gabbro and eclogite boudins are preserved within the amphibolites of the composite para- and ortho-gneiss Variscan basement of the Savona Crystalline Massif (Ligurian Briançonnais, Italy). Whole rock trace element patterns, low initial εNd (+5.4 to +8.8) data and trace element analyses on relict igneous clinopyroxene revealed that the mafic rocks were derived from depleted mantle melts, which most likely underwent crustal contamination during emplacement. Gabbros have a cumulus origin controlled by clinopyroxene and plagioclase segregation, whereas the eclogites represent evolved melts. U-Pb and trace element micro-analyses on zircons separated from one amphibolitised gabbro and one eclogite help to constrain coeval ages at ~468 Ma for their igneous protoliths. The occurrence of a few inherited zircons confirms the involvement of a crustal component in the petrogenesis of the mafic rocks. In the eclogite, concordant zircon ages younger than the protolith age testify to metamorphic re-crystallisation (or new growth) from about 420 to 305 Ma. Zircon textures and trace element compositions indicate that eclogite facies metamorphism occurred 392–376 Ma ago. The younger zircon portions yielding a mean Concordia age of 333 ± 7 Ma are related to equilibration or new growth during the post-eclogite, amphibolite-facies equilibration.  相似文献   

西藏普兰地幔橄榄岩中尖晶石内的钙长石包裹体及其成因   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
郭国林  徐向珍  李金阳 《岩石学报》2011,27(11):3197-3206
西藏普兰超镁铁岩体之东南缘与玄武岩接触界线附近的地幔橄榄岩中除有粒状半自形的钙长石产出外,还在尖晶石中发现有呈蠕虫状、浑圆状的钙长石包裹体存在.研究发现两种产状的钙长石An值都大于95且均无环带构造,说明钙长石从高Ca/Al比值的熔体中结晶时具有结晶时间短、结晶速度快的特点,可能形成于地壳较浅部位.从化学成分来看,包裹体形态的钙长石具有较高的Cr2O3含量,其寄主矿物尖晶石的Cr#值低且TiO2含量比深海橄榄岩中的尖晶石低得多,推断钙长石包裹体与寄主矿物尖晶石是在液相条件下几乎同时结晶的产物.综合研究表明钙长石包裹体的成因可能是玄武岩熔体在地壳较浅部位侵入方辉橄榄岩时,高温的玄武质熔体提供热源,使得方辉橄榄岩中尖晶石内的Cpx+ Opx细粒矿物包裹体在高温环境下发生熔融,发生Opx+ Cpx+ Sp→Ol+ Pl的反应,由于这种情况下尖晶石有剩余,故新生成的橄榄石和钙长石矿物仍然包裹于尖晶石内,从而形成尖晶石内部呈蠕虫状的钙长石包裹体.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that the metamorphic evolution of the ultrahigh‐pressure garnet peridotite from Alpe Arami was characterized by rapid subduction to a depth of c. 180 km with partial chemical equilibration at c. 5.9 Gpa/1180 °C and an initial stage of near‐isothermal decompression followed by enhanced cooling. In this study, average cooling rates were constrained by diffusion modelling on retrograde Fe–Mg zonation profiles across garnet porphyroclasts. Considering the effects of temperature, pressure and garnet bulk composition on the Fe–Mg interdiffusion coefficient, cooling rates of 380–1600 °C Myr?1 for the interval from 1180 to 800 °C were obtained. Similar or even higher average cooling rates resulted from thermal modelling, whereby the characteristics of the calculated temperature‐time path depend on the shape and size of the hot peridotite body and the boundary conditions of the cooling process. The very high cooling rates obtained from both geospeedometry and thermal modelling imply extremely fast exhumation rates of c. 15 mm yr?1 or more. These results agree with the range of exhumation rates (16–50 mm yr?1) deduced from geochronological results. It is suggested that the Alpe Arami peridotite passively returned towards the surface as part of a buoyant sliver, caused as a consequence of slab breakoff.  相似文献   

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