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Lake-level fluctuations in the Jura mountains (France) during the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene are reconstructed using sedimentological analyses. Major transgressive phases culminated just before the Laacher See tephra deposition, at the beginning of the Younger Dryas, between 9000 and 8000 BP and between 7000 and 6000 BP. The Younger Dryas appears to be characterized by increasing dryness. Other major lowering phases occurred during the middle Allerød and during the Preboreal. A transgressive event developed between c . 9700 and 9500 BP. These palaeohydrological changes can be related to climatic oscillations reconstructed from pollen and isotopic records in Swiss lakes, from glacier movements and timberline variations in the Alps, and from isotopic records in the Greenland ice sheet.  相似文献   

Though numerous analyses have been made of Holocene pollen sequences, they come from similar environmental contexts, mainly peat deposits. Land snails can provide good palaeoecological and palaeoclimatical data in different drier environmental settings. The Verrières deposits, located in the Seine Valley, southeast of Paris, provide rich and abundant malacofaunas. We compare the well–defined local biostratigraphy with other mollusc stratigraphies from Burgundy, the closet site to the studied region. Multivariate analysis of the malacofaunas indicates that temperature and moisture did not always vary in parallel during the Holocene. On the other hand, Verrières malacofaunas reflect the main Holocene changes, as observed in the classical pollen series, confirming the reliability of the local biostratigraphy. The younger Dryas in Verrières was cold and cry. This was followed by the Preboreal phase, which is not well preserved at Verrières, but shows cool and humid conditions. The Boreal and Subboreal both show a cold and moist event bounded by two temperature phases. The Atlantic is also divided into two temperate phases by a cool and moist event. The Subatlantic shows temperature oscillations with cool peaks, but moisture shows a continuous trend to dryness.  相似文献   

Northern Folgefonna (c. 23 km2), is a nearly circular maritime ice cap located on the Folgefonna Peninsula in Hardanger, western Norway. By combining the position of marginal moraines with AMS radiocarbon dated glacier‐meltwater induced sediments in proglacial lakes draining northern Folgefonna, a continuous high‐resolution record of variations in glacier size and equilibrium‐line altitudes (ELAs) during the Lateglacial and early Holocene has been obtained. After the termination of the Younger Dryas (c. 11 500 cal. yr BP), a short‐lived (100–150 years) climatically induced glacier readvance termed the ‘Jondal Event 1’ occurred within the ‘Preboreal Oscillation’ (PBO) c. 11 100 cal. yr BP. Bracketed to 10 550–10 450 cal. yr BP, a second glacier readvance is named the ‘Jondal Event 2’. A third readvance occurred about 10 000 cal. yr BP and corresponds with the ‘Erdalen Event 1’ recorded at Jostedalsbreen. An exponential relationship between mean solid winter precipitation and ablation‐season temperature at the ELA of Norwegian glaciers is used to reconstruct former variations in winter precipitation based on the corresponding ELA and an independent proxy for summer temperature. Compared to the present, the Younger Dryas was much colder and drier, the ‘Jondal Event 1’/PBO was colder and somewhat drier, and the ‘Jondal Event 2’ was much wetter. The ‘Erdalen Event 1’ started as rather dry and terminated as somewhat wetter. Variations in glacier magnitude/ELAs and corresponding palaeoclimatic reconstructions at northern Folgefonna suggest that low‐altitude cirque glaciers (lowest altitude of marginal moraines 290 m) in the area existed for the last time during the Younger Dryas. These low‐altitude cirque glaciers of suggested Younger Dryas age do not fit into the previous reconstructions of the Younger Dryas ice sheet in Hardanger. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a summary of Late-glacial environmental changes in southwestern Europe (lberian Peninsula, Pyrenees, Massif Central and the northern Apennines). The emphasis is on palaeoclimatic interpretations inferred from key sites in the region from which the most detailed records are available and which have been radiocarbon dated. The earliest evidence for climatic improvement following the end of the last glacial stage is dated to ca. 15 ka BP and is found at a few sites only. By 13 ka BP, a more widespread and marked climatic improvement is evident, although it is difficult to be precise in the timing and magnitude of the event. There are significant variations in detail between the Late-glacial records, but evidence for a significant cooling correlated with the Younger Dryas event is widespread throughout the region. Just two sites in the region provide evidence for an earlier, less emphatic phase of climatic cooling, which is tentatively equated with the ‘Older Dryas’ of continental northern Europe. Dry conditions appear to have predominated throughout the region in the later part of the Younger Dryas and the early Holocene.  相似文献   

A detailed molluscan succession from a 10 m thick deposit of Holocene tufa at St Germain‐le‐Vasson, Normandy, provides the most complete record from northern France and has shed new light on the historical biogeography of several species of land snail. The succession has been reconstructed from four profiles and a chronology provided by accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating of charcoal, wood and shell. The onset of tufa formation occurred after 9700±90 yr BP and persisted until 4213±77 yr BP. The tufa appears to have accumulated at a remarkably constant rate (14.4–16.5 cm 100 yr?1), except for the upper levels, where the rate increases fourfold. The succession has been divided into six local molluscan zones. An early assemblage consisting of ecologically tolerant species and those indicative of marshy grassland is replaced by a sequence of shade‐demanding taxa, reflecting the encroachment of woodland. Shaded conditions persist until the end of the sequence but the most hygrophilous elements decline after 5422±60 yr BP (zone 5), a change also reflected in the tufa lithology by the development of silty grey horizons. Notable species recovered from the tufa include Acicula fusca, Vertigo substriata, V. alpestris, V. moulinsiana (all rare or unknown living in northern France). Hygromia limbata, a twentieth century introduction to Britain, was previously thought to be a relatively recent arrival in northern France, but its record at St Germain shows that it has been present in Normandy since 6500 yr BP. Azeca goodalli, another shade‐demanding species, appeared at St Germain much later, just after 4420±65 yr BP. Several other species present in the tufa, such as Pomatias elegans, no longer live on the site, adding to the evidence for a distributional decline in Normandy and elsewhere. Perhaps the most noteworthy record is that of Leiostyla anglica, between about 8500 yr BP and 5000 yr BP, because this constitutes its only Holocene occurrence from mainland Europe. Following this discovery it seems likely that further Holocene sites with L. anglica may be found along the western seaboard of Europe connecting populations in Iberia with those of the British Isles. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Lateglacial and early Holocene sequence of coleopteran assemblages is described from La Taphanel in the Massif Central, France. The site is a sediment-filled small lake at an altitude of almost 1000 m. The insect fauna provides evidence for a detailed palaeoecological reconstruction, and in particular enables a reconstruction of climatic changes at the close of the last glaciation. A sudden climatic warming occurs at about 13000 yr BP followed by a temperate episode equivalent in time to the Bølling period. There is clear evidence of a short cold period between the Bølling and Allerød that is approximately equivalent to the Older Dryas period. The Allerød phase is decidedly cooler than the Bølling, as is shown by the Coleoptera from several sites in northwest Europe. A clear Younger Dryas signal is provided by the Coleoptera, with climates similar in severity to those of the glacial period. The climatic improvement at the start of the Holocene is also sudden, so that by Preboreal times temperatures were equivalent to those of the present day.  相似文献   

High resolution cores from the upper continental slope, northern Norwegian Sea, document rapid climatic fluctuations during the latest deglaciation and the Holocene. Based on down-core analysis of planktic and benthic foraminifera, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, carbonate and organic carbon and radiocarbon dating, the following evolution is proposed: sea-ice cover broke up, the surface ocean warmed and an in situ benthic foraminiferal fauna was established at 12 500 BP. The Younger Dryas was characterized by reduced sedimentaion and foraminiferal production, due to surface ocean cooling. At the end of the Younger Dryas there were major shifts in both surface and bottom water conditions. The surface ocean warmed to temperatures similar to modern levels within < 100 years, reaching a maximum at about 9200 BP when foraminiferal production was high. A benthic foraminiferal assemblage indicative of bottom water conditions similar to present conditions was established at 10 000 BP. This was followed by a gradual decline in nutrients or an increase in ventilation of the bottom water throughout the Holocene. A gradual surface ocean cooling of c . 2°C ended around 6500 BP followed by a second warming that culminated at 2000 BP. The warming at the end of the Younger Dryas and the succeeding older Holocene temperature maximum correlate to a June insolation maximum in the northern hemisphere. In addition, fluctuating surface temperatures in the Holocene may be driven by variations in inflow of Atlantic Water.  相似文献   

Two sediment cores recovered from Dahu Swamp, which is located in eastern Nanling Mountains in south China, were selected for investigation of palaeoclimatic changes. Multi‐proxy records of the two cores including lithological variation, organic carbon isotope ratio, dry bulk density, organic matter content, magnetic susceptibility, humification degree, median grain size and geochemical proxies reveal that during the last deglaciation three drier phases correspond to the Oldest, Older and Younger Dryas cooling events, and the intercalated two wetter phases synchronise with the Bølling and Allerød warming events. The Holocene Optimum, which was resulted from a strengthening of the East Asian (EA) summer monsoon, occurred in the early and mid Holocene (ca. 10–6 cal. ka BP). In the mid and late Holocene (ca. 6–3 cal. ka BP), a prevailing dry climate suggested a weakening of the EA summer monsoon. The general trend of Holocene climatic changes in this study agrees with the 25° N summer solar insolation, suggesting that orbitally induced insolation may have played an important role in the Holocene climate in the study region. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an event stratigraphy based on data documenting the history of vegetation cover, lake‐level changes and fire frequency, as well as volcanic eruptions, over the Last Glacial–early Holocene transition from a terrestrial sediment sequence recovered at Lake Accesa in Tuscany (north‐central Italy). On the basis of an age–depth model inferred from 13 radiocarbon dates and six tephra horizons, the Oldest Dryas–Bølling warming event was dated to ca. 14 560 cal. yr BP and the Younger Dryas event to ca. 12 700–11 650 cal. yr BP. Four sub‐millennial scale cooling phases were recognised from pollen data at ca. 14 300–14 200, 13 900–13 700, 13 400–13 100 and 11 350–11 150 cal. yr BP. The last three may be Mediterranean equivalents to the Older Dryas (GI‐1d), Intra‐Allerød (GI‐1b) and Preboreal Oscillation (PBO) cooling events defined from the GRIP ice‐core and indicate strong climatic linkages between the North Atlantic and Mediterranean areas during the last Termination. The first may correspond to Intra‐Bølling cold oscillations registered by various palaeoclimatic records in the North Atlantic region. The lake‐level record shows that the sub‐millennial scale climatic oscillations which punctuated the last deglaciation were associated in central Italy with different successive patterns of hydrological changes from the Bølling warming to the 8.2 ka cold reversal. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic Younger Dryas climatic reversal did not cause a glacier advance on Mount Rainier. The glaciers on Mount Rainier seem to have advanced in response to regional or local shifts in climate. However, the Younger Dryas climatic reversal may have affected the Mount Rainier area, causing a cold, but dry, climate unfavorable to glacier advances. Glaciers in the vicinity of Mount Rainier advanced twice during late glacial/early Holocene time. Radiocarbon dates obtained from lake sediments adjacent to the corresponding moraines are concordant, indicating that the ages for the advances are closely limiting. The first advance occurred before 11,300 14C yr BP (13,200 cal yr BP). During the North Atlantic Younger Dryas event, between 11,000 and 10,000 14C yr BP (12,900 and 11,600 cal yr BP), glaciers retreated on Mount Rainier, probably due to a lack of available moisture, but conditions may have remained cold. The onset of warmer conditions on Mount Rainier occurred around 10,000 14C yr BP (11,600 cal yr BP). Organic sedimentation lasted for at least 700 years before glaciers readvanced between 9800 and 8950 14C yr BP (10,900 and 9950 cal yr BP).  相似文献   

An Erratum has been published for this article in Journal of Quaternary Science 17(7) 2002, 721. There is conflicting evidence concerning the extent and timing of late Quaternary climate variability in southern South America and how this may be linked to climate change in the Northern Hemisphere. Critical unresolved questions include whether or not a cool period occurred in southern South America during the Younger Dryas Chronozone (YDC) (11 000–10 000 14C yr BP; 13 000–11 200 yr BP), and the timing of wet and dry phases during the Holocene. To date most evidence is from glacial, pollen and beetle records but, in an attempt to resolve these questions, we have used chironomid midges as an independent proxy in one of the first studies of its kind in Patagonia. We investigated the dynamics of midge assemblages during the Late‐glacial and Holocene at Lago Stibnite on the Taitao Peninsula, southern Chile (46°S). Changes in the midge assemblage suggest that the climate may have become cooler and drier during the YDC. During the Holocene there were cyclical changes in the midge assemblage that may have been in response to trophic change and/or to changes in precipitation when conditions appear to have been drier than today at 9400–6300 14C yr BP and 2400–1600 14C yr BP. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A combined pollen, charcoal and climatic record is presented from Cranes Moor, southern England, covering the period c. 10 500–5850 cal a BP. It is shown that the occurrence of burning is closely related to natural processes, including prevailing climatic conditions and vegetation composition. These burning events are often linked to an increase in the summer moisture deficit, implying that the timing of burning events is linked to periods of warmer/drier climate during the Holocene Thermal Maximum (c. 11 000–5000 cal a BP). These events play an important role in the vegetation composition and succession around the site. The nature of the burning recorded at the site shows strong similarities with other records from northern Europe. This study throws caution on suggestions that fire in the Holocene record from areas such as the British Isles is linked only to human activity, and enhances the possibility that natural fire incidence played an important role in natural woodland structure dynamics.  相似文献   

Recent studies undertaken at Saint-Acheul in the Somme Valley (France) have provided an opportunity to recover malacological assemblages from a tufa deposit located at the top of a Middle Pleistocene fluvial sequence. Molluscan communities are rich and, although dominated by open grassland species, contain up to 23 forest taxa. This high diversity of thermophilous molluscs allows the recognition of fully temperate climatic conditions. Moreover, the occurrence of an extinct zonitid belonging to the genus Retinella (Lyrodiscus), along with several species beyond their modern range (Platyla polita, Ena montana, Ruthenica filograna Clausilia pumila, Clausilia dubia, Macrogastra ventricosa, Perforatella bidentata, Monachoides incarnatus, Belgrandia marginata, Hygromia limbata) allows correlation of the Saint-Acheul assemblage with malacofaunas recovered in other MIS 11 tufa deposits from the Somme and Seine valleys. This age attribution is reinforced at Saint-Acheul by stratigraphy and an ESR date on quartz of 403±73 kyr from the underlying fluvial deposits. In addition, old collections containing R. (Lyrodiscus) specimens have been rediscovered, allowing taxonomic reassessment of the species. This shows that Retinella (Lyrodiscus) skertchlyi Kerney, 1976 is a junior synonym of Retinella (Lyrodiscus) elephantium (Bourguignat, 1869) and that at least two extinct species of R. (Lyrodiscus) occurred in western Europe during the Quaternary. Finally, reappraisal of these French molluscan assemblages shows that they are similar to British malacofaunas of Hoxnian age. These new results strengthen the uniqueness and biostratigraphical value of the 'Lyrodiscus assemblage'.  相似文献   

Variations in deposition of terrigenous fine sediments and their grain-size distributions from a high-resolution marine sediment record offshore northwest Africa (30°51.0′N; 10°16.1′W) document climate changes on the African continent during the Holocene. End-member grain-size distributions of the terrigenous silt fraction, which are related to fluvial and aeolian dust transport, indicate millennial-scale variability in the dominant transport processes at the investigation site off northwest Africa as well as recurring periods of dry conditions in northwest Africa during the Holocene. The terrigenous record from the subtropical North Atlantic reflects generally humid conditions before the Younger Dryas, during the early to mid-Holocene, as well as after 1.3 kyr BP. By contrast, continental runoff was reduced and arid conditions were prevalent at the beginning of the Younger Dryas and during the mid- and late Holocene. A comparison with high- and low-latitude Holocene climate records reveals a strong link between northwest African climate and Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation throughout the Holocene. Due to its proximal position, close to an ephemeral river system draining the Atlas Mountains as well as the adjacent Saharan desert, this detailed marine sediment record, which has a temporal resolution between 15 and 120 years, is ideally suited to enhance our understanding of ocean-continent-atmosphere interactions in African climates and the hydrological cycle of northern Africa after the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

The sediment core NP05‐71GC, retrieved from 360 m water depth south of Kvitøya, northwestern Barents Sea, was investigated for the distribution of benthic and planktic foraminifera, stable isotopes and sedimentological parameters to reconstruct palaeoceanographic changes and the growth and retreat of the Svalbard–Barents Sea Ice Sheet during the last ~16 000 years. The purpose is to gain better insight into the timing and variability of ocean circulation, climatic changes and ice‐sheet behaviour during the deglaciation and the Holocene. The results show that glaciomarine sedimentation commenced c. 16 000 a BP, indicating that the ice sheet had retreated from its maximum position at the shelf edge around Svalbard before that time. A strong subsurface influx of Atlantic‐derived bottom water occurred from 14 600 a BP during the Bølling and Allerød interstadials and lasted until the onset of the Younger Dryas cooling. In the Younger Dryas cold interval, the sea surface was covered by near‐permanent sea ice. The early Holocene, 11 700–11 000 a BP, was influenced by meltwater, followed by a strong inflow of highly saline and chilled Atlantic Water until c. 8600 a BP. From 8600 to 7600 a BP, faunal and isotopic evidence indicates cooling and a weaker flow of the Atlantic Water followed by a stronger influence of Atlantic Water until c. 6000 a BP. Thereafter, the environment generally deteriorated. Our results imply that (i) the deglaciation occurred earlier in this area than previously thought, and (ii) the Younger Dryas ice sheet was smaller than indicated by previous reconstructions.  相似文献   

德令哈盆地尕海湖DG03孔岩芯矿物组合与古环境变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
对气候敏感区德令哈盆地尕海湖DG03孔岩芯的矿物学分析表明,DG03孔岩芯的矿物主要包括石英、斜长石、微斜长石、绿泥石、伊利石、方解石、文石、白云石、石膏及石盐等。岩芯记录了尕海湖约11 ka以来(AMS 14C年龄)的古环境变化。根据矿物、碳酸盐含量及岩性的变化,整个岩芯可划分为三个部分:Ⅰ. 约11 ka~10 ka BP,晚冰期末期;Ⅱ. 10 ka~4 ka BP,全新世早中期;Ⅲ.4 ka至今,全新世晚期。矿物组合表明,自晚冰期以来,尕海湖先后经历了湖泊演化的逆向和正向演化阶段,即尕海湖先后经历了晚冰期的干冷气候,早全新世的暖干气候,中全新世的暖湿气候以及晚全新世以来的逐渐干冷的气候。岩性分析还表明,尕海湖沉积环境复杂,存在多种微相沉积。  相似文献   

Brines can have a profound influence on the relative abundance of calcareous and agglutinated foraminiferal faunas. Here we investigated the distribution of benthic foraminiferal species in four cores from a brine‐enriched environment in Storfjorden, Svalbard. Stratigraphically, the cores comprise the last 15 000 years. The purpose of the study was to reconstruct changes in the palaeoecology and palaeoceanography of Storfjorden in relation to past climate changes, and to identify potential indicator species for brine‐affected environments. The benthic foraminifera in Storfjorden all have widespread occurrences in the Arctic realm. Calcareous species dominated Storfjorden during the deglaciation and early Holocene until c. 8200 a BP. However, agglutinated species increased in abundance whenever conditions became colder with more sea ice and stronger brine formation, such as during the Older Dryas, the Intra‐Allerød Cold Period and the Younger Dryas. Following a moderately cold period with numerous agglutinated foraminifera from c. 8200–4000 a BP, conditions became more changeable from c. 4000 a BP with repeated shifts between warmer periods dominated by calcareous species and colder periods dominated by agglutinated species. The warmer periods show a stronger influence of Atlantic Water, with reduced brine formation and less corrosive conditions at the sea bottom. Conversely, the colder periods show a stronger influence of Arctic water, with higher brine production and more corrosive bottom water. The distribution patterns of the calcareous species are basically the same whether calculated relative to the total fauna (including agglutinated specimens) or relative to calcareous specimens alone. Moreover, the patterns are similar to the patterns found elsewhere along western Svalbard in areas without the influence of brines. No particular species appear to be specifically linked to brine formation. However, the most persistent agglutinated species R. scorpiurus and A. glomerata are also the species most tolerant of the acidic bottom water that normally is associated with brine formation.  相似文献   

The authors discuss Late Pleistocene–Holocene depositional environments in one of the Fuegian Andes valleys on the basis of palynological, geomorphological, and sedimentological analyses from two sites located near the Beagle Channel. The results obtained at these localities reinforce and refine the Late Pleistocene–Holocene climatic pattern previously recorded there. A colder period, associated with the Younger Dryas stadial event, is suggested by low Nothofagus pollen frequency, and communities of grass, low scrub, and shrub heath expanded into the low/middle slopes (10,310 14C yr BP). By ca. 9500 14C yr BP, warmer and drier conditions occurred, as evidenced by the development of open-grown vegetation in the valley floors (pollen zone O-3), followed by the expansion of open Nothofagus woodland (pollen zone O-2) in the middle Holocene. The milder climate subsequently changed, as indicated by the spreading of the closed forest and mire (pollen zone O-1), to more humid and cooler conditions during the last ca. 5000 yr BP.  相似文献   

Various lines of evidence support conflicting interpretations of the timing, abruptness, and nature of climate change in the Great Plains during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition. Loess deposits and paleosols on both the central and northern Great Plains provide a valuable record that can help address these issues. A synthesis of new and previously reported optical and radiocarbon ages indicates that the Brady Soil, which marks the boundary between late Pleistocene Peoria Loess and Holocene Bignell Loess, began forming after a reduction in the rate of Peoria Loess accumulation that most likely occurred between 13.5 and 15 cal ka. Brady Soil formation spanned all or part of the Bølling-Allerød episode (approximately 14.7–12.9 cal ka) and all of the Younger Dryas episode (12.9–11.5 cal ka) and extended at least 1000 years beyond the end of the Younger Dryas. The Brady Soil was buried by Bignell Loess sedimentation beginning around 10.5–9 cal ka, and continuing episodically through the Holocene. Evidence for a brief increase in loess influx during the Younger Dryas is noteworthy but very limited. Most late Quaternary loess accumulation in the central Great Plains was nonglacigenic and was under relatively direct climatic control. Thus, Brady Soil formation records climatic conditions that minimized eolian activity and allowed effective pedogenesis, probably through relatively high effective moisture.Optical dating of loess in North Dakota supports correlation of the Leonard Paleosol on the northern Great Plains with the Brady Soil. Thick loess in North Dakota was primarily derived from the Missouri River floodplain; thus, its stratigraphy may in part reflect glacial influence on the Missouri River. Nonetheless, the persistence of minimal loess accumulation and soil formation until 10 cal ka at our North Dakota study site is best explained by a prolonged interval of high effective moisture correlative with the conditions that favored Brady Soil formation. Burial of both the Brady Soil and the Leonard Paleosol by renewed loess influx probably represents eolian system response that occurred when gradual change toward a drier climate eventually crossed the threshold for eolian activity. Overall, the loess–paleosol sequences of the central and northern Great Plains record a broad peak of high effective moisture across the late Pleistocene to Holocene boundary, rather than well-defined climatic episodes corresponding to the Bølling-Allerød and Younger Dryas episodes in the North Atlantic region.  相似文献   

Several high-resolution continental records have been reported recently in sites in South America, but the extent to which climatic variations were synchronous between the northern and southern hemispheres during the Late-glacial–Holocene transition, and the causes of the climatic changes, remain open questions. Previous investigations indicated that, east of the Andes, the middle and high latitudes of South America warmed uniformly and rapidly from 13 000 14C yr BP, with no indication of subsequent climate fluctuations, equivalent, for example, to the Younger Dryas cooling. Here we present a multiproxy continuous record, radiocarbon dated by accelerated mass spectroscopy, from proglacial Lake Mascardi in Argentina. The results show that unstable climatic conditions, comparable to those described from records obtained in the Northern Hemisphere, dominated the Late-glacial–Holocene transition in Argentina at this latitude. Furthermore, a significant advance of the Tronador ice-cap, which feeds Lake Mascardi, occurred during the Younger Dryas Chronozone. This instability suggests a step-wise climatic history reflecting a global, rather than regional, forcing mechanism. The Lake Mascardi record, therefore, provides strong support for the hypothesis that ocean–atmosphere interaction, rather than global ocean circulation alone, governed interhemispheric climate teleconnections during the last deglaciation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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