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In this study, the undrained behaviour of silt under low stress level is studied. An effective preparation method for built—in silt samples in the triaxial test was firstly developed. By triaxial testing of samples at low confining pressures it was found that silt easily loses stability and liquefies. Loose silt may show temporary liquefaction under static loading, and develop full liquefaction under cyclic loading. The most important factors influencing the silt behaviour are porosity, confining pressure, consolidation state, cyclic loading level and number of cycles. The maximum obtainable shear stress is primarily a function of the confining pressure and the internal frictional angle. The actual structure of the silt material is the key factor in controlling its behaviour.  相似文献   

The strength of sandstone decreases significantly with higher water content attributing to softening effects.This scenario can pose a severe threat to the stabi...  相似文献   

新疆塔县地区广泛分布的大规模片麻岩崩塌、滑坡主要是由于长期地震力循环作用下岩体劣化所致。为揭示该地区片麻岩在地震力作用下的劣化损伤机理,采用在不同应力水平条件下对片麻岩岩样进行循环荷载试验和三轴压缩试验的方法,分析了片麻岩阻尼参数及循环加、卸载前后三轴抗压强度的变化规律。研究结果表明:片麻岩阻尼比和阻尼系数随着循环荷载次数的增加而逐渐降低,随着应力水平的升高而增大;循环荷载作用后,片麻岩的三轴抗压强度均明显降低,且应力水平越高,降低的幅度越大;此外,片麻岩内部矿物颗粒的相互摩擦,原生微裂隙、孔洞的张开、闭合以及次生裂隙的产生、发展是导致其劣化损伤的主要机制。总的来说,长期地震力作用下,研究区片麻岩由于内部劣化损伤导致的力学性质降低,是该区域广泛发育大规模崩塌、滑坡等地质灾害的主要原因之一。   相似文献   

During the constructions of motorways and high-speed railway lines in the Yanji Basin, large amounts of excess mudstones due to the enormous tunnel excavations and slope cuts would be deposited as landfills. Assessing the deformation and permeability of Yanji mudstone became important for the design, construction and operation of the landfills.This paper presents an experimental study on the deformation and permeability of Yanji mudstone by carrying out a series of oedometer tests with loading/unloading cycles. The results show that the sample with a lower initial water content exhibited greater swelling deformation after inundation, a lower yield stress, greater deformation and a higher hydraulic conductivity during the loading/unloading cycles. As the number of loading/unloading cycles increased, the yield stress and accumulated plastic deformation increased, while the compression index,rebound index and hydraulic conductivity decreased.The samples became stiffer and their hydromechanical behaviour tended to be stable after three cycles. The compression curves could be divided into pre-yield and post-yield zones. The post-yield zones of compression curves and the rebound curves could be normalized into a unique line, and the pre-yield zones of the compression curves could be described as lines.Basic equations were developed to predict mudstone deformation under cyclic loading and unloading.Additionally, an empirical relationship between the hydraulic conductivity and void ratio was also proposed. The ability of the proposed methods was verified by the overall good agreement between the experimental results and predicted values.  相似文献   

The construction of a high-speed railway (HSR) in Southwest China is being hindered by a severe shortage of high-quality subgrade materials. However, red mudstone is widely distributed in the Sichuan Basin of China. The ability to use weathered red mudstone (WRM) to fill subgrade beds by controlling its critical stress and cumulative strain would enable substantial savings in project investments and mitigate damage to the ecological environment. To better understand the dynamic behaviour of WRM, both monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests were performed. The evolution of the cumulative strain vs. increased loading cycles was measured. The influences of confining pressure and loading cycles on the dynamic modulus, damping ratio, critical cyclic stress ratio (CSR), and dynamic stress level (DSL) were investigated. The relationship between the CSR and loading cycles under different failure strain criteria (0.1%-1.0%) was analysed. The prediction model of cumulative strain was also evaluated. The results indicated that the shear strength of WRM sufficiently meets the static strength requirements of subgrade. The critical dynamic stress of WRM can thus satisfy the dynamic stress-bearing requirement of the HSR subgrade. The critical CSR decreases and displays a power function with increasing confining pressure. As the confining pressure increases, the DSL remains relatively stable, ranging between 0.153 and 0.163. Furthermore, the relationship between the dynamic strength and loading cycles required to cause failure was established. Finally, a newly developed model for determining cumulative strain was established. A prediction exercise showed that the model is in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Knowledge of both vegetation distribution pattern and phenology changes is very important.Their complicated relationship with elevation and accessibility were explored through a geographically weighted regression(GWR) framework in Fujian province,China.The 16-day time series of 250 m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) Enhanced Vegetation Index(EVI) dataset from 2000 to 2010 was applied.Wavelet transform method was adopted to decompose the original time series and construct the annual maximum EVI and amplitude of the annual phenological cycle(EVI).Candidate explaining factors included topographic conditions,accessibility variables and proportions of primary vegetation types.Results revealed very strong positive influence from parameters of elevation and accessibility to big rivers and negative effect from accessibility to resident on both maximum EVI and phenological magnitude through ordinary linear least square(OLS) regression analysis.GWR analysis revealed that spatially,the parameters of topography and accessibility had a very complex relationship with both maximum EVI and phenology magnitude,as a result of the various combinations of environmental factors,vegetation composition and also intensive anthropogenic impact.Apart from the continuously increasing trend of phenology magnitude with increasing altitude,the influence of topography and accessibility on maximum EVI and phenological magnitude generally decreased,even from strongly positive to negative,with increasing altitude or distance.Specially,the most rapid change of correlation coefficient between them was observed within a low elevation or close distance;less variation was discovered within a certain range of medium altitude or distance and their relationship might change above this range.Non-stationary approaches are needed to better characterize the complex vegetation dynamic pattern in Mountain-hill Region.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the effectiveness of Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLDs) for suppressing the dynamic response of a platform structure subjected to wave loading and to explore the applicability of TLDs for suppressing the structural vibration of fixed offshore platforms. The experimental model is scaled according to a full size platform by matching its dynamic properties. Rectangular and circular TLDs of various sizes and water depths are examined.The experiments were performed in a 2-D wave flume. The effectiveness of TLDs is evaluated based on their response reduction. By observing the performance and the behavior of TLDs through laboratory experiments, the effects of a number of parameters including container shape, container size, number of dampers, frequency ratio, mass ratio, and incident wave characteristics are investigated.  相似文献   

The foundations of some ocean engineering structures are built to withstand not only the vertical gravity load V, but also the horizontal load H induced by sea waves and current. The horizontal load includes the concentrated force load, the moment load M, and the torque load T termed also as combined loading. It is of academic and engineering significance to study the deformation law of submarine seabed due to combined loading. On the basis of the three-dimensional elastic mechanics solution of circular foundation, numerical methods are used to analyze the deformation law of submarine soil under circular foundation with six degrees of freedom. The finite element analysis results give the elastic deformation law of soil in three dimensional spaces, modify the theoretical elasticity solution, and presents nonlinear soil deformation mechanism under the circular foundation with six degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

分析总结了静压法沉桩施工中可能出现的6种桩偏超差的原因和常用预防措施及处理方法,提出了一些在施工过程中引起桩偏超差且易被忽视的问题.  相似文献   

Rill development is a major soil erosion process that causes severe soil degradation.This study examined the effects of representative rainfall intensities(50 and 75 mm h-1),slope gradients(10°and 150),and slope lengths(7.5 and 10.0 m)on rill development and rill characteristics on loessial hillslopes in China.Loessial soil was collected from the cropland of Ansai Town,Yan'an City,Shaanxi Province.The soil with 28.3%sand,58.1%silt,and13.6%clay was packed into a soil pan to conduct rainfall simulations in 2012.The results showed that the time of the knickpoint occurrence(5-16 min),the rill headcut extension(9-33 min),and the mean headward erosion rate(1.7-5.o cm min-1)were better representative indicators for reflecting the changes in the rill development than other indicators used in this study.For a quick evaluation of the rill erosion severity,the rill coverage ratio(1%-12%,generallyincreasing with an increase in the rainfall intensity)was better than the other indicators for treatments with different rainfall intensities,and the rill width-depth ratio(1.56-2.27,generally decreasing with an increase in the slope gradient)was better than the other indicators for treatments with different slope gradients.Furthermore,the rill inclination angle(8.2°-19.1°,significantly increasing with an increase in the slope length)and rill density(0.19-1.34 m·m-2,generally increasing with an increase in the slope length)were more suitable for evaluating the rill erosion severity on hillslopes with different slope lengths.Therefore,the representative indicators could reflect the differences in the rill development and rill characteristics under different rainfall and topographic situations.The study greatly improved the evaluation of rill erosion severity and the prediction of the development of rills for loessial hillslopes.  相似文献   

介绍了316国道K25 040~ 140段滑坡治理工程中的抗滑桩设计过程,讨论了抗滑桩设计中滑推力的计算方法及公式、抗滑桩的结构设计及配筋,将抗滑桩的内力计算简化成较为实用的公式来计算。还介绍了抗滑桩间土体的排水设计,对排水管的具体做法作了详尽地阐述。  相似文献   

Due to high intensity agricultural exploitation since the middle of the 20 th century, farmland gullies have become a pervasive form of water erosion in Northeast China. Yet few researches are concentrated on how topography and land use affect long-term gully development in this region. In this study, gully distribution in a village with an area of 24.2 km~2 in the central Mollisols area of Northeast China in different times were compared by Aerial photography(1968), Quickbird image(2009) and field survey, and factors affecting gully development including land use and topography were analyzed. The results showed that the total gully number decreased from 104 to 69, while occupying area rose from 34.8 ha to 78.4 ha from 1968 to 2009. Fundamental gully distribution had been formed by 1968 as most of 2009′s gullies were evolved from 1968′s gullies′ merge and width expansion process, and new gullies those initiated after 1968 occupied only 7% of total gully area in 2009. Gully area increasing ratio in grassland was the highest and that in forestland was the lowest. The threshold catchment area between simple and complex gully development was around 15 ha to 25 ha. This threshold value sets apart catchment areas that will develop simple or complex gullies in areas with similar environmental conditions. Gully control measurements were urgent because if appropriate gully control implements would not be applied, present gully erosion crisis could be doubled within 50 years.  相似文献   

地形对台风影响的数值模拟研究——以台风“泰利”为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究台湾岛地形对台风移动路径及结构的影响,利用高分辨率中尺度MM5V3模式,设计3组敏感性试验,对“0513”号台风“泰利”在2005年8月31日00:06到9月1日18:00(世界时)影响台湾岛的过程进行数值模拟研究。主要就台湾岛地形对台风移动路径、气压场、散度场、涡度场和降水场进行分析。试验结果表明:台湾岛地形对台风“泰利”的移动路径和中心气压的影响不显著;地形的强迫作用对台风涡度场的中心强度和非对称结构有明显的影响;台湾岛地形是形成迎风坡诱生低压和背风坡诱生高压的主要因子;地形是台风外围降水加强的主要原因。  相似文献   

To study the tensile mechanical properties of constant resistance bolts, the RFPA(Rock Failure Process Analysis) statics software is used to perform a uniaxial tensile test on a constant resistance bolt. The numerical test results show that the plastic strain value is 12 times the magnitude of the elastic strain. During plastic deformation, the fluctuation in the stress magnitude is relatively stable, indicating that the bolt has good constant resistance characteristics. The numerical test results are in good agreement with the laboratory test results of M.C. He, and the accuracy and reliability of the numerical test method are verified. Therefore, the RFPA software with coupled static-dynamic loading is further adopted to study the supporting effects of traditional bolts and constant resistance bolts under coupled staticdynamic loading. The numerical comparison of the test results show that the constant resistance bolts can effectively control the deformation amount and rate of the laneway surrounding rock, reduce the total and rate of increase in the accumulated acoustic emissions,decrease the stress on the units in the model and protect the stability of the laneway. This paper verifies that a constant resistance bolt has better impact resistance mechanical properties than those of a traditional bolt and provides an effective way to control rock burst and soft rock that is prone to large deformation damage.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vibration technology has great potential to weaken hard rocks.Understanding the effect of ultrasonic vibration loading parameters is essential to acc...  相似文献   

Additional stress formed by postconstruction buildings in loess-filling areas affects water infiltration in soil and causes soil deformation.To investigate this effect, under constant water head,vertical infiltration tests on compacted loess with two initial dry densities for different applied vertical stresses were developed using vertical stresscontrollable one-dimensional soil columns. The timehistory curves of vertical deformation, wetting front depth, cumulative infiltration depth, volumetr...  相似文献   

对于承受轴向荷载的水平受荷桩,以往研究大多基于线弹性或弹塑性水平荷载传递模型。为提升轴横受荷桩的计算设计水平,采用轴向荷载传递法计算桩身轴力,考虑桩身轴力引起的P-Δ效应,基于双曲线型水平荷载传递模型考虑桩-土体系变形的非线性特征,对成层土中轴横受荷桩的水平响应进行分析求解,得到了轴横荷载作用下桩身变形和内力的非线性有限差分解,并采用MATLAB语言编制了计算程序。使用模型试验算例与基于现场试验的有限元算例对非线性解的准确性进行对比验证,结果表明:计算结果与算例数据吻合良好,可靠性较高;采用不同荷载传递模型的计算结果在不同荷载水平下有所差异,在较大荷载水平下桩-土变形的非线性特点不容忽视。   相似文献   

The Bering Sea circulation is derived as a variational inverse of hydrographic profiles( temperature and salinity) , atmospheric climatologies and historical observation of ocean curents. The important result of this study is estimate of the mean climatological sea surface height (SSH) that can be used as a reference for satellite altimetry sea level anomaly data in the Bering Sea region. Numerical experiments reveal that, when combined with satellite altimetry, the obtained reference SSH effectively constrains a realistic reconstruction of the Amukta Pass circulation.  相似文献   

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