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Natural Hazards - Although climate change vulnerability research in general has increased over the last decade, Latin American countries have more directed more limited efforts toward vulnerability... 相似文献
The Panama coastal aquifer system is an important water resource in the southeast coast of Sri Lanka that provides adequate supplies of water for agriculture and domestic uses. One of the biggest threats to these fragile aquifers is the sea water intrusion. In this study, recharging mechanism and geochemical evaluation of groundwater in the coastal sandy aquifer of Panama were evaluated using chemical and stable isotope techniques. Thirty groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for their major ion concentrations and stable isotope ratios of oxygen ( 18O/ 16O) and hydrogen (D/H). All studied samples showed a ranking of major anions in the order Cl ? > HCO 3 ? > SO 4 2? > N-NO 3 ? while cations showed a decreasing order of abundance with Na + > Ca 2+ > Mg 2+ > K +. Dominant groundwater hydrogeochemical types were Na–Cl and mixed Ca–Mg–Cl. Results of saturation index calculations indicate that the investigated groundwater body was mostly saturated with respect to calcite, dolomite and gypsum. In addition, stable isotope and geochemical data suggest that fresh groundwater in the aquifer is recharged mainly by local precipitation with slight modification from evaporation and saline water intrusions. Isotope data suggest that mixing of salt water with freshwater occurs in aquifers which are located towards the lagoon. Since the communities in the study area depend entirely on groundwater, an understanding of the hydrogeochemical characteristics of the aquifer system is extremely important for the better water resource management in the region. 相似文献
The hydrogeochemical characteristics of the Cabo de Gata coastal aquifer (southeastern Spain) were studied in an attempt to explain the anomalous salinity of its groundwater. This detritic aquifer is characterised by the presence of waters with highly contrasting salinities; in some cases the salinity exceeds that of seawater. Multivariate analysis of water samples indicates two groups of water (G1 and G2). Group G1 is represented in the upper part of the aquifer, where the proportion of seawater varies between 10 and 60%, whilst G2 waters, taken from the lower part of the aquifer, contain 60−70% seawater. In addition, hydrogeochemical modelling was applied, which reveals that the waters have been subject to evaporation between 25 and 35%. There was a good agreement between the modelled results and the observed water chemistry. This evaporation would have occurred during the Holocene, in a coastal lagoon environment; the resulting brines would have infiltrated into the aquifer and, due to their greater density, sunk towards the impermeable base. The characteristics of this water enabled us to reconstruct the interactions that must have occurred between the coastal aquifer and the lagoon, and to identify the environmental conditions that prevailed in the study area during the Middle Holocene. 相似文献
Despite a recent increase in the number of vulnerability analyses there has been relatively little discussion of vulnerability
assessment of social–environment system, especially when they face multiple hazards. In this study, we developed an applicable
and convenient method to assess vulnerability of social–environment system at a regional scale. Vulnerability is quantified
by measuring three critical elements (i.e. hazards, sensitivity, and resilience) through some key variables. The results showed
that vulnerability is high in Miaofeng Mountain in Mengtougou District, the hills of Pinggu County and the riparian zones
of the lower courses of the Beiyun and Yongding Rivers; but low in the city of Beijing and the southwestern part of the Fangshan
District. Areas of very high, high, medium, and low-vulnerability account for 6.19, 25.48, 33.06, and 35.27% of the total
area, respectively. The degree of vulnerability decreases in a northwest direction in mountainous areas and declines from
watercourses to riparian zones along a lateral direction in the plain. Some adaptive strategies are also proposed. 相似文献
The coastal regions, deltas, and estuaries are severely affected by the sea level rise and cyclonic activities and climate changes. Sundarban delta is one of the most mysterious landscapes in the world, which has successively evolved due to sediment accumulation by the great Ganga and Brahmaputra river system. The area is characterized by low-lying islands and a flat topography coupled with macro-tidal activities, powerful surges, and seasonal cyclonic events. All these conditions put together this landscape defenseless to frequent flood and erosion. Since the last hundred years, the face of Sundarban has been changed remarkably from wildest to human-occupied territory by protecting this low-lying flat plain from tidal inundation through artificial embankment. In this background, the current study attempts to highlight the spatial extent and magnitudes of internal risk factors of the region using the composite vulnerability index. Coastal vulnerability defines a system’s openness to flood and erosion risk due to hydrogeomorphic exposures and socio-economic susceptibility in conjunction with its capacity/incapacity to be resilient and to cope, recover, or adapt to an extent. Coastal vulnerability assesses the potential risk from erosion and flooding of any low-lying coastal region due to its physiographical and hydrological exposures, socio-economic and political susceptibility, and resilience capacity. A natural system affects the socio-economic scenario of any region. Hence, multidimensional databases can be more effective to understand the extent of exposure, susceptibility, and resilience of any system. To throw some light on the situation of vulnerability of western estuarine Sundarban, between Muriganga and Saptamukhi interfluve, the composite vulnerability index has been carried out to delineate the magnitude and spatial extent of vulnerability with the help of quantitative techniques and geospatial tools. The estuarine tracts and coastal parts of the Ganga delta are two of the most densely populated areas in the world. The study highlights the critical situation of the population under different potential risk classes residing in the study area with the intention of suggesting some proper course of action of planning and management to conserve coastal communities in their original habitat. 相似文献
Identifying and analyzing the urban–rural differences of social vulnerability to natural hazards is imperative to ensure that urbanization develops in a way that lessens the impacts of disasters and generate building resilient livelihoods in China. Using data from the 2000 and 2010 population censuses, this study conducted an assessment of the social vulnerability index (SVI) by applying the projection pursuit cluster model. The temporal and spatial changes of social vulnerability in urban and rural areas were then examined during China’s rapid urbanization period. An index of urban–rural differences in social vulnerability (SVID) was derived, and the global and local Moran’s I of the SVID were calculated to assess the spatial variation and association between the urban and rural SVI. In order to fully determine the impacts of urbanization in relation to social vulnerability, a spatial autoregressive model and Bivariate Moran’s I between urbanization and SVI were both calculated. The urban and rural SVI both displayed a steadily decreasing trend from 2000 to 2010, although the urban SVI was always larger than the rural SVI in the same year. In 17.5% of the prefectures, the rural SVI was larger than the urban SVI in 2000, but was smaller than the urban SVI in 2010. About 12.6% of the urban areas in the prefectures became less vulnerable than rural areas over the study period, while in more than 51.73% of the prefectures the urban–rural SVI gap decreased over the same period. The SVID values in all prefectures had a significantly positive spatial autocorrelation and spatial clusters were apparent. Over time, social vulnerability to natural hazards at the prefecture-level displayed a gathering–scattering pattern across China. Though a regional variation of social vulnerability developed during China’s rapid urbanization, the overall trend was for a steady reduction in social vulnerability in both urban and rural areas. 相似文献
The rapid urbanization and industrialization of the Manouba plain (Northeastern Tunisia), the extensive agricultural expansion and the succession of dry years during recent decades have exerted greatly load on the water needs and lead to groundwater quality degradation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the processes controlling the groundwater mineralization of the shallow aquifer for determining its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. For establishing that, we combine several geological, hydrological and hydrochemical data with geostatistical techniques. The samples were collected at 17 sites covering 230 km 2 of the study area and analyzed for major and trace components. The total dissolved solid (TDS) content ranges from 1372 to 3999 mg/l. The results of Piper diagram indicate that Na +/Cl ? and Ca 2+?>?Na +/SO 4 2? were the main dominant water types localized in the sloping sides of the watershed and near the saline depression; the suitability for irrigation use was also evaluated. The high concentrations of nitrates and chlorides are indicators of anthropogenic pollution, like the agricultural over application of nitrogen fertilizers and the discharge of domestic and industrial wastewater. Saturation indexes calculated by using PHREEQC (USGS) program show that groundwaters are undersaturated with evaporitic minerals (halite, gypsum) and saturated with carbonates (calcite, aragonite). The use of principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis has shown that two main factors accounting 67.13% of the information of variability within the dataset confirm the existence of dissolution of evaporitic minerals and the mechanisms of nitrate increasing the salinity of the Manouba groundwater. 相似文献
The Mosha and North Tehran faults correspond to the nearest seismic sources for the northern part of the Tehran megacity. The present-day structural relationships and the kinematics of these two faults, especially at their junction in Lavasanat region, is still a matter of debate. In this paper, we present the results of a morphotectonic analysis (aerial photos and field investigations) within the central part of the Mosha and eastern part of the North Tehran faults between the Mosha valley and Tehran City. Our investigations show that, generally, the traces of activity do not follow the older traces corresponding to previous long-term dip–slip thrusting movements. The recent faulting mainly occurs on new traces trending E–W to ENE–WSW affecting Quaternary features (streams, ridges, risers, and young glacial markers) and cutting straight through the topography. Often defining en-echelon patterns (right- and left-stepping), these new traces correspond to steep faults with either north- or south-dipping directions, along which clear evidences for left-lateral strike–slip motion are found. At their junction zone, the two sinistral faults display a left-stepping en-echelon pattern defining a positive flower structure system clearly visible near Ira village. Further west, the left-lateral strike–slip motion is transferred along the ENE–WSW trending Niavaran fault and other faults. The cumulative offsets associated with this left-lateral deformation is small compared with the topography associated with the previous Late Tertiary thrusting motion, showing that it corresponds to a recent change of kinematics. 相似文献
In order to understand and mitigate the deterioration of water quality in the aquifer system underlying Guadalajara metropolitan area, an investigation was performed developing geochemical evolution models for assessment of groundwater chemical processes. The models helped not only to conceptualize the groundwater geochemistry, but also to evaluate the relative influence of anthropogenic inputs and natural sources of salinity to the groundwater. Mixing processes, ion exchange, water–rock–water interactions and nitrate pollution and denitrification were identified and confirmed using mass-balance models constraint by information on hydrogeology, groundwater chemistry, lithology and stability of geochemical phases. The water–rock interactions in the volcanic setting produced a dominant NaHCO 3 water type, followed by NaMgCaHCO 3 and NaCaHCO 3. For geochemical evolution modeling, flow sections were selected representing recharge and non-recharge processes and a variety of mixing conditions. Recharge processes are dominated by dissolution of soil CO 2 gas, calcite, gypsum, albite and biotite, and Ca/Na exchange. Non-recharge processes show that the production of carbonic acid and Ca/Na exchange are decreasing, while other minerals such as halite and amorphous SiO 2 are precipitated. The origin of nitrate pollution in groundwater are fertilizers in rural plots and wastewater and waste disposal in the urban area. This investigation may help water authorities to adequately address and manage groundwater contamination. 相似文献
Remote sensing is proving very useful for identifying damage and planning support activities after an earthquake has stricken. Radar sensors increasingly show their value as a tool for damage detection, due to their shape-sensitiveness, their extreme versatility and operability, all weather conditions. The previous work of our research group, conducted on 1-m resolution spotlight images produced by COSMO-SkyMed, has led to the discovery of a link between some selected texture measures, computed on radar maps over single blocks of an urban area, and the damage found in these neighbourhoods. Texture-to-damage correlation was used to develop a SAR-based damage assessment method, but significant residual within-class variability makes estimations sometimes unreliable. Among the possible remedies, the injection of physical vulnerability data into the model was suggested. The idea here is to do so while keeping all the sources of data in the EO domain, by estimating physical vulnerability from the observation of high-resolution optical data on the area of interest. Although preliminary results seem to suggest that no significant improvement can be directly obtained on classification accuracy, there appears to be some link between estimated damage and estimated accuracy on which to build a more refined version of the damage estimator. 相似文献
Landslide is a common hazard in the hilly regions, which causes heavy losses to life and properties every year. Since 1980, various researches and analyses have been carried out in the geographic information systems (GIS) environment to identify factors responsible for causing landslides. The important conditioning factors identified by the researchers are slope, geological, geomorphologic structures, and land use coupled with triggering factors like rainfall and a few of the anthropogenic activities. Almost all landslides vulnerability studies carried out so far used parameters of landslide events of the past as essential inputs and advanced methods like information value, regression analysis, fuzzy logic, etc. The present research is an attempt to investigate the landslide vulnerabilities in different slope areas with simple and realistic method of assignments of weights to the parameters based on experts?? opinion and generic logic, without using the parameters of past landslide events as inputs. The identified factors were assigned appropriate weights based on experts?? opinion and these weights were further balanced with respect to the Shannon??s entropy of their occurrences within the study area. The study area was finally classified into three zones namely least vulnerable zone, moderately vulnerable zone, and most vulnerable zone. When compared with the actual landslide history of the past, it was found that Shannon??s entropy applied zonation model matched to real landslide events with higher value of landslide density as compared to the model developed without Shannon??s entropy. 相似文献
Landslide hazard or susceptibility assessment is based on the selection of relevant factors which play a role on the slope instability, and it is assumed that landslides will occur at similar conditions to those in the past. The selected statistical method compares parametric maps with the landslide inventory map, and results are then extrapolated to the entire evaluated territory with a final product of landslide hazard or susceptibility map. Elements at risk are defined and analyzed in relation with landslide hazard, and their vulnerability is thus established. The landslide risk map presents risk scenarios and expected financial losses caused by landslides, and it utilizes prognoses and analyses arising from the landslide hazard map. However, especially the risk scenarios for future in a selected area have a significant importance, the literature generally consists of the landslide susceptibility assessment and papers which attempt to assess and construct the map of the landslide risk are not prevail. In the paper presented herein, landslide hazard and risk assessment using bivariate statistical analysis was applied in the landslide area between Hlohovec and Sered?? cities in the south-western Slovakia, and methodology for the risk assessment was explained in detail. 相似文献
Groundwater is a very important natural resource in Khanyounis Governorate (the study area) for water supply and development. Historically, the exploitation of aquifers in Khanyounis Governorate has been undertaken without proper concern for environmental impact. In view of the importance of quality groundwater, it might be expected that aquifer protection to prevent groundwater quality deterioration would have received due attention. In the long term, however, protection of groundwater resources is of direct practical importance because, once pollution of groundwater has been allowed to occur, the scale and persistence of such pollution makes restoration technically difficult and costly. In order to maintain basin aquifer as a source of water for the area, it is necessary to find out, whether certain locations in this groundwater basin are susceptible to receive and transmit contamination. This study aims to: (1) assess the vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination in Khanyounis governorate, (2) find out the groundwater vulnerable zones to contamination in the aquifer of the study area, and (3) provide a spatial analysis of the parameters and conditions under which groundwater may become contaminate. To achieve that, DRASTIC model within geographic information system (GIS) environment was applied. The model uses seven environmental parameters: depth of water table, net recharge, aquifer media, soil media, topography, impact of vadose zone, and hydraulic conductivity to evaluate aquifer vulnerability. Based on this model and by using ArcGIS 9.3 software, an attempt was made to create vulnerability maps for the study area. According to the DRASTIC model index, the study has shown that in the western part of the study area the vulnerability to contamination ranges between high and very high due to the relatively shallow water table with moderate to high recharge potential, and permeable soils. To the east of the previous part and in the south-eastern part, vulnerability to contamination is moderate. In the central and the eastern part, vulnerability to contamination is low due to depth of water table. Vulnerability analysis of the DRASTIC Model indicates that the highest risk of contamination of groundwater in the study area originates from the soil media. The impact of vadose zone, depth to water level, and hydraulic conductivity imply moderate risks of contamination, while net recharge, aquifer media, and topography impose a low risk of aquifer contamination. The coefficient of variation indicates that a high contribution to the variation of vulnerability index is made by the topography. Moderate contribution is made by the depth to water level, and net recharge, while impact of vadose zone, hydraulic conductivity, soil media, and Aquifer media are the least variable parameters. The low variability of the parameters implies a smaller contribution to the variation of the vulnerability index across the study area. Moreover, the “effective” weights of the DRASTIC parameters obtained in this study exhibited some deviation from that of the “theoretical” weights. Soil media and the impact of vadose zone were the most effective parameters in the vulnerability assessment because their mean “effective” weights were higher than their respective “theoretical” weights. The depth of water table showed that both “effective” and “theoretical” weights were equal. The rest of the parameters exhibit lower “effective” weights compared with the “theoretical” weights. This explains the importance of soil media and vadose layers in the DRASTIC model. Therefore, it is important to get the accurate and detailed information of these two specific parameters. The GIS technique has provided an efficient environment for analysis and high capabilities of handling large spatial data. Considering these results, DRASTIC model highlights as a useful tool that can be used by national authorities and decision makers especially in the agricultural areas applying chemicals and pesticides which are most likely to contaminate groundwater resources. 相似文献
The proposed flood mitigation measures in the Slovak Republic are subject of environmental impact assessment (EIA) process before its approval. The paper elaborates and demonstrates the application of the risk analysis method for evaluating alternatives, which is core in EIA. Risk analysis is an appropriate tool to determine the level of the risk of the proposed flood mitigation measures and through which it is possible to choose the alternative with the lowest level of risk for the environment. The article presents the application of the developed methodology based on universal matrix of risk analysis in ?iba village that is in existing flood risk. It analyses and discusses the results of the impact assessment from EIA practice in the Slovakia. The aim of the work is to improve existing qualitative and quantitative methods for assessing the impacts of proposed activities on the environment. Developed methodology stimulates creative approaches in searching of the best alternative to proposed activities (constructions) that are environmentally friendly. Innovation in this paper is presented by an implementation of universal matrix of risk analysis for flood mitigation measures (developed by the authors) for the purposes of EIA process. 相似文献
In this paper, a new methodology is developed for optimization of water and waste load allocation in reservoir–river systems considering the existing uncertainties in reservoir inflow, waste loads and water demands. A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model is used to optimize reservoir operation considering the inflow uncertainty, and another model called PSO-SA is developed and linked with the SDP model for optimizing water and waste load allocation in downstream river. In the PSO-SA model, a particle swarm optimization technique with a dynamic penalty function for handling the constraints is used to optimize water and waste load allocation policies. Also, a simulated annealing technique is utilized for determining the upper and lower bounds of constraints and objective function considering the existing uncertainties. As the proposed water and waste load allocation model has a considerable run-time, some powerful soft computing techniques, namely, Regression tree Induction (named M5P), fuzzy K-nearest neighbor, Bayesian network, support vector regression and an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system, are trained and validated using the results of the proposed methodology to develop real-time water and waste load allocation rules. To examine the efficiency and applicability of the methodology, it is applied to the Dez reservoir–river system in the south-western part of Iran. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to examine the possible natural sources of fluorides and boron in Silurian–Ordovician (S–O) aquifer system, as the anomaly of these elements has been distinguished in groundwater of western Estonia. Water–rock interactions, such as dissolution and leaching of the host rock, are considered to be the main source of high fluoride and boron concentrations in groundwater. Altogether 91 rock samples were analysed to determine if high F − and B levels in groundwater could be attributed to certain aquifer forming rock types. Fluorine and boron contents in limestones and dolomites vary from 100 to 500 mg/kg and 5 to 20 mg/kg, reaching up to 1,000 and 150 mg/kg in marlstones, respectively. K-bentonites, altered volcanic ash beds, are rich in fluorine (400–4,500 mg/kg) and boron (50–1,000 mg/kg). Thus, clay-rich sediments, providing ion-exchange and adsorption sites for F − and B, are the probable sources of both elements in S–O aquifer system in western Estonia. 相似文献