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Lake development at Sokli, northern Finland, is traced through the analysis of diatoms and other siliceous micro-fossils in a 2-meter thick minerogenic, laminated clay-silt deposit dated to the early part of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Fluctuating water levels and changes in lake extent depicted by the siliceous micro-fossil record, together with lithology, suggest that an important part of the sediment sequence was deposited in a glacial lake. The proxy-based glacial lake evolution is tested using a Digital Elevation Model and geomorphologic evidence including eskers dated to the early MIS 3 Tulppio Interstadial at Sokli. Despite the apparent ice-dammed nature of the lake, the sediment is relatively rich in fossils and there are limited signs of re-deposition of older fossil material. The siliceous micro-fossil record together with data from other proxies previously analysed in the same sediment samples provides a coherent picture of past environmental changes around the Sokli site. This is most probably due to the sheltered position of the coring-site in a lake embayment. Quantitative climate reconstructions based on the diatom record show mean July air temperatures as high as present-day values at Sokli, and the temperature ranges indicated by the diatom record are in agreement with temperature reconstructions based on chironomids. The position of Sokli in the northeastern portion of the central area of the Scandinavian glaciations and the northern retreat pattern implies that an important part of eastern Fennoscandia was deglaciated during the early MIS 3 warming event.  相似文献   

The development of a glacial lake impounded along the retreating, northeastern ice margin of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet during the last deglaciation and environmental conditions directly following the early Holocene deglaciation have been studied in NE Finland. This so‐called Sokli Ice Lake has been reconstructed previously using topographic and geomorphologic evidence. In this paper a multiproxy approach is employed to study a 3‐m‐thick sediment succession consisting of laminated silts grading into gyttja cored in Lake Loitsana, a remnant of the Sokli Ice Lake. Variations in the sediment and siliceous microfossil records indicate distinct changes in water depth and lake size in the Loitsana basin as the Sokli Ice Lake was drained through various spillways opening up along the retreating ice front. Geochemical data (XRF core‐scanning) show changes in the influence of regional catchment geochemistry (Precambrian crystalline rocks) in the glacial lake drainage area versus local catchment geochemistry (Sokli Carbonatite Massif) within the Lake Loitsana drainage area during the lake evolution. Principal component analysis on the geochemical data further suggests that grain‐size is an additional factor responsible for the variability of the sediment geochemistry record. The trophic state of the lake changed drastically as a result of morphometric eutrophication once the glacial lake developed into Lake Loitsana. The AMS radiocarbon dating on tree birch seeds found in the glaciolacustrine sediment indicates that Lake Loitsana was deglaciated sometime prior to 10 700 cal. a BP showing that tree Betula was present on the deglaciated land surrounding the glacial lake. Although glacial lakes covered large areas of northern Finland during the last deglaciation, only few glaciolacustrine sediment successions have been studied in any detail. Our study shows the potential of these sediments for multiproxy analysis and contributes to the reconstruction of environmental conditions in NE Finland directly following deglaciation in the early Holocene.  相似文献   

Helmens, K. F. & Engels, S. 2010: Ice‐free conditions in eastern Fennoscandia during early Marine Isotope Stage 3: lacustrine records. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00142.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. The traditional notion that Fennoscandia was glaciated throughout Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 4–2, from c. 70 kyr BP to the deglaciation 15–10 kyr BP ago, has been challenged during the last decade. Recent studies have shown that climate and environmental settings during MIS 3 were more dynamic than previously assumed, and lacustrine sediment bodies indicate open‐water conditions for several sites in eastern Fennoscandia. In this study, three sediment sequences from western, eastern and northeast Finland are compared in detail with respect to their chronology, vegetation reconstruction and climatic inferences. OSL‐dating places the sediments in early MIS 3. Pollen evidence suggests the presence of isolated birch trees and open birch forest close to the retreating ice margin, in contrast to vegetation reconstructions from central Europe, which indicate tree‐less vegetation. Furthermore, reconstructions of climate using transfer functions have yielded surprising results, indicating present‐day summer temperatures in northeast Finland. The combined results suggest ice‐free and warm conditions in major parts of eastern Fennoscandia in early MIS 3, possibly during Greenland Interstadial (GIS) 14 around 53 kyr BP ago.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a detailed well‐dated Lateglacial floristic colonisation in the eastern Baltic area, ca. 14 000–9000 cal. a BP, using palynological, macrofossil, loss‐on‐ignition, and 14C data. During 14 000–13 400 cal. a BP, primarily treeless pioneer tundra vegetation existed. Tree birch (Betula sect. Albae) macro‐remains and a high tree pollen accumulation rate indicate the presence of forest‐tundra with birch and possibly pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees during 13 400–12 850 cal. a BP. Palaeobotanical data indicate that the colonisation and development of forested areas were very rapid, arising within a period of less than 50 years. Thus far, there are no indications of conifer macrofossils in Estonia to support the presence of coniferous forests in the Lateglacial period. Signs of Greenland Interstadial 1b cooling during 13 100 cal. a BP are distinguishable. Biostratigraphic evidence indicates that the vegetation was again mostly treeless tundra during the final colder episode of the Lateglacial period associated with Greenland Stadial 1, approximately 12 850–11 650 cal. a BP. This was followed by onset of the Holocene vegetation, with the expansion of boreal forests, in response to rapid climatic warming. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lake and peat deposits from the Timan Ridge, Arctic Russia, were pollen analysed, reconstructing the vegetation history and paleoenvironment since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 20–18,000 years ago. The sites studied are located inside the margins of a large paleolake of about 20 km2, by us named Lake Timan. This lake developed in the Late Weichselian, more than 30,000 years after the deglaciation of this region, and was formed due to increased precipitation and warmer summers that accelerated the melting of stagnant ice within its catchment. The lake was drained during the early Holocene when the outlet rivers eroded the spillways. A new generation of much smaller lakes formed during the Holocene when the last remnants of buried glacier ice melted away causing the exposed floor of Lake Timan to subside. Since deglaciation, the following regional vegetation development has been recorded: (1) During the initial stage of Lake Timan, the dominant vegetation was discontinuous steppe/tundra, with patches of snow bed vegetation. (2) A dwarf-shrub tundra established during the Late Weichselian interstadial (Allerød), probably reflecting warmer and moister conditions. (3) The Younger Dryas cooling is recognised by a reversal to steppe/tundra and snowbeds on unstable mineral-soils, and higher palynological richness. (4) Soon after the transition into the Holocene, a birch-forest established on the Timan Ridge. (5) A cooling starting around 8200 cal.years BP initiated the deforestation of the exposed hills. In the most protected sites, birch trees persisted until later than 4000 years ago, reflecting a gradual development into the present treeless dwarf-shrub tundra.  相似文献   

A 30 m-deep drill core from a glacially overdeepened trough in Northern Switzerland recovered a ~180 ka old sedimentary succession that provides new insights into the timing and nature of erosion–sedimentation processes in the Swiss lowlands. The luminescence-dated stratigraphic succession starts at the bottom of the core with laminated carbonate-rich lake sediments reflecting deposition in a proglacial lake between ~180 and 130 ka ago (Marine Isotope Stage MIS 6). Anomalies in geotechnical properties and the occurrence of deformation structures suggest temporary ice contact around 140 ka. Up-core, organic content increases in the lake deposits indicating a warming of climate. These sediments are overlain by a peat deposit characterised by pollen assemblages typical of the late Eemian (MIS 5e). An abrupt transition following this interglacial encompasses a likely hiatus and probably marks a sudden lowering of the water level. The peat unit is overlain by deposits of a cold unproductive lake dated to late MIS 5 and MIS 4, which do not show any direct influence from glaciers. An upper peat unit, the so-called «Mammoth peat», previously encountered in construction pits, interrupts this cold lacustrine phase and marks more temperate climatic conditions between 60 and 45 ka (MIS 3). In the upper part of the core, a succession of fluvial and alluvial deposits documents the Late Glacial and Holocene sedimentation in the basin. The sedimentary succession at Wehntal confirms that the glaciation during MIS 6 did not apparently cause the overdeepening of the valley, as the lacustrine basin fill covering most of MIS 6 is still preserved. Consequently, erosion of the basin is most likely linked to an older glaciation. This study shows that new dating techniques combined with palaeoenvironmental interpretations of sediments from such overdeepened troughs provide valuable insights into the past glacial history.  相似文献   

A 33,000-yr pollen record from Carp Lake provides information on the vegetation history of the forest/steppe border in the southwestern Columbia Basin. The site is located in the Pinus ponderosa Zone but through much of late Quaternary time the area was probably treeless. Pollen assemblages in sediments dating from 33,000 to 23,500 yr B.P. suggest a period of temperate climate and steppe coinciding with the end of the Olympia Interglaciation. The Fraser Glaciation (ca. 25,000–10,000 yr B.P.) was a period of periglacial steppe or tundra vegetation and conditions too dry and cold to support forests at low altitudes. Aridity is also inferred from the low level of the lake between 21,000 and 8500 yr B.P., and especially after about 13,500 yr B.P. About 10,000 yr B.P. Chenopodiineae and other temperate taxa spread locally, providing palynological evidence for a shift from cold, dry to warm, dry conditions. Pine woodland developed at the site with the onset of humid conditions at 8500 yr B.P.; further cooling is suggested at 4000 yr B.P., when Pseudotsuga and Abies were established locally.  相似文献   

Engels, S., Helmens, K. F., Väliranta, M., Brooks, S. J. & Birks, H. J. B. 2010: Early Weichselian (MIS 5d and 5c) temperatures and environmental changes in northern Fennoscandia as recorded by chironomids and macroremains at Sokli, northeast Finland. Boreas, Vol. 39, pp. 689–704. 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00163.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. A 25‐m‐long sediment record spanning the time from the Eemian to the Holocene was recovered from Sokli, northeast Finland. This study focuses on a 6‐m‐long sediment interval that is dated to the Early Weichselian period (MIS 5d and 5c) and consists of lacustrine and fluvial deposits. Using chironomid remains, botanical and zoological macroremains as well as sediment lithology, we were able to reconstruct past changes in the environment, including climate. The results indicate that the site was situated on a flood‐plain during the latter stages of MIS 5d (Herning Stadial) and that summer temperatures might have been ~6 °C lower than at present. Although this value should be treated with caution, as numerical analysis shows that it has a very poor fit‐to‐temperature, this low reconstructed value concurs with several other reconstructions that are available from western Europe. During MIS 5c (Brørup interstadial), the depositional environment changed into a lake system, initially with stratification of the water and subsequently with complete mixing and a strong influence of streams. Both chironomid‐based and macroremain‐based temperature inferences indicate past July air temperatures that were significantly higher than at present. This result is in contrast to other (low‐resolution) reconstructions from northern Fennoscandia that indicate past temperatures 6–7 °C lower than present using fossil coleopteran assemblages. However, several central European sites indicate that there was a phase during the Brørup interstadial that was characterized by high summer temperatures, and a comparison between the high‐resolution reconstructions from western Europe and the results presented in this study suggests that the north–south July air temperature gradient between the mid‐ and high‐latitudes was much weaker during the Brørup interstadial than it is at present. High solar insolation values (particularly the obliquity) during the Brørup interstadial might explain the low summer temperature gradient over the European continent. A return to fluvial conditions occurred in the upper parts of the sediment sequence, and, after a brief interval of gyttja deposition under cooling conditions, the site became glaciated during MIS 5b.  相似文献   

Lake Ladoga hosts preglacial sediments, although the Eurasian ice sheet overrode the area during the LGM. These sediments were first discovered by a seismic survey and are investigated using a 22.75‐m‐long core. Its upper 13.30 m comprise Holocene and Lateglacial sediments separated from the lower 11.45 m of preglacial sediments by a hiatus. They consist of highly terrigenous lacustrine sediments, which according to OSL dating, were deposited during an early stage of the last ice age (MIS 5). The palynological data allow a first reconstruction of the Early Weichselian environmental history for northwestern Russia. Birch and alder forests with broad‐leaved taxa dominated during MIS 5d (c. 118–113 ka), suggesting a climate more favourable than in the Holocene. A high content of well‐sorted sands and poorly preserved palynomorphs indicates a shallow‐water environment at least temporarily. More fine‐grained sediments and better preserved organic remains suggest deeper water environments at the core location during MIS 5c (c. 113–88 ka). Pine and spruce became dominant, while broad‐leaved taxa started to disappear, especially after c. 90 ka, pointing to a gradual climate cooling. An increase in open herb‐dominated habitats at the beginning of MIS 5b (c. 88–86 ka) reflects a colder and dryer climate. However, later (c. 86–82 ka) pine and spruce again became more common. Birch and alder forests dominated in the area c. 82–80 ka (beginning of MIS 5a). Although open treeless habitats also became more common at this time, a slight increase in hazel may point to somewhat warmer climate conditions coinciding with the beginning of MIS 5a. The studied sediments also contain numerous remains of freshwater algae and cysts of marine and brackish‐water dinoflagellates and acritarchs documenting that the present lake basin was part of a brackish‐water basin during the Early Weichselian, probably as a gulf of the Pre‐Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Geomorphic evidence suggests that shorelines of 100–200 m above the modern lake levels were common across the Tibetan Plateau during late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. The timing of this lake‐level highstand is mainly based on radiocarbon ages. Problems surrounding the ages of lacustrine sediments at or beyond the limit of the radiocarbon‐dating method have created a need for alternative geochronometers. Chronological advances during the last decade have renewed interest in the timing of events beyond the limit of radiocarbon dating. Here, we synthesize published data for elevated lacustrine landforms of 48 lakes on the Tibetan Plateau, in order to provide a thorough perspective on the timing and pattern of lake‐level changes in this alpine area during the late Quaternary. The ages of these elevated shore features reveal a long‐term trend of relative lake‐level fall from at least MIS 5, instead of a peak in MIS 3, as previously thought. Dating lacustrine terrace sequences reveals that the rate of lake‐level fall ranged from ~1 to 3 mm a?1, comparable with that of related river downcutting across the plateau. Palaeoclimatic proxy records point to a sustained drying since the Last Interglacial, suggesting that long‐term aridification might be the culprit for this widespread and progressive lake‐level fall.  相似文献   

利用廊坊东A27钻孔岩心资料,样品微体生物、孢粉特征综合分析,结合AMS14C测年,对永定河中下游地区MIS7以来的地层进行分析,建立了MIS7以来的沉积地层格架,并对其进行了年代厘定,讨论了该地区大约MIS7阶段以来氧同位素分期气候下的地层及环境效应.结果表明,永定河中下游地区晚第四纪可划分为U1~U8共8个沉积单元...  相似文献   

Thermokarst lakes are a widespread feature of the Arctic tundra, in which highly dynamic processes are closely connected with current and past climate changes. We investigated late Quaternary sediment dynamics, basin and shoreline evolution, and environmental interrelations of Lake El'gene‐Kyuele in the NE Siberian Arctic (latitude 71°17′N, longitude 125°34′E). The water‐body displays thaw‐lake characteristics cutting into both Pleistocene Ice Complex and Holocene alas sediments. Our methods are based on grain size distribution, mineralogical composition, TOC/N ratio, stable carbon isotopes and the analysis of plant macrofossils from a 3.5‐m sediment profile at the modern eastern lake shore. Our results show two main sources for sediments in the lake basin: terrigenous diamicton supplied from thermokarst slopes and the lake shore, and lacustrine detritus that has mainly settled in the deep lake basin. The lake and its adjacent thermokarst basin rapidly expanded during the early Holocene. This climatically warmer than today period was characterized by forest or forest tundra vegetation composed of larches, birch trees and shrubs. Woodlands of both the HTM and the Late Pleistocene were affected by fire, which potentially triggered the initiation of thermokarst processes resulting later in lake formation and expansion. The maximum lake depth at the study site and the lowest limnic bioproductivity occurred during the longest time interval of ~7 ka starting in the Holocene Thermal Maximum and lasting throughout the progressively cooler Neoglacial, whereas partial drainage and an extensive shift of the lake shoreline occurred ~0.9 cal. ka BP. Correspondingly, this study discusses different climatic and environmental drivers for the dynamics of a thermokarst basin.  相似文献   

The Holocene environmental history of the eastern slope of the Polar Ural Mountains has been reconstructed using pollen, spores, algae and other microfossils from the Chernaya Gorka palsa section (67°05'N, 65°21'E, 170 m a.s.l.). An initial oligotrophic lake was formed at the study site c. 9800-9500 14C yr BP. Although tundra communities dominated the vegetation in the area, birch and larch trees might have grown at lower elevations. Dry and disturbed soil habitats also occurred around the lake. Algae (mostly Pediastrum and Botryococcus) started to expand in the lake as climate gradually improved after c. 9500 14C yr BP. However, the role of mosses (mostly Calliergon and Drepanocladus) was most important for the infilling of the lake basin. Increased temperatures and subsequent improvement of hydrological conditions resulted in vegetation changes: stands of willows developed rapidly and the role of tree birch in the local vegetation increased. The lake was completely filled at c. 8600 14C yr BP. Peat accumulation started with Bryales mosses and, later, Sphagnum became dominant. Stands of Larix, Picea and Betula became well developed during the Boreal climate optimum. Tree birch began to spread into the tundra. Different Bryales mosses formed peat c. 8000-6500 14C yr BP. Cyperaceae later became the main peat-forming element. Dense spruce canopies with Larix sibirica and Betula pubescens surrounded the study site during the Atlantic period, pointing to the warmest climate during the Holocene. Summer temperatures might have been up to 3-4°C higher than today. However, a decline of spruce and an increase of birch around 6700-6300 14C yr BP may reflect some climate deterioration. There are no dated deposits younger than 6000 14C yr BP. It is assumed that Subboreal climate deterioration resulted in the development of permafrost and formation of the palsa at the site. The deposits, now protruding above the surrounding terrain, were eroded by wind, water and cryogenic processes.  相似文献   

A 14-m-thick section of marine and nonmarine sediments of the Gubik Formation of northern Alaska, exposed in bluffs near Ocean Point on the Colville River, has been studied by means of pollen analysis. Pollen from the marine sediments, of probable late Pliocene age, records a boreal forest of spruce and birch with minor amounts of alder in the adjacent terrestrial vegetation. Pine and perhaps true fir were probably at or near their northern limit here, but hemlocks and hardwoods were absent. The suggested environment for the Arctic Slope during the time represented by the marine sediments is similar to that of present-day Anchorage. Pollen floras from the overlying fluvial strata, of early or middle Pleistocene age, record predominantly herbaceous taxa indicating tundra conditions probably more severe than those of the present day. These deposits were most likely contemporaneous with glacial conditions in the Brooks Range to the south. Pollen of woody taxa (spruce, alder, birch, heaths) is rare through most of the section, although birch and alder percentages similar to those found in modern river sediments indicate an interstadial or interglacial warming in midsection. Inland climates during glacial episodes may have been similar to those of the present Arctic coast.  相似文献   

At least five Middle to Late Pleistocene advances of the northern Cordilleran Ice Sheet are preserved at Silver Creek, on the northeastern edge of the St Elias Mountains in southwest Yukon, Canada. Silver Creek is located 100 km up‐ice of the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 McConnell glacial limit of the St Elias lobe. This site contains ~3 km of nearly continuous lateral exposure of glacial and non‐glacial sediments, including multiple tills separated by thick gravel, loess and tilted lake beds. Infrared‐stimulated luminescence (IRSL) and AMS radiocarbon dating constrain the glacial deposits to MIS 2, 4, either MIS 6 or mid‐MIS 7, and two older Middle Pleistocene advances. This chronology and the tilt of the lake beds suggest Pleistocene uplift rates of up to 1.9 mm a?1 along the Denali Fault since MIS 7. The non‐glacial sediment consists of sand, gravel, loess and organic beds from MIS 7, MIS 3 and the early Holocene. The MIS 3 deposits date to between 30–36 14C ka BP, making Silver Creek one of the few well‐constrained MIS 3‐aged sites in Yukon. This confirms that ice receded close to modern limits in MIS 3. Pollen and macrofossil analyses show that a meadow‐tundra to steppe‐tundra mosaic with abundant herbs and forbs and few shrubs or trees, dominated the environment at this time. The stratigraphy at Silver Creek provides a palaeoclimatic record since at least MIS 8 and comprises the oldest direct record of Pleistocene glaciation in southwest Yukon.  相似文献   

We present a high‐resolution reconstruction of the vegetation and climate dynamics during the penultimate interglacial, corresponding with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 7, based on detailed palynological analyses of lacustrine sediments from Lake El'gygytgyn, northeastern Siberia. The analysed sediments were deposited between 246 and 181 ka ago (late MIS 8 to early MIS 6.6). The interglacial vegetation was characterized by herb and shrub (mainly alder and birch) dominated plant communities. Pollen‐based biome reconstruction shows a dominance of the tundra (TUND) biome, thus indicating rather open vegetation. Warmer intervals (MIS 7.5, 7.3 and 7.1) were marked by an increase in the cold deciduous forest (CLDE) biome scores and a synchronous decrease in the cold steppe (STEP) biome scores. The thermal maximum occurred during MIS 7.1, as indicated by the highest CLDE biome scores occurring in this period, and lasted ~10 ka, possibly favoured by the high precession‐related summer insolation and the legacy of the preceding mild and dry stadial (MIS 7.2). In contrast, MIS 7.3 and 7.5 were characterized by shorter durations (~4 ka) and lower summer temperatures. The preceding cold glacial and stadial (MIS 8 and 7.4, respectively) might have led to an extensive distribution of permafrost that hindered vegetation development during the subsequent warm intervals. MIS 7.4 and 6.6 were cold and wet, probably triggered by low obliquity values and coevally low precession‐related summer insolation. As a result, these periods were marked by significantly reduced summer temperatures and an enhanced snow‐ice albedo feedback. The obtained reconstructions provide potential scenarios for future climate changes and allow a better understanding of the relationship between vegetation, climate and external/internal forcings in the high latitudes.  相似文献   

A pollen analytical investigation of the sediments of Berry Pond, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, has demonstrated a sequence of pollen assemblage zones similar to those detected elsewhere in New England. From about 13,000 to 12,000 yr B.P. the vegetation of the region was treeless, probably tundra. By 11,500 yr tundra had been replaced by open boreal forest. Closed boreal forest became dominant by 10,500 yr. Boreal forests were replaced by mixed coniferous and deciduous forests with much white pine about 9600 yr ago. A “northern hardwoods” complex with much hemlock, beech, and sugar maple succeeded the mixed forests 8600 yr ago. Hemlock declined very rapidly approximately 4800 yr ago and was replaced by birch, oak, beech, ash, and red maple. This decline may have been biologically rather than climatically induced. There is a slight maximum of pine (much of it pitch pine) from 4100 to 2600 yr ago, perhaps indicative of warmer and/or drier conditions. There were slight changes in the forests about 1600 yr ago as chestnut immigrated and spruce and larch increased slightly. European land clearance and subsequent land abandonment are detectable in the uppermost levels.  相似文献   

Lake-level changes inferred from seismic surveying and core sampling of the floor of Lake Baikal near the Selenga River delta can be used to constrain regional climatic history and appear to be correlated to global climate changes represented by marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS). The reflection pattern and correlation to the isotope stages indicate that the topset and progradational foreset sediments of the deltas formed during periods of stable lake levels and warm climatic conditions. During warm stages, the lake level was high, and during cold stages it was low. The drop in the lake level due to cooling from MIS 5 through MIS 4 is estimated to be 33-38 m; from MIS 3 through MIS 2, it fell an additional 11-15 m. Because the lake level is chiefly controlled by evaporation and river input, we infer that more water was supplied to Lake Baikal during warm stages.  相似文献   

Our knowledge about the glaciation history in the Russian Arctic has to a large extent been based on geomorphological mapping supplemented by studies of short stratigraphical sequences found in exposed sections. Here we present new geochronological data from the Polar Ural Mountains along with a high‐resolution sediment record from Bolshoye Shchuchye, the largest and deepest lake in the mountain range. Seismic profiles show that the lake contains a 160‐m‐thick sequence of unconsolidated lacustrine sediments. A well‐dated 24‐m‐long core from the southern end of the lake spans the last 24 cal. ka. From downward extrapolation of sedimentation rates we estimate that sedimentation started about 50–60 ka ago, most likely just after a large glacier had eroded older sediments from the basin. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating (10Be) of boulders and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments indicate that this part of the Ural Mountains was last covered by a coherent ice‐field complex during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4. A regrowth of the glaciers took place during a late stage of MIS 3, but the central valleys remained ice free until the present. The presence of small‐ and medium‐sized glaciers during MIS 2 is reflected by a sequence of glacial varves and a high sedimentation rate in the lake basin and likewise from 10Be dating of glacial boulders. The maximum extent of the mountain glaciers during MIS 2 was attained prior to 24 cal. ka BP. Some small present‐day glaciers, which are now disappearing completely due to climate warming, were only slightly larger during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as compared to AD 1953. A marked decrease in sedimentation rate around 18–17 cal. ka BP indicates that the glaciers then became smaller and probably disappeared altogether around 15–14 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   

郑勇  王亚军  孔屏 《地质科学》2009,44(3):1036-1051
位于扬子地块西缘的攀枝花地区昔格达组湖相沉积及其下伏河流相砾石比较发育。湖相沉积具有较高的SiO2含量和Al2O3/SiO2比值,显示其载体沉积物具有较高成熟度,表明经历了长距离的搬运。主元素、稀土(REE)和微量元素分析结果揭示昔格达组湖相沉积物源形成于典型的大陆岛弧构造背景,主要来自松潘-甘孜造山带义敦岛弧花岗岩区。Eu/La?Yb/La判别图与Zr/Y比值进一步证实昔格达组湖相沉积分别来自于金沙江上游及雅砻江上游,说明昔格达古湖形成时金沙江上游已被袭夺。昔格达组下伏河流相砾石REE、微量元素分析结果显示其形成于被动大陆边缘构造背景,说明其是由雅砻江经扬子板块边缘花岗岩区携载而来。昔格达组湖相沉积与其下伏河流相砾石的不同物源特征表明伴随着昔格达古湖的形成,金沙江河流经历了演化史上的巨变。  相似文献   

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