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柯熙政  卢宁  杨秦岭 《海洋学报》2010,32(9):6159-6163
描述了高阶椭圆厄米-高斯光束及其单光子平均轨道角动量,并分析了一些与其单光子轨道角动量变化的有关情况,通过计算机仿真简要进行了说明.最后分析了单光子轨道角动量在空间某范围的概率分布及其变化情况.研究结果表明,高阶椭圆厄米-高斯光束与物质相互作用时,其单光子平均轨道角动量的变化幅度随接触物质材料的不同而异.  相似文献   

分析海洋流场数据进行流场涡旋提取是流场可视化的重要方法。通常实际存在的涡旋具有不规则性,导致涡旋的提取通常需要复杂的计算。本文分析流场数据中涡旋的特点,提出一种基于角动量最大值模型提取涡旋的方法。建立角动量模型计算获得近似涡旋中心点,然后通过空间聚集分析和流场信息熵的计算来提取区域内涡旋。实验结果表明,与传统的提取方法相比,该方法不需要通过复杂计算即可提取涡旋区域并保证准确度,可以应用于不同空间分辨率的数据,同时解决了流场信息熵计算时鞍点对涡旋影响的问题,对于弱涡旋也有较好的提取效果。  相似文献   

Observations were made on several hydrological features of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand (41° 16’ S, 174° 51’ E) during 1970 to 1972. These suggest that the harbour is topographically partially isolated from oceanic influences, and that waters within the harbour undergo efficient mixing.

Monthly mean sea‐surface temperatures ranged seasonally between 10.5°c and 18.5°c, and some stratification was observed during summer and winter. Salinities usually ranged from 33.5‰ to 34.5‰, and water transparency by Secchi disc from 3 m to 6 m. Dissolved oxygen content ranged from 96% to 127% saturation, usually exceeding 100% saturation in surface waters.

Under normal discharge conditions during winter, the Hutt River was observed to markedly affect surface temperatures and salinities as far south as Somes Island to a depth of about 5 m.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis of effects of tidal variations on storm surges and waves   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study examines the effects of tides on surges, wave setups and waves, in terms of tidal amplitudes and phases, by using a coupled numerical model of Surge, WAve and Tide (called as SuWAT). The SuWAT model, composed of depth integrated nonlinear shallow water equations and Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) model, is able to simultaneously run with an arbitrary number of nested domains by using the Message Passing Interface. The results for an idealized case indicate that surge and wave setup are increased in the phase of low water and decreased in the high water phase; on the other hand, waves change in a reverse manner. Such changes are enhanced by large tidal variations. The conventional method (e.g., surge plus tide independently) has the possibility of overestimation for the total water level. The hindcast results for Typhoon Ewiniar in 2006 show that the run with tides is more accurate 10% than that without tides in coastal areas of Korea. The nested scheme improves the accuracy up to 40% for the prediction of water levels in the simulations. It is shown that the present coupled model, SuWAT, is capable of predicting both water levels and waves under storm events with reasonable accuracy against the observations.  相似文献   

Impacts of mixing driven by barotropic tides in a coupled climate model are investigated by using an atmosphere–ocean–ice–land coupled climate model, the GFDL CM2.0. We focus on oceanic conditions of the Northern Atlantic. Barotropic tidal mixing effects increase the surface salinity and density in the Northern Atlantic and decrease the RMS error of the model surface salinity and temperature fields related to the observational data.  相似文献   

The exposed area of intertidal zone varies with tidal water level changes. If intercomparisons of satellite images are adopted as a method to determine geomorphological changes of the intertidal zone in response to accretion or erosion processes, then the e?ect of water level variations must be evaluated. In this study, two Landsat TM images overpassing the central Jiangsu coastal waters on 2 January and 7 March 2002, respectively, were treated by the changing detection analysis using Image Di?erencing and Post-classiˉcation Comparison. The simultaneous tide level data from four tide gauge stations along the coast were used for displaying the spatial variations of water levels and determining the elevations of waterlines. The results show that the spatial variations of water levels are highly signiˉcant in the central Jiangsu coastal waters. The huge di?erences of tidal land exposure patterns between the two imaging times are related mainly to the spatial variations of tidal water levels, which are controlled by the di?erences in tidal phases for di?erent imaging times and the spatial variations of water level over the study area at each imaging time. Under complex tidal conditions, e.g., those of the central Jiangsu coastal waters, the tide-surge model should be used to eliminate e?ectively the e?ects of water level variations on remote sensing interpretation of geomorphological changes in the intertidal zone.  相似文献   

利用高分辨率(1/18°)的POM(Princeton Ocean Model)模式数值模拟结果,结合观测数据分析了苏北浅滩外侧潮汐锋的季节分布特征和变化规律。研究结果表明,苏北浅滩外侧潮汐锋的季节变化特征显著,春末开始出现,夏季底层温度锋强度最大且锋区位置较稳定,锋区宽度约40 km,平均强度约0.35℃/km,秋、冬季随上层海洋湍流垂向混合的加强,潮汐锋逐渐减弱至消失不见。对比实测数据和模拟结果发现,沿34°N断面,夏季潮汐锋区附近等温线明显抬升,存在由陡峭地形和分层流体的内埃克曼效应共同作用形成的上升流现象。次表层海水出现低温冷水区,位于122.2°E附近。跨锋区断面的温度和流场分布特征同浅水区强烈的潮混合过程密切相关,斜压在锋面处产生了较强的南向流动。本研究结果促进了对苏北浅滩外侧陆架潮汐锋结构特征的认识,为研究黄海西部生态环境的动力过程影响提供参考。  相似文献   

A case study is presented of the effects of tidal currents on the wave heights in a tidal entrance, viz. the Oosterschelde estuary in the Netherlands. Observations of the variation of wave height with tidal elevation during a tidal cycle show a hysteresis. In order to investigate this phenomenon, calculations have been made of wave height changes due to refraction by non-uniform depths and currents, including the occurrence of wave breaking on the shoals in the estuary delta. The calculated wave height variation with tide elevation is found to have a current-induced hysteresis similar to the observed one.  相似文献   

The effects of the tidal regime and high river flows on the suspended sediment concentration field have been separated and the retention time of fluvial sediment has been determined. The study was carried out in the upper Sado estuary, Portugal, and included surveys at high and low tide in different semidiurnal tide ranges every month for 1 year, including contrasting freshwater discharge. DDT and its metabolites (DDD and DDE) were determined in the suspended sediment and in the whole soft tissues of oysters, and they have been used as tracers of the derived flood material in the upper estuary. The tide is responsible for the relatively slow relaxation time following a winter runoff event.  相似文献   

潮流发电水轮机基于动量定理的性能计算方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以潮流发电水轮机的设计为研究背景,分析和总结了基于动量定理方法的四种流管模型(单盘面-单流管模型、双盘面-单流管模型、单盘面-多流管模型和双盘面-多流管模型)在竖轴变攻角水轮机的水动力性能计算中的应用,特别是能量利用率预报方面的应用。说明基于动量定理的模型在求竖轴变攻角潮流发电水轮机的水动力性能方面,能够预报一些定性特性和总体趋势,为水轮机的设计和计算提供一种初步方法。  相似文献   

近期长江河口南汇南滩水域水沙变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于南汇南滩水域2011年12月和2012年6月洪、枯季大潮的现场水文观测资料及2003年2月枯季大潮、2004年9月洪季大潮的历史观测资料,分析潮流历时、流速、优势流和含沙量等水沙现状和变化特征,探讨近年来该水域水沙变化的主要影响因素。结果表明:(1)目前,南汇南滩水域洪季大潮落潮流占主导优势,枯季大潮涨潮流占主导优势;(2)东海大桥及其周边促淤围垦工程后,洪季大潮落潮优势增强,涨潮垂线平均含沙量减少,落潮垂线平均含沙量增多;枯季大潮落潮优势减弱,涨、落潮垂线平均含沙量均减少;(3)近岸工程建设是南汇南滩水域洪季落潮优势增强、枯季落潮优势减弱的主要影响因素;涨、落潮垂线平均含沙量的变化主要与工程建设、流域来沙量减少、近岸沙体变迁等作用有关。可为河口河槽治理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Examination of oceanic seismic refraction results indicates a correlation between total crustal thickness and spreading rate, with slower spreading producing thinner crust. The effect is seen at spreading rates less than about 20 mm yr–1. The crustal thickness and its dependence on spreading rate are predicted by theoretical modelling of flow and melting beneath mid-ocean ridges.  相似文献   

Current measurements were conducted 10 m below the sea surface near the head of Suruga Bay intermittently from 1970 to 1978. The circulation pattern is usually counterclockwise; northward along the east coast (off Heda and at the mouth of Uchiura Inlet), westward along the north coast (off Fuji), and southwestward along the west coast (off Shimizu). The amplitudes of the four major tidal constituents of current variation, M2, S2, K1 and O1, are much larger than those expected from sea level variations along the coast. The amplitudes of the diurnal constituents of current variation are much larger than those of the semidiurnal constituents, while the amplitudes of the semidiurnal constituents of sea level variation are much larger than those of the diurnal constituents. The observed amplitude of the predominant diurnal constituents exhibit large seasonal changes and tend to increase with the development of the stratification of the upper part of the water in Suruga Bay. These facts strongly suggest that the observed current variations are mainly associated with internal tides in Suruga Bay.  相似文献   

The principal character of the tidal exchange process is neither diffusion nor advection, but a third category of transport, “Massenaustausch”, which appears in the space/time averaged transport. The exchange process can be divided into four fluxes: the flux of standing eddies, the flux of tidal exchange, the flux of tidal eddies and the flux of local eddies. The results of observations at the entrance channel of Kumihama-Bay show a typical example of transport dominated by tidal exchange. The tidal exchange ratio defined by Parkeret al. (1972) applies to the process of exchange between the outflowing watermass and the surrounding watermass outside of the bay mouth, but this should also be considered as being coupled with the ratio for the process of exchange between the inflowing watermass and the surrounding watermass inside of the bay mouth. These two exchange ratios can be combined into a single exchange ratio which describes the exchange process between the outer watermass and the bay water.  相似文献   

The effects of the coastal boundary geometries on the tidal currents and the tidal mixing are studied mainly on the basis of hydraulic model experiments. Mizushima-Nada Sea, which is located in the central part of Seto Inland Sea, and the whole Seto Inland Sea were chosen as the prototypes.Currents and eddies geometrically induced in the tidal currents and in the ocean currents have significant effects on the water exchange, from small scales to meso scales, in the bays and near-shore regions of the ocean.As to small scale phenomena near irregular coastal boundaries such as river mouths, headlands and harbors, tidal currents produce organized eddy currents of the width scale. They are important to the temporary flushing and the local redistribution of the river water or the waste water.As to phenomena of larger scales, the tidal currents produce rather steady residual circulations in each part of the Inland Sea, due to the non-linear effects of the oscillating component. They are controlled by the geometry of the sea as separated by a narrow strait. These horizontal circulations of about 20 km in scale become the main mechanism of the water exchange in the Inland Sea. The one-dimensional dispersion coefficient due to these circulations is proportional to the product of the diameter and the current velocity of the circulations. The proportional constant takes the value of 0.40.5.  相似文献   

根据长江口6个主要潮位站1993-2008年潮位资料,通过经验正交函数分析法(EOF法)分析了长时间序列和三峡工程前后月平均高潮位变化规律以及2000年的日高潮位变化规律,并探究其影响因素。结果表明:EOF分析前三个主成分贡献率为98.19%,可以反映潮位变化的主要过程。EOF1的影响因子是径流量,在空间上均为正值,呈上游至下游递减趋势,时间系数呈季节性变化;EOF2的影响因子是月平均海平面变化,在空间上有明显的分布差异,时间系数总体有上升趋势。三峡工程前后影响因子的作用有一定变化,径流量的影响增强,海平面减小。徐六泾以上河段的潮位站受径流丰枯影响,徐六泾以下高潮位受平均海平面控制更大。  相似文献   

文章根据海上搜救装备现状评估,界定远海深海搜救范围;围绕海上通道安全、海洋经济开发和海洋权益维护等要求,分析远海深海搜救面临的形势和需求;遵循战略引领、军民融合、整体布局和提质增效原则,确定远海深海搜救装备建设总体要求;基于卫星通信监控系统、中远程搜救飞机、大型搜救船舶、深海扫测打捞装备架构体系,制定远海深海搜救装备建设主要任务和保障措施。本文提出的思路已在"十三五"相关专项规划中得到体现和落实。  相似文献   

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