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  波 《盐湖研究》2014,(4):67-72
对X射线衍射仪的工作原理、物相定性、定量分析方法进行了扼要介绍,同时详细论述了X射线衍射仪在盐湖地质(盐类矿物、盐湖粘土矿物、盐湖沉积矿物与古气候古环境关系)、盐湖化工(镁水泥、锂离子电池和晶须材料)和水盐体系相图研究中的应用。  相似文献   

房春晖  房艳 《盐湖研究》1995,3(4):66-71
本文介绍了X射线衍射法测定液体结构的一些实验技术,包括光源波长和稳定性、单色X射线的获得、测量条件的选择、实验数据的校正等。  相似文献   

房春晖  房艳 《盐湖研究》1997,5(3):32-41
本文叙述了用θ-20型X射线衍射仪精确测定电解质溶液结构的新的实验技术,设计制作具有恒温功能的超厚液体样品池,并建立了样品池窗口强度的校正方法。建立在Johansson和Yuamaguchi工作基础上,发展了液体X射衍射数据处理和结构参数精细化的计算机程序,获得了非常令人满意的实验结果。由θ-20型X射线衍射仪精确测定的径向分布函数与θ-20型衍射自由表面散射比较,表明DRF分辩率有所提高。  相似文献   

用θ~ 2θ型粉末衍射仪反射法精确测量了不同浓度的Li2 SO4水溶液的衍射数据 ,通过数据处理给出了溶液的结构函数和径向分布函数 ,由几何结构模型的最小二乘法精修 ,得到了溶液中阳离子和阴离子第一、二水合层的结构参数。  相似文献   

房春晖 《盐湖研究》1997,5(3):24-31
从衍射几何出发,推导出0-20型X射线衍射仪液体样品池窗口强度校正的相对透明因子,解释了由于超厚液体样品池上的窗口的吸收,反射法引起的低角强度损失和透射法引起的高角强度损失,获得了令人满意的校正结果。  相似文献   

从衍射几何学出发,推导出0-2θ型X射线衍射仪液体样品池窗口强度校正的相对透明因子,解释了由于超厚液体样品池上的窗口的吸收,反射法引起的低角强度损失和透射法引起的高角强度损失,获得了令人满意的的校正结果。  相似文献   

用θ—2θ型粉末衍射仪反射法精确测量了不同浓度的Li2SO4水溶液的衍射数据,通过数据处理给出了溶液的结构函数和径向分布函数,由几何结构模型的最小二乘法精修,得到了溶液中阳离子和阴离子第一、二水合层的结构参数。  相似文献   

Mineral potential within the Greater Nahanni Ecosystem (GNE) was modelled in a Geographic Information System (GIS) for four different deposit types: (1) SEDEX (stratiform shale-hosted sedimentary exhalative Zn–Pb–Ag), (2) ‘Carbonate-Fault’ (carbonate-hosted zinc–lead–silver associated with major faults), (3) ‘Intrusion-Related’ (includes skarn, rare metals and gemstones) and (4) Carlin-Type gold as lode and/or derived placer deposits. This mineral potential modelling study integrates data collected during the Nahanni Mineral and Energy Resource Assessment (MERA) undertaken from 2003 to 2007. The results have contributed to the process of determining the geographic boundaries of the proposed expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve. Four mineral potential maps were produced (one for each deposit type) using a knowledge-driven approach. A weighting scheme based on integrated mineral deposit and regional geological knowledge was derived for the various evidence maps for each deposit model using expert opinion. The four potential maps were then combined into a final potential map using a maximum operator. Plots showing the efficiency of the models (mineral potential maps) for predicting the known occurrences of the four deposit types show that partial data sets provide reasonable predictions of the remaining known mineral prospects, occurrences and deposits. Hydrocarbon potential from Nahanni MERA 1 was added to the final potential map to ensure that both mineral and energy potential data were incorporated into the park configuration modelling.  相似文献   

Natural Resources Research - Machine learning methods have recently been used widely for mineral prospectivity mapping. However, few studies have focused on the determination of variables for...  相似文献   

Any mine planning requires careful prediction of both the head grade andtonnage ofmineralization. There are various methods of interpolation that attempt to provide reasonable estimatesat unsampled locations. All of these give realizations that are unduly smooth and extremevalues that occur in reality are not reflected in these estimates. Such methods, therefore,provide limited scope for accurate risk assessment. An alternative approach that is rapidlygaining popularity is the method of conditional simulation. This approach attempts to reproduceboth the grade distributions of the sample data as well as its spatial variability. In this paper,a case study is presented on a platinum mineralization to demonstrate and compare sequentialGaussian and sequential conditional simulation techniques and to quantify and discuss therelevant sensitivities.  相似文献   

该文为硕士学位论文,于1999年5月在中国科学院青海盐湖研究所完成。该论文进行了过饱和MgSO4水溶液结构的X射线衍射研究,其溶液的水与盐之比及过饱和度分别是样A为1∶16,11.3%;样B为1∶17,3.496%。获得了过饱和MgSO4溶液中关于Mg2 阳离子水合、SO42-阴离子水合和接触离子对Mg2 SO42-形成的进一步的信息;给出了数据组合前后的实验强度图形,极化校正后的实验强度图形,实验与理论的SiS曲线,实验与理论径向分布函数曲线。研究结果表明,溶液中的Mg2 离子周围存在两个水合层,其中第二水合层中的水分子通过氢键与第一水合…  相似文献   

大气沙尘的测定和分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谈起"沙尘(暴)",住在我国北方干旱地区的人是比较熟悉的。大风卷起了地面的尘土沙粒,飞扬到天空,有时甚至遮蔽阳光,造成景色暗淡,浮尘满天,犹如蒙蒙细雨,随风降落,持续时间达1-2天,也有长达3-5天者,我国史书上称这种降尘现象为"雨土"。(一)大气沙尘指空气中夹带大量被风从地面卷起的沙粒和尘土,能在一定时间内悬浮于空气中的一种天气现象。它是一种分散体系,介质为空气,分散相是浮游于空气中的固体微粒,其粒度成分,据北京大兴县的测定表明,粒径0.01-0.005毫米颗粒占总量的56-71%,小于0.01毫米者占17-39%,大于0.05毫米者占14%。大气沙尘的高程分布,一般在离地表2米以上,其上限可达数十米或更高。  相似文献   

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