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Seismic velocities of Indus suture rock types from Dras‐Sanko‐Kargil, Kashmir Himalaya, as a function of pressure up to 10 kbar were studied. The high‐pressure measurements on the rocks reflect the depthwise increase in velocity, and in general they help in better understanding and better interpretation of the regional rocks in terms of their geological observations. An attempt has been made at correlation with ocean‐dredged samples, and it was found that the ultramafics, gabbros, and dykes are compatible with oceanic rocks and other ophiolite sequences, whereas metavolcanics are incompatible, suggesting the dismembered nature of Indus ophioli‐tes.  相似文献   

开展了低围压条件下固结不排水振动三轴实验,对埕北海域重塑粉土振动孔压发展模型进行研究。低围压条件下粉土孔压随振次的发展曲线呈现两种形态,具体呈现何种形态与粉土轴向动应力和临界循环应力有关。对孔压数据进行了归一化处理,发现低围压条件下粉土孔压模型可以用指数函数进行拟合,且黏土含量并不影响孔压模型形式,只会影响a、b两个实验参数。孔压影响因素分析表明,少量黏粒含量的加入可以使粉土的孔压发展速度增大;振动频率对粉土孔压发展的影响也存在一个临界值,约0.2 Hz,当振动频率小于该值时,粉土孔压增长速度随频率的增加而减缓;当振动频率大于该值时,粉土孔压增长的速度随频率的增加而增大。  相似文献   

透空式水平板波浪上托力冲击压强试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
首先对以往波浪作用下透空式平板上托力研究进行了回顾,在此基础上,通过系列模型试验,对波浪上托力产生的机理进行了详细的分析和论述,认为透空式平板下波浪上托力主要由一个迅速上升的冲击压强和一个缓慢变化的压强构成,其中冲击压强通常远大于缓变压强,起主导作用,影响其大小的最直接因素为几何因素(即波浪冲击角)、动力因素(包括波高、波速等)和空气垫层因素,由此通过对各影响因素的分析,得到最大冲击压强计算公式,大量试验资料表明,该公式与实验值有着较好的一致性。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the results of an application of a piled wavescreen. Experimental measurements were undertaken in the laboratory conditions for a given structural configuration under the attack of regular and irregular waves. Dynamic pressure distribution along and around the inclined piles was obtained employing pressure transducers. Using these data, in-line dynamic wave forces acting on piles were also determined. Water particle (orbital) velocities were measured at seaward and landward of the wavescreen using two acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV) simultaneously. Furthermore, wave data were collected using resistance type wave gauges at the seaward and landward of the structure. Based on those data, wave attenuation performance of the wavescreen was explored for two different depth values. Findings showed that piled wavescreen can provide effective shore protection as an environmentally friendly coastal structure.  相似文献   

Positive gravity anomalies indicate two dense conduits or eruptive centers beneath the northern summit of Sio Guyot, western Mid-Pacific Mountains. The low amplitude of the positive anomalies and the gravity lows flanking the guyot can be explained by crust 2.5 times the normal Pacific Ocean crustal thickness extending to a depth of 22 ± 2 km. The excess mass of the seamount is 100% locally isostatically compensated by the mass deficit below; this compensation may result from flexural loading and voluminous sill injection near a former ridge-crest transform fault system trending roughly ENE and NNW.  相似文献   

An experimental facility is described for the testing of structures under a combined axial load and hydrostatic pressure load. This facility was used to determine the effects of hydrostatic pressure (up to 6000 psi) on the load-carrying capacity of slender metal columns. There appeared to be no significant effect in this case.  相似文献   

An experimental approach was used in determining which factors, natural or man made, had the greatest impact on estuarine microplankton ecology. In microcosms, filled with natural water of <5‰, 10‰, 18‰ and > 26‰ salinity, the impact of high organic load (glucose), shading, Cu and a heavy metal mixture on the microplankton populations was monitored. Naturally occurring perturbations were of much greater impact to estuarine ecology than the addition of heavy metals in concentrations five to ten times that which are known to occur in moderately polluted estuaries.  相似文献   

An experimental study of rip channel flow   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A laboratory study of the flow over a bar with a single rip channel has been performed. First, the well-known pattern of a bar circulation cell with a strong offshore-directed current out through the rip channel and a weaker onshore-directed return flow over the bar is documented. Then measurements of the three-dimensional structure of the flow in the area where the rip channel, the bar and the trough meet and well inside the rip channel are presented. These measurements reveal that 3D effects play an important role, and that a depth-integrated viewpoint may not always be sufficient for predicting the flow in the near bed region. Particle-tracking experiments illustrate the near bed flow pattern over the entire area. These demonstrate how the overall trajectory pattern changes as a function of the distance of wave breaking from the bar crest: For some conditions, the rip current is fed from the trough and for other conditions it is fed directly from the bar. Both the 3D measurements and the trajectory tests show the existence of a weaker onshore-directed near-bed drift in the area where the rip current ceases. Finally, in a series of sensitivity tests, measurements of the rip current intensity for different wave climate and water level conditions reveal a strong correlation between the rip current intensity and the wave height (both normalized).  相似文献   

Turbulent wall pressure data acquired during tests of a full-scale experimental towed array over a range of tow speeds in straight tows and turns is presented. The experimental towed array contained a linear array of sensors mounted at the fluid–solid interface to measure the spectra of the wall pressure fluctuations due to the cylindrical turbulent boundary layer. The physics are dominated by the growth of a thick, high Reynolds number turbulent boundary layer at arc length Reynolds numbers as high as 9×108. The measured wavenumber-frequency spectra, autospectra, cross-spectral decay and convection velocities are presented. A well-defined convective ridge exists in the wavenumber-frequency spectra obtained during straight tows and turns. Turns give rise to a complicated fluid–structure interaction problem, but do not lead to the separation of the turbulent boundary layer. As the array moves through a turn, flow-induced vibrations of the array are shown to dominate the spectra at low frequencies, with more rapid decay in the measured coherence occurring at higher frequencies. The use of tow speed as a velocity scale is shown to collapse autospectra and convection velocities.  相似文献   

An energy conversion system based on deep-sea pressure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel seawater pressure energy conversion system that utilizes seawater pressure to generate electricity has been studied in this paper. The energy conversion system utilizes the pressure difference between the pressurized seawater and the empty pressure container to drive hydraulic motor and the coaxially coupled generator to generate electric power. The output electric energy is recorded by the data logger throughout the process. In the current study, technical analysis is performed with the emphasis on conversion efficiency between seawater pressure energy and output electric energy. The analysis is conducted at various pressure differences through the throttle valve so as to obtain maximum conversion efficiency. Research shows that the optimum pressure difference through the throttle valve and the maximum conversion efficiency can be theoretically calculated when the properties of the conversion system are given. Simulation results have demonstrated the influence of pressure difference on conversion efficiency. The test apparatus has been designed, built and tested in 2004. It successfully generated electric energy of approximately 0.85 kW h at the depth of 2400 m with empty pressure container's holding capacity of 200 L in the voyage “DY105-16” in South China Sea on June 12, 2004. The actual conversion efficiency from seawater pressure energy to electric energy reaches as high as 63.8% which is attractive for underwater equipments. The success of the experiment has tested the feasibility of utilizing seawater pressure energy and brings a new power supply way for long-term in-situ underwater equipments.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to provide an experimental reference for investigation of asymmetric water entry of wedges. Parameters of the study include initial deadrise angle, inclination angle and impact speed. Initial deadrise angles of the wedges were 20° and 30° with inclination angles ranging from 0° to 15° in 5° increments. Wedges were freely fallen from three different heights. Time histories of impact pressure and body acceleration were recorded. Sampling rate of measurements were set to 25 KHz. Main configuration of each test including mass of the wedge and water level were kept unchanged during all experiments. Additionally, several calibration tests were conducted to assess the repeatability and accuracy of the recorded data. The experimental results are compared with different entry theories and other available experiments. The comparison shows a reasonable agreement and indicates that the inclination angle can dramatically affect the impact pressure experienced by the wedges. Finally, the results show that the traditional asymmetric theories are not appropriate for all inclination angles.  相似文献   

The ideal scatterometer, operating from either an aircraft or a satellite platform, should be capable of making rapid, accurate estimates of the sea backscatter cross sectionsigmaover as wide a range of grazing anglespsias possible. Efficient operation over a large range of grazing angles is desirable because 1)sigmabehavior for90deg geq psi geq 70degyields rms gravity wave slope information and is an indicator of sea state and 2)sigmabehavior for70deg geq psi geq 0degyields data on surface wind magnitude and direction as well as information about the power spectrum of the sea. A "hybrid" estimation procedure has been developed for pulse compression radars which uses both frequency and spatially decorrelated samples ofsigmato provide an unbiased estimate ofsigmahaving minimum variance over the entire range of grazing angles for which radar reception is not noise-limited.  相似文献   

The beach profile and sediment transport are very important factors in the design of coastal structures, and the beach profile is mainly affected by a number of parameters, such as wave height and period, beach slope, and the material properties of the bed. In this study, considering wave height (H0=6.5, 11.5, 16, 20, 23, 26 and 30 cm), wave period (T=1.46 and 2.03 s), beach slope (m=1/10 and 1/15) and mean sediment diameter (d50=0.18, 0.26, 0.33 and 0.40 mm), an experimental investigation of coastal erosion profile (storm profile) was carried out in a wave flume using regular waves, and geometric characteristics of erosion profile were determined by the resultant erosion profile. Dimensional and non-dimensional equations were obtained by using linear and non-linear regression methods through the experimental data and were compared with previously developed equations in the literature. The results have shown that the experimental data fitted well to the proposed equations with respect to the previously developed equations.  相似文献   

目的:对胃复方进行急性毒性实验研究,观察其安全性。方法:将实验小鼠按体质量随机分为2组,采用最大给药量法测定小鼠口服胃复方的最大耐受量,给药组24h内2次以最大浓度、最大体积的中药胃复方给予小鼠灌胃,对照组小鼠灌服等剂量蒸馏水,观察记录2组小鼠一般情况及死亡情况,对主要脏器进行病理组织学检测。结果:给药组小鼠一般情况良好,无1例死亡。与对照组比较,体质量变化差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);主要脏器病理组织学检测未见明显异常;最大给药量为221.7g生药/kg,相当于60kg成人临床推荐剂量的127倍。结论:胃复方无明显毒性,在规定剂量下用药是安全可靠的。  相似文献   

The propagation speed is one of the most important characteristics for describing freak waves. The research of freak wave speed is not only helpful for understanding the generation mechanism and evolution process of freak waves, but also applicable to the prediction. A stable and accurate method is proposed for the calculation of the freak wave speed, in which physical model tests are carried out to measure the motion of the largest wave crest along the wave tank. The linear regression relationship between the spatial position of the largest wave crest and instantaneous moment is established to calculate the speed of totally 248 cases of experimental freak waves and 312 supplementary cases of numerical freak waves. Based on the calculate results, a semitheoretical and semiempirical formula is proposed by using a regression analysis method to predict the speed of the freak wave, and the nonlinear characteristic of the freak wave speed is also investigated.  相似文献   

目的:观察止痛顺气胶囊在恒温恒湿加速试验及长期试验中稳定性的变化。方法:取符合质量标准的3个批号止痛顺气胶囊,置于恒温恒湿培养箱,在温度维持在(40±2)℃和相对湿度(75±5)%的条件下放置6个月,进行加速稳定性试验。取符合质量标准的止痛顺气胶囊置于恒温恒湿培养箱,于箱内温度维持在(25±2)℃和相对湿度(60±10)%的条件下放置24个月,进行长期稳定性试验。结果:3个批号的止痛顺气胶囊在恒温、恒湿加速留样以及长期留样观察条件下,性状、鉴别、水分、崩解时限、含量测定、微生物限度检查等均符合各项规定。结论:止痛顺气胶囊质量稳定可靠,该稳定性试验为制定其有效期提供了充足依据。  相似文献   

随机海浪列率谱分析的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙孚  张书文 《海洋工程》2000,18(2):38-45
介绍了列率谱分析的两种谱估计方法;并矢周期图法和并矢相关法。通过实测资料比较表明,两种谱估计方法的计算结果基本一致。文中利用不同环境条件下的实验室资料对列率谱进行了分析,并与频谱的部分计算结果进行了比较,对其存在的差异给出了可能的物理解释。  相似文献   

目的:探讨马钱子碱透皮贴剂的安全性。方法:采用小鼠骨髓细胞微核实验和姐妹染色单体互换实验研究马钱子碱透皮贴剂对小鼠骨髓细胞的致突变影响。2组实验均分为空白对照组,马钱子碱透皮贴剂小、中、大剂量组,环磷酰胺组,均分别予以空白基质贴皮,马钱子碱透皮贴剂120、240、480mg/kg体质量贴皮,腹腔注射环磷酰胺30、20mg/kg体质量,分别计算各组小鼠骨髓细胞微核(MN)发生率、姐妹染色单体互换(SCE)数。结果:与空白对照组比较,马钱子碱透皮贴剂3个剂量组小鼠骨髓细胞MN发生率和SCE数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:马钱子碱透皮贴剂无致突变作用,在一定剂量下具有安全性。  相似文献   

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