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In Europe, very small forest areas can be considered to be old-growth, and they are mainly located in Eastern Europe. The typical structures of old growth forests infrequently occur in Mediterranean mountainous environments, since they have been affected by human activities for centuries. This study focused on a remote and almost pure Italian maple stand located in southern Italy, which has not been managed for long time due to its inaccessibility. The effects of natural evolution on the forest stand were evaluated through the analysis of the spatial and chronological structure and the regeneration patterns, then estimating the amounts and quality of deadwood occurrence. Across the whole stand, all the trees with DBH (diameter at breast height) larger than 50 cm (LLT, large living trees) were measured (DBH and height) and age was also determined through a dendrochronological approach. The diameters observed ranged between 50 and 145 cm with ages of 120 to 250 years. The Latham index calculated for trees within the sample plot highlighted a multilayered canopy with a dominant layer of large living trees (age > 120 years). The size-class distribution of stems had a reverse-J shape, and basal area was 52 m2 ha-1. Deadwood was exclusively constituted by standing dead trees and CWD and its volume was on average 31 m3 ha-1.Pure Italian maple forests are generally rare in Europe, and it was unexpected to find a forest stand characterized by a so complex structure with old growth attributes. The study of complex forest stand, even if small, could give precious information on the forest evolution, clarifying also diverse auto-ecological traits of tree species that usually are not common in our forests.  相似文献   

The study of human-environment relationships in mountain areas is important for both theoretical and practical reasons, as many mountain areas suffer similar problems, such as depopulation, unemployment and natural hazards. Medium mountains constitute a special case within mountains, because they are more populated but less attractive as tourist destinations than high mountains. In this context, the Apuseni Mts (Romania) are considered as a case study. In this paper, we apply GIS-based, quantitative methods to characterize the strength and dynamics of human-environment interactions, taking into consideration some environmental factors (elevation, relative height, slope, river distance, lithology, land cover, natural attractions) as well as historical population and recent tourism data. We found that population density has strong (r 2>0.8) relationships with all relief factors (elevation, relative height, slope, river distance), and that best-fit functions are nonlinear. We outlined the varying demographic scenarios by elevation zones and interpreted the historically switching sign of population change versus elevation relationship. We demonstrated that lithology also has an impact on the spatial distribution of population, although it is not independent from the relief effect. The land cover of the mainly cultural landscape is very strongly correlated with relief parameters (especially slope), which suggests good adaptation. We pointed out the dominance of karst objects in the natural tourism potential of the Apuseni Mts and also explored further components of real tourism (spas, heritage, towns). Finally, we concluded that the environmental settings investigated do in fact constrain the spatial framework of society, but socio-economic changes in history can be explained from the side of society, which conforms to the theory of cultural possibilism.  相似文献   

In this paper, an attempt to analyse landslide hazard and vulnerability in the municipality of Pahuatlán, Puebla, Mexico, is presented. In order to estimate landslide hazard, the susceptibility,magnitude(area-velocity ratio) and landslide frequency of the area of interest were produced based on information derived from a geomorphological landslide inventory; the latter was generated by using very high resolution satellite stereo pairs along with information derived from other sources(Google Earth,aerial photographs and historical information).Estimations of landslide susceptibility were determined by combining four statistical techniques:(i) logistic regression,(ii) quadratic discriminant analysis,(iii) linear discriminant analysis, and(iv)neuronal networks. A Digital Elevation Model(DEM)of 10 m spatial resolution was used to extract the slope angle, aspect, curvature, elevation and relief.These factors, in addition to land cover, lithology anddistance to faults, were used as explanatory variables for the susceptibility models. Additionally, a Poisson model was used to estimate landslide temporal frequency, at the same time as landslide magnitude was obtained by using the relationship between landslide area and the velocity of movements. Then,due to the complexity of evaluating it, vulnerability of population was analysed by applying the Spatial Approach to Vulnerability Assessment(SAVE) model which considered levels of exposure, sensitivity and lack of resilience. Results were expressed on maps on which different spatial patterns of levels of landslide hazard and vulnerability were found for the inhabited areas. It is noteworthy that the lack of optimal methodologies to estimate and quantify vulnerability is more notorious than that of hazard assessments.Consequently, levels of uncertainty linked to landslide risk assessment remain a challenge to be addressed.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization and growing size of cities will have an increasing impact on the global environment in the 21st century. As an engine of urban development to drive economic growth and technological innovations, industry has moved its focus from controlling environmental hazards to stimulating sustainable industrial development throughout the entire product lifecycle. These process- and technology-driven innovations for industrial production are prerequisites for enhancement of urban environment and sustainable development of cities. In this review, problems of environment and resources scarcity associated with rapid urbanization are demonstrated. And, on the basis of expatiations on the concepts and policies of the cleaner production (CP) and other similar initiatives with the goal of preventing pollution at the source and of managing the raw material more efficiently, two different ways to link the practice of cleaner production in industrial sector with performance of urban environment are discussed in detail. Then, the introduction, practice and legislation of CP strategies in China are outlined, and possibility for China to develop CPC (Cleaner Practices for Cities) approaches in the demonstration cities is discussed. Finally, some suggestions on implementation of CPC strategies are put forward.  相似文献   

Agricultural systems in Thailand’s northeastern mountains are described in terms of their type of crops, marketing channels, and labor requirements. Five distinctive systems are identified: The Field crop system, Fruit tree system, Industrial tree plantation system, Specialty crop system and Agro-tourism system. The different systems are compared with each other in order to identify their respective strengths and weaknesses as development models. The Field crop system covers the largest area of agricultural land and is found in all mountainous villages but it generates very low net profits per hectare. The Specialty crop system and Agro-tourism system generate very high net profits per hectare but cover only a small land area and have a restricted spatial distribution. Expansion of these high value systems may be limited because they are capital and labor intensive and require highly skilled farmers to manage them successfully. If these constraints can be overcome, they may offer a useful model for mountain agricultural development.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruption is one of the most serious geological disasters, however, a host of facts have proven that the Changbai Mountains volcano is a modem dormant one and has ever erupted disastrously. With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, space monitoring of volcanic activities has already become possible, particularly in the application of thermal infrared remote sensing. The paper, through the detailed analysis of geothermal anomaly factors such as heat radiation, heat conduction and convection, depicts the monitoring principles by which volcano activities would be monitored efficiently and effectively. Reasons for abrupt geothermal anomaly are mainly analyzed, and transmission mechanism of geothermal anomaly in the volcanic regions is explained. Also, a variety of noises disturbing the transmission of normal geothermal anomaly are presented. Finally, some clues are given based on discussing thermal infrared remote sensing monitoring mechanism toward the volcanic areas.  相似文献   

TheQuaternalypaleo--environmentoftheLushan,HuangshanandTianmumountainsisasignificantacademicproblemtowhichmuchattentionhasbeenpaidbymanyresearchersingeosciencecircle.Manyscholarshavestudiedtheproblemandgotalotofachivementsoverthepastyears(Lee,1933;Lee,1936;Lee,1947;Ren,1953;Huang,1963;Li,1974;Shi,1989).HOWever,identicalviewsandconclusionshavenotbeenreachedyetuptillnow,especiallylackingofcomprehensivestudyforsedimentsintheseregions.Inrecentyears,applyingsedimentalcomprehensiveindexgotfromv…  相似文献   

Seasonally frozen ground,mountain permafrost and cryogenic geomorphological processes are important components of the Pyrenean high mountains.This work presents the results of a study on the distribution of frozen ground in a marginal and paraglacial environment of temperate mountains.An inventory was made of landforms and indicators of frozen ground,and frozen ground was mapped accordingly.During 2014 and 2016 ground temperatures and thermal regimes were monitored,basal temperatures of snow-cover(BTS)were measured and a thermal map was drawn.Differential thermal behaviours were detected among different elevations and slope orientations.Periglacial processes are the most widespread,in which frost weathering and nivation,together with gelifluction and cryoturbation,are the most efficient processes;the latter two are generally linked to the presence of frozen ground.The fall in air and ground temperatures with altitude,slope orientations,and snowpack thickness and evolution determine ground thermal regimes.In the study area,three types of thermal regimes were established:climate-controlled,snowcover-controlled,and frozen ground-controlled.Seasonally frozen ground occurs across a broad range of elevation between 2650 and 3075 m asl,whereas possible permafrost only occurs above 2750 m asl.  相似文献   

北天山巴音沟蛇绿岩形成时代的精确厘定及意义   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
应用SHRIMP方法对北天山巴音沟蛇绿岩中侵入辉长岩内的斜长花岗岩进行了锆石UPb年龄测定,表明斜长花岗岩形成于(324.8±7.1)Ma(2σ)。这一年龄精确反映了巴音沟蛇绿岩的形成时代于早石炭世晚期。巴音沟蛇绿岩形成于强烈大陆伸展作用导致的大陆裂谷向大洋裂谷转变的一种动力学环境,记录了由于裂谷作用强烈拉伸形成的初始洋壳,是晚古生代天山地区“红海型”洋盆的地质记录。  相似文献   

Helicopters are often used in mountain rescue both for rescuers moving in the area of accidents and for evacuating victims, but in steep or forested terrain finding a landing place can be problematic. The main aim of this research is to use Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and cartographic database analysis to select locations that can be used as landing site for the rescue helicopters. Methods were based on GIS analysis; both raster and vector data were used for identifying touchdown points for rescue helicopters. Based on DEM data, locations with a low slope gradient were identified; topographic vector data were used for identifying unforested sites. Then buffer zones for buildings and power lines were excluded, and it was checked whether the areas had any topographic features that prevented helicopter landings. The findings were verified on an orthophotomap. In result, GIS analyses have selected 1232 polygons that fulfilled initial criteria. Their verification on orthophotomap has shown that only 55% of them could be potentially used as landing site. Landing sites can be found mainly on side ridges of mountain ranges and in valley beds, when those on ridges are most important in this research. The greatest difficulties and methodological challenges are posed by: identification of sites having a shape which prevents landing, the obsolescence of data due to environment dynamics, the presence of features that are not shown on maps but prevent helicopter landings. A map of landing sites is a very useful tool to conduct rescue operations, but each use of a given landing site requires both in-field and numerical verification. The analysis demonstrated that GIS toolsare useful in pre-planning of rescue missions, and also showed that such data must be kept up-to-date and in-field verification is needed continuously, the more so as it plays an important role in ensuring the safety of rescuers and victims.  相似文献   

Elucidating how multiple factors affect biodiversity and plant community assembly is a central issue in ecology, especially in vulnerable ecosystems such as tropical mountains. These studies are more relevant in global warming scenarios that induce the upward displacement of plant species towards reduced habitats and hostile environments in tropical mountains. This study aimed to analyze how altitude affects taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in plant communities of tropical mountains. Thus, w...  相似文献   

Similar to other areas of Pakistan, land resources in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) is kept under various ownership regimes for socio-economic and ecological benefits. For the last three to four decades, communal lands and resources are subjected to high rate of degradation and deterioration, which is leading to multifarious socio-economical and ecological implications. This paper intends to look into factors that are responsible for the degradation of communal land and the adaptability of the management mechanisms developed by the local inhabitants to conserve these resources. Moreover, this study also explores the sustainability of these adopted strategies in present circumstances. Data regarding socio-economic parameters of the inhabitants and their interactions with communal lands were collected through questionnaire cum interview method. As long-term climatic data for the area do not exist therefore focus group discussions were conducted to document the changing trend in rainfall regimes and temperature variations for the last about four decades. Results indicate that communal lands are highly vulnerable to degradation due to biophysical and anthropogenic factors. Local inhabitants have developed suitable measures to control the situation, however, accelerated socio-economic transformations in the area have weakened the role of local institutions and that led to further degradation of these resources. Nevertheless, a number of locally formulated rules have been revived and implemented and it is hoped that these threatened resources would be conserved.  相似文献   

Based on catalogue of biology and geochemistry of chemical elements, content characteristics and variation law of the large nutrient elements, the needful trace elements, the uncertain needful elements, the non-needful elements and the toxic elements in Betula ermanii trees are analyzed. The result shows that the content of the large nutrient elements in Betula ermanii trees is higher than that of other kinds of element; the contents of all kinds of elements in foliage with vigorous metabolism are higher than those in other parts; the content variations of the large nutrient elements and the needful trace elements with similar chemical property, geochemical property and biological function in different parts of Betula ermanii trees show the similar laws; but the other three kinds of elements variations are without laws. It is indicated that the variation of the needful elements in the plant follows a certain law, they are in relative equilibrium under undisturbed condition. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Natural Science Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Biography: LIU Jing-shuang(1956 -), male, a native of Jilin Province, professor, doctor tutor. His research interest includes environment science. E-mail: liujingshuang@mail.ccig.ac.cn  相似文献   

认识和把握科技创新的辩证法,对于搞好科技创新至关重要。科技创新的辩证法主要包括它的系统性、过程性和变动性及其辩证关系。科技创新的系统性主要包括八要素和五个环节;科技创新的过程性主要包括四个阶段和正反两个过程;科技创新的变动性主要集中反应在其水平、规模和效益的变动上。应集中力量突破几个难关,努力获取科技创新的最佳效益。  相似文献   

Development of appropriate tourism infrastructure is important for protected areas that allow public access for tourism use.This is meant to avoid or minimize unfavourable impacts on natural resources through guiding tourists for proper use.In this paper,a GIS-based method,the least-cost path(LCP) modelling,is explored for planning tourist tracks in a World Heritage site in Northwest Yunnan(China),where tourism is increasing rapidly while appropriate infrastructure is almost absent.The modelling process contains three steps:1) selection of evaluation criteria(physical,biological and landscape scenic) that are relevant to track decision; 2) translation of evluation criteria into spatially explicit cost surfaces with GIS,and 3) use of Dijkstra's algorithm to determine the least-cost tracks.Four tracks that link main entrances and scenic spots of the study area are proposed after optimizing all evaluation criteria.These tracks feature lowenvironmental impacts and high landscape qualities,which represent a reasonable solution to balance tourist use and nature conservation in the study area.In addtion,the study proves that the LCP modelling can not only offer a structured framwork for track planning but also allow for different stakeholders to participate in the planning process.It therefore enhances the effectivenss of tourism planning and managemnt in protected areas.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the Lower Kungurian( Philippovian Horizon; Lower Permian) biota of the Middle Cis-Urals,Russia.The biota is characterized on the basis of four representative localities( Philippovskoe Bus-stop,Philippovskian Quarry,Kamai and Kiselevo-Suksun Highway),which are situated in the stratotype area of the Kungurian stage.All the localities can be regarded as Lagersttten,but of authentically low biodiversity,since they represent oligotrophic lagoons of abnormal fluctuating salinity.General reconstruction of the Philippovian near-shore shallow-water ecosystem is given.Two new species of algae Algites philippoviensis sp.nov.,A.shurtanensis sp.nov.,and a new species of the limulids Paleolimulus kunguricus sp.nov.are described for the first time.  相似文献   

In mountain ecosystems,plants are sensitive to climate changes,and an entire range of species distribution can be observed in a small area.Therefore,mountains are of great interest for climate–growth relationship analysis.In this study,the Siberian spruce’s(Picea obovata Ledeb.)radial growth and its climatic response were investigated in the Western Sayan Mountains,near the SayanoShushenskoe Reservoir.Sampling was performed at three sites along an elevational gradient:at the lower border of the species range,in the middle,and at the treeline.Divergence of growth trends between individual trees was observed at each site,with microsite landscape-soil conditions as the most probable driver of this phenomenon.Cluster analysis of individual tree-ring width series based on inter-serial correlation was carried out,resulting in two sub-set chronologies being developed for each site.These chronologies appear to have substantial differences in their climatic responses,mainly during the cold season.This response was not constant due to regional climatic change and the local influence of the nearby Sayano-Shushenskoe Reservoir.The main response of spruce to growing season conditions has a typical elevational pattern expected in mountains:impact of temperature shifts with elevation from positive to negative,and impact of precipitation shifts in the opposite direction.Chronologies of trees,growing under more severe micro-conditions,are very sensitive to temperature during September–April and to precipitation during October–December,and they record both inter-annual and long-term climatic variation.Consequently,it would be interesting to test if they indicate the Siberian High anticyclone,which is the main driver of these climatic factors.  相似文献   

Inherited tectonic structures, ongoing tectonic deformation, and variations in relative rock uplift rates play an important role in conditioning the processes of relief development. Their influence among other factors, such as climate and lithology, can be quantified using landscape analysis, and geomorphometric indices, in particular. The usage of landscape analysis in recent years is increasing systematically due to the constant improvement of the digital elevation models and GIS software that significantly facilitate this approach. In this study, we aim to recognize the influence of tectonic structures and processes on relief development in the low mountains with moderate relief of the So?a River catchment in the Western Outer Carpathians. To this end, we calculated geomorphometric indices(river longitudinal profile, stream-length gradient index, minimum bulk erosion, relief ratio, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio, and hypsometric integral) for the So?a River and its 47 sub-catchments using a 25-m spatial resolution Digital Terrain Elevation Data Level 2. Additionally, we identified lineaments and knickpoints and correlated the computed results with local and regional fault networks, variations in lithology, and climate fluctuations. Obtained results indicate a significant impact of inherited tectonicstructures on the relief development of the So?a River catchment, i.e., directions of principal ridges and valleys follow the orientation of main folds and faults recorded in this area. Anomalously high values of minimum bulk erosion, river gradient, and streamlength gradient index allowed us to define two areas with higher relative uplift rates: 1) the So?a Gorge and 2) the Beskid ?ywiecki Mts. Polish Outer Carpathians are generally considered as an area of low strain rate and low seismic activity. However, the possibility of neotectonic processes should be considered in geohazard estimations. Observed bends in the direction of river valleys that do not correspond with changes in lithology could be related to active strikeslip faults. These are probably the reactivated basement structures, copied in the thin-skinned nappe cover, as a result of the accommodation of the Mur-?ilina Fault Zone resulting from the tectonic push of the Alcapa(Alpine-Carpathian-Pannonian) microplate against the European plate. Thus, the role of recent tectonic activity in relief development of the So?a River catchment even though appears to be subsidiary at the most, should not be excluded.  相似文献   

The present paper is an introduction of a universal model of cluster and discrimination in the field of fisheries science. The mathematical principle and algorithm are described and the application results analysed. This model is called “weighted generalized distance” method, based on the principle of “minimum distance”. For different types of data, different methods are put forward. The quantitative attributes are standarized by “norm” method and the qualitative attributes are quantified by indicative value based on Shannon's information theory to locate the specimen in the coordinates. An approach by progressive readjustment of pivotal points is employed for the cluster rational. Finally, any new specimen can be discriminated by the principle of “minimum distance”, too.  相似文献   

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