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In order to investigate the development of forest soils formed on loess, six representative modern soil pedons were selected along a precipitation gradient extending from eastern Golestan(mean annual precipitation, MAP = 500 mm)to eastern Mazandaran Provinces(MAP = 800 mm).Physiochemical, micromorphological and magnetic properties, as well as clay mineralogy of soils were studied using standard methods. Soils are mainly classified as Alfisols and Mollisols. Downward decalcification and the subsequent clay illuviation were the main criteria of soil development in all study areas. Pedogenic magnetic susceptibility of pedons studied varied systematically across the precipitation gradient in Northern Iran, increasing from 14.66 ×10~(-8) m~3 kg~(-1) at the eastern part to 83.75 × 10~(-8) m~3 kg~(-1) at the western margin of this transect. The frequencydependent magnetic susceptibility showed an increasing trend with rainfall as well. The micromorphological study of soils indicated that there is a positive relationship between climate gradient (increasing rainfall) and the micromorphological index of soil development(MISECA). The area and thickness of clay coatings showed an increasing trend with rainfall. Grain size analysis indicates that pedogenic processes are responsible for changing original grain size distribution of loess in our soils.The correlation achieved among modern soil properties and precipitation could be applied to the buried paleosols in the whole study area to refer degree of paleosol development and to reconstruct the paleoclimate.  相似文献   

The instability of soil bank slopes induced by freeze-thaw cycles at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain is very common.The failure not only caused a large amount of soil erosion,but also led to serious reservoir sedimentation and water quality degradation,which exerted a lot of adverse effects on agricultural production in the local irrigation areas.Based on field investigations on dozens of irrigation reservoirs there,laboratory tests were carried out to quantitatively analyze the freeze-thaw effect on the soil engineering characteristics to reveal the facilitation on the bank slope instability.The results show that the softening characteristics of the stressstrain curves gradually weaken,the effective cohesions decline exponentially,the seepage coefficients enlarge,and the thermal conductivities decrease after 7 freeze-thaw cycles.The freeze-thaw effect on the specimens with low confining pressures,low dry densities and high water contents is more significant.The water migration and the phase transition between water and ice result in the variations of the soil internal microstructures,which is the main factor affecting the soil engineering characteristics.Sufficient water supply and the alternation of positive and negative temperatures at the reservoir bank slopes in cold regions make the water migration and phase transition in the soil very intensely.It is easy to form a large number of pores and micro cracks in the soil freezing and thawing areas.The volume changes of the soil and the water migration are difficult to reach a dynamic balance in the open system.Long-term freeze-thaw cycles will bring out the fragmentation of the soil particles,resulting in that the micro cracks on the soil surfaces are developing continuously.The soil of the bank slopes will fall or collapse when these cracks penetrate,which often happens in winter there.  相似文献   

Geochemical, mineralogical, and micromorphological characteristics of soils and their relevant parent rocks including loess, ignimbrite, sandstone and limestone were investigated to identify the soil-parent material uniformity and the weathering degree of soils in Golestan Province, northern Iran. Highly developed Calcixerolls and moderately developed Haploxerepts were formed on loess and limestone, respectively. In contrast, the soils formed on ignimbrite and sandstone were non-developed Entisols. Illite was the dominant clay mineral found in ignimbrite and sandstone in both the A horizon and parent material. In loess derived soils however, smectite was dominant especially in the Bt horizon compared to its parent material indicating partly to its pedogenic formation. In limestone, illite and vermiculite were dominant both in the A and C horizons. Ti/Zr ratio proved that the studied soils were closely related to their underlying parent materials geochemically. Chemical index of alteration (CIA), micromorphological index of soil development (MISECA), smectite/illite+chlorite ratio and magnetic susceptibility were applied to investigate the degree of soil development. Results showed that the most and the least developed soils were those formed on loess deposits and limestone, respectively. Application of the different geochemical and pedogenetic approaches was proved to be useful in identifying the relevance of soils to their underlying parent materials and also their degree of development.  相似文献   

Characterizing the subsurface structure is an important parameter for the improvement of seismic hazard assessment.Due to the tectonic complexity of the earth,s...  相似文献   

In order to characterize various micromorphologic properties of two forest soils derived from different parent rocks in Lahijan, and use the data collected from micromorphological analysis to interpret dominant pedogenic processes. Two representative soil pedons, granite (P1) and andesitic basalt (P2) were selected in a mountain landform with northwest aspect. Samples for thin section preparation were taken from each horizon by Kubiena boxes or clods. Micromorphological analysis of soils derived from these two soil pedons in eastern part of Lahijan (northern Iran) were conducted based on the physicochemical and mineralogical data. Micromorphological properties were characterized using a polarized light microscope under plain and cross light. Thin section study indicated that the nature of the parent material clearly affected the content of clay formation. It also showed that clay accumulation in the Bt horizons was not only due to clay illuviation (argillan), but that strong in situ weathering of primary minerals also contributed to the enrichment of clay in soils derived from andesitic basalt. Comparing the results of clay mineralogy obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) with microscopic studies revealed that birefringence fabric (b-fabric) of the groundmass was partly striated due to smectitic minerals in soil of andesitic basalt (Hapludalf), whereas speckled birefringence fabric was dominant in soil of granite (Udorthent) because of the absence of these minerals. We speculate that pores of skeletal fragments or microcracks in P1 were a place for illuvial clay protection. However, the main factor for illuvial clay film disruption (striation and deformation) was biological activity (faunal turbation and root pressure) in P1 and expandable minerals and faunal turbation in P2.  相似文献   

An understanding of the physical,chemical,and biological properties of a soil provides a basis for soil use and management.This paper reports the major physico-chemical properties and enzyme activities of the soils of Lhasa’s main arable lands and the factors that influence these soil properties.Composite and core samples were taken from the three main arable soil types(alluvial soil,subalpine arable steppe soil,and subalpine arable meadow soil) and were analysed using standard methods.The bulk density and the ventilation porosity ratio of the soils were close to the recommended values for arable lands,and the dominant soil texture was sandy.The soil moisture release rates were arable steppe soil > alluvial soil > arable meadow soil.Soil organic matter content,Cation-Exchange Capacity(CEC),total and available nitrogen content,and catalase activity of the arable meadow soil were higher than those of the alluvial and the arable steppe soils,while soil pH in the arable meadow was lower.Most of the measured properties did not show a significant variance among these three soils.However,the measured indices(apart from the total potassium) indicate that there are notable differences among the three types of soil.The results implied that the utilisation patterns of the arable soil or human activities,such as tillage practices and fertiliser applications,have a substantialeffect on the soil properties in this region.Our results suggest that the cultivation practices in the region have apparently positive impact on the soil organic matter,nutrient contents and bulk density probably due to the sound fertiliser management such as the applications of farmyard manure and chemical fertilisers.However,intense cultivation practices lowered the activity of most soil enzymes.The results demonstrate that the choice of soil management strategy had a significant impact on the soil physicochemical and biological properties in the region studied.  相似文献   

Land-use type under different topographic conditions and human activities affects soil development. We investigated the effects of land-use, topography and human activity on soil classification changes in the Toshan watershed in northern Iran. Seven representative pedons derived from loess parent materials were studied on different land-uses and topographic positions. The studied pedons in forest (FO) on backslopes and footslope were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs and Typic Haploxeralfs, respectively. The soils in abandoned lands (AB) and orchards (OR), where formerly under natural forests, located on the shoulder and backslopes positions were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs and Vertic Haploxeralfs, respectively. Well-developed argillic horizons as indicators for higher degrees of soil evolution were observed in more-stable areas under the natural forest or less disturbed areas. Clay lessivage through these soil profiles have led to formation of Typic or Calcic Haploxeralfs, while under croplands (CP) were classified as Typic Calcixerepts. Conversion of sloping deforested areas to CP along with inappropriate management have accelerated soil erosion, resulting in unstable conditions in which decalcification and formation of developed soils cannot occur. Paddy cultivation in flat areas has caused to reduced conditions and formation of Typic Haplaquepts. Because of unfavorable conditions for chemical weathering (e.g. lower water retention compared to more-stable areas) no vermiculite was detected in the CP. The results showed that evolution and classification of the studied soils were strongly affected by land-use type, topography and management.  相似文献   

The investigation of concentration characteristics of reference evapotranspiration(ETref) is important for water resources management. The concentration index(CI), concentration degree(CD) and concentration period(CP) are used to investigate the concentration characteristics of ETref and the relationship between ETref concentration and precipitation concentration at sub-monthly timescale based on the daily climatic variables from 1966 to 2015 in 27 meteorological stations at the southern and northern slopes of Tianshan Mountains in China. It was found that the CI of ETref is about 0.40 and less concentrated than precipitation in the study area. At the southern slope, the maximum ETref appears in late June and is earlier than the maximum precipitation(early July), ETref distributes more equally than precipitation, and the CI, CD and CP of these two variables do not show significant change based on the Mann–Kendall test. At the northern slope, both the maximum ETref and precipitation appear in early July, and ETref is more dispersed than precipitation. During the study period, the maximum ETref at the northern slope tends to appear earlier due to the impacts of wind speed, relative humidity, sunshine duration, and air temperature. ETref concentration does not match the precipitation concentration in the study area, particularly at the southern slope. The mismatch between ETref and precipitation concentration within a year reveals the water resources pressure on environmental, social and economic sustainability in the study area.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the morphological and magnetic properties of Sari loess-paleosol section in northern Iran for paleopedologic and paleoenvironmental interpretation. The section consisted of a modern soil(MS) and three paleosols(PS_1, PS_2, PS_3) separated by loess layers(LS_1, LS_2 and LS_3). Based on particle size distribution, clay mineralogy, carbonates distribution and size of secondary carbonates, pedogenic development of the soils was in order of PS_3PS_2PS_1=MS. Presence of redoximorphic features in PS_3 was attributed to alternate stagnic saturation due to local water or high precipitation. Dominance of smectite and vermiculite as well as large carbonated dolls in PS_3 indicated suitable environment and sufficient time for pedogenic development. Magnetic properties(χ~(lf) and χ~(fd)%) were distinctly higher in MS, PS_1 and PS_2 when compared to loess layers. The Lowest magnetic properties values were observed in PS_3 which can be the result of ferrimagnetic minerals destruction under hydromorphic conditions. The highest Fe_d content occurred in PS_3, however, low χ~(lf)/Fe_d ratio indicated that majority of the iron minerals in PS_3 are not magnetic. In conclusion, the particle size distribution, clay mineralogy and carbonates features were indicative of pedogenesis intensity, whereas, magnetic properties were useful to characterize the pedogenic environment.  相似文献   

In the Khumbu-and Khumbakarna Himalaya an ice stream network and valley glacier system has been reconstructed for the last glacial period (Würmian, Last Ice Age, Isotope stage 4–2, 60–18 Ka BP, Stage 0) with glaciogeomorphological and sedimentological methods. It was a part of the glacier system of the Himalaya and has communicated across transfluence passes with the neighbouring ice stream networks toward the W and E. The ice stream network has also received inflow from the N, from a Tibetan ice stream network, by the Kyetrak-Nangpa-Bote Koshi Drangka (Valley) in the W, by the W-Rongbuk glacier valley into the Ngozumpa Drangka (Valley), by the Central Rongbuk glacier valley into the Khumbu Drangka (Valley) and by the antecedent Arun Nadi transverse-valley in the E of the investigation area. The ice thickness of the valley glacier sections, the surface of which was situated above the snow-line, amounted to 1000–1450 m. The most extended parent valley glaciers have been measured approx. 70 km in length (Dudh Koshi glacier), 67 km (Barun-Arun glacier) and 80 km (Arun glacier). The tongue end of the Arun glacier has flowed down to c. 500 m and that of the Dudh Koshi glacier to c. 900 m asl. At heights of the catchment areas of 8481 (or 8475) m (Makalu), i.e., 8848 (or 8872) m (Mt. Everest, Sagarmatha, Chogolungma) this is a vertical distance of the Ice Age glaciation of c. 8000 m. The steep faces towering up to 2000 m above the névé areas of the 6000–7000 m-high surfaces of the ice stream network were located 2000–5000 m above the ELA. Accordingly, their temperatures were so low, that their rock surfaces were free of flank ice and ice balconies. From the maximum past glacier extension up to the current glacier margins, 13 (altogether 14) glacier stages have been differentiated and in part 14C-dated. They were four glacier stages of the late glacial period, three of the neoglacial period and six of the historical period. By means of 130 medium-sized valley glaciers the corresponding ELA-depressions have been calculated in comparison with the current courses of the orographic snow-line. The number of the glacier stages since the maximum glaciation approx. agrees with that e.g. in the Alps and the Rocky Mountains since the last glacial period. Accordingly, it is interpreted as an indication of the Würmian age (last glacial period) of the lowest ice margin positions. The current climatic, average glacier snow-line in the research area runs about 5500 m asl. The snow-line depression (ELA) of the last glacial period (Würm) calculated by four methods has run about 3870 m asl, so that an ELA-depression of c. 1630 m has been determined. This corresponds to a lowering of the annual temperature by c. 8, i.e., 10°C according to the specific humid conditions at that time.  相似文献   

Editorial Note: The first section of this article was published in June 2006 (cf. pages 91-124 in No. 2, Vol. 3), and the publishing here is its sequel, which includes 22 Figures (i.e. Figures 9-30). two photos (Photo I and 2) and one table (i.e. Table 7). The figures before No.9 mentioned in the text of this part were published in previous issue, and please refer to them while reading. We sincerely apologize to you for any inconvenience this arrangement may have caused you.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the weathering intensity of the major soils developed on igneous rocks in semiarid region of northwestern Iran.Eight parent materials were selected including monzodiorite,alkali granite,granodiorite,syenite,pyroxene diorite,hornblende andesite,pyroxene andesite,and dacite.Representative soil profiles were described and soil samples were collected and analyzed for selected chemical and physical properties and total concentrations of major elements and Zr,V,Ti and Y.Bulk densities as well as Ti,Zr and V concentrations were used to estimate the strain factors and mass balance equations were used to quantify the net result of pedogenic weathering,i.e.elemental loss and gain.The results of clay content and pedogenic iron variability as well as index of compositional variability(ICV),chemical index of alteration(CIA) and,A-CN-K and MFW ternary plots showed that the soils developed on volcanic rocks(hornblende andesite> pyroxene andesite> dacite) were more weathered than those on the plutonic parent rocks(alkali granite,granodiorite,monzodiorite,syenite,pyroxene diorite).The results of mass balance calculations based on the strain factors revealed that the Ca and Na depleted during weathering progress mostly from plagioclase grains.In the semiarid regions Ca is precipitated as pedogenic calcite in the soil horizons.K and Mg depletion is less than Ca and Na especially in the profiles on the hornblende andesite with the highest clay and LOI content.The results of this study clearly suggest that the behavior of K and Mg during the weathering cannot only be explained by the disintegration of the primary minerals,since they are fixed on the secondary clay minerals.Iron did not change in the soils compared to the parent material and was precipitated as the pedogenic iron and conserved in the soil horizons.Overall,the results on the weathering indicators and major elements mass balance enrichment/depletion in the study area confirmed that the soil profiles developed on volcanic rocks are more weathered than those on the plutonic igneous rocks.  相似文献   

In order to study the effects of different land vegetative covers on soil quality attributes, a loess hill slope was selected in eastern Golestan Province, Ghapan watershed, Iran. Four profiles in four land uses, including Quercus natural forest; Pinus artificial forest; Cupressus artificial forest and a cultivated land, were studied. Results showed that MWD was significantly different in the studied land uses, and it varied between 1.6 mm in Quercus natural forest and o.31 mm in cultivated land use. The lowest CEC, microbial respiration rate and organic carbon were 28.4 cmol·kg^1, 177 μgCO2·g^-1·day^-1 and 1.32 % found in cultivated land use, respectively. The organic matter was considerably higher content in the forest areas than that of cultivated land use. The studies on soil profile development revealed that the natural forest soils were highly developed. The soils of the Quercus natural forest were classified as Calcic Haploxeralfs with a well developed argillie horizon unlike the cultivated soils which showed the minimum development and classified as Typic Xerorthents. The soils of the artificial forests had both mollic epipedons and were classified as Typic Calcixerolls with moderate profile development. Micromorphological studies revealed that argillic horizons had speckled and partly crystallitic b-fabric in the natural forest indicating the high landscape stability. In contrast, the crystallitic b-fabric of other land uses shows the absence of enough leaching of carbonate and the subsequent migration of clay particles indicating the unstable conditions and high soil erosion. Intense erosion of the surface horizons of cultivated land use has resulted in the outcropping of the subsurface carbonate rich horizons preventing soil development.  相似文献   

The safety of embankments under seismic conditions is a primary concern for geotechnical engineering societies. The reliability analysis approach offers an effective tool to quantify the safety margin of geotechnical structures from a probabilistic perspective and has gained increasing popularity in geotechnical engineering. This study presents an approach for probabilistic stability analysis of embankment slopes under transient seepage considering both the spatial variability of soil parameters...  相似文献   

In arid regions, mountains fulfill important ecological and economic functions for the surrounding lowlands. In the scenario of global warming, mountain ecosystems change rapidly, especially in the arid region of northwestern China. This paper provides an assessment of the changes in temperature and precipitation in the historical records of climate on the northern slopes of the eastern Tianshan Mountains. A Mann-Kendall nonparametric trend and Sen's tests are employed to analyze the interannual changes and innerannual variability in temperature and precipitatiofi in the regions of low to high altitude. The present study finds that the largest increases in annual temperature are observed at stations in the low altitude regions. The significant increasing trends in temperature tend to occur mainly in late winter and early spring at stations from middle to high altitude, but in summer and autumn at stations of low altitudes. The increasing trends in annual precipitation are found from the middle to high altitude areas, but decreasing trends are found in the low altitude areas. The significant increasing trends in precipitation occur mostly in winter and earlier spring at stations from the middle to high altitudes, while the increasing and decreasing trend coexists at stations of low altitude with most of the significant trend changes occurring in March, June and August.  相似文献   

At the southeastern part of the SanandajSirjan Zone of Iran, a group of structural elements outline a large-scale arc curvature around a vertical axis. This curvature comprises several elongated structural elements and their dividing faults, axialfold traces, layering, and foliation. The most frequent lithological units include Paleozoic metamorphic rocks, Mesozoic-Paleogene sedimentary rocks, and Mesozoic magmatic-ophiolitic complex disposed in several anticlines and synclines, forming a horseshoeshaped structure with a 240-km arc length and a 90-km wavelength. We name this structure the Sirjan Orocline, and characterize this structure here through field observations and satellite image analyses. The Sirjan Orocline formed during the late EoceneOligocene related to the most significant deformation event after regional metamorphism. The final form of this structural arc is affected by a younger tectonic event that compressed and transected this structure.  相似文献   

Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experienced an unrest episode from 2002 to 2005,but its active level recovers to the background now.  相似文献   

Changbaishan volcano is the largest potential eruptive volcano in China.In this paper,seismic activity,horizontal displacement,vertical displacement and the fluid geochemistry data acquiring from Changbaishan Tianchi Volcano Observatory(TVO) in recent years are analyzed.The authors discussed the ability for the Changbaishan volcanic seismic monitoring and active level of Changbaishan volcano in recent years based on the fundamental monitoring results.The results show that Changbaishan volcano has experience...  相似文献   

1IN T R O D U C T IO N With therapiddevelopment of urbanizatio,nurban land was exploitedand utilizetdoform differendtomains be- ing subjectto many potentialpollutionsourcessuch as vehicleemission, industrialactivitieasnd household garbage.Particularl, yur…  相似文献   

In Wangjiatun area of the Northern Songliao Basin, reservoir space can be divided into three types: primary pore, secondary pore and fissure according to their origins,which can be subdivided into eight subtypes: macro-vesicule,shrank primary vesicule, alteration pore, groundmass corrosive pore, normal structural crack, corrosive structural crack,filled structural crack and groundmass shrank crack according to texture and origin of the pore space. It has characteristic of double pore medium. Volcanic porosities of small diameter samples (with diameter of ca. 2.5 cm) and large diameter samples (with diameter of ca. 21.5 cm) were tested in accordance with the characteristic of volcanic reservoir space. Volcanic porosities for small diameter samples correspond with matrix porosities and those of large diameter samples correspond with total porosities including matrix and fractured porosities. Models of the calculated porosity by acoustic wave or density of volcanic reservoir are established in view of those measured data. Comparison of calculated and measuredporosities shows that precision of calculated porosities is lower for rhyolite and tuffites, and higher for basaltand andesite.Relative errors of calculated porosities by model of large diameter samples are lower than those of small diameter samples, i. e. precision of the former is higher than that of the later.  相似文献   

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