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杨兰田 《天文学进展》1989,7(4):276-285
本文对类星体的各种厚吸积盘模型,紫外超现象的吸积盘模型及自引力吸积盘模型作了简扼评述.  相似文献   

本文从磁流体力学基本方程组出发,讨论了具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型。其结果表明:引入这种磁场位形后,会影响盘的位形、光度和吸积率。对光度的影响是通过改变盘的位形实现的,它使盘变厚,会在厚盘的内区形成更窄更陡的漏斗状结构,这对解释类星体的高度准直性的喷流更为有利;并且还预言不对称喷流或单边喷流的存在。  相似文献   

到目前为止射电宁静类星体的光变起源还不清楚,其中一个可能的机制是吸积盘-再辐射模型。通过对斯隆数字巡天第7次释放数据(Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7, SDSS DR7)中789个经过多历元观测并且表现出变亮变蓝现象的射电宁静类星体进行分析,发现黑洞质量较小类星体的综合相对光变谱(残余谱/综合谱)的变亮变蓝幅度更大;其次,对于比较长的光变时标,尤其是在紫外波段,类星体变亮变蓝的幅度也更大。吸积盘-再辐射模型对以上两个主要结果中相对光变谱都拟合得很好,为该模型提供了进一步的支持。  相似文献   

曹新伍 《天文学进展》2002,20(1):95-103
对活动星系核中的喷流加速机制、观测特征有目前研究近况进行了评述。磁场在喷流加速过程中起重要作用,对磁场加速喷流模型中喷流加速区域的大小进行了估计。比较了不同的磁场加速喷流模型,并讨论了有序吸积盘磁场的形成与维持过程。简要地评述了活动星系核中吸积盘与喷流存在内在联系的观测证据,及中央黑洞与活动星系核的射电辐射特征的关系。  相似文献   

通过收集数据,用标准α盘模型法、短时标光变法、连续波混响滞后法、微引力透镜法分析了活动星系核吸积盘辐射区半径,并对4种方法进行分析讨论。结果表明:(1)将耀变体和类星体参数比较,发现两个子类的中心黑洞质量、光度和吸积盘辐射区半径都没有明显差别。选择高光度源进行研究,出现了两个子类以上参数无明显区别的情况;(2)短时标光变法得到的吸积盘辐射区半径比和黑洞质量没有明显的相关性;(3)连续波混响滞后法得到的吸积盘辐射区半径比对黑洞质量的依赖性高于标准α盘模型法,对于无法确定中心黑洞质量的源,可以利用连续波混响滞后法得到吸积盘辐射区半径;(4)微引力透镜法得到的吸积盘辐射区半径比和黑洞质量没有明显的相关性,且该方法只适用于存在微引力透镜效应的类星体;(5)这些方法从观测上证明了吸积盘辐射区半径与黑洞质量存在相关性,验证了标准模型成立。为进一步在观测上寻找这4种方法所需要的源提供了理论指导,对活动星系核的吸积盘辐射区半径研究有重要意义。  相似文献   

马振国 《天文学进展》1999,17(4):346-356
类星体被发现后,黑洞发电机研究成为阐述活动星系核(AGN)的产能机制及其宇宙学演化的重要内容之一,主要涉及发电机物理和发电机输出特性两个方面,从广义相对论电动力学(GRED)发电机理论和“膜模式”出发,在太阳发电机研究中引入引力磁项,形成和αωΩ黑洞发电机理论。发电机输出包括吸积盘辐射和喷流传播。辐射模型在于经典吸积模型的相对论扩展,已能说明SgrA^*的宽发射谱,燕可能根据谱特征确定发电机的构型  相似文献   

黑洞是广义相对论理论预言的天体,也是很多天文现象,如类星体、活动星系核、喷流、吸积盘的中心引擎。根据广义相对论,宇宙中的黑洞可以由质量和自旋两个参数来描述。对比黑洞质量的测定,自旋的测量较为困难。但自旋的方向与很多天文现象密切相关。如果黑洞自旋方向与吸积盘的转动方向一致,将形成正向吸积的天文现象;反之,如果黑洞自旋的与吸积盘的转动方向相反,将形成逆向吸积的天文现象。利用宽线区尺度与光学光度之间的关系,最近的研究发现了逆向吸积盘的可能候选体。利用双黑洞并合的物理图像提出了一种逆向吸积盘的物理形成机制,并定量计算了相关的逆向吸积盘形成率。发现了超大质量双黑洞系统的质量比分布与类星体逆向吸积盘的形成率之间存在定量关系,该定量关系可以通过未来的空间引力波探测以及逆向吸积盘的探测进行检验。  相似文献   

本文采用微扰方法导出色散方程,并在四种情况下详细讨论了薄吸积盘的不稳定性。结果表明:在纯粘滞和纯磁场盘中都存在脉动不稳定性。而且在吸积盘内同时考虑粘滞和磁场时,存在两种不稳定性,一种是脉动不稳定性,另一种是单调不稳定性。同时数值计算还表明,脉动不稳定性更可能存在于盘的内区,而单调不稳定性则只在盘的外区,对短波扰动才有意义。这些结果为解释BLLac天体、Seyfert星系及类星体等活动星系核的光变现象进一步提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

光变是活动星系统的共同特征,光变规律的研究已成为人类探索活动星系核物理的有力手段,综述了类星体样本光变的研究现状,对样本的光变比例,光变类星体的平均光变幅,光变时间尺度,光变幅与类星体物理参量的相关情况,类星体样本光变和其它活动星系核样本的关系进行了详细评述,并评述了样本光变的星暴模型,微透镜模型,吸积盘模型三种理论模型。  相似文献   

本文研究了大质量黑洞吸积盘的自引力,用薄盘位形上积分的方法计算了吸积盘自引力的径向与垂向分量,着重讨论了径向自引力。主要结果为:对于大质量黑洞(M~10~8—10~(10)M_⊙)吸积盘,在(R/R_g)~10~5—10~4的距离上,径向自引力会超过中心天体引力。在这个距离上,吸积盘的动力学结构完全不同于开普勒盘。提出了径向自引力不稳定扰动作为一种能源机制。本文还得到吸积盘自引力与中心天体引力量级比较的两个判据,并由此得到大质量黑洞吸积盘外半径的近似解析估计。本文结果可用于类星体和星系核吸积盘。  相似文献   

We calculate the polarization of the radiation from an optically thick accretion disk with a vertical averaged magnetic field. The polarization arises from the scattering of light by free electrons in a magnetized disk plasma. The Faraday rotation of the polarization plane during the propagation of a photon in a medium with a magnetic field is considered as the main effect. We discuss various models of optically thick accretion disks with a vertical averaged magnetic field. Our main goal is to derive simple asymptotic formulas for the polarization of radiation in the case where the Faraday rotation angle Ψ ≫ 1 at the Thomson optical depth τ = 1. The results of our calculations allow the magnetic field strength in the region of the marginally stable orbit near a black hole to be estimated from polarimetric observations, including X-ray observations expected in the future. Since the polarization spectrum of the radiation strongly depends on the accretion disk model, a realistic physical model of the accretion disk can be determined from data on the polarization of its radiation.  相似文献   

We derive here a relatively simple expression for the total wind mass loss rates in QSOs within the accretion disk wind scenario. We show that the simple expression derived here for QSO disk wind mass loss rate is in a very good agreement with the more “exact” values obtained through significantly more complex and detailed numerically intensive 2.5D time-dependent simulations. Additionally we show that for typical QSO parameters, the disk itself will be emitting mostly in the UV/optical spectrum, in turn implying that the X-ray emission from QSOs likely is produced through some physical mechanism acting at radii smaller than the inner disk radius (for a standard accretion disk, half of the initially gravitational potential energy of the accreting disk mass is emitted directly by the disk, while the other half “falls” closer towards the black hole than the inner disk radius). We also show that for typical QSO parameters, the disk itself is dominated by continuum radiation pressure (rather than thermal pressure), resulting in a “flat disk” (except for the innermost disk regions).  相似文献   

By taking magnetic stress in place of viscosity as the mechanism for angular moaentum transfer, the effect of frozen magnetic field on the structure of a geometrically thin accretion disk is examined. It is shown that the disk is quasi-Keplerian and its total luminosity is twice the luminosity in the standard disk model. In the inner region, there exists a narrow cool region and the highly collimated jet is formed under the action of the azimuthal component of the magnetic field. Also, we discuss the possibility that a magnetized corona be formed near the surface of the accretion disk and a wide band radiation issuing therefrom. The model suggested here can easily and reasonably explain the major AGN properties such as the radiation variation, the “bumps” in the optical, ultraviolet and soft X-ray ranges, etc.  相似文献   

The standard thin disk model predicts that when the accretion rate is moderately high, the disk is radiation–pressure-dominated and thermally unstable. However, observations indicate the opposite, namely the disk is quite stable. We present an explanation in this work by taking into account the role of the magnetic field which was ignored in the previous analysis.  相似文献   

We compare two methods for estimating the magnetic field near a black hole—based on a statistical formula that relates the magnetic field on the horizon of the black hole to its mass and on a direct magnetic field determination from optical polarimetric observations. An optically thick magnetized accretion disk is usually formed around the black hole in active galactic nuclei. The linear polarization of the radiation emerging from the disk is related to the local magnetic field and the polarization in Milne’s classical problem. The magnetic field in the region from where the radiation with the observed wavelength comes can be estimated by measuring this polarization. On the other hand, this field can be estimated from the above statistical formula if the field near the black hole is extrapolated into the accretion disk using a standard power law. Comparison of the magnetic field obtained from the observed polarization with the extrapolated field can serve to estimate the accuracy of the latter and the exponent in the adopted extrapolation law. As an example, we compare these two methods for the source NGC 4258.  相似文献   

We carry out 2.5D MHD simulations to study the interaction between a dipolar magnetic field of a T Tauri Star, a circumstellar accretion disk, and the halo above the disk. The initial disk is the result of 1D radiation hydrodynamics computations with opacities appropriate for low temperatures. The gas is assumed resistive, and inside the disk accretion is driven by a Shakura–Sunyaev-type eddy viscosity. Magnetocentrifugal forces due to the rotational shear between the star and the Keplerian disk cause the magnetic field to be stretched outwards and part of the field lines are opened. For a solar-mass central star and an accretion rate of 10?8 solar masses per year a field strength of 100 G (measured on the surface of the star) launches a substantial outflow from the inner parts of the disk. For a field strength of 1 kG the inner parts of disk is disrupted. The truncation of the disk turns out to be temporary, but the magnetic field structure remains changed after the disk is rebuilt.  相似文献   

Most astrophysical accretion disks are likely to be warped.In X-ray binaries,the spin evolution of an accreting neutron star is critically dependent on the interaction between the neutron star magnetic field and the accretion disk.There have been extensive investigations on the accretion torque exerted by a coplanar disk that is magnetically threaded by the magnetic field lines from the neutron stars,but relevant works on warped/tilted accretion disks are still lacking.In this paper we develop a simplified twocomponent model,in which the disk is comprised of an inner coplanar part and an outer,tilted part.Based on standard assumption on the formation and evolution of the toroidal magnetic field component,we derive the dimensionless torque and show that a warped/titled disk is more likely to spin up the neutron star compared with a coplanar disk.We also discuss the possible influence of various initial parameters on the torque.  相似文献   

Estimates of magnetic fields for a number of active galactic nuclei are presented. These estimates are based on the observed polarization degrees and position angles of broad Hα lines and in the nearby continuum and on asymptotic analytical formulas for the Stokes parameters of the radiation emerging from a magnetized accretion disk (the Milne problem in a magnetized atmosphere). The characteristic observed feature of the wavelength dependence of the polarization degree inside the line—a minimum at the center and a fast increase of the position angle from one wing to another—can be explained by the superposition of resonance emission from two or more clouds located in the right (Keplerian velocity directed away from the observer) and left (Keplerian velocity directed toward the observer) parts of the orbit in the rotating magnetized accretion disk. The main component in our mechanism is the azimuthal magnetic field in the disk. The presence of a magnetic field perpendicular to the disk plane (which is usually weaker than the azimuthal field) results in the asymmetry of the distribution of the polarization degree and position angle inside the line. The inferred magnetic field strengths at the galactocentric distances where broad lines are emitted can be used to estimate the magnetic fields in the region of the centermost stable orbit and at the horizon of the central black hole, using the power-law dependence of the magnetic field strength corresponding to the standard model of the accretion disk.  相似文献   

The standard thin accretion disk model predicts that the inner regions of alpha model disks, where radiation pressure is dominant, are thermally and viscously unstable. However, observations show that the bright X-ray binaries and AGN accretion disks, corresponding to radiation-pressure thin disks, are stable. In this paper, we reconsider the linear and local instability of accretion disks in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field. In the basic equations, we consider physical quantities such as advection, thermal conduction, arbitrary viscosity, and an arbitrary cooling function also. A fifth order diffusion equation is obtained and is solved numerically. The solutions are compared to non-magnetic cases. The results show that the toroidal magnetic field can make the thermal instability in radiation pressure-dominated slim disks disappear if ? m ≥0.3. However, it causes a more thermal instability in radiation pressure alpha disks without advection. Also, we consider the thermal instability in accretion disks with other values of the viscosity and obtain a general criterion for thermal instability in the long-wavelength limit and in the presence of a toroidal magnetic field.  相似文献   

We present measurements of magnetic field strength and geometry on the surfaces of T Tauri stars (TTS) with and without circumstellar disks. We use these measurements to argue that magnetospheric accretion models should not assume that a fixed fraction of the stellar surface contains magnetic field lines that couple with the disk. We predict the fractional area of accretion footpoints, using magnetospheric accretion models and assuming field strength is roughly constant for all TTS. Analysis of Zeeman broadened infrared line profiles shows that individual TTS each have a distribution of surface magnetic field strengths extending up to 6 kG. Averaging over this distribution yields mean magnetic field strengths of 1-3 kG for all TTS, regardless of whether the star is surrounded by a disk. These strong magnetic fields suggest that magnetic pressure dominates gas pressure in TTS photospheres, indicating the need for new model atmospheres. The He I 5876 Å emission line in TTS can be strongly polarized, so that magnetic field lines at the footpoints of accretion have uniform polarity. The circular polarization signal appears to be rotationally modulated, implying that accretion and perhaps the magnetosphere are not axisymmetric. Time series spectropolarimetry is fitted reasonably well by a simple model with one magnetic spot on the surface of a rotating star. On the other hand, spectropolarimetry of photospheric absorption lines rules out a global dipolar field at the stellar surface for at least some TTS.  相似文献   

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