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We analyzed sediments of the past 2000 years from Ongoke Lake, southwest Alaska, for organic carbon, organic nitrogen, biogenic silica (BSi), and diatom assemblages at decadal to centennial resolution to infer limnological changes that may be related to climatic variation in southwestern Alaska. The chronology is based on a 210Pb profile from bulk sediments and nine AMS 14C ages from terrestrial plant macrofossils. Four of the 14C ages span a core depth interval of 60.5 cm but are statistically indistinguishable from one another with a mean of ~1300 AD, which compromises the determination of temporal trends at Ongoke Lake and comparison with other paleoclimate records. The diatom record suggests changes in the duration of ice cover and strength of thermal stratification that are probably related to temperature variation. This variation includes a cold interval around the first millennium cooling (FMC) and a warm interval spanning the medieval climate anomaly (MCA). However, the lake-sediment record shows no clear signals of temperature variation for the period of the Little Ice Age (LIA) or the twentieth century. Climatic changes during these periods may have been manifested through effective-moisture (precipitation minus evapotranspiration) variation in the Ongoke Lake area. We estimate water depths and infer effective-moisture fluctuations by applying a regional transfer function to our diatom record. Together with inferences from diatom autecologies, this water-depth reconstruction suggests that effective moisture increased steadily from 50 BC to 350 AD, which was followed by relatively dry conditions between 550 and 750 AD and relatively wet conditions between 750 and 1450 AD. Effective moisture was low from ~1450 to 1850 AD, coinciding with the LIA; an alternative age model places this interval between ~1315 and 1850 AD. During the past 150 years, effective moisture increased, with estimated water depths reaching peak values in the second half of the twentieth century. This study offers the first paleolimnological record for inferring centennial-scale climatic variation over the past two millennia from southwestern Alaska.
Feng Sheng HuEmail:

A continuous record of lacustrine sedimentation capturing the entire full-glacial period was obtained from Arolik Lake in the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska. Fluctuations in magnetic susceptibility (MS), grain size, organic-matter (OM) content, C/N ratios, 13C, and biogenic silica (BSi) record marked environmental changes within the lake and its watershed during the last 33 cal ka. Age control is provided by 31 14C ages on plant macrofossils in four cores between 5.2 and 8.6 m long. Major stratigraphic units are traceable throughout the lake subbottom in acoustical profiles, and provisional ages are derived for six prominent tephra beds, which are correlated among the cores. During the interstadial interval between 33 and 30 cal ka, OM and BSi contents are relatively high with values similar to those of the Pleistocene–Holocene transition, suggesting a similar level of aquatic productivity. During the glacial interval that followed (30–15 cal ka), OM and BSi decrease in parallel with declining summer insolation. OM and BSi values remain relatively uniform compared with the higher variability before and after this interval, and they show no major shifts that might correlate with climate fluctuations evidenced by the local moraine record, nor with other global climate changes. The glacial interval includes a clay-rich unit with a depauperate diatom assemblage that records the meltwater spillover of an ice-dammed lake. The meltwater pulse, and therefore the maximum extent of ice attained by a major outlet glacier of the Ahklun Mountain ice cap, lasted from 24 to 22 cal ka. The Pleistocene–Holocene transition (15–11 cal ka) exhibits the most prominent shifts in OM and BSi, but rapid and dramatic fluctuations in OM and BSi continue throughout the Holocene, indicating pronounced paleoenvrionmental changes.  相似文献   

Annual grain-size variation was measured on the varved (annually laminated) lacustrine sediment from Cape Bounty East Lake using an innovative image analysis system. About 7100 images were acquired using a scanning electron microscope and processed to obtain measurement of particles from 2845 varves. Several particle-size distributions indices were calculated and can be linked to high-energy sedimentary facies. Moreover, the coarse grain size (98th percentile) of these high-energy facies is strongly correlated with summer rainfall (and also summer temperature) of instrumental data from nearby stations. Particle-size distributions show a similar trend through time, especially for the standard deviation and the 98th percentile. Climatic reconstruction suggests that Cape Bounty recently experienced an unprecedented increase of rainfall events since ~AD 1920. On the other hand, changes in varve thickness are weakly correlated with the particle-size distribution. Altogether, these results highlight the need to obtain annual grain-size data to identify a meteorological signal.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from Lone Spruce Pond (60.007°N, 159.143°W), southwestern Alaska, record paleoenvironmental changes during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and during the last 14,500 calendar years BP (14.5?cal?ka). We analyzed the abundance of organic matter, biogenic silica, carbon, and nitrogen, and the isotope ratios of C and N, magnetic susceptibility, and grain-size distribution of bulk sediment, abundance of alder shrub (Alnus) pollen, and midge (Chironomidae and Chaoboridae) assemblages in a 4.7-m-long sediment sequence from the depocenter at 22?m water depth. The basal unit contains macrofossils dating to 25?C21?cal?ka (the global LGM), and is interpreted as glacial-lacustrine sediment. The open water requires that the outlet of the Ahklun Mountain ice cap had retreated to within 6?km of the range crest. In addition to cladocerans and diatoms, the glacial-lacustrine mud contains chironomids consistent with deep, oligotrophic conditions; several taxa associated with relatively warm conditions are present, suggestive of relative warmth during the global LGM. The glacial-lacustrine unit is separated from the overlying non-glacial lake sediment by a possible disconformity, which might record a readvance of glacier ice. Non-glacial sediment began accumulating around 14.5?cal?ka, with high flux of mineral matter and fluctuating physical and biological properties through the global deglacial period, including a reversal in biogenic-silica (BSi) content during the Younger Dryas (YD). During the global deglacial interval, the ??13C values of lake sediment were higher relative to other periods, consistent with low C:N ratios (8), and suggesting a dominant atmospheric CO2 source of C for phytoplankton. Concentrations of aquatic faunal remains (chironomids and Cladocera) were low throughout the deglacial interval, diversity was low and warm-indicator taxa were absent. Higher production and air temperatures are inferred following the YD, when bulk organic-matter (OM) content (LOI 550?°C) increased substantially and permanently, from 10 to 30?%, a trend paralleled by an increase in C and N abundance, an increase in C:N ratio (to about 12), and a decrease in ??13C of sediment. Post-YD warming is marked by a rapid shift in the midge assemblage. Between 8.9 and 8.5?cal?ka, Alnus pollen tripled (25?C75?%), followed by the near-tripling of BSi (7?C19?%) by 8.2?cal?ka, and ??15N began a steady rise, reflecting the buildup of N and an increase in denitrification in soils. Several chironomid taxa indicative of relatively warm conditions were present throughout the Holocene. Quantitative chironomid-based temperature inferences are complicated by the expansion of Alnus and resulting changes in lake nutrient status and production; these changes were associated with an abrupt increase in cladoceran abundance and persistent shift in the chironomid assemblage. During the last 2,000?years, chironomid-assemblage changes suggest cooler temperatures, and BSi and OM values were generally lower than their maximum Holocene values, with minima during the seventh and eighth centuries, and again during the eighteenth century.  相似文献   

Two cores from Trout Lake, northern Yukon, yielded quantitative estimates of summer air temperatures using fossil midge larvae. Warming began around 14,400?cal?yr BP, with inferred mean July air temperatures reaching values warmer than present by 12,800?cal?yr BP. A 1?°C cooling from 12,200 to 11,200?cal?yr BP closely corresponds with the Younger Dryas chronozone. A broad temperature maximum occurred between 10,800 and 9,800?cal?yr BP, with mean July air temperature about 2.2?°C warmer than present. This represents an early Holocene thermal maximum and coincides with increased organic content of the sediment. Both the shallow- and deep-water cores show similar temperature trends for their overlapping periods. The inferred rise in mean July air temperature at 14,200?cal?yr BP coincides with a shift in vegetation from an herb- to shrub-dominated landscape. In contrast, the increase in Alnus pollen at 6,400?cal?yr BP does not coincide with a change in temperature, but may be a response to a rise in precipitation.  相似文献   

Religious identity, when marked by physical changes to urban landscapes, has been a cause of tension and conflict in many cities. In the Sydney suburb of St Ives, an attempt to create an eruv, a symbolic and only partly physical boundary around orthodox Jewish space, was vigorously opposed and eventually defeated through the planning system. The religious and physical significance of the eruv resulted in diverse rationales of opposition, centred on the physical and environmental impact, the conceptual nature of boundaries and the role of religion and ‘modernity’ in everyday suburban life. The place of an eruv was opposed with reference to spatial imaginaries of the nation, the suburb and the secular public, as religion and worship intersected with the politics of urban citizenship and belonging. Each of these spatial imaginaries was constructed by opponents in such a way as to deny a place for an eruv in St Ives, and reinforced through the application of planning instruments which eventually refused permission for an eruv. To many residents, public space was seen to be at risk, raising complex questions over amenity, the politics and perception of difference and what is in or out of place. The planning framework adjudicating such development proposals must transcend such imaginaries in the production of public spaces in multicultural cities.  相似文献   

Sand and gravel materials are often used in Ethiopia's construction sector. However, the impacts of sand mining on the water body's habitat and biodiversity are not yet considered in the country. In this paper, we study how sand mining activities at Lake Tana and its inflowing rivers affect the environment and spawning grounds of the endemic Labeobarbus species. We measured physico‐chemical parameters in‐situ and developed structured questionnaires to collect primary data on the fishery and sand mining. We found significant differences in conductivity, total dissolved solids and temperature among sampling sites (P < 0.05). Majority (>90 per cent) of the respondents confirmed the drastic physical changes in the rivers and a severe decline in fish production. The study revealed that the ecology of the mined rivers was seriously affected by sand mining, which interfered with migratory routes of fishes and resulted in loss of their spawning grounds. The unregulated sand mining also conflicted with the interests of the fisheries management and environment. Thus, urgent policy intervention is needed to protect the ever‐declining Labeobarbus species of Lake Tana and the environment.  相似文献   

Danish Journal of Geography 95: 92–96, 1995.

Three cores collected from a proglacial lake with an Axelsson corer are x-rayed. The stratification is interpreted as varves. The cores cover periods of sedimentation with a duration from 5—23 years. The average thickness of the varves vary from 1.9—20.0 mm indicating a tenfold variation in the sedimentation rate.

Geografisk Tidsskrift 96: 97–104, 1995.

In October 1990 a new automatic meteorological station was established at the Arctic Station, Qeqertarsuaq (Godhavn), managed by the University of Copenhagen. It is the purpose of this note to draw the attention to the existence of this meteorological station, the character of climate parameter monitored and to the environment in which the station is functioning.

Examples of climate data measured during 1994 are presented, and general trends in the fluctuation of the selected parameters are annotated. Furthermore, it is mentioned how users may obtain the climate data. In the years to come we plan to publish a similar status of the climatic development at the Arctic Station in this periodical.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Lake Koucha (eastern Tibetan Plateau) was investigated using organic biomarkers and their stable carbon isotope signatures. The correlation between TOC content, total amount of aquatic macrophyte-derived n-alkanes (e.g. nC23) and δ13C values of TOC and nC23 indicates that Lake Koucha was macrophyte-dominated before 8 cal ka BP. Shortly after the lake turned from a saline to a freshwater system at 7.2 cal ka BP, a variety of algal and bacterial markers such as hopanoids and isoprenoids emerged, of which phytane, pentamethylicosene (PMI), moretene and diploptene are particularly abundant. Phytane and PMI show different isotopic signals (≈−18 and ≈−28‰, respectively), which indicates that they originated from different sources. Phytane may have been derived from cyanobacteria, while methanogenic archaea may be the source of PMI. The isotopic depletion of diploptene and moretene (≈−60‰) indicates the presence of methanotrophs. After 6.1 cal ka BP, the saturated C20 highly branched isoprenoid (HBI) became the dominant constituent of the aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction. Such dominance has rarely been reported in lacustrine environments, and indicates a strong presence of algae (most likely diatoms) or cyanobacteria. At 4.7 cal ka BP, the appearance of an unsaturated C25 HBI, which is a specific biomarker for diatoms, was noted. Furthermore, the level of nC17-alkane was observed to increase in abundance in the uppermost two samples. These results suggest that the lake was phytoplankton-dominated during the last 6.1 ka. Relatively low biomarker concentrations and δ13C values at 6.0, 3.1 and 1.8 cal ka BP indicate the occurrence of cool periods, which is in agreement with inferences from other locations on the Tibetan Plateau. The δ13C values of nC23 range from −23.5 to −12.6‰, with high values at the peak of macrophyte abundance at ca. 11 cal ka BP and at the phytoplankton maximum between ca 6.1 and 2.8 cal ka BP. Thus, aquatic macrophyte-derived mid-chain n-alkanes have been found to be excellent indicators of carbon-limiting conditions, which lead to the assimilation of isotopically-enriched carbon species. The limitation of carbon sources could be a localized phenomenon occurring in dense plant stands (as in the older section of the core), or it may be induced by high primary productivity (as in the younger section). Since the δ13C value of the inorganic carbon source may vary, the offset between the δ13C values of nC23 and TIC could serve as a more precise proxy for carbon-limiting conditions in lacustrine environments, which could in turn be interpreted with respect to lacustrine paleo-productivity.  相似文献   

A continuous, 1,420-cm sediment record from Lake Pupuke, Auckland, New Zealand (37°S) was analysed for diatom taxonomy, concentration and flux. A New Zealand freshwater diatom transfer function was applied to infer past pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved reactive phosphorus and chlorophyll a. A precise, mixed-effect regression model of age versus depth was constructed from 11 tephra and 13 radiocarbon dates, with a basal age of 48.2?cal kyr BP. Diatom-inferred changes in paleolimnology and climate corroborate earlier inferences from geochemical analyses (Stephens et al. 2012), with respect to the timing of marked climate changes in the Last Glacial Coldest Phase (LGCP; 28.8?C18.0?cal kyr BP), the Last Glacial Interglacial Transition (LGIT; 18.0 to ca. 12?C10?cal kyr BP) and the Holocene, the onset of which is difficult to discern from LGIT amelioration, but which includes an early climatic optimum (10.2?C8.0?cal kyr BP). The LGCP is readily defined by a reduction in lake level and effective precipitation, whereas the LGIT represents a period of rising lake level, with greater biomass during the Holocene. There was limited change in diatom assemblage structure, influx or inferred water quality during a Late Glacial Reversal (LGR; 14.5?C13.8?cal kyr BP), associated with heightened erosional influx. In contrast, an LGIT peak in paleoproductivity is recorded by increased diatom influx from 13.8 to 12.8?cal kyr BP. Changes in sediment influx and biomass record complex millennial-scale events attuned to the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR; 14.5?C12.8?cal kyr BP). Additional millennial-scale environmental change is apparent in the Holocene, with marked changes in lake circulation beginning at 7.6?cal kyr BP, including the onset of seasonal thermal stratification and rapid species turnover at 5.7?cal kyr BP. The most rapid diatom community turnover accompanied widely varying nutrient availability and greater seasonality during the last 3.3?cal kyr. Rising seasonality appears to have been linked to strengthened Southern Westerlies at their northern margins during the middle and late Holocene.  相似文献   

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