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The 1999 basaltic eruption of Shishaldin volcano (Alaska, USA) included both Strombolian and Subplinian activity, as well as a “pre-Subplinian” phase interpreted as the local coalescence within a long foam in the conduit. Although few visual observations were made of the eruption, a great deal of information regarding gas velocity, gas flux at the vent and plume height may be inferred by using acoustic recordings of the eruption. By relating acoustic power to gas velocity, a time series of gas velocity is calculated for the Subplinian and pre-Subplinian phases. These time series show trends in gas velocity that are interpreted as plumes or, for those signals lasting only a short time, thermals. The Subplinian phase is shown to be composed of a thermal followed by five plumes with a total expelled gas volume of .The initiation of the Subplinian activity is probably related to the arrival of a large overpressurised bubble close to the top of the magma column. A gradual increase in low-frequency (0.01–0.5 Hz) signal prior to this “trigger bubble” may be due to the rise of the bubble in the conduit. This delay corresponds to a reservoir located at ≈3.9 km below the surface, in good agreement with studies on other volcanoes.The presence of two thermal phases is also identified in the middle of the pre-Subplinian phase with a total gas release of and . Gas velocity at the vent is found to be and for the Subplinian plumes and the pre-Subplinian thermals respectively.The agreement is very good between estimates of the gas flux from modelling the plume height and those obtained from acoustic measurements, leading to a new method by which eruption physical parameters may be quantified. Furthermore, direct measurements of gas velocity can be used for better estimates of the flux released during the eruption.  相似文献   

Plinian plumes erupt with a bulk density greater than that of air, and depend upon air entrainment during their gas-thrust phase to become buoyant; if entrainment is insufficient, the column collapses into a potentially deadly pyroclastic flow. This study shows that strombolian ash plumes can be erupted in an initially buoyant state due to their extremely high initial gas content, and in such cases are thus impervious to column collapse. The high gas content is a consequence of decoupled gas rise in the conduit, in which particles are ultimately incidental. The relations between conduit gas flow, eruption style and plume density are explored here for strombolian scenarios and contrasted with conventional wisdom derived from plinian eruptions. Considering the inherent relation between gas content and initial plume density together with detailed measurements of plume velocities can help unravel ambiguities surrounding conduit processes, eruption styles and hazards at poorly understood volcanoes. Analysis of plume dynamics at Santiaguito volcano, Guatemala adds further support for a model involving decoupled gas rise in the conduit.  相似文献   

A model for sedimentation from turbulent suspensions predicts that tephra concentration decreases exponentially with time in an ascending volcanic column and in the overlying umbrella cloud. For grain-size distributions typical of plinian eruptions application of the model predicts for thickness variations in good agreement with the exponential thinning observed in tephra fall deposits. The model also predicts a proximal region where fallout from the plume margins results in a more rapid decrease in thickness so that the deposit shows two segments on a thickness versus distance plot. Several examples of deposits with two segments are known. The distance at which the two segments intersect is a measure of eruption column height. The thickness half-distance ( equivalent to the dispersal index of Walker) is strongly correlated with column height, but is also weakly dependent on grain-size distribution of the ejecta. For a dispersal index of 500 km2 (the plinian/subplinian boundary of Walker) column heights between 14 and 18 km are calculated. For ultraplinian deposits with D>50000 km2 column heights of at least 45 km are implied. Model grain-size distributions of the deposits have sorting values comparable to those observed in tephra fall deposits formed from eruption columns in a weak or negligible cross-wind. Median diameter decreases exponentially with distance as is observed. Sorting () improves with distance as is observed in plinian deposits in a weak wind. However, tephra fall deposits formed in strong winds do not show improved sorting with distance and proximal deposits are typically somewhat better sorted than the model calculations. Differences are attributed to the influence of wind which disperses particles further than predicted in our model and which has an increasing influence as particle size decreases.  相似文献   

Explosive eruptions associated with tephra deposits that are only exposed in proximal areas are difficult to characterize. In fact, the determination of physical parameters such as column height, mass eruption rate, erupted volume, and eruption duration is mainly based on empirical models and is therefore very sensitive to the quality of the field data collected. We have applied and compared different modeling approaches for the characterization of the two main tephra deposits, the Lower Pumice (LP) and Upper Pumice (UP) of Nisyros volcano, Greece, which are exposed only within 5 km of the probable vent. Isopach and isopleth maps were compiled for two possible vent locations (on the north and on the south rim of the caldera), and different models were applied to calculate the column height, the erupted volume, and the mass eruption rate. We found a column height of about 15 km above sea level and a mass eruption rate of about 2 × 107 kg/s for both eruptions regardless of the vent location considered. In contrast, the associated wind velocity for both UP and LP varied between 0 and 20 m/s for the north and south vent, respectively. The derived erupted volume for the south vent (considered as the best vent location) ranges between 2 and 27 × 108 m3 for the LP and between 1 and 5 × 108 m3 for the UP based on the application of four different methods (integration of exponential fit based on one isopach line, integration of exponential and power-law fit based on two isopach lines, and an inversion technique combined with an advection–diffusion model). The eruption that produced the UP could be classified as subplinian. Discrepancies associated with different vent locations are smaller than the discrepancies associated with the use of different models for the determination of erupted mass, plume height, and mass eruption rate. Proximal outcrops are predominantly coarse grained with ≥90 wt% of the clasts ranging between −6ϕ and 0ϕ. The associated total grainsize distribution is considered to result from a combination of turbulent fallout from both the plume margins and the umbrella region, and as a result, it is fines-depleted. Given that primary deposit thickness observed on Nisyros for both LP and UP is between 1 and 8 m, if an event of similar scale were to happen again, it would have a significant impact on the entire island with major damage to infrastructure, agriculture, and tourism. Neighboring islands and the continent could also be significantly affected.  相似文献   

Sedimentation of ejecta from volcanic plumes has been studied as a function of distance from the source in the Fogo A plinian deposit, Sao Miguel, Azores. The Fogo A trachytic pumice deposit is reversely graded and can be divided into two parts on the basis of pumice colour, abundance of syenite accessory lithic clasts and distribution. The lower syenite-poor part was dispersed to the south and was clearly influenced by wind. The upper syenite-rich part is coarsegrained and has a nearly symmetrical distribution around the vent. Elongation of isopachs to the east indicate a weak wind influence. The grain-size variations of lithic and crystal components in the upper coarse part were studied. Total accumulation and accumulation per unit area (expressed in kg/m2) show good fits to a gaussian function at distances greater than 7 km for grain diameters less than 2 cm. These results agree with a theoretical model for a radially spreading turbulent current moving over a quiescent fluid. The gaussian coefficient is shown to be a function of grain size and the flow rate of material into the umbrella region of the eruption column. The coefficient is therefore also a function of column height. The column height deduced from these data is 21 km, which is in broad agrrement with the column height of 27 km deduced from maximum clast dispersal using the method of Carey and Sparks (1986). The accumulation of clasts larger than 2 cm agrees with a theory for the fallout of clasts from the margins of the ascending eruption column, which treats the plume as a succession of large eddies that decrease their mass of particles as an exponential function of time. Calculations are also presented for the influence of the radial inflow of surrounding air into the column on the deposition of clasts. These calculations constrain the wind speed during the later part of the Fogo A eruption to be at most a few metres per second. The study has allowed four different dynamic categories of clast behaviour to be recognised in eruption columns.  相似文献   

The dynamics and thermodynamics of large ash flows   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
 Ash flow deposits, containing up to 1000 km3 of material, have been produced by some of the largest volcanic eruptions known. Ash flows propagate several tens of kilometres from their source vents, produce extensive blankets of ash and are able to surmount topographic barriers hundreds of metres high. We present and test a new model of the motion of such flows as they propagate over a near horizontal surface from a collapsing fountain above a volcanic vent. The model predicts that for a given eruption rate, either a slow (10–100 m/s) and deep (1000–3000 m) subcritical flow or a fast (100–200 m/s) and shallow (500–1000 m) supercritical flow may develop. Subcritical ash flows propagate with a nearly constant volume flux, whereas supercritical flows entrain air and become progressively more voluminous. The run-out distance of such ash flows is controlled largely by the mass of air mixed into the collapsing fountain, the degree of fragmentation and the associated rate of loss of material into an underlying concentrated depositional system, and the mass eruption rate. However, in supercritical flows, the continued entrainment of air exerts a further important control on the flow evolution. Model predictions show that the run-out distance decreases with the mass of air entrained into the flow. Also, the mass of ash which may ascend from the flow into a buoyant coignimbrite cloud increases as more air is entrained into the flow. As a result, supercritical ash flows typically have shorter runout distances and more ash is elutriated into the associated coignimbrite eruption columns. We also show that one-dimensional, channellized ash flows typically propagate further than their radially spreading counterparts. As a Plinian eruption proceeds, the erupted mass flux often increases, leading to column collapse and the formation of pumiceous ash flows. Near the critical conditions for eruption column collapse, the flows are shed from high fountains which entrain large quantities of air per unit mass. Our model suggests that this will lead to relatively short ash flows with much of the erupted material being elutriated into the coignimbrite column. However, if the mass flux subseqently increases, then less air per unit mass is entrained into the collapsing fountain, and progressively larger flows, which propagate further from the vent, will develop. Our model is consistent with observations of a number of pyroclastic flow deposits, including the 1912 eruption of Katmai and the 1991 eruption of Pinatubo. The model suggests that many extensive flow sheets were emplaced from eruptions with mass fluxes of 109–1010 kg/s over periods of 103–105 s, and that some indicators of flow "mobility" may need to be reinterpreted. Furthermore, in accordance with observations, the model predicts that the coignimbrite eruption columns produced from such ash flows rose between 20 and 40 km. Received: 25 August 1995 / Accepted: 3 April 1996  相似文献   

From August to October, 1976, La Soufrière de Guadeloupe was observed, and recorded with an automated sequence camera and numerous handheld cameras. During the period of observation, the nature of volcanic activity ranged from mild steam emission to moderately energetic phreatic eruptions. Background fumarolic activity (steam emission) was characterized by the emission of generally tephra-free steam clouds 50 to 150 m above the summit. The clouds rose buoyantly above the vent and were blown downwind at prevailing wind velocities. Phreatic eruptions were well-documented on September 22, October 2, and October 4. In the latter two eruptions, small bursts of tephra-laden steam erupted at intervals of 30 to 45 min, and rose from 350 to 500 m above the summit. In the largest observed eruption, that of October 2, the steam and tephra cloud rose to a maximum height of 600 to 650 m in 20 min. A white vapor cloud and a medium gray, tephra-laden cloud were erupted simultaneously from the summit vent and both were surrounded by a vapor collar: the clouds were thoroughly mixed within 1 km downwind of the summit. The concurrent growth of clouds from separate vents (summit and flank) implies a common source. Simultaneous eruption of tephra-free and tephra-laden clouds from the same vent is puzzling and implies: (i) lateral changes in the degree of alteration of dome rocks along the elongate vent, hence erodability of the dome lavas, or (ii) differences in the gas velocities. These «mixed» clouds moved westward, downwind and downslope as a density current, along the watersheds of the R. Noire and R. des Pères with an approximate velocity of 10 to 25 m/sec. Upon reaching the sea the clouds continued to move forward, but at a decreased velocity, and spread laterally, having left behind the restrictions of valley walls. A thin gray veneer of moist tephra, ranging from several cm thick near the dome to less than 1 mm thick several km downwind, was deposited along a narrow corridor southwest of the summit. Tephra from the phreatic eruptions consisted mostly of hydrothermally altered lithic, mineral, and glass fragments derived from dome lavas; no fresh (juvenile) pyroclasts were present in the tephra. Absence of juvenile tephra at La Soufrière supports the view that activity was due to groundwater circulating in a vapor-dominated geothermal system, probably driven by a shallow heat source. At La Soufrière, most vapor-dominated systems are located in elevated areas of groundwater recharge where groundwater movement is downward and outward. The sporadic phreatic eruptions may be related to the rate of recharge of meteoric waters within the dome, the decrease in pore pressure during fortnightly tidal minimums or both. Whatever the triggering mechanism, vapor-dominated fluids eroded vent walls during phreatic eruptions and carried out fine-grained, hydrothermally altered, pre-existing dome material as tephra.  相似文献   

This paper presents a one-dimensional steady-state model to investigate the sensitivity of the dynamics of sustained eruption columns to radius variations with height due to thermal expansion of the entrained air, and decreases in atmospheric pressure with height. In contrast to a number of previous models using an equation known as the entrainment assumption, the new model is based on similarity arguments to derive an equation set equivalent to the model proposed by Woods [Bull Volcanol 50:169–193, 1988]. This approach allows investigation of the effect of gas compressibility on the entrainment rate of ambient air, which has been little examined for a system in which a decrease in pressure significantly affects the density stratification of a compressible fluid. The new model provides results that include two end members: one in which the volume change within the eruption columns affects only the radial expansion without changing the vertical motion, and the other is the converse. The Woods [Bull Volcanol 50:169–193, 1988] model can be regarded as being between those two end members. The range of uncertainty arises because the extremely high temperature of discharged materials from a volcanic vent, and the exceptional terminal height of the eruption columns, allow significant expansion of the gas component in the eruption columns, making them behave differently from common turbulent plumes. This study indicates that the maximum height of the eruption columns is affected considerably by this uncertainty, particularly when the eruption columns extend above a height of 10 km, at which the pressure is about one-fourth the pressure at the ground surface. Column collapse may also be suppressed in wider parameter ranges than previously estimated. However, the uncertainty can be reduced by measuring column radii through a vertical profile during actual volcanic eruptions. Accordingly, this paper suggests that appropriate observation of eruption column shapes is essential for improving our understanding of the dynamics of eruption columns.  相似文献   

A theoretical model of clast fallout from convective eruption columns has been developed which quantifies how the maximum clast size dispersal is determined by column height and wind strength. An eruption column consists of a buoyant convecting region which rises to a heightH B where the column density equals that of the atmosphere. AboveH B the column rises further to a heightH T due to excess momentum. BetweenH T andH B the column is forced laterally into the atmosphere to form an upper umbrella region. Within the eruption column, the vertical and horizontal velocity fields can be calculated from exprimental and theoretical studies and consideration of mass continuity. The centreline vertical velocity falls as a nearly linear function over most of the column's height and the velocity decreases as a gaussian function radially away from the centreline. Both column height and vertical velocity are strong functions of magma discharge rate. From calculations of the velocity field and the terminal fall velocity of clasts, a series of particle support envelopes has been constructed which represents positions where the column vertical velocity and terminal velocity are equal for a clast of specific size and density. The maximum range of a clast is determined in the absence of wind by the maximum width of the clast support envelope.The trajectories of clasts leaving their relevant support envelope at its maximum width have been modelled in columns from 6 to 43 km high with no wind and in a wind field. From these calculations the shapes and areas of maximum grain size contours of the air-fall deposit have been predicted. For the no wind case the theoretical isopleths show good agreement with the Fogo A plinian deposit in the Azores. A diagram has been constructed which plots, for a particular clast size, the maximum range normal to the dispersal axis against the downward range. From the diagram the column height (and hence magma discharge rate) and wind velocity can be determined. Historic plinian eruptions of Santa Maria (1902) and Mount St. Helens (1980) give maximum heights of 34 and 19 km respectively and maximum wind speeds at the tropopause of m/s and 30 m/s respectively. Both estimates are in good agreement with observations. The model has been applied to a number of other plinian deposits, including the ultraplinian phase of theA.D. 180 Taupo eruption in New Zealand which had an estimated column height of 51 km and wind velocity of 27 m/s.  相似文献   

The heights of lava fountains formed in Hawaiian-style eruptions are controlled by magma gas content, volume flux and the amounts of lava re-entrainment and gas bubble coalescence. Theoretical models of lava fountaining are used to analyse data on lava fountain height variations collected during the 1983–1986 Pu'u 'O'o vent of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii. The results show that the variable fountain heights can be largely explained by the impact of variations in volume flux and amount of lava re-entrainment on erupting magmas with a constant gas content of 0.32 wt.% H2O. However, the gas content of the magma apparently declined by 0.05 wt.% during the last 10 episodes of the eruption series and this decline is attributed to more extensive pre-eruption degassing due to a shallowing of the sub-vent feeder dike. It is concluded that variations in lava fountain height cannot be simply interpreted as variations in gas content, as has previously been suggested, but that fountain height can still be a useful guide to minimum gas contents. Where sufficient data are available on eruptive volume fluxes and extent of lava entrainment, greatly improved estimates can be made of magma gas content from lava fountain height.  相似文献   

Utilizing historical accounts, field mapping, and photogeology, this paper presents a chronology of, and an analysis of magma transport during, the December 1919 to August 1920 satellitic shield eruption of Mauna Iki on the SW rift zone of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. The eruption can be divided into four stages based on the nature of the eruptive activity. Stage 1 consisted of the shallow injection of a dike from the summit region to the eventual eruption site 10 km downrift. During stage 2, a low ridge of pahoehoe formed in the vent area; later a large a'a flow broke out of this ridge and flowed 8.5 km SW at an average flow front velocity of 0.5 km/day. The eruption continued until mid-August producing almost exclusively pahoehoe, first as gas-rich overflows from a lava pond (stage 3), and later as denser tube-fed lava (stage 4) that reached almost 8 km from the vent at an average flow-front velocity of 0.1 km/day. Magma transport during the Mauna Iki eruption is examined using three criteria: (1) eruption characteristics and volumetric flow rates; (2) changes in the surface height of the Halemaumau lava lake; and (3) tilt measurements made at the summit of Kilauea. We find good correlation between Halemaumau lake activity and the eruptive stages. Additionally, the E-W component of summit tilt tended to mimic the lake activity. The N-S component, however, did not. Multiple storage zones in the shallow summit region probably accounted for the decoupling of E-W and N-S tilt components. Analysis of these criteria shows that at different times during the eruption, magma was either emplaced into the volcano without eruption, hydraulically drained from Halemaumau to Mauna Iki, or fed at steady-state conditions from summit storage to Mauna Iki. Volume calculations indicate that the supply rate to Kilauea during the eruption was around 3 m3/s, similar to that calculated during the Mauna Ulu and Kupaianaha shield-building eruptions, and consistent with previously determined values of long-term supply to Kilauea.  相似文献   

The tephra fallout from the 12–15 August 1991 explosive eruption of Hudson volcano (Cordillera de los Andes, 45°54 S-72°58 W; Chile) was dispersed on a narrow, elongated ESE sector of Patagonia, covering an area (on land) of more than 100 000 km2. The elongated shape of the deposit, together with the relatively coarse mean and median values of the particles at a considerable distance from the vent, were the result of strong winds blowing to the southeast during the eruption. The thickness of the fall deposit decreases up to 250 km ESE from Hudson volcano, where it begins to thicken again. Secondary maxima are well developed at approximately 500 km from the vent. Secondary maxima, together with grainsize bimodality in individual layers and in the bulk deposit suggest that particle aggregation played an important role in tephra sedimentation. The fallout deposit is well stratified, with alternating fine-grained and coarsegrained layers, which is probably a result of strong eruptive pulses followed by relatively calm periods and/or changes in the eruptive style from plinian to phreatoplinian. The tephra is mostly composed of juvenile material: the coarse mode (mostly pumice) shifts to finer sizes with distance from the volcano; the fine mode (mostly glass shards) is always about 5/6 phi. Glass shards and pumice are mostly light gray to colorless. However, considerable amounts of dark, poorly vesiculated, blocky shards, suggest a hydromagmatic component in the eruption. A land-based tephra volume of 4.35 km3 was estimated, and a total volume of 7.6 km3 arose from an extrapolation, which took into account the probable volume sedimented in the sea. Bulk density ranges from 0.9 to 1.10 gr/cm3 (beyond 110 km from the vent). Rather uniform density values measured in crushed samples (2.45–2.50 gr/cm3 at all distances from the vent) reveal a relatively homogeneous composition. Mean and median sizes decrease rapidly up to 270 km from the vent; beyond that point they are more or less constant, whereas the maximum size (1 phi) shows a steady decrease up to 550 km. A concomitant improvement in sorting is observed. This is attributed to sorting due to wind transport combined with particle aggregation at different times and distances from the vent. The Hudson tephra fallout shares some strikingly similar features with the Mount St. Helens (18 May 1980) and Quizapu (1932) eruptions.  相似文献   

The dimensions and dynamics of volcanic eruption columns   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
Eruption columns can be divided into three regimes of physical behaviour. The basal gas thrust region is characterized by large velocities and decelerations and is dominated by momentum. This region is typically a few hundred metres in height and passes upwards into a much higher convective region where buoyancy is dominant. The top of the convective region is defined by the level of neutral density (heightH B ) where the column has a bulk density equal to the surrounding atmosphere. Above this level the column continues to ascend to a heightH T due to its momentum. The column spreads horizontally and radially outwards between heightH T andH B to form an umbrella cloud. Numerical calculations are presented on the shape of eruption columns and on the relationships between the heightH B and the mass discharge rate of magma, magma temperature and atmospheric temperature gradients. Spreading rate of the column margins increases with height principally due to the decrease in the atmospheric pressure. The relationship between column height and mass discharge rate shows good agreement with observations. The temperature inversion above the tropopause is found to only have a small influence on column height and, eruptions with large discharge rates can inject material to substantially greater heights than the inversion level. Approximate calculations on the variation of convective velocities with height are consistent with field data and indicate that columns typically ascend at velocities from a few tens to over 200 m/s. In very large columns (greater than 30 km) the calculated convective velocities approach the speed of sound in air, suggesting that compressibility effects may become important in giant columns. Radial velocities in the umbrella region where the column is forced laterally into the atmosphere can be substantial and exceed 55 m/s in the case of the May 18th Mount St. Helens eruption. Calculations on motions in this region imply that it plays a major role in the transport of coarse pyroclastic fragments.  相似文献   

Pyroclastic flow emplacement is strongly influenced by eruption column height. A surface along which kinetic energy is zero theoretically connects the loci of eruption column collapse with all coeval ignimbrite termini. This surface is reconstructed as a two-dimensional energy line for the 1912 Katmai pyroclastic flow in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes from mapped flow termini and the runup of the ignimbrite onto obstructions and through passes. Extrapolation of the energy line to the vicinity of the source vent at Novarupta suggests the eruption column which generated the ignimbrite eruption was approximately 425 m high. The 1912 pyroclastic flow travelled about 25 km downvalley. Empirical velocity data calculated from runup elevations and surveyed centrifugal superelevations indicate initial velocities near Novarupta were greater than 79–88 m s–1. The flow progressively decelerated and was travelling only 2–8 m s–1 when it crossed a moraine 16 km downvalley. The constant slope of the energy line away from Novarupta suggests the flow was systematically slowed by internal and basal friction. Using a simple physical model to calculate flow velocities and a constant kinetic friction coefficient (Heim coefficient) of 0.04 derived from the reconstructed energy line, the flow is estimated to have decelerated at an average rate of –0.16 m s–2 and to have taken approximately 9.5 minutes to travel 25 km down the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. The shear strength of the flowing ignimbrite at the moraine was approximately 0.5 kPa, and its Bingham viscosity when it crossed the moraine was 3.5 × 103 P. If the flow was Newtonian, its viscosity was 4.2 × 103 P. Reynolds and Froude numbers at the moraine were only 41–62 and 0.84–1.04, respectively, indicating laminar, subcritical flow.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of gas and steam-blast eruptions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Eruptions of gas or steam and non-juvenile debris are common in volcanic and hydrothermal areas. From reports of non-juvenile eruptions or eruptive sequences world-wide, at least three types (or end-members) can be identified: (1) those involving rock and liquid water initially at boiling-point temperatures (boiling-point eruptions); (2) those powered by gas (primarily water vapor) at initial temperatures approaching magmatic (gas eruptions); and (3) those caused by rapid mixing of hot rock and ground- or surface water (mixing eruptions). For these eruption types, the mechanical energy released, final temperatures, liquid water contents and maximum theoretical velocities are compared by assuming that the erupting mixtures of rock and fluid thermally equilibrate, then decompress isentropically from initial, near-surface pressure (10 MPa) to atmospheric pressure. Maximum mechanical energy release is by far greatest for gas eruptions (1.3 MJ/kg of fluid-rock mixture)-about one-half that of an equivalent mass of gunpowder and one-fourth that of TNT. It is somewhat less for mixing eruptions (0.4 MJ/kg), and least for boiling-point eruptions (0.25 MJ/kg). The final water contents of crupted boiling-point mixtures are usually high, producing wet, sloppy deposits. Final erupted mixtures from gas eruptions are nearly always dry, whereas those from mixing eruptions vary from wet to dry. If all the enthalpy released in the eruptions were converted to kinetic energy, the final velocity (v max) of these mixtures could range up to 670 m/s for boiling-point eruptions and 1820 m/s for gas eruptions (highest for high initial pressure and mass fractions of rock (m r) near zero). For mixing eruptions, v max ranges up to 1150 m/s. All observed eruption velocities are less than 400 m/s, largely because (1) most solid material is expelled when m r is high, hence v max is low; (2) observations are made of large blocks the velocities of which may be less than the average for the mixture; (3) heat from solid particles is not efficiently transferred to the fluid during the eruptions; and (4) maximum velocities are reduced by choked flow or friction in the conduit.  相似文献   

White Island is an active andesitic-dacitic composite volcano surrounded by sea, yet isolated from sea water by chemically sealed zones that confine a long-lived acidic hydrothermal system, within a thick sequence of fine-grained volcaniclastic sediment and ash. The rise of at least 106 m3 of basic andesite magma to shallow levels and its interaction with the hydrothermal system resulted in the longest historical eruption sequence at White Island in 1976–1982. About 107 m3 of mixed lithic and juvenile ejecta was erupted, accompanied by collapse to form two coalescing maar-like craters. Vent position within the craters changed 5 times during the eruption, but the vents were repeatedly re-established along a line linking pre-1976 vents. The eruption sequence consisted of seven alternating phases of phreatomagmatic and Strombolian volcanism. Strombolian eruptions were preceded and followed by mildly explosive degassing and production of incandescent, blocky juvenile ash from the margins of the magma body. Phreatomagmatic phases contained two styles of activity: (a) near-continuous emission of gas and ash and (b) discrete explosions followed by prolonged quiescence. The near-continuous activity reculted from streaming of magmatic volatiles and phreatic steam through open conduits, frittering juvennile shards from the margins of the magma and eroding loose lithic particles from the unconsolidated wall rock. The larger discrete explosions produced ballistic block aprons, downwind lobes of fall tephra, and cohesive wet surge deposits confined to the main crater. The key features of the larger explosions were their shallow focus, random occurrence and lack of precursors, and the thermal heterogeneity of the ejecta. This White Island eruption was unusual because of the low discharge rate of magma over an extended time period and because of the influence of a unique physical and hydrological setting. The low rate of magma rise led to very effective separation of magmatic volatiles and high fluxes of magmatic gas even during phreatic phases of the eruption. While true Strombolian phases did occur, more frequently the decoupled magmatic gas rose to interact with the conduit walls and hydrothermal system, producing phreatomagmatic eruptions. The form of these wet explosions was governed by a delicate balance between erosion and collapse of the weak conduit walls. If the walls were relatively stable, fine ash was slowly eroded and erupted in weak, near-continous phreatomagmatic events. When the walls were unstable, wall collapse triggered larger discrete phreatomagmatic explosions.  相似文献   

The Pu'u 'O'o-Kupaianaha eruption (1983-present) is the longest lived rift eruption of either Kilauea or neighboring Mauna Loa in recorded history. The initial fissure opening in January 1983 was followed by three years of episodic fire fountaining at the Pu'u 'O'o vent on Kilauea's east rift zone 19km from the summit (episodes 4–47). These spectacular events gave way in July 1986 to five and a half years of nearcontinuous, low-level effusion from the Kupaianaha vent, 3km to the cast (episode 48). A 49th episode began in November 1991 with the opening of a new fissure between Pu'u 'O'o and Kupaianaha. this three week long outburst heralded an era of more erratic eruptive behavior characterized by the shut down of Kupaianaha in February 1992 and subsequent intermittent eruption from vents on the west flank of Pu'u 'O'o (episodes 50 and 51). The events occurring over this period are due to progressive shrinkage of the rift-zone reservoir beneath the eruption site, and had limited impact on eruption temperatures and lava composition.  相似文献   

In the great January 1835 eruption of Cosigüina volcano, Nicaragua, andesitic magma and lithic material were erupted over a period of at least three days. Proximal facies consist of clastogenic lava, scoria-fall, and lithic ash-fall produced by phreatomagmatic to vulcanian or plinian activity, together with surge deposits and lithic block-falls. Pyroclastic flow deposits covered some flanks of the volcano and entered the sea in the Gulf of Fonseca. Little record exists of the distal ash-fall, thus the total bulk volume erupted can only be roughly constrained to 2.9–5.6 km3. Furthermore, the amount of juvenile material is thought to be small. A recent study of volatiles in 1835 scoria suggests sulfur release from the magma was negligible. This reappraisal indicates that the Cosigüina eruption probably had little global climatic impact. Despite its violent nature, the magnitude of the eruption was modest. The eruption occurred too late to initiate the Northern Hemisphere cooling trend form 1828–1836. Dry fogs and other atmospheric optical phenomena usually observed after eruptions that contribute significantly to the stratospheric aerosol burden were not recorded after 1835.  相似文献   

The April 1906 eruption of Vesuvius is the type-example of the final eruptions that close the short cycles of semi-persistent activity that characterized the volcano in the 1631–1944 period. The eruption had a marked explosive character that accompanied the emission of lava from several vents on the southern slopes of the volcano. The observed sequence of events was characterized by repeated fluctuations of the magma level within the conduit, by large lava fountains, by conduit partial collapses, and by the final explosive decapitation of the summit cone. Contemporary chronicles, although frequently contradictory, allow reconstruction of the eruption, which can be divided into four main phases: (1) lateral lava effusions; (2) lava fountains; (3) gas-pyroclasts column; (4) low dense clouds. Pyroclastic deposits of the Monte Somma ridge and northeastern slope can be related to observed and described events and mainly refer to the 2nd and 3rd phases. The increase in the degree of fragmentation of the juvenile component together with the marked increase of the lithic component and morphologic evidence emphasize the repeated occurrence of magmawater interaction. This was most spectacular in the 3rd phase of the eruption in which, after the decapitation of the cone, a high gas-pyroclasts eruption column was formed. Because of the nature of the lithic fragments (mainly hydrothermally altered and metasomatic rocks), the huge amount of steam, and the high lithic/juvenile ratio, it is unlikely that the largest part of the energy in play was related to the contact between magma and cold phreatic water. We suggest that most of the steam involved in this phase of the eruption came from flashing of the hydrothermal system connected to the very shallow feeding system of the volcano and formed as a consequence of repeated subsurface intrusions between 1872 and 1906. Juvenile products were ejected through the eruption, and represent (at least) two different magma bodies: the first (older) was erupted during the initial phase of the eruption and was exhausted at the beginning of the lava fountains phase, when fresh magma was involved in the eruption.  相似文献   

Volcán Quizapu,Chilean Andes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quizapu is a flank vent of the basalt-to-rhyodacite Holocene stratocone, Cerro Azul, and lies at the focus of a complex Quaternary volcanic field on the Andean volcanic front. The Quizapu vent originated in 1846 when 5 km3 of hornblende-dacite magma erupted effusively with little accompanying tephra. Between 1907 and 1932, phreatic and strombolian activity reamed out a deep crater, from which 4 km3 of dacite magma identical to that of 1846 fed the great plinian event of 10–11 April 1932. Although a total of >9 km3 of magma was thus released in 86 years, there is no discernible subsidence. As the pre-plinian crater was lined by massive lavas, 1932 enlargement was limited and the total plinian deposit contains only 0.4 wt % lithics. Areas of 5-cm and 1-cm isopachs for compacted 1932 fallout are about half of those estimated in the 1930's, yielding a revised ejecta volume of 9.5 km3. A strong inflection near the 10-cm isopach (downwind 110 km) on a plot of log Thickness vs Area1/2 reflects slow settling of fine plinian ash — not of coignimbrite ash, as the volume of pyroclastic flows was trivial (<0.01 km3). About 17 vol.% of the fallout lies beyond the 1-cm isopach, and 82 wt% of the ejecta are finer than 1 mm. A least 18 hours of steady plinian activity produced an exceptionally uniform fall deposit. Observed column height (27–30 km) and average mass eruption rate (1.5x108 kg/s) compare well with values for height and peak intensity calculated from published eruption models. The progressive aeolian fractionation of downwind ash (for which Quizapu is widely cited) is complicated by the large compositional range of 1932 juvenile pumice (52–70% SiO2). The eruption began with andesitic scoria and ended with basaltic scoria, but >95% of the ejecta are dacitic pumice (67–68% SiO2); minor andesitic scoria and frothier rhyodacite pumice (70% SiO2) accompanied the dominant dacite. Phenocrysts (pl>hbopx>mt>ilmcpx) are similar in both abundance and composition in the 1846 (effusive) and 1932 (plinian) dacites. Despite the contrast in mode of eruption, bulk compositions are also indistinguishable. The only difference so far identified is a lower range of D values for 1846 hornblende, consistent with pre-eruptive degassing of the effusive batch.  相似文献   

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