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1 INTRODUCTION TheCirculatingFlow(CF)exhibitssecondaryflowandoccursinnatureandthehydraulicandwatertransportengineering,inwhicht...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION River erosion is a complex phenomenon. The rate of bank retreat is determined by flow, bed topography, sediment transport, bank properties, and water quality. Prediction of future river planform changes and the knowledge of river erosion and river meandering are required for land use planning in alluvial river valleys and determining locations for bridges and hydraulic structures. The control of riverbank erosion requires prediction of flow and bed features in a meanderin…  相似文献   

The Changjiang River is characterized by the enormous volume of runoff and the great amount of sediment load with remarkable seasonal variation. The annual runoff sometimes is respondent to the amount of sediment load, and sometimes not. The amount of monthly sediment load after the month of the maximum runoff is larger than those before the month. The sediment concentration and net quantity of sediment transport in the vicinity of the river mouth varies greatly in time between the ebb and flood, spring and neap, and dry seasons and flood seasons. The three bifurcations also have differences in concentration and net quantity in space. Even in the same bifurcation they have differences in and out of the sand bar. At present, the North Channel is the main passage for water and sediment load emptying into the sea from the Changjiang River. More than 50 percent of the sediments from the river basin are deposited nearby the South Branch entrance and the main depositional area is situated in subaqueous delta off the South Channel. Between 122°30'E and 123°E is an important boundary for eastward sediment dispersion from which the suspended sediment are dispersed towards the east by south.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONWhen water flows over a fluvial bed, hydro-dynandc force induced by the flow is acting on thesediment particles lying on the bed. A further increase in flow velocity results in an increase in themagnitude of this fOrce; and sediment particles begin to move if a situation is eventu8lly reached whenthe hydro-dynandc force exceeds a certain critical value. This initial movement of sediment pallicles istermed inciPient motion. The erosion and sedimentation of nuvial beds can be…  相似文献   


I INTRODUCTIONThe settlement of particles in fluid has been studied in many fields such as hydraulics, metallurgy andchemistry since the middle of 19 century because of its great importance. Although the settlement ofsingle particle and group settling velocity of uniform particles in still water are relatively well-studied, yetthe settlement of non-uniform particles in flowing water lacks understanding. For instance, Cunningham(1910), Richardson (1954) and Batchelor (1972), have obtained…  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONCompoundortWo-stagechannelshavereceivedconsiderableattentioninrecentyearsduetotheirrelevancetofloodstudiesinnaturalrivers,theirsignificanceinunderstandingrivermol'phology,andtheiruseinsomefloodalleviationschemeswherethefloodplainshavebeenartificiallyloweredtoproduceengineeredchannels.ThispaperreviewsworkwhichhasbeenundertakenintheUKFloodChannelFacility(FCF)overthepastdecade.TheACewasbuiltatHRWallingfordin1986,asalargescalenationalfacilityforhydraulicengineeringstUdies.T…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONThedrainagenetWorkisoneofimportantcomponentsinafluvialsyStem.Atypicalfluvialsystemiscomposedofthreezones,asSchumm(1977)pointedout,therunoffandsedimentyield,transportationandsettlingzones.Asearlyasinthemiddleofthiscent'Ury,Horton(1945)madeasignificantquantitativeexplanationtohydro-geomorphologyinadrainagenetworksystem,andderivednetworkstatisticslaws.Inthe1970'sSmart(1973)hadtopologicallystudiednetWorkstrUcture.Fromthe1980'sandonst'Udiesoffractalandfractionaldimensioninadra…  相似文献   

INON-EQUILIBRIUMMOVEMENTContinualexchangeremainsamongthebedmaterial,bedloadandsuspendedloadinariver.Thebedloadmovesonthebedsurfaceandjumpsinsteps.Itstransportrateperwidthvarieswithvaryingflowintensity;whilethesuspendedloadmoveswithalongstep,evenifthehydraulicfactorsbecomeweaker,itwillnotretUrntothebeduntilfinishingthefallingprocess.ThismeansthatahysteresisexistsbetWeenthechangeofthesuspendedsedimentmovementandflowvelocity.Foruniformandsteadyflow,thesedimentmovementkeepsinequilibriumi…  相似文献   

The 3D numerical model, ECOMSED (open source code), was used to simulate flow and sediment transport in rivers. The model has a long history of successful applications to oceanic, coastal and estuarine waters. Improvements in the advection scheme, treatment of river roughness parameterization and shear stress partitioning were necessary to reproduce realistic and comparable results in a river application. To account for the dynamics of the mobile bed boundary, a model for the bed load transport was included in the code. The model reproduced observed secondary currents, bed shear stress distribution and erosion-deposition patterns on a curved channel. The model also successfully predicted the general flow patterns and sediment transport characteristics of a 1-km long reach of the River Klar?lven, located in the north of the county of V?rmland, Sweden.  相似文献   

IINTRODUCTIONTheannualaverageruff-offinthewatershedoftheGongzuiReservoiris50billioncubicmeterswithanaveragesedimentloadof34.7milliontonsperyear.Finesedimentwithd,,=0'055mmcompose97%oftheiota]sedimentload.Theannualcoarsegravelpericleswithd,,=58.5mmisaboutonemilliontons.TheendofbackWateris38kmawayfromthedam.Thereservoirwasoriginallydesignedtoatotalstoragecapacityof374millioncubicmeters,inwhich102millioncubicmetersisregulationstoragecapacityand243millioncubicmetersis'dead'storagecapacityfo…  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONInthevastareaoftheYangtzeestuary,underthecommonactionofvariousfactors:suchastheconfluenceoftheYangtzeRiverwithth...  相似文献   

EmmmL STonY ON w^rs EareGY DlsSunnox AunCOIIES1VE SEDonT TRANSPORT 1N SirT COASTShaong HUl and Onyx WAI2Abstract:The interahon betwee the wave and fluld mud laye Plays an twrtan fOle in the develOPmen ofsilt coast. Sediment is essenhally transported in the form of rheological flow of mud laye unds thewave achon, and on the other hand, the fluid Inud layer dams the wave consfory. ms papestUdies the laws of wave energy dissiPation and mud bed deformhon, and the moveInen of…  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONBedloadtransportinsteadyuniformopenchannelflowhasbeenextensiVelystudied.Manyoftheformulasdevelopedforthepredictionofbedloadtransportinuniformopen-channelflowcanbebroughtinthefollowingform(ChienandWan,1983);ac=f(O)(l)xvhereacisthedimensionlessparameterofbedloadtranSPortandOisthedimensionlessparameterofflowintensity.TheseparametersaredefinedasfwheregsisthebedloadtranspoftratePerunitwidthindryweight;disthesedimentdiameter,Sisthebedslopeofthechannel;Rbisthehydraulicradiusdue…  相似文献   

The problem of sediment concentration distribution in a vertical for channel and pipe flows is studied in this paper. Considering the variation of the vertical component of the fluctuation velocity v as an independent variable, two types of sediment concentration distribution can be derived. However, only one type of distribution is commonly quoted while the other one rarely reported. In this paper explanation for such phenomena is given and conditions for the occurrence of both types are also discussed.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Large amounts of nutrients and contaminants such as trace metals are transported into large lakes frominflow rivers and then absorbed onto or associated with fine-grained sediment particles (Sheng and Lick,1979). The nutrients and contamina…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Man-induced sediment disasters result from sedimentation due to human activities. The sedimentation defined herein results from five fundamental processes: land use change, erosion, transport, deposition, and accumulation. The processes progress gradually or relatively rapidly on land surfaces whose geomorphologic features are affected by human activities. Man-induced sediment disasters affect four sediment conveyance types: drainage networks, slopes and gullies, channels, …  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONReservoirsedimentationisrecognizedasoneofthemainproblemsafectingtheeconomicsofmanywaterresourcesprojects.Manmad...  相似文献   


The helical flow significantly affects the flow, sediment transport and morphological evolution in curved channels. A semi-empirical formula is proposed to determine the cross-stream distribution of the helical flow intensity in the developed regions of a channel bend. It is then used to evaluate the dispersion terms in the depth-averaged 2-D momentum equations and suspended-load transport equation as well as the bed-load transport angle, thus enhancing the depth-averaged 2-D model to account for the effect of helical flow. The tests in several experimental and field cases show that the enhanced depth-averaged 2-D model can much more reasonably predict the shifting of main flow from inner bank to outer bank, the erosion along outer bank and deposition along inner bank than the depth-averaged 2-D model without considering this effect.  相似文献   

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