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ABSTRACT. With their unusual densities of young people, highly educated workforces, comparatively cosmopolitan populations, dominant institutions of higher education, and characteristic landscapes such as the campus, fraternity row, and college‐oriented shopping district, college towns represent a unique type of urban place. This study identifies several basic differences between college towns and other types of cities, considers why the college town is largely an American phenomenon, distinguishes among types of college towns, and examines some of the characteristics that make them distinctive.  相似文献   

基于城市夜间灯光数据的中美两国城市位序规模分布对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业革命以来,人类开启了大规模的城市化进程。城市随着交通和通讯技术的发展不断突破原有的规模限制,城市规模不断变大。以人口为指标的城市规模分布服从齐普夫法则。不同城市化发展阶段,其城市位序规模分布存在差异。城市夜间灯光数据一般可用来衡量城市的经济活动、建成区面积、人口密度、发展水平等。本文以同源的城市夜间灯光数据代表城市规模,在国家尺度和省州尺度研究中美两国城市规模位序分布,并比较其异同。研究表明,在国家尺度,2013-2016年间,中美两国城市规模均变得集聚,而中国城市规模分布比美国更为分散,齐普夫指数相差约0.1。在省州尺度,不同省州的城市规模分布存在差异,中国和美国分别有44%和84%的省份或州的齐普夫指数大于1,中国城市规模分布分散型省份占一半以上,而美国的集中型的州则占有84%,总体而言,中国城市的规模分布更为分散。中美两国高位序城市实际值远低于拟合值,理论上仍然具备很大的发展潜力。中国高位序城市需要进一步提高城市经济活动的聚集程度,使得城市规模体系更趋完善与成熟。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The census concept of total cropland is a better measure of effective agricultural land than is total farmland, which includes extensive areas of woodland owned by farmers. The cropland area of the United States dropped from 478 million acres in 1949 to 431 million acres in 1997, for a net loss of less than 1 million acres, or roughly one‐fifth of 1 percent, per year. In the midwestern agricultural heartland most counties changed less than 5 percent in the half‐century, and more counties gained than lost. The West was a crazy quilt of change, and in the East most counties lost more than 10 percent. Major metropolitan counties lost a few percentage points more than did adjacent areas, but at a lower rate per capita than the nation as a whole. Most of the loss of cropland was in marginal agricultural counties with soils of low inherent fertility and topography unsuited to modern farm machinery. The loss of cropland to suburban encroachment may be cause for intense local concern, but attempts to thwart development cannot be justified on grounds of a net national loss of good cropland.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the 1% richest households in the UK in a comparison with the other four large Western European countries: Germany, France, Italy and Spain. In the European context the UK is an outlier of extreme inequality. Individual level tax data has shown this previously, but earlier research did not make comparisons at the household level, or in as much detail as it is possible to show now given new survey findings.In the UK the geographical separation of the 1% from mainstream society increased in recent decades as their incomes levels diverged widely from that of the mainstream. There is now acute socioeconomic polarization in the UK as compared to the other large European states because of the current extent of income and wealth inequalities in the UK. Not so long ago members of the best-off 1% within the UK were far more evenly spread across both the space and society of the UK than they are today.The UK is now the European country most similar to the USA in terms of income inequalities. Along with Sweden it was least like the USA in the 1960s. This paper concludes by considering what might happen (if current trends continue) to standards of living in general, social spatial polarization, fear and mistrust. Growing income inequalities increase wealth inequalities. Some info-graphics aimed at showing the contemporary extent of wealth inequalities in the UK and USA are presented in conclusion and for use in teaching  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Levels of alcohol consumption are a major public health issue. This study aims to gain a better understanding of how geographical patterns of religious affiliation in the United States relate to geographical patterns of alcohol consumption. We explored state‐level correlations between alcohol consumption and religious adherence. Although we found no statistically significant correlation between overall religious adherence rates and current or binge drinking rates, states with higher adherence rates were significantly more likely to have high proportions of binge drinking among current drinkers. Yet, regionally, we found a strong inverse correlation in the Southeast and a strong positive correlation in the Midwest and Northeast between adherence rates and current and binge drinking rates. These geographical differences were largely explained after stratifying by major religious denominational groupings. States with high Catholic adherence rates tended to have higher drinking rates, whereas states with high Evangelical Protestant adherence rates tended to have lower drinking rates. These findings suggest that the relationship between religion and alcohol may be denomination‐specific and challenge the lay perception that religious adherence per se is associated with less alcohol consumption and less excessive drinking among those who drink.  相似文献   

The LISREL model analyzes complex interrelationships involving latent variables, effectively integrating the widely used factor analysis and regression procedures. A residential mobility example, calibrated for Portland, OR, suggests that turnover rates are both directly and indirectly influenced by latent variables representing housing type, housing quality, family status, and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

In 1975 E. H. Rapoport described a pattern of increasing latitudinal range sizes for organisms with increasing latitude, a pattern that is now known as Rapoport's rule. The universal applicability of Rapoport's rule has been long contested, making it one of the more controversial biogeographic “rules.” This study aims to reassess the applicability of Rapoport's rule to U.S. tree species. Data presented here suggest that Rapoport's rule does indeed apply to most tree taxa within the United States, but may be taxon specific. In addition, data presented here suggest that tree range patterns consistent with Rapoport's rule in the United States are not restricted to high latitudes and are not the result of a “boundedness effect” but may be intimately linked with the glacial history and physical geography of North America. The analyses conducted here are intended to emphasize the utility of such biogeographic rules even if they are not universally applicable and should, in turn, only be considered biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines how National Geographic Magazine's coverage of the U.S. South contributed to the production of an exalted American national identity. The framework of internal orientalism is employed to explain the role of the South as an internal other in the national discourse and to show how even positive representations of the South are often implicated in this othering. In the pages of National Geographic, the New South's progress is measured by the steps it takes away from the Old South. In highlighting the improvements made within the South, the articles provide subtle hints that the legacy of segregation, intolerance, racism, and poverty continues to haunt the region. The articles set up a spatial distinction that construes these evils as inherently southern problems, which implies that however far the New South moves away from the problematic legacy of the Old South, it will never quite reach the American ideal.  相似文献   

This paper examines tourism development on Vancouver Island, B.C. in terms of the core-periphery approach to regional planning. It examines whether a core area (Victoria) is willing to share its tourism business with the rest of the island, and then focuses on the situation in a peripheral region (the Cowichan Valley Regional District–CVRD). A discriminant analysis of CVRD residents reveals they have different views regarding tourism's potential and future in their region. A follow-up analysis, reflecting a change in the scale of enquiry and local core-periphery conditions, shows residents'perceptions and priorities will change according to their respective area groupings. This analysis reveals that residents of a peripheral region, who are expected to participate in and welcome tourism development initiatives developed by senior levels of government, will in fact have different opinions regarding the industry and its potential. These differences are linked to present levels of tourism activity within the periphery and the varying community aspirations linking tourism's development potential with local needs and priorities.  相似文献   

Breeding bird censuses from 132 homogeneous sites representing a variety of habitats throughout North America are analyzed and a bird species diversity model based on environmental characteristics and sampling procedures is presented. Bivariate regression models relate the number of bird species detected in a site (NSPECIES) to plot size, latitude, and the number of bird pairs encountered during censusing. These models consistently overestimate NSPECIES in desert shrublands, grasslands, tundra, and scrub and underestimate NSPECIES in forested habitats, which indicates that the effects of the environmental and methodological variables on NSPECIES vary with respect to habitat. The expansion method of regression analysis is used to generate a multivariate model that accounts for this spatial variation in the influence of the independent variables on NSPECIES. With the exception of temperate wetlands, which have the third highest mean value for NSPECIES of nine habitat groups, forested sites and woodlands have higher mean NSPECIES values than more open habitats. Use of the expansion method to account for spatial variation in the effects exerted by independent variables introduces a geographically realistic element often lacking in broad-scale models. (Key words: avian diversity, sampling intensity, multiple regression analysis, vegetation structure, habitat types.)  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the importance of determinants of participation in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC) is investigated for the U.S. Casetti's Expansion Method is applied to the two-dimensional space domain by making the model's parameters a function of state x–y centroids. The spatially-varying parameter model suggests that the black population's association with participation is lowest in the Southeast and Northwest and greatest in the Southwest and Northeast.  相似文献   

黄土高原多沙粗沙区侵蚀模型探讨   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
国内外曾研究出不同类型的坡面侵蚀计算模型,但还没有一个成熟的流域侵蚀计算模型,至今流域侵蚀量仍以输沙量替代。本文充分利用黄河中游不同区域具有大量淤地坝的条件,再通过侵蚀影响因素机理的分析、在侵蚀形态类型区的划分等基础上探讨侵蚀变权模型的建设。首先选择了155个“闷葫芦”淤地坝,采集每个坝的年均淤积量,以及相应流域的侵蚀影响因素:植被盖度、降雨量、沟谷密度、切割深度、地表组成物质、>15°的坡耕地面积比等资料,采用变权形式,建立侵蚀强度宏观估算模型。最后用年降水量与年输沙量的关系对模型进行改进。  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that race‐connected practices should be understood in their appropriate historical and geographical context. While race is mediated by language, texts, and interpretation, a reading of W. E. B. Du Bois and Richard Wright suggests that it is in some fundamental sense beyond text, located in space and time.  相似文献   

Direct tests of the random topology model have traditionally employed the 0.05 level of significance. As exercises in model confirmation, these tests should have used a larger significance level and because they did not, the tests have been biased in favor of the model. This bias has contributed to the limitations of the model being overlooked. When all published tests of topologically distinct channel networks and ambilateral classes are repeated using a significance level of 0.30 rather than 0.05, the proportion of tests in which the model is rejected increases from 15 to 46 percent.  相似文献   

Geographical data sets sometimes contain missing observations that need to be estimated. A statistical approach to the problem is discussed for multivariate normal spatial data sets satisfying the first-order spatial Markov property with constant mean, where the information at neighboring or contiguous observed sites is used to estimate the missing values. The completed data are used to estimate the parameters of the distribution. The procedure is iterative. The approach is a special case of the Orchard and Woodbury missing information principle. The paper concludes with an illustrative empirical example using rainfall data from an area of Kansas and Nebraska. The quality of the estimates for different sites are compared.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的外商直接投资经历了从“引进来”到“走出去”的发展历程。2016与2017年,中国对外直接投资(COFDI)流量与存量先后跃升至全球第二位,由外商直接投资吸收国转变为世界主要对外直接投资国之一。在中美双方经贸合作伙伴关系持续深入背景下,美国已成为中国对外直接投资首位东道国。投资是落于具体地域的,不同尺度地域投资环境的差异性是导致中国对美直接投资时空分异的重要原因。立足于中国(投资母国)视角,以美国州内各选区为研究地域尺度,利用空间自相关等方法,对美国典型州——得克萨斯州的中国对外直接投资的时空格局与演变特征进行了探讨,同时引入面板数据计量模型对COFDI在得州内各选区间投资驱动因素进行了实证分析。结果表明:(1)得州内COFDI存量持续增长,但阶段性特征明显;(2)得州内COFDI以国有企业并购为主,且主要集中在能源产业;(3)COFDI州内集聚程度较弱,局部选区间多呈现出相异属性集聚特征;(4)市场规模、劳工人数、交通通达性、华人移民数对COFDI具有正向促进作用,劳动成本、教育水平、税率、经济密度对COFDI具有不同程度的负向作用。研究结果可为中国政府、跨国企业在...  相似文献   

王娟  王柯心  杨晨 《热带地理》2021,41(4):734-745
休闲渔业是美国最受欢迎的户外活动之一,在发展过程中为美国创造了巨大的经济和社会效益,并形成多主体参与的治理机制。文章在分析美国休闲渔业发展现状的基础上,运用最邻近指数、缓冲区分析、泰森多边形和关联维数测度,对佛罗里达州休闲渔业资源分布特征进行空间分析。结果显示,美国休闲渔业形成以淡水为主、咸水为辅的发展格局,其中佛罗里达州休闲渔业资源呈现集聚式、非均衡分布特征,80%的垂钓点位于海岸线20 km以内,各垂钓点之间形成紧密的关联作用。联邦政府、地方政府、行业组织和休闲渔业参与者之间形成的多中心治理模式,能够匹配美国休闲渔业大区域分散、小区域集聚的空间分布特征,适应参与主体多样化、需求差异化的发展需要。有鉴于此,针对中国休闲渔业存在的问题,提出应通过借鉴美国“自下而上”的多中心治理机制,建设服务型政府、行业协会灵活增权以及休闲渔业企业融合创新等措施,推动中国休闲渔业科学管理和高质量发展。  相似文献   

绿洲外围植被防风生态效益的紊流模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李振武  夏阳 《中国沙漠》1995,15(4):392-398
风沙灾害严重地威胁着处于茫茫沙漠中的绿洲,绿洲外围植被则是防御风沙危害的绿色屏障。我们选择位于昆仑山北麓塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘受风沙危害极其严重的策勒绿洲外围植被为研究对象,采用k-ε紊流数学模型,对三种典型植被覆盖度:18.75%、37.5%、56.3%,七种风速:4、5、6、7、8、9、10m/s共21种处理的流场细节进行了模拟。每一处理中以4320个数据模拟了i=1,2,…,108,j=1,2,…,20,共2160个点位在u方向和v方向的速度,由此,找出风沙流通过植被区,在顺流方向随植被盖度变化的递变规律,并定量的反映了绿洲外围植被降低风速、降低进入绿洲沙流量的生态效益。试验表明:顺流方向2km厚的植被,盖度由0增至15%~20%,可降低风速37%~40%;增至35%~40%,可降低48%左右;增至55%,可降低54%左右。植被盖度由0增至15%,35%,50%,在地面以上0~20cm的高度内,可不同程度地降低沙流量50%~90%。  相似文献   

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