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To study the distribution characteristics and variation regularity of the temperature field during the process of seepage freezing,a simulated-freezing test with seepage of Xuzhou sand was completed by using a model test developed in-house equipment.By means of three group freezing tests with different seepage velocities,we discovered the phenomenon of the asymmetry of the temperature field under the influence of seepage.The temperature upstream was obviously higher than that downstream.The temperature gradient upstream was also steeper than that downstream.With a higher seepage velocity,the asymmetry of the temperature field is more pronounced.The asymmetry for the interface temperature profile is more strongly manifest than for the main surface temperature profile.The cryogenic barrier section is somewhat"heartshaped".With the increasing velocity of the seepage flow,the cooling rate of the soil decreases.It takes much time to reach the equilibrium state of the soil mass.In our study,seepage flow velocities of 0 m/d,7.5 m/d,and 15 m/d showed the soilcooling rate of 4.35°C/h,4.96°C/h,and 1.72°C/h,respectively.  相似文献   

The paper presents some methods of numerical modeling and a study of moisture changing in frozen clay soils considering rates of freezing in the base of construction.An impact assessment of moisture changes in clay soils affecting strength characteristics during thawing was carried out in stability tests.  相似文献   

A coupled water and heat transport mode is established based on the Richards equation to study water flow and heat transport in soil during freezing process. Both the finite difference and finite element method are used in the discretization, respectively. Two different computer programs are written and used to simulate an indoor unidirectional frozen test. The freezing depth, freezing rate and temperature variation are compared among lab tests, finite difference calculation simulation and finite element calculation simulation. Result shows that: the finite difference method has a better performance in freezing depth simulation while the finite element method has a better performance in numerical stability in one-dimensional freezing simulation.  相似文献   

跨江通道是支持城市跨江发展的重要设施,能有效地突破天然水系阻隔并加速各类生产要素的跨江流动,可有力地促进滨江副城的城市发展与土地增值。本文提出地价趋势分离法,借助GIS空间分析工具,以南京市浦口区为例开展跨江通道对滨江副城住宅地价增值的测算研究。结果表明:单通道各区段的住宅地价梯度及通道贡献值随着与通道节点距离的增加呈现出逐级递减现象,多通道作用下住宅地价的增值效应则呈多中心的波浪推移模式;2020年,各跨江通道节点区域通勤类通道对住宅地价的增值约为一级基准地价的52.54%,过境类通道仅为31.52%,同时可测算到多通道作用下"浦口新城"住宅地价的溢价潜力高达404.76亿元,这将为浦口区城市基础设施建设筹集大量资金,利于切实贯彻南京市的城市跨江发展战略。  相似文献   

Study of polluted soil remediation based on freezing and thawing cycles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally known that soil pollution poses a terrible hazard to the environment, but the present techniques of contaminated soil remediation cannot control this growing threat. This paper compares the pollutant extraction efficiency of traditional pumping and treating, which is a typical washing technology for the remediation of contaminated soils, with methods that utilize freeze-thaw cycles. In the soil freezing process, water shifts from unfrozen soils to the freezing front, and the permeability of soil will be enhanced under certain temperature gradients and water conditions. Therefore, this paper discusses the purification of contaminated soil through freeze-thaw action. We conducted a cleansing experiment on clay and silica sand infused with NaCl(simulation of heavy metals) and found that the efficiency of purification was enhanced remarkably in the latter by the freeze-thaw action. To assess the effective extraction of DNAPLs in soil, we conducted an experiment on suction by freezing, predicated on the different freezing points of moisture and pollutants. We found that the permeability coefficient was significantly increased by the freezing-thawing action, enabling the DNAPL contaminants to be extracted selectively and effectively.  相似文献   

In seasonally frozen regions, the frost-heave properties of soil play a significant role in its upper-structure performance and durability. To investigate the frost-heave behaviors of saturated, compacted silty clay soil widely used as subgrade material, a series of one-side freezing tests was carried out; and the freezing depth and frozen front effected by the compactness, temperature, overburden pressure, and water-supply condition were analyzed and discussed. The results show that the moving speed of the frozen front and growth rate of the frozen depth are positively correlated. The frost heave is maximum in the frost-heave stability condition. The frost ratio of saturated soil is proportional to the water supply and cooling temperature under a one-side freezing condition. The frost ratio of saturated soil is inversely proportional to the initial compactness of the soil specimen and the overburden pressure.  相似文献   

A performance test was conducted in a wind tunnel by changing the principal configuration parameters of a sampler such as the diameter of the container, inlet width and cone height. The results show that the average sand collection rate is from 80% to 90% when any one of the configuration parameter levels is changed. However, the variation of a parameter level results in different ef-fects on the sand collection rate for each soil sample within a certain size range of sand grains. The results show that for various sand grain sized soil sample at each wind speed, the sand collection rate decreases when the diameter of the container changes from 50 mm to 40 mm, the sand collection rate increases by about 2%-3% when the inlet width changes from 10 mm to 8 mm, and the sand collection rate increases by about 3%-4% when cone height is altered from 100 mm to 125 mm. The average sand collection rate is enhanced by 2%-4% for the soil sample of different sized sand grains when the diameter of the container is 50 mm, the inlet width is 8 mm, and cone height is 125 mm.  相似文献   

基于Harlan模型和Darcy定律,综合考虑环境气候因素和水热特征参数对湿热迁移影响,建立了环境气候条件下季节性冻土区土壤冻融过程中湿热耦合作用模型.根据地表能量交换平衡原理推导出边界条件.依据实测数据回归分析出土壤湿热特征参数表达式.采用全隐式有限差分格式和TDMA迭代法对内蒙古锡林浩特地区冻结期间土壤湿热迁移规律进行了数值模拟.温度计算值和实测值比较一致,最大误差不超过2.5℃,说明该模型具有较高的准确性.利用该模型仅通过气象资料和湿热特征参数就可预测季冻区土壤冻胀和田间湿热分布状况并能够用来指导农田工程建设和农业生产.  相似文献   

There are numerous methods to prevent seepage flow and ground improvement methodologies such as cement grouting, sheet piling, and the membrane method. In this paper, we present case histories of freezing technology applications in the construction of a deep tunnel sewerage system, undersea highway tunnel, and liquefied natural gas tank. Heaving pressure measurements for various soil types around a liquefied natural tank are compared with existing data. In this paper, we present temperature variations at the bottom and side of a liquefied natural gas tank. Our findings show that ground-freezing technology is very effective in controlling ground water infiltration into underground structures as well providing soil reinforcement in the soft ground.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to the numerical simulation of the artificial ground freezing process in a fluid-saturated rock mass of the potassium salt deposit. A coupled model of nonstationary thermal conductivity, filtration and thermo-poroelasticity, which takes into account dependence of the physical properties on temperature and pressure, is proposed on the basis of the accepted hypotheses. The considered area is a cylinder with a depth of 256 meters and diameter of 26.5 meters and includes 13 layers with different thermophysical and filtration properties. Numerical simulation was carried out by the finite-element method. It has been shown that substantial ice wall formation occurs non-uniformly along the layers. This can be connected with geometry of the freezing wells and with difference in physical properties. The average width of the ice wall in each layer was calculated. It was demonstrated that two toroidal convective cells induced by thermogravitational convection were created from the very beginning of the freezing process. The effect of the constant seepage flow on the ice wall formation was investigated. It was shown that the presence of the slow flow lead to the delay in ice wall closure. In case of the flow with a velocity of more than 30 mm per day, closure of the ice wall was not observed at all in the foreseeable time.  相似文献   

Canopy effect refers to the phenomenon in which moisture accumulates underneath an impervious cover. A canopy effect can lead to full saturation of the soil underneath the impervious cover. A recent theoretical study separates the canopy effect into two types. The first one is caused by evaporation-condensation in unsaturated soils, while the second one is induced by freezing-enhanced vapour transfer in unsaturated soils. To validate experimentally these two types of canopy effect and to reveal their mechanisms, moisture-migration experiments were carried out, using a newly developed laboratory apparatus for unsaturated frozen soils. Six conditions were applied to the calcareous sand, with different initial water contents and boundary temperatures. The results show that water content in the upper portion of the sample increased under an upward temperature gradient, and the increment of water content was greater if the soil was subjected to freezing. For the freezing cases, the depth of the peak water content was in line with the freezing front. And the greater the initial water content, the more the water content accumulated at the freezing front. However, a lower cooling rate seemed to facilitate vapour migration. For the unfrozen cases, the water content in the upper portion of the sample also increased; and the increases became more apparent with a higher initial moisture content. The temperature gradient can also inhibit the vapour migration. A less steep temperature gradient always resulted in a more notable inhibition effect. Test results seem to verify the theory of the canopy effect.  相似文献   

植株减小风速从而抑制风蚀,风速廓线可以反映植株对风速的影响。在风洞中测量了细长状植株和上大下小形状植株在不同覆盖密度、不同来流风速下的风速廓线,并对这两种植株地表上空气动力学粗糙度、零平面位移高度进行了比较。结果表明:两种植株地表的空气动力学粗糙度均随植株密度按幂函数规律增加,其与植株高度之比也随侧影盖度按幂函数规律增加。在相同覆盖密度或侧影盖度条件下,上大下小形状植株地表的空气动力学粗糙度大于细长状植株。细长状植株地表的零平面位移高度随植株密度的增加先增加而后减小,而上大下小形状植株地表的零平面位移高度则基本不受植株密度的影响。  相似文献   

赵思敏  芮旸  杨钰华 《地理研究》2022,41(3):810-829
学前和义务教育阶段学生由乡到城的跨尺度流动影响教育资源配置和社会治理,事关乡村振兴和教育公平。解析乡村学生跨尺度流动的内涵并构建其研究框架,融合县级统计数据和调查访谈数据对陕西省淳化县进行实证分析。结果表明:① 淳化县乡村学生存在跨尺度流动现象并趋于加剧,突出表现为跨县域的跳跃流动成为主体和流动时间提前至幼儿园阶段,乡村义务教育设施的小规模化趋势和学前教育设施“城挤乡空”的潜在风险因此出现。② 乡村学生跨尺度流动的影响因素呈4级递阶结构,进城落户和随迁就学政策是深层动因,教育资源配置、父母文化程度与学校教学质量、家庭经济资本、父母籍贯分别为中层与浅层影响因素,父母工作地、家庭购房情况、学校寄宿条件和上学距离是表层直接影响因素。③ 推力因素和家庭心理门槛的消除促使乡村学生流出,但实现流动需克服“人、钱、居”三大中间阻力和路径门槛,流入地的最终确定则受拉力因素和区位门槛的共同作用,整个流动过程的发生始终受资源分配不均形成的梯度力和随迁就学等政策的影响。建议多渠道增加乡村优质教育资源供给,扩大省级政府及副省级城市的教育统筹权,推动教育治理模式的流动性转向。  相似文献   

The acquisition of spatial-temporal information of frozen soil is fundamental for the study of frozen soil dynamics and its feedback to climate change in cold regions. With advancement of remote sensing and better understanding of frozen soil dynamics, discrimination of freeze and thaw status of surface soil based on passive microwave remote sensing and numerical simulation of frozen soil processes under water and heat transfer principles provides valuable means for regional and global frozen soil dynamic monitoring and systematic spatial-temporal responses to global change. However, as an important data source of frozen soil processes, remotely sensed information has not yet been fully utilized in the numerical simulation of frozen soil processes. Although great progress has been made in remote sensing and frozen soil physics, yet few frozen soil research has been done on the application of remotely sensed information in association with the numerical model for frozen soil process studies. In the present study, a distributed numerical model for frozen soil dynamic studies based on coupled water-heat transferring theory in association with remotely sensed frozen soil datasets was developed. In order to reduce the uncertainty of the simulation, the remotely sensed frozen soil information was used to monitor and modify relevant parameters in the process of model simulation. The remotely sensed information and numerically simulated spatial-temporal frozen soil processes were validated by in-situ field observations in cold regions near the town of Naqu on the East-Central Tibetan Plateau. The results suggest that the overall accuracy of the algorithm for discriminating freeze and thaw status of surface soil based on passive microwave remote sensing was more than 95%. These results provided an accurate initial freeze and thaw status of surface soil for coupling and calibrating the numerical model of this study. The numerically simulated frozen soil processes demonstrated good performance of the distributed numerical model based on the coupled water-heat transferring theory. The relatively larger uncertainties of the numerical model were found in alternating periods between freezing and thawing of surface soil. The average accuracy increased by about 5% after integrating remotely sensed information on the surface soil. The simulation accuracy was significantly improved, especially in transition periods between freezing and thawing of the surface soil.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions. Foundation: National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.40771016 Author: Liu Ye (1980–), Ph.D, specialized in integrated physical geography.  相似文献   

Eco-geographic regional system is formed by division or combination of natural features based on geographic relativity and comparison of major ecosystem factors (including biological and non-biological) and geographic zonality. In previous studies, soil types were often taken as a basis for soil regionalization. However, the quantitative characteristics of soil indicators are fitter than the qualitative ones of soil types for modern regionalization researches. Based on the second China’s national soil survey data and the provincial soil resource information, by principal analysis and discriminant analysis, this paper discusses the appropriate soil indicators as the complement of eco-geographic region indicator systems and the relationships between these soil indicators and soil types in regionalization. The results show that five indicators are used in eco-geographic zonality in mid-temperate zone of eastern China which are organic matter content, cation exchange capacity, pH, clay content and bulk density in topsoils. With a regression-kriging approach, the maps of soil indicators in mid-temperate zone of eastern China are compiled with a resolution of 1 km in every grid and the indicative meanings of these soil indicators are discussed. By cluster analysis it is proved that these soil indicators are better than the soil types and soil regionalization in delineating eco-geographic regions.  相似文献   

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