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红树林遥感智能分类方法研究 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
利用GIS信息中的红树林地域分布规律作向导,充分利用械树林区的光谱信息进行红树林植被信息提取。在对比研究常规的红树林图象自理方法的基础上,提出了适用于红树林植被信息遥感监测的智能分类方法。 相似文献
传统的基于象元的分类方法在处理海岸带这类动态多变、混杂度大的地物时常出现“椒盐现象”,难以矢量化形成专题图。提出了一种新的遥感图像分类方法——基于分割图斑的分类法,即选择一个合适的尺度,利用光谱信息按照一定的策略将图像分割为一系列的图斑,并确保图斑内大多数象元的光谱特征相近,分别对图斑内诸象元进行统计,求出各个波段的均值,用该均值替换图斑内所有象元的原始亮度值,这样分类时可以确保同一图斑内的所有象元被分到同一个类别中,从而有效地避免了“椒盐现象”,使分类结果便于矢量化成图,也便于对特定地物的提取。实验结果表明,该方法还能在一定程度上提高分类精度。 相似文献
《Coastal Engineering》2007,54(6-7):493-505
This contribution evaluates the application of coastal video systems to monitoring and management of coastal stability problems on sandy coastlines. Specifically, video-derived parameters (coastal state indicators or CSIs) are developed which facilitate the measurement of the shoreline evolution (erosion/accretion) and response to storms, seasonal cycles and anthropogenic interventions like beach/shoreface nourishment and dredging. The primary variable which forms the basis for all the CSIs discussed in this contribution is the shoreline position derived from time-averaged video images. These waterlines are used to generate secondary products including shoreline contours at a constant pre-defined level, (intertidal) beach volumes, and momentary shoreline positions which reflect the sand volume in a meter wide section of the intertidal coast. Video-derived coastal state indicators were verified via comparisons with traditional topographical/bathymetric surveying techniques and a good agreement was found in all cases. CSIs were computed for three contrasting sandy coastal environments including an unprotected natural beach, a protected beach and a spit. Firstly, results are presented which demonstrate the advantages of coastal video systems over and above infrequent traditional topographic/bathymetric surveying methods. Namely, the ability of video-derived CSIs to quantify the magnitude, accurate location, precise timing and rates of change associated with individual extreme events and seasonal variability in the wave climate. Secondly, video-derived coastal state indicators were used to monitor two different types of human intervention, including beach nourishments and a dredged pit in a navigation channel. The video-derived datasets of coastal state indicators offered significant improvement to current CZM practices, facilitating better timing of management interventions as well as more effective monitoring of the spatial impact and longevity of these actions. 相似文献
海草的卫星遥感研究进展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
海草、沙滩、砾石以及淤泥等不同底质类型对光谱的反射率不同,通过卫星遥感检测反射率的变化可以鉴别海草等底质类型。由于海草体内含有叶绿素a、叶绿素b以及花青素和叶黄素等色素,通过检测这些色素的光谱可以对海草分布以及生存状态进行卫星遥感检测。主要从多光谱、高光谱等角度对近岸光学浅水中海草的卫星遥感以及国内对海草和水体生物光学研究状况等方面进行阐述,并对未来的研究趋势进行展望。 相似文献
Ocean dynamical processes exist over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. Remotely stationed acoustic devices are being used to "sense" the interior of the oceans at previously unattainable scales. The method is similar to computer-aided tomography (CAT) scans of the brain, but the measurement difficulties are far more severe. The results of a demonstration experiment are reviewed and some directions for acoustic oceanography are discussed. 相似文献
基于组分反演的高光谱潮间带表层沉积物自动分类研究 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
利用星载高光谱遥感影像数据Hyperion并结合现场采样粒度分析资料,对潮间带表层沉积物类型的自动分类进行了研究.根据低潮位下沉积物的短波红外光谱反射率与沉积物组分(沙、粉砂、黏土)含量之间的强相关关系,选择2102nm为特征波段,建立了高光谱定量遥感反演模型,获取初步的逐像元沙、粉砂和黏土含量,然后采用线性均衡化处理方法对初步反演结果进行修正,并结合Shepard三角分类法建立对照表,自动确定出每一像元对应的沉积物类型,得到研究区潮间带表层沉积物的空间分布特征,总体分类验证精度为87.9%.研究结果表明,研究区分布着三种沉积物,分别为粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂和粉砂,所占比例分别为18.9%,64.6%和16.5%,它们的空间分布趋势与研究区内的植被分布状况、水动力条件以及沉积物来源密切相关. 相似文献
潮滩沉积物中的水分掩盖了沉积物本身的光谱信息,不利于沉积物遥感分类。利用江苏大丰潮滩沉积物在不同含水量下的398条实测光谱曲线数据,基于线性光谱分解方法定量化分析了沉积物光谱对含水量变化的响应,建立削弱水分影响的潮滩表层沉积物组分(砂、粉砂、黏土)含量反演模型,应用于Hyperion高光谱遥感影像,获得沉积物组分的空间分布,并结合Shepard三角分类法实现了潮滩表层沉积物的自动分类。研究结果表明:(1)当沉积物含水量增加时,沉积物光谱中水分权重以含水量的2倍速率增加,含水量大于25%,则水分对光谱的影响占主导作用;(2)2 143 nm波段反射率对沉积物的含水量变化敏感,利用2 143 nm波段反射率进行潮滩沉积物的含水量反演,模型拟合度r2可达0.81;(3)983,1 134 nm波段反射率对沉积物组分含量反演敏感,将含水量与沉积物组分敏感波段一起建立多元线性回归方程,可有效削弱水分的影响,适用于高含水量潮滩区的沉积物组分含量反演;(4)将组分反演结果结合Shepard分类,可实现潮滩沉积物分类,得到潮滩沉积物类型的空间分布特征,分类精度为75.93%,Kappa系数为0.6。 相似文献
本文从遥感信息机理出发,探讨遥感技术在海域勘界中的应用:综合运用遥感图像的分类技术获取涉界区的资源空间分布和利用现状,利用影像的空间结构和纹理特征获取地形地貌特征信息,利用地理位置精校正的影像进行海岸线修测,通过不同时期的遥感影像获取岸滩动态变化,进行岸滩稳定性评估.在福建泉州海域应用结果表明:采用遥感技术可快速、客观、准确地获取支撑海域勘界所需的空间信息,但定位精度主要依赖于遥感数据的空间分辨率,而且由于遥感数据以像元阵列表示空间分布,较小的码头、潮沟、岛礁等地物可能与其他地物构成混合像元而未能被识别出来. 相似文献
中国海洋卫星遥感技术进展 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
新中国成立70年来,中国在海洋卫星遥感技术领域取得了丰硕成果。中国制定了长远的自主海洋卫星发展规划,构建了海洋水色、海洋动力环境和海洋监视监测三大系列的海洋卫星,逐步形成了以中国自主卫星为主导的海洋空间监测网,在中国海洋资源与环境监测、海洋防灾减灾、海洋安全管理等方面发挥了重要作用。本文回顾了中国在海洋水色、海洋微波(海洋动力环境)卫星遥感技术的发展历程,重点介绍了中国在海洋卫星遥感技术领域所取得的新成果,并对中国海洋卫星遥感技术的未来发展进行了展望。 相似文献
Xiao-Gang Xing Dong-Zhi Zhao Yu-Guang Liu Jian-Hong Yang Peng Xiu Lin Wang 《Ocean Science Journal》2007,42(1):49-59
Besides empirical algorithms with the blue-green ratio, the algorithms based on fluorescence are also important and valid
methods for retrieving chlorophyll-a concentration in the ocean waters, especially for Case II waters and the sea with algal
blooming. This study reviews the history of initial cognitions, investigations and detailed approaches towards chlorophyll
fluorescence, and then introduces the biological mechanism of fluorescence remote sensing and main spectral characteristics
such as the positive correlation between fluorescence and chlorophyll concentration, the red shift phenomena. Meanwhile, there
exist many influence factors that increase complexity of fluorescence remote sensing, such as fluorescence quantum yield,
physiological status of various algae, substances with related optical property in the ocean, atmospheric absorption etc.
Based on these cognitions, scientists have found two ways to calculate the amount of fluorescence detected by ocean color
sensors: fluorescence line height and reflectance ratio. These two ways are currently the foundation for retrieval of chlorophyl
l - a concentration in the ocean. As the in-situ measurements and synchronous satellite data are continuously being accumulated,
the fluorescence remote sensing of chlorophyll-a concentration in Case II waters should be recognized more thoroughly and
new algorithms could be expected. 相似文献
黄河三角洲湿地是我国暖温带最广阔、最完整、最年轻的滨海湿地,是黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展的重要组成部分,具有重要的生态保护和科学研究价值。物种多样、生境复杂、变化剧烈是黄河三角洲湿地的重要特点,高光谱遥感是黄河三角洲湿地生态监测的重要技术手段。本文首先阐述了高光谱遥感在河口湿地开展植被、土壤和水质等基本要素监测方面的优势,之后重点综述了其在黄河三角洲滨海湿地开展植被遥感监测、土壤参数反演和水质参数反演的研究进展,最后基于黄河三角洲湿地生态监测现状,提出了高光谱遥感的未来需求和发展展望。 相似文献
我国卫星海洋遥感监测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
卫星遥感是20世纪50年代发展起来的一种新技术.运用这项新技术,可以对浩瀚的海洋进行实时、全方位的立体监测,长期获得稳定可靠的海洋观测资料.本文介绍了我国卫星海洋遥感监测现状,包括对海上台风、海洋赤潮、海冰、溢油、海温、海岸带等方面的监测,还简要介绍了我国海洋卫星和海洋卫星遥感监测的未来发展. 相似文献
基于ENVI 的唐山湾三岛土地利用遥感分类方法的比较分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对唐山湾三岛2010年10月10 m分辨率的SPOT5多光谱数据源,采用不同分类方法进行识别和判断,并对比不同分类器在遥感影像分类中的应用效果和分类精度。有针对性地探究海岛土地利用遥感分类过程中不同方法的优劣,获取最适于岛陆地区土地利用的遥感分类方法。根据土地利用现状分类标准(GB/T21010-2007)和海岛陆域土地利用类型划分的相关规定,将唐山湾三岛主要分为滩涂、裸地、林地、草地、居住区、内陆水体和潮间带(潮水覆盖区)6类。并分别构建结合人为控制的非监督分类、监督分类和基于专家知识的决策树分类系统,参照更高分辨率影像、先验知识和野外调查资料,评价分类结果与实地调查结果的吻合程度,最终通过总体分类精度和Kappa系数等指标对各分类器精度进行评价和对比分析。 相似文献
本文介绍了厦门岛市区机动车流遥感监测的实施目的和方法,通过航空影像有关题信息解译与实例、专题图件编制以及统计资料的对比分析,认为:目前厦门岛市区交通主要存在着机动车增长过速、道路狭窄和会计室场少且分布不合理等三个方面的问题,文中提出了相应的建议。体现了航空遥感对于中、大比例尺城市动态监测快速有效的特点。 相似文献
After many years' endeavor of research and application practice, the ocean color remote sensing in China has been growing into a new technique with valuable practicality from its initiate stage of trial research. With the aim of operational service, several kinds of ocean color remote sensing application systems have been developed and realized the long-term marine environmental monitoring utilizing the real-time or near real-time satellite and airborne remote sensing data. New progresses in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing in China are described, including the research of key techniques and the development of various application systems. Meanwhile, according to the application status and demand, the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward. With Chinese second ocean color satellite ( HY-1 B) orbiting on 11 April 2007 and the development of airborne ocean color remote sensing system for Chinese surveillance planes, great strides will take place in Chinese ocean color remote sensing application with the unique function in marine monitoring, resources management and national security, etc. 相似文献
The status of obtaining geophysical observations through the interpretation of satellite data over sea ice is discussed. It is pointed out that the community working in this area has grown in size and sophistication over the last decade, that the connection between microscopic properties of ice and its microwave behavior is now being understood, and that a good deal of accurate satellite-derived information on sea ice can now be obtained. Areas of ongoing, as well as needed, work are outlined, especially in the understanding of first-year and old-ice microwave properties, and it is pointed out that the efficient advance of remote sensing will require more active participation of scientists focused on in situ studies 相似文献