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Groundwater extracted from shallow aquifers in the Bengal Delta is contaminated with arsenic. The fluviodeltaic process that creates aquifers, ironically, extends its role to also contaminating them with arsenic. The arsenic distribution maps show a spatial association of arsenic-contaminated wells with palaeo/cut-off/abandoned channels. Weight-on-evidences analysis indicates that the zones of contamination occur around palaeo-channels within a corridor of 500–700 m that contains most of the contaminated wells. These corridors are interpreted to be the zone of channel shifting. Contaminated wells represent point fractal geometry that can be separated into isolated points and clusters. Clusters occur within the zone of channel shifting as obtained by weight-on-evidences analysis. Isolated points occur within floodplain or back swamp areas. Clusters and isolated point fractals are interpreted to reflect the process of arsenic release into groundwater. The migration of biomass within the permeable sandy domain of channel deposits is proposed to be the predominant process in generating clusters. The isolated points represent restricted biomass spreading in less permeable clay-silt dominated floodplains.  相似文献   

The first documented interpretation of the regional-scale hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow is presented for a ~21,000-km2 area of the arsenic-affected districts of West Bengal [Murshidabad, Nadia, North 24 Parganas and South 24 Parganas (including Calcutta)], India. A hydrostratigraphic model demonstrates the presence of a continuous, semi-confined sand aquifer underlain by a thick clay aquitard. The aquifer thickens toward the east and south. In the south, discontinuous clay layers locally divide the near-surface aquifer into several deeper, laterally connected, confined aquifers. Eight 22-layer model scenarios of regional groundwater flow were developed based on the observed topography, seasonal conditions, and inferred hydrostratigraphy. The models suggest the existence of seasonally variable, regional, north–south flow across the basin prior to the onset of extensive pumping in the 1970s. Pumping has severely distorted the flow pattern, inducing high vertical hydraulic gradients across wide cones of depression. Pumping has also increased total recharge (including irrigational return flow), inflow from rivers, and sea water intrusion. Consequently, downward flow of arsenic contaminated shallow groundwater appears to have resulted in contamination of previously safe aquifers by a combination of mechanical mixing and changes in chemical equilibrium.  相似文献   

Geochemical study of the Holocene sediments of the Meghna River Delta, Chandpur, Bangladesh was conducted to investigate the distribution of arsenic and related trace and major elements. The work carried out includes analyses of core sediments and provenance study by rare earth element (REE) analysis. Results showed that the cores pass downward from silty clays and clays into fine to medium sands. The uppermost 3 m of the core sediments are oxidized [average oxidation reduction potential (ORP) + 230 mV], and the ORP values gradually become negative with depths (−45 to −170 mV), indicating anoxic conditions prevail in the Meghna sediments. The REE patterns of all lithotypes in the study areas are similar and are comparable to the average upper continental crust. Arsenic and other trace elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr) have greater concentrations in the silts and clays compared to those in the sands. Positive correlation between As and Fe was found in the sediments, indicating As may be adsorbed on Fe oxides in aquifer sediments.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigations are carried out in the different blocks of Burdwan district, West Bengal, India in order to assess its suitability for drinking as well as irrigation water purpose. Altogether 49 representative groundwater samples are collected from bore wells and the water chemistry of various ions viz. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, CO32−, HCO3, Cl, SO42− and NO3 are carried out. The chemical relationships in Piper and Gibbs diagram suggest that the groundwater mainly belongs to alkali type and Cl group and are controlled by rock dominance. A comparison of groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards proves that most of the water samples are suitable for drinking water purpose whereas groundwater in some areas of the district has high salinity and high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), indicating unsuitability for irrigation water and needs adequate drainage.  相似文献   

Sediments from a core retrieved during installation of a shallow drinking water well in Ambikanagar (West Bengal, India) were analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters. The geochemical analyses included: (1) a 4-step sequential extraction scheme to determine the distribution of As between different fractions, (2) As speciation (As3+ vs. As5+), and (3) C, N and S isotopes. The sediments have a low percentage of organic C and N (0.10-0.56% and 0.01-0.05%, respectively). Arsenic concentration is between 2 and 7 mg kg−1, and it is mainly associated with the residual fraction, less susceptible to chemical weathering. The proportion of As3+ in these sediments is high and ranges from 24% to 74%. Arsenic in the second fraction (reducible) correlates well with Mn, and in the residual fraction As correlates well with several transition elements. The stable isotope results indicate microbial oxidation of organic matter involving SO4 reduction. Oxidation of primary sulfide minerals and release of As from reduction of Fe-(oxy)hydroxides do not seem important mechanisms in As mobilization. Instead, the dominance of As3+ and presence of As5+ reducing microorganisms in this shallow aquifer imply As remobilization involving microbial processes that needs further investigations.  相似文献   

The problem of arsenic (As) poisoning in the upper deltaic plain of the Ganga-Bhagirathi river system in the Bengal Basin of West Bengal, India is an alarming issue. Four blocks (Kaliachak-1, 2, 3 and English Bazar) of Malda district, West Bengal were critically studied. Geomorphologically, the area exhibits three terraces: the present Youngest terrace (T0-terrace), the Older Shaugaon Surface (T1-terrace) and the Oldest Baikunthapur Surface (T2-terrace). On the basis of numerous measurements, including As-content, pH, DO, specific conductivity and salinity, it was observed that maximum As-content beyond the permissible limit (0.05 mg/L, Indian standard) occurs within a depth range of 10–30 m with a non-linear distribution pattern. Variance test also found that a block effect was highly significant in an As-distribution pattern. Mean arsenic level of Kaliachak block-1 is 0.2253 mg/L, followed by Kaliachak-2 with arsenic level 0.1923, Kaliachak-3 with arsenic level 0.1755 and English Bazar with arsenic level 0.1324. The arsenious belt lies mainly within the Older terrace (T1). The very recent flood plain deposits of silvery white, fine sands lying very close to the Ganga River margin do not contain significant amounts of As. Elevated As-concentration in the ground water was observed in alluvial sands, grayish white to brownish in color and occurring away from the Ganga margin. The Oldest terrace (T2) further away from the Ganga margin (e.g. English Bazar) and Barind surface contains less arsenic. Barind surface acts as a hard capping with ferruginous sands and lateritic concretions-chocolate, mottled and purple brown in color-occurring northeast of the studied area. Arsenic content of ground water in the same locality within a radius of ∼ 20 m varies within wide limits. Thus, it poses problem to delineate its distribution pattern. Such a patchy occurrence possibly could not be explained satisfactorily solely by geomorphology. Chemical analysis of aquifer clay samples of the cores shows a maximum Ascontent of up to 3 mg/kg, whereas the bulk samples (sandclay mixture) of the cores contain a maximum of 17 mg/kg As-value. Therefore, it is not always true that clay contains elevated As-value.  相似文献   

Over a large area of the Bengal delta in West Bengal, India, arsenic distribution patterns in groundwater were studied. One hundred and ten boreholes at different target locations were made, subsurface sediments were logged and analysed, and arsenic values in sediments vis-à-vis groundwater were compared. The study elucidates the subsurface geology of the western part of Bengal delta and characterises the sediments that were intersected in different boreholes with contrasting values of arsenic in groundwater. It reveals an existence of multiple aquifers stacked over each other. Depending on the color and nature of aquifer-sands and their overlying clay beds six aquifer types (Type-1 to Type-6) are classified and described. Sediment-arsenic for all the varieties of aquifer sands are near similar but the groundwater-arsenic of these six aquifers varies widely. Type-2 and Type-5 aquifers host arsenic-contaminated groundwater whereas the other four aquifers are arsenic-free. Type-2 and Type-5 aquifers are capped by a grey to dark grey soft organic matter-rich clay unit which makes these aquifers semi-confined to leaky-confined. These contribute in releasing arsenic from the sediments. The results of this study are employed in a proposed georemedial measure against this hazardous toxic element.  相似文献   

In the Bengal Delta Plain (BDP) the primary arsenic sourcing appears to be different from the global scenario. Here, the Terminal Pleistocene–Holocene depositional platform, the interactive early Holocene depositional morphology with fluvio-estuarine and marine incursions played a crucial role for arsenic sourcing and enrichment. The lenticular silt-fine sand layer between anoxic clay beds favoured entrapment of dissolved organic carbon with decayed phyto-planktons debris. The Terminal Pleistocene–Holocene transgression and regression processes may have acted as major events in the BDP. Interestingly, at the end of the last glacial maxima, the Pleistocene delta had undergone block movements, wherein some parts of the platform were raised above the level of Holocene deposition. Those blocks were found to be free from arsenic in the groundwater. The sea, during re-emerging inundation (10–7 ka BP), has witnessed a monsoon-induced environment in the BDP with the resultant oscillation of sea level leading to higher upsurge towards the north. This might have resulted in the marine incursion and inundation in pre-existing land depressions. Meanwhile arsenic entrapments through marine incursion as well as enrichment in the presence of organic carbon/DOC and/or Fe/Mn/Al catalytic agents could have developed into localised redox traps. It may be of relevance that due to the repetitive transgressive–regressive phases in Holocene, resulting in periodic exposure and weathering of iron-bearing minerals and consequent iron enrichment in the aquifer system. The iron, thus present, had free charge to host arsenic as a sink. It appears that arsenic, wherever found, would likely be of atypical localised exhaustible phenomenon, both in horizontal and vertical context. It also rationalises the cause of the absence of arsenic in the other nearby Pleistocene platform, which has not come across Holocene interaction and marine incursion, as to the likely limiting condition for the search for arsenic in the BDP or beyond.  相似文献   

Scinario of arsenic pollution in groundwater: West Bengal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前,西孟加拉地区地下水砷污染问题日益严重并且已经波及到食物链中.由于吸收了砷污染地下水,谷物和蔬菜中砷含量日渐累积,超出了健康规定范围.尽管提出了若干补救方案,但是考虑到农业人口的社会经济状况,建议使用地表水灌溉方案.然而,实际中该方案仍然较难施行,且并无其他更经济有效的措施.若干年后,含水层可以减缓严酷的健康环境现状并为人们提供安全的饮用水.  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination in groundwater affecting West Bengal (India) and Bangladesh is a serious environmental problem. Contamination is extensive in the low-lying areas of Bhagirathi–Ganga delta, located mainly to the east of the Bhagirathi River. A few isolated As-contaminated areas occur west of the Bhagirathi River and over the lower parts of the Damodar river fan-delta. The Damodar being a Peninsular Indian river, the arsenic problem is not restricted to Himalayan rivers alone. Arsenic contamination in the Bengal Delta is confined to the Holocene Younger Delta Plain and the alluvium that was deposited around 10,000–7,000 years bp, under combined influence of the Holocene sea-level rise and rapid erosion in the Himalaya. Further, contaminated areas are often located close to distribution of abandoned or existing channels, swamps, which are areas of surface water and biomass accumulation. Extensive extraction of groundwater mainly from shallow aquifers cause recharge from nearby surface water bodies. Infiltration of recharge water enriched in dissolved organic matter derived either from recently accumulated biomass and/or from sediment organic matter enhanced reductive dissolution of hydrated iron oxide that are present mainly as sediment grain coatings in the aquifers enhancing release of sorbed arsenic to groundwater.  相似文献   

Geochemical and environmental magnetic studies were carried out to identify the effect of iron oxyhydroxides on arsenic mobilization in high arsenic aquifer system. Using high arsenic sediment samples from two boreholes, specifically drilled for this study, chemical composition and magnetic properties including magnetic susceptibility, saturation remnant magnetization, and isothermal remnant magnetization were measured. Results of correlation analysis of element contents show that arsenic and iron are closely associated with each other (r 2 = 0.40, α = 0.05, n = 21). In contrast, the correlation of phosphorus with iron (r = 0.11, α = 0.05, n = 21) and arsenic (r 2 = 0.18, α = 0.05, n = 21) was poor, which might result from competitive adsorption of phosphorus and arsenic on the surface of Fe-oxyhydroxides. The high correlation coefficients between arsenic contents and magnetic parameters suggest that the ferrimagnetic minerals including maghemite and hematite are the dominant carrier of arsenic in aquifer sediments. The results of sequential extraction experiments also revealed the association of arsenic with reducible iron oxides, such as maghemite and hematite in aquifer sediments. Therefore, under reducing conditions, reductive dissolution and desorption of arsenic from Fe-oxyhydroxides into the aqueous phase should be the dominant geochemical processes for its enrichment in groundwater at Datong. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) concentrations and speciation were determined in groundwaters along a flow-path in the Upper Floridan aquifer (UFA) to investigate the biogeochemical “evolution“ of As in this relatively pristine aquifer. Dissolved inorganic As species were separated in the field using anion-exchange chromatography and subsequently analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Total As concentrations are higher in the recharge area groundwaters compared to down-gradient portions of UFA. Redox conditions vary from relatively oxic to anoxic along the flow-path. Mobilization of As species in UFA groundwaters is influenced by ferric iron reduction and subsequent dissolution, sulfate reduction, and probable pyrite precipitation that are inferred from the data to occur along distinct regions of the flow-path. In general, the distribution of As species are consistent with equilibrium thermodynamics, such that arsenate dominates in more oxidizing waters near the recharge area, and arsenite predominates in the progressively reducing groundwaters beyond the recharge area.  相似文献   

Three apparently disparate themes (groundwater, farmers and politics) interweave in this account of how groundwater-related policies in India have very little to do with the scarcity, depletion or quality of groundwater, and more to do with rural politics manifested, among other things, in terms of the presence or absence of farmer lobbies. Examples from two states of India, the water-abundant state of West Bengal and water-scarce state of Gujarat, were investigated using readily available data, analysis of the literature, interviews and fieldwork. In the case of West Bengal, although there is no pressing groundwater crisis, the government of West Bengal (GOWB) was able to successfully implement strict groundwater regulations along with a drastic increase in electricity tariff. More importantly, GOWB was able to implement these without any form of visible farmer protest, though these measures negatively affected farmer incomes. On the other hand, in Gujarat, where there is a real and grave groundwater crisis, the government of Gujarat has neither been able to implement strict groundwater regulations, nor has it been able to increase electricity tariff substantially. Thus, through the lens of ‘political ecology’ the contrasting case of these two Indian states is explained.
Aditi Mukherji (PhD Student)Email: Phone: +44-1223-477186

随着经济的快速发展,城镇化和工业化成为影响地下水环境的重要因素。沿海城市化地区地下水中砷来源复杂,不仅有各种人为来源,天然沉积环境更是造成高砷地下水的主要成因。本文通过对比珠江三角洲地区不同历史时期水化学组分变化,采用离子比和主成分分析技术,研究了城镇化背景下研究区不同类型含水层地下水中砷的分布特征及成因。结果表明,研究区浅层地下水砷浓度介于未检出至420 μg·L-1之间,主要以As(Ⅲ)的形态存在,孔隙含水层的砷浓度普遍高于裂隙和岩溶含水层。取自研究区的1 567组地下水化学样品测试结果显示,ρ(As)>10 μg·L-1的高砷地下水样品检出89组,占比5.7%。其中,孔隙、裂隙和岩溶含水层高砷地下水分别检出82组、4组和3组,占比分别为7.8%、0.8%和9.7%。高砷地下水主要分布在城镇化地区,其比例为非城市化地区的5倍以上。对比历史水化学数据,近10年新增城镇建设用地浅层高砷地下水中砷浓度平均值增加了30%。高砷地下水通常具有pH值较高、氧化-还原电位(Eh)较低等特性。地下水中砷浓度与 NH 4 +、Fe、Mn浓度及耗氧量呈正相关。三角洲平原区第四系基底富含有机质的淤泥质沉积地层,在微生物降解和有机质矿化作用下,固着砷的铁(氧)氢氧化物被还原溶解促使砷释放富集。城镇化过程中含砷工业废水的泄漏入渗是佛山市南部顺德区地下水中砷的另一重要来源。受原生沉积环境和人为输入双重作用,三角洲平原区所形成的中性至弱碱性还原环境是高砷地下水赋存的主要成因。  相似文献   

Manipur State, with a population of 2.29 million, is one of the seven North-Eastern Hill states in India, and is severely affected by groundwater arsenic contamination. Manipur has nine districts out of which four are in Manipur Valley where 59% of the people live on 10% of the land. These four districts are all arsenic contaminated. We analysed water samples from 628 tubewells for arsenic out of an expected total 2,014 tubewells in the Manipur Valley. Analyzed samples, 63.3%, contained >10 μg/l of arsenic, 23.2% between 10 and 50 μg/l, and 40% >50 μg/l. The percentages of contaminated wells above 10 and 50 μg/l are higher than in other arsenic affected states and countries of the Ganga–Meghna–Brahmaputra (GMB) Plain. Unlike on the GMB plains, in Manipur there is no systematic relation between arsenic concentration and the depth of tubewells. The source of arsenic in GMB Plain is sediments derived from the Himalaya and surrounding mountains. North-Eastern Hill states were formed at late phase of Himalaya orogeny, and so it will be found in the future that groundwater arsenic contamination in the valleys of other North-Eastern Hill states. Arsenic contaminated aquifers in Manipur Valley are mainly located within the Newer Alluvium. In Manipur, the high rainfall and abundant surface water resources can be exploited to avoid repeating the mass arsenic poisoning that has occurred on the GMB plains.  相似文献   

This thesis focuses Arsenic(As) distribution and occurrence in groundwater of Yangtze River Delta economic region, East China. 2019 groundwater samples were collected to analyze 26 chemical compositions, including As. The Principal Component Analysis(PCA) was used to find out As source in groundwater. The results show that average As concentration in groundwater of this study is 9.33 μg/l, and maximum As concentration is up to 510 μg/l. The variation coefficient is 314.34%. High arsenic phreatic water(10 μg/l) distributes along the Yangtze River and its estuary. Weak hydrodynamic conditions, wide p H value variation range and deteriorating environment are dominating factors, especially in Yangtze River Delta. The PCA suggests that arsenic in phreatic water is mainly of natural origin. Part of arsenic may directly originate from sediment organics and be related to organics decomposition.  相似文献   

Excessive groundwater pumpage has caused regional cones of depression and severe land subsidence in the Southern Yangtse Delta, China. The characteristics of aquifer system compaction are complex because of the difference in the types, compositions and structures of the soils that the hydrostratigraphic units are composed of, and in the histories of groundwater level change the hydrostratigraphic units have experienced. Based on the data measured from extensometer groups and observation wells, the characteristics of deformation for individual hydrostratigraphic units are analyzed. The results show that different hydrostratigraphic units have different kinds of deformation and that an identical unit may also present different deformation characteristics, such as elasticity, elasto-plasticity, and visco-elasto-plasticity, at different sites of the cone of depression or in different periods. If the groundwater level rises continuously and remains constant later, the aquifers and the aquitard units that consist of hard clay primarily exhibit elastic behaviour, but the aquitard units that consist of soft clay deform plastically and by creep and exhibit visco-elasto-plastic behaviour. If the groundwater level falls but is much higher than the previous lowest value, aquifers and aquitards consisting of hard clay exhibit elasto-plastic behaviour. If the groundwater level falls below the previous lowest value, aquifers and aquitards consisting of hard clay deform plastically and by creep and exhibit visco-elasto-plastic behaviour.  相似文献   

The arsenic accumulation process in intertidal sediments of Iriomote Island, Japan, is analyzed as a naturally balanced arsenic-fixation system. Major and minor element chemistry is analyzed by X-ray fluorescence photometry, mineralogy is investigated by X-ray diffractometry, and four arsenic compounds are characterized by hydrogen-generated atomic absorption photometry. It is found that arsenic is accumulated by iron hydroxides/oxides precipitated following the decomposition of humic acids in the shallower sediment, and is subsequently incorporated into iron sulfide minerals at depth. The arsenic is immobile during incorporation into arsenic-bearing phases, suggesting that arsenic is unlikely to be released into the porewater under natural conditions in early diagenesis. The formation and decomposition of arsenic-bearing organic compounds appear to be associated with the formation and decomposition of arsenic in oxyhydroxides/oxides, suggesting that microbial activity may play an important role in controlling the behavior of arsenic and arsenic-bearing phases in the sediment column.  相似文献   

A comparative hydrogeochemical study evaluated arsenic release mechanism and differences in contamination levels in the shallow groundwater of two areas within the deltaic environment of West Bengal (i.e. Karimpur and Tehatta blocks of Nadia district) in India. Groundwaters from both the areas are Ca-Na(K)-Cl-HCO3 type with highly reducing character (−110.16 ± 16.85 to −60.77 ± 16.93 mV). Low correlations among As, Fe, and Mn and the higher association between As and DOC are indicative of microbial decomposition of organic matter enhancing the weathering of shallow aquifer materials. Arsenic contamination in groundwater is higher in Karimpur (95 ± 81.17 μg/L) than that in Tehatta (43.05 ± 41.06 μg/L). The release mechanism of arsenic into groundwater is very complex. Low Fe (0.27–4.78 mg/L and 0.81–4.13 mg/L), Mn (0.08–0.2 mg/L and 0.03–0.22 mg/L), and SO42− (3.82 ± 0.31 and 2.78 ± 0.40 mg/L) suggest that the mechanism of arsenic release is not a single mechanistic pathway. Clustering of redox-active parameters in the principal component planes indicate that the reductive dissolution, and/or weathering/co-precipitation of Fe/Mn-bearing minerals in the shallow aquifer sediments control the dominant mechanistic pathway of arsenic release.  相似文献   

The extremely heterogeneous distribution of As in Bangladesh groundwater has hampered efforts to identify with certainty the mechanisms that lead to extensive mobilization of this metalloid in reducing aquifers. We show here on the basis of a high-resolution transect of soil and aquifer properties collected in Araihazar, Bangladesh, that revealing tractable associations between As concentrations in shallow (< 20 m) groundwater with other geological, hydrological, and geochemical features requires a lateral sampling resolution of 10–100 m. Variations in the electromagnetic conductivity of surface soils (5–40 mS/m) within a 500 m × 200 m area are documented with 560 EM31 measurements. The results are compared with a detailed section of groundwater As concentrations (5–150 μg/L) and other aquifer properties obtained with a simple sampling device, “the needle-sampler”, that builds on the local drilling technology. By invoking complementary observations obtained in the same area and in other regions of Bangladesh, we postulate that local groundwater recharge throughout permeable sandy soils plays a major role in regulating the As content of shallow aquifers by diluting the flux of As released from reducing sediments.  相似文献   

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