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大洋中脊玄武岩磁性研究是了解洋脊磁异常机理和洋壳圈层结构等基础科学问题的重要手段,但由于深海样品采集难度较大,岩浆后期氧化和热液蚀变如何改变岩石磁性至今仍然是研究的瓶颈.本文从磁性矿物类型、岩石磁性能和磁性颗粒特征等方面概述了大洋中脊玄武岩的岩石磁性特征,其主要的磁性矿物是钛磁铁矿,平均居里温度274℃,具有较高的Q比.这表明在磁法勘探正演与资料解释过程中,不能忽视岩石剩余磁化和感应磁化的共同作用,通过重点对比分析超慢速扩张西南印度洋中脊的玄武岩磁性特征,认为该区的岩石磁性研究将为磁法勘探提供约束务件,同时有望基于岩石磁性研究,在热液蚀变过程定量化研究,与超慢速扩张洋中脊下地壳演化模型等研究方面取得突破.  相似文献   

Glassy lava fragments were collected in pushcores or using a small suction-sampler from over 450 sites along the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Blanco Transform Fault, Gorda Ridge, northern East Pacific Rise, southern East Pacific Rise, Fiji back-arc basin, and near-ridge seamounts in the Vance, President Jackson, Taney, and a seamount off southern California. The samples consist of angular glass fragments, limu o Pele, Pele's hair, and other fluidal fragments formed during pyroclastic eruptions. Since many of the sites are deeper than the critical point of seawater, fragmentation cannot be hydrovolcanic and caused by expansion of seawater to steam. The glass fragments have a wide range of MORB compositions, ranging from fractionated to primitive and from depleted to enriched. Enriched magmas, which have higher volatile contents, may form more abundant pyroclasts than depleted magmas. Eruptions with high effusion rates produce sheet flows and abundant pyroclasts whereas those with low effusion rates produce pillow ridges and few pyroclasts. This relation suggests that high effusion and conduit rise rates are coupled to high magmatic gas contents. The eruptions are mainly effusive with a minor strombolian bubble burst component. We propose that the gas phase is an added component of variable amounts of magmatic foam from the top of the magma reservoir. As the mixture of resident magma and foam rises in the conduit, the larger bubbles in the foam rise more quickly and sweep up the smaller bubbles nucleating and growing from the resident magma. On eruption, the process of bubble coalescence is more complete for the slower rising, gas-poor lavas that erupt as pillow lavas whereas the limu o Pele associated with sheet flow eruptions commonly contain several percent vesicles that avoided coalescence during ascent. The spatter erupted at the vent is quench granulated in seawater above the vent, reducing the pyroclast grainsize. The granulated spatter and limu o Pele fragments are then entrained in a rising plume of seawater heated by the eruption, which disperses them to distances as great as 5 km from the vent.  相似文献   

A computer model of mid-ocean ridge basalt generation using trace element geochemistry has been developed. The model simulates a periodically replenished, continually cooled and fractionated magma chamber, with periodic lava extrusion. Primitive basalts from the ocean floor are used to generate likely evolution paths for the magma chamber. The steady state variant of this model has led to the isolation of several variables which critically affect the basalt composition. Although the fraction of cumulates is an important parameter, other variables such as the volume of incoming magma batches, their frequency, and the volume of the mixing cell, play a critical part especially on slow-spreading ridges. The growing magma chamber model uses random number generators to simulate the initiation and growth of a chamber. This model predicts a rapid increase in incompatible element concentrations, immediately after chamber initiation on a fast-spreading ridge. This would occur in situations such as propagating rifts and may help in the understanding of ferrobasalt generation.  相似文献   

Chemical studies of two ophiolite suites and of selected mid-oceanic rift (MOR) regions indicate the presence of certain magmatic compositions: basalt, Fe-enriched basalt, and sodium granite (plagiogranite). There is a notable lack of evidence for melts of intermediate composition (i.e. 50–60 wt.% SiO2). To determine possible relationships between basic rocks (basalts and gabbros) and acidic rocks (plagiogranites) a primitive basalt was fractionated at low pressure, under anhydrous conditions, and at different oxygen fugacities near the iron-wustite buffer and slightly above the quartz-fayalite-magnetite buffer. Samples of this basalt were taken to slightly above liquidus temperatures and then cooled at rates ranging from 1 to 2°C/hr. A liquid line of descent characterized by an Fe enrichment was delineated by quenching these experiments from a final temperature in the range of 1200 to 1000°C and analyzing the residual liquid (glass). After 95% crystallization of olivine, plagioclase, calcium pyroxene, and ilmenite, the residual liquid was an Fe-enriched basalt. This Fe-enriched basalt became immiscible at a temperature of about 1010°C. The immiscible phases produced were a more Fe-enriched basaltic liquid and a granitic liquid. The granitic liquid is similar in composition to the naturally occurring plagiogranites found in small volumes in ophiolites and in certain MOR regions. It is therefore concluded that silicate liquid immiscibility could be the petrogenetic process responsible for producing plagiogranite in some MOR regions and in some ophiolites. On the other hand, plagiogranites in ophiolites and MOR rock suites having andesitic and dacitic composition rocks may have evolved under conditions more closely approximating equilibrium crystallization and/or they may have evolved at high water pressures. The available experimental data suggest that amphibole would crystallize early and yield SiO2-enriched liquids at depths greater than 4.5 km for PH2O's in the range 0.6–1.0 Ptotal.The major problem in interpreting any of the natural plagiogranites as products of silicate liquid immiscibility is the fact that neither the Fe-enriched conjugate liquid or its crystalline equivalent has been described in the ophiolite or MOR literature. The identification of this Fe-rich conjugate magma is essential in any rock suite if a completely convincing case for silicate liquid immiscibility is to be made.  相似文献   

We present the results of a detailed petrological study of a sparsely phyric basalt (MAPCO CH98-DR11) dredged along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (30°41′N). The sample contains microphenocrysts of olivine that display four different rapid-growth morphologies. Comparison of these morphologies with those obtained in dynamic crystallization experiments allows us to constrain the thermal history of the sample. The dendritic morphology (swallowtail, chain and lattice olivine) is directly related to the final quenching during magma–seawater interaction. In contrast, the three other morphologies, namely the complex polyhedral crystal, the closed hopper and the complex swallowtail morphology result from several cycles of cooling–heating (corresponding to a maximum degree of undercooling of 20–25°C) during crystal growth. These thermal variations occurred before eruption and are interpreted to be the result of turbulent convection in a small magmatic body beneath the ridge. The results suggest that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is underlain by a mush zone that releases batches of liquid during tectonic segregation. Aphyric basalts are emitted during eruptions controlled by the tectonic activity, whereas phyric basalts correspond to small fractions of magma from the mush zone mobilized by reinjections of primitive magmas.  相似文献   

We report new helium isotope results for 49 basalt glass samples from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 1°N and 47°S.3He/4He in South Atlantic mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) varies between 6.5 and 9.0 RA (RA is the atmospheric ratio of1.39 × 10−6), encompassing the range of previously reported values for MORB erupted away from high3He/4He hotspots such as Iceland. He, Sr and Pb isotopes show systematic relationships along the ridge axis. The ridge axis is segmented with respect to geochemical variations, and local spike-like anomalies in3He/4He, Pb and Sr isotopes, and trace element ratios such as(La/Sm)N are prevalent at the latitudes of the islands of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough to the east of the ridge. The isotope systematics are consistent with injection beneath the ridge of mantle “blobs” enriched in radiogenic He, Pb and Sr, derived from off-axis hotspot sources. The variability in3He/4He along the ridge can be used to refine the hotspot source-migrating-ridge sink model.

MORB from the 2–7°S segment are systematically the least radiogenic samples found along the mid-ocean ridge system to date. Here the depleted mantle source is characterized by87Sr/86Sr of 0.7022, Pb isotopes close to the geochron and with206Pb/204Pb of 17.7, and3He/4He of 8.6–8.9 RA. The “background contamination” of the subridge mantle, by radiogenic helium derived from off-ridge hotspots, displays a maximum between 20 and 24°S. The HePb and HeSr isotope relations along the ridge indicate that the3He/4He ratios are lower for the hotspot sources of St. Helena, Tristan da Cunha and Gough than for the MORB source, consistent with direct measurements of3He/4He ratios in the island lavas. Details of the HeSrPb isotope systematics between 12 and 22°S are consistent with early, widespread dispersion of the St. Helena plume into the asthenosphere, probably during flattening of the plume head beneath the thick lithosphere prior to continental breakup. The geographical variation in theHe/Pbratio deduced from the isotope systematics suggests only minor degassing of the plume during this stage. Subsequently, it appears that the plume component reaching the mid-Atlantic ridge was partially outgassed of He during off-ridge hotspot volcanism and related melting activity.

Overall, the similar behavior of He and Pb isotopes along the ridge indicates that the respective mantle sources have evolved under conditions which produced related He and Pb isotope variations.  相似文献   

The Piranshahr metaperidotites in the northwestern end of the Zagros orogen were emplaced following the closure of the Neotethys ocean. The ophiolitic rocks were emplaced onto the passive margin of the northern edge of the Arabian plate as a result of northeastward subduction and subsequent accretion of the continental fragments. The metaperidotites have compositions ranging from low-clinopyroxene lherzolite to harzburgite and dunite. They are mantle residues with distinct geochemical signatures of both mid-ocean ridge and supra subduction zone (SSZ) affinities. The abyssal peridotites are characterized by high Al2O3 and Cr2O3 contents and low Mg-number in pyroxenes. The Cr-number in the coexisting spinel is also low. The SSZ mantle peridotites are characterized by low Al2O3 contents in pyroxenes as well as low Al2O3 and high Cr-number in spinel. Mineral chemical data indicate that the MOR- and SSZ-type peridotites are the residues from ∼15–20% and ∼30–35% of mantle melting, respectively. Considering petrography, mineralogy and textural evidence, the petrological history of the Piranshahr metaperidotites can be interpreted in three stages: mantle stable stage, serpentinization and metamorphism. The temperature conditions in the mantle are estimated using the Ca-in-orthopyroxene thermometer as 1210 ± 26 °C. The rocks have experienced serpentinization. Based on the textural observations, olivine and pyroxene transformed into lizardite and/or chrysotile with pseudomorphic textures at temperatures below 300 °C during the initial stage of serpentinization. Subsequent orogenic metamorphism affected the rocks at temperatures lower than 600 °C under lower-amphibolite facies metamorphism.  相似文献   

The global mid-ocean ridge system is one of the most active plate boundaries on the earth and understanding the dynamic processes at this plate boundary is one of the most important problems in geodynamics. In this paper I present recent results of several aspects of mid-ocean ridge studies concerning the dynamics of oceanic lithosphere at these diverging plate boundaries. I show that the observed rift valley to no-rift valley transition (globally due to the increase of spreading rate or locally due to the crustal thickness variations and/or thermal anomalies) can be explained by the strong temperature dependence of the power law rheology of the oceanic lithosphere, and most importantly, by the difference in the rheological behavior of the oceanic crust from the underlying mantle. The effect of this weaker lower crust on ridge dynamics is mainly influenced by spreading rate and crustal thickness variations. The accumulated strain pattern from a recently developed lens model, based on recent seismic observations, was proposed as an appealing mechanism for the observed gabbro layering sequence in the Oman Ophiolite. It is now known that the mid-ocean ridges at all spreading rates are offset into individual spreading segments by both transform and nontransform discontinuities. The tectonics of ridge segmentation are also spreading-rate dependent: the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge is characterized by distinct bulls-eye shaped gravity lows, suggesting large along-axis variations in melt production and crustal thickness, whereas the fast-spreading East-Pacific Rise is associated with much smaller along-axis variations. These spreading-rate dependent changes have been attributed to a fundamental differences in ridge segmentation mechanisms and mantle upwelling at mid-ocean ridges: the mantle upwelling may be intrinsically plume-like (3-D) beneath a slow-spreading ridge but more sheet-like (2-D) beneath a fast-spreading ridge.  相似文献   

In Iceland tectonic activity in the neovolcanic zone leads to the formation of three kinds of parallel structures: open fissures, emissive fissures, and normal faults.This observation is used to built a kinematic model which is based on the superposition of lava flows generated from an active central belt of finite width. The results are in good agreement with the recent results in magnetism and tectonic observations of both subaerial and underwater active ridges.  相似文献   

Heat and mass transfer processes in the conduit of a thermochemical plume located beneath an oceanic plate far from a mid-ocean ridge (MOR) proceed under conditions of horizontal convective flows penetrating the plume conduit. In the region of a mantle flow approaching the plume conduit (in the frontal part of the conduit), the mantle material heats and melts. The melt moves through the plume conduit at the average velocity of flow v and is crystallized on the opposite side of the conduit. The heat and the chemical dope transferred by the conduit to the mantle flow are carried away by crystallized mantle material at the velocity v. The main equations of heat and mass transfer are obtained for a thermochemical plume interacting with a horizontal convective mantle flow. The joint multiparameter problem of heat and mass transfer is solved for a thermochemical plume located far from an MOR axis. The dope concentration at the base of the plume is found as a function of the Lewis number. The Lewis numbers and, accordingly, the diffusion coefficients of the chemical dope in the plume conduit far from the MOR axis are determined.  相似文献   

Osmium, strontium, neodymium, and lead isotopic data have been obtained for 30 hand picked samples of basaltic glass from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian mid-oceanic ridges. Large variations in Os isotopic ratios exist in the glasses, from abyssal peridotite-like values to radiogenic compositions similar to oceanic island basalts (187Os/186Os and 187Os/188Os ratios range from 1.06 to 1.36 and from 0.128 to 0.163, respectively). Os isotopic and elemental data suggest the existence of mixing correlations. This relationship might be ascribed to secondary contamination processes; however, such a hypothesis cannot account for the negative correlation observed between Os and Nd isotopes and the existence of complementary covariations between Os and SrPb isotopes. In this case, OsSrNdPb isotopic variations are unrelated to late post-eruption or shallow level contamination. These relationships provide strong evidence that the Os isotopic composition of the samples are derived from the mantle and thus implies a global chemical heterogeneity of the oceanic upper mantle. The results are consistent with the presence of recycled oceanic crust in the mantle sources of mid-ocean ridge basalts, and indicate that the unique composition of the upper mantle below the Indian ocean results from its contamination by a mantle component characterized by radiogenic Os and particularly unradiogenic Nd and Pb isotopic compositions.  相似文献   

Apatite distributions and compositions from cumulates from the EPR at Hess Deep, the MAR at the Kane Transform, and the SWIR at ODP Hole 735B were determined to assess the variability at each setting and to evaluate the potential utility of apatite in understanding the evolution of the lower ocean crust. Apatite in cumulates with low P2O5 contents are heterogeneously distributed along linear arrays or in tight clusters suggesting they crystallized from planar or pipe-like channels of evolved liquid. Most of the variation in the apatite composition is in the halogen site. The XApF and XApCl are inversely correlated defining trends at near constant XApOH with EPR XApOH=0.25, MAR XApOH=0.45, and SWIR XApOH=0.65. These trends are defined both by sample averages and by the range of individual analyses in samples with large ranges in their F/Cl ratio. These trends are interpreted to reflect the reequilibration of apatite from variably evolved liquids/fluids that moved through the crystal mush. Comparison of the F–Cl–OH contents of apatite with the F–Cl–OH contents of glasses recovered from the same ridges show approximate correspondence: apatite and glasses from the EPR have the highest halogen contents while apatite and glasses from the MAR and SWIR have more OH. Some of the higher Cl contents in the apatite are interpreted to be produced by degassing of the cumulus pile while others reflect the assimilation of a seawater component. We suggest that systematic analysis of apatite from oceanic cumulates might allow cumulates that crystallized at shallow depths and assimilated seawater-derived components to be distinguished from those that crystallized below the level of seawater interaction.  相似文献   

Microthermometric analyses of fluid inclusions on a suite of hydrothermally altered gabbros recovered just south of the eastern intersection of the Kane Fracture Zone and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, record the highest homogenization temperatures yet reported for mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems. Fluid salinities in the high temperature inclusions are more than ten times that of seawater. Multiple generations of fluid inclusions entrapped along healed microfractures exhibit three distinct temperature-compositional groups. We interpret these populations as having been trapped during three separate fracturing events.The earliest episode of brittle failure in the gabbros is represented by coplanar, conjugate vapor-dominated and brine-dominated fluid inclusion arrays in primary apatite. Vapor-dominated inclusions exhibit apparent homogenization temperatures of 400°C and contain equivalent salinities of 1–2 wt.% NaCl. These inclusions are interspersed with liquid-dominated, sulfide-bearing inclusions containing salinities of 50 wt.% NaCl equivalent. These high salinity inclusions remain unhomogenized at temperatures greater than 700°C.Compositional and phase relationships of the fluid inclusions may be accounted for by two-phase separation of a fluid under 1000–1200 bars pressure. These pressures require that fluid entrapment occurred under a significant lithostatic component and indicate a minimum entrapmentdepth of 2 km below the axial valley floor. This depth corresponds to a minimum tectonic uplift of 3 km, in order to emplace the samples at the 3100 m recovery depth. The microfracture networks within magmatic apatites represent fluid flow paths for either highly modified, deeply penetrating seawater or a late stage magmatic aqueous fluid. The inclusions may have formed close to the brittle-ductile transition zone adjacent to an active magma chamber.Following collapse of the high temperature front, lower temperature fluids of definite seawater origin circulated through the open fracture networks, pervasively altering portions of the gabbros. This stage is represented by low-to-moderate (1–7 wt.% NaCl equivalent) salinity inclusions in plagioclase, apatite, epidote, and augite, which homogenize at temperatures of approximately 200–300°C and 400°C. Formation of hydrous mineral assemblages, under greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions, resulted in sealing of the vein system and may have resulted in modification of seawater salinities by as much as a factor of two. During or following these later stages of hydrothermal activity the gabbros were emplaced high on the axial walls by differential uplift attending formation of the flanking mountains.  相似文献   

Vesicle characteristics (vesicularity, largest vesicle size, number of vesicles/cm2), CO213C and CO2-4He-40Ar-40Ar/36Ar in vesicles and CO213C in the glass have been measured in 19 tholeiitic basalt glasses from the Easter Microplate East Ridge (East Pacific Rise) collected at 3 different sites (26°S East Ridge, Pito Seamount and Pito Deep at 23°S).Carbon supersaturation values (Cmelt/Csolubility) vary from 1.3 to 4.3. Carbon supersaturation values are strongly correlated with the number of vesicles/cm2. There is also a correlation between number of vesicles/cm2 and vesicle size. At the Pito Seamount site, there is a negative correlation between carbon supersaturation values and observed carbon isotope fractionation between CO2 in vesicles and carbon dissolved in the glass (Δ13Cobserved). High 4He/40Ar* ratios in vesicles (from 49 to 190) are observed in both the most and least carbon supersaturated samples, while samples with intermediate carbon supersaturation have the lowest 4He/40Ar* ratios (16±1). These correlations show that most quenched melts record different disequilibrium to equilibrium states during closed-system degassing.The samples showing the highest carbon supersaturation (4.3) have the highest 4He/40Ar* (from 94 to 190). This observation shows for the first time that the 4He/40Ar* ratio can be kinetically fractionated during incomplete degassing of magmas from the magma chamber to the seafloor. This result implies that high 4He/40Ar* ratios are not a systematic indicator of open-system degassing (Rayleigh distillation) and that caution should be taken when using this ratio for any degassing correction.A two-stage degassing model, with the first stage being a closed-system degassing occurring between the source and the magma chamber, and the second stage of degassing (with a mode varying from open-system degassing to different degrees of kinetic closed-system degassing) taking place between the magma chamber and eruption on the seafloor, is the most appropriate to describe the degassing of MORB. Reconstructing initial carbon content of the magma prior to degassing and extrapolating the results to the entire ridge system results in a carbon flux of 1.6-0.3+0.6×1014 g/year. This value implies vigorous exchange of carbon between the mantle and the surface throughout geological times.  相似文献   

Densities calculated from glass compositions of observed mid-ocean ridge basalts show that the more primitive melts are likely to be buoyant in more evolved melts. Consideration of this and other physical properties indicates that convective mixing between most basaltic magmas occurs under intermittently turbulent to turbulent conditions (transitional Reynolds Numbers) accounting for the widespread occurrence of hybrid lavas. Hypothetical picritic melts inferred to be parental to mid-ocean ridge basalts are by contrast denser than most basalts erupted on the sea floor. The most primitive basalts observed to erupt occupy a density minimum when compared to more primitive and more fractionated melts. The density minimum occurs approximately at those compositions where plagioclase and/or pyroxene join olivine as major fractionating phases. Picritic basalts are rarely erupted, because they stratify at the base of magma reservoirs.  相似文献   

The factors controlling the chemistry of 69 low-order streams in the Blue Ridge and Valley and Ridge physiographic provinces of Virginia and Maryland were studied over a 13-month period. Principal component analysis was used to examine regional patterns in stream chemistry and to examine the degree to which the chemistry of low-order streams is controlled by the bedrock upon which they flow. Streams clustered into regionally isolated groups, strongly related to bedrock type, with SO2?4 and HCO?3 the chemical variables of most importance. Sulphate concentrations appear to be strongly controlled by climate and hydrology, and sorption in the soils within the watershed. Much of the atmospherically derived SO2?4 accumulates in watersheds during the growing season and is later flushed out. Weathering reactions were found to be particularly important in the production of HCO?3, accounting for 91 per cent on an annual basis, and export of divalent cations from these watersheds, accounting for 48–50 per cent on an annual basis. About half of non-anthropogenic Na+ was derived from weathering of silicates, whereas nearly all K+ was identified with leaching by SO2?4. Water chemistry was strongly related to the rock type in the watershed and the weatherability of the component minerals. Rock type is not a randomly distributed function; instead, it is controlled by geologic factors that result in clusters of similar rock types in a given region. When planning large synoptic studies, it is extremely important to consider that a sampling scheme based on random sampling of a non-randomly distributed function May, not provide the most accurate representation of the variables of interest. Instead, a hierarchical sampling scheme May, be indicated. Our results also suggest that, although one sample in time May, be sufficient to characterize the primary geochemical factors controlling stream chemistry throughout the year, it May, not be sufficient to detect subtle, flow-related alterations in chemistry.  相似文献   

Major, trace element and Pb isotope investigations show the presence of a mid-ocean ridge-type mineralization within the polymetamorphic Monte del Forno Unit. Detailed analysis of the lithostratigraphy of the amphibolites demonstrates a close similarity to recent oceanic crust: a dyke zone at the bottom, a hydrothermally altered zone with a stockwork-type FeCuZn mineralization and a pillow zone at the top. Effects of hydrothermal seafloor alteration are restricted to an approximately 50 m thick horizon. Sulfide mineralization is accompanied by Ca and Sr depletion and Mn and minor Na and Mg enrichments. Mineralogically the horizon distinguishes itself from the unmineralized amphibolites by the presence of chlorite and contact metamorphic magnesio-cummingtonite. The chemical imprint of the hydrothermal seafloor alteration survived a regional greenschist and an upper amphibolite facies contact metamorphism.

The MORB signature of the Pb isotopes is preserved in the central parts of the approximately 300 m thick amphibolite sequence. During the regional greenschist facies metamorphism the isotope characteristics of the amphibolites were almost completely changed at the contact to the metasediments. The contact metamorphism of the Bregaglia Intrusion produced no obvious Pb contamination even within amphibolite xenoliths in the granodiorite.  相似文献   

Abrahams' comment relates meander length to channel cross-section shape and recurrence interval so that meander length can be both directly and inversely proportional to rock resistance. This reply notes that either meander length is directly proportional to rock resistance or it is not; one cannot have it both ways. Many Appalachian Valley and Ridge bedrock meanders are shown to be the same size as alluvial meanders, and appear to be somewhat underfit. A hypothesis is proposed where modest discharge increases may have accelerated bedrock meander cutting although present streams remain capable of slowly cutting the meanders.  相似文献   

Braun's finding that the wavelength of bedrock meanders decreases as rock hardness increases is reconciled with Hack's and Tinkler's finding that meander wavelength is greater in bedrock than alluvial channels. In populations of alluvial or bedrock channels, bank resistance controls meander wavelength via its influence on channel shape and is negatively correlated with meander wavelength. In contrast, in mixed populations of alluvial and bedrock channels, bank resistance controls meander wavelength through its effect on the recurrence interval of the channel-forming discharge and channel size and is positively correlated with meander wavelength.  相似文献   

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