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In hierarchical models of structure formation, the time derivative of the halo mass function may be thought of as the difference of two terms – a creation term, which describes the increase in the number of haloes of mass m from mergers of less massive objects, and a destruction term, which describes the decrease in the number of m -haloes as these merge with other haloes, creating more massive haloes as a result. The first part of this paper focuses on estimating the distribution of times when these creation events take place. In models where haloes form from a spherical collapse, this distribution can be estimated from the same formalism which is used to estimate halo abundances: the constant-barrier excursion-set approach. In the excursion-set approach, moving rather than constant barriers are necessary for estimating halo abundances when the collapse is triaxial. First, we generalize the excursion-set estimate of the creation time distribution by incorporating ellipsoidal collapse. Then, we show that these moving barrier based predictions are in better agreement with measurements in numerical simulations than are the corresponding predictions of the spherical collapse model. In the second part of the paper, we link the creation time distribution to the creation term mentioned above. For this quantity, the improvement provided by the ellipsoidal collapse model is more evident. These results should be useful for studies of merger-driven star formation rates and active galactic nucleus activity. We also present a similar study of the creation of haloes conditioned on belonging to an object of a certain mass today, and reach similar conclusions – the moving barrier based estimates are in substantially better agreement with the simulations. This part of the study may be useful for understanding the tendency for the oldest stars to exist in the most massive objects, and for star formation to only occur in lower mass objects at late times.  相似文献   

The evolution of substructure embedded in non-dissipative dark haloes is studied through N -body simulations of isolated systems, both in and out of initial equilibrium, complementing cosmological simulations of the growth of structure. We determine by both analytic calculations and direct analysis of the N -body simulations the relative importance of various dynamical processes acting on the clumps, such as the removal of material by global tides, clump–clump heating, clump–clump merging and dynamical friction. The ratio of the internal clump velocity dispersion to that of the dark halo is an important parameter; as this ratio approaches a value of unity, heating by close encounters between clumps becomes less important, while the other dynamical processes continue to increase in importance. Our comparison between merging and disruption processes implies that spiral galaxies cannot be formed in a protosystem that contains a few large clumps, but can be formed through the accretion of many small clumps; elliptical galaxies form in a more clumpy environment than do spiral galaxies. Our results support the idea that the central cusp in the density profiles of dark haloes is the consequence of self-limiting merging of small, dense haloes. This implies that the collapse of a system of clumps/substructure is not sufficient to form a cD galaxy, with an extended envelope; plausibly, subsequent accretion of large galaxies is required. The post-collapse system is in general triaxial, with rounder systems resulting from fewer, but more massive, clumps. Persistent streams of material from disrupted clumps can be found in the outer regions of the final system, and at an overdensity of around 0.75, can cover 10 to 30 per cent of the sky.  相似文献   

We use the extended Press–Schechter formalism to investigate the rate at which cold dark matter haloes accrete mass. We discuss the shortcomings of previous methods that have been used to compute the mass accretion histories of dark matter haloes, and present an improved method based on the N -branch merger tree algorithm of Somerville & Kolatt. We show that this method no longer suffers from inconsistencies in halo formation times, and compare its predictions with high-resolution N -body simulations. Although the overall agreement is reasonable, there are slight inconsistencies which are most easily interpreted as a reflection of ellipsoidal collapse (as opposed to spherical collapse assumed in the Press–Schechter formalism). We show that the average mass accretion histories follow a simple, universal profile, and we present a simple recipe for computing the two scale-parameters which is applicable to a wide range of halo masses and cosmologies. Together with the universal profiles for the density and angular momentum distributions of cold dark matter haloes, these universal mass accretion histories provide a simple but accurate framework for modelling the structure and formation of dark matter haloes. In particular, they can be used as a backbone for modelling various aspects of galaxy formation where one is not interested in the detailed effects of merging. As an example we use the universal mass accretion history to compute the rate at which dark matter haloes accrete mass, which we compare with the cosmic star formation history of the Universe.  相似文献   

Modelling the build-up of haloes is important for linking the formation of galaxies with cosmological models. A simple model of halo growth is provided by Press–Schechter (PS) theory, where the initial field of density fluctuations is smoothed using spherically symmetric filters centred on a given position to obtain information about the likelihood of later collapse on varying scales. In this paper the predicted halo mass growth is compared for three filter shapes: Gaussian, top-hat and sharp k -space. Preliminary work is also presented analysing the build-up of haloes within numerical simulations using a friends-of-friends group finder. The best-fit to the simulation mass function was obtained using PS theory with a top-hat filter. By comparing both the backwards conditional mass function, which gives the distribution of halo progenitors, and the distribution of halo mergers in time, the build-up of haloes in the simulations is shown to be better fitted by PS theory with a sharp k -space filter. This strengthens previous work, which also found the build-up of haloes in simulations to be well matched to PS theory with a sharp k -space filter by providing a direct comparison of different filters and by extending the statistical tools used to analyse halo mass growth. The usefulness of this work is illustrated by showing that the cosmological evolution in the proportion of haloes that have undergone recent merger is predicted to be independent of mass and power spectrum and to only depend upon cosmology. Recent results from observations of field galaxies are shown to match the evolution expected, but are not sufficiently accurate to distinguish usefully between cosmological parameters.  相似文献   

We derive analytic merger rates for dark matter haloes within the framework of the extended Press–Schechter (EPS) formalism. These rates become self-consistent within EPS once we realize that the typical merger in the limit of a small time-step involves more than two progenitors, contrary to the assumption of binary mergers adopted in earlier studies. We present a general method for computing merger rates that span the range of solutions permitted by the EPS conditional mass function, and focus on a specific solution that attempts to match the merger rates in N -body simulations. The corrected EPS merger rates are more accurate than the earlier estimates of Lacey & Cole by ∼20 per cent for major mergers and by up to a factor of ∼3 for minor mergers of mass ratio 1:104. Based on the revised merger rates, we provide a new algorithm for constructing Monte Carlo EPS merger trees, which could be useful in semi-analytic modelling. We provide analytic expressions and plot numerical results for several quantities that are very useful in studies of galaxy formation. This includes (i) the rate of mergers of a given mass ratio per given final halo, (ii) the fraction of mass added by mergers to a halo and (iii) the rate of mergers per given main progenitor. The creation and destruction rates of haloes serve for a self-consistency check. Our method for computing merger rates can be applied to conditional mass functions beyond EPS, such as those obtained by the ellipsoidal collapse model or extracted from N -body simulations.  相似文献   

The merging history of dark matter haloes is computed with the Merging Cell Model proposed by Rodrigues & Thomas. While originally discussed in the case of scale-free power spectra, it is developed and tested here in the framework of the cold dark matter cosmology. The halo mass function, the mass distribution of progenitors and child haloes, as well as the probability distribution of formation times, have been computed and compared with the available analytic predictions. The halo autocorrelation function has also been obtained (a first for a semi-analytic merging tree), and tested against analytic formulae. An overall good agreement is found between results of the model, and the predictions derived from the Press & Schechter theory and its extensions. More severe discrepancies appear when formulae that better describe N -body simulations are used for comparison. In many instances, the model can be a useful tool for following the hierarchical growth of structures. In particular, it is suitable for addressing the issue of the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters, as well as the population of Lyman-break galaxies at high redshift, and their clustering properties.  相似文献   

In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse earlier, and later merge to form larger haloes. The galaxy clusters, hosted by the largest dark matter haloes, are at the top of this hierarchy and representing the largest as well as the last structures formed in the Universe, while the smaller and first haloes are those Earth-sized dark subhaloes that have been both predicted by theoretical considerations and found in numerical simulations, though there do not exist any observational hints of their existence. The probability that a halo of mass m at redshift z will be part of a larger halo of mass M at the present time can be described in the frame of the extended Press & Schecter theory making use of the progenitor (conditional) mass function. Using the progenitor mass function, we calculate analytically, at redshift zero, the distribution of subhaloes in mass, formation epoch and rarity of the peak of the density field at the formation epoch. That is done for a Milky Way size system, assuming both a spherical and an ellipsoidal collapse model. Our calculation assumes that small progenitors do not lose mass due to dynamical processes after entering the parent halo, and that they do not interact with other subhaloes. For a Λ cold dark matter power spectrum, we obtain a subhalo mass function  d n /d m   proportional to   m −α  with a model-independent  α∼ 2  . Assuming that the dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle, the inferred distributions are used to test the feasibility of an indirect detection in the γ-ray energy band of such a population of subhaloes with a Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope like satellite.  相似文献   

We consider the sensitivity of the circular-orbit adiabatic contraction approximation to the baryon condensation rate and the orbital structure of dark matter haloes in the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) paradigm. Using one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations including the dark matter halo mass accretion history and gas cooling, we demonstrate that the adiabatic approximation is approximately valid even though haloes and discs may assemble simultaneously. We further demonstrate the validity of the simple approximation for ΛCDM haloes with isotropic velocity distributions using three-dimensional N -body simulations. This result is easily understood: an isotropic velocity distribution in a cuspy halo requires more circular orbits than radial orbits. Conversely, the approximation is poor in the extreme case of a radial orbit halo. It overestimates the response of a core dark matter halo, where radial orbit fraction is larger. Because no astronomically relevant models are dominated by low angular momentum orbits in the vicinity of the disc and the growth time-scale is never shorter than a dynamical time, we conclude that the adiabatic contraction approximation is useful in modelling the response of dark matter haloes to the growth of a disc.  相似文献   

The excursion set theory of halo formation is modified by adopting the fractional Brownian motion, to account for possible correlation between merging steps. We worked out analytically the conditional mass function, halo merging rate and formation time distribution in the spherical collapse model. We also developed an approximation for the ellipsoidal collapse model and applied it to the calculation of the conditional mass function and the halo formation time distribution. For models in which the steps are positively correlated, the halo merger rate is enhanced when the accreted mass is less than  ∼25 M *  , while for the negatively correlated case this rate is reduced. Compared with the standard model in which the steps are uncorrelated, the models with positively correlated steps produce more aged population in small mass haloes and more younger population in large mass haloes, while for the models with negatively correlated steps the opposite is true. An examination of simulation results shows that a weakly positive correlation between successive merging steps appears to fit best. We have also found a systematic effect in the measured mass function due to the finite volume of simulations. In future work, this will be included in the halo model to accurately predict the three-point correlation function estimated from simulations.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of the correlation function of dark matter haloes in the CDM class of models. We show that the halo correlation function does not evolve in proportion with the correlation function of the underlying mass distribution. The earliest haloes to collapse, which correspond to rare peaks in the density field, cluster very strongly. The amplitude of the halo correlation function decreases from its initial, large, value. This decrease continues until the average peaks have collapsed, after which the amplitude grows slowly. This behaviour is shown to be generic and the epoch of minimum amplitude depends only on the rms  fluctuations in mass at the relevant scale and, to a much smaller extent, on the slope of the power spectrum at that scale. We discuss the relevance of this result for interpretation of observations of galaxy and quasar clustering.  相似文献   

We study the mass assembly history (MAH) of dark matter haloes. We compare MAHs obtained using (i) merger trees constructed with the extended Press–Schechter (EPS) formalism, (ii) numerical simulations and (iii) the Lagrangian perturbation code pinocchio . We show that the pinocchio MAHs are in excellent agreement with those obtained using numerical simulations, while the EPS formalism predicts MAHs that occur too late. pinocchio , which is much less CPU intensive than N -body simulation, can be run on a simple personal computer, and does not require any labour intensive post-simulation analysis, therefore provides a unique and powerful tool to investigate the growth history of dark matter haloes. Using a suite of 55 pinocchio simulations, with 2563 particles each, we study the MAHs of 12 924 cold dark matter (CDM) haloes in a ΛCDM concordance cosmology. This is by far the largest set of haloes used for any such analysis. For each MAH we derive four different formation redshifts, which characterize different epochs during the assembly history of a dark matter halo. We show that haloes less massive than the characteristic non-linear mass scale establish their potential wells much before they acquire most of their mass. The time when a halo reaches its maximum virial velocity roughly divides its mass assembly into two phases, a fast-accretion phase which is dominated by major mergers, and a slow-accretion phase dominated by minor mergers. Each halo experiences about 3 ± 2 major mergers since its main progenitor had a mass equal to 1 per cent of the final halo mass. This major merger statistic is found to be virtually independent of halo mass. However, the average redshift at which these major mergers occur is strongly mass dependent, with more massive haloes experiencing their major mergers later.  相似文献   

We present a simplified analytic approach to the problem of the spiralling of a massive body orbiting within the dark halo of a dwarf galaxy. This dark halo is treated as the core region of a King distribution of dark matter particles, in consistency with the observational result of dwarf galaxies having solid-body rotation curves. Thus we derive a simple formula which provides a reliable and general first-order solution to the problem, totally analogous to the one corresponding to the dynamical friction problem in an isothermal halo. This analytic approach allows a clear handling and a transparent understanding of the physics and the scaling of the problem. A comparison with the isothermal case shows that in the core regions of a King sphere, dynamical friction proceeds at a different rate, and is sensitive to the total core radius. Thus, in principle, observable consequences may result. In order to illustrate the possible effects, we apply this formula to the spiralling of globular cluster orbits in dwarf galaxies, and show how present-day globular cluster systems could, in principle, be used to derive better limits on the structure of dark haloes around dwarf galaxies, when the observational situation improves. As a second application, we study the way a massive black hole population forming a fraction of these dark haloes would gradually concentrate towards the centre, with a consequent deformation of an originally solid-body rotation curve. This effect allows us to set limits on the fraction/mass of any massive black hole minority component of the dark haloes of dwarf galaxies. In essence, we take advantage of the way the global matter distribution fixes the local distribution function for the dark matter particles, which in turn determines the dynamical friction problem.  相似文献   

A model of the gravitationally evolved dark matter distribution, in the Eulerian space, is developed. It is a simple extension of the excursion set model that is commonly used to estimate the mass function of collapsed dark matter haloes. In addition to describing the evolution of the Eulerian space distribution of the haloes, the model allows one to describe the evolution of the dark matter itself. It can also be used to describe density profiles, on scales larger than the virial radius of these haloes, and to quantify the way in which matter flows in and out of Eulerian cells. When the initial Lagrangian space distribution is white noise Gaussian, the model suggests that the Inverse Gaussian distribution should provide a reasonably good approximation to the evolved Eulerian density field, in agreement with numerical simulations. Application of this model to clustering from more general Gaussian initial conditions is discussed at the end.  相似文献   

An analytical model is presented for the post-collapse equilibrium structure of virialized objects that condense out of a low-density cosmological background universe, either matter-dominated or flat with a cosmological constant. This generalizes the model we derived previously for an Einstein–de Sitter (EdS) universe. The model is based upon the assumption that cosmological haloes form from the collapse and virialization of 'top-hat' density perturbations, and are spherical, isotropic and isothermal. This leads to the prediction of a unique, non-singular, truncated isothermal sphere (TIS), a particular solution of the Lane–Emden equation (suitably modified when Λ≠0) . The size and virial temperature are unique functions of the mass and redshift of formation of the object for a given background universe. The central density is roughly proportional to the critical density of the universe at the epoch of collapse. This TIS model is in good agreement with observations of the internal structure of dark-matter-dominated haloes on scales ranging from dwarf galaxies to X-ray clusters. It also reproduces many of the average properties of haloes in simulations of the cold dark matter (CDM) model to good accuracy, suggesting that it is a useful analytical approximation for haloes that form from realistic initial conditions. Our TIS model matches the density profiles of haloes in CDM N -body simulations outside the innermost region, while avoiding the steep central cusp of the latter which is in apparent conflict with observations. The TIS model may also be relevant to non-standard CDM models, such as that for self-interacting dark matter, recently proposed to resolve this conflict.  相似文献   

We present the Millennium-II Simulation (MS-II), a very large N -body simulation of dark matter evolution in the concordance Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. The MS-II assumes the same cosmological parameters and uses the same particle number and output data structure as the original Millennium Simulation (MS), but was carried out in a periodic cube one-fifth the size  (100  h −1 Mpc)  with five times better spatial resolution (a Plummer equivalent softening of  1.0  h −1 kpc  ) and with 125 times better mass resolution (a particle mass of  6.9 × 106  h −1 M  ). By comparing results at MS and MS-II resolution, we demonstrate excellent convergence in dark matter statistics such as the halo mass function, the subhalo abundance distribution, the mass dependence of halo formation times, the linear and non-linear autocorrelations and power spectra, and halo assembly bias. Together, the two simulations provide precise results for such statistics over an unprecedented range of scales, from haloes similar to those hosting Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies to haloes corresponding to the richest galaxy clusters. The 'Milky Way' haloes of the Aquarius Project were selected from a lower resolution version of the MS-II and were then resimulated at much higher resolution. As a result, they are present in the MS-II along with thousands of other similar mass haloes. A comparison of their assembly histories in the MS-II and in resimulations of 1000 times better resolution shows detailed agreement over a factor of 100 in mass growth. We publicly release halo catalogues and assembly trees for the MS-II in the same format within the same archive as those already released for the MS.  相似文献   

The effects of merging histories of proto-objects on the angular momentum distributions of the present-time dark matter haloes are analysed. An analytical approach to the analysis of the angular momentum distributions assumes that the haloes are initially homogeneous ellipsoids and that the growth of the angular momentum of the haloes halts at their maximum expansion time. However, the maximum expansion time cannot be determined uniquely, because in the hierarchical clustering scenario each progenitor, or subunit, of the halo has its own maximum expansion time. Therefore the merging history of the halo may be important in estimating its angular momentum. Using the merger tree model by Rodrigues &38; Thomas, which takes into account the spatial correlations of the density fluctuations, we have investigated the effects of the merging histories on the angular momentum distributions of dark matter haloes. It was found that the merger effects, that is, the effects of the inhomogeneity of the maximum expansion times of the progenitors which finally merge together into a halo, do not strongly affect the final angular momentum distributions, so that the homogeneous ellipsoid approximation happens to be good for the estimation of the angular momentum distribution of dark matter haloes. This is because the effect of the different directions of the angular momenta of the progenitors cancels out the effect of the inhomogeneity of the maximum expansion times of the progenitors.   The contribution of the orbital angular momentum to the total angular momentum when two or more pre-existing haloes merge together was also investigated. It is shown that this contribution is more important than that of the angular momentum of diffuse accreting matter to the total angular momentum, especially when the mergers occur many times.  相似文献   

Analysing the weak lensing distortions of the images of faint background galaxies provides a means to constrain the average mass distribution of cluster galaxies and potentially to test the extent of their dark matter haloes as a function of the density of their environment. The observable image distortions are a consequence of the interplay between the effects of a global cluster mass distribution and the perturbations resulting from individual cluster galaxies. Starting from a reconstruction of the cluster mass distribution with conventional techniques, we apply a maximum likelihood method to infer the average properties of an ensemble of cluster galaxies. From simulations this approach is found to be reliable as long as the galaxies including their dark matter haloes only contribute a small fraction to the total mass of the system. If their haloes are extended, the galaxies contain a substantial mass fraction. In this case our method is still applicable in the outer regions of clusters, where the surface mass density is low, but yields biased estimates of the parameters describing the mass profiles of the cluster galaxies in the central part of the cluster. In that case it will be necessary to resort to more sophisticated strategies by modelling cluster galaxies and an underlying global mass distribution simultaneously. We conclude that galaxy–galaxy lensing in clusters provides a unique means to probe the presence and extent of dark haloes of cluster galaxies.  相似文献   

We have used merger-trees realizations to study the formation of dark matter haloes. The construction of merger-trees is based on three different pictures about the formation of structures in the Universe. These pictures include the spherical collapse (SC), the ellipsoidal collapse (EC) and the non-radial collapse (NR). The reliability of merger-trees has been examined comparing their predictions related to the distribution of the number of progenitors, as well as the distribution of formation times, with the predictions of analytical relations. The comparison yields a very satisfactory agreement. Subsequently, the mass-growth histories (MGH) of haloes have been studied and their formation scale factors have been derived. This derivation has been based on two different definitions that are (a) the scale factor when the halo reaches half its present day mass and (b) the scale factor when the mass-growth rate falls below some specific value. Formation scale factors follow approximately power laws of mass. It has also been shown that MGHs are in good agreement with models proposed in the literature that are based on the results of N-body simulations. The agreement is found to be excellent for small haloes but, at the early epochs of the formation of large haloes, MGHs seem to be steeper than those predicted by the models based on N-body simulations. This rapid growth of mass of heavy haloes is likely to be related to a steeper central density profile indicated by the results of some N-body simulations.  相似文献   

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