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Vertical oscillating movements of the Earth's crust on continents have occurred and are occurring everywhere on the Earth's surface, continuously throughout the entire geological history of the Earth. This provides grounds to consider them as the basic type of tectonic movements, which form the general background of the tectogenetic process, on which locally, and only at separate moments of time, other tectonic movements and deformations appear.According to the time of occurrence, the vertical movements are divided into recent, young, modern, and ancient. In compliance with this subdivision, different methods are applied to define and study the movements. The major characteristic of the vertical movements is their rhythm, or periodic change in sign of movement, which caused them to be calledoscillating. Rhythms of movements are of several orders. The largest rhythms, which comprise tectonic cycles, are manifested on a global scale; smaller rhythms have a local distribution. It is significant that, in the beginning and in the end of each tectonic cycle, an increase of intensity and contrast of movements is observed, no matter in which region or regime, whether stable or mobile, it occurs. 相似文献
Massimo Cortini Loredana Cilento Alessandro Rullo 《Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research》1991,48(1-2)
The ground level in the Campi Flegrei caldera has never been stationary in the last 2,000 years. Historical data, and a nearly continuous tide-gauge record 20 years long, show that uplift and sinking have taken place on a variety of different time scales. In addition, the Campi Flegrei volcanic system appears to be sensitive to weak external forces such as tidal forces. We infer from these elements that the Campi Flegrei system is far from thermodynamic equilibrium, and suggest that its dynamics may be chaotic. We analyze the short-term variations of the ground level, and find that they can be described in a low-dimensional phase space. The dynamics of the Campi Flegrei system seems to have been phase-locked with tidal forces in the period following the 1970–1972 climax, and to have undergone a transition to chaos in some moment that preceded the presently continuing sinking phase. 相似文献
amu n¶rt;ma u ma mum au n¶rt;¶rt; m unu¶rt;a, amu n u amu uu, u n nmu ¶rt;a [2]; ¶rt;am nu uum, n m uum ¶rt;um au mau u ma ¶rt; muu¶rt;a. 相似文献
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica - Magnetovariation methods, which are applicable to study the mantle conductivity, require long lasting registration of natural magnetic field variations. Such data... 相似文献
A. A. Malovichko D. Yu. Mekhrushev S. V. Gorozhantsev A. V. Shevchenko 《Seismic Instruments》2012,48(1):45-50
The location features and equipment of the Neytrino seismic station are described. The examples of registering various weak
local seismic events, which may be of paramount importance in researching the nature of geodynamic processes around the Elbrus
volcanic center, are presented. 相似文献
L. I. Elpiner S. A. Bear I. S. Zektser R. K. Klige A. E. Shapovalov 《Water Resources》2007,34(3):340-349
The paper presents the results of analysis of present-day scientific data on the dynamics of global hydroclimatic processes (with the establishment of long-term variations in the global water exchange processes) and the features of water abundance in territories under the effect of various natural and anthropogenic factors. Possible transformations of the hydrogeological situation under global climate changes are considered. The basic principles of the concept regarding the assessment of the effect of global hydroclimatic changes on the population health are presented. Medical-environmental data on the consequences of water-triggered environmental crises, taken as analogous natural models, are analyzed. The processes and regularities in the development of human pathology under the conditions of higher and lower water abundance in a territory are identified. The succession, time stages, and phases of the development of infection, parasitic, noninfectious pathologies are determined. Cause-and-effect relationships were established between the observed pathology and the effect of a complex of changing natural, anthropogenic, and social-environmental factors. Methodological approaches to the assessment of medical-environmental consequences of distinct changes in the water abundance in the territories are described. The possible use of subsurface water sources as a reserve of domestic water supply under emergencies are considered. 相似文献
Vladislav Babuška Jaroslava Plomerová Edelvays Spasov Reviewer J. Janský 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》1987,31(3):266-283
Summary Teleseismic P residuals calculated for waves arriving from various azimuths and angles of incidence, and a 3-D inversion of the residuals provided the basis for characterizing the uppermost mantle structure beneath Bulgaria. The Moesian Platform and the Rhodopean Massif are two different blocks characterized by a lithosphere thickness of about 130–140 km with a zone of lithosphere thinning along their contact. Both units have opposite patterns of the directional dependence of relatively high and low P velocities. This directional dependence is interpreted by dipping anisotropic structures in the subcrustal lithosphere, which probably represent remnants of paleosubductions of an old oceanic lithosphere.
auma u nu¶rt;u n¶rt; au aumau u au. a uu mu ¶rt;am ¶rt; aamuauu mm amuu n¶rt; au. uua nama u ¶rt;nu au, ¶rt;a au a mu um nuuum 130–140 ¶rt; uma m ¶rt; u mama. a a aamua nmun ana auum mum u u mu . ma anaa auum umnmuaa a nu aumn mm amu. mu mm n¶rt;maum a mamu na¶rt;u ma au um.相似文献
V. B. Zaalishvili N. I. Nevskaya D. A. Mel’kov 《Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth》2014,50(2):263-272
Because of the activation of natural hazardous processes in the Caucasus, including the sudden Kolka-Karmadon rock-ice slide on September 20, 2002, the integrated observation system (Karmadon parametric test area) was organized at the end of 2003. The purpose of its operation is the instrumental investigation of hazardous natural and anthropogenic geological processes in the mountain areas. 相似文献
V. Yu. Burmin I. B. Shemeleva L. D. Fleyfel A. M. Avetisyan K. S. Kazaryan 《Seismic Instruments》2017,53(2):103-110
The distribution of earthquake hypocenters in the territory of Armenia is obtained based on data from seismological bulletins for 1970–2012. It is shown that in addition to crustal earthquakes, there are deep earthquakes with a hypocenter depth down to 300 km. The seismicity is concentrated primarily in the northwest of the republic in the region adjacent to the Javakheti Upland. The positions of the main shock and the aftershocks of the December 1988 Spitak earthquake are determined separately. It is shown that the aftershocks of this earthquake cover a big area, extending to a depth of 100 km, although most of them are located at a depth of ~27 km. 相似文献
Libuše Ruprechtová Klára Mrázová Jaroslav Fiedler Reviewer A. Zátopek 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》1984,28(3):286-293
Summary The calculation procedures for determining epicentre parameters of weak near shocks with foci in Poland are discussed and tested for explosions with known epicentres.
m m¶rt; ¶rt; n¶rt;u num a uu m num nmua n auauu, u mu a mumuu u, n muu ¶rt;au uu mau. au mam nam (a. 4) nu nuuu na 71 u m ¶rt;u n¶rt; ¶rt; a auu ¶rt;a [11].相似文献
Burša M. Kenyon S. Kouba J. Šíma Z. Vatrt V. Vojtíšková M. 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2004,48(3):493-502
A Global Vertical Reference Frame (GVRF) has been realized by means of several regional and local vertical datums (LVD) distributed world-wide: the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD 88), Australian Height Datum 1971 (AHD 71), LVD France, Institute Géographique National 1969 (IGN 69) and Brazilian Height Datum 1957 (BHD 57). The vertical shifts of the above LVD origins have been related to the adopted reference geopotential value W
0 = (62 636 856.0 ± 0.5) m2s–2 and they were determined at the 5 cm level. However, the W
0 reference value can be chosen arbitrarily, the methodology, which was developed here, does not require that the above value be adopted. 相似文献
作为一种新型转换层结构——错位转换层结构,其竖向位置的移动对高层结构在水平地震作用下竖向构件受力性能有何影响目前尚未见文献报道。采用有限元程序对高层带错位转换层结构进行了水平地震作用下的时程反应和反应谱分析.分析了上部转换层和下部转换层相对位置保持不变的情况下.整体改变错位转换层位置对结构地震作用、剪力及竖向构件内力的影响。分析研究发现。错位转换层整体位置的竖向移动对结构整体剪力、上部转换层下承托墙肢内力、上部转换层框支剪力墙内力影响不大.但对落地剪力墙、上部转换层下框支柱和下部转换层梁托柱内力有较大影响。 相似文献
Summary It has been shown that it is necessary to combine several methods to be able to describe and explain recent movements of the Earth's crust.Presented at the XVth General Assembly of the IUGG, Moscow 1971. 相似文献
Modeling and forecasting damage from wind storms is a major issue for insurance companies. In this article, we focus on the sensitivity of estimations of return periods for extreme events with respect to modeling assumptions and the type of input data. Numerous variables play a role: the quality of data concerning the location of insured buildings and weather report homogeneity, missing updates for correcting non-stationarities concerning the insurance portfolio history, ground roughness or climate change, the evolution of the model after an unprecedented event such as the Lothar storm observed in 1999 in Europe, temporal aggregation of daily events over several days, where events could span over several days up to one week, and storm trajectories, which could change due to global warming or sweep larger areas. Our work explores three important aspects. First, we highlight the geographic heterogeneity of the spatial distribution of wind speeds and the resulting damages. Therefore, we propose to partition the French territory into 6 relatively homogeneous storm zones, based on the dependence among observed wind speeds and geographic distance. Second, we extend a storm index—defined in Mornet et al. (Risk Anal 35:2029–2056, 2015)—to take into account geographic heterogeneity, and we analyze its tail behavior to show the difficulties met to obtain reliable results on extreme events. Third, we explore the calculation of Solvency Capital Requirements based on a model that we propose for the annual claim amount distribution. The purpose of our analysis is to quantify and to point out the high level of uncertainty in the computation of return periods and of other quantities strongly influenced by extreme events. 相似文献
Characteristics of floods on the territory of Russia with regard to their natural and socioeconomic parameters 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Parameters of 123 floods on the territory of the Russian Federation are analyzed, including the dates of young floods, numbers
(frequency), duration, genetic type of floods, inundated land areas, total area of regions affected by flood, coordinates
of their centers, number of population in these regions, total number of affected people, number of evacuated and killed people,
number of buildings in inundation zone, and monetary damage. It is shown that material and human damages caused by rainfall
floods and snowmelt floods in rivers are several orders of magnitude greater than the damages caused by the most common spring
floods. Collation maps of main flood parameters have been prepared and analyzed; the areas of floods of main genetic types
have been revealed and mapped and graphs of seasonal and long-term variability of flood parameters has been calculated. 相似文献
Bioassay methods are used to assess the toxicity of bottom sediments in the main watercourses of the Selenga River basin and Lake Orog in Mongolia. Toxic bottom sediments are found in a brook in the region of the Erdenet Mining and Concentration Complex, as well as in the Eroo and Bukhlyn rivers, which experience the effect of intense gold mining. The conclusion is drawn that the Selenga River water flowing from the territory of Mongolia cannot directly affect the quality of water in Lake Baikal. 相似文献