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Within Michigan's Southern Peninsula, the presence of glacially buried Pleistocene organic matter is relatively uncommon but more abundant than previously recognized. These deposits tend to be concentrated in 13 districts and are most closely related to (1) places with high relief on the drift-covered bedrock surface, (2) the extent of buried bedrock valleys, and (3) low areas on a palimpsest paleosurface. Well logs show that multiple organic horizons at any one site are extremely rare, but variations in location, elevation, types of material with their climatic implications, and radiocarbon dates support the conclusion that remnants of several Pleistocene paleosurfaces, preserved through burial by deposits from separate glacial advances, exist at a number of places, especially in the southern part of the peninsula.  相似文献   

A conjugate analysis of the processes of morphogenesis and sedimentation within small fluvial basins of Dauria revealed a rhythmic character of change of the Holocene processes which are combined into cycles of a different hierarchical level. It is shown that each cycle begins with an extreme phase of intense fluvial drift and delivery of matter from the system. The fluvial horizons comprise the lower part of deposits of the Holocene macrocycle in the Vesnyanka pad’ (a valley without a permanent watercourse). A disastrous fluvial drift was recorded repeatedly for the period 7–8.5 cal. ka and at the transition time from the Atlantic to Subboreal time. A normal zonal phase of integration of matter within the basins is exhibited by buried humus horizons of soils which give clear evidence of 1800-year cycles. A regional development in Dauria is recorded for the soils with the age of about 8, 6.4 and 4.6 as well as 1.2–1.4 cal. ka. The upper part of the deposits of each cycle is characterized by aeolian horizons of extreme arid phases. The profiles of proluvial trails are indicative of 130-year cycles. Based on results from studying buried soils, data of pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating of the deposits, we determined an enhancement in climate aridization for the last 10 ka and, in general, a decreased of the sedimentation and morphogenesis rate.  相似文献   

Variable rates of loess deposition contributed to dramatic regional variation in a soil-stratigraphic unit, the Washtucna Soil, in the Palouse loess deposits in the Channeled Scabland of eastern Washington state. Throughout most of the Channeled Scabland, the morphology of the Washtucna Soil is that of a single buried soil, but it bifurcates into two well-developed and pedologically distinct buried soils in areas immediately downwind of the major source of loessial sediment. Regional loess stratigraphy confirms that the two well-developed soils formed during the same interval of time during which only one soil formed in areas that are distal to loess source areas. The variable and perhaps rapid rates of soil formation suggested by the stratigraphy resulted from an interaction between variable rates of loess deposition and the formation of superimposed calcic soils. Petrocalcic horizons with weak Stage IV morphology formed as the zone of carbonate accumulation moved up into former A and cambic horizons that had been profusely burrowed by cicadas. The development of cicada burrows in one phase of soil development that were subsequently engulfed by pedogenic carbonate under a rising land surface seems to have greatly accelerated the development of the petrocalcic horizons. Accelerated rates of formation of the petrocalcic horizons occurred when extrinsic (pulses of loess deposition) and intrinsic (engulfment of burrowed horizons) thresholds were exceeded. Stratigraphic evidence suggests that the soil formation that accompanied the rise in the land surface due to additional loess deposition may have occurred during the late Wisconsin glaciation when giant glacial outburst floods in the channeled Scabland triggered a new cycle of loess deposition.  相似文献   

Analysis of topographic and bedrock surface data from 41 sites 23.3 km2 (9 m2) within Midwestern areas glaciated during the Late Wisconsinan identifies an average drift thickness-maximum bedrock relief transition equation for the presence or absence of bedrock surface influences on topographic detail. For sites with average drift thicknesses between 15 and 35 m, the transition occurs when average drift thicknesses exceed 0.5 maximum bedrock relief + 10 m. This equation may provide a practical tool in searching for buried bedrock valleys.  相似文献   

Presented are the results derived from investigating the buried humus horizons in flooded soils of the Selenga delta. A study of the morphology, chemical properties and composition of soil humus showed that the buried horizons are the product of evolution of soil cover across the territory which serve as filtrates of substances.  相似文献   

In southern Michigan, a multiglaciated area of thick drift, regional differences in the altitude of the buried bedrock surface control the direction of major drainage lines and facilitated some stream reversals during deglaciation. Furthermore, individual bedrock valleys, though deeply buried, may influence surface forms in a fashion that induces transverse relationships between river courses and morainal trends. Apparently one or more ancestral glacial landscapes were influenced by the bedrock surface and are also reflected in the present topography. Such palimpsest landscapes may be more widespread in glaciated terrains than have generally been recognized.  相似文献   

David W. May   《Geomorphology》2003,56(3-4):243
Flood-plain aggradation within the Loup River Basin of central Nebraska was episodic and alternated with incision throughout much of the Holocene. A widespread episode of flood-plain stability, however, occurred about 5700–5100 cal. year BP. The purpose of this paper is to describe the properties of this buried flood-plain at six sites in the basin, to consider why the properties of the buried flood-plain vary from site to site, and to evaluate possible reasons why the Loup River flood-plains stabilized 5500 years ago. Episodic valley-bottom aggradation was common during flood-plain formation at five of the six sites. The radiocarbon ages, particle-size data, and organic-carbon data for the buried flood-plain reveal that valley-bottom aggradation generally slowed between about 5700 and 5100 cal. year BP. Erratic down-profile changes in percentages of sand, clay, and organic matter indicate flood-plain sedimentation and soil formation were often episodic. Sand and clay rarely show a steady fining-upward trend. Organic matter fluctuates with depth; at some sites multiple, incipient A horizons were buried during waning valley-bottom aggradation. At two localities, the buried flood-plain is evident as a clay-rich stratum that must have been deposited in a paleochannel. Flood-plain stabilization between 5700 and 5100 cal. year BP probably occurred in response to the effects of external climate forcing on vegetation and hydrologic changes. Flood-plains of other rivers in the central Great Plains also stabilized at this time, further supporting a climatic explanation for slowing of valley aggradation and formation of a flood-plain at this time. Recognition of buried flood-plains is important to both soil mapping in valleys and to the discovery of cultural resources in valleys.  相似文献   

A brief account of the environmental conditions within Culbin forest is provided as a background to tracing the evolution of the area since late Glacial time. Where possible, the events are placed in historical order and the development and morphological characteristics of the soils are discussed.With the exception of the humus podsols, which are developed on an old dune system, the soils lack profile development. However, since the establishment of a tree canopy, soil horizon development has been initiated and a weakly developed iron podsol has been extensively mapped. Otherwise, the soils are classified as regosols. with some low-lying soils assigned to a gleyic subgroup. The widespread occurrence of buried peat and alluvial horizons was noted during fieldwork, and mapping units that incorporate these important horizons have been separated.Investigation into the potential of each of the mapping units for forestry reveals that where buried horizons are present significant increases in yield class can be anticipated: elsewhere nitrogen and general nutrient deficiency have seriously affected tree growth, which is only mediocre in performance. However, recent work has shown that a dramatic increase in yield class can be brought about with the application of fertilizer.  相似文献   

Sheets of eolian sediment cover many areas of the earth's surface, sand seas, dune fields, and loess sheets being the best known examples of such features. Less well known are deposits of sandy, eolian sediment forming extensive plains. An excellent example of such a region is the semi-arid Southern High Plains (northwest Texas and eastern New Mexico). The level landscape of the area was created by deposition of multiple, extensive (≈ 80,000 km2) sheets of eolian sediment (Blackwater Draw Formation) over the past 1.4+ Ma. This deposit grades from sandy (southwest) to silty and clayey (northeast) and is up to 27 m thick. Surface soils (at least 30,000 and possibly 120,000 years old) are well developed (5YR hues, agrillic horizons, 1–2m thick with prismatic structure, Stage II–III calcic horizons) and are generally Paleustolls and Paleustalfs, with some Paleargids and Haplargids. Morphologic variation is due mainly to textural variation of the eolian parent material, although locally thickness of the parent material and wind erosion and cumulization are important factors, and locally slight variation in effective precipitation may be significant. The Blackwater Draw Formation contains as many as six well-developed buried soils, each formed in individual layers of eolian sediment, similar to or more strongly expressed (2.5YR hues, higher illuvial clay content) than the regional surface soils. The presence of the buried soils indicates that sedimentation was episodic and separated by long periods of relative landscape stability. Eolian processes also appear to have been important during the periods of stability and pedoenesis by providing clayey, calcareous dust that was added to the soil, promoting formation of the argillic and calcic horizons. The sedimentologic and pedologic uniformity of the deposit suggests that the regional environment has not varied significantly during the Quaternary except for periods of increased sedimentation or wind deflation. Underlying the Blackwater Draw Formation is an Upper Tertiary deposit (up to 36 m thick) of eolian sand, silt, and clay (Ogallala Formation). This deposit contains buried soils very similar to those in the Blackwater Draw Formation, suggesting that the geomorphic processes that created the Quaternary landscape of the Southern High Plains began to operate in the late Tertiary, perhaps as much as 11 million years ago.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the use of soil horizons for mapping soil degradation intensity and reconstructing chronology of degradation processes. Through “Pedogenetic Baseline Approach”, the catchment was classified into two categories: the erosional and depositional zones. The eroded soils were reconstructed even in those areas where there had been total soil stripping. Profiles of the undegraded soil provided a reference mark (particularly the argillic B horizon of Lixisols). One specific criterion for determining the degree of soil degradation of a given map unit in the erosional zone was based on whether A or B horizons or both had been eroded. Another criterion for classifying the units in the depositional zone was based on relating the quality of the buried soil with the overlying young soil developed from the colluvium/alluvium. Hence, the study underscores the importance of being able to reconstruct soil properties of pre-eroded soil profiles with the view to determining erosion units. This will eventually help in developing appropriate land use and conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The organic matter of the surface horizons of soils developed below scrub vegetation in a Mediterranean semi-arid area of great environmental interest (Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, SE Spain) has been studied. The study mainly concentrates on examining the influence of two vegetation types, one evolved (according to its successional stage), and the other clearly degraded as a result of prior removal of vegetation. In spite of the homogeneity in the results obtained from the analysis of the organic matter from the soils studied, a relationship may be established between vegetation biotype and characteristics and evolution of the soil organic matter. The evolved vegetation results in the presence in the soil of a somewhat more evolved and stable organic matter (demonstrated by certain chemical and microbiological aspects), resulting in a greater degree of humification, thus favouring the protection of the soil and the ecosystem as a whole. Hence, the presence of degraded vegetation might lead to soil degradation, something that is unsustainable in semi-arid areas that are particularly fragile in nature.  相似文献   

Recent decades, particularly since the late 1970s, have witnessed a rapid retreat of glaciers in the tropical Andes. We compiled the changes in glacier surfaces along the eastern cordilleras of the tropical Andes of Peru and Bolivia since the early 1980s from the literature. Water levels from two Brazilian river basins in the Amazon basin (one (Madeira River) glacially fed by meltwater from the Andes and the other (Envira River) non‐glacially fed), were analysed for a 30‐year period between 1985?2014. Furthermore, precipitation data near these two basins were also analysed in order to understand the differential contributions of glacier melting and rainfall. Variations in the water levels from the glacially fed Madeira River showed that some years were associated with higher water levels even when the precipitation remained low during the corresponding season (May‐October). This observation was common when El Niño events occurred during the positive phase of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Water levels in glacier‐fed Madeira River were slightly higher during the periods where El Niño and warm PDO co‐occurred. On the other hand, water levels in the Envira River were precipitation dependent; water levels were higher when the rainfall was high.  相似文献   

A 1:15,000 scale soil map of an area measuring approximately 2.8×2.0 km in the Okstindan Mountains has been constructed using photogrammetric and ground survey techniques. This has allowed an assessment of environmental influences on soil type differentiation and spatial distribution. The major controlling variables are considered to be relief, climate, and vegetation; these interact to determine characteristics of soil surface organic horizons, the extent of translocation in soil profiles, and the nature of downslope mass movement of soil material.  相似文献   

1IntroductionEarth'satmosphereisbeingsignificantlyalteredbyhumanactivities.Fossilfueluseandland-usechangesaredrivingtheongoing,rapidriseinatmosphericCO2andotherso-calledgreenhousegases.Concernsaboutthepotentialeffectsonregionalandglobalclimatemotivatethis…  相似文献   

Terrestrial ecosystems represent the second largest carbon reservoir, and the C balance in terrestrial ecosystems can be directly impacted by human activities such as agricultural management practices and land-use changes. This paper focuses on the C-sequestration in soil. Although many studies showed that the concentration of SOC is much higher in the shallow soils (0-30 cm), the deeper horizons represent a much greater mass of soil and represent a huge C-storage pool. The process of preferential retention of more strongly adsorbing components, along with competitive displacement of weakly binding components are the key processes that enhance the movement of organic carbon to deeper soil horizons. DOC represents the most dynamic part of organic carbon in soils, and thus can be used as a timely indicator of the short-term change of C-sequestration. Long-term experiments have demonstrated that higher SOC levels in shallow soils would lead to increased fluxes of DOC to deeper horizons, but more data on a wider range of soils and treatment strategies are needed to fully evaluate the linkages between changes in SOC in shallow soil, vertical fluxes of DOC to deeper soil horizons, and enhanced C-inventories in deeper, slow-turnover SOC pools.  相似文献   

The Norwegian soluble carbonates are well karstified, both with respect to surface and subsurface landforms. Caves are formed by the corrosive action of groundwater on marbles and limestone and provide evidence of changing environmental conditions through time. They contain fossils, sediments and speleothems which are dateable backwards in time to 350,000 years and in some cases 1,500,000 years before the present. As the surface bedrock in Norway is glacially polished with few sites of preserved pre-glacial sediments (Roaldset et al. 1982), the study of caves provides a unique tool for establishing the geomorphic, climatic and faunistic history of Norway during the Pleistocene. The Uranium series dating of speleothems satisfies the need for dating methods that go back in time beyond the radiocarbon method (Mangerud 1981).  相似文献   

化学固沙材料研究进展及展望   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
作为三大治沙措施之一,化学固沙措施能够使流沙表面迅速地形成防风蚀的固沙层,受到广泛的关注。无机类化学固沙材料、有机类化学固沙材料及有机-无机复合类化学固沙材料等三大类化学固沙材料为化学固沙措施提供宽阔的发展空间,但各自也存在着缺点和不足。因此,研究和开发具有耐水蚀、耐冻融、耐风蚀及抗紫外线辐射性能、对环境没有污染及对植物无副作用、成本低廉的固沙材料是今后化学固沙材料的发展方向。  相似文献   

Glaciation and deglaciation in Fennoscandia during the last glacial cycles has significantly perturbed the Earth's equilibrium figure. Changes in the Earth's solid and geoidal surfaces due to external and internal mass redistributions are recorded in sequences of ancient coastlines, now either submerged or uplifted, and are still visible in observations of present‐day motions of the surface and glacially induced anomalies in the Earth's gravitational field. These observations become increasingly sophisticated with the availability of GPS measurements and new satellite gravity missions.
Observational evidence of the mass changes is widely used to constrain the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle. However, lateral changes in earth model properties are usually not taken into account, as most global models of glacial isostatic adjustment assume radial symmetry for the earth model. This simplifying assumption contrasts with seismological evidence of significant lateral variations in the Earth's crust and upper mantle throughout the Fennoscandian region.
We compare predictions of glacial isostatic adjustment based on an ice model over the Fennoscandian region for the last glacial cycle for both radially symmetric and fully 3‐D earth models. Our results clearly reveal the importance of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness and asthenospheric viscosity for glacially induced model predictions. Relative sea‐level predictions can differ by up to 10–20 m, uplift rate predictions by 1–3 mm yr−1 and free‐air gravity anomaly predictions by 2–4 mGal when a realistic 3‐D earth structure as proposed by seismic modelling is taken into account.  相似文献   

Petrological and textural properties of lacustrine sediments from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, reflect changing input volumes of glacial flour and thus reveal a detailed glacial history for the southern Cascade Range between about 37 and 15 ka. Magnetic properties vary as a result of mixing different amounts of the highly magnetic, glacially generated detritus with less magnetic, more weathered detritus derived from unglaciated parts of the large catchment. Evidence that the magnetic properties record glacial flour input is based mainly on the strong correlation between bulk sediment particle size and parameters that measure the magnetite content and magnetic mineral freshness. High magnetization corresponds to relatively fine particle size and lower magnetization to coarser particle size. This relation is not found in the Buck Lake core in a nearby, unglaciated catchment. Angular silt-sized volcanic rock fragments containing unaltered magnetite dominate the magnetic fraction in the late Pleistocene sediments but are absent in younger, low magnetization sediments. The finer grained, highly magnetic sediments contain high proportions of planktic diatoms indicative of cold, oligotrophic limnic conditions. Sediment with lower magnetite content contains populations of diatoms indicative of warmer, eutrophic limnic conditions. During the latter part of oxygen isotope stage 3 (about 37–25 ka), the magnetic properties record millennial-scale variations in glacial-flour content. The input of glacial flour was uniformly high during the Last Glacial Maximum, between about 21 and 16 ka. At about 16 ka, magnetite input, both absolute and relative to hematite, decreased abruptly, reflecting a rapid decline in glacially derived detritus. The decrease in magnetite transport into the lake preceded declines in pollen from both grass and sagebrush. A more gradual decrease in heavy mineral content over this interval records sediment starvation with the growth of marshes at the margins of the lake and dilution of detrital material by biogenic silica and other organic matter.  相似文献   

中国泥炭地有机碳储量分区   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全国泥炭资源调查的基础上(1983~1985年),结合中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所与有关单位多年来在全国各地泥炭调查的成果,根据泥炭的蕴藏形式、泥炭地有机碳的丰富度、泥炭地有机碳集中分布区的地貌单元和区域位置,将泥炭地有机碳按照埋藏类型和储量划分成3类(埋藏类、裸露类和裸露与埋藏兼有类)、5型(极丰富型、丰富型、较丰富型、贫乏型和极贫乏型)和31个分布区。中国泥炭地的蕴藏类型主要为裸露类,主要分布在青藏高原东部的若尔盖高原以及东北地区的山地丘陵,包括5型12个分布区;其次是埋藏类,主要分布在长江中下游平原以及沿海平原,包括4型14个分布区;裸露与埋藏兼有类泥炭地主要分布在云贵高原、晋北张北地区,仅包括4型5个分布区。  相似文献   

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