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Geographical data sets sometimes contain missing observations that need to be estimated. A statistical approach to the problem is discussed for multivariate normal spatial data sets satisfying the first-order spatial Markov property with constant mean, where the information at neighboring or contiguous observed sites is used to estimate the missing values. The completed data are used to estimate the parameters of the distribution. The procedure is iterative. The approach is a special case of the Orchard and Woodbury missing information principle. The paper concludes with an illustrative empirical example using rainfall data from an area of Kansas and Nebraska. The quality of the estimates for different sites are compared.  相似文献   

I.IntroductionUsingcomputertomakestatisticalcharthascurrentlybecomeverypopular(LiandZhang,1981),butinmanysocialandeconomicactivitiessuchasnationaleconomicmanagementanddecisionmaking,aconsiderablepartofstatisticaldataiscollectedwithinacertainadministrative…  相似文献   

生态城市空间结构研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邓清华 《热带地理》2003,23(3):279-283
回顾了生态城市空间结构相关领域的理论研究,重点分析了具有生态城市思想的城市空间结构理论,并将其分为四类模式:风水模式、人本主义模式、技术模式、发展生态模式,认为今后研究的主要方向是发展生态模式,其构成要素、布局特点等则是研究的重点.  相似文献   

A simple graphical method for developing regression models for spatially referenced data is presented. The method supplements formal testing procedures and provides the analyst with useful information helpful in developing an understanding of data properties without the need for complex data manipulations. The paper includes a worked example and suggests directions for further work in this area.  相似文献   

本文在对历次极地考察所获得的极地测绘空间数据进行整理、分类的基础上,参考国际标准化组织(ISO/TC211)元数据标准、美国联邦地理数据委员会(FGDC)的CSDGM以及中国可持续发展信息共享元数据标准,制定了能够描述中国极地测绘空间数据的元数据标准,基于此设计并实现了中国极地测绘空间数据元数据管理系统。在网络环境下实现了对元数据的浏览、新增、编辑、查询以及网上发布,从而更好地服务于极地科学考察。  相似文献   

Development planning in Zimbabwe reveals little application of formal spatial analysis because of failures to apply available relevant research and because of the inapplicability of much spatial analysis itself for developing countries in Africa. Comparative studies of spatial analysis applied within the practice of development planning could provide some insights. If spatial analysis is indeed a non-event, the matter should concern academic geography.  相似文献   

张辛  鄂栋臣 《极地研究》2008,20(4):346-354
本文利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer,即MODIS)的海冰数据,监测中山站附近区域海冰的季节性(尤其是夏季)的消融与冻结情况及海冰表面温度的变化。文中先对MODIS的海冰数据进行影像分层、数据合成,分时间段计算海冰范围,然后提取海冰表面温度信息,最后对获取的数据进行分析。研究结果表明,中山站附近区域在每年10月至翌年2月中上旬为海冰消融期;2月中下旬至4月为海冰冻结非密封期;5月至9月为海冰冻结密封期。海冰范围2月份最小;海冰表面温度1月份最低,8月份最高。  相似文献   

Shuttle Imaging Radar-A data are employed to study the settlement, population and land use in the Baoding and Dezhou areas of the North China Plain. By applying nearest neighbor and quadrat analyses, the settlements are found to exhibit a mixed random-clustering pattern which defied the application of Christaller's central place theory. The distinctly visible boundaries from the images permitted accurate estimation of population in both areas. The linear land use forms, notably transportation lines, could also be accurately mapped; the Chinese practice of lake reclamation was also revealed. It is concluded that SIR-A data are useful for much human geography research.  相似文献   

洪泛平原农村居民地空间分布特征定量研究及应用探讨   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
徐雪仁  万庆 《地理研究》1997,16(3):47-54
通过对影响居民地空间分布因素的分析,探讨了洪泛平原农村居民地空间分布特征;利用地理信息系统技术对不同高程带内居民地分布规模、等级和空间分布密度作了定量研究,得到了居民地空间分布密度和人口空间分布密度参数;并结合洪灾淹没区居民地损失的估算,对研究结果的应用作了探讨。  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the importance of determinants of participation in the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program (AFDC) is investigated for the U.S. Casetti's Expansion Method is applied to the two-dimensional space domain by making the model's parameters a function of state x–y centroids. The spatially-varying parameter model suggests that the black population's association with participation is lowest in the Southeast and Northwest and greatest in the Southwest and Northeast.  相似文献   

LbooductionThereisanughneedfOrgreaterunderstandingofnatureandcauseofthefluCtuationinclimatethathaveoccurredsincethemoStrediceage.AccordingtooneresearchstreaminPastGobalChangsstudy,findingmulti-proxydataonclimatcvanatonwithhighresolutionisanimPohanobjeCtiv…  相似文献   

Characteristics of digital geographic databases throughout the U.S. are examined using data from a nationwide survey of potential digital data users/producers. The survey, conducted by Rand McNally-Infomap, identified more than 900 digital databases. Emphasis is on categories of data, differences in data at various scales and among organization types, and the spatial distribution of databases and data categories. Categories examined include boundaries, locational identifiers, property/valuation, utilities/energy/communication, transportation, socioeconomic, physical environment, and natural resource utilization.  相似文献   

本文以作者建立和科尔沁典型沙区专题图形库为例,对利用库信息进行沙漠化定量研究的图形方法进行了系列探讨,设计了可用于沙漠化定量研究的专题分析软件,并对该区的沙漠化现状进行了示例性研究。  相似文献   

本文采用条件分位数调整法,对二类气候代用资料,华山树木年轮年表和西安旱涝等级序列进行合并尝试,既最大限度地利用在年轮资料中的连续变化信息,又能使历史文献资料可以与其相互补充、校准,从而使得合并出来的序列更有助于对过去气候的重建。  相似文献   

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