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Two in situ measurements of stress wave velocity in a granodiorite massif were made. Firstly, the velocities close to the source were investigated (for elimination of the influence of cracks), and secondly, the velocities in different horizontal directions over a large area were studied from the viewpoint of their dependence on the crack system of the medium. A correlation between the mutual orientation of the cracks and the maximum or minimum values of the stress wave velocities was obtained.  相似文献   

声波方程的逆散射反演乃是求解双曲型偏微分方程系数项反问题的一种解析方法,一般利用Born近似把这一非线性反问题线性化,并给出了恒参考波速介质中反问题解的解析表达式.由于Born近似假定波速扰动为一级无穷小,因此,在大多数情况下,恒参考波速介质模型的反问题的解无法得以应用.本文研究介质参考波速沿某个方向线性变化时的声散射理论,导出了声波方程逆散射问题解的解析表达式,从而既可使Born近似的假定在大多数情况下能得以满足,又可利用快速Fourier变换快速实现介质波速扰动的反演成象.  相似文献   

参考波速线性变化时的声波方程逆散射反演   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
声波方程的逆散射反演乃是求解双曲型偏微分方程系数项反问题的一种解析方法,一般利用Born近似把这一非线性反问题线性化,并给出了恒参考波速介质中反问题解的解析表达式.由于Born近似假定波速扰动为一级无穷小,因此,在大多数情况下,恒参考波速介质模型的反问题的解无法得以应用.本文研究介质参考波速沿某个方向线性变化时的声散射理论,导出了声波方程逆散射问题解的解析表达式,从而既可使Born近似的假定在大多数情况下能得以满足,又可利用快速Fourier变换快速实现介质波速扰动的反演成象.  相似文献   

Sideswipe, foreswipe and backswipe reflections are described from salt plugs situated in the Norwegian-Danish Basin (southern part of the Norwegian sector of the North Sea). These external reflections can be mapped and are shown to define the shoulders of a salt plug. Physical three-dimensional models are described which aid in visualizing the various aspects of the external reflection process. Refracted waves which have been internally reflected in a salt plug have also been identified.  相似文献   

Depth of detection of a target can be defined as that depth below which the target cannot be detected with a given electrode array assuming that the minimum detectable anomaly is 10%. Following this definition, physical modelling was carried out to determine depths of detection of conductive targets of limited lateral extent such as a vertical sheet, a horizontal cylinder and a sphere (infinitely conducting). It is seen that the two-electrode array has the greatest depth of detection followed by the three-electrode array, while a Wenner array has the smallest depth of detection, when the array spread is in-line (i.e. perpendicular to the strike direction). On the other hand, the depth of detection with a Wenner array improves considerably and is almost equal to that of the two-electrode array when the array spread is broadside (i.e. along the strike direction). With an increase in the depth extent of the vertical sheet from 10 to 20 times its thickness, there is an increase in the depth of detection with all arrays except for the three-electrode array when the array spread is in-line, and with the Wenner array when the array spread is broadside.  相似文献   

Variations of seismic interval velocities within the cable length cause anomalies in the stacking velocity analyses. Utilizing the approximation of rectilinear ray propagation, i.e. supposing that the velocity changes cause time delays only, it is shown that the stacking velocity anomalies are linearly related to the interval velocity variations. In particular, the stacking velocity anomaly is calculated when the interval velocity of an intermediate layer undergoes a stepwise variation. The amplitude of the anomaly increases with the ratio between horizon depth and cable length. From the forward model, a program for the inversion is derived in order to identify lateral changes of interval velocities from unsmoothed stacking velocity analyses. Some examples of the application of this technique to synthetic and real data are presented.  相似文献   

利用青海数字地震台网观测数据,采用多台和达法,研究了2009年1月1日至2012年12月31日玉树7.1级地震震中附近地区及其前后直达波波速比和视速度分布特征,结果显示:1该区平均波速比为1.693,平均P波视速度为6.184 km/s,平均S波视速度为3.652 km/s。2研究发现玉树7.1级地震前后波速比和视速度存在变化,表现为主震前几次地震的P波视速度存在低值现象。  相似文献   

Boundary-value problems in steady-state current flow were solved numerically in bispherical coordinates for a sphere of arbitrary conductivity in a half-space. Solutions for the potential on the surface of the half-space were examined for the cases where both current sources were on the surface, one source on the surface and the second between the surface and the sphere, and one source on the surface and the other in the sphere. Results show a great similarity with the layered case when the buried electrode is placed between the surface and the conducting region. Such a buried electrode configuration makes it possible to obtain an accurate measurement of the depth to the conductor in both cases. A model with the current electrode placed in a conductive sphere is compared with a three-layered model with the source in a conductive intermediate layer, and results indicate that the lateral extent of a finite anomalous zone can be estimated using these limiting curves. The validity of these theoretical calculations for buried spheres was confirmed experimentally by tests conducted on an analog model.  相似文献   

In the western coal-mining area of Ruhrkohle AG, reflection seismic prospecting for the Carboniferous coal measures is severely impaired by structures with halokinetic features. These structures make the interface between Mesozoic and Paleozoic layers, i.e., the top of Zechstein in general, very rugged. Unfortunately the velocity contrast at this interface is very high in that area, the ratio of velocities being 1.5 to 2.0. Therefore, migration and stacking become a problem. Three types of migration are presented:
  • 1 (f, x)-time-migration with vertical time-to-depth conversion as a second step.
  • 2 Kirchhoff migration down to a level determined approximately by the highest points of the top of Paleozoics, i.e., 0.35 s, and Kirchhoff-downward continuation for all times exceeding 0.35 s. Intermediate static corrections for these latter times with subsequent (f, k)-time-migration and final vertical time-to-depth conversion.
  • 3 Direct depth migration in the (f, x)-domain using three interval velocities.
In all cases an intermediate picking of the velocity interfaces is necessary. In case 2 this occurs at an earlier stage of the process than in case 1, and in case 3 at a still earlier stage. The results of the second and third migration procedures are superior to those of the first. Possibilities for misinterpretation of faults are reduced considerably when the second or third migration procedure is applied.  相似文献   

The paper presents the method and algorithm for computing the time-distance curve for head waves in the case of a dipping refractor and velocity increasing with depth in the overburden. The method is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

Inferior reflection quality in the Gulf of Suez at the target depth interval is attributable in part to surficial multiple reflections. An excellent example of the latter is observed on a typical seismic line in the northern portion of the Gulf. An increase in prominence of the multiple reflections appears associated with decreasing depth to a dipping highvelocity layer. Inversion of a second-order polynomial time-distance function, fitted to the observed refraction onset time-distance values, gives the velocity-depth function for sediments between the water bottom and a high-velocity layer. Velocities thus determined increase non-linearly with depth from a value near water velocity at the water bottom. Depths to the high-velocity layer are obtained from the associated head-wave linear time-distance function and by ray tracing in the overlying sediments. As the high-velocity layer approaches the water bottom from sub-water depths exceeding 0.6 km to a depth of 56 m, intensity of the multiple reflections increases to the extent of completely dominating individual records to a time of at least 3 s. The estimated plane-wave normal-incident reflection coefficient at the top of the high-velocity layer increases with decreasing depth to this layer, approaching 0.5 at the shallowest depth. This strong reflection coefficient further substantiates the existence of multiple reflections between the high-velocity layer and water layer. However, existence of water-layer multiples cannot be ruled out. The estimated water-bottom reflection coefficient is approximately 0.3, a substantial value. Multiple reflections of considerably less intensity are apparent where the high-velocity layer is deepest, and it is likely that such are waterlayer multiple reflections. Unfortunately, water-layer multiple reflections and multiple reflections between the water surface and high-velocity layer cannot be separated by their coincidence with time-distance (normal moveout) curves, the configuration of each visibly matching the curves equally well.  相似文献   

A seismic survey was carried out on a tidal flat in the SW-Netherlands in order to determine shear-wave velocities in sediments by means of higher-mode Rayleigh waves. The dispersion properties of these Rayleigh waves were measured in the 2-D amplitude spectrum–or f, k-spectrum–and resulted in phase velocities for six different modes as a function of frequency (5–30 Hz). These observed phase velocities were inverted for a nine-layer model for the shear-wave velocity to a depth of 50 m.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Sediment and nutrients from a watershed may adversely affect a downstream reservoir by reducing its capacity or degrading water quality. Among the output nutrients, phosphorus is often a growth-limiting element for aquatic organisms and pla…  相似文献   

A model has been set up for the interpretation of geoelectrical sounding data for certain kinds of clay deposits containing gradually varying amounts of sand. The model assumes that in the so-called gradient layer, resistivity varies linearly with depth. Model calculations show how such a layer can be replaced by two homogeneous layers. An inversion procedure using the Marquardt algorithm has been developed for the interpretation of sounding data obtained with the Schlumberger array; it assumes a gradient layer beneath several covering layers. The procedure is demonstrated on two clay deposits. A comparison is made between the newly developed interpretation, the traditional approach using model curves, and computerized inversion for a homogeneous layer model.  相似文献   

本文介绍了有关磁层中电离层离子起主要作用区域(地顶内区)的观测资料和磁层中电离层离子随地磁活动和太阳活动变化的观测资料,根据这些资料简单分析了上行离子的密度和通量密度及地顶的变化。  相似文献   

A polygonal ray path connects the seismic source and detector positions when the intervening medium consists solely of constant velocity layers with plane interfaces which may have arbitrary orientation. The coordinates of the ray vertices satisfy a system of coupled equations resulting from the requirement that Fermat's principle be satisfied along the ray path. Solving the system of equations is equivalent to tracing the ray numerically. A notable feature of this approach is that a ray which is critically refracted over a segment of its path requires no special handling.  相似文献   

The interpretation of electrical sounding data for a subsurface with monotonic continuous variation of the resistivity with depth is becoming increasingly necessary. The contribution of this article is the derivation of the solution for the Wenner and the Schlumberger apparent resistivity functions for a resistivity varying as a real power of a linear positive function of the depth. The interpretation of sounding data in these cases can be used to estimate the variation of the porosity or the salt content of the pore water with depth.  相似文献   

Recursive inversion algorithms are described which facilitate (a) a direct inversion of a one-dimensional velocity distribution from finite offset data and (b) the related simultaneous reconstruction of a two-parameter, say velocity-density, medium. The suggested procedures are based on an extended format of the WKBJ-Bremmer scattering model. The attained accuracy levels and the limitations are highlighted by computer simulations against synthetic data.  相似文献   

The Galerkin method of solving integral equations is well suited to the solution of the integral equations describing the transient response of a sphere embedded in a layered medium, which is excited by a large co-axial loop. The transient response is calculated by transforming the steady state solutions obtained in the frequency domain. The analysis shows that the scattering matrix is extremely diagonally dominant and the maximum number of modes required to obtain convergence does not rapidly increase with frequency. The number of modes required is about eight. This type of scattering matrix can be taken to be an expression of the principle of elementary superposition. This principle is reflected in the decay curves. These show that the early part of the decay curves asymptotically approach the decay curves to be expected for a layered structure without the sphere. The slope of the latter stages of the decay curve gives a decay constant that is the same as was obtained for spheres in free space excited by planar or dipolar sources. The point of departure in time of these curves from the layered ground curves is delayed either by placing the sphere at a greater depth or by placing a more conductive overburden above the sphere.  相似文献   

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