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At the end of its useful life or because of a catastrophic event such as a hurricane, offshore pipelines are decommissioned, which normally involves cleaning the line by pigging or flushing, cutting the pipeline endpoints, and then plugging and burying each endpoint below the seabed or covering with a concrete mattress. The vast majority of decommissioned pipeline in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico is abandoned-in-place if the pipeline does not constitute a hazard to navigation, commercial fishing, or unduly interferes with other uses of the seabed. Using a unique data source from the Federal Energy Regulation Commission, decommissioning cost estimates for 28 gas export pipelines in the shallow water U.S. Gulf of Mexico between 1995 and 2015 are evaluated. The average inflation-adjusted pipeline decommissioning cost was $301,000 per mile ($187,000/km) and $47 per cubic foot ($1660 per cubic meter). Hurricane damaged and leaking pipelines are about three to four times more expensive on a unit cost basis than undamaged and non-leaking lines. No time trends or scale economies were observed. Primary cost drivers are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Platform-based open ocean aquaculture (or mariculture) is a fledgling industry with a unique set of risks and uncertainties. In the past two decades, several commercial and experimental platform-based mariculture projects have been launched in the United States, however, all these projects failed or were abandoned because of operational problems or legal issues. The oil and gas infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico is well suited for mariculture systems as these platforms are large, sturdy and long lasting, and designed to operate in the offshore environment. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the costs and benefits of a open ocean aquaculture industry in the Gulf of Mexico with particular focus on platform-based aquaculture. The opportunities for the use of idle oil and gas structures for open ocean aquaculture are limited, but the reuse of previously removed structures may have more promise.  相似文献   

The northern Gulf of Mexico and its diverse natural resources are threatened by population and development pressure, and by the impacts of rising sea level and severe storms. In the wake of the devastating 2005 hurricane season, and in response to the complex management issues facing the region, the U.S. Geological Survey organized the multidisciplinary “Northern Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem Change and Hazards Susceptibility” project. This special issue of Geo-Marine Letters hosts a few of the early results in the form of 11 papers covering three themes: (1) the control exerted by the underlying geologic framework on geomorphology and nearshore processes and features; (2) impact of human activities on nearshore water quality; and (3) hurricanes and associated effects.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the analyses of the clastic sedimentary infill of the Coastal Plain of Eastern Mexico, which initiated synchronously with the Laramide orogeny in the vicinity of the Golden Lane. Results of these analyses are used as boundary conditions for calibrating/interpreting seismic profiles across more distal depocenters in the offshore of the Gulf of Mexico, from the sea shore and continental slope in the west to the abyssal plain in the east. The objective of the study is to better predict the reservoir distribution in the Deep offshore Basin of the Gulf of Mexico (DBGM), in order to explore for petroleum.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina created the one of the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States, resulting in over 1600 fatalities and $30B in direct economic losses in southern Louisiana. The Louisiana and Mississippi coastlines experienced the highest surge level recorded in North America and Katrina-generated waves in the Gulf of Mexico that equaled the highest previously measured by NOAA buoys. What happened in New Orleans epitomizes the risk of living below sea level in a coastal city, depending on structures that were the result of considerable compromise and piecemeal funding and construction. The Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force was established to examine the performance of the New Orleans and southeast Louisiana hurricane protection system and provide real-time input to the repairs and rebuilding of the system. In addition to this atypical just-in-time forensic analysis, the task force examined the risk of living in New Orleans prior to and following the repairs to the hurricane protection system. Much of the forensic analysis depended on modeling and simulation of hurricane surge and waves. With virtually all measurement instruments swept away by Katrina, only models and high-water marks were available to recreate the conditions that the structures experienced during the storm. Because of the complexities of the region and the processes involved, simulation of hurricane surge and waves required many fresh ideas and new approaches and these topics, along with new concepts for future planning and design, are the focus of this special issue. Yet, the need to influence the repair and rebuilding of the damaged structures prior to the next hurricane season (roughly 9 months) dictated using existing computational tools that were ready to go. The same modeling and simulation approach was put to work to define the surge and wave hazard New Orleans faces for the future. To put this important body of work in context, this paper provides a broad overview of the entire scope of work of the task force and summarizes its principal findings.  相似文献   

The climatological characteristics of landfalling Gulf of Mexico hurricanes are presented, focusing on the basic parameters needed for accurately determining the structure and intensity of hurricanes for ocean response models. These include the maximum sustained wind, radius of maximum winds, the Holland-B parameter, the peripheral or far-field pressure, the surface roughness and coefficient of drag, and the central pressure for historical hurricanes in the Gulf.Despite evidence of a slight increase in the annual number of named storms over the past 50 years, presently there is no statistically significant trend in tropical storms, hurricanes, or major hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, the long-term variability of tropical cyclones in the Gulf reflects the observed variability in the Atlantic basin as a whole. Analyses of hurricane winds from multiple sources suggest the presence of a bias toward overestimating the strength of winds in the HURDAT dataset from 7% to 15%. Results presented comparing HURDAT with other sources also show an overestimation of intensity at landfall, with an estimated bias of ~10%.Finally, a review of recent studies has shown that hurricane frequencies and intensities appear to vary on a much more localized scale than previously believed. This exacerbates the sampling problem for accurate characterization of hurricane parameters for design and operational applications.  相似文献   

Since 1976, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) has administered its prelease geological and geophysical (G & G) data acquisition program through Title 30, Part 251, of the Code of Federal Regulations, which govern permitting, acquisitions, and data release. Leading indicators of offshore oil and gas activity are the number of permits issued to industry, associated mileage, and expenditures. Over the last 20 years, permit activity has indicated that most of the oil and gas surveying has been in the Gulf of Mexico, where 80 % of all permits have been issued, followed by Alaska (10 %), the Pacific (7 %), and the Atlantic (3 %). These statistics correlate with the dominant position of the central and western Gulf of Mexico areas in oil and gas activity. More than 95 % of all permits were issued for geophysical exploration, mostly for two-dimensional (2-D) common-depth-point (CDP) seismic data. However, over the last 10 years, permits for three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data have averaged 25 % of all geophysical permits and, by 1996, made up approximately half of all geophysical permits offshore-wide. Between 1976 and the early 1990s, industry shot approximately 500,000 linemiles of 2-D CDP data each year on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Of that total, MMS acquired approximately50,000 line-miles annually. In the 1990s, parallel with industry, MMS increased its acquisition of 3-D seismic data in concert with the development and use of interactive workstations. The majority of 2-D and 3-D data have been acquired in the Gulf of Mexico by a ratio of 2:1 over Alaska, the next largest data inventory. With regard to MMS expenditures for G & G data, from 1976 through the 1980s, Alaska, having more offshore area than the other three regions combined, had the largest portion. However, in the 1900s, the vast majority of expenditures have been in the Gulf of Mexico. Over the years, permit totals, mileage acquired, and expenditures for data reflect trends of oil and gas pricing, limitations of offshore moratoria, and a shift of industry emphasis to foreign theaters.  相似文献   

Since 1976, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) has administered its prelease geological and geophysical (G & G) data acquisition program through Title 30, Part 251, of the Code of Federal Regulations, which govern permitting, acquisitions, and data release. Leading indicators of offshore oil and gas activity are the number of permits issued to industry, associated mileage, and expenditures. Over the last 20 years, permit activity has indicated that most of the oil and gas surveying has been in the Gulf of Mexico, where 80 % of all permits have been issued, followed by Alaska (10 %), the Pacific (7 %), and the Atlantic (3 %). These statistics correlate with the dominant position of the central and western Gulf of Mexico areas in oil and gas activity. More than 95 % of all permits were issued for geophysical exploration, mostly for two-dimensional (2-D) common-depth-point (CDP) seismic data. However, over the last 10 years, permits for three-dimensional (3-D) seismic data have averaged 25 % of all geophysical permits and, by 1996, made up approximately half of all geophysical permits offshore-wide. Between 1976 and the early 1990s, industry shot approximately 500,000 linemiles of 2-D CDP data each year on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Of that total, MMS acquired approximately50,000 line-miles annually. In the 1990s, parallel with industry, MMS increased its acquisition of 3-D seismic data in concert with the development and use of interactive workstations. The majority of 2-D and 3-D data have been acquired in the Gulf of Mexico by a ratio of 2:1 over Alaska, the next largest data inventory. With regard to MMS expenditures for G & G data, from 1976 through the 1980s, Alaska, having more offshore area than the other three regions combined, had the largest portion. However, in the 1900s, the vast majority of expenditures have been in the Gulf of Mexico. Over the years, permit totals, mileage acquired, and expenditures for data reflect trends of oil and gas pricing, limitations of offshore moratoria, and a shift of industry emphasis to foreign theaters.  相似文献   

Decommissioning regulations for offshore renewable energy facilities require that all facilities be removed and the seafloor cleared of all obstructions at the end of the life of the lease. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the expected workflows and stages of decommissioning that are likely to arise for offshore wind farms, to describe the exposure and liability of the parties involved and to compare offshore wind and oil and gas decommissioning. An alternative method for turbine removal is proposed which, if feasible, will reduce decommissioning cost. The objectives of a bonding program are motivated and discussed.  相似文献   

A comparison of a Mg/Ca-based sea-surface temperature (SST)-anomaly record from the northern Gulf of Mexico, a calculated index of variability in observed North Atlantic SST known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), and a tree-ring reconstruction of the AMO contain similar patterns of variation over the last 110 years. Thus, the multidecadal variability observed in the instrumental record is present in the tree-ring and Mg/Ca proxy data. Frequency analysis of the Gulf of Mexico SST record and the tree-ring AMO reconstruction from 1550 to 1990 found similar multidecadal-scale periodicities (~30–60 years). This multidecadal periodicity is about half the observed (60–80 years) variability identified in the AMO for the 20th century. The historical records of hurricane landfalls reveal increased landfalls in the Gulf Coast region during time intervals when the AMO index is positive (warmer SST), and decreased landfalls when the AMO index is negative (cooler SST). Thus, we conclude that alternating intervals of high and low hurricane landfall occurrences may continue on multidecadal timescales along the northern Gulf Coast. However, given the short length of the instrumental record, the actual frequency and stability of the AMO are uncertain, and additional AMO proxy records are needed to establish the character of multidecadal-scale SST variability in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and spiral vortex   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
<正>Drilling rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico,leased by BP PLC from Transocean Ltd.,exploded and caught on fire on April 20,2010.The drilling location is at some 50 miles(80 kilometers)off the coast of Louisiana  相似文献   

墨西哥湾油气区位于美国、墨西哥和古巴相环抱的海域,为世界上油气最为富集的三大油区之一。美国和墨西哥都在加紧推动墨西哥湾地区的油气开发,美国对墨西哥湾的油气资源开发,是通过面向全球的大石油公司招标,对墨西哥湾海上油气区块租赁出售,实行联邦和州两级立法和管理体制。墨西哥的油气管理采取国家垄断管理模式,外国资本和私人资本只能参与二次石化产品的加工。  相似文献   

While ocean acidification is a global issue, the severity of ecosystem effects is likely to vary considerably at regional scales. The lack of understanding of how biogeographically separated populations will respond to acidification hampers our ability to predict the future of vital ecosystems. Cold‐water corals are important drivers of biodiversity in ocean basins across the world and are considered one of the most vulnerable ecosystems to ocean acidification. We tested the short‐term physiological response of the cold‐water coral Lophelia pertusa to three pH treatments (pH = 7.9, 7.75 and 7.6) for Gulf of Mexico (USA) and Tisler Reef (Norway) populations, and found that reductions in seawater pH elicited contrasting responses. Gulf of Mexico corals exhibited reductions in net calcification, respiration and prey capture rates with decreasing pH. In contrast, Tisler Reef corals showed only slight reductions in net calcification rates under decreased pH conditions while significantly elevating respiration and capture rates. These differences are likely the result of environmental differences (depth, pH, food supply) between the two regions, invoking the potential for local adaptation or acclimatization to alter their response to global change. However, it is also possible that variations in the methodology used in the experiments contributed to the observed differences. Regardless, these results provide insights into the resilience of L. pertusa to ocean acidification as well as the potential influence of regional differences on the viability of species in future oceans.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional, nonlinear, primitive equation ocean general circulation model is used to study the response of the Gulf of Mexico to Hurricane Frederic. The model has free surface dynamics and a second order turbulence closure scheme for the mixed layer. Realistic coastlines, bottom topography and open boundary conditions are used in the study. The model has a vertical sigma coordinate with 18 levels, and a horizontal resolution of 0.2°×0.2° for the entire Gulf. The study focuses on hurricane generated sea level, current, and coastally trapped wave (CTW) responses of the Gulf. Time series of sea levels from U.S. coastal tide gauge stations and the numerical model simulation of sea levels and currents on the shelf are used to study sea level, current and CTW responses. Both model sea levels and observations from tide gauge stations show a westward progression of the surge as a CTW response. The results of the study of sea levels and currents indicate that CTW propagate to the west with phase speeds of 7–10 m s–1. There is also a strong nonlinear interaction between the Loop Current and hurricane induced currents. The surface current attains a maximum of 200 cm s–1 in the eastern Gulf. The model surface elevation at several locations is compared with tide gauge data. The current meter data at three moorings are also compared with the model currents. The model simulations show good agreement with observed data for the hurricane induced coastally trapped wave, storm surge, and current distribution in the Gulf.  相似文献   

A. Zabanbark 《Oceanology》2006,46(4):557-563
With respect of its structure, the Gulf of Mexico basin is heterogeneous. The following individual basins and subbasins can be distinguished; (1) Mississippi-Louisiana; (2) Gulf Coast within the boundaries of Texas and New Mexico; (3) Mexican Gulf Coast and adjacent system of foredeeps; (4) Yucatan subbasin; (5) Cuba-Bahamas system of foredeeps. Regional seismic studies reveal a close relationship between salt movements and sedimentation. Salt bodies represent excellent cap rocks for hydrocarbon fluids. Anticline folds termed “turtle” structures forming a system of belts appear in the deep parts of the gulf. These structures host large reserves of hydrocarbons, which are concentrated in the Paleogene-Miocene turbidite reservoirs with a porosity approximately 30% overlain by excellent cap rocks (salt, clay) with permeability exceeding 3 darcy. Three productive zones are defined: (1) the folds of the Mississippi River fan; (2) the Perdido belt of anticline folds; (3) Florida. The Paleogene and Miocene-Pliocene-Pleistocene sediments developed on the continental slopes of the Gulf of Mexico basin are the areas most promising with respect to hydrocarbon deposits. On January 1, 2006, the offshore oil production was 53 million tons and the gas production 40 billion cubic meters. Total prospective oil and gas reserves are estimated to be 5.5 billion tons and 4.7 trillion cubic meters, of which over 50% of oil and 1/3 of gas are expected to be discovered on the continental slope.  相似文献   

评述了美国墨西哥湾深海油气储量、墨西哥湾原有的油气发现、墨西哥湾浅水和深水的油气发现统计、深水钻井重获许可后开发的新进展、墨西哥湾油田原油生产数据以及新发现开始生产石油的情况.  相似文献   

—In Bohai Gulf,offshore and other installations have collapsed by sea ice due to the fatigueand fracture of the main supporting components in the ice environments.In this paper presented are someresults on fatigue reliability of these structures in the Gulf by investigating the distributions of iceparameters such as its floating direction and speed,sheet thickness,compressive strength,ice forces on thestructures,and hot spot stress in the structure.The low temperature,ice breaking modes and componentfatigue failure modes are also taken into account in the analysis of the fatigue reliability of the offshorestructures experiencing both random ice loading and low temperatures.The results could be applied to thedesign and operation of offshore platforms in the Bohai Gulf.  相似文献   

基于一个一维湍能海洋混合层模式,发展了一个易于与大气或海洋模式耦合的,可应用于水平二维空间的模块化海洋混合层模式。并加入垂直上翻参数化方案,引入日平均海面温度及气候态松弛项,进行二维海洋模拟理想气旋实验和飓风实例模拟实验。理想气旋强迫实验表明,垂直上翻过程的参数化方案可有效地弥补原有一维海洋混合层模式无法形成气旋中心动力上翻的不足,消除了虚假暖水核心。卡特里娜飓风个例实验的结果表明,加入垂直上翻后,飓风中心附近的海表面温度误差明显减小。海洋混合层模式对海洋表面温度日变化模拟能力在二维应用中依然表现良好。经过上述改进,发展的海洋混合层模式可以较为真实地模拟平常海表温度高频日变化的同时,还对剧烈天气过程也有一定的模拟能力,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

深水开发的新型立管系统——钢悬链线立管(SCR)   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
1种全新的深水立管系统——钢悬链线立管(Steel Catenary Riser,SCR)在翠西哥湾(Golf of Mexico)、坎普斯湾(Campos Basin)、北海(North Sea)和西非(West Africa)得到了成功应用。它的适用水深为300~3000m,且适用现有任何浮式结构,从浅水的固定式平台到极深水的浮式生产储运系统(FPSO)。因此,它取代了传统的柔性立管和顶张力立管,成为深水油气开发的首选立管,被认为是深水立管系统的成本有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

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