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This paper describes the structure of the LAND USE SCANNER model, a GIS based model developed to generate spatial forecasts for various types of land use for a large number of grids. The model basically allocates land according to bid prices for various types of land use. The possibility of government intervention in land use is taken into account among others by adding aggregate constraints. The model includes all relevant land use types such as residential, industrial, agricultural, natural areas and water. The model is driven by sectoral models providing forecasts of aggregate land use in various land use categories. An application of the first version of the model is given for the Netherlands with some 200,000 grid cells. Further developments and refinements of the model are planned for the near future. Received: 18 February 1998/Accepted: 29 September 1998  相似文献   


Recent focus on sustainable urban development and livability has increased the demand for new data sourcing techniques to capture experiences and preferences of urban dwellers. At the same time, developments of geospatial technologies and social media have enabled new types of user-generated geographic information and spatially explicit online communication. As a result, new public participation GIS methods for engaging large groups of individuals have emerged. One such method is geo-questionnaire, an online questionnaire with mapping capabilities, which has been used to elicit geographic data in variety of topics and geographical contexts. This article presents two recent cases, in which geo-questionnaires have been used in Polish cities to obtain public input on quality of life and development preferences in local land use planning. The article evaluates participant recruitment methods focusing on sample representativeness, participant engagement, and data quality. Recruitment via social media was found to increase bias towards younger population. Paper questionnaires used along the online version provided for better representation of target population’s age structure, but did not reduce bias related to educational attainment. We discuss how these issues relate to data usability and generalizability in the context of digital divide, and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

济南市是中国雾霾最严重的城市之一,探究该地区大气污染的时空分布及影响机制具有重要意义。利用地统计插值分析了济南市主城区AQI的时空分布特征,并利用地理探测器定量分析了AQI的风险因子及影响机制。研究结果表明,年际尺度上,济南市主城区AQI在时间上呈逐年降低趋势,在空间上大致呈现出东南低西北高的分布态势;季节尺度上,济南市主城区AQI在时间上具有鲜明的季节性差异,从高到低依次为冬季、春季、秋季、夏季,在空间上则呈现出春季和冬季东南低北部高、夏季整个主城区均低、秋季南低北高的分布态势;月尺度上,济南市主城区AQI呈现出典型的“U”形分布特征,最高值为1月和12月、最低值为8月;各因子交互作用的影响力远大于单因子的影响力,其中,土地利用类型∩年均降水量的交互作用对济南市主城区AQI的影响力最大。研究显示,济南市主城区AQI受土地利用类型和年均降水量的共同影响最大。  相似文献   

Quantifying impervious surfaces in urban and suburban areas is a key step toward a sustainable urban planning and management strategy. With the availability of fine-scale remote sensing imagery, automated mapping of impervious surfaces has attracted growing attention. However, the vast majority of existing studies have selected pixel-based and object-based methods for impervious surface mapping, with few adopting sub-pixel analysis of high spatial resolution imagery. This research makes use of a vegetation-bright impervious-dark impervious linear spectral mixture model to characterize urban and suburban surface components. A WorldView-3 image acquired on May 9th, 2015 is analyzed for its potential in automated unmixing of meaningful surface materials for two urban subsets and one suburban subset in Toronto, ON, Canada. Given the wide distribution of shadows in urban areas, the linear spectral unmixing is implemented in non-shadowed and shadowed areas separately for the two urban subsets. The results indicate that the accuracy of impervious surface mapping in suburban areas reaches up to 86.99%, much higher than the accuracies in urban areas (80.03% and 79.67%). Despite its merits in mapping accuracy and automation, the application of our proposed vegetation-bright impervious-dark impervious model to map impervious surfaces is limited due to the absence of soil component. To further extend the operational transferability of our proposed method, especially for the areas where plenty of bare soils exist during urbanization or reclamation, it is still of great necessity to mask out bare soils by automated classification prior to the implementation of linear spectral unmixing.  相似文献   

大规模的煤炭开采活动将对生态环境产生扰动,而土壤含水量是受扰动的生态参数之一,且具有重要意义.现有的土壤含水量产品分辨率较低,不适用于区域尺度的研究,而高精度的微波反演由于数据的局限性无法进行长时问序列的研究.本文以我国的重要产煤基地锡林浩特市为研究区,以2004—2020年的AMSR-E与AMSR-2土壤含水量产品及...  相似文献   

土壤属性空间分布受复杂地学环境要素影响,空间分异特征十分明显,用单一全局插值模型进行土壤属性模拟,难以实现高精度模拟。对于空间不连续、全局插值模型精度有限及适应性差的特点,本文提出了一种集成学习支持的、融合地学环境变量的土壤属性自适应曲面建模方法(ASM-SP)。利用2013年采集的110个样点数据,使用回归克里金(RK)、贝叶斯克里金(BK)、普通克里金插值法(OK)、反距离加权法(IDW)、ASM-SP,分别对青海湖复杂地貌类型区进行土壤全钾含量的插补。本文采用逐点交叉验证(LOOCV)插值方法模拟精度。结果表明,ASM-SP不仅考虑了地学环境变量与土壤属性的非线性关系,而且融合了多个模型的适应性优势,是实现复杂地貌类型区土壤全钾含量的高精度模拟的一种新方法。  相似文献   

基于2010年《山东统计年鉴》和全国第六次人口普查数据,本文以县域为研究单元,通过空间自相关分析人口的空间分布模式,运用因子分析和Pearson相关分析探究人口空间分布模式的影响因素。研究结果表明:山东省人口分布呈现"东北-西南"的空间分布模式,人口空间分布整体上呈现显著的空间集聚,主要集中在青岛市的中心城区;经济增长因素和地形条件是山东省人口空间分布模式形成的主要推动力。  相似文献   

In recent years, comprehensive geographic data sets of metropolitan areas and individual-level, georeferenced data are becoming more available to social scientists. At the same time, tools for performing spatial analysis in a GIS environment have also become more available. These developments provide many new opportunities for the analysis and theoretical understanding of disaggregate human spatial behavior. This paper examines how these developments may enable the researcher to represent complex urban and cognitive environments more realistically, and to overcome the limitations of aggregate spatial data framework. It explores their implications for the theoretical and methodological development in geography and other social science disciplines.  相似文献   

城市兴趣点(POI)和夜光遥感影像能够直观反映城市社会经济等实体要素的空间分布特征,在城市空间结构研究中发挥着重要作用。本文首先选取长江中游城市群的典型城市代表——武汉市作为研究区,选用研究区2016年POI和NPP/VIIRS夜光遥感数据作为基础研究数据,采用GIS分析工具对POI数据进行了空间核密度分析;然后分别对POI核密度分析结果和NPP/VIIRS夜光遥感数据进行了空间网格化处理;最后采用双因素制图和栅格叠加分析方法对两类数据的空间耦合关系进行了探讨,并在此基础上进一步分析了城市空间结构特征。研究表明,武汉市POI数据和夜光遥感数据的空间耦合性整体较好,空间耦合相一致区域占比为82.15%;但POI数据和夜光遥感数据的空间耦合性在长江沿岸地区也存在部分差异,如硚口区、汉阳区夜光遥感数据和POI数据多以低—中的空间耦合模式为主,而青山区、武昌区和汉口区则多以中—低的空间耦合模式为主。武汉市作为中原城市群的核心城市之一,其城市内部空间结构与长江经济带发展关联密切,通过对POI和夜光遥感数据的空间耦合关系探讨,能够对武汉市空间实体要素的空间结构特征有更加深入的了解。本文结果可为沿江城市内部空间结构的研究提供一种崭新的视角。  相似文献   

基于GIS空间数据库,对山东省108个城镇的综合发展水平进行了空间统计分析。首先选用了反映城市综合发展水平的14项指标,并进行了主成分分析,得出反映城镇综合发展水平的综合指标,并分析了山东省各城镇的综合发展水平与分布状况。然后利用该综合指标,对各个城镇进行了空间统计分析,通过计算全局空间自相关指标,分析认为山东省各城镇综合发展水平总体上未呈现空间相关关系;通过计算局部空间自相关指标,分析认为山东省68.5%的城镇分布存在非相似空间集聚特征。  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the ratio of carotenoid (Car) to chlorophyll (Chl) content is crucial to provide valuable insight into diagnoses of plant physiological and phenological status in crop fields. Studies for assessing the ratio of Car to Chl content have been extensively conducted with semi-empirical approaches using spectral indices. However, spectral indices established in previous studies generally relied on site- or species-specific measured data and these indices typically lacked sufficient estimation accuracy for the ratio of Car to Chl content to be used across various species and under different physiological conditions. In this study, we propose a novel combined carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio index (CCRI) in the form of the carotenoid index (CARI) divided by the red-edge chlorophyll index (CIred-edge): The value of the index is illustrated using synthetic data simulated from the leaf radiative transfer model PROSPECT-5 and with extensive measured datasets at both the leaf and canopy level from the ANGERS dataset and winter wheat and maize field experiments. Results show that CCRI was the index with the highest correlation with the ratio of Car to Chl content in PROSPECT-5 simulations (R2 = 0.99, RRMSE = 8.65%) compared to other spectral indices. Calibration and validation results using the ANGERS and winter wheat leaf level data showed that CCRI achieved accurate estimation of the ratio of Car to Chl content (R2 = 0.52, RRMSE = 14.10%). CCRI also showed a good performance (R2 = 0.54, RRMSE = 17.08%) for estimation of the ratio of Car to Chl content in both calibration and validation with the winter wheat and maize canopy spectra measured in field experiments. Further investigation of the effect of the correlation between leaf Chl and Car content on the performance of CCRI indicated that variation of the correlation affected the retrieval accuracy of CCRI, and CCRI might not be very sensitive to changes of the ratio of Car to Chl content with low values (<0.10).  相似文献   

北京市热环境时空分异与区划   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
乔治  田光进 《遥感学报》2014,18(3):715-734
城市热环境空间区划是采用分区管理的思路来缓解城市社会经济发展与热环境之间矛盾的技术基础。本文构建城市热环境区划模型的思路为:(1)将不同时相的MODIS地表温度数据产品进行正规化、分级,分析2008年北京城市热环境时空分布特征。(2)构建城市热环境影响因素评价体系,并通过空间主成分分析计算得到热环境影响主成分因子。(3)通过自组织映射神经网络,利用热环境影响主因子,进一步对热环境进行空间区划。结果表明,北京夜间较白天城市热岛分布层次感明显,夏季白天较其他季节高温区聚合程度高。区域下垫面组成要素直接影响热环境,北京城市热环境的主成分因子依次为植被覆盖、地形地貌、城市下垫面建设规模和人为热排放,并依此将北京划为7个热环境区域,根据各个分区热环境成因机制差异分别提出热环境改善和调控措施。  相似文献   

针对驱动力对人口城镇化的空间变异特征分析不足的问题,该文以长江经济带市域为基本单元,借助社会经济数据,引入自然环境数据,建立了经济、社会、环境和土地因子的测度指标体系。运用探索性空间数据分析和地理加权回归模型,定量分析人口城镇化的空间格局、动力因子以及空间分异性。结果表明:人口城镇化水平区域间差异显著,呈现明显的空间集聚性,形成了"圈层集中-东西对立-中心联动-梯度明显"的分布格局。动力因子对各地区人口城镇化的影响呈现明显的空间异质性,环境因子和经济因子是长江经济带人口城镇化发展的主要影响因素,动力因子的影响程度和变化趋势能够客观的反映出区域经济发展、环境状况、社会发展和土地现状对城镇化发展在空间上的影响。  相似文献   

Urban sprawl has led to environmental problems and large losses of arable land in China. In this study, we monitor and model urban sprawl by means of a combination of remote sensing, geographical information system and spatial statistics. We use time-series data to explore the potential socio-economic driving forces behind urban sprawl, and spatial models in different scenarios to explore the spatio-temporal interactions. The methodology is applied to the city of Wuhan, China, for the period from 1990 to 2013. The results reveal that the built-up land has expanded and has dispersed in urban clusters. Population growth, and economic and transportation development are still the main causes of urban sprawl; however, when they have developed to certain levels, the area affected by construction in urban areas (Jian Cheng Qu (JCQ)) and the area of cultivated land (ACL) tend to be stable. Spatial regression models are shown to be superior to the traditional models. The interaction among districts with the same administrative status is stronger than if one of those neighbors is in the city center and the other in the suburban area. The expansion of urban built-up land is driven by the socio-economic development at the same period, and greatly influenced by its spatio-temporal neighbors. We conclude that the integration of remote sensing, a geographical information system, and spatial statistics offers an excellent opportunity to explore the spatio-temporal variation and interactions among the districts in the sprawling metropolitan areas. Relevant regulations to control the urban sprawl process are suggested accordingly.  相似文献   

We present a microanalytical firm mobility model for the City of Hamilton, Canada, developed with data from the Statistics Canada Business Register. Contributing to the scarce literature on firm migration behavior, we explore and model the determinants of mobility among small and medium size firms who retained less than 200 employees between 1996 and 1997. Our exploratory results suggest that short distance moves are more common and tend to occur among smaller firms. Econometric modeling results support these assertions and indicate that the willingness to move can be explained by a firm’s internal characteristics (e.g. age, size, growth and industry type) as well as location factors related to the urban environment where the firm is located. The modeling results will serve as input for the development of an agent-based firmographic decision support system that can be used to inform the planning process in the study area.   相似文献   

Monitoring crop conditions and forecasting crop yields are both important for assessing crop production and for determining appropriate agricultural management practices; however, remote sensing is limited by the resolution, timing, and coverage of satellite images, and crop modeling is limited in its application at regional scales. To resolve these issues, the Gramineae (GRAMI)-rice model, which utilizes remote sensing data, was used in an effort to combine the complementary techniques of remote sensing and crop modeling. The model was then investigated for its capability to monitor canopy growth and estimate the grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa), at both the field and the regional scales, by using remote sensing images with high spatial resolution. The field scale investigation was performed using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images, and the regional-scale investigation was performed using RapidEye satellite images. Simulated grain yields at the field scale were not significantly different (= 0.45, p = 0.27, and p = 0.52) from the corresponding measured grain yields according to paired t-tests (α = 0.05). The model’s projections of grain yield at the regional scale represented the spatial grain yield variation of the corresponding field conditions to within ±1 standard deviation. Therefore, based on mapping the growth and grain yield of rice at both field and regional scales of interest within coverages of a UAV or the RapidEye satellite, our results demonstrate the applicability of the GRAMI-rice model to the monitoring and prediction of rice growth and grain yield at different spatial scales. In addition, the GRAMI-rice model is capable of reproducing seasonal variations in rice growth and grain yield at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

徐华键  向煜  黄志  华媛媛 《测绘通报》2021,(5):132-136,166
空间信息基础设施建设是新基建内容中的重要组成部分,随着测绘技术的快速发展,遥感卫星、无人机、移动测量车等新型测绘装备不断普及;此外,物联网技术在新基建浪潮下也得到广泛应用.基于此,本文介绍了采用地面移动测量与倾斜摄影技术融合的方法构建三维精细模型,同时在模型中引入物联网数据和BIM数据,实现了城市新基建模型的构建.在此...  相似文献   

Aspects of urban transportation have significant implications for resource consumption and environmental quality. The level of travel activity, the viability of various modes of transportation and hence the level of transportation-related emissions are influenced by the structure of cities, i.e., their urban forms. While it is widely recognized that satellite remote sensing can provide spatial information on urban land cover and land use, its effective use for understanding impacts of urban form on issues such as transportation requires that this information be integrated with relevant demographic information. A comprehensive bi-national urban database, the Great Lakes Urban Survey (GLUS), comprising all cities with populations in excess of 200,000 has been created from Landsat imagery and national census and transportation survey information from Canada and the United States. A suite of analysis tools are proposed to utilize information sets such as GLUS to investigate the link between urban form and work-related travel. A new indicator, the Employment Deficit Measure (EDM), is proposed to quantify the balance between employment and worker availability at different transit horizons and hence to assess the viability of alternate modes of transportation. It is argued that the high degree of residential and commercial/industrial land uses greatly impact travel to work mode options as well as commute distance. A spatial interaction model is developed and found to accurately predict travel distance aggregated at the census tract level. We argue that this model could also be used to explore the relative levels of travel activity associated with different urban forms.  相似文献   

刘东琴  徐文中  林宗坚 《测绘科学》2007,32(1):53-54,23
利用二维平面地图来表示多维世界,是人类认识世界改造世界发展史上产生的一次伟大的飞跃。现阶段二维地理信息系统和三维虚拟现实系统各自具有优缺点,将二者结合解决各自的不足之处,即可实现二维地理信息系统的宏观性、整体性和三维虚拟场景系统的现实性、直观性等的优势互补,克服二维地理信息系统的符号抽象性和三维虚拟现实漫游时的“迷失”。在北京经济技术开发区的城市三维信息系统建设中有效实现了二者的集成与应用。  相似文献   

城市化进程中不透水面的扩展对城市地表水文循环产生了显著影响。研究不透水面与地表径流时空相关性能缓解城市内涝灾害,可为"海绵城市"提供建设意见。本文以杭州市主城区为例,提出结合BCI指数(Biophysical Composition Index)的线性光谱分解方法提取不透水面、植被和土壤盖度,提高了传统的线性光谱分解方法的精度。进一步结合SCS-CN模型(Soil Conservation Service Curve Number Method)模拟1990年—2017年杭州市主城区地表径流,在此基础上计算景观格局指数,研究杭州市主城区不透水面与模拟地表径流的时空特征,探究不透水面与模拟地表径流的关系。结果表明:(1)研究区近30年不透水面聚集度较高且呈增长趋势,增长速率趋于平稳,上城区和下城区不透水面面积占比最高,江干区、西湖区和拱墅区增长速率和增长强度相对较大。(2)研究区近30年模拟地表径流不断增长,220—240 mm的径流由中心城区向四周辐射,上城区和下城区模拟地表径流最高,与不透水面的演变趋势总体一致。(3)不透水面的空间格局与模拟地表径流高度相关,不透水面的斑块数量和破碎度与地表径流呈负相关,斑块所占景观比例、斑块密度、斑块聚集等与模拟地表径流正相关,可通过合理控制相关景观指标、优化不透水面空间格局控制地表径流。在此基础上提出了防止城市内涝的建议:增加绿地、花园等用地类型;减少大面积不透水面斑块,划分成更多的小斑块等。  相似文献   

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