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There exists extensive basic-acidic volcanic rock series in the middle section of the Okinawa Trough. Different types of these volcanic rocks have their own average strontium ratios of 0.704 749, 0.705 062, 0.708 771, 0.704 840 and 0.720 301 with average143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.512 820, 0.512 673, 0.512 413, 0.512 729 and 0.512 034. These ratios of Sr and Nd isotopes all fall on a theoretic hyperbolic curve of mixing between two end-members of MORB and rhyolitic magma. So we infer that these different kinds of volcanic rocks in the middle Okinawa Trough are the erupted product in different stages of formation and evolution of the trough crust. MORB magma, which had suffered assimilation, mixed with the early-formed crust-derived rhyolitic partial melt mass at different ratios; then, these mixed magma erupted and formed volcanic rock types of the trough. This study indicates that the Okinawa Trough is coming into a stage of submarine spreading from the stage of continental rift.  相似文献   

Three magmatic units (Grande Cascade pyroclastic deposits, Grande Cascade lava flow, Durbise nuée ardente deposits) from the Quaternary volcano Sancy (Mont-Dore area, Auvergne, France) show textural evidences of magma mixing between a silica undersaturated basic magma (alkali basalt and hawaiite) and an acid magma (quartz-bearing trachyte). Three kinds of mixed rock types are described: basic inclusions within an acid host, « emulsified rocks » showing infracentimetric basic globules disseminated within an acid groundmass, and « banded rocks » in which elongated acid and basic zones alternate. The chemical compositions of mixed rocks plot systematically onto linear trends in petrographic diagrams. Microprobe analyses of the groundmass show similar linear variations between basic and acid end-members. The mineralogical associations of these mixed rocks are highly complex and present many disequilibrium features. Olivine is stable in the basic component and becomes rimmed by orthopyroxene in the acid one. Zoning patterns of feldspars are complex. Clinopyroxene, kaersutite and phlogopite phenocrysts have increasing component Mg contents from core to rim both in the basic and the acid. Titanomagnetite and hemoilmenite phenocrysts were equilibrated at 900-800° C under high oxygen fugacities.Mixing results primarily from a mechanical disintegration of partly liquid basic inclusions within their acid host, and also from a mechanical transfer of phenocrysts from one component to the other, in which they often remain surrounded by a coating of their original groundmass. Chemical data on the groundmass indicates that some « true » hybridization between coexisting acid and basic liquids may also have occurred. The extent of mixing is controlled by the type of emplacement. For pyroclastic deposits a chemical gap exists between basic inclusions and their acid hosts; in contrast, mechanical mixing was enhanced during the emplacement of the viscous Grande Cascade lava flow, and complete transitions occur between basic and acid components. The two end-members are genetically associated, the latter deriving from the former by crystal fractionation. Mixing appears as a late-stage phenomenon in the petrogenetic history of the Mont-Dore series; in the case of the Grande Cascade lava flow, its extent is primarily dependent on emplacement modalities.  相似文献   

The lavas produced by the Timanfaya eruption of 1730–1736 (Lanzarote, Canary Islands) contain a great many sedimentary and metamorphic (metasedimentary), and mafic and ultramafic plutonic xenoliths. Among the metamorphosed carbonate rocks (calc-silicate rocks [CSRs]) are monomineral rocks with forsterite or wollastonite, as well as rocks containing olivine ± orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene ± plagioclase; their mineralogical compositions are identical to those of the mafic (gabbros) and ultramafic (dunite, wherlite and lherzolite) xenoliths. The 87Sr/86Sr (around 0.703) and 143Nd/144Nd (around 0.512) isotope ratios of the ultramafic and metasedimentary xenoliths are similar, while the 147Sm/144Nd ratios show crustal values (0.13–0.16) in the ultramafic xenoliths and mantle values (0.18–0.25) in some CSRs. The apparent isotopic anomaly of the metamorphic xenoliths can be explained in terms of the heat source (basaltic intrusion) inducing strong isotopic exchange (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) between metasedimentary and basaltic rocks. Petrofabric analysis also showed a possible relationship between the ultramafic and metamorphic xenoliths.  相似文献   

We report new Nd, Hf, Sr, and high-precision Pb isotopic data for 44 lava and tephra samples from Erebus volcano. The samples cover the entire compositional range from basanite to phonolite and trachyte, and represent all three phases of the volcanic evolution from 1.3 Ma to the present. Isotopic analyses of 7 samples from Mt. Morning and the Dry Valley Drilling Project (DVDP) are given for comparison. The Erebus volcano samples have radiogenic 206Pb/204Pb, unradiogenic 87Sr/86Sr, and intermediate 143Nd/144Nd and 176Hf/177Hf, and lie along a mixing trajectory between the two end-member mantle components DMM and HIMU. The Erebus time series data show a marked distinction between the early-phase basanites and phonotephrites, whose Nd, Hf, Sr, and Pb isotope compositions are variable (particularly Pb), and the current ‘phase-three’ evolved phonolitic lavas and bombs, whose Nd, Hf, Sr, and Pb isotope compositions are essentially invariant. Magma mixing is inferred to play a fundamental role in establishing the isotopic and compositional uniformity in the evolved phase-three phonolites. In-situ analyses of Pb isotopes in melt inclusions hosted in an anorthoclase crystal from a 1984 Erebus phonolite bomb and in an olivine from a DVDP basanite are uniform and identical to the host lavas within analytical uncertainties. We suggest that, in both cases, the magma was well mixed at the time melt inclusions were incorporated into the different mineral phases.  相似文献   

Sr and Nd isotope analyses and REE patterns are presented for a suite of well-documented mantle-derived xenoliths from the French Massif Central. The xenoliths include spinel harzburgites, spinel lherzolites and some pyroxenites. They show a wide range of textures from undeformed protogranular material through porphyroclastic to equigranular and recrystallised secondary types. Textural differences are strongly linked to trace element geochemistry and variations in radiogenic isotope ratios. Many undeformed protogranular xenoliths are Type IA LREE-depleted with MORB-type εSr values between − 30.7 and − 23.6, and εNd values + 13.9 to + 9.4. A second group of undeformed xenoliths are Type IB LREE-enriched with higher εSr values (− 22.7 to − 10.6) and lower εNd values (+ 11.9 to + 5.6). Deformed xenoliths with porphyroclastic, equigranular and secondary recrystallised textures are all Type IB (LREE-enriched, εNd < 6.4, εSr > 11.8). It is proposed that two separate events have given rise to the observed mixing arrays: (1) MORB-source depleted mantle was enriched by a component derived from an enriched mantle. Deformation and recrystallisation accompanied this event. (2) Subsequently, unenriched MORB-source mantle interacted with magmas chemically akin to the host basalts, and enrichment occurred with little deformation. Hypotheses of Tertiary mantle diapirism resulting in isochemical deformation and refinement of protogranular mantle to equigranular mantle are untenable because of differences in REE patterns and isotopic ratios between different textural groups.  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic investigations have been conducted on Tournaisian volcanics and sediments from the Laval syncline, in order to evaluate the consequences of the Late Variscan tectonic and thermic phases. On the southern flank of the syncline, anisotropy measurements have yielded maximum susceptibility in the schistosity planes. Thermal demagnetization exhibits only remagnetizations, characterized by a large range of blocking temperatures (from 350° to 670°C). Two phases of remagnetization seem to follow each other. The first may have occurred during the Tournaisian major orogenic phase. The second has taken place during the latest Stephanian/earliest Permian, in relation with the latest Variscan thermal event. All results are in favour of a clockwise rotation by 15–40° of the Laval syncline after the latest overprints. According to results from other regions of Brittany, this clockwise rotation involved the whole Armorican Massif. This motion may be related to the latest compression phase which has tightened the Ibero-Armorican arc, well before the Permo-Triassic opening of the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

Rayleigh wave attenuation is investigated for periods ranging from 20 to 90 s, along a 450 km-long profile following the Oligocene tensile zone of the French Massif Central. A model is deduced by inversion, assuming that the S-wave intrinsic quality factor Qβ is frequency-independent, and yields a mean value Qβ = 43 ± 10 for the first 100 km in the upper mantle. This value, far lower than the mean value obtained in Eurasia, is close to those obtained in other recent tensile areas, e.g., the western United States or mid-oceanic ridges.A velocity-depth model for S-waves, deduced in a previous study from surface-wave propagation, has been corrected for the attenuation effect. We find a discrepancy between the corrected S-model and P-wave residuals in the same area, implying that Qβ must be frequency-dependent. This can be a clue for partial melting in the upper mantle beneath this region.  相似文献   

Mantle-derived volatiles in continental crust: the Massif Central of France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CO2-rich gases and groundwaters from springs and boreholes originating within the basement of the Massif Central have variable3He/4He ratios with correspondingR/Ra values ranging from 0.8 to 5.5 and 0.3 to 2.8 respectively, indicating the presence of a significant component of mantle helium. Molar concentrations of rare gases in the CO2-rich gases are approximately 5 orders of magnitude greater than in the waters and suggest that a near-surface Henry's Law fractionation has occurred between exsolving CO2 and water.δ13C values of the CO2-rich gases are in the range −4.2 to −6.1‰, i.e. in that range normally attributed to mantle carbon, but which could also represent an average crustal composition and therefore do not discriminate between mantle and crustal sources.C/3He ratios show 4 orders of magnitude variation from 1.4 × 1012 to 5 × 108 and, compared to a mantleC/3He ratio of 109, indicate that either a complex fractionation has occurred between mantle helium and mantle CO2 or more likely that mantle rare gases have been diluted by large quantities of CO2 with an average crustal carbon isotope composition. The regional distribution of3He and C does not show any obvious relationship to age or proximity of volcanic centres or major faults, suggesting that mantle-derived C and He components decoupled from their silicate melt sources at some depth.The results from this area of active fluid circulation suggest that C-isotope data derived from metamorphic terrains should be interpreted with great caution, but that input of some mantle-derived carbon is expected to accompany crustal extension.  相似文献   

The isotopic compositions of Sr, Nd and Pb in leucogranites which are intercorrelated (Bernard-Griffiths et al., 1985 [1]) may be explained by the mixing of ancient basement (1800 Ma) with juvenile crust (late Precambrian or early Palaeozoic). This hypothesis does not involve the existence of Mid-Proterozoic crust, as apparently indicated by theTDM model ages of the leucogranites (ranging between 1600 and 1100 Ma). The Nd isotopes reveal the crustal reworking while Sr isotopes mainly record juvenile crust formation. This paradox is explained by the geochemical heterogeneity of the sources involved.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic data on pargasite Iherzolite inclusions, kaersutite megacrysts and their host alkali basalts are presented here to clarify some questions regarding isotopic equilibration during mantle metasomatism and the role of metasomatism in basalt genesis. Five alkali basalts from Nunivak Island within the Aleutian back-arc basin, have87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.70251–0.70330 and143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.51289–0.51304. On a Nd versus Sr isotope composition diagram the basalts overlap the fields of MORB and ocean island basalts. Pargasites and mica separated from hydrous nodules found in these basalts have a range in87Sr/86Sr of 0.70256–0.70337 but identical143Nd/144Nd ratios of 0.51302. The metasomatic fluid represented by the pargasite is in isotopic equilibrium, both for Sr and Nd, with the dry mantle as represented by diopside. Eight alkali basalts from the Ataq diatreme, South Yemen, have87Sr/86Sr range of 0.70335–0.70426 and143Nd/144Nd range of 0.51252–0.51305. On a Nd versus Sr isotope composition diagram the basalts from Ataq plot in two distinct fields, (1) within the field of ocean island basalts, and (2) within the range of continental rift basalts but to the left of the Nd-Sr correlation line, somewhat similar to the Skye and Oslo rift basalts. Diopside and pargasite separated from three nodules at Ataq have a more complex history than those at Nunivak. Two nodules contain pargasite and diopside with identical87Sr/86Sr ratios but different143Nd/144Nd ratios. A third nodule contains diopside with a143Nd/144Nd ratio similar to that of other diopsides.The Nunivak basalts are derived from a source with a time-integrated light-REE depletion, in contrast to the light-REE-enriched nature of the basanites. This is best explained by a recent metasomatic event in the source region which increased the LIL element content of the peridotite thus accommodating higher degrees of melting. The Ataq volcanic rocks seem to tap different sources characterized by both light-REE enrichment and depletion, in contrast to the uniform source of the Nunivak basanites. Production of the Ataq basanites is believed to involve anataxis of metasomatically veined continental mantle where local mantle heterogeneities survived the melting event.  相似文献   

The present paper aims to synthesize results of a systematic paleomagnetic investigation performed on metamorphic, plutonic and volcanic series from the Central Massif. Detailed, thermal and alternating field demagnetizations yield a large set of paleomagnetic directions. Several groups of directions corresponding to different age intervals are identified. The group D mean direction: D = 288°, I = 57° (37°S, 110°E), characterizes Late Devonian/Early Carboniferous metamorphic and plutonic rocks from Limousin. The group C′ directions: D = 301°, I = 24° (30°S, 79°E), represent Late Visean/Namurian magnetizations, present in the major investigated areas. The group B directions: D = 249°, I = 7° (12°N, 111°E), exist not only in the whole Central Massif, but also in other Paleozoic outcrops of the Variscan belt. They were acquired during the Namurian/Westphalian. The group A′-A directions are the only typically “European” magnetic directions. They have taken place in Stephanian/Autunian times, mainly during the Kiaman reversed interval. Interpretation of these directions in terms of geodynamics leads to a probable large S-N drift of the massif during the Latest Devonian/Early Carboniferous followed by two important rotation phases, first in the Middle Carboniferous, then at the end of the Westphalian. These rotations have also affected other massifs of the Variscan belt.  相似文献   

Pb, Nd and Sr isotope compositions of oceanic basalts have been used to identify recycled components of continent derivation in the mantle. The isotopic compositions of Sr, Nd and Pb, together with U, Pb, Sm, Nd, Rb, and Sr abundances have been determined for back-arc basalt glasses from the Scotia Sea and Parece Vela and West Philippine Basins, in addition to basalts from South Sandwich Islands, Ascension, St. Helena and Tristan da Cunha. Comparisons made between the isotopic compositions of South Sandwich Islands basalts and Atlantic MORB glasses permit the identification of recycled components of continent derivation in the source of the island arc basalts. Recycled Sr of continent derivation is also recognisable in back-arc basalt glasses from the Scotia Sea and Parece Vela and West Philippine Basins. However, contemporary reinjection of material with the isotopic structures similar to those identified as a component of island arc and back-arc regions cannot be the sole or dominant influence on the fine structure observed in MORB glasses from the Atlantic Ocean, nor the isotopic compositions of Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena and Ascension basalts. Recycled materials are likely to have been responsible for the generation of these heterogeneities only if they have been stored in the mantle for periods of time exceeding 109 years.  相似文献   

A sediment budget for the Late Glacial and Holocene periods was calculated for the Lac Chambon watershed which is located in a formerly glaciated temperate crystalline mountain area. It appears that over 15 500 years: (1) 69 per cent of eroded particles have been displaced by gravity processes and then stored within the watershed, compared to 31 per cent that have been displaced by running water and evacuated outward; (2) the mean mechanical erosion due to gravity processes on the slopes amounted to 16·1 ±6 m and only developed on a quarter of the watershed surface, whereas the mean mechanical erosion due to running water amounted 1·24 ± 0·37 m and involved the whole watershed surface. The mean sediment yields due to gravity processes on slopes were 2300 ± 1360, 1770 ± 960 and 380 ± 100 m3 km−3 a−1, respectively, for basalts, and basic and acidic trachyandesites. Values of sediment yield due to running water were 49±15, 120±36 and 79±24 m3 km−2 a−1, respectively, during the Bôlling–Allerôd, the Younger Dryas and the Pre-Boreal–Boreal periods. They were 56±17 and 166±50 m3 km−2 a−1 during the Sub-Atlantic period before and after 1360 a BP , respectively. These values reflect variations in the natural environment and the impact of human-induced deforestation. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd data for the Archean granulite and amphibolite facies migmatites of Langøy and Hinnøy in Vesterålen are presented which indicate that their protoliths formed ~2.6 AE ago. Rubidium and U loss during a granulite facies metamorphism at ~1.8 AE caused serious disturbance of total-rock U-Pb and Rb-Sr systems. Therefore these systems do not provide any precise age information for the granulite facies migmatites. For the amphibolite facies migmatites of Vesterålen both SmNd, RbSr and PbPb total-rock systems give model ages of ~2.6 AE. The results on both granulite and amphibolite facies rocks are thus in agreement. Previous interpretations based on PbPb data, which indicated an age of 3.41 AE for the Archean terrane of Vesterålen, are not valid.One SmNd model age from the granulite facies migmatites at Moskenesøy in Lofoten indicates that the protoliths of these migmatites formed ~2.0 AE ago and are thus not related to the Vesterålen migmatites.  相似文献   

The peri‐Arabian ophiolite belt, from Cyprus in the west, eastward through Northwest Syria, Southeast Turkey, Northeast Iraq, Southwest Iran, and into Oman, marks a 3000 km‐long convergent margin that formed during a Late Cretaceous (ca 100 Ma) episode of subduction initiation on the north side of Neotethys. The Zagros ophiolites of Iran are part of this belt and are divided into Outer (OB) and Inner (IB) Ophiolitic Belts. We here report the first Nd–Hf isotopic study of this ophiolite belt, focusing on the Dehshir ophiolite (a part of IB). Our results confirm the Indian mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) mantle domain origin for the Dehshir mafic and felsic igneous rocks. All lavas have similar Hf isotopic compositions, but felsic dikes have significantly less‐radiogenic Nd isotopic compositions compared to mafic lavas. Elevated Th/Nb and Th/Yb in felsic samples accompany nonradiogenic Nd, suggesting the involvement of sediments or continental crust.  相似文献   

Peridotite xenoliths from the Eifel can be divided into incompatible element-depleted and -enriched members. The depleted group is restricted to dry lherzolites whereas the enriched group encompasses dry harzburgites, dry websterite and amphibole and/or phlogopite-bearing peridotites. Isotopically the depleted group is very diverse with143Nd/144Nd ranging from 0.51302 to 0.51355 and87Sr/86Sr from 0.7041 to 0.7019, thus occupying a field larger than expected for oceanic-type subcontinental mantle. These xenoliths are derived from a mantle which appears to have diverged from a bulk-earth Nd and Sr isotopic evolution path 2 Ga ago as a consequence of partial melting. The combination of high143Nd/144Nd with high87Sr/86Sr in some members of the depleted-xenoliths suite is likely to be the result of incipient reaction with incompatible element-enriched fluids in the mantle. In the enriched group such reactions have proceeded further and erased any pre-enrichment isotope memory resulting in a smaller isotopic diversity (143Nd/144Nd 0.51256–0.51273,87Sr/86Sr 0.7044–0.7032). An evaluation of SmHf and YbHf relationships suggests that the amphibole-bearing lherzolites and harzburgites acquired their high enrichment of light rare earth elements by fluid infiltration into previously depleted peridotite rather than by silicate melt-induced metasomatism. Upper mantle composed of such metasomatized peridotites does not represent a potential source for the basanites and nephelinites from the Eifel. The isotopic and chemical diversity of the subcontinental lithospheric part of the mantle may result from it having remained isolated from the convecting mantle for times > 1 Ga.  相似文献   

The whole rock K-Ar ages of basalts from the South China Sea basin vary from 3.8 to 7.9 Ma, which suggest that intra-plate volcanism after the cessation of spreading of the South China Sea (SCS) is comparable to that in adjacent regions around the SCS, i.e., Leiqiong Peninsula, northern margin of the SCS, Indochina block, and so on. Based on detailed petrographic studies, we selected many fresh ba-saltic rocks and measured their major element, trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope compositions. Geochemical characteristics of major element and trace element show that these basaltic rocks belong to alkali basalt magma series, and are similar to OIB-type basalt. The extent of partial melting of mantle rock in source region is very low, and magma may experience crystallization differentiation and cu-mulation during the ascent to or storing in the high-level magma chamber. Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of these basaltic rocks imply an inhomogeneous mantle below the South China Sea. The nature of magma origin has a two end-member mixing model, one is EM2 (Enriched Mantle 2) which may be originated from mantle plume, the other is DMM (Depleted MORB Mantle). Pb isotopic characteristics show the Dupal anomaly in the South China Sea, and combined with newly found Dupal anomaly at Gakkel ridge in Arctic Ocean, this implies that Dupal anomaly is not only limited to South Hemisphere. In variation diagrams among Sr, Nd and Pb, the origin nature of mantle below the SCS is similar to those below Leiqiong peninsula, northern margin of the SCS and Indochina peninsula, and is different from those below north and northeast China. This study provides geochemical constraints on Hainan mantle plume.  相似文献   

Dated isotopic ages for 15 alkaline intrusives in the Yanliao-Yinshan area, ranging from 268 to 190 Ma, ten of which are from 250 to 208 Ma, indicate that most of them were formed in the Triassic Epoch. All the ENd(t) ratios from - 17.19 to -3.21 averaging -7.09, the ESr(t) ratios fmm 11.7 to71.5 averaging 36.63, and the Isr(t) ratios from 0.705 0 to 0.709 3 averaging 0.706 8, show their characteristics of enrichment. On the ENd (t) virus ESr(t) correlation diagram, the samples from these intmsives were plotted within the enriched mantle trend lines and just outside, demonstrating their close connection to materials from the enriched mantle reservoir, taking into account the same Pb isotopic composition as that of the mantle.  相似文献   


SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and Nd isotopic data are reported for the Neo-proterozoic Guandaoshan pluton in the Yanbian region, SW Sichuan. This pluton is of typical I-type granite and emplaced at (857 ± 13) Ma. Geochemical and Nd isotopic characters suggest that the pluton was generated by partial melting of pre-existing, young (late Mesoproterozoic to early Neo-proterozoic) low-K tholeiitic protolith within an intraplate anorogenic setting. The Guandaoshan pluton probably records the earliest magmatism induced by the proposed ca. 860–750 Ma mantle superplume beneath the supercontinent Rodinia.


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