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The Cenozoic (mostly Neogene) volcanic activity in Syria is part of the extensive magmatism that took place in the Mashrek Region, Middle East, from upper Eocene to Holocene (40–0.0005 Ma). Samples in western Syria are mostly high TiO2 (TiO2 1.8–3.7 wt.%) alkaline mafic rocks (basanites, hawaiites and alkali basalts) plus rare transitional/tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites) with within-plate-like trace element signature.On the basis of incompatible trace element content, the volcanic activity in Syria has been divided into two stages: the first lasting from 25 to 5 Ma and the second from 5 to recent times. Indeed, the Syrian lavas show incompatible trace element content increasing with decreasing age from 25 to 5 Ma, followed by an abrupt decrease to low values roughly at the Miocene–Pliocene boundary. This temporal shift in composition is related to major tectonic re-organization occurred during upper Miocene.The proposed petrogenetic model invokes three steps: (a) passive upwelling of the shallow asthenosphere during the development of the Dead Sea transform fault system. Different degrees of partial melting were followed by variable extents of fractional crystallization and limited upper crustal contamination; (b) the Miocene–Pliocene boundary tectonic change enhanced passive decompression of the same sources and a consequent increase in degree of partial melting resulting in low incompatible trace element content of the relatively high-volume liquids; (c) after this phase, the incompatible trace element content in the basaltic magmas increased as consequence of fractional crystallization processes.Major and trace element content similarities with the rest of the circum-Mediterranean igneous rocks are consistent with a common relatively shallow origin for the Cenozoic anorogenic magmatism of the entire circum-Mediterranean area (the so-called Common Magmatic Reservoir). Because much of the igneous activity in the studied area is concentrated near the Dead Sea fault, the origin of Cenozoic magmatism in Syria (and in the rest of the circum-Mediterranean area) reflects a strong lithospheric control on the loci of partial melting. Mantle plumes from lower mantle and/or north-westward channelling of the Afar mantle plume is not needed to explain volcanic activity in Syria and the Mashrek area.  相似文献   

Field investigation and lab analysis on samples were carried out for Quaternary volcanoes, including Xiaoshan volcano, Dashan volcano and Bianzhuang hidden volcano, in Haixing area, east of North China. Results show that Xiaoshan volcano with the eruptive material of volcanic scoria, crystal fragments and volcanic ash is a maar volcano, the eruptive pattern is pheatomagmatic eruption, and the influence scope is near the crater. Dashan volcano exploded in the early stage, and then the magma intruded, forming the volcanic neck. The eruption strength and scale are limited, and the eruptive materials are scoria, volcanic agglomerate and dense lava neck. The volcanic rocks in Bianzhuang are porosity and dense volcanic rocks and volcanic breccia, reflecting the pattern of weak explosive eruption and lava flow, and the K-Ar age dating on volcanic rocks indicates that the eruption happened in early Pleistocene. Xiaoshan volcanic scoria and Bianzhuang hidden volcanic rocks are mainly basaltic, Dashan volcanic rocks with lower SiO2 content are nephelinite in composition. Their oxide contents have no linear relationship, indicating that there is no magma evolution relationship between these magmas from the three places. Three volcanic rocks all have enrichment of light rare earth. The Bianzhuang volcanic rocks are rich in large ion lithophile elements, and have no high field strength elements Zr and Hf, Ti losses. The volcanic materials from Xiaoshan and Dashan are intensively rich in Th, U, Nb and Ta, and significantly poor in K and Ti. Although the magmas from these three places in Haixing area may all come from asthenosphere, the volcanic materials have different petrological and geochemical features, and relatively independent volcanic structures, therefore, they experienced different magma processes.  相似文献   

The Cainozoic volcanism of Sardinia (Italy) can be divided into two main cycles with different magmatic and geodynamic significance. The early cycle — Oligo-Miocenic in age (29-13 My ago) — shows the calc-alkaline character typical of converging plate areas. The later activity, ranging from Lower Pliocene (about 5 My ago) to recent Pleistocene, produced mostly basic lavas extruded onto a continental plate («within plate basalts»). It was related to a period of tensional tectonics which had affected the western Mediterranean area prior to, and during, the volcanic activity. Intermediate and acid volcanic products were associated with the mafic rocks of the latest magmatic episodes. The main groups of rocks — the basic ones, already classified from their petrographic features and geological setting — can be characterized very well when a statistical elaboration of their chemical analyses is used. In fact, from chemical data it is possible to distinguish the Oligo-Miocene volcanic products from those of Plio-Pleistocene age. Moreover, within this latter group basanites, alkalic and subalkalic basaltic rocks can clearly be distinguished. Samples that had not clearly been defined on the basis of their petrographic characteristics (anonymous samples) have been attributed to one or the other of the main groups by means of discriminant functions. Chemical variations in the Plio-Pleistocenic rocks are due to fractionation episodes at shallow depths superimposed on primary magmatic variations. A model of partial fusion of the mantle accounts for many but not all the observed original chemical variations. Different physical melting conditions, the effects of minor mineral phases in the mantle and, probably, crustal contamination were also effective in creating the observed chemical variations.  相似文献   

Analyses of the latest Jurassic Santiago Peak volcanic rocks from the western zone of the Peninsular Ranges batholith reveal the existence of two independent groups; one comprising basalts and andesites of the island arc tholeiitic series, and the second made up of the dacites and rhyolites of the subalkaline (calc-alkaline?) series or silicic series. The basalts and andesites have V, Co and Ni contents similar to those estimated for the residual melts in equilibrium with the Peninsular Ranges gabbros. This fact together with the tholeiitic nature of the gabbros and the intimate spatial and temporal relationship between the SPV and the gabbros suggests that the basalts and andesites had a common origin with the gabbros. The mafic volcanism and plutonism seems to have occurred in a youthful island arc and the silicic volcanism in a mature island arc or a continental margin.  相似文献   

Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks were collected at 24 sites along the Pontides, N-NE Turkey, for rock magnetic and geochemical studies. Rock magnetic and petrographic methods showed that the lavas are characterized predominantly by titanomagnetites with a mixture of pseudo-single and multi-domain grains, whereas in tephrite single domain titanohematite was dominant. Measurements of magnetic susceptibility and the geochemical properties on different volcanic rock types provide important knowledge about the magnetic stability of the rocks. The magnetic properties are interpreted in terms of the composition, concentration, magma generation. Tephrite and phonotephrites with the highest intensities (5200 mA/m) and high magnetic susceptibility values (2585 × 10−5), largest grain sizes and Fe/Ti values, showing minor or no alteration are the most magnetic stable samples in contrast to dacites with the lowest intensity-magnetic susceptibility (520 mA/m − 573 × 10−5) and high alteration degree. The basanite samples show very low NRM (48–165 mA/m) but very high magnetic susceptibility (2906–3100 × 10−5) values suggesting the alteration of Fe-Ti minerals. It is shown that the magnetic properties of the basic to acidic rocks show a systematic variation with magma differentiation and could be related to fractional crystallization. Major and trace elements revealed that the lavas are compatible with complex magma evolution, with mineral phases of olivine+magnetite+clinopyroxene in basic series, amphibole+ +clinopyroxene in intermediate rocks and plagioclase+clinopyroxene+biotite in acidic series.  相似文献   

Late Cenozoic volcanism in Baja California records the effects of cessation of subduction at a previously convergent, plate margin. Prior to 12.5 m.y., when subduction along the margin of Baja ceased, the predominant volcanic activity had a calc-alkaline signature, ranging in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Acidic pyroclastic activity was common, and possibly represented the westermost, distal edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental province. After 12.5 m.y., however, the style and composition of the magmatic products changed dramatically. The dominant rock type within the Jaraguay and San Borja volcanic fields is a magnesian andesite, with up to 8% MgO at 57% SiO2, low Fe/Mg ratios, and high Na/K ratios. These rocks have unusual trace-element characteristics, with high abundances of Sr (up to 3000 ppm), low contents of Rb; K/Rb ratios are very high (usually over 1000, and up to 2500), and Rb/Sr ratios are low (less than 0.01). Furthermore, Lan/Ybn ratios are high, consistent with derivation from a mantle source with fractionated REE patterns. 87Sr/86Sr ratios are less than 0.7048, and usually less than 0.7040, whereas the pre-12.5 m.y. lavas have 87Sr/86Sr ratios between 0.7038 and 0.7063. We have previously termed these rocks bajaites, in order to distinguish them from other magnesian andesites. Bajaites also occur in southernmost Chile and the Aleutian Islands, areas which also have histories of attempted or successful ridge subduction.It is proposed that the bajaite series is produced during the unusual physico-chemical conditions operating during the subduction of young oceanic lithosphere, or subduction of a spreading centre. During normal subduction, the oceanic crust dehydrates, releasing volatiles (water, Rb and other large-ion lithophile elements) into the overlying wedge. Subduction of younger crust will result in a progressive decrease, and eventual cessation of the transfer of volatiles when subduction stops. Thermal rebound of the mantle may cause the slab to melt, perhaps under eclogitestable conditions. The resulting melt will be heavy-REE-depleted, perhaps dacitic, but will otherwise inherit MORB-like Rb/Sr and K/Rb ratios. The ascending melt will react with the mantle to form the source of the bajaitic rocks. Furthermore, any amphibole in the mantle, stabilised during the higher PH2O conditions of earlier subduction, will break down and contribute a high-K/Rb ratio component.The implications of this study are that firstly, the subducted slab does not contribute a highly fractionated REE component in most modern arcs (i.e. the slab does not melt); secondly, Rb has a very short residence time in the mantle, and its abundance in arc rocks is a direct reflection of the input from the dehydrating slab; and thirdly, bajaitelike rocks may provide recognition of attempted or successful ridge subduction in the geologic past.  相似文献   

Two fundamentally different types of silicic volcanic rocks formed during the Cenozoic of the western Cordillera of the United States. Large volumes of dacite and rhyolite, mostly ignimbrites, erupted in the Oligocene in what is now the Great Basin and contrast with rhyolites erupted along the Snake River Plain during the Late Cenozoic. The Great Basin dacites and rhyolites are generally calc-alkaline, magnesian, oxidized, wet, cool (<850°C), Sr-and Al-rich, and Fe-poor. These silicic rocks are interpreted to have been derived from mafic parent magmas generated by dehydration of oceanic lithosphere and melting in the mantle wedge above a subduction zone. Plagioclase fractionation was minimized by the high water fugacity and oxide precipitation was enhanced by high oxygen fugacity. This resulted in the formation of Si-, Al-, and Sr-rich differentiates with low Fe/Mg ratios, relatively low temperatures, and declining densities. Magma mixing, large proportions of crustal assimilation, and polybaric crystal fractionation were all important processes in generating this Oligocene suite. In contrast, most of the rhyolites of the Snake River Plain are alkaline to calc-alkaline, ferroan, reduced, dry, hot (830–1,050°C), Sr-and Al-poor, and Nb-and Fe-rich. They are part of a distinctly bimodal sequence with tholeiitic basalt. These characteristics were largely imposed by their derivation from parental basalt (with low fH2O and low fO2) which formed by partial melting in or above a mantle plume. The differences in intensive parameters caused early precipitation of plagioclase and retarded crystallization of Fe–Ti oxides. Fractionation led to higher density magmas and mid-crustal entrapment. Renewed intrusion of mafic magma caused partial melting of the intrusive complex. Varying degrees of partial melting, fractionation, and minor assimilation of older crust led to the array of rhyolite compositions. Only very small volumes of distinctive rhyolite were derived by fractional crystallization of Fe-rich intermediate magmas like those of the Craters of the Moon-Cedar Butte trend. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Nd and Sr isotopic study of volcanic rocks from Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two older granitic rocks and some selected Quaternary volcanic rocks from the Japanese Islands were analyzed in a reconnaissance study for the purpose of examining the relationships between Nd and Sr isotopic abundances and the megatectonic structure around the Japanese Islands. Model ages of ~0.9 AE were determined by the Nd and Sr methods on a Paleozoic gneiss which confirms that a relatively ancient acidic basement exists in the Japanese Islands. The Nd and Sr isotopic data show that the Cretaceous granodiorite is the result of partial melting of older crust.The Nd of tholeiitic rocks from the Izu arc gives εNd ranging from 8.3 to 9.3 and with the corresponding εSr from ?14.5 to ?18.5. These results are identical to those found for the Mariana arc. These values are distinctly lower than typical MORB by around 1~2 εu. This difference in εNd between arcs and MORB is attributed to the contribution of oceanic sediments to the partial melts produced during subduction of oceanic crust. The Hakone volcano is clearly confirmed as belonging to an oceanic source by Nd isotopic results.εSrNd values of the volcanics from a section along the Fossa Magna show a clear indication that they are a blend of oceanic mantle material and continental crustal material. The crustal component clearly increases in going from south to north. Volcanics across the Northeast Japan arc also show a distinct correlation of εSrNd related to the position relative to the active subduction zone but with the opposite trend. These relationships of the present isotopic pattern and the zonal arrangement relative to the subduction zone suggest the former existence of a local spreading center in the Japan Sea.In general there appear to be regular isotopic relationships between the Izu-Mariana oceanic island arc and the continental island arc of Japan which indicates that partially melted or assimilated older continental basement is admixed with young rising oceanic arc magmas.  相似文献   

Three sections of the Candelaria Hills volcanic sequence, west-central Nevada, appear to have recorded parts of two transitional field records or reversal excursions. Paleomagnetic data and / laser fusion sanidine age estimates for pyroclastic rocks and associated flows show that these rocks recorded the unusual field behavior at about 25.7 Ma and about 23.8 Ma. Fifteen sites yield northeast declination, moderate to shallow negative inclination mean directions and 16 sites yield west to southwest declination, moderate negative inclination directions. Both populations of site mean directions, representing a total of 12 independent eruptive units, are highly discordant to a time-averaged late Tertiary field direction, and neither can be explained by a geologically reasonable magnitude of vertical axis rotation. Virtual paleomagnetic poles (VGPs), estimated from the directional data, lie at low to intermediate latitudes; 29 of the 31 flows at intermediate latitudes (<60°), and 11 at very low latitudes (<30°). Two well-grouped VGP clusters are defined by these data with each cluster roughly corresponding to one of the age groups. Stratigraphically corrected VGPs from most of the 23.8 Ma group roughly cluster at intermediate to low latitudes at about 150°E longitude. The cluster at about 150°E corresponds to VGP clusters that have been interpreted to reflect a long lasting near-dipole configuration during several field reversals. The second stratigraphically corrected cluster lies at intermediate to low latitudes at about 80°E longitude and, notably, is defined by pyroclastic flows of the 25.7 and 23.8 Ma age groups. The VGP data at about 80°E do not fall into any previously identified preferred longitudinal band, however, they are consistent with data from some sedimentary records of reversal excursions in western North America. We recognize that the VGPs returned to a preferred location in both age populations, which we interpret as a preferred directional position, thus reflecting a potentially stable non-dipole component during a complete reversal or a reversal excursion. The observation that the VGPs maintained a preferred location during separate high amplitude events supports the hypothesis that preferred VPG clusters and thus persistent non-dipole field components can factor into the behavior of the geomagnetic field during full reversals or reversal excursions.  相似文献   

Petrochemical studies of granitoid rocks from the eastern part of Kumaun region suggest that the leading edge of India represents an active arc during Late Paleoproterozoic times. It has been observed that melt generation for granodiorite rocks from the eastern Almora Nappe and Chhiplakot klippe along with the Askot klippe was caused through a subduction‐related process involving hydrous partial melting of a Paleoproterozoic amphibole‐ and/or garnet‐bearing mafic source with the involvement of sediments from the subduction zone. The medium‐ to high‐K basic rocks, common in subduction‐related magmatic arcs, can also explain the generation of the high‐K granodiorites of the Chhiplakot klippe. The augen gneisses from the eastern Almora nappe and Chhiplakot klippe along with the Askot klippe further show geochemical similarity with the associated granodiorites, suggesting there is a genetic linkage with one another.  相似文献   

The Setouchi volcanic rocks include high-Mg andesites (HMAs) and garnet-bearing dacite–rhyolite, and are sporadically distributed along the Median Tectonic Line, Japan. New U–Pb zircon ages and geological and geochemical data are presented for those rocks in the Western Setouchi region (W-Setouchi). Previous studies referred to the altered andesite in the W-Setouchi as “pre-Setouchi volcanic rocks.” However, on the basis of the new U–Pb age (14.4 Ma ± 0.3 Ma) and geochemical characteristics, we redefine it as the Jikamuro Formation, part of the Setouchi volcanic rocks. Incompatible elements are more enriched in the Jikamuro Formation rocks than in the Setouchi HMAs. The characteristic element compositions may be explained by mixing of compositionally different magmas, including subducted sediment melts, plus a contribution from crustal contamination. A stress-inversion technique with Bingham distribution method was applied to the orientations of felsic and mafic dikes within the Setouchi volcanic rocks, and indicates paleo-stress conditions during the period of Setouchi volcanism in the W-Setouchi. The analysis reveals NNW-extensional stresses and a strike-slip stress. We infer that the former represents extensional conditions during the main period of volcanism and the latter represents a stress transition during the most recent period of volcanism (after 12 Ma).  相似文献   

A geochronological study of the Filicudi, Salina, Lipari and Vulcano Islands (Aeolian Archipelago) using the unspiked potassium–argon technique provides new age data which, combined with stratigraphic correlation, better constrain the temporal evolution of volcanism. The unspiked K–Ar age of the oldest exposed lavas on Filicudi, 219±5 ka, is significantly younger than the previous estimation of 1.02 Ma. In the general context of Aeolian volcanism, this new date suggests that the volcanism of the western sector of the Aeolian Archipelago is younger than previously thought. Geochronological data point out on the rapid transition from calc–alkaline to potassic volcanism. The distribution of the K–Ar ages within the Salina–Lipari–Vulcano group shows that the volcanism started on Lipari and propagated over time northward on Salina and southward on Vulcano. Geochronological and geophysical data suggest that the onset of volcanism in the central sector of the Aeolian Arc may be due to a mantle upwelling structure located below Lipari. A change in the style of the eruptions occurred in the Salina–Lipari–Vulcano system at about 100 ka from the present. Low-energy magmatic eruptions occurred between 188 and about 100 ka. From about 100 ka to the present, higher-energy eruptions and low-energy events due to magma–water interaction also occurred. This change in the style of activity, together with the appearance of evolved products (i.e. rhyolites) during the last 50 ka, is consistent with the formation of magmatic reservoirs located at shallower depth with respect to those of the 188–100-ka period. The new geochronological data and available petrological models reveal that a change in the deep source of the primary magmas occurred in a relatively short time interval.  相似文献   

火山岩岩石化学研究表明,西昆仑山东段北缘石炭纪火山岩的SiO2含量在42.98%~50.78%之间,Na2O+K2O在1.52%~5.85%之间,Na2O/K2O为1.53~5.86,显示出明显的富钠特征.稀土元素特征为:ΣREE为(146.91~472.14)×10-6,LREE/HREE为1.78~2.58,δEu为1.04~1.15,(La/Yb)N为3.45~5.32,球粒陨石标准化曲线为右倾的弱铕正异常的轻稀土富集型的平滑曲线.微量元素研究结果:Nb/Ta比值在15.96~17.99之间,Zr/Hf比值在37.22~41.42之间,相对富集大离子亲石元素(LIL)和高场强元素(HFS),在微量元素N-MORB配分模式图上,呈明显的左侧单“隆起”型,即大离子亲石元素(LIL)呈现峰值.Rb-Sr同位素组成研究结果表明:样品Rb/Sr比值在0.0049~0.1314之间,表明岩浆在上升过程中受到了地壳物质的混染. 综合分析认为,该区火山岩具有板内玄武岩的特征,应属产于大陆边缘弧后盆地的钠质碱性玄武岩.  相似文献   

Meta-igneous mafic and ultramafic rocks, which constitute about 60% of the granulitic xenoliths enclosed in the Neogene alkali basalts of the Bournac pipe (French Massif Central) have well preserved magmatic trends of element variations. The meta-igneous suite was probably derived from at least two different parental magmas and it may be a part of a gabbroic complex which resembles mafic bodies associated with anorthosites. The xenoliths are also very similar to many other granulitic xenoliths and to meta-igneous mafic granulitic massifs. This indicates that the gabbroic intrusions may be widespread in the lower crust and the close association of gabbroic rocks with meta-sedimentary granulites suggests a model for the composition of the lower continental crust.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the islands of Montserrat Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Eustatius and Saba, which lie on the inner volcanic are at the northern of the Lesser Antilles. Andesites greatly predominate over basalts and dacites in this part of the arc. Generally the lavas from the northern Lesser Antilles contain low abundances of Ni, Cr and residual trace elements but lavas from Saba are enriched in these elements compared with the other islands in the group. The most important petrogenetic process in this part of the Lesser Antilles is probably partial melting of subducted oceanie tholeiite and this process accounts satisfactorily for the chemistry (especially the low Ni, Cr) and large volumes of the erupted andesites. Some andesites have, however, been produced by fractional crystallisation of basaltic magma and magma mixing probably accounts for some of the peculiar chemical and petrographic properties of the Saba andesites. The rocks from the Northern Lesser Antilles are different from those in the central part of the arc (more acid rocks, higher residual trace elements) and the southern islands have much higher proportions of basalt, some of it undersaturated and alkaline. It is thought that partial melting of mantle peridotite may be the predominant petrogenetic process at the southern end of the Lesser Antilles whereas partial melting of subducted oceanic crust is more important in the north.  相似文献   

From Upper Cretaceous volcanic rocks of Southeast Sicily 107 cores from 19 sites were collected giving a mean palaeomagnetic pole position at 62°N, 223°E, A95 = 5.4° after AF-cleaning. This pole agrees with the Upper Cretaceous pole of Northern Africa indicating that no large post-Cretaceous relative motion has occurred between Africa and Sicily.  相似文献   

The volcanic centre of Monte Seda Oro, N. W. Sardinia, representative of a Cenozoic calc-alkaline andesitic suite of rocks is composed of a variety of rocks ranging from high alumina basalts to dacites. The minerals of basaltic, andesitic and dacitic rocks show only limited variation in chemical composition. The geochemical data suggest that the various rock-types are related by a crystal-liquid fractionation. Least-squate numerical calculations, using major element data, support the derivation of andesites with SiO3 content ranging from 53.8 to 59.0% from basalts having about 48.7% of SiO2 by low pressure crystal fractionation of the phenocryst phases present in these rocks. However, the origin of dacites cannot be readily explained by this mechanism.  相似文献   

Magmatism in Kachchh, in the northwestern Deccan continental flood basalt province, is represented not only by typical tholeiitic flows and dikes, but also plug-like bodies, in Mesozoic sandstone, of alkali basalt, basanite, melanephelinite and nephelinite, containing mantle nodules. They form the base of the local Deccan stratigraphy and their volcanological context was poorly understood. Based on new and published field, petrographic and geochemical data, we identify this suite as an eroded monogenetic volcanic field. The plugs are shallow-level intrusions (necks, sills, dikes, sheets, laccoliths); one of them is known to have fed a lava flow. We have found local peperites reflecting mingling between magmas and soft sediment, and the remains of a pyroclastic vent composed of non-bedded lapilli tuff breccia, injected by mafic alkalic dikes. The lapilli tuff matrix contains basaltic fragments, glass shards, and detrital quartz and microcline, with secondary zeolites, and there are abundant lithic blocks of mafic alkalic rocks. We interpret this deposit as a maar-diatreme, formed due to phreatomagmatic explosions and associated wall rock fragmentation and collapse. This is one of few known hydrovolcanic vents in the Deccan Traps. The central Kachchh monogenetic volcanic field has >30 individual structures exposed over an area of ∼1,800 km2 and possibly many more if compositionally identical igneous intrusions in northern Kachchh are proven by future dating work to be contemporaneous. The central Kachchh monogenetic volcanic field implies low-degree mantle melting and limited, periodic magma supply. Regional directed extension was absent or at best insignificant during its formation, in contrast to the contemporaneous significant directed extension and vigorous mantle melting under the main area of the Deccan flood basalts. The central Kachchh field demonstrates regional-scale volcanological, compositional, and tectonic variability within flood basalt provinces, and adds the Deccan Traps to the list of such provinces containing monogenetic- and/or hydrovolcanism, namely the Karoo-Ferrar and Emeishan flood basalts, and plateau basalts in Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Patagonia.  相似文献   

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