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地球化学勘探技术作为地热资源综合勘查技术之一,在地热勘探开发中发挥了重要作用。沉积盆地型与隆起山地型地热系统由于自身地质特征的不同,必然造成它们的地球化学判识指标和异常模式存在差异。目前国内外尚缺乏对这两种类型地热系统判识指标和地球化学异常模式差异性进行地质地球化学分析,导致针对不同的勘探对象在方法选择和异常解释上依据不足。以典型沉积盆地型地热系统——河北雄县地热系统,隆起山地型地热系统——安徽巢湖半汤地热系统为例,开展地球化学方法试验,建立了两种类型地热系统的地表地球化学异常模式,并从地热系统的地质因素(热源、热水、热储、通道、盖层)出发,对其地表地球化学异常模式差异性进行分析,表明隆起山地型地热系统地表地球化学异常模式为受导水断层、破碎带控制的正异常;沉积盆地型地热系统气体地球化学异常模式为受热储构造控制的正异常,微量元素地球化学异常为受氧化还原环境控制的负异常;二者在有效地球化学指标组合和异常形态上均存在差异。研究结果为不同类型地热系统勘探提供方法和理论依据。  相似文献   

吉林省地热资源较为丰富,但勘查评价和开发利用工作开展较晚。本文对吉林省隆起山地型地热资源和沉积盆地型地热资源的分布概况进行了简单介绍,对水热型地热资源勘查评价现状作了归纳总结,阐述了水热型地热资源的热储层特征和水文地球化学特征,并对勘查工作重点研究及注意的问题进行了梳理,提出今后勘查工作建议,供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

吴广翩 《云南地质》2023,(4):442-450
广东境内断裂构造发育,岩浆、地震、新构造活动剧烈,特别是深大断裂反复活动、岩浆多期次侵入的背景,为广东中低温地热资源形成与赋存、温泉出露创造了有利的地质环境。本文对广东地热资源分布现状、热储特征及地质条件等分析,以广东隆起山地型热储区为研究对象,划分为岩溶型层状热储区和裂隙型带状热储区两类,通过重要区域及盆地热储区地质特征及水文化学特征研究,分析了广东热储系统成因机制,对地热资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   

赣南地区构造运动强烈,形成较多的地热水,是我国地热资源开发利用的重点地区之一.文章以赣南石城县楂山里地热系统为例,探讨了赣南断褶山地对流型地热系统的特征及成因,对寻找地热资源及开发利用清洁能源具有实际意义.石城县楂山里地热系统为典型的赣南断褶山地对流型地热系统,以NNE向断裂提供的大地热流为热源,以受迫对流为机制,大气降雨通过断裂带裂隙入渗并深循环,汲取围岩热量和深部岩浆岩放射性热量后形成地热水,在地形高差和水压力差作用下形成环流,沿导水裂隙在地势低洼地带出露后形成温泉.  相似文献   

碳酸盐岩台地类型、特征及主控因素   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
在总结前人工作的基础上,结合作者对塔里木盆地和四川盆地碳酸盐岩的研究,根据地理位置、坡度、封闭性和镶边性把碳酸盐岩台地分为以下类型:缓坡开放型无镶边台地、缓坡封闭型无镶边台地、陡坡开放型无镶边台地、陡坡封闭型无镶边台地、缓坡开放型有镶边台地、缓坡封闭型有镶边台地、陡坡开放型有镶边台地、陡坡封闭型有镶边台地、礁滩型孤立台地、岩隆型孤立台地。总结了不同类型碳酸盐岩台地沉积特征并建立了沉积模式,用以指导当前碳酸盐岩的油气勘探。最后,探讨了不同类型台地形成和发育的主控因素,认为构造运动所形成的古地形(貌)和水体能量控制台地和沉积物的类型,海平面的升降控制台地类型及沉积物的变化。  相似文献   

河南省地热资源类型按照所处的大地构造环境分为沉积盆地型和隆起山地型。计算结果表明,沉积盆地区4 000 m以浅储存的地热水总量为82 063.23×10~8 m~3,储存热能总量为7 734 086.01×10~(12) kJ。不考虑回灌时,全省沉积盆地型地热可采流体量为92 223.93×10~4 m~3/a,可利用热能量196.6×10~(12) kJ/a;考虑回灌时,全省沉积盆地型地热流体可开采量5 931 841.92×10~4 m~3/a,可利用热能量为13 003.47×10~(12) kJ/a。统计分析显示,按地热流体可采量为92 223.93×10~4 m~3/a、地热流体可开采热量196.46×10~(12) kJ/a计算,即使按50%利用,其经济效益也是十分可观的。另外,地热开发可带动第三产业经济的发展,产生的间接经济效益更加巨大。  相似文献   

利用铸体薄片、扫描电镜及X射线衍射等分析资料对鄂尔多斯盆地东部主要含气层系黏土矿物的特征进行分析,盆地东部黏土矿物主要受物源区母岩、沉积相和成岩作用特征等方面影响,不同层系黏土矿物受影响程度不同,其中二叠系石千峰组千五段和石盒子组盒八段受物源区母岩和沉积相影响较大,山西组二段和太原组受成岩作用和沉积相影响作用明显;加强对不同层系黏土矿物的特征研究,可明确主要含气层系储层的潜在敏感性,这个初步结论对有针对性地保护储层和储层改造具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

厄瓜多尔奥连特盆地是南美地区最重要的含油气盆地之一,油气资源丰富,主要含油气层系为白垩系Napo组、Basal Tena组和Hollion组砂岩;盆地内发育多个油田,但各油田之间,纵向上各砂层之间原油品质差异较大:纵向上,下轻上稠;平面上,南轻北稠.根据奥连特盆地构造演化、烃源分布、埋藏史等资料,结合盆地内原油纵、横向...  相似文献   

苏北盆地油气富集与分布的主控因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据烃源岩及沉积体系的分布、断裂的发育与分布、盖层的发育状况、圈闭形成时期等因素与油气富集特征的分析,认为苏北盆地各凹陷的油气富集程度与其烃源岩的发育程度有关,油气藏的形成及分布与断层密切相关,断层是控制油气成藏与富集的主要因素之一;紧邻生烃中心的长期隆起区是油气运移的指向区,控制油气的聚集成藏;区域盖层阻止油气往上覆层运移,其下伏储集层段为油气富集层段,缺乏统一区域性盖层的层段,局部盖层发育与否直接影响油气富集程度;沉积体系的分布控制油气的分布和富集地区。  相似文献   

岩浆热源型地热系统及其水文地球化学判据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭清海 《地质学报》2020,94(12):3544-3554
在各类地热系统中,岩浆热源型地热系统具有突出的科学研究意义和开发利用价值。自岩浆热源释出的岩浆流体富含多种强酸性气体,有极强的岩石溶蚀能力,是发生于岩浆热源型地热系统内的水文地球化学过程大异于非岩浆热源型地热系统的根本原因。浅埋或深埋岩浆热源型地热区内均普遍发育三种不同类型的地热水:酸性SO4型、SO4-Cl型或Cl-SO4型水,中性Cl-Na型或Cl-HCO3-Na型水,弱碱性HCO3-Cl-Na型或HCO3-Na型水;是否同时出现以上类型地热水也成为以非碳酸盐岩为热储围岩的水热型地热系统是否具有岩浆热源的水文地球化学判据。在中国,藏南-滇西地热带和台湾地热带是岩浆热源型地热系统集中分布的区域;藏南高原的高温水热型地热系统下的岩浆囊可能是地壳增厚过程中发生局部熔融的结果,也可能与印度大陆岩石圈向北消减后在拉萨地体下形成的近东西向地幔楔的上涌有关。  相似文献   

我国主要水热型地热系统形成机制与成因模式   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王贵玲  蔺文静 《地质学报》2020,94(7):1923-1937
我国地处环太平洋地热带与地中海-喜马拉雅地热带的交汇部位,且中、新生代沉积盆地发育,地热资源丰富。近年来,我国地热开发利用蓬勃发展,但由于没有进行整体性的地热系统分析,缺乏因地制宜的不同地区地热勘查开发方案,各地地热资源勘查开发工作存在一定的混乱现象。本文从系统论观点出发,提出了我国地热资源"同源共生-壳幔生热-构造聚热"的成因理论,并以我国主要水热型地热系统为例,建立了水热系统分析的系统论观点,将我国主要水热系统划分为沉积盆地古潜山型复合水热系统、沉积盆地深坳陷层控型水热系统、断陷盆地地压型水热系统、陆陆碰撞板缘型水热系统、板缘俯冲带热控构造型水热系统、隆起山地深循环型水热系统以及近代火山型水热系统等七种类型,并系统分析了典型水热系统的运移条件、热源机制,归纳阐述了不同类型的水热系统的成因模式,进一步完善了我国地热资源研究的基础理论和方法,为区域地热资源勘查开发提供了理论依据,对于进一步推进我国地热资源的科学开发利用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

郭清海 《地质学报》2022,96(5):1767-1773
地热能是亟待加强开发利用的可再生新能源,但地热研究者与从业者需正视与地热系统相关的各类环境问题。本文聚焦地热系统来源有害组分,从其形成机制入手,总结了其类型、存在形态和环境效应,认为地热水回灌或无干扰井下换热均不可能彻底解除地热开发利用的环境和人类健康威胁,且地热水天然排泄所导致的周边环境内水质劣化同样不容忽视。在此基础上,提出水处理是地热成因环境污染防治的重要手段之一,综述了在此领域今后应着力发展的方向。  相似文献   

Ecological-geological conditions are considered to be an environment created by a set of contemporary morphologically expressed geological factors that influence specific features of the functioning of the biota, including human beings, within the framework of the ecological-geological system. The paper discusses factors (components) of ecological-geological conditions, factors of the formation of ecological-geological conditions, and the role of anthropogenic (technogenic) impacts in the transformation of ecological-geological conditions.  相似文献   

岩溶塌陷是覆盖型岩溶区最突出的地质灾害问题,是广西重要的地质灾害之一,对经济建设和人民的生活构成严重危害。文章从塌陷的物质组成及成因上讨论了广西岩溶塌陷的类型,分析了其危害、影响因素及其形成机制。在此基础上,提出了岩溶塌陷防治的对策建议。  相似文献   

李义曼  陈凯  天娇  程远志  罗霁  庞忠和 《地质论评》2022,68(3):993-1005
华南火成岩地区发育多期次的花岗岩及丰富的地热资源,二者关系密切。目前关于该区岩石的REE分异特征及其富集机理研究较多,但对地热水中REE的特征及其影响因素等研究较少。笔者以广东丰顺汤坑地热田为例,分析了地热水稀土元素的特征并且与浅层地下水和榕江河水进行对比,探讨其赋存特征以及影响因素。结果表明:该区地热水较榕江河水和浅层地下水稀土元素含量偏低,具有MREE富集的Eu正异常、Ce负异常的REE配分模式,这是碱性水溶解硅酸盐矿物的结果。水的REE含量与pH值呈正相关关系,且其赋存形式受pH值影响较大。碱性地热水中REE以络合物Ln(CO3)-2和LnCO+3形式为主,中性的榕江河水则以络合物LnCO+3为主,而偏酸性的浅层地下水REE以Ln3+为主,含一定量的LnSO+4  相似文献   

广东丰顺汤坑地热田热水中稀土元素特征及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李义曼  陈凯  天娇  程远志  罗霁  庞忠和 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030006-2022030006
华南火成岩地区发育多期次的花岗岩及丰富的地热资源,二者关系密切。目前关于该区岩石的REE分异特征及其富集机理研究较多,但对地热水中REE的特征及其影响因素等研究较少。本文以广东丰顺汤坑地热田为例,分析了地热水稀土元素的特征并且与浅层地下水和榕江河水进行对比,探讨其赋存特征以及影响因素。结果表明:该区地热水较榕江河水和浅层地下水稀土元素含量偏低,具有MREE富集的Eu正异常、Ce负异常的REE配分模式,这是碱性水溶解硅酸盐矿物的结果。水的REE含量与pH值呈正相关关系,且其赋存形式受pH值影响较大。碱性地热水中REE以络合物Ln(CO3)-2和LnCO+3形式为主,中性的榕江河水则以络合物LnCO+3为主,而偏酸性的浅层地下水REE以Ln3+为主,含一定量的LnSO+4。  相似文献   

海水补给型地热系统具有补给资源量大,但温度低、水质咸化等特点,查明沿海地热水循环补给条件和成因机制,对东南沿海地热资源的合理开发利用和保护具有重要意义。在泉州官桥盐田地热区分别采集了地热水、地下水和海水样品14个,利用水化学同位素特征分析和地球化学温标法,揭示了官桥盐田地热水循环补给和地热资源成因机制。结果表明:地热水水化学类型为Cl—Na型水,与海水水化学类型一致;H01和H02的溶解性固体总量(TDS)分别为2 610 mg/L和3 090 mg/L,地下水以TDS小于400 mg/L的HCO3—Na型水为主;地热水富集Br-,地下水中Br-未检测,表明盐田地热水存在现代海水或者海相沉积层古海水补给。根据盐田地热田H01和H02地热水Cl-混合模型计算,地热水H01海水混入比为9.13%,H02海水混入比为10.76%,显示H01在出露于第四系地层后混入了更多的地下水。综合分析认为,海水是盐田地热水的重要补给资源,地热水化学组分受海水混合作用影响明显,深层热水上升过程中存在两次或者多次地下水或者海水混入从而形成浅层热储,采用SiO2地热温标和多矿物平衡法估算的浅层热储温度在89~1...  相似文献   

World-class Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: key factors in their genesis   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
Magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide deposits form as the result of segregation and concentration of droplets of liquid sulfide from mafic or ultramafic magma, and the partitioning of chalcophile elements into these from the silicate melt. Sulfide saturation of a magma is not enough in itself to produce an ore deposit. The appropriate physical environment is required so that the sulfide liquid mixes with enough magma to become adequately enriched in chalcophile metals, and then is concentrated in a restricted locality so that the resulting concentration is of ore grade. The deposits of the Noril'sk region have developed within flat, elongate bodies (15 × 2 × 0.2 km) that intrude argillites, evaporites and coal measures, adjacent to a major, trans-crustal fault and immediately below the centre of a 3.5 km-thick volcanic basin. Studies of the overlying basalts have shown that lavas forming a 500 m-thick sequence within these have lost 75% of their Cu and Ni and more than 90% of their PGE. Overlying basalts show a gradual recovery in their chalcophile element concentrations to reach “normal” values 500 m above the top of the highly depleted zone. The ore-bearing Noril'sk-type intrusions correlate with those basalts above the depleted zone that contain “normal” levels of chalcophile elements. The high proportion of sulfide (2–10 wt.%) associated with the Noril'sk-type intrusions, the high PGE content of the ores, the extensive metamorphic aureole (100–400 m around the bodies), and the heavy sulfur isotopic composition of the ores (+8–+12 ∂34S) are explicable if the ore-bearing bodies are exit conduits from high level intrusions, along which magma has flowed en route to extrude at surface. The first magma to enter these intrusions reacted with much evaporitic sulfur, at a low “R” value and thus gave rise to sulfides with low metal tenors. Successive flow of magma through the system progressively enriched the sulfides in the conduits, losing progressively less of their chalcophile metals, and thus accounting for the upward increase in metals in successive lava flows above the highly depleted flows. The Voisey's Bay deposit lies partly within a 30–100 m-thick sheet of troctolite, interpreted as a feeder for the 1.334 Ga Voisey's Bay intrusion, and partly at the base of this intrusion, where the feeder adjoins it. Studies of olivine compositions indicate that an early pulse of magma through the feeder and into the intrusion was Ni depleted but that subsequent pulses were much less depleted. Trace element, Re-Os and S and O isotope data, and mineralogical studies indicate that the magma pulses interacted with country gneiss, probably principally in a deeper level intrusion, extracting SiO2, Na2O, K2O and possibly sulfur form the gneiss, which accounts for the magma becoming sulfide saturated. The Jinchuan deposit of north central China occurs within a 6 km-long dyke-like body of peridotite. The compositions of olivine within the dyke, the igneous rocks themselves, and the ore are all inconsistent with derivation of the body from ultramafic magma, as originally supposed, and indicate that the structure forms the keel of a much larger intrusion of magnesian basalt magma. Flow of magma into the intrusion has resulted in olivine and sulfide being retained where the keel was widening out into the intrusion. The West Australian komatiite-related deposits occur in thermal erosional troughs which have developed due to the channelisation of magma flow and the resulting thermal erosion of underlying sediments and basalt by the hot komatiite magma. The sediments are sulfide-rich, and may have contributed substantially to the sulfide of the ores. The mineralisation in the Duluth complex occurs in troctolitic intrusions along the western margin of the complex as a result of magma interacting with and extracting sulfur from the underlying graphite- and sulfide-bearing sediments. No magma flow channels have been identified so far, and the lack of magma flow subsequent to the development of sulfide immiscibility is regarded as the reason why these deposits are not of economic grade. When most major Ni-Cu sulfide deposits are compared, they prove to have a number of features in common; olivine-rich magma, proximity to a major crustal fault, sulfide-bearing country rocks, chalcophile element depletion in related intrusive or extrusive rocks, field and/or geochemical evidence of interaction between the magma and the country rocks, and the presence of or proximity to a magma conduit. The features are thought to explain the three key requirements (sulfide immiscibilty, adequate mixing between sulfides and magma, and localisation of the sulfides) discussed and have important implications with respect to exploration. Received: 9 January 1998 / Accepted: 21 September 1998  相似文献   

On the basis of an analysis of thermometric data from deep drill holes in Western Kazakhstan, characteristics of types of thermal curves (linear, convex, concave, etc.) are recognized from the nature of the change in the geothermal gradient. Angles of slope of the clusters of the thermal curves and their position on the graph are determined by the degree of the principal regions of supply and the heat flow from depth, the geologic construction, the lithologic-facies composition of the rocks, the hydrogeologic conditions, etc. Graphs of the clusters of thermal curves enable us to provide a comparative estimate of the effect of these factors OQ the geothermal regime of Individual sectors of the region, and to trace the change in depth of occurrence of the isothermal surfaces as well as the distribution of temperatures in various depth intervals. —Author.  相似文献   

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