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假设桩周土层为成层黏弹性体,土体材料阻尼为黏性阻尼,从三维轴对称角度出发,对任意激振扭矩作用下,成层土中完整桩与土扭转耦合振动时的桩顶振动特性进行了理论研究.首先建立定解问题,然后利用拉氏变换求解得到其振动角位移的形式解,并利用桩土接触界面处的连续条件来考虑桩土耦合作用,使用桩段阻抗函数的传递性进行逐层递推求解,最终得到桩顶频域和时域响应的理论解.通过参数影响分析研究发现,成层土中桩顶复刚度主要受上部土层动力特性及性质影响;随着上层土模量增大桩顶复刚度的刚度部分也相应增大,阻尼部分相应减小.成层土由于土层模量变化,桩的导纳曲线有大峰夹小峰循环的特征.当上层土模量大于下层土模量时,在土层分界面时域波形与初始脉冲反向,反之则同向,土模量突变导致的时域波形的特征反射较平缓,幅度不大.  相似文献   

二相介质饱和土中群桩动力阻抗分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用流体饱和多孔介质材料描述土体,由饱和土和群桩及承台系统的位移协调条件和力平衡条件建立饱和土和群桩及承台系统动力相互作用的控制方程,分析饱和土中群桩动力阻抗。结果表明:孔隙流体对饱和土中桩基础动力阻抗有一定的影响;在饱和土具有不同的流体渗透系数时,饱和土中群桩动力阻抗也有一定差别。在地基上与基础结构动力相互作用研究中应该考虑地基土中孔隙流体的影响。  相似文献   

为研究地震荷载作用下桩基-土-核电结构的抗震性能及土结动力反应规律,对拟开展的地震模拟振动试验模型进行数值计算分析。核电工程结构上部质量大和刚度大,试验模型不同于一般的工程结构,为检验振动台试验模型设计、传感器布设方案,对试验模型进行了数值模拟。数值模拟以单端承桩为研究对象,计算了上部结构质量和刚度变化时,在脉冲荷载及基于RG1.60谱人工合成地震动作用下桩身的地震反应规律。数值模拟表明:在水平地震动作用下,桩身剪力和弯矩包络线呈"X"状分布,桩底和顶处剪力弯矩较大;上部结构质量越大,桩身的剪力与弯矩越大;上部结构的刚度越大,桩身的剪力与弯矩越小;随着上部结构质量的增大和刚度的减小,反弯点逐渐向桩顶移动。桩顶发生最大位移时所对应的桩身挠度随着上部结构质量的增加而增大并且随着上部结构刚度的增大而减小。土层分界面处,桩身内力发生突变。此外,在脉冲荷载输入下,桩身反弯点位置与输入荷载的周期有关。计算结果为振动台试验模型设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

桩-土动力相互作用分析模型的对比分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对常用的刚结模型、铰结模型、接触模型、简化模型和弹簧模型五种桩-土动力相互作用分析模型进行了对比研究,分析发现:不同的分析模型有不同的适用范围,在桩-土动力相互作用分析时应根据所关心的问题选用不同的分析模型。本文给出了选择模型的建议,一般优先采用接触模型,次优为铰结模型。  相似文献   

在桩-土-结构弹塑性动力相互作用模型研究的基础上,设计了考虑场地类别、输入地震动等因素的基于相互作用模型的多层和高层钢筋混凝土框架结构算例,分析了桩-土-结构相互作用对结构弹塑性变形特性的影响,并与不考虑相互作用的结构底部固端模型的计算结果进行了对比。分析表明:相互作用对结构的弹塑性变形的影响不容忽视,考虑相互作用后梁柱塑性铰出现的程度降低;结构底部位移增加而顶部位移减小;薄弱层的层间位移可能增加而其余层的层间位移则减小。现行的结构弹塑性变形验算方法未考虑土-结构相互作用的做法的合理性值得进一步评判。  相似文献   

近年来,土-桩-隔震结构非线性动力相互作用成为结构抗震领域热点研究问题之一。首先,在回顾现有土-桩-隔震结构非线性动力相互作用研究的基础上,分析国内外学者针对土-桩-隔震结构动力相互作用采用的主要分析方法,包括理论分析法、整体时程分析法、模型试验法及能量分析法;然后,系统地总结了目前考虑土-结构相互作用的隔震结构动力反应相关研究成果;最后,分析了现有研究存在的不足及亟待解决的问题,并给出相关研究建议。  相似文献   

为研究水平放置排桩对土体振动幅值的抑制作用,采用控制变量法进行模型试验,将试验获得的时域信号通过傅里叶变换转换为频域信号,得到频域条件下土体振幅,并绘制土体振幅等值线图,对等值线图不同区域土体振幅进行分析,重点分析振幅显著位置处数值变化。研究结果表明,排桩布置区域上方土体振幅大于排桩布置区域外的土体振幅,沿桩长方向土体振幅大于垂直于桩方向土体振幅;在排桩布置区域上方,排桩对高频波引起的土体振动抑制作用较差,对低频波引起的土体振动抑制作用较明显;排桩埋深越小,对土体振动的抑制作用越明显;排桩布置区域填充率越大,对土体振动的抑制作用越明显;排桩桩径越大,对土体振动的抑制作用越明显。  相似文献   

在海洋平台摇摆墙体系基础上,在摇摆墙底部的铰接点处安装一粘弹性转角阻尼器,进行被动消能结构振动控制,利用ANSYS进行地震荷载作用下的抗震性能验算,并对阻尼器的刚度和阻尼参数进行了分析。结果表明,在摇摆墙底部施加的转角阻尼器能显著降低结构的地震反应。  相似文献   

桥梁-桩-土相互作用三维地震反应分析方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用大型有限元通用软件ANSYS/LS-DYNA及其并行运算功能,提出了一种大跨度斜拉桥在地震作用下考虑SSI效应的三维整体时程反应分析方法,比较了考虑桥梁结构线性和非线性两种情形的计算结果,并对其计算效率进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于简化的群桩动力计算模型,采用有限元子结构方法和薄层法,提出了与工程实际情况更为接近的完全埋入、部分埋入群桩和刚性桩筏基础的计算方法。分析了层状地基中不同激振频率条件下,承台板厚度、桩间距对于群桩动力阻抗的影响,研究了不同承台板厚度条件下群桩阻抗的分布规律。通过与传统刚性承台下群桩动力特性的比较分析,验证了本模型的合理性。  相似文献   

在一定程度上,桩长是影响桩-土-结构体系动力分析复杂程度的关键因素之一,在桩-土-结构相互作用的数值模拟中对桩长进行适当简化可以提高计算效率,尤其对具有大量长桩基础的结构体系。基于Boulanger模型和OpenSees软件,分析了软粘土地基-单桩结构体系地震反应中桩身的位移、弯矩、剪力的分布特点以及桩顶上部结构的加速度响应,探讨了结构体系振型及振型周期随桩长的变化特点,进一步提出了等效计算桩长的桩-土-结构模型。研究表明,当结构体系前3阶的振型周期的变化率控制到2.5%时,对应的等效计算桩长分析模型能实现较高的动力响应计算精度,其动力响应误差已降低至5%以内;等效计算桩长可以通过动力响应误差控制精度要求确定,对于软粘土地基中的单桩基础结构,建议将前3阶振型周期的变化率控制到2.5%时的计算桩长作为等效计算桩长。  相似文献   

为研究桩基-非线性框剪结构相互作用体系的地震反应,需要求解群桩基础的动力阻抗函数。本文利用单桩阻抗和群桩动力相互作用因子计算群桩动力阻抗函数,计算并讨论了不同构形群桩阻抗函数在软、中和硬土地基中的变化规律和特点。研究表明:群桩阻抗表现出很强的频率相关性,随土体剪切波速的增大,群桩阻抗有较大幅度的增加,但土体剪切波速的变化对群桩效率(规格化阻抗函数)影响不大。  相似文献   

活动支座摩擦力对桥梁抗震性能的影响参数分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用摩擦单元模拟了活动支座摩擦力在桥梁地震反应分析中的作用,以一座6跨连续梁桥为例,通过改变其计算参数得到不同的计算模型,对各模型进行时程反应分析,得到不同参数模型的固定墩墩底弯矩的减震率。发现在某些情况下出现了负减震率并进行了原因分析。通过不同参数模型减震牢的对比,分析了各计算参数对固定墩墩底减震率的影响。建议对于考虑支座摩擦后自振周期接近场地卓越周期的桥梁考虑活动支座摩擦作用。  相似文献   

A half-space containing horizontally multilayered regions of different transversely isotropic elastic materials as well as a homogeneous half-space as the lowest layer is considered such that the axes of material symmetries of different layers and the lowest half-space to be as depth-wise. A rigid circular disc rested on the free surface of the whole half-space is considered to be under a forced either vertical or horizontal vibration of constant amplitudes. Because of the involved integral transforms, the mixed boundary value problems due to mixed condition at the surface of the half-space are changed to some dual integral equations, which are reduced to Fredholm integral equations of second kind. With the help of contour integration, the governing Fredholm integral equations are numerically solved. Some numerical evaluations are given for different combinations of transversely isotropic layers to show the effect of degree of anisotropy of different layers on the response of the inhomogeneous half-space.  相似文献   

This paper analytically examines the horizontal vibration of a rigid disk on a saturated poroelastic half-space. The pressure-solid displacement form of the harmonic equations of motion for asymmetric dynamic problem are developed from the form of the equations originally presented by Biot. Making use of a new method the solution of the above equations is obtained. According to the mixed boundary -value conditions, the dual integral equations of the horizontal vibration of a rigid disk on a saturated poroelastic half-space are established. By appropriate transforms, it is shown that the dual integral equations can be reduced to a pair of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind, whose solutions are then computed. Numerical results for the horizontal dynamic compliance coefficient are given at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

While seismic codes do not allow plastic deformation of piles, the Kobe earthquake has shown that limited structural yielding and cracking of piles may not be always detrimental. As a first attempt to investigate the consequences of pile yielding in the response of a pile-column supported bridge structure, this paper explores the soil–pile-bridge pier interaction to seismic loading, with emphasis on structural nonlinearity. The pile–soil interaction is modeled through distributed nonlinear Winkler-type springs and dashpots. Numerical analysis is performed with a constitutive model (Gerolymos and Gazetas 2005a, Soils Found 45(3):147–159, Gerolymos and Gazetas 2005b, Soils Found 45(4):119–132, Gerolymos and Gazetas 2006a, Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 26(5):363–376) materialized in the OpenSees finite element code (Mazzoni et al. 2005, OpenSees command language manual, p 375) which can simulate: the nonlinear behaviour of both pile and soil; the possible separation and gapping between pile and soil; radiation damping; loss of stiffness and strength in pile and soil. The model is applied to the analysis of pile-column supported bridge structures, focusing on the influence of soil compliance, intensity of seismic excitation, pile diameter, above-ground height of the pile, and above or below ground development of plastic hinge, on key performance measures of the pier as is: the displacement (global) and curvature (local) ductility demands and the maximum drift ratio. It is shown that kinematic expressions for performance measure parameters may lead to erroneous results when soil-structure interaction is considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical model for the prediction of free field vibrations due to vibratory and impact pile driving. As the focus is on the response in the far field where deformations are relatively small, a linear elastic constitutive behaviour is assumed for the soil. The free field vibrations are calculated by means of a coupled FE–BE model based on a subdomain formulation. First, the case of vibratory pile driving is considered, where the contributions of different types of waves are investigated for several penetration depths. In the near field, the soil response is dominated by a vertically polarized shear wave, whereas in the far field, body waves are importantly attenuated and Rayleigh waves dominate the ground vibration. Second, the case of impact pile driving is considered. A linear wave equation model is used to estimate the impact force during the driving process. Apart from the response of a homogeneous halfspace, it is also investigated how the soil stratification influences the ground vibration for the case of a soft layer on a stiffer halfspace. When the penetration depth is smaller than the layer thickness, the layered medium has no significant influence on ground vibrations. However, when the penetration depth is larger than the layer thickness, the influence of the layered medium becomes more significant. The computed ground vibrations are finally compared with field measurements reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The problem of vibration isolation by rectangular open trenches in a plane strain context is numerically studied using a finite element code, PLAXIS. The soil media is assumed to be linear elastic, isotropic, and homogeneous subjected to a vertical harmonic load producing steady-state vibration. The present model is validated by comparing it with previously published works. The key geometrical features of a trench, i.e., its depth, width, and distance from the source of excitation, are normalized with respect to the Rayleigh wavelength. The attenuation of vertical and horizontal components of vibration is studied for various trench dimensions against trench locations varied from an active to a passive case. Results are depicted in non-dimensional forms and conclusions are drawn regarding the effects of geometrical parameters in attenuating vertical and horizontal vibration components. The screening efficiency is primarily governed by the normalized depth of the barrier. The effect of width has little significance except in some specific cases. Simplified regression models are developed to estimate average amplitude reduction factors. The models applicable to vertical vibration cases are found to be in excellent agreement with previously published results.  相似文献   

基于孔隙结构的酸性火山岩储层流体识别方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
酸性火山岩由于成岩矿物类型多样,孔隙结构复杂,电阻率普遍较高,应用常规的中子-密度测井曲线交会和电阻率的高低已经不能判断储层流体性质.在天然气的测井响应特征分析基础上,应用三孔隙度组合、横纵波时差比值、核磁共振及综合参数识别流体性质.应用结果表明这些方法只能识别含气储层,对于气水同层的识别效果并不好.电阻率对储层流体性质变化反映灵敏,但是对于酸性火山岩储层并不如此.从储层微观孔隙结构入手,对火山岩储层电阻率影响因素进行研究,表明孔隙结构复杂是酸性火山岩电阻率普遍较高的原因之一,在此基础上,研制了基于孔隙结构的流体性质逐步判别法.应用本文的方法,对徐深气田49口井流体性质进行判断,经69个层试气验证,识别准确率达94.1%,提高了近15个百分点.  相似文献   

粘弹性阻尼器是有效的被动消能装置,普通粘弹性阻尼器的力学性能主要受环境温度、激励频率和应变幅值的影响,对结构的设计结果会产生偏差.新型粘弹性阻尼材料,其力学性能不受环境温度和激励频率的影响,通过与普通粘弹性阻尼器动态力学性能的对比,可见新型粘弹性阻尼器作为耗能元件,对消能减震结构的设计结果会比较精确.  相似文献   

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