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The three problems composing the astronomical theory of paleoclimate have been solved in a new way. Two of them (changes in the orbital motion of the Earth and its insolation) have confirmed the results of previous research. In the third problem (a change in the rotational motion of the Earth), the obtained oscillations of the Earth’s rotation axis have an amplitude seven–eight times higher than the earlier estimated one. They lead to changes in insolation, which explain the paleoclimatic fluctuation. The changes in insolation and its structure for 200 kyr are considered. It is shown that the Late Pleistocene key events in West Siberia, for example, the last glaciations and warming between them, coincide with the extremes of insolation. The insolation periods of paleoclimatic changes and their characteristics are given.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene glacial and lake history of northwestern Russia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five regionally significant Weichselian glacial events, each separated by terrestrial and marine interstadial conditions, are described from northwestern Russia. The first glacial event took place in the Early Weichselian. An ice sheet centred in the Kara Sea area dammed up a large lake in the Pechora lowland. Water was discharged across a threshold on the Timan Ridge and via an ice-free corridor between the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and the Kara Sea Ice Sheet to the west and north into the Barents Sea. The next glaciation occurred around 75-70 kyr BP after an interstadial episode that lasted c. 15 kyr. A local ice cap developed over the Timan Ridge at the transition to the Middle Weichselian. Shortly after deglaciation of the Timan ice cap, an ice sheet centred in the Barents Sea reached the area. The configuration of this ice sheet suggests that it was confluent with the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Consequently, around 70-65 kyr BP a huge ice-dammed lake formed in the White Sea basin (the 'White Sea Lake'), only now the outlet across the Timan Ridge discharged water eastward into the Pechora area. The Barents Sea Ice Sheet likely suffered marine down-draw that led to its rapid collapse. The White Sea Lake drained into the Barents Sea, and marine inundation and interstadial conditions followed between 65 and 55 kyr BP. The glaciation that followed was centred in the Kara Sea area around 55-45 kyr BP. Northward directed fluvial runoff in the Arkhangelsk region indicates that the Kara Sea Ice Sheet was independent of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and that the Barents Sea remained ice free. This glaciation was succeeded by a c. 20-kyr-long ice-free and periglacial period before the Scandinavian Ice Sheet invaded from the west, and joined with the Barents Sea Ice Sheet in the northernmost areas of northwestern Russia. The study area seems to be the only region that was invaded by all three ice sheets during the Weichselian. A general increase in ice-sheet size and the westwards migrating ice-sheet dominance with time was reversed in Middle Weichselian time to an easterly dominated ice-sheet configuration. This sequence of events resulted in a complex lake history with spillways being re-used and ice-dammed lakes appearing at different places along the ice margins at different times.  相似文献   

Studies of Quaternary glacial stratigraphy and morphology around the Antarctic Peninsula have shown that James Ross Island in the western Weddell Sea probably has the best occurrences of stratigraphic sections with dateable material in the region. The stratigraphy includes sections with indefinite radiocarbon age, and three separate aminozones can be recognized. Except for indications of an early deglaciation around c . 10,000 BP, the field evidence from northern James Ross Island suggests a glacial readvance around 7000 BP. It is concluded that the readvance reflects the combined effects of eustatic sea level rise and Holocene warming, leading to increased precipitation and a positive mass balance. The most recent large-scale deglaciation in the area took place around 6000–5000 BP. This confirms the evidence from lake sediments and moss banks in other parts of the Antarctic Peninsula region, which shows that, in most cases, the initiation of organic deposition took place after c . 6000 BP. The literature on the Holocene glacial and environmental history of the region is reviewed in light of the new field evidence.  相似文献   

Carbonate-rich lacustrine and deltaic deposits, containing thin beds of finely laminated carbonates and thick beds of silt, crop out at several sites in the Taylor Valley and have been encountered in cores obtained by the Dry Valley Drilling Project (DVDP). Fragments of the more indurated carbonate beds have widespread occurrence as part of the desert “lag gravel” which covers much of the valley floor. Analysis of the carbonates suggests that they were deposited as algal limestones from waters derived from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet via the Taylor Glacier at times which correspond to the previous three global interglacial periods, as evidenced by the ice volumes deduced from oxygen-isotopic analysis of oceanic cores. The lacustrine carbonates have been found up to 30 km beyond the present terminus of the Taylor Glacier, and up to 100 m above the level of Lake Bonney, into which the Taylor Glacier at present discharges. It is concluded that the Taylor Glacier has advanced during each of the previous three interglaciations, and it is suggested that this has been caused by a thickening of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet during the interglaciations.  相似文献   

颜余真 《第四纪研究》2023,43(6):1722-1729



It is shown that the centroid of the heliospheric equator undergoes quasi-periodic oscillations. During the minimum of the 11-year cycle, the centroid shifts southwards (the so-called bashful-ballerina effect). The direction of the shift reverses during the solar maximum. The solar quadrupole is responsible for this effect. The shift is compared with the tilt of the heliospheric current sheet.  相似文献   

The community of climatologists predicts a progressive global warming [IPCC Fourth Assessment Report—Climate Change, 2007. The Scientific Basis. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge] that will not be interrupted by a glacial inception for the next 50 ka [Berger and Loutre, 2002. An exceptionally long Interglacial ahead? Science 297, 1287–1288]. These predictions are based on continuously increasing anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and on the orbital forcing that will provide only muted insolation variations for the next 50 ka. To assess the potential climate development without human interference, we analyse climate proxy records from Europe and the North Atlantic of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11 (423–362 ka BP), an interval when insolation variations show a strong linear correlation with those of the recent past and the future. This analysis suggests that the insolation minimum at 397 ka BP, which provides the best available analogue to the present insolation minimum, terminated interglacial conditions in Europe. At that time, tundra–steppe vegetation spread in Central Europe and pine forests dominated in the eastern Mediterranean region. Because the intensities of the 397 ka BP and present insolation minima are very similar, we conclude that under natural boundary conditions the present insolation minimum holds the potential to terminate the Holocene interglacial. Our findings support the Ruddiman hypothesis [Ruddiman, W., 2003. The Anthropogenic Greenhouse Era began thousands of years ago. Climate Change 61, 261–293], which proposes that early anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission prevented the inception of a glacial that would otherwise already have started.  相似文献   

The Vyazivok loess sequence from the Dnieper Plain, Ukraine, documents regional environmental changes during the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Pedological and palynological analyses and low-field magnetic susceptibility document changes from dense temperate forest during the last interglacial maximum to open, harsh, loess–steppe during the latest Pleistocene. The Vyazivok section overlies hillwash derived from a lower Pleistocene terrace and consists of two stratified soil complexes (Kaydaky and Pryluky; marine isotope stage [MIS] 5 equivalent) separated by a layer of eolian dust (Tyasmyn silt). The lower soils in both complexes formed within forest. These soils are overlain by the Uday (MIS4) and Bug (MIS2) loess units, which are separated by boreal soils of the Vytachiv (MIS3) complex. The coldest conditions within the record occurred in the youngest loess. Holocene soils cap the Bug loess. The Vyazivok section shows remarkable similarities with other classical loess sequences in western Europe, the Czech Republic, and Austria. The Kaydaky, Pryluky, and Vytachiv deposits, correlate with the PKIII, PKII, and PKI soil complexes, respectively, of the Czech Republic. The Tyasmyn and Prylyky silt layers correspond to marker horizons from central Europe.  相似文献   

The major climatic variations that have affected the summit slopes of the higher Apennine massifs in the last 6000 yr are shown in alternating layers of organic matter-rich soils and alluvial, glacial and periglacial sediments. The burial of the soils, triggered by environmental-climatic variations, took place in several phases. For the last 3000 yr chronological correlations can be drawn between phases of glacial advance, scree and alluvial sedimentation and development of periglacial features. During some periods, the slopes were covered by vegetation up to 2700 m and beyond, while in other phases the same slopes were subject to glacial advances and periglacial processes, and alluvial sediments were deposited on the high plateaus. Around 5740-5590, 1560-1370 and 1300-970 cal yr B.P., organic matter-rich soils formed on slopes currently subject to periglacial and glacial processes; the mean annual temperature must therefore have been higher than at present. Furthermore, on the basis of the variations in the elevation of the lower limit reached by gelifraction, it can be concluded that the oscillations in the minimum winter temperatures could have ranged between 3.0°C lower (ca. 790-150 cal yr B.P.) and 1.2°C higher (ca. 5740-5590 cal yr B.P.) than present minimum winter temperatures. During the last 3000 yr the cold phases recorded by the Calderone Glacier advance in the Apennines essentially match basically the phases of glacial advance in the Alps.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene regression of two large pluvial lakes—Lake Bonneville and Lake Lahontan—caused considerable lithospheric rebound in the Basin-and-Range Province, USA. Here, we use finite-element models to show how lake growth and regression affect the temporal and spatial slip evolution on faults near the former lakes. Our results show that fluctuations in the volume of Lake Bonneville caused along-strike slip variations on the Wasatch normal fault, with a pronounced slip rate increase on its northern and central parts during lake regression. The response of normal and strike-slip faults near the ring-shaped Lake Lahontan depends on their location within the rebound area. Faults located in the centre of rebound show a slip rate increase during lake regression, whereas strike-slip faults at the periphery decelerate. All slip rate variations are caused by differential stress changes owing to changing lake levels, regardless of the individual fault response.  相似文献   

Qualitative multivariate models which combine past insolations of selected months at selected latitudes explains 55 to 67% of the variance in the 135 millenia long oxygen isotope record of Pleistocene climates.The insolation was computed from a new astronomic solution which includes terms to the second order with respect to the disturbing masses, and the third degree with respect to the planetary eccentricities and inclinations (Berger, 1978 a).Barring human interference, the models predict the next peak of natural cooling between 3 and 6 millenia after present. Following amelioration, another much colder peak is predicted at about 55–60 millenia after present.
Zusammenfassung Verschiedene multivariate Modelle die zurückgreifend die Sonneneinstrahlung ausausgewählter Monate und Breitengrade kombinieren, erklären 55% bis 67% der gesamten klimatischen Variation der letzten 135 000 Jahre, die durch Sauerstoffisotopen-Daten belegt wurden.Diese monatlichen Sonneneinstrahlungen wurden nach einer neuen astronomischen Lösung für die Elemente der Erdbahn berechnet. Diese Lösung ist aus der zweiten Ordnung der Masse und dem dritten Grad der Exzentrizitäten und der Inklinationen berechnet (Berger, 1978 a). Ohne menschliches Eingreifen ergibt sich aus den Modellen eine Abkühlung, deren Höchstwert zwischen 3000 und 6000 Jahren nach unserer Zeit erreicht sein wird. Nach einer fühlbaren Verbesserung des Klimas ergibt sich eine weitere, strengere Abkühlung in etwa 60 000 Jahren.

Résumé Différents modèles de régression multivariée, combinant les insolations du passé géologique pour des mois et les latitude pré-sélectionnées, expliquent 55 à 67% de la variation climatique totale des 135 000 dernières années, telle que fournie par les données géologiques.Ces insolations mensuelles furent calculées à partir d'une nouvelle solution astronomique pour les éléments orbitaux de la Terre. Cette solution est précise au second ordre des masses et au 3d degré des excentricités et des inclinaisons (Berger, 1978 a).A l'exclusion de toute intervention humaine, les modèles prévoient un refroidissement dont le maximum sera atteint entre 3000 et 6000 après notre ère (A. P.). Après une amélioration sensible, un autre refroidissement, nettement plus intense, est prévu vers 60 000 ans A. P.

, , 55 67 % , , 135 000 . , , (, 1978 ). , 3 6 . 50 60 .

The Pingualuit Crater was formed by a meteoritic impact ca. 1.4 million years ago in northernmost Ungava (Canada). Due to its geographical position near the center of successive North American ice sheets and its favorable morphometry, the Pingualuit Crater Lake (water depth = 246 m) promises to yield a unique continuous sedimentary sequence covering several glacial/interglacial cycles in the terrestrial Canadian Arctic. In this paper, we suggest the existence of a subglacial lake at least during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) by hydraulic potential modeling using LGM ice-surface elevation and bed topography derived from a digital elevation model. These results support the hypothesis that the bottom sediments of the Crater Lake escaped glacial erosion and may contain a long-term continental sedimentary sequence. We also present the stratigraphy of a 9 m-long core retrieved from the deep basin of the lake as well as a multiproxy reconstruction of its deglacial and postglacial history. The base of the core is formed by very dense diamicton reflecting basal melt-out environments marking the end of subglacial conditions at the coring site. The overlying finely laminated silt are related to the onset of proglacial conditions characterized by extremely low lacustrine productivity. Infra Red Stimulated Luminescence and AMS 14C dating, as well as biostratigraphic data indicate sediment mixing between recent (e.g. Holocene) and much older (pre- to mid-Wisconsinan) material reworked by glacier activity. This process prevents the precise dating of these sediments that we interpret as being deposited just before the final deglaciation of the lake. Two finer grained and organic-rich intervals reflect the inception of lacustrine productivity resulting from the cessation of glacial meltwater inputs and ice-free periods. The lower organic interval corresponds to the early postglacial period (6850–5750 cal BP) and marks the transition between proglacial and postglacial conditions during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, while the uppermost organic-rich core section represents late Holocene sediments (~4200–600 cal BP). The organic intervals are separated by a basin-scale erosive slide occurring around 4200 cal BP and likely related to 1) a seismic event due to the glacio-isostatic rebound following the last deglaciation or 2) slope instabilities associated with rapid discharge events of the lake.  相似文献   

There is empirical evidence of a nonlinear relation between annual precipitation, or accumulation, and summer mean temperature at the equilibrium line altitude (ELA) on glaciers around the world. The degree-day model gives a similar relation between accumulation and summer temperature, although instead of a single universal curve there is a family of curves depending upon the annual temperature range. Furthermore, the degree-day model also gives nonlinear relations between accumulation and annual mean temperature. Thus, estimations of accumulation can be made from both summer and annual temperatures at the ELA of former reconstructed glaciers, such as those in Greece. This is particularly useful since these climatic variables have major implications for biological proxies, such as vegetation history indicated in the pollen record, and for periglacial proxies, such as permafrost distributions indicated in the geomorphological record. The close relationship between glaciers and climate provides one of the most precise methods for reconstructing former climates and offers considerable potential for resolving our understanding of Pleistocene cold-stage climates.  相似文献   

The 121 local faunas of large mammals from Late Pleistocene sites of the South (56–51°N), Middle (59–56°N) and North (64–59°N) Urals have been studied. All local faunas were combined into eight chronological groups on the basis of radiocarbon dates and the evolutionary level of rodents present in them. On the basis of species composition analysis of the faunas, three chronological complexes have been distinguished: Mikulino, Early–Middle Valdai and Late Valdai. The first is characterized by the presence of Hystrix vinogradovi and Ursus thibetanus; the second, by the presence of a large form of horse (Equus (E.) cf. latipes), Crocuta crocuta, Ursus spelaeus and U. savini; the third, by the presence of a small horse (E. uralensis) and absence of U. spelaeus, U. savini and C. crocuta. The latter two complexes were represented by three geographical variants: southern (South Urals), northern (North Urals) and transitional (Middle Urals). Differences between theriocomplexes are related to changes in morphology and areas and extinctions of a series of species. The existence of chronological theriocomplexes and their geographical variants was determined by chronological and geographical change in structure of paleophytocoenoses. It should be noted that the role of human in changes of chronological complexes and species extinctions in the Late Pleistocene has not been demonstrated in the Urals. In the Urals U. savini probably became extinct at the end of the Middle Valdai, C. crocuta at the beginning of the last glacial maximum (LGM), U. spelaeus at the end of the LGM, Coelodonta antiquitatis at the beginning of the Preboreal and Megaloceros giganteus at the middle of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

This study investigates the connection between sediment aggradation, erosion and climate in a desert environment of the Majes valley, southern Peru. Luminescence dating of terraces and fans shows that sediment aggradation correlates with wet time intervals on the Altiplano, suggesting a climatic influence on the aggradation–degradation cycles. Major periods of aggradation occurred between ~110–100, ~60–50 and 12–8 ka. More precipitation in the Majes catchment resulted in increased erosion and transportation of sediment from the hillslopes into the trunk river. As a result, the sediment loads exceeded the transport capacity of the Majes River and aggradation started in the lower reaches where the river gradient is less. Depletion of the hillslope sediment reservoirs caused a relative increase in the capacity of the trunk river to entrain and transport sediment, resulting in erosion of the previously deposited sediment. Consequently, although climate change may initiate a phase of sediment accumulation, degradation can be triggered by an autocyclic negative feedback and does not have to be driven by climatic change.  相似文献   

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