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兵棋推演是进行战争预实践的一种方式,海战兵棋推演系统在海上合同作战研究中具有重要的应用价值.通过海上合同兵力模拟对抗与分析,深入探讨了体系化作战背景下海上合同作战的特点,研究了海上合同作战中潜艇兵力的重要作用和基本运用方法.研究结论对于指导海战兵棋在合同作战层次的应用具有一定的理论参考价值.  相似文献   

通过分析强敌对我不断加大防范遏制力度,且水下装备技术朝信息化、智能化方向的快速发展, 提出构建基于水下预置系统的深远海水下作战能力对根本扭转我海上战略安全形势、在深远海有效拒止强敌的重大意义和难得机遇。在此基础上,进一步分析了基于水下预置系统的深远海水下作战体系担负的主要作战任务、基本构成及能力优势。选取东海方向大规模军事行动中,位第二岛链内外实施拒止作战作为典型场景,初步探索了体系基本兵力部署及总体运用,并对未来开展体系建设提出了思考建议。  相似文献   

海上作战一旦遇到大气波导,可使船载电子信息系统之间的短波通信距离增大数倍,同时通信距离范围内的部分区域会出现电磁盲区。该文以海上战场环境为背景,阐述了海上大气波导对未来海上作战的重要性。通过对大气波导的形成机制和影响机理进行研究,系统化概括了蒸发波导、表面波导和抬升波导的观测原理及常用观测方法。通过对比分析传统大气波导的观测方法,发现其在观测手段、观测精度、观测范围和观测成本方面存在局限性。基于此,该文提出一种多物理场协同探测的大气波导观测方法,该方法通过集合海上浮标网、船联网、星联网和岸基网等各类观测仪器和设备,可实时获取海上大气参数,构建海上大气波导预报系统。最终,通过该预报系统可实现海上大气波导大范围、高精度、实时性预报,对海上作战掌握制空权具有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,台湾在“积极防御,独立固守”的军事战略和“防空、制海优生”的建军备战方针指导下,大力加强海军建设。当局提出“以建立第二代主战兵力、舰艇武器导弹化、反潜作战立体化、指挥控制自动化为目标”,大量从国外购买较先进的海军武器装备,使海军能量大为膨胀。至2000年,台海军水面主力作战舰艇将达30艘,将成为一支具有较强反潜、防空及水面对抗能力的海上作战力量,从而大大提高其海上综合作战能力。组建“第七舰队”1995年9月1日,台海军第168巡防舰队,即“第七舰队”在东部的苏澳港中正海军基地正式成立,这标志着台湾当局的反潜作战和远洋作战能力进一步增强。  相似文献   

对潜艇装备作战能力评估问题进行了研究,发现运用定量评估方法的过程中存在指标评价所需数据无法完全获取的问题。结合美弗吉尼亚潜艇改进情况,分析了影响潜艇作战能力的一些关键因素,重点基于潜艇武器装载能力,对国外典型潜艇进行了作战能力比较分析,最后对分析结果进行了评价,并讨论了未来潜艇作战能力评估方法的发展方向。  相似文献   

这是一支在人民海军编制序列中最早出现、位次也最为靠前的兵种部队。在由水面舰艇、潜艇、海军航空兵、海军陆战队和海军岸防兵五大兵种精兵合成的人民海军强大阵容里,它作为海军区别于其他军种的标志性力量和骨干突击力量,担负着攻击敌海上兵力和岸上目标;进行海上封锁、反封锁作战;运送作战兵力和物资,参加登陆和抗登陆作战;参加夺取制海权和海上制空权斗争;保护我方海上交通线和破坏敌方海上交通线等战斗使命,具有在各种海域单独或与其他军、兵种协同进行反舰、反潜、防空、水雷战和对岸攻击等作战能力。人民海军水面舰艇部队与对岸那支台湾海军有着不解之“缘”。1949年11月,水面舰艇部队的第一支  相似文献   

选择烟幕保障目标是有效实施烟幕保障的基本前提。 通过运用层次分析法,综合考虑确定保障目标的有关因素,并在此基础上构建科学合理的数学模型,最终得出烟幕保障目标的优先顺序。 该结果可为组织实施烟幕保障提供参考依据,实现烟幕保障效能的最优化和最大化。  相似文献   

水雷战是最常见的海上作战样式,对争取海上战争的主动权有着重要作用。美国十分注重反水雷作战策略研究及其装备发展。未来,美军将逐渐淡化专业反水雷和建制反水雷装备的区别,取而代之的是一些模块化、通用化的联网无人反水雷系统,从而实现反水雷武器由以平台为中心的到以能力为中心的转变。具体装备包括基于濒海战斗舰的专用反水雷舰艇、小型可用舰船上使用的反水雷模块、小型反水雷远征分队和潜航器等。  相似文献   

孙立华 《海洋世界》2014,(12):68-71
<正>翻开世界海上战争的历史画卷,敌对双方破坏对方海洋交通线,保护己方海洋交通线的斗争连绵不断。而这种"破交"和"保交"作战样式的最高形式,就是海上封锁与反封锁作战。航空母舰这种流动的海上机场,以其攻防兼备的作战能力,跃升为现代战争中的"海上霸主",成为世界上某些海军强国的最主要的海上兵力。航母一直是美国海军的脊梁,是美国强权政治的工具,这一地位从来没有人怀疑过。第二次世界大战初期的经验,特别是英国航空母舰编队在塔兰托消灭意大利舰艇、日本航空母舰编队在珍珠港奇袭中  相似文献   

海军反潜作战装备的快速发展,反潜作战能力的不断提升,要求我们加快反潜作战战法创新。 在水下预警探测声呐基阵信息支持下,为拓展反潜兵力的应用场景,发展创新了传统反潜兵力的战术战法, 深入分析了作战指挥原则和兵力使用方法。  相似文献   

纳米碳纤维红外消光数值计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨纳米碳纤维作为烟幕粒子的红外消光特性,基于电磁场理论建立了细直的纳米碳纤维感应电流积分方程,并利用矩量法进行了求解,导出了纳米碳纤维散射场及吸收、散射和消光截面的计算式.通过与变分法的计算结果相比较,表明了该方法的有效性.利用该方法数值分析了纳米碳纤维红外消光截面与入射场波长、入射角、纤维长度和半径的关系,计算结果为纳米碳纤维用于红外烟幕干扰提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Covert communications between underwater and aerial platforms would increase the flexibility of surface and air vehicles engaged in undersea warfare by providing a new netcentric warfare communications capability and could have a variety of commercial and oceanographic applications. Research into an acousto-optic sensor shows promise as a means for detecting acoustic data projected toward the water surface from a submerged platform. The laser-based sensor probes the water surface to detect perturbations caused by an impinging acoustic pressure field. Experimental studies were conducted to demonstrate acousto-optic sensor feasibility for obtaining accurate phase preserved recordings of communication signals across the air-water interface. The recorded surface velocity signals were transferred to an acoustic communications receiver that used conventional acoustic telemetry algorithms such as adaptive equalization to decode the signal. The detected, equalized, and decoded bit error rate performance is presented for hydrostatic and more realistic, hydrodynamic water surface conditions.  相似文献   

The law of the sea has always been open to the charge of being a ‘covenant without a sword’ and its effectiveness when challenged by the perceived national security of a superpower is questionable. Attempts to limit and control antisubmarine warfare (ASW) have demonstrated that neither superpower is prepared to risk its second-strike capability for what may be an illusory legal protection. This article reviews developments relevant to ASW in the law of the sea and describes the significance of ASW to the superpowers' strategic objectives. The authors conclude by stressing the urgent need for effective arms control.  相似文献   

《Marine Policy》2004,28(1):13-18
Naval strategy and operational focus are shifting toward regional and littoral warfare. The application to extended jurisdictional zones of rules formulated for 3 nm territorial seas is creating international tension as well as new roles for navies. But the argument that the Navy should control the EEZ has fundamental weaknesses. Tentative recommendations are given for reforming the rules of naval warfare in light of extended jurisdictional zones.The growing importance of Rules of Engagement (ROE) reflects a greater degree of control of the military by politicians. This and the spread of high tech weapons have made the operations of naval forces extremely complex. ROE are now being rewritten around three key elements—separation of prohibitions from permissions, determination of the political objective, and conformity between the rules and the force profile and objective. ROE must also be separated from rules of behavior, which are the province of the military. And multilateral naval operations in the same EEZ must have the same ROE.  相似文献   

碳纤维层合板有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
碳纤维材料作为一种优良的复合材料,越来越广泛地应用于水下攻防领域。 主要研究了有限元法对碳纤维层合板的分析。 首先介绍层合板理论,基于该理论对碳纤维层合板模型进行理论分析,然后利用大型有限元软件 ANSYS 对同一模型进行有限元仿真计算。 最后,对二者计算结果进行比较,讨论有限元法对碳纤维层合板的强度计算的可行性,为工程设计运用提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to assess the benefit of assimilating satellite altimeter data for naval undersea warfare. To accomplish this, sensitivity of the weapon acoustic preset program (WAPP) for the Mk 48 variant torpedo to changes in the sound-speed profile (SSP) is analyzed with SSP derived from the modular ocean data assimilation system (MODAS). The MODAS fields differ in that one uses altimeter data assimilated from three satellites while the other uses no altimeter data. The metric used to compare the two sets of outputs is the relative difference in acoustic coverage area generated by WAPP. Output presets are created for five different scenarios, two anti surface warfare (ASTJW) scenarios, and three antisubmarine warfare (ASW) scenarios, in each of three regions: the East China Sea, Sea of Japan, and an area south of Japan that includes the Kuroshio currents. Analysis of the output reveals that, in some situations, WAPP output is very sensitive to the inclusion of the altimeter data because of the resulting differences in the subsurface predictions. The change in weapon presets can be so large that the effectiveness of the weapon may be affected.  相似文献   

The evolution of smoke plume over European Russia (ER) during the massive forest and peatbog fires of summer 2010 has been studied using observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) from MODIS instruments (both Aqua and Terra platforms), objective analysis of meteorological fields performed at the Russian Hydrometeorological Research Center, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, as well as upper air data. A relation between the structure inhomogeneities of the AOD field and regional atmospheric circulation has been found. It is shown that, on August 5–9, 2010, the maximum of smoke pollution did complete turn around Moscow, while remaining at a distance of 200 to 650 km from the megacity. Both regionally averaged shortwave aerosol radiative forcings (ARFs) at the top and the bottom of the atmosphere are estimated for the period of extreme smoke pollution over ER. The spatial distributions of ARF values over the territory of the region and the estimates of the local and spatially distributed thermal effects of smoke aerosol are given. It is shown that, on August 5–9, 2010, the spatial distribution of AOD and the calculated thermal effects of smoke aerosol were in agreement with the spatial distributions of air-temperature anomalies observed in the lower 1.5-km layer of the atmosphere. MODIS’s AOD data obtained during the wildfires were validated by AOD observations from the CIMEL sun photometer operated at the AERONET station Zvenigorod.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory experiments was carried out to investigate the strong reflection of regular water waves over a train of submerged breakwaters. Rectangular and trapezoidal shapes of submerged breakwaters are employed and compared for reflecting capability of incident waves. Measured reflection coefficients of regular waves over impermeable submerged breakwaters are verified by comparing with those of the eigenfunction expansion method. A very good agreement is observed. Reflection coefficients of permeable submerged breakwaters are less than those of impermeable breakwaters. The trapezoidal shape is recommended for a submerged breakwater in terms of reflecting capability and practical application.  相似文献   

石湘  马越  张洪珲  周雷  张传杰 《海洋工程》2018,36(1):122-127
以中试研究的试验结果为基础,介绍了实际尺寸膨胀式自应力灌浆卡箍承载性能的测试情况。通过2个鞍板壁厚不同模型的膨胀压力和滑动应力的试验测试,表明实际尺寸样机承载性能的测试结果与小尺寸模型试验基本一致,15%膨胀剂掺量下的卡箍膨胀压力均超过1.8 MPa、滑动应力均超过2.5 MPa,实际尺寸卡箍样机仍然具有较高的承载性能,并且海试卡箍的滑动应力为2.56 MPa,达到了模型试验的水平。  相似文献   

We have investigated the variability of smoke aerosol absorbing ability with variations in the content of brown carbon (BrC) and black carbon (BC). Using monitoring data on radiative characteristics of smoke aerosol at AERONET stations and the spatial distribution of aerosol optical depth (AOD) obtained by the MODIS spectrometer (Terra satellite), we have detected large-scale smokes during boreal forest fires in Russia and Canada (1995–2012). The spatial distribution (50°–70° N, 95°–125° W) and temporal variability (at AERONET station Fort McMurray) of AOD during the smoking of a part of Canada in July 2012 have been analyzed. AOD probability distributions for July 14–18, 2012, and an estimate of aerosol radiative forcing of smoke aerosol at the upper boundary of the atmosphere have been obtained. We have proposed a technique for the diagnostics of BrC and BC in smoke aerosol particles from the spectral dependence of the imaginary part of the refractive index. At a wavelength of 440 nm, the contributions of BrC and BC to the smokeaerosol absorbing abitity can be comparable in magnitude. In many cases, the absorption spectra of smoke aerosol can be adequately approximated by either power or exponential functions. The presence of BrC in smoke-aerosol particles highly extends the variety of observed absorption spectra in a smoky atmosphere and spectral dependences of single scattering albedo. In the spectral range of 440–1020 nm, the radiative characteristics of smoke aerosol are largely contributed by its fine mode.  相似文献   

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