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The Umbrian Apennines were the site of pelagic sedimentation throughout most of the Jurassic. Magnetic stratigraphy from four sections spanning many of the Jurassic stages indicates that the geomagnetic field at this time was characterized by two intervals of mixed polarity, separated by an interval of predominantly normal polarity corresponding to the Jurassic “quiet-zone” in the oceanic magnetic anomaly record. Unfortunately, ammonites are poorly preserved or absent throughout most of these sections; the duration of this “quiet-interval” cannot be well defined, although it is probably restricted to the Callovian and Oxfordian stages.  相似文献   

During folding of the Scaglia Rossa limestone in Umbria, Italy, deformation was mainly accommodated by pressure solution cleavage. Fossils between the cleavage planes appear visibly undeformed, yet the limestone possesses a weak magnetic fabric. The maximum and intermediate principal axes of the magnetic anisotropy ellipsoid define a distinct magnetic foliation plane within which a weak concentration of the maximum axes forms a magnetic lineation. Neither of these features is of sedimentary origin. Results from a slumped outcrop, where bedding and a cleavage induced by overburden compaction have different attitudes, show that the magnetic foliation is caused by the compaction. Comparisons with field-derived structural data suggest that the magnetic lineation was produced tectonically during deformation of the Apennine fold belt.  相似文献   

After the severest mass extinction event in the Phanerozoic, biotic recovery from the extinction at the Permian–Triassic boundary required approximately 5 my, which covers the entire Early Triassic. It is important to obtain information on the superocean Panthalassa, which occupied most of the world ocean, to explore paleoenvironmental changes during the Early Triassic at the global scale. In order to establish the continuous lithostratigraphy of pelagic sediments in Panthalassa during the Early Triassic, high‐resolution reconstruction of the Lower Triassic pelagic sequence in Japan was conducted for the first time based on detailed field mapping and lithostratigraphic correlation in the Inuyama area, central Japan. The reconstructed Early Triassic sequence is approximately 9.5 m thick, consists of five rock types, and is divided into eight lithological units. For the reconstructed continuous sequence, measurement of carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter (δ13Corg) was carried out. Stratigraphic variation of the δ13Corg value shows large‐amplitude fluctuations between ?34.4 and ?21.0‰ throughout the sequence. In order to establish a higher resolution age model for the reconstructed Lower Triassic pelagic sequence, we correlated δ13Corg records in the Inuyama area with high‐resolution isotopic profiles of carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) from shallow‐marine carbonate sequences in southern China based on the similarity in general variation patterns with age constraints by radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy. The result provides a high‐resolution time scale for the pelagic sequence of Panthalassa during the Smithian and Spathian. The age model suggests a drastic increase in sedimentation rate during the late Smithian, which should have been caused by the increase in terrigenous input to this site.  相似文献   

Cretaceous strata are widely distributed across China and record a variety of depositional settings. The sedimentary facies consist primarily of terrestrial, marine and interbedded marine-terrestrial deposits, of which marine and interbedded facies are relatively limited. Based a thorough review of the subdivisions and correlations of Cretaceous strata in China, we provide an up-to-date integrated chronostratigraphy and geochronologic framework of the Cretaceous system and its deposits in China.Cretaceous marine and interbedded marine-terrestrial sediments occur in southern Tibet, Karakorum, the western Tarim Basin,eastern Heilongjiang and Taiwan. Among these, the Himalayan area has the most complete marine deposits, the foraminiferal and ammonite biozonation of which can be correlated directly to the international standard biozones. Terrestrial deposits in central and western China consist predominantly of red, lacustrine-fluvial, clastic deposits, whereas eastern China, a volcanically active zone, contains clastic rocks in association with intermediate to acidic igneous rocks and features the most complete stratigraphic successions in northern Hebei, western Liaoning and the Songliao Basin. Here, we synthesise multiple stratigraphic concepts and charts from southern Tibet, northern Hebei to western Liaoning and the Songliao Basin to produce a comprehensive chronostratigraphic chart. Marine and terrestrial deposits are integrated, and this aids in the establishment of a comprehensive Cretaceous chronostratigraphy and temporal framework of China. Further research into the Cretaceous of China will likely focus on terrestrial deposits and mutual authentication techniques(e.g., biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy). This study provides a more reliable temporal framework both for studying Cretaceous geological events and exploring mineral resources in China.  相似文献   

The pelagic limestones exposed at Sümeg appear to represent continuous deposition from Kimmeridgian through Berriasian. Detrital magnetite and haematite pigment are the carriers of remanence in the red and non-red limestones in the lower part, while magnetite becomes predominant in the upper half of the section. Thermal demagnetization has succesfully removed overprint magnetizations, and a well-defined magnetic stratigraphy has been obtained. The Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous mixed polarity interval is correlated with the sequence of geomagnetic reversals derived from oceanic magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Based on detailed field observation and multidisciplinary studies of integrated stratigraphy, the marine Lower and Middle Triassic of Lower Yangtze region is divided into five third-order sequences, the general approach of the outcrop sequence stratigraphical study of carbonate ramp is proposed, the pattern in the development of the Early and Middle Triassic sequence under the major regression is summarized, and the sequence stratigraphical and chronostratigraphical frameworks across various paleogeographical facies zones on the marginal platform are established. Project supported by the Stake Key Project “SSLC” and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 49502022, 49632070).  相似文献   

Carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Late Jurassic and earliest Cretaceous was revealed from Torinosu‐type limestone, which was deposited in a shallow‐marine setting in the western Paleo‐Pacific, in Japan. Two sections were examined; the Nakanosawa section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Tithonian age (Fukushima Prefecture, Northeast Japan), and the Furuichi section of the late Kimmeridgian to early Berriasian age (Ehime Prefecture, Southwest Japan). The age‐model was established using Sr isotope ratio and fossil occurrence. The limestone samples have a low Mn/Sr ratio (mostly <0.5) and lack a distinct correlation between δ13C and δ18O, indicating a low degree of diagenetic alteration. Our composite δ13C profile from the two limestone sections shows three stratigraphic correlation points that can be correlated with the profiles of relevant ages from the Alpine Tethyan region: a large‐amplitude fluctuation (the lower upper Kimmeridgian, ~152 Ma), a positive anomaly (above the Kimmeridgian/Tithonian boundary, ~150 Ma), and a negative anomaly (the upper lower Tithonian, ~148 Ma). In addition, we found that δ13C values of the Torinosu‐type limestone are ~1‰ lower than the Tethyan values in the late Kimmeridgian. This inter‐regional difference in δ13C values is likely to have resulted from a higher productivity and/or an organic burial in the Tethyan region. The difference gradually reduces and disappears in the late Tithonian, where the Tethyan and our δ13C records show similar stable values of 1.5–2.0‰. This isotopic homogenization is probably due to changes in the continental distribution and the global ocean circulation, which propagated the 13C‐depleted signature from the larger Paleo‐Pacific to the smaller Tethys Ocean during this time.  相似文献   

An identification of anomalies 31–34 is presented for the North Atlantic. North of the Azores-Gibraltar Ridge this implies a revision of the identification of the magnetic anomalies older than anomaly 26. DSDP site 10 in the western North Atlantic appears to be located on the old end of anomaly 33. The relative spacings of anomalies 29–34 in the North and South Atlantic, North and South Pacific and Indian Oceans are compared and the estimated relative widths of the magnetic polarity intervals in the Late Cretaceous are revised.  相似文献   

This work explores the application of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique, a high sensitivity spectral method, as a means of characterizing stratigraphic facies and identifying depositional environments. We have studied two marine sedimentary sections, of mid-Cretaceous and mid-Eocene ages, that are located in southwestern Venezuela. The different paramagnetic species (e.g. manganese, free radicals and different forms of Fe) have been identified and their relative concentrations measured from the EPR spectra. These results were then integrated to those from petrographic and magnetic susceptibility analyses (room and high temperature) as well as to some other rock magnetic data such as Qn and S-ratios. Because Mn2+ content seems to be finely tuned to variations of redox conditions, it could serve as a sensitive index of paleoenvironmental changes in stratigraphic columns with large lithological contrasts. Conversely, the presence and concentration of distinct Fe species proves to be quite useful characterizing different depositional environments at those stratigraphic sections that exhibit similar lithologies throughout. The integration of EPR results with rock magnetic data allows the identification of diagenetic events that could have taken place after sediment deposition.  相似文献   

Abstract In Japan and Korea, some Lower Cretaceous terrigenous clastic rocks yield detrital chromian spinels. These chromian spinels are divided into two groups: low-Ti and high-Ti. The Sanchu Group and the Yuno Formation in Japan have both groups, whereas the Nagashiba Formation in Japan and the Jinju Formation in Korea have only the low-Ti spinels. High-Ti spinels are thought to have originated in intraplate-type basalt. Low-Ti spinels (higher than 0.6 Cr#) were probably derived from peridotites, which are highly correlated with an arc setting derivation and possibly with a forearc setting derivation. Low-Ti spinels are seen in the Sanchu Group, the Nagashiba Formation and the Jinju Formation. Low-Ti spinels from the Yuno Formation are characterized by low Cr# (less than 0.6) and these chromian spinels appear to have been derived from oceanic mantle-type peridotite, including backarc. According to maps reconstructing the pre-Sea of Japan configuration of the Japanese Islands and the Korean Peninsula, the Korean Cretaceous basin was comparatively close to the Southwest Japan depositional basins. It is possible that these Lower Cretaceous systems were sediments mainly in the forearc and partly in the backarc regions. The peridotite might have infiltrated along major tectonic zones such as the Kurosegawa Tectonic Zone (= serpentinite melange zone) in which left lateral movement prevailed during the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Atsushi  Matsuoka 《Island Arc》1995,4(2):140-153
Abstract A radiolarian zonal scheme for the entire Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous using biostratigraphic data from both Japanese Island sections and the western Pacific seafloor is documented. The zonation is applicable to low and middle paleolatitude portions of the Paleo-Pacific ocean. Radiolarian bio-events such as the evolutionary first appearance biohorizon, first occurrence biohorizon, and last occurrence biohorizon were used to define zones. The 11 zones proposed are, in ascending order, Parahsuum simplum, Trillus elkhornensis, Laxtorum(?) jurassicum, Tricolocapsa plicarum, Tricolocapsa conexa, Stylocapsa(?) spiralis, Hsuum maxwelli, Pseudodictyomitra primitiva, Pseudodictyomitra carpatica, Cecrops sep-temporatus, and Acanthocircus carinatus zones. Preliminary age assignments for these zones are presented.  相似文献   


Late Cenozoic sediments in the Hexi Corridor, foreland depression of the Qilian Mountain preserved reliable records on the evolution of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. Detailed magnetic polarity dating on a 1150 m section at Wenshushan anticline in the Jiudong Basin, west of Hexi Corridor finds that the ages of the Getanggou Formation, Niugetao Formation and Yumen Conglomerate are >11-8.6 Ma, 8.6-4.5 Ma and 4.5-0.9 Ma respectively. Accompanying sedimentary analysis on the same section suggests that the northern Tibetan Plateau might begin gradual uplift since 8.6-7.6 Ma, earlier than the northeastern Tibetan Plateau but does not suppose that the plateau has reached its maximum elevation at that time. The commencement of the Yumen Conglomerate indicates the intensive tectonic uplift since about 4.5 Ma.


The Cretaceous Period is a vital time interval in deciphering the evolutionary history of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the convergence of different plates and blocks across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. A detailed stratigraphic framework and paleogeographic patterns are the basis for understanding the evolution of the Neo-Tethys Ocean and the formation of the QinghaiTibetan Plateau. Here, the Cretaceous stratigraphy, biota, paleogeography, and major geological events in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ar...  相似文献   

The pelagic limestones exposed in the valley of the Cismon river (near Feltre) appear to represent continuous deposition from Valanginian to Campanian, apart from a short hiatus in the Early Albian. Detrital magnetite is the carrier of remanence in these predominantly white-grey limestones, and a well-defined magnetic stratigraphy has been obtained. The Cretaceous quiet zone at Cismon is totally normal in polarity and stretches from Early Aptian to Early Campanian. Below the Lower Aptian, the Early Cretaceous mixed polarity interval is tentatively correlated with the sequence of geomagnetic reversals derived from the oceanic magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Summary The Maastrichtian and Danian limestone sequence known from Limhamn (southern Sweden) contains ferromagnetic minerals dispersed in a diamagnetic matrix. The initial magnetic susceptibility measured does, on the whole, agree with the iron amounts registered by X-ray. The aluminium contents indicate that the magnetic minerals are of terrigenous origin.  相似文献   

The data obtained by former magnetostartigraphic studies of sections of Jurassic/Cretaceous age located at Brodno, W. Slovakia, and Puert Esca?o, S. Spain, about 2200 km apart, are herein reprocessed in order to detect environmental cycles recorded by magnetic susceptibility. The dating of the samples with respect to the geomagnetic polarity time scale enabled to estimate the power spectrum up to the frequency of 11 Myr?1 as well as the phases corresponding to the spectral maxima. Using these frequencies and phases, we linked together the cycles detected with different sections. The hypothesis that their similarity results only from random coincidence had to be rejected for seven pairs of these cycles. The frequencies of these cycles are related to those of the recent modes of orbital eccentricity.  相似文献   

The paper features data on thermomagnetic characteristics of the red-bed sediments of the Lower Cretaceous of the Tadjik depression which turned out to be somewhat anomalous. The thermomagnetic characteristics of monolithic samples are stable under long-term heating (2–3 hours) at high temperature (600°–700°C). At the same time, the thermomagnetic characteristics of the powders, obtained from heated monolithic samples, display instability under even lesser temperatures. During heating at 600°–700°C, part of the hematite, dispersed in the rock, turns into stable maghemite. Disintegration of the monoliths changes the properties of the secondary maghemite - it becomes unstable to heating and at temperatures of 550°-600°C irreversibly changes into hematite.  相似文献   

松辽盆地营城组玄武岩流动单元测井响应特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
流动单元是玄武岩地层的最基本组成单元,其内部分带性控制储层的储集性能和有效储层的分布位置.运用钻井岩心资料建立了玄武岩流动单元分带地质模式,单个流动单元由上而下依次为上部气孔带、中部致密带和下部气孔带.依据自然伽马(GR)、声波时差(DT)、补偿密度(RHOB)、深侧向电阻率(LLD)和中子孔隙度(NPHI)分析流动单元测井响应特征,判别蚀变带、气孔带和致密带3种测井相类型;自然伽马能谱(K、Th、U)用于判别玄武岩地层中自然伽马高值的界面性质.蚀变带具有高伽马、高声波时差、高中子和低阻、低密度的特征,致密带呈低伽马、低声波时差、低中子和高阻、高密度,气孔带介于两者之间.流动单元分带的测井响应特征反映的是孔隙、裂缝发育和蚀变作用在纵向上的渐进式和韵律性变化.K-GR交会图用于区分蚀变带和气孔带,DT-RHOB交会图用于区分致密带和蚀变带、气孔带.单个或多个流动单元构成喷发单元,喷发单元之间具有明显间断,发育蚀变带、风化带、沉积夹层和凝灰岩层4类界面,由于K含量高于喷发单元内部玄武岩而呈现高自然伽马,Th-U交会图、K-Th/U交会图用于进一步判别界面类型.  相似文献   

Rock magnetic study was carried out on the samples of non-remagnetized Lower Paleozoic limestone from Henan Province. These studies suggest that the properties of the natural remanent magnetization are usually dependent on the grain size of magnetic carrier, e.g. the grain size of magnetite mineral (multidomain or single domain). The different contents of the single and multi-domain magnetites could cause the different levels of overlapping of the middle-high and high temperature components. This may be the reason for “easy” or “difficult” separation of magnetic components.  相似文献   

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