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The slope instability is associated with increasing rate of rainfall infiltration which cause shear strength reduction and suction loss and the slope tend to fa...  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration on a soil slope is usually an unsaturated seepage process that can be described by a water-air two-phase flow model. The effect of pore air pressure on rainfall infiltration has been widely recognized and validated by means of numerical simulations and laboratory experiments. However, whether a slope can actually seal pore air continues to be debated by researchers. In this study, a water-air two-phase flow model is used to simulate the rainfall infiltration process on a soil slope, and a field experiment is conducted to realistically test the sealing conditions of a slope. According to the numerical simulation, the areas of water and air flow in and out on the slope surface are relatively stable and can be classified as the "inhalation zone" and "overflow zone", respectively. Intermittent rainfall on the soil slope has an amplifying effect on pore air pressure because rainfall intensity is usually at the millimeter level, and it causes pore air pressure to reach the cm level. A field experiment was performed to determine whether a slope can realistically seal pore air and subsequently verify the regularity of rainfall infiltration. Air pressure sensors were buried in the slope to monitor the pore air pressures during the rainfall process. The monitoring results show that the pore air pressure in the slope changed, which indicates that the slope can seal air. Moreover, the amplification effects of intermittent rainfall on pore air pressure were observed for natural rainfall, which agrees well with the numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

含优势渗流层边坡在降雨入渗的作用下其渗流场往往具有较高的不确定性,这给边坡的稳定性评价带来困难,通常采用概率的方法解决此类问题。针对含优势渗流层边坡降雨入渗下的可靠度问题,通过将应力分析中的点估计-有限元法引入到边坡渗流-稳定性分析,提出了考虑优势渗流层渗透特性不确定性的渗流概率分析和边坡可靠度分析方法;其次以广西某含碎石夹层土坡为例,分析了降雨入渗下碎石夹层的优势渗流效应及渗流概率,并基于此开展了该边坡降雨入渗下的可靠度分析。结果表明:①含优势渗流层边坡雨水沿优势渗流层渗入坡体内部的深度显著高于沿坡面渗入的深度;优势渗流层渗透特性的不确定性对渗流结果的影响较大,使得边坡稳定性分析具有较强的不确定性;②随着雨水入渗持时的增加,含优势渗流层边坡不同滑动面的失效概率总体呈现增加趋势,最危险滑动面的位置不断向边坡下部演化;依托工程滑动面位置的预测结果与工程实际吻合;③提出的概率分析方法适用于分析含优势渗流层边坡降雨入渗影响下的稳定性问题,而且具有计算量小的优势,可作这类边坡可靠度分析的一种新方法。   相似文献   

The yield criterion parameters of the soil material change with different values of the cohesion and the angle of friction because of sustained rainfall infiltration. Based on the Mohr-Coulomb(M-C) and Drucker-Prager(D-P) yield criteria, some reasonable yield criteria selections were discussed for quantitative analysis of unsaturated soil slope stability. Moreover, a critical point was found at the effective angle of friction equaling to 16.5° by transformation of parameters related to unsaturated soil under sustained rainfall. When the effective angle of friction more than 16.5° through parameter transformation of different yield criteria under natural condition, the calculation result of the safety factor was such that: f(DP1) f(M-C) f(equivalent M-C) f(DP2) f(DP3). While the effective angle of friction less than 16.5°, through parameter transformation, the safety factors were in the following order: f(DP1) f(M-C) f(DP2) f(equivalent M-C) f(DP3). The calculated results from a case study showed that the equivalent M-C yield criterion should be the best at evaluating soil slope stability before rainfall; the DP2 yield criterion should be selected to calculate the soil slope stability at the effective angle of friction less than 16.5° under sustained rainfall. The yield criterion should be selected or adjusted reasonably to calculate the safety factor of unsaturated soil slopes before and during sustained rainfall.  相似文献   

冻土斜坡模型试验相似分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
南水北调工程、青藏铁路建设工程等一系列工程的实施,将进一步影响和加剧青藏高原多年冻土区斜坡稳定性问题,冻土区边坡开挖及斜坡稳定性是工程活动中必须解决的问题之一,冻土斜坡稳定性研究在国内尚属空白。通过相似模型试验对高原多年冻土区斜坡在自然和人类活动影响下的失稳机制和活动规律进行分析,是开展研究的重要手段。根据相似理论第一定律,对冻土斜坡模型试验进行了相似分析,应用积分类比法推导并建立了冻土斜坡模型试验的相似指标和相似判据,得出在用原状土作模型介质时,6个相似常数减少为2个相似常数,即cτ和cl。模型与原型的时间比例尺是由几何比例尺决定的,即cτ=c2l,仅有一个相似参数为自变量,另一个为因变量。据此对青藏高原多年冻土区青藏公路沿线K3035处冻土斜坡进行了相似模型设计和冻融模型试验。模型再现了K3035处7°斜坡在4个冻融循环条件下,坡体中部(水平、垂向)4#位移伸张计质点位移曲线随时间的变化特征。实验表明,斜坡土体中部在第一次冻融循环中已有滑动迹象,随着滑坎进一步后退和靠近观测基准点,必然出现一次较大的位移,直至周边土体出现滑塌为止。模型试验结果与现场观测资料相比较是令人满意的。  相似文献   

Centrifugal model tests are playing an increasingly important role in investigating slope characteristics under rainfall conditions. However, conventional electronic transducers usually fail during centrifugal model tests because of the impacts of limited test space, high centrifugal force, and presence of water, with the result that limited valid data is obtained. In this study, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensing technology is employed in the design and development of displacement gauge, an anchor force gauge and an anti-slide pile moment gauge for use on centrifugal model slopes with and without a retaining structure. The two model slopes were installed and monitored at a centrifugal acceleration of 100 g. The test results show that the sensors developed succeed in capturing the deformation and retaining structure mechanical response of the model slopes during and after rainfall. The deformation curve for the slope without retaining structure shows a steep response that turns gradual for the slope with retaining structure. Importantly, for the slope with the retaining structure, results suggest that more attention be paid to increase of anchor force and anti-slide pile moment during rainfall. This study verifies the effectiveness of FBG sensing technology in centrifuge research and presents a new and innovative method for slope model testing under rainfall conditions.  相似文献   

Numerical modelling is a common routine for slope stability analysis in the complex terrain, and the accuracy of topographic survey has a great impact on the results. In this study, a combination of unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) photogrammetry and 3D laser scanning technique was first proposed to establish a high-precision digital elevation model(DEM), which could be accurate to 0.2 m, fulfilling the engineering requirements. Then, a series of 3D/2D finite element models(FEM) were constituted on ...  相似文献   

In this study, the influence of soil properties on the failure behavior and mechanism of slope under earthquake after rainfall was studied with shaking table test in the laboratory, in which the failure process of slope and instant responses of water content and pore water pressure were tested. Based on the principle of similarity, a model test was designed. The experimental results showed that soil properties exhibit significant influence on failure mode and failure mechanism of slope. Local fl...  相似文献   

风险分析与评估是解决边坡固有不确定性的重要工具, 但同时考虑外在荷载和内在岩土力学参数的不确定性, 对边坡进行系统定量风险分析的研究较少。以西藏扎拉水电站厂后倾倒变形边坡为例, 基于场地地震峰值加速度概率密度函数和不同地震峰值加速度下边坡失稳概率拟合函数, 采用数值积分计算了边坡在设计基准期的失稳概率, 并采用离散元方法对边坡失稳后的影响范围进行了数值模拟, 在此基础上进行了承灾体易损性分析及定量风险计算, 最后采用ALARP准则进行了风险评价。研究表明, 考虑地震危险性条件下, 扎拉水电站厂后倾倒变形边坡在50 a设计基准期内失稳概率为0.061 9;边坡对水电站地面厂房存在较大威胁, 相应财产风险为5 482万元; 根据ALARP准则, 边坡风险处于不可接受区, 需采取措施防范或规避风险。研究成果对于边坡治理工程决策及风险管理具有指导意义。   相似文献   

Purple soil is highly susceptible for overland flow and surface erosion, therefore understanding surface runoff and soil erosion processes in the purple soil region are important to mitigate flooding and erosion hazards. Slope angle is an important parameter that affects the magnitude of runoff and thus surface erosion in hilly landscapes or bare land area. However, the effect of slope on runoff generation remains unclear in many different soils including Chinese purple soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between different slope gradients and surface runoff for bare-fallow purple soil, using 5 m × 1.5 m experimental plots under natural rainfall conditions. Four experimental plots(10°, 16°, 20° and 26°) were established in theYanting Agro-ecological Experimental Station of Chinese Academy of Science in central Sichuan Basin. The plot was equipped with water storage tank to monitor water level change. Field monitoring from July 1 to October 31, 2012 observed 42 rainfall events which produced surface runoff from the experimental plots. These water level changes were converted to runoff. The representative eight rainfall events were selected for further analysis, the relationship between slope and runoff coefficient were determined using ANOVA, F-test, and z-score analysis. The results indicated a strong correlation between rainfall and runoff in cumulative amount basis. The mean value of the measured runoff coefficient for four experimental plots was around 0.1. However, no statistically significant relationship was found between slope and runoff coefficient. We reviewed the relationship between slope and runoff in many previous studiesand calculated z-score to compare with our experimental results. The results of z-score analysis indicated that both positive and negative effects of slope on runoff coefficient were obtained, however a moderate gradient(16°-20° in this study) could be a threshold of runoff generation for many different soils including the Chinese purple soil.  相似文献   

The stability of rock slope is often controlled by the existing discontinuous surfaces, such as discrete fractures, which are ubiquitously distributing in a geological medium. In contrast with the traditional approaches used in soil slope with a continuous assumption, the simulation methods of jointed rock slope are different from that of in soil slope. This paper presents a study on jointed rock slope stability using the proposed discontinuous approach, which considers the effects of discrete fractures. Comparing with traditional methods to model fractures in an implicit way, the presented approach provides a method to simulate fractures in an explicit way, where grids between rock matrix and fractures are independent. To complete geometric components generation and mesh partition for the model, the corresponding algorithms were devised. To evaluate the stability state of rock slope quantitatively, the strength reduction method was integrated into our analysis framework. A benchmark example was used to verify the validation of the approach. A jointed rock slope, which contains natural fractures, was selected as a case study and was simulated regarding the workflow of our framework. It was set up in the light of the geological condition of the site. Slope stability was evaluated under different loading conditions with various fracture patterns. Numerical results show that fractures have significant contributions to slope stability, and different fracture patterns would lead to different shapes of the slip surface. The devised method has the ability to calculate a non-circular slip surface, which is different from a circular slip surface obtained by classical methods.  相似文献   

在边坡稳定性上极限分析中,由于考虑了材料的理想弹塑性本构关系与相关流动法则,相比极限平衡法更符合岩土材料的特征。在以往的二维边坡极限分析上限法中,要求坡面形态为规则的直线,而无论是天然边坡还是人工边坡,边坡的坡面形态往往并非规则的直线。此外,以往的边坡极限上限分析中得到的稳定数Ns=c/γH主要针对土坡的临界高度计算,且未考虑孔压等外力对边坡施加的外功率。不同于传统极限平衡法采用静力学的平衡条件,本研究针对非直线型坡面边坡稳定性问题,假定滑动面为对数螺旋线,基于极限分析上限定理和虚功原理,提出了一种边坡发生旋转破坏时旋转中心的确定方法,推导出了非直线型坡面边坡的重力虚功功率和能量平衡方程的解析解,并提出了基于内、外功率之比的稳定系数K用以评价边坡的稳定性。通过算例比较了不同形态天然边坡的稳定性和人工削坡对边坡稳定性的影响,并分析了边坡的坡度(β)、土体的内摩擦角(φ)、黏聚力(c)以及孔压系数(ru)对稳定系数K的影响规律。对于坡度较大的边坡,通过削坡改变坡面形态提高了边坡的稳定系数K。稳定系数K随黏聚力的增加而非线性增大,随孔压系数的增加而...  相似文献   

以湖南省澧源镇为例,利用证据权模型和灰色关联度模型分别计算了坡度、地层岩性、斜坡形态、土地利用类型、人类工程活动5个因子二级状态证据权值和一级因子权重;综合2种模型确定全区滑坡易发性指数后,完成基于斜坡单元的全区滑坡易发性区划;根据研究区岩土体类型(碎屑岩类、碳酸盐岩夹碎屑岩类、碳酸盐岩类和松散岩土体类)分组研究不同滑坡发生概率下的有效降雨阈值曲线(I-D曲线)。研究降雨时间为3日、有效强度为22.4 mm/d的降雨工况下各岩土体类型滑坡发生的时间概率。综合时间概率和易发性结果得到澧源镇基于有效降雨阈值的滑坡灾害危险性区划图。研究结果表明:澧源镇滑坡灾害高和极高易发区占研究区总面积的25%,主要沿澧河分布;极高危险区和高危险区占研究区总面积的14%,主要分布在澧河北侧。   相似文献   

The presence of random fissures has a great impact on rock slope stability. To investigate the failure modes and stability of rock slopes containing different types of pre-existing fissures, the fracture mark ξ was introduced to improve the kernel function in the traditional smoothed particle dynamics(SPH) method, and a novel numerical method, the improved kernel of smoothed particle hydrodynamics(IKSPH), was proposed to realise the microscopic damage characteristics of particles. The ‘random fissure generating method' has been proposed for random fissure generation, and the gravity increase method has been embedded into the IKSPH program, thereby realising the stability analysis of rock slopes considering crack propagation processes. A typical steep rock slope is taken as a numerical simulation example considering the random distributions of preexisting fissures, and its failure modes as well as the stability under different conditions were simulated. The results show that the failure processes of the rock slope contain propagations of microcracks and then macrocrack penetrations. When the fissure length is short, shallow collapse failure modes can be observed; when the fissure length is long, the deep layer slide occurs, and the slope stability decreases with an increase in fissure length. The micro and macrocrack surfaces are basically consistent with pre-existing fissure angles, and the safety factor is the least at a fissure angle of 30°. The greater the fissure density, the greater the number of macrocracks, and the stability decreases with an increase in the number of pre-existing fissures. The research results can provide some references for disaster protection and understanding the failure laws of rock slopes. Meanwhile, combining the geological survey results with the numerical simulations and developing a high-performance IKSPH program will be a future research direction.  相似文献   

针对矩形顶管上竖向土压力计算模型研究较少的现状,借助Terzaghi土压力计算理论,结合矩形顶管工程特点建立了考虑注浆作用的矩形顶管竖向土压力计算模型,提出了改进的竖向土压力计算公式;依托苏州某矩形顶管工程中竖向土压力实时监测数据,探究了其变化规律并验证了该计算公式的准确性。研究结果表明:土体中的剪切带从管道外壁两侧产生并沿竖直方向发展,且可贯穿至地表;临界状态下剪切带上的膨胀角完全发挥,以临界内摩擦角及其正弦值计算剪切带上的摩擦系数;不同的注浆压力下,管道上方可能出现“主动土拱”和“被动土拱”。计算值与实测值的对比分析表明,改进后的计算方法能够较好地包络矩形顶管竖向土压力范围。   相似文献   

Engineering experience shows that outward dipping bedded rock slopes, especially including weak interlayers, are prone to slide under rainfall conditions. To investigate the effect of inclined weak interlayers at various levels of depth below the surface on the variation of displacements and stresses in bedded rock slopes, four geo-mechanical model tests with artificial rainfall have been conducted. Displacements, water content as well as earth pressure in the model were monitored by means of various FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors. The results showed that the amount of displacement of a slope with a weak interlayer is 2.8 to 6.2 times larger than that of a slope without a weak interlayer during one rainfall event. Furthermore, the position of the weak interlayer in terms of depth below the surface has a significant effect on the zone of deformation in the model. In the slope with a high position weak interlayer, the recorded deformation was larger in the superficial layer of the model and smaller in the frontal portion than in the slope with a low position weak interlayer. The slope with two weak interlayers has the largest deformation at all locations of all test slopes. The slope without a weak interlayer was only saturated in its superficial layer, while the displacement decreased with depth. That was different from all slopes with a weak interlayer in which the largest displacement shifted from the superficial layer to the weak interlayer when rainfall persisted. Plastic deformation of the weak interlayer promoted the formation of cracks which caused more water to flow into the slope, thus causing larger deformation in the slope with weak interlayers. In addition, the slide thrust pressure showed a vibration phenomenon 0.5 to 1 hour ahead of an abrupt increase of the deformation, which was interpreted as a predictor for rainfall-induced failure of bedded rock slopes.  相似文献   

Soils with strain-softening behavior — manifesting as a reduction of strength with increasing plastic strain — are commonly found in the natural environment. For slopes in these soils,a progressive failure mechanism can occur due to a reduction of strength with increasing strain. Finite element method based numerical approaches have been widely performed for simulating such failure mechanism,owning to their ability for tracing the formation and development of the localized shear strain. However,the reliability of the currently used approaches are often affected by poor convergence or significant mesh-dependency,and their applicability is limited by the use of complicated soil models. This paper aims to overcome these limitations by developing a finite element approach using a local arc-length controlled iterative algorithm as the solution strategy. In the proposed finite element approach,the soils are simulated with an elastoplastic constitutive model in conjunction with the Mohr-Coulomb yield function. The strain-softening behavior is represented by a piece-wise linearrelationship between the Mohr-Coulomb strength parameters and the deviatoric plastic strain. To assess the reliability of the proposed finite element approach,comparisons of the numerical solutions obtained by different finite element methods and meshes with various qualities are presented. Moreover,a landslide triggered by excavation in a real expressway construction project is analyzed by the presented finite element approach to demonstrate its applicability for practical engineering problems.  相似文献   

To investigate the stress response characteristics and shear stress transfer mechanism of BFRP(basalt fiber reinforced plastics) anchors under rainfall conditions and to explore the reinforcement effect of BFRP anchors, a comparative indoor physical model test was conducted in this study using loess mudstone slope as a typical case, and multi-attribute response data, such as slope displacement, BFRP anchor strain and axial force, were obtained. Based on the variation law of slope displacement, i...  相似文献   

现有的堰塞坝稳定性预测模型多为线性模型,无法充分考虑堰塞坝稳定性与其形态特征和水域条件之间的复杂非线性关系。鉴于此,结合反向传播神经网络模型和樽海鞘优化算法,提出了一种新型的堰塞坝稳定性预测模型SSA-Adam-BP。该模型通过网格搜索法选取确定模型结构的最佳超参数组合,进而利用交叉验证和绘制ROC曲线的方式分别对采用不同优化算法的模型进行评估。使用开源数据库中的全球153例堰塞坝数据对模型的实际应用进行了说明及验证。与传统线性模型的对比表明神经网络模型预测准确率较高,具有较低的误报率。将SSA与Adam优化算法结合提高了BP模型的全局搜索能力,其平均交叉验证准确率达到了91.73%,能够使用较少的参数实现对堰塞坝稳定性快速准确的预测。SSA-Adam-BP模型对近年来典型工程的稳定性能够准确预测,具有一定的实用性和系统平台推广应用价值。  相似文献   

The safety of embankments under seismic conditions is a primary concern for geotechnical engineering societies. The reliability analysis approach offers an effective tool to quantify the safety margin of geotechnical structures from a probabilistic perspective and has gained increasing popularity in geotechnical engineering. This study presents an approach for probabilistic stability analysis of embankment slopes under transient seepage considering both the spatial variability of soil parameters...  相似文献   

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