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中国东部滨海平原史前文化遗址分布密集,是中国最重要的新石器文化区之一,也是稻作农业的重要起源区,环境变化记录丰富,为研究过去"人-地关系"提供了重要素材.本文统计了史前和商周时期遗址2000余处,其中年代确定的新石器遗址655处.利用DEM和GIS分析方法,对遗址点的时空分布格局进行分析,发现遗址数量的变化和时空分布在很大程度上受控于区域地貌的演化(尤其是海岸线的变化),而区域地貌的演化又受控于全新世海平面变化.早全新世早期,遗址零星分布于浙东山间盆地,远离海洋.在约9~7ka期间,中国东部滨海平原区(包括陆架区)广泛海侵,其西南和南侧为滨海的低山及岛屿,为新石器人类提供了有限的生存空间,文化类型中含有明显的"海洋成分".7ka前后是全新世海平面变化的重要转折期,海平面接近于(但是低于)现在的高度.约7ka之后海平面上升速率大幅度降低,而此时流域沉积物供给丰富,因此快速淤积成陆,海岸线东撤,陆域面积的扩大为新石器人类的生产和生活提供了广阔的空间.由于中国东部滨海平原区地势平坦,海拔很低,河网密布,又处于黄淮、江淮和钱塘江等大河的下游洪泛区,容易受到极端气候环境事件的袭扰,从而影响新石器文化的分布、迁移和演替.  相似文献   

我国北方泥河湾盆地新-旧石器文化过渡的环境背景   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国北方泥河湾盆地于家沟文化遗址古人类生存环境的分析表明,该地区属于旧石器最晚期文化的细石器出现在末次冰消期早期,并在末次冰销期后期-冰后期早期的持续温干气候环境下得到迅速的发展,而新石器文化出现在冰后期早期,并在全新世大暖期的温暖湿润的气候环境下得到迅速的发展。气候环境的变化是导致人类社会从旧石器文化向新石器文化过渡的重要原因。这一研究将有助于进一步地深入探讨史前人类文化过渡和环境演变之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部的官亭盆地史前群发性自然灾害对齐家文化时期大型聚落喇家遗址毁灭的影响是近20年备受关注的科学问题之一.研究焦点多集中在自然灾害对单一遗址的影响,该盆地内新石器-青铜时代聚落演变及其影响因素的研究则相对薄弱,该时段人地关系演化的过程与机制尚不清晰.本文依据官亭盆地内新石器-青铜时代遗址点的位置、海拔和面积,探讨盆地内该时段聚落的时空演变特征,发现仰韶文化晚期(5500~5000cal a BP),盆地内黄河三级阶地上出现4处遗址,聚落分布范围较小;马家窑文化至齐家文化时期(5300~3600cal a BP),遗址数量、聚落规模和分布范围明显增加,聚落分布整体向靠近黄河的海拔较低的区域移动;辛店文化时期(3400~2700cal a BP),遗址数量和聚落规模呈现下降趋势,聚落范围收缩,聚落分布发生空间分异,一部分向高海拔移动,另一部分则处于低海拔位置.结合研究区周边的全新世气候记录、考古及古洪水资料,显示官亭盆地新石器-青铜时代遗址数量、规模和分布范围与甘青地区史前文化的演变和分布范围密切相关,而大区域文化格局的演变又受到气候变化和农业发展的影响.新石器-青铜时代官亭盆地聚落海拔高程的空间分布则主要受到生业模式变化的影响,尚无证据显示其与古洪水事件有紧密关联.  相似文献   

通过对甘肃西山坪遗址剖面进行磁化率、粒度、元素以及C/N等参数分析,初步探讨西山坪遗址区域古环境演变以及先民活动特征.各指标参数研究结果表明:西山坪遗址沉积物源主要来自黄土高原风成沉积,环境演变特征主要分为3个研究阶段,在其时间序列上,环境演变呈现中全新世中晚期环境干凉化特征.在此气候环境条件下,先民活动进一步发展,尤...  相似文献   

我国中原地区3500 aBP前后的异常洪水事件及其气候背景   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
我国中原地区的新寨期(3550~3400 aBP)属新石器文化晚期, 是龙山文化向二里头文化(夏文化)过渡的重要时期. 通过对河南新寨遗址新寨期人类生存环境的研究, 发现这一时期是一个异常洪水时期, 洪涝灾害给当地的古代人类生存环境造成严重的威胁和破坏. 孢粉分析和氧、碳同位素测定表明, 相对于龙山期和二里头期干燥-半干燥的气候环境, 新寨期气候明显变湿. 气候的突然变湿与异常洪水事件同期出现, 说明气候的转型可能是导致洪水频发的主要原因. 这一发现不仅加深了对中原地区3500 aBP前后环境演变的认识, 而且由于此时恰好处于华夏文明起源的前夜, 因此也为探讨华夏文明起源的环境背景提供了重要的线索.  相似文献   

雷州半岛全新世高温期珊瑚生长所揭示的环境突变事件   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
通过对南海北部雷州半岛徐闻县灯楼角角孔珊瑚礁剖面(20°14.005′N, 109°55.200′E)的研究, 发现在全新世高温期存在至少9次高频率、大幅度的气候突然变冷事件, 将这一现象命名为“雷州事件”. 这一时期是雷州半岛珊瑚礁发育的适宜期, 至少可分为9个阶段, 每一阶段(即一次气候适宜期)的持续时间约20~50 a, 之后即在冬季突然出现一次低温和(或)相对低海平面事件, 导致角孔珊瑚大量死亡, 并出露遭受磨蚀, 形成间断面; 如此循环往复, 形成厚逾4 m的角孔珊瑚礁坪. 此段时间地壳分阶段性地下沉, 海平面上升. 该珊瑚礁剖面是研究中国南部热带地区全新世高温期年代际气候变化的宝贵的材料, 为全新世高温期的高频气候不稳定性演化模式提供了新的证据, 对传统的全新世大暖期的气候特征提供了新的认识.  相似文献   

青海官亭盆地喇家遗址全新世地层序列与史前灾难研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄河上游官亭盆地喇家遗址的考古发掘,揭示出史前多重灾难毁灭齐家文化聚落和人群的骇人事件,成为史前环境变化与文明演变研究领域的热点之一,也引起了学术界和各类媒体的关注.但是,围绕喇家遗址史前灾难问题产生了激烈的学术争议.究其原因,关键是对于遗址区域地表过程、沉积物性质和来源、地层序列和层位关系认知不够.文章对喇家遗址所在的黄河第二级阶地和整个官亭盆地,进行地貌学、土壤学、沉积学和地层学观察分析的基础上,系统采样,进行沉积学测试分析和年代测定,建立了晚更新世晚期-全新世地层序列和年代框架.发现其基本层序与黄土高原中东部地区相同,从下向上仍然是晚更新世马兰黄土(L_(1-1))-全新世早期黄土质过渡层(Lt)-全新世中期黑垆土(S_0)-全新世晚期黄土(L_0)-现代土壤(MS).其中,在喇家遗址齐家文化聚落废墟东部,全新世中期黑垆土层(S_0)被两组红色黏土质泥流沉积层(RC_1/RC_2)穿插,分裂成为3个亚层,即古土壤层上段(S_(0上))、中段(S_(0中))和下段(S_(0下)).通过地层对比与OSL测年和~(14)C测年数据的综合分析,表明在中全新世晚期,即3850~3600a BP,受到青藏高原边缘地带强对流天气影响,官亭盆地北部晚第三系红层丘陵沟壑地区,频繁发生高强度暴雨山洪和泥流灾害.它们沿着沟道流经古洪积扇前沿和黄河第二级阶地进入黄河河道.其中有两期多次大规模的山洪泥流过程,溢出沟槽扩散到黄河第二级阶地表面喇家遗址区域.其间还有两场多次大地震及其相关地质灾害与之相伴生,形成群发性巨大灾难事件,共同摧毁了喇家遗址的齐家文化聚落,造成居室内人群的死亡.文章建立了喇家遗址区域晚更新世晚期-全新世沉积物与土壤地层序列,分析论证了史前灾难的成因,对于深入探索黄河上游官亭盆地史前环境变化与灾害,以及人类活动影响问题具有科学意义.  相似文献   

通过分析新疆及毗邻区域全新世环境变化的时空分异,结合区域人类活动的特征,阐释了新疆全新世环境变化与人类活动的关系.结果表明,新疆天山地区的气候环境变化和欧亚草原带等地不同,欧亚草原带早中全新世湿润,晚全新世干旱;天山等地早全新世干旱,中晚全新世湿润.在畜牧渔猎经济的条件下,湿润的欧亚草原带比新疆的大多数地区更适合人类生活,文化发展更为迅速.进入晚全新世,天山等地气候湿润程度增加,绿洲农业中形成了稳定的粟黍-大麦/小麦-畜牧业的稳定的产业结构,人口迅速增长,文化繁荣.在距今4000年以前,欧亚草原带的青铜文化因素对新疆影响最大,来自甘青地区和中亚的文化要素相对较少.此时,新疆诸文化的经济特征以采集狩猎加畜牧为主,文化交流的主流是沿着阿尔泰山的南北向的交流.在距今4000年以后,沿着天山的东西方向的文化交流逐渐成为主流,农业加畜牧业的混合经济在天山山麓的绿洲地带快速发展,人口迅速增加.新疆史前文化的高峰出现在晚全新世,是气候变化的区域差异和文化交流共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

尽管中国有关稻粟混作的研究已有不少报道,但混作区内稻粟农业在先民生产生活中的地位以及在家畜饲养中的作用,其发展与文化演进和传播、古环境变化间的内在联系等关键问题,依然未能很好地解决.为此,本文对位于稻粟混作区内的湖北郧县青龙泉遗址出土的人和猪骨(3000~2600 BC屈家岭文化期和2600~2200 BC石家河文化期)进行了C,N稳定同位素分析,试图在揭示他们食物结构的基础上,探讨稻粟农业在先民和猪食物结构中的地位及其演变过程,并对稻粟的种植与文化交流以及古环境间的相互关系进行初步探索.先民的δ13C值位于-16.7‰~-12.4‰之间,平均值为-14.6‰±1.3‰(n=24),这表明先民的食物中兼具C3和C4类食物.由于遗址中同时发现了稻(C3类植物)粟(C4类植物)遗存,据此我们认为,稻粟农业均对先民的食物有所贡献,且粟作农业在先民的生活方式中占次要地位.先民的δ15N均值为9.0‰±1.2‰(n=24),表明动物类蛋白在先民的食物中占有相当的比例,但其较大的分布范围(6.6‰~10.8‰)则表明,先民的肉食来源存在相当大的差异.猪的δ13C均值(-14.3‰±2.5‰,n=13)与先民类似,而δ15N均值(7.7‰±0.6‰,n=13)稍逊于先民,表明猪的食物来源与人相近,其食物中可能含有较多的人类食物残余.对先民和猪的δ13C值和δ15N值的相关性分析结果显示皆不具有相关性,暗示先民和猪的食物来源中含有较多的植物类食物,这很可能与当时较为发达的稻粟混作农业密切相关.通过不同文化期内先民和猪食物结构的对比分析,发现粟类食物在石家河文化期人和猪食物中所占比例皆上升10%左右,反映了粟作农业明显加强,而这种变化与古环境变迁以及南北文化间的交流密切相关.当气候温暖、降水增加、屈家岭文化北进之时,稻作盛行;而在气候变冷、降水减少、北方文化南传之际,粟作加强.  相似文献   

根据云南洱海湖泊沉积岩芯多环境指标的高分辨分析, 在精确定年基础上, 建立了全新世以来洱海流域气候与环境变化的序列. 研究表明, 云南洱海地区约12950~8399 cal. a BP气候由冷湿转为暖湿, 转换时间发生在约10329 cal. a BP. 洱海湖面从约10329 cal. a BP开始扩张主要是由于全新世早期西南季风增强、降雨增多所致. 全新世中期流域气候暖湿, 最温暖期出现在约8399~6371 cal. a BP, 但由于全新世中期湖泊所在盆地内有效湿度降低, 湖面出现下降趋势. 洱海流域人类活动始于约6371 cal. a BP, 初始的人类活动方式主要以砍伐森林为主, 至大约2139 cal. a BP, 由于外来移民大量迁入该地区, 耕作农业得到广泛发展, 随后采矿业(主要为煤矿)也逐步开始.  相似文献   

从古文化遗址看阳澄湖地区环境变迁与湖群形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倪华  吉磊 《湖泊科学》1997,9(1):35-40
通过阳澄湖地区新石器时代古遗址的时空分布特征,遗址地层中沉积特征和动植物遗存,来阐明7-4kaB.P.湖区环境由水域面积较广的湖沼环境,向陆域面积逐渐扩大的环境转变,直至新石器末期,被较大规模水侵淹没的过程,阳澄湖及周围湖荡主要形成于宋代,在原娄江河道基础上,河道阻塞,洪水泛滥扩展而成湖。  相似文献   

Mixed farming of rice and millet is one of the basic agricultural modes in the upper and middle Huai River Valley(HRV). According to the latest data, this agricultural mode appeared during the middle and late Peiligang Culture(7.8–7.0 ka BP) in the upper HRV, and then became a common subsistence economy in the end of the Neolithic(5.0–4.0 ka BP) in both the upper and middle HRV. However, it is still not clear how this mixed farming developed in the upper HRV after its occurrence, nor are the regional differences in the development of mixed farming between the upper and middle HRV during the Neolithic completely understood. In this paper, flotation and starch analyses were conducted on samples from eight archaeological sites in the upper and middle HRV. The results indicate that the mixed farming of rice and millet first appeared in the later phase of the middle Neolithic in the regions of the Peiligang Culture, then developed quite rapidly in the late Neolithic(6.8–5.0 ka BP), finally becoming the main subsistence economy at the end of the Neolithic in the upper HRV. However, there are obvious differences in the emergence and development of agriculture between the middle and upper HRV. Rice farming was the only agricultural system during the middle Neolithic, lasting until the end of the Neolithic, when mixed farming appeared in the middle HRV. Furthermore, although mixed farming appeared in both the upper and middle HRV during the end of the Neolithic, the roles of rice, foxtail millet and broomcorn millet in the subsistence economy were not the same. In general, millet was more widely cultivated than rice in the upper HRV, but rice occupied the same or a slightly more prominent position in the middle HRV at the end of the Neolithic. These results are significant for understanding the process of agricultural development and transformation, as well as human adaptation to climatic and cultural variability duringthe Neolithic.  相似文献   

The East China coastal plain is one of the most important Neolithic culture areas in China, where rich archaeological sites including those producing the earliest domesticated rice are observed. It is also a place where landscape has experienced dramatic evolution during the Holocene when both sea level and climate changed, such that it is an ideal place for studying human-environment interaction. This study investigated over 2000 sites of pre-history and Shang and Zhou Dynasties, with 655 of which being Neolithic ages, by using DEM and GIS methods. The results suggest that the spatial and temporal distribution of Neolithic sites has largely been controlled by landscape evolution(particularly changes in coastal line), which ultimately governed by sea level changes. During early Holocene, Neolithic sites sparsely distributed in the intermountain basins of east Zhejiang Province, far from the influence of ocean. Over the period of 9–7 ka, the coastal plain(including the shelf) was largely submerged,only the feet of low hills to the south and southwest of the study area, and islands protruding the estuary, cradled limited number of settlements with characteristic "maritime components". At about 7 ka, sea level rise decelerated prominently, while sediments supply in the drainage remained high value, the combination of which led to land formation and propagation. Vast space during this period facilitated the growth of settlements in both size and number. In the mean time, however, the coastal plain was vulnerable to extreme environmental events such as storms and flooding owning to its geomorphic nature, which exerted great influence on the rise and fall of Neolithic culture.  相似文献   

The relationship between the paleolithic-neolithic cultural transition and environmental evolvement has been a focus of the paleoanthropologists, archeologists, and Quaternary geologists in the world. The analysis result of the paleoanthropic living environment at Yujiagou site of Nihewan Basin in the north of China shows that the microlithic culture at the Yujiagou site occurred during the opening centuries of the last deglaciation and developed markedly in the continuous warm and dry climatic conditions from late period of last deglaciation to early postglacial. Moreover, it also shows that the neolithic culture at the Yujiagou site occurred in the early postglacial and developed rapidly in a warm and humid climatic condition in the Holocene Megathermal. Climate variation is an important factor leading to the paleolithic-neolithic cultural transition.  相似文献   

宋方敏  俞维贤 《地震地质》1997,19(3):20-217
小江断裂带中段新生代发育的系列盆地,根据其发育阶段可分为始新世—渐新世、上新世—早更新世、中更新世—晚更新世和晚更新世—全新世4个阶段,并根据发育持续性可分为继承性、阶段性、复活性、新生性4种类型。由大比例尺填图所获资料及前人成果,介绍了各阶段盆地的分布特征和成因机制,讨论了盆地发育与区域构造运动、断裂活动的关系  相似文献   

华北平原东部地区晚更新世以来的孢粉序列与气候分期   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
童国榜  严富华 《地震地质》1991,13(3):259-268
本文应用图象识别方法,对华北平原东部地区(宝坻—濮阳)的五口井和一个剖面的孢粉资料进行了研究,将本区晚更新世晚期一全新世地层划分为五个孢粉组合带,七个孢粉组合亚带,共建九个孢粉植物群演化阶段。在此基础上根据植物生态特征,探讨了两万年以来的气候演变,确立了九个气候期,并发现全新世以来气候变化具有八次明显的降温及七次升温过程,存在着二千五百年及千年左右的波动周期  相似文献   

Hexi Corridor is located at the northeastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. Series of late Quaternary active faults are developed in this area. Numerous strong earthquakes occurred in history and nowadays. Jinta Nanshan fault is one of the boundary faults between the Qinghai-Tibet block and the Alxa block. The fault starts from the northwest of Wutongdun in the west, passes through Changshan, Yuanyangchi reservoir, Dakouzi, and ends in the east of Hongdun. Because the Jinta Nanshan fault is a new active fault in this region, it is important to ascertain its paleoearthquakes since late Pleistocene for the earthquake risk study. Previous studies were carried out on the western part, such as field geomorphic investigation and trench excavation, which shows strong activity in Holocene on the western segment of Jinta Nanshan fault. On the basis of the above research, in this paper, we carried out satellite image interpretation, detailed investigation of faulted landforms and differential GPS survey for the whole fault. Focusing on the middle-eastern part, we studied paleoearthquakes through trench exploration on the Holocene alluvial fan and optical luminescence dating. The main results are as follows:Early Pleistocene to late Pleistocene alluvial strata are widely developed along the fault and Holocene sediment is only about tens of centimeters thick. The Jinta Nanshan fault shows long-lasting activity since late Quaternary and reveals tens of centimeters of the lowest scarp which illustrates new strong activity on the middle-east segment of this fault. Since late Pleistocene, 4 paleoearthquakes happened respectively before(15.16±1.29) ka, before(9.9±0.5) ka, about 6ka and after(3.5±0.4) ka, revealed by 4 trenches, of which 2 are laid on relatively thicker Holocene alluvial fan. Two events occurred since middle Holocene, and both ruptured the whole fault.  相似文献   

海口地区火山活动初步研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
海口地区的马鞍岭-雷虎岭火山群是中国为数不多的几个休眠火山群之一。通过对区域火山活动期次划分、深部岩浆囊探测以及对火山类型、规模、物质组成和溶岩覆盖面积的分析,总结了海口地区火山活动的时、空、强特征。结合对火山区地震、地磁、体应变和地热等观测资料的分析,对火山区深部岩浆活动的状态进行了初步评估。研究认为海口全新世火山区最后一次火山喷发距今约4 000a左右,其现今火山活动已趋于平静,未来的火山活动可能向1605年琼州7.5级大地震震中区迁移  相似文献   

The 3 310-m-high Chia-min Lake records the climatic history since 4 ka B. P. in Taiwan. The warm/wet period before 2.2 ka B.P. seemed to correspond to the later part of the Holocene Megathermal, and the cold/dry period during 0–2.2 ka B. P. corresponded to the Katathermal. Before the termination of the Megathermal, an especially warm and humid segment (2.2–2.4 ka B. P.) emerged. The paleoclimatic records from Yuen-yang and Chi-tsai Lakes support the notion that the Megathermal in Taiwan terminated during 2—2.3 ka B. P. A warm segment (820–1 320 AD) in the Katathermal could be considered the Medieval Warm Period. The climate turned cold and dry after 1 320 AD and this indicated the onset of the Little Ice Age. These paleoclimatic variations are also in good agreement with those recorded in Great Ghost Lake.  相似文献   

Prehistoric human history on the Tibetan Plateau is a hotly debated topic. Archaeological research on the plateau during the past few decades has enormously improved our understanding of the topic and makes it possible for us to consider the processes and mechanisms of prehistoric human migration to the region. By reviewing the published archaeological research on the Tibetan Plateau, we propose that the first people on the plateau initially spread into the He-Huang region from the Chinese Loess Plateau, and then moved to the low elevation Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and perhaps subsequently to the entire plateau. This process consisted of four stages.(1) During the climatic amelioration of the Last Deglacial period(15–11.6 ka BP), Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers with a developed microlithic technology first spread into the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau.(2) In the early-mid Holocene(11.6–6 ka BP), Epipaleolithic microlithic hunter-gatherers were widely distributed on the northeastern plateau and spread southwards to the interior plateau, possibly with millet agriculture developed in the neighboring low elevation regions.(3) In the mid-late Holocene(6–4 ka BP), Neolithic millet farmers spread into low elevation river valleys in the northeastern and southeastern plateau areas.(4) In the late Holocene(4–2.3 ka BP), Bronze Age barley and wheat farmers further settled on the high elevation regions of the Tibetan Plateau, especially after 3.6 ka BP. Finally, we suggest that all of the reported Paleolithic sites earlier than the LGM on the Tibetan Plateau need further examination.  相似文献   

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