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A comparative study of sulfide mine tailings from two sites near Silver City in southwest New Mexico has shown the need for environmental monitoring in a geological context. The Cyprus-Piños Altos and Cleveland deposits consist of Cu and Zn skarn mineralization in the Piños Altos Mountains of New Mexico. Primary ore minerals in both deposits include chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and galena. The Cyprus-Piños Altos Mine ceased operation in 1995 and the Cleveland Mill closed in 1950. The deposits have similar mineralogical characteristics; however, the tailings are different in terms of age, degree of oxidation and method of disposal. The Cyprus-Piños Altos tailings (CPAT) are stored in a lined, bermed impoundment. They are dominantly water-saturated and exhibit no secondary-phase formation. The grains are not cemented and show no evidence of primary-mineral dissolution. The geochemical data show a predominantly primary signature. The tailings pond water is neutral to slightly alkaline (pH?from 7 to 8.3), partly as a result of processing methods. The Cleveland mill tailings (CMT) were deposited in a valley at the headwaters of an ephemeral stream. They are highly oxidized and differentially cemented. They have undergone numerous wet/dry cycles resulting in extensive oxidation. Secondary minerals predominate, and consist mainly of jarosite, goethite, hematite, and Fe-oxyhydroxides and -oxyhydroxysulfates. The pH of the stream draining the CMT is as high as 2.15. Maximum metal contents in the stream immediately downstream from the tailings are 5305?ppm Zn, 454?ppm Cu, 1.16?ppm Pb, 17.5?ppm Cd, 1.4?ppm As, and 0.01?ppm Hg.  相似文献   

文章通过对红旗岭矿区尾砂数据的分析研究,对矿产资源的再度利用提出合理有效的方案,为矿产资源的二次开发开辟新的道路.在红旗岭尾矿库进行尾矿取样研究分析,测试尾砂中的元素含量,分析尾砂中元素的分布规律,依据工业品位要求,以及尾矿含水率等数据初步估算红旗岭矿区尾矿镍金属储量;对镍高品位值地段分析以及尾砂抽稀试验,为红旗岭尾矿...  相似文献   

Effluent from tailings impoundments of sulfide mine is an important environmental problem. The oxidation of sulfide minerals in tailings impoundments and consequent release of acid and contaminants, including heavy metals and arsenic, to tailings pore-water can last for decades to centuries. Pollution of water bodies including surface water and groundwater occurs when infiltration of precipitation is unhindered, bottom liners are absent and no drainage collection is installed. So there is a great need to develop reliable modeling techniques for characterizing geochemical interactions taking place within the tailings and predicting potential future environmental hazard which favor further prevention and remediation of the acidic mine drainage (AMD). In this paper, a comprehensive dynamic model for tailings-water interaction was established on the basis of considering the coupling and feedback among many factors and processes such as sulfide oxidation, gangue dissolution, oxygen diffusion, water flow and mass transport,  相似文献   

尾矿中硫化物风化氧化模拟实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为防治矿山尾矿造成环境污染,对方铅矿,闪锌矿,磁黄铁矿、黄铜矿,黄铁矿进行了风化氧化实验研究,结果显示,硫化物的氧化速率顺序为:方铅矿>闪锌矿>磁黄铁矿>黄铜矿>黄铁矿,侵蚀液pH值越低,硫化物氧化速率越大,有机物存在对硫化物氧化起缓冲和抑制作用。  相似文献   

The oxidation and subsequent dissolution of sulfide minerals within mine tailings impoundments releases H+, Fe(II), SO4 and trace elements to the tailings pore water. Subsequent pH-buffering and hydrolysis reactions result in the precipitation of secondary phases such as gypsum, goethite and jarosite. In areas of intense precipitation, cemented layers or “hardpans” often form within the shallow tailings. Three cemented layers within pyrrhotite-bearing mine tailings at the Fault Lake, Nickel Rim and East Mine impoundments located near Sudbury, Canada, were examined. The location of the three cemented layers within the tailings stratigraphy varies as does their location relative to the water table. The morphology, mineralogy and chemical composition of the cemented layers also vary between sites. The bulk density within the three cemented layers all showed an increase relative to the surrounding uncemented tailings ranging from 9% to 29%. The porosity of each cemented layer decreased relative to the surrounding uncemented tailings ranging from an 8% to 18% decrease. The cemented layers also showed relative enrichment of total sulfur, carbon and trace elements relative to the surrounding uncemented tailings. Arsenic concentrations showed an enrichment in the cemented layers of up to 132%, Cd up to 99%, Co up to 84%, Cu up to 144%, Ni up to 693% and Zn up to 145% relative to the surrounding uncemented tailings. All the cemented layers studied show an evolution of the secondary phases with time from a gypsum–jarosite-based cement to a goethite-rich cement. The formation of these layers could potentially have a significant effect on the environmental impacts of sulfide-bearing mine waste.  相似文献   

The wall rocks of Sidi Driss mineralization contain continental molassic deposits: lacustrine limestones, ferruginous fragments, Ed Diss unit and Numidian unit fragments, rhyodacitic fragments, pyroclasts, and gneissic fragments. The ore is composed of pyrite, marcasite, sphalerite, galena, barite, celestite, siderite, calcite, and iron oxide-hydroxides. The abandoned wastes in Sidi Driss-Tamra district contain marcasite, galena, goethite, jarosite, anglesite, anhydrite, bassanite, and gypsum. It is very important to assess the hazards and risks that this material type poses to public health and the environment. However, evaluation of a part of toxic elements always poses problems since the associated matrix, the close relationships between some minerals, the grain sizes and their forms (oolites, compact collomorphes aggregate), the oxidation degree of metals, the chemical composition, and trace elements make it difficult to extract mobile metals from complex Sidi Driss tailings and minerals found in these acidic wastes. Nevertheless, there is no universal method that can systematically evaluate metal bioavailability. And the use of proposed sequential extraction procedures for sediments with simple mineralogical composition did not yield any reproducible results for this type of acid mine drainage sediments. Consequently, the methods of controlling and mitigating the risks of hazardous materials should be considered. Many extraction procedures have been applied to better evaluate the mobility of hazardous materials (metals), the characterization of their degree of toxicity, and their chemical behavior in these complex mine tailings. Reproducible results were obtained with lab-scale washing of sediments using distilled water, CaCl2 and Na2-EDTA solutions, and BCR sequential extraction. The results showed that the BCR extraction approach was the most efficient procedure for these types of wastes. The extraction with distilled water is recommended for identification of the total quantity of mobile Cr and Fe.  相似文献   

The use of covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBEs) for reducing acid mine drainage (AMD) from sulphidic mine tailings is simulated using the MIN3P finite volume model for coupled groundwater flow, O2 diffusion and multi-component reactive transport. The model is applied to simulate five pilot-scale in situ test cells containing reactive tailings from the Manitou mine site, Val d’Or, Que., Canada. Four of the cells were constructed with CCBEs over the tailings, while the fifth tailings cell was left uncovered. Observed and simulated discharge from the base of each cell showed that the capillary barrier covers significantly reduced sulphide oxidation and AMD. Compared to acidic discharge from the uncovered cell, discharge from the four CCBE-covered cells had neutral pH levels and 1–7 orders of magnitude lower concentrations of SO4, Fe, Zn, Cu and Al. The simulations showed that the moisture retaining layer of the CCBEs reduced AMD by inhibiting O2 diffusion into the underlying reactive wastes. Provided the moisture-retention layer of the CCBE remains close to saturation, its thickness had a relatively minor effect. Under such near-saturated conditions, O2 availability is limited by its diffusion rate through the bulk porous medium and not by the diffusion rate through the oxidized grain shells. The model is providing important new insights for comparing design alternatives for reducing or controlling AMD.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory column tests on reactive mine tailings was numerically simulated to study the effect of high water saturation on preventing sulfide mineral oxidation and acid mine drainage (AMD). The approach, also known as an elevated water table (EWT), is a promising alternative to full water covers for the management and closure of sulfidic tailings impoundments and for the long term control of acid mine drainage. The instrumented columns contained reactive tailings from the Louvicourt mine, Quebec, and were overlain by a protective sand cover. Over a 13–19 month period, the columns were exposed to atmospheric O2 and flushed approximately every month with demineralized water. A free draining control column with no sand cover was also used. During each cycle, water table elevations were controlled by fixing the pressure at the column base and drainage water was collected and analyzed for pH and Eh, major ions, and dissolved metals (Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Mg). The columns were simulated using the multi-component reactive transport model MIN3P which solves the coupled nonlinear equations for transient water flow, O2 diffusion, advective–dispersive transport and kinetic geochemical reactions. Physical properties and mineralogical compositions for the material layers were obtained from independent laboratory data. The simulated and observed data showed that as the water table elevation increased, the effluent pH became more neutral and SO4 and dissolved metal concentrations decreased by factors on the order of 102–103. It is concluded that water table depths less than or equal to one-half of the air entry value (AEV) can keep mine tailings sufficiently saturated over the long term, thus reducing sulfide oxidation and AMD production.  相似文献   

Toxic metalliferous mine-tailings pose a significant health risk to ecosystems and neighboring communities from wind and water dispersion of particulates containing high concentrations of toxic metal(loid)s (e.g., Pb, As, Zn). Tailings are particularly vulnerable to erosion before vegetative cover can be reestablished, i.e., decades or longer in semi-arid environments without intervention. Metal(loid) speciation, linked directly to bioaccessibility and lability, is controlled by mineral weathering and is a key consideration when assessing human and environmental health risks associated with mine sites. At the semi-arid Iron King Mine and Humboldt Smelter Superfund site in central Arizona, the mineral assemblage of the top 2 m of tailings has been previously characterized. A distinct redox gradient was observed in the top 0.5 m of the tailings and the mineral assemblage indicates progressive transformation of ferrous iron sulfides to ferrihydrite and gypsum, which, in turn weather to form schwertmannite and then jarosite accompanied by a progressive decrease in pH (7.3–2.3).Within the geochemical context of this reaction front, we examined enriched toxic metal(loid)s As, Pb, and Zn with surficial concentrations 41.1, 10.7, 39.3 mmol kg−1 (3080, 2200, and 2570 mg kg−1), respectively. The highest bulk concentrations of As and Zn occur at the redox boundary representing a 1.7 and 4.2-fold enrichment relative to surficial concentrations, respectively, indicating the translocation of toxic elements from the gossan zone to either the underlying redox boundary or the surface crust. Metal speciation was also examined as a function of depth using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The deepest sample (180 cm) contains sulfides (e.g., pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, and sphalerite). Samples from the redox transition zone (25–54 cm) contain a mixture of sulfides, carbonates (siderite, ankerite, cerrusite, and smithsonite) and metal(loid)s sorbed to neoformed secondary Fe phases, principally ferrihydrite. In surface samples (0–35 cm), metal(loid)s are found as sorbed species or incorporated into secondary Fe hydroxysulfate phases, such as schwertmannite and jarosites. Metal-bearing efflorescent salts (e.g., ZnSO4·nH2O) were detected in the surficial sample. Taken together, these data suggest the bioaccessibility and lability of metal(loid)s are altered by mineral weathering, which results in both the downward migration of metal(loid)s to the redox boundary, as well as the precipitation of metal salts at the surface.  相似文献   

The given work focused on solving the problem of environmental geochemistry related to investigation of element speciation, their mobility, and migration in polluted areas. The purpose was to describe quantitatively migration, distribution, and redistribution of heavy metals by the example of the old tailings (Talmovaya sands) of the Lead Zinc Concentration Plant (Salair, Kemerovo region, Russia) and technogenic bottom sediments of the Malaya Talmovaya river. Contents of elements in the sulfide tailings range in the following limits: Zn: 1,100–27,000 ppm, Cd: 1.3–240 ppm, Pb: 0.01–0.81 ppm, Cu: 220–960 ppm, As: 15–970 ppm, Fe: 19,000–76,000 ppm, and Ba: 80,000–1,00,000 ppm. Element concentrations in the river sediment are proportional to the element contents in the sulfide tailings. Element speciations in the sulfide tailings and technogenic bottom sediments were investigated by the modified sequential extraction procedure. Chemical forms of heavy metals in pore water and surface water were calculated by WATEQ4F software. Principles of heavy metal migration in the sulfide tailings and technogenic bottom deposits were established. The obtained results about element species in the sulfide tailings and sediment explain the main principles of element migration and redeposition. In the mine waste and technogenic bottom deposits, there is vertical substance transformation with formation of geochemical barriers.  相似文献   

 The geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of bulk samples and various size fractions of sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments in the Petalax area, western Finland, were studied with ICP-AES (aqua regia digestion and "total" digestion) and X-ray diffraction. The sediments, which are dominated by particles <0.06 mm (clay and silt size), are composed of phyllosilicates (micas, kaolinite, chlorite, vermiculite), quartz, feldspars, amphiboles, organic matter, and secondary S minerals. The chemical analyses show that Na, Ca, and Sr are enriched in the silt and sand fractions, that Zr is enriched in the silt fraction, and that the concentrations of all other studied metals (Al, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, Sc, Th, Ti, V, Y, and Zn) increase from the sand to the clay fraction. Sodium, Ca, and Sr occur largely in poorly dissolved feldspars, which explains the distribution of these metals in the sediments. The increase in the concentrations of most metals in the clay fraction is interpreted to be the result mainly of an increase in phyllosilicates in this size fraction. A geochemical comparison between the sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments and glacial till shows that the former are enriched in several potentially toxic metals. It is therefore argued that the hydrological and ecological problems associated with the sulfide-bearing sediments are related not only to the production of acidity in oxidized layers, but also to mobilization and dispersion of toxic metals. Strategies to minimize damage of freshwater systems in areas covered with sulfide-bearing fine-grained sediments are suggested. Received: 20 February 1997 · Accepted: 25 August 1997  相似文献   

Hydro-mechanical evaluation of stabilized mine tailings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
. In this study, mine tailings waste was stabilized using a combination of lime, fly ash type "C", and aluminum. Treated samples were subjected to mineral identification for evaluating the formation of ettringite and gypsum. Also, unconfined compression, hydraulic conductivity, and cyclic freeze and thaw tests were performed to evaluate the hydro-mechanical properties of the stabilized samples. Experimental results have shown that the application of lime and fly ash type "C" to high sulfate content tailings has improved its plasticity, workability, and volume stability. Moreover, upon addition of aluminum to lime and fly ash in a sulfate-rich environment, ettringite and calcium sulfo-aluminate hydrate are formed in these samples. Application of 5% lime, 10% fly ash type "C", in combination with 110 ppm aluminum, resulted in the formation of a solid monolith capable of producing more than 1,000 kPa of unconfined compressive strength, and reduced tailings permeability to 1.96᎒–6 cm s–1, which is less than the recommended permeability of 10–5 cm s–1 by most environmental protection agencies for reusability of solidified/stabilized samples. The permeability of the treated tailings samples remained below the recommended permeability, even after exposing the treated samples to 12 freeze and thaw cycles. Therefore, based on the experimental results, it is concluded that treatment of high sulfate-content tailings with lime and fly ash, combined with the availability of aluminum for reactions, is a successful method of solidifying highly reactive mine tailings.  相似文献   

Sewage water rich in P poses a threat to natural water systems. In households that are not connected to a sewer network, an easily maintained purification technique is needed to remove P from domestic waste waters. In the present study, the P retention properties of phlogopite-rich mine tailings were studied to determine whether the untapped tailings can be utilised in wastewater treatment for this purpose. On the basis of its chemical and mineralogical properties, this material, produced in the enrichment process of apatite ore in Siilinjärvi, Finland, can be assumed to act as a P sorbent. The P retention capacity and the P sorption mechanisms of phlogopite-rich tailings were studied with desorption–sorption isotherms and various chemical extractions. The impact of the artificial weathering of the material as well as the reaction time and particle size on P retention were also investigated. The fluctuating shape of the isotherm determined for the untreated material suggests the operation of several sorption mechanisms. The results imply that phlogopite-rich tailings retain P efficiently through specific sorption by amorphous Al and Fe oxides and possibly also by calcite present as an accessory mineral. Acidification of the material, extended reaction time and decrease in particle-size markedly increased the P retention.  相似文献   

The Pb sorption capacity of apatite ore mine tailings and its potential to act as a remediation agent in a Pb polluted areas were investigated. The tailings, originating from the Siilinjärvi carbonatite complex in Finland, consist mainly of phlogopite and calcite accompanied by apatite residues. The ability of the tailings to retain Pb from an aqueous solution was investigated using an isotherm technique. Furthermore, in a 3-month incubation experiment, uncontaminated mineral soil was amended with untreated tailings and with tailings artificially weathered with acid to increase the quantity of Al and Fe (hydr)oxides. Tailings of two particle-sizes (∅ > 0.2 mm and ∅ < 0.2 mm) somewhat differing in their mineralogical composition were investigated as separate amendments. All tailings materials were added to the soil in two dosages (5 g and 10 g of tailings per 125 g of soil). Following incubation, tailings-induced changes in the Pb sorption capacity of the soil were investigated with the isotherm technique. Finally, to investigate the distribution of sorbed Pb among various chemical pools, the soil samples amended with tailings were contaminated with Pb and then subjected to sequential fractionation analysis. The results revealed efficient removal of Pb from an aqueous solution by the tailings, presumably through precipitation and surface complexation mechanisms. Amending the soil with the tailings increased the mass-based maximum Pb sorption capacity from 10.8 mg kg−1 of the control soil to 14–20.5 mg kg−1 for the untreated tailings and to 32.1–72.1 mg kg−1 for the acid-treated material. The tailings transferred Pb from the exchangeable pool to the non-extracted one and thereby substantially decreased its bioavailability. The material with a particle diameter of less than 0.2 mm had a higher mass-based Pb sorption capacity than the large-sized material. The results suggest that the tailings may potentially serve as an immobilizing agent in polluted areas.  相似文献   

Speciation and colloid transport of arsenic from mine tailings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In addition to affecting biogeochemical transformations, the speciation of As also influences its transport from tailings at inoperative mines. The speciation of As in tailings from the Sulfur Bank Mercury Mine site in Clear Lake, California (USA) (a hot-spring Hg deposit) and particles mobilized from these tailings have been examined during laboratory-column experiments. Solutions containing two common, plant-derived organic acids (oxalic and citric acid) were pumped at 13 pore volumes d−1 through 25 by 500 mm columns of calcined Hg ore, analogous to the pedogenesis of tailings. Chemical analysis of column effluent indicated that all of the As mobilized was particulate (1.5 mg, or 6% of the total As in the column through 255 pore volumes of leaching). Arsenic speciation was evaluated using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), indicating the dominance of arsenate [As(V)] sorbed to poorly crystalline Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides and coprecipitated with jarosite [KFe3(SO4, AsO4)2(OH)6] with no detectable primary or secondary minerals in the tailings and mobilized particles. Sequential chemical extractions (SCE) of <45 μm mine tailings fractions also suggest that As occurs adsorbed to Fe (hydr)oxides (35%) and coprecipitated within poorly crystalline phases (45%). In addition, SCEs suggest that As is associated with 1 N acid-soluble phases such as carbonate minerals (20%) and within crystalline Fe-(hydr)oxides (10%). The finding that As is transported from these mine tailings dominantly as As(V) adsorbed to Fe (hydr)oxides or coprecipitated within hydroxysulfates such as jarosite suggests that As release from soils and sediments contaminated with tailings will be controlled by either organic acid-promoted dissolution or reductive dissolution of host phases.  相似文献   

Major-element composition, mineral composition and grain-size distribution have been studied for Quaternary aeolian sediments from the Taklimakan Desert, north-western China, together with the variation of chemical and mineralogical compositions of different grain-size fractions. Aeolian sediments from the Taklimakan Desert have higher ratios of feldspar/quartz and calcite/quartz, finer grain size, poorer roundness of quartz and feldspar grains and lower abundances of frosted quartz, than found in aeolian sediments from other deserts such as the Saudi Arabian Desert. In spite of these immature mineralogical and sedimentological features, the aeolian sediments from the Taklimakan Desert show low regional variations in major-element and mineral compositions and are homogenized. These observations confirm that two processes, glacial activity within surrounding mountains and aeolian activity at the Tarim Basin, are important in the homogenization of the Taklimakan Desert sands. Taklimakan Desert sediments are constantly and effectively supplied from basement rocks in the surrounding mountains by glacial erosion. The supplied sediments are further homogenized by aeolian activity in the desert and are partly blown away, serving as the source of Chinese aeolian loess. Compositional differences are observed between loess (mainly 10–40 μm particles) and the <45 μm fraction of the Taklimakan Desert sediments, as well as between loess and whole rock of the Taklimakan Desert sediments. These observations provide constraints for precise modelling of loess formation, and for assessment of the chemical composition of the upper continental crust based on the chemical composition of aeolian loess.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(3):335-343
A three phase investigation has been conducted on groundwater quality impacts of the underground disposal of tailings from acid-leach milling of uranium ores. These phases included field collection and analysis of samples obtained during backfilling of mill tailings in empty underground mine stopes, collection of soil samples from mill tailings piles and previously backfilled stopes, and evaluation of thermodynamic constraints on possible geochemical transformations. Contaminants of principal concern include As, Mo, Se, U, V and Ra-226.The investigation has shown that short-term degradation of groundwater due to backfill disposal of the sand fraction of uranium tailings is negligible. Long-term effects, defined as those occurring after mining operations cease and the mine fills with water, are predicted to also be very small. This is attributed to immobilization of pollutants through chemical reduction and precipitation, as well as adsorption onto aquifer materials. This conclusion is substantiated, in part, by observation of high concentrations of most of the contaminants on the silt and clay fraction of the soil samples collected, in contrast to the concentrations found on the sand fraction.  相似文献   

Metallogenic specialization is part of a worldwide differentiation of terrestrial substance. This process is closely connected with magmatic processes. Four types of magmatic specialization are outlined. They are characterized by the regional features of mineralization, evolution of mineral composition of ore, selective dispersion or concentration of ore-forming elements during the crystallization of rocks, and the mobilization of ore-forming substance by the postmagmatic solutions. — E. A. Alexandrov.  相似文献   

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