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The literature on cosmic-ray-produced nuclides in iron meteorites occasionally reports unusual (“anomalous”) abundance proportions for the associated noble gases. The anomalies are in some cases ascribed to excesses of4He, caused by the presence of primordial or radiogenic components; in other cases to abundance deficiencies of3He, caused by partial loss of cosmogenic tritium. The arguments and data used previously for the recognition, identification and determination of anomalies are, however, imperfect or incorrect. New procedures are here proposed. They are based on more reliable data on the abundance patterns of the cosmogenic component and on a novel system of test correlations which describes these patterns. In most cases in which anomalies are recognised, the system allows an unequivocal identification of the nuclide which is the cause of the anomaly. This is a prerequisite for the quantitative determination of excesses and deficiencies. The procedures are applied to evaluate anomalous noble gas data reported in the literature for about 15 samples of various iron meteorites. In some cases, previous identifications of3He deficiencies and of4He excesses prove to be correct. However, guesses that4He excesses were present in certain specimens from Arispe, Cranbourne, El Taco, Hoba, Pin?on, Pitts and Sandia Mountains are invalidated by the present investigation.4He excesses are more exceptional than heretofore believed.  相似文献   

Three physical quantities define the essentials of the cosmic ray exposure history of a sample of an iron meteorite: (1) the cosmic ray exposure age T, (2) the pre-atmospheric “size” S of the irradiated body, and (3) the location, i.e. the “depth” D, of the samples within the body. To establish these quantities for a given sample three independent quantities must be determined experimentally. In the present work T is ascertained by the 41K/40K method and the 4He and 21Ne concentrations (C4 and C21) are measured by the isotope dilution method. Signer and Nier's evaluation of the rare gas distribution in the meteorite Grant and the measured exposure age for this meteorite provide the relationships allowing to ascertain for any meteorite the quantities S and D from the 21Ne production rate (P21 = C21/T) and the 4He/21Ne ratio.Earlier measurements have provided data on the isotopic composition of potassium in 74 different iron meteorites. New rare gas measurements are reported for some 40 samples. Results on the age, size and depth are obtained for almost 60 samples. These data suggest that Signer and Nier's model is well suited for describing not only the rare gas distribution in a single selected meteorite (Grant) but also the exposure histories of the great majority of all irons. For a few samples, however, secondary breakups of the meteoroid and a two- or multiple-stage irradiation must be invoked. Further measurements are proposed for testing and, possibly, refining the still somewhat uncertain relationships between the abundances of cosmogenic nuclides and the quantities T, S, and D in very large meteorites.Histograms are presented showing the age distributions for irons of different chemical groups and of different size ranges.The feasibility and the relative merits of other methods for the determination of T, S, and D are discussed.  相似文献   

The cosmic ray exposure ages of 16 iron meteorites were determined by the41K/40K-4He/21Ne method. The ages measured in the present and in previous experiments are summarized and presented in form of various histograms characterizing the age distributions of the different chemical groups separately. Age clustering at 650 Ma (mega years) is typical for the group IIIAB. Age clustering at 400 Ma is observed for the IVA irons. Quasi-continuous age distributions are found for the groups IA, IIA, IIB, IVB and for the anomalous irons. The following interpretation is offered. The IIIA and IIIB irons have initially been core material of the same parent asteroid and were ejected in consequence of a single impact event about 650 Ma ago. The IVA irons represent core material of another asteroid which was hit and partially disrupted in consequence of an impact event about 400 Ma ago. The group IA exhibits meteorites with ages between 200 and 1200 Ma. The quasi-continuous character of this age distribution and cosmochemical evidence indicate for these irons a raisin-bread-like character of their initial distribution within the silicate mantle of their parent asteroid. In consequence of several or, perhaps, of many crater-forming impact events the mantle material was gradually destructed and ejected. In the age distribution of the IIA hexahedrites, ages <300 Ma predominate and ages >600 Ma seem to be missing. In attempting to understand this, the possibility must be taken into consideration that the mean life-time of hexahedrites in the interplanetary space might be shorter than that of other irons. The cause might be that the hexahedrite single crystals are perhaps easier cleavable in the space environment. A similar kind of selective mass wastage appears also to be the cause for the absence of stone meteorites with high exposure ages.  相似文献   

A number of group IVA iron meteorites show metallographic features suggesting that a shock annealing event intervened during the formation of the Widmanstatten structure. This could complicate the estimation of cooling rates based on diffusion profile methods but would have less influence on methods based upon macroscopic measurements of kamacite band widths.  相似文献   

Cosmic-ray-produced26Al in iron meteorites has been measured by low-level γγ-coincidence counting. The26Al activities, in dpm/kg, are: Aroos3.0 ± 1.0, Braunau2.6 ± 0.5. Kayakent4.6 ± 1.5, N'Goureyma4.4 ± 1.1, Okahandja3.6 ± 0.9, Treysa4.0 ± 0.5. Exposure ages based on26Al/21Ne are in agreement, within experimental error(±20%), with those based on36Cl/36Ar and39Ar/38Ar but the ages based on40K/41K are higher by about 50%. The difference in exposure ages is probably caused by a real change of the cosmic ray intensity in the inner solar system.  相似文献   

The pressure-temperature conditions in the primordial nebula which could produce the observed Ni, Ga and Ge abundances in the major iron meteorite groups have been calculated assuming equilibrium condensation. Included in these calculations are the effect on the metal composition of Fe oxidation and sulphide formation during accretion, GeS and GaCl in the nebula gases and pressure variations in the nebula. It was found that the IIAB irons had their abundances of these elements fixed at the low-pressure extreme of the range which gives the IAB irons, but at 50 ± 10K higher temperatures. IIIAB and IVA formed over the same temperature range as IAB (600–670?40+60 K) in regions where the pressure was lower by a factor of 20 and 104 respectively. Group IVB accreted soon after condensation of the metal and at pressures of less than 10?3 atmosphere. The distribution of sulphur and carbon are consistent with this. The abundance of carbon in group IAB suggests that this and group IIAB accreted at about 10?4 atmosphere, so that IIIAB and IVA accreted where the pressure was 5 × 10?6 and 10?8 atmosphere, respectively.  相似文献   

The Angra dos Reis meteorite fell in 1869 and is a unique achondrite. It is an ultramafic igneous rock, pyroxenite, with 93% fassaite pyroxene which has 15.7% Ca-Tschermak's molecule, plus calcic olivine (Fo53.1; 1.3% CaO), green hercynitic spinel, whitlockite (merrillite), metallic Ni-Fe, troilite, as well as magnesian kirschsteinite (Ks62.3Mo37.7), within olivine grains, and celsian (Cs90.2An7.7Ab1.7Or0.4) which are phases reported in a meteorite for the first time, and plagioclase (An86.0), baddeleyite, titanian magnetite (TiO2, 21.9%), and terrestrial hydrous iron oxide which are phases reported for the first time in this meteorite. Petrofabric analysis shows that fassaite has a preferred orientation and lineation which is interpreted as being due to cumulus processes, possibly the effect of post-depositional magmatic current flow or laminar flow of a crystalline mush. The mineral chemistry indicates crystallization from a highly silica-undersaturated melt at low pressure. Since the meteorite formed as a cumulate, pyroxene crystals may have gravitationally settled from a melt which crystallized melilite first. Plagioclase would be unstable in such a highly undersaturated melt, and feldspathoids would be rare or absent due to the very low alkali contents of the melt. The presence of rare grains of plagioclase and celsian may be the result of late-stage crystallization of residual liquids in local segregations. Thus, the Eu anomaly in Angra dos Reis may be the result of pyroxene separation from a melt which crystallized melilite earlier, rather than plagioclase as previously suggested.  相似文献   

The uranium and thorium decay series nuclides in Mt. St. Helens effusives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentrations of the radionuclides238U,230Th,226Ra,210Pb,210Po,232Th,228Ra and228Th and the abundances of major elements were determined in samples from all major eruptions of Mt. St. Helens from May 18, 1980 through June 21, 1981. During this time the effusives changed from plagioclase-phyric dacite to a more andesitic composition but the concentrations of U and Th series nuclides were measurably invariant. The average232Th/238U weight ratio in the rocks is 2.4 and the230Th/232Th activity ratio equals the238U/232Th activity ratio indicating no fractionation of U from Th during magma genesis.226Ra activity is in excess (~40% on average) of its parent230Th whereas228Ra is in radioactive equilibrium with its parent232Th, constraining the time of magma formation between 30 and 104 years prior to eruption. The210Pb/226Ra activity ratios in the samples average 1.0, with a 20% scatter on either side, but allowing for volatile210Pb loss at time of eruption excess210Pb over226Ra is inferred, indicating that the time of magma formation was within the last 150 years.210Po was virtually absent in the samples immediately after eruption, indicating its total loss by volatilization during eruption. The quantity of210Po volatilized during the May 18, 1980 event is estimated to be in the range of 300 Ci from the effusives and as much as 5000 Ci total including losses from heated slide material. The222Rn activity volatilized should have been comparable to the210Po activity released.  相似文献   

Etch rates and etchable lengths of cosmic ray tracks in meteoritic crystals have been used by several workers to derive the charge spectrum of ancient cosmic rays. This is done by comparing the fossil cosmic ray track record with fresh accelerator-produced calibration tracks. These calibration tracks are generally produced at room temperature, while meteorites spend a high proportion of their lifetimes orbiting at large distances from the Sun ( 3–5 AU) and are, consequently, at much lower temperatures (typically 100–150 K) during most of their cosmic ray exposure ages. We have irradiated crystals of apatite, olivine, enstatite and diopside held at 77, 293, 473 and 573 K, with 2 MeV/nucleon81Br ions, and then etched them. We find that their track etching properties are dependent upon the temperature of the mineral during registration. The track etch velocity generally increases with registration temperature up to 300 or 500 K (the upper limit depending upon the type of crystal). Our results also indicate that the annealing sensitivity of fission tracks in fluorapatite may be influenced by the registration temperature. This temperature dependence has important implications not only for cosmic ray particle identification but also for fission track dating of meteorites in view of the fact that the meteorite parent bodies were at elevated temperatures at the beginning af their life when244Pu fission tracks were being generated abundantly.  相似文献   

The longitudinal profile of atmospheric cascades is sensitive to the energy, mass of the primary particle and to atmospheric state. In this work are compared ionization yield functions Y for winter, summer and US standard profiles of Earth's atmosphere. The various profiles are obtained on the basis of CORSIKA 6.52 code simulations using FLUKA 2006 and QGSJET II hadronic interaction subroutines. The energy deposit of proton induced cascade processes in the atmosphere is calculated for different types of atmospheres. The ion pair production in the atmosphere and the contribution of the different shower components, precisely the electromagnetic, muon and hadronic is estimated according applied atmospheric types. In addition simulations with different hadronic interaction models GHEISHA 2002, FLUKA 2006 and QGSJET II are carried out. The ion pair production in the atmosphere and the contribution of different shower components is estimated according the assumed hadronic interaction models. The yield function Y for total ionization, respectively, for the different components is compared. The observed differences are widely discussed. General conclusion concerning the application of various atmospheric profiles and hadron interaction models is carried out.  相似文献   

Thermomagnetic analysis was made on samples of all known C3 and C4 chondrites in a controlled oxygen atmosphere. Considerable variation was noted in the occurrence of magnetic minerals, comparable to the variation observed earlier in the C2 chondrites. Magnetite was found as the only major magnetic phase in samples of only three C3 chondrites (2–4 wt.%) and the Karoonda C4 chondrite (7.7 wt.%). The magnetite content of these three C3 chondrites is only about one-third that observed in the C1 and C2 chondrites which were found to contain magnetite as the only magnetic phase. Five C3 chondrites were observed to undergo chemical change during heating, producing magnetite: this behavior is characteristic of troilite oxidation. Upper limits on initial magnetite content of about 1–9% were established for these meteorites. Samples of the remaining five C3 chondrites and the Coolidge C4 chondrite were found to contain both magnetite and metallic iron. In two samples, iron containing ≤2% Ni was observed, while in the other four, the iron contained 6–8 wt.% Ni. In addition to containing both magnetite and iron metal, three of these samples reacted during heating to form additional magnetite. Variations in the magnetic mineralogy and, hence by inference bulk mineralogy, of C3 and C4 chondrites indicate a more complex genesis than is evident from whole-rock elemental abundance patterns.  相似文献   

We report new Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf, and Pb-Pb mineral and whole-rock isotope data for the basaltic shergottite Zagami, as well as Pb-Pb whole-rock isotope data for the basaltic shergottite Los Angeles, the lherzolitic shergottite Dar-al-Gani 476 (DaG 476), and the clinopyroxenite Nakhla. In agreement with previous findings, our new Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf mineral ages on the Martian meteorite Zagami are young (155 and 185 Ma, respectively). The 207Pb/206Pb-204Pb/206Pb compositions of the insoluble fractions of shergottites (Zagami, Los Angeles, and literature data for Shergotty and EETA79001) form an excellent alignment indicative of a 4.0 Ga crystallization age. The range of Pb isotope compositions observed in the leachates of these samples attests to negligible contamination of the shergottites by terrestrial Pb and argues against mixing relationships. The age of 4.048 ± 0.017 Ga (MSWD = 1.5) provided by the Pb isotope compositions of the Zagami whole-rock and residues is therefore taken to date the crystallization of this rock, which, so far, was believed to be only ∼ 180 Ma old. Based on this result, we argue that the lithosphere of Mars is extremely old and that most mineral ages were reset recently by acidic aqueous solutions percolating through the Martian surface. This interpretation is consistent with photographic interpretations of erosional features on Mars. It also relieves the constraint imposed by the presence of anomalies of 142Nd and 182W (both products of extinct radioactive nuclides) that the Martian mantle should have preserved primordial isotopic heterogeneities, thus allowing for the planet interior to be actively convecting.  相似文献   

If surface anomalies in the composition of the metallic-line A stars (Am stars) are due to a precipitation of planet-like bodies (planetoids) on them, then one should expect a correlation to exist between the overabundance of heavier-than-iron elements on these stars and their “standard” abundances in the solar system (since chondrites provide the “standard” level for these elements). However, an anticorrelation was revealed.Nevertheless, this fact supports the original suggestion on the origin of the metallicism of A stars, and can easily be explained within the author's hypothesis on the formation of the Sun from matter escaping from the proto-Jupiter. During the terminal stages of mass transfer, the matter was strongly depleted in refractories (forming the rocky core of Jupiter). Therefore the composition of the meteorites formed should not coincide with the primary composition of the matter. Thus the Sun's outer layers may also have a distorted composition. The author concludes that it is desirable to revise the “standard” abundances of elements heavier than iron.From a comparison of the surface composition of Am stars with the composition of lunar anorthosites and that of rocks in the upper zones of the Skaergaard intrusion (Greenland), the Am phenomenon may be seen to result from a precipitation of large geochemically differentiated planetoids onto a star. Such planetoids (including the Moon) condense in the cooled envelope of the primary component of a close binary stellar system.  相似文献   

通过讨论地球空间已有稳定核素内质子数与中子数的分布趋势,介绍了稳定核素的趋势分析方法及其有关周期性分布方程形式,给出了理论方程曲线与地球空间稳定核素实验数据分布点的对比结果,进而给出了稳定核素极限值和元素周期表中化学元素极限,以及其与正负粒子对的可能对应关系方程,包括位于电子中微子层面附近的粒子质量量级初步估计.随后通过建立真空物质能量状态的二个假设,及基于等效Binet方程,给出了与Einstein狭义相对论有关结论相融合的物质粒子以光速及超光速运动的质量及能量方程;作为推论,对这些方程与暗物质及暗能量的可能对应关系予以了初步探讨.  相似文献   

The cosmic ray geomagnetic cutoff rigidities are obtained by analytical calculations within an axisymmetric model of bounded magnetosphere, the magnetic field of which is created by the dipole field of the Earth and by two spheres located beyond the Earth with the currents that flow along the parallels and have a value proportional to the cosine of latitude. The inner sphere models the ring current flowing in the westerly direction; the outer sphere simulates the currents over the magnetopause, which flow in the easterly direction. The analytical results of calculations of variations in the geomagnetic cutoff rigidity for different levels of geomagnetic disturbances are given. The results are compared with the results of analytical calculations within the model of unbounded magnetosphere (when the outer sphere is absent).  相似文献   

The geology of Alaska has long been recognized as very complex. Recent paleomagnetic data, combined with paleogeographic reconstructions based on the concepts of plate tectonics, indicate that at least the southern parts of Alaska may be made up of a number of slivers of continental material rafted up along the western edge of North America.If a model of this sort is real, the implications are far reaching. Thus, the first part of this survey explains in some detail the techniques and assumptions used, namely the paleomagnetic technique, the use of the geomagnetic field reversal pattern as seen in marine magnetic anomalies, the use of both local (Alaskan) and global seismicity patterns, and the concept of sea-mount chains generated by hot spots as indicators of past movement of the ocean floor.By combining information derived from these different methods, an internally consistent picture of the development of the Alaska Peninsula and Gulf of Alaska has been assembled. This model involves the region that is now the Alaska Peninsula area, having been located at approximately the latitude of Oregon/california in early Mesozoic times, and looking much like Baja California looks today. Baja Alaska was then rafted north on the ancient Pacific plate, and rotated into its present position as a result of changes in the relative Pacific-North American plate motion.  相似文献   

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