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The Woniusi flood basalts from the Baoshan terrane, SW China, represent a significant eruption of volcanic rocks which were linked to the Late Paleozoic rifting of the Cimmeria from the northern margin of East Gondwana. However, the precise mechanism for the formation and propagation of the rifting is still in debate. Here we report 40 Ar/39 Ar dating, whole-rock geochemistry, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes for the Woniusi basalts from the Baoshan terrane of SW China, with the aim o...  相似文献   

山东地区新生代玄武岩主要分布在郯庐断裂带及其以东地区,在鲁西地区分布较少。本文报道了鲁西地区周村玄武岩的全岩主、微量元素组成、橄榄石斑晶及其熔体包裹体Pb同位素组成。结果表明,周村玄武岩为弱碱性玄武岩,其主量元素具有较高SiO_2和Al_2O_3,较低碱(Na_2O+K_2O)、CaO/Al_2O_3、Fe_2O_3~T(Fe_2O_3~T=Fe O/0.8998+Fe_2O_3)的特征;微量元素在原始地幔标准化蛛网图上与EMI洋岛玄武岩(OIB)相似,表现为明显的Ba、K和Sr正异常,Th和Pb负异常,无Nb、Ta和Ti异常;熔体包裹体~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb和~(208)Pb/~(206)Pb分别为0.894~0.921和2.166~2.213,略高于EMI-OIB。这些特征和鲁西地区无棣大山玄武岩有明显区别,但与山东其它地区的弱碱性-拉斑玄武岩相似。周村玄武岩的橄榄石斑晶Ni、Fe/Mn和Ca分别为1403~2611μg/g,70~93和824~2003μg/g。与橄榄岩熔体结晶的橄榄石成分相比,给定橄榄石Fo值,周村玄武岩橄榄石斑晶具有高Ni和Fe/Mn比值,低Ca的特征。结合全岩低CaO和高FeO/MnO比值,橄榄石成分指示周村玄武岩的源区岩性为辉石岩,其形成需要高比例的来自再循环地壳的英安质熔体交代地幔橄榄岩。高比例的英安质熔体和周村玄武岩的微量元素特征,进一步说明该再循环地壳为含辉长岩洋壳。本文的研究结果暗示山东地区弱碱性-拉斑玄武岩的源区辉石岩,主要与再循环洋壳有关。  相似文献   

The basalt terrain of the Neogene Huangguoshan and. Guiwu Formations of eastern Anhui on the east side of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault belt is one of a few Cenozoic basalt terrains in eastern China for which detailed geochemical study has not been conducted. This paper reports the abundances of major elements and more than 20 trace elements (including REE) of 22 samples and the Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of 11 samples from the eastern Anhui basalt terrain, thus more or less systematically revealing the geochemical characteristics of this continental basalt suite. The paper discusses the origin of the basalt suite and the character and process of its mantle source. The basalt suite was derived from a heterogeneous continental lithospheric mantle with end members characteristic of the EMI-type oceanic basalt mantle, which was affected by mantle metasomatism (or enrichment of trace elements) and was characterized by a multi-stage evolution under open conditions.  相似文献   

Lunar Pyroxene-Phyric Basalts: Crystallization Under Supercooled Conditions   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Pyroxene-phyric basalts constitute a distinct petrologic groupin samples from lunar maria at both Apollo 12 and Apollo 15sites. Textures of pyroxene-phyric basalts from both sites aresimilar, but bulk compositions and mineralogy are somewhat different.Pyroxene-phyric basalts are characterized by large pyroxenephenocrysts with cores of magnesian pigeonite and mantles ofaugite grading to ferroaugite, usually set in a distinctly finergroundmass of iron-rich pyroxene, plagioclase, ilmenite, andother minor minerals. Olivine is scarce or absent modally andnormatively. Controversy has arisen over whether the porphyritictexture is a result of (1) a two-stage cooling history, e.g.phenocrysts formed at depth, and groundmass formed on extrusion;or (2) single stage, rapid cooling under supercooled conditions(cooling history here refers to cooling conditions imposed byexternal factors, and is not to be equated with ‘crystallizationhistory’). A study of six rocks belonging to this groupfrom Apollo 15 rake samples is reported here. A considerablerange of textures is present in these rocks, and they may beranked in order of decreasing late-stage cooling rate (15125,15666, 15682, 15118, 15684, 15116) on the basis of groundmasscrystal size. The same ranking is obtained from delta-beta (measuredin X-ray precession photos) of pigeonite and augite exsolvedfrom once homogeneous crystals, or of epitaxially overgrownaugite and pigeonite. The size of the phenocrysts in these rocks tends to be positivelycorrelated with the coarseness of the groundmass. Furthermorethe same correlation is evidently present in almost all otherApollo 12 and Apollo 15 pyroxene-phyric rocks. This constitutesa strong argument in favor of a single-stage cooling historyfor all pyroxene-phyric rocks, because the correlation wouldbe fortuitous for a two-stage cooling history. On the basisof this and many other arguments advanced previously and inthis paper, it is concluded that all the pyroxene-phyric rocksoriginated in a single-stage cooling process. A crystallization model for pyroxene-phyric rocks accounts forthe bimodal distribution of crystal size by two episodes ofsupercooling and nucleation during the continuous cooling process,the first of pyroxene, which nucleates homogeneously, the secondof plagioclase, which nucleates heterogeneously on the pyroxenephenocrysts. The more rapidly cooled rocks attained greaterdegrees of supercooling in both stages, hence greater nucleationrates and smaller crystals.  相似文献   

祁连山元古宙大陆溢流玄武岩   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
祁连山西段大面积分布的元古宙浅海相火山岩系是大 陆裂 谷火山作用的产 物,属大陆溢流玄武岩系。岩石地球化学研究表明,它们具有高εNd值和低( 87Sr/86Sr)i值 ,系派生于岩石圈之下的地幔柱源,但也显示有岩石圈组分卷入的证据。它们的形成是地幔 柱岩石圈相互作用的结果,是北祁连山早古生代洋盆开启的前兆。  相似文献   

A geochemical study of 28 Ma tholeiitic to transitional basaltsfrom the Kerguelen Archipelago (Mont des Ruches and Mont Fontaine)indicates that three distinct magma types erupted within  相似文献   

大量的岩石化学资料分析表明,峨眉山大火成岩省玄武岩的TiO2含量是连续变化的,不存在明显的间断。野外地质特征表明高钛和低钛玄武岩既不存在空间分带,也不存在时间分带。其Sr、Nd和Pb同位素组成也没有明显的区别,推测它们可能是同源岩浆分离结晶的产物。根据MgO和TiO2的相关关系,可将苦橄岩和玄武岩的演化划分为4个趋势,并采用分离结晶模式对其进行了成因模拟,表明高钛和低钛玄武岩是同—母岩浆(苦橄—玄武岩浆)通过不同矿物相分离结晶的产物。  相似文献   

Cenozoic basaltic volcanism in southeastern China was related to the lithospheric extension and asthenospheric upwelling at the eastern Eurasian continental margin. The cenozoic basaltic rocks from this region can be grouped into three different series: tholeiitic basalts, alkali basalts, and picritic-nephelinitic basalts. Each basalt series has distinctive geochemical features and is not derived from a common source rock by different degrees of partial melting or from a common parental magma by fractional crystallization. The mineralogy, petrography, and major and trace-element geochemistry of the tholeiites are similar to oceanic island basalts, implying that the mantle source for these Chinese continental tholeiites was similar to that of the oceanic island basalts—an asthenospheric mantle. The alkali basalts and picritic-nephelinitic basalts are enriched in incompatible trace elements, and their geochemical features can be interpreted as a result of partial melting of an enriched lithospheric mantle, or the mixing products of an asthenospheric magma with a component derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle through thermal erosion at the base of the lithosphere. But the lack of a transitional rock type and continuous variational trends among these basalts suggests that the mixing between asthenospheric magmas and lithospheric magmas probably was not significant in the petrogenesis of the basalts from SE China. Low-degree partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle alone can account for the observed geochemical data from these basalts.  相似文献   

Three distinet basaltic rock types are recognized on the basisof detailed new analyses in the eastern zone (central Lebombo)of the Karoo Igneous Province. The high titanium and zirconiumgroup is composed of low-Fe (henceforth called simply high Ti-Zrbasalts) and high-Fe (henceforth called ‘high-Fe’)varieties and distinguished from the low titanium and zirconiumgroup by 2–4 times greater abundances of Ti, P, Zr, Nb,Y, La, Ce, and Nd (high field strength elements; HFSE), as wellas higher but more variable abundances of K, Rb, Ba, and Sr,All rock types are interbedded to some degree, although thehigh Ti-Zr type (low-Fe) predominates at the base of the sectionand the ‘high-Fe’ type occurs mostly at the topof the section. Stratigraphic relationships show that the highTi-Zr basalts to the south within a distance of 60 km. Eruptionof each rock type from replenished, tapped, and fractionatedmagma chambers can account for much of the major and trace elementvariation within each suite, with the notable exceptions ofthe large ion lithophile elements (LILE; K, Rb, and Ba) andSr. Neither crystal fractionation nor contamination with graniticcrust can produce the variations between the basalt types anddoes not appear to affect significantly the geochemistry withinany basalt type. The North Lebombo high Ti-Zr picrites are themost likely parent magmas to the high Ti-Zr low-MgO group. Considerationof previous studies of the picrites suggested that the highTi-Zr picrite geochemistry requires a mixed source or the mixingof two picrite endmember magmas discriminated on the basis ofdegree of incompatible element enrichment. At least one of theendmembers must be within, or derived from, sub-continentallithospheric mantle. The low-MgO high Ti-Zr basalt geochemistryis consistent with evolution from a picritic parent with abouta 30–44 wt. % mantle lithospheric component. In contrast,the low Ti-Zr basalt group parental composition is outside thecompositional range suggested for the high Ti-Zr picrite endmembers,being more depleted in incompatible elements (e.g., Ti, P, Zr,Nb, LREE, and LILE). Again, by analogy with possible picriticparents, this group may segregate from a source more depletedin incompatible elements than a mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB)source, leaving a harzburgitic residue. The ‘high-Fe’basalt group is very evolved (e.g., MgO <5%) but may stillbe constrained by Nd-isotope and Zr/Y ratios to have a mantlesource geochemically similar to that from which the Walvis Ridgebasalts were derived. If a mantle plume contributed to basaltgeochemistry significantly, then the late-stage ‘high-Fe’basalts represent this component most closely.  相似文献   

Most Large igneous provinces (LIPs) are emplaced within <10 Ma, with a main pulse of the magmatism in<1 Ma[1]. For example, the Siberian Traps [2] and the Deccan Traps [3] were probably erupted within one million years. Many events, such as the Columbia River event, feature a single pulse of magmatism, followed by a protrac-ted period of magmatism at a much lower rate that is linked to a plume tail[4].  相似文献   

朱炳泉 《地球学报》2005,26(Z1):92-92
全球大陆与大洋溢流玄武岩在地球化学上表现为从岛弧至板内构造环境。在同位素体系上表现为复杂的端元组分混合,不是亏损软流圈上地幔与岩石圈的相互作用(Anderson模式)完全能解释的。以往揭示的地幔“端元”(EM1、EM2、HIMU等)实际上只与溢流玄武岩才有密切的联系,而与一般的OIB没有关系。如果溢流玄武岩与地幔柱相联系,在同位素体系上必须要有大量原始-略亏损下地幔岩浆组分加人(Morgan模式)的证据。然而全球极大部分溢流玄武岩省并不能提供这一方面的证据,而东区峨眉山玄武岩恰恰提供了这一方面的重要证据。 (1)溢流玄武岩中许多拉斑质岩石相似于岛弧玄武岩,具有Nb-Ta负异常,同位素体系上表现出亏损上地幔与俯冲沉积物的混合,具有强的Nd-Sr同位素二元混合特征;如Columbia [εNd (t)变化在+7~-17.7], Pamna [εNd (t)变化在+3.4~-9.8], Karoo[εNd (t)变化在+8~-11]、Siberia [εNd (t)变化在+4~-10]和西区峨眉山玄武岩[εNd (t)变化在+6.8~-4.81。大陆溢流玄武岩常产于大陆边缘环境,并有时代上相近的早期MORB-IAB火山作用相伴随,如峨眉山溢流玄武岩的周边存在早二叠的MORB-IAB火山岩。 (2)与地幔柱头加热引起的岩石圈减压熔融有关的岩浆作用,其同位素体系虽具有壳幔混合特征,但不具有明显的二元混合关系,同时常具有多端元混合和明显的下地壳组分加入,存在Nd-Sr同位素相关落在下地壳范围的数据;具有低206Pb/204Pb(< 17)、低87Sr/86Sr(< 0.7045)的麻粒岩相下地壳特征的玄武岩;εNd (t)值与岩石的Mg#呈反相关。如Deccan、North Atlantic、Columbia、Siberia、Parana、Keweenaw和峨眉山玄武岩省等。 (3)地球物理资料表明上、下地幔之间存在刚性层,由存留的榴辉岩相俯冲板片和来原始下地幔的分异产物构成。EMl、EM2与HIMU的同位素信息与过渡带有着密切的联系。规模最大的Ontong Java、Manihiki与Kerguelen等大洋溢流玄武岩省和东区峨眉山玄武岩省具有这一方面的典型特征。过渡带成分的加人对由MORB-OIB产生的DUPAL异常分区(太平洋省与印度洋-特提斯省)将产生扰动,如Ontong Java-Manihik分布的中西太平洋地区。 (4)由于俯冲蚀变洋壳对Sr同位素体系扰动很大,而Pb同位素的原始地幔值不很明确,因此Nd同位素体系具有重要指示意义。极大部分的溢流玄武岩省的地慢端元均表现为εNd (t)近于+8的强亏损地幔,因此应是来自上地幔软流圈的岩浆。以原始-略亏损地幔为端元的溢流玄武岩省只有Parana、Keweenaw和东区峨眉山玄武岩。特别是东区峨眉山玄武岩省在102°E至107°E约20×104 km2范围内,从苦橄岩、高镁玄武岩到钒钦层状岩体,从拉斑至安山质的低钦与高钦玄武岩系列(Mg#变化在82~32)的大量数据表明具有十分稳定的原始-略亏损地幔εNd (t)值(0~+3), Pb同位素组成吻合于NHRL。苦橄岩与高镁玄武岩则具有平坦的REE和HFSE蜘网图。因此东区峨眉山玄武岩岩浆具有大量原始-略亏损下地幔组分的加入,为地幔柱的存在提供了重要证据。  相似文献   

The Petrogenesis of the Kirwan Basalts of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The 420 m thick sequence of Kirwan basalt crops out along thesouthernmost 50 km of the Kirwanveggen Escarpment (74?S, 6?W).There is little variation in major element chemistry of thesebasalts (SiO2 49?3–51?6 wt.%; MgO 5?1–6?6 wt.%),but the concentrations of certain incompatible elements (e.g.,Zr) vary by factors of approximately two or more. Most interelementplots show rather poor correlation (r<0?78), but rocks fromopposite ends of the data array can be related by 30% fractionationof plagioclase, clinopyroxene, olivine, and magnetite in theproportions 51:35:11:3. Plagioclase is much more abundant inphenocryst assemblages (85%) and it appears that selective transportof plagioclase to the surface occurred. The range in incompatible element concentrations cannot be explainedby crystal fractionation and is most probably a result of theparent liquids of these basalts being derived by slightly differentdegrees of partial melting of a common source, or alternativelyof open-system (RTF) magma processes. The strontium isotopedata for the freshest rocks (R0=0?7049–0?7065) may beexplained by 7% contamination by crustal material with an R0of 0?709 and bulk Sr of800 ppm, but there is little supportingevidence from other trace element variations for this hypothesis.Oxygen isotope determinations on whole-rock-plagioclase pairsshow that alteration has resulted in a 0?5%o shift in (18O.Alteration also appears to have resulted in a greater spreadof data, particularly for the LIL elements and Sr isotopes.The Sr and Nd isotopic composition of the suite is close tobulk Earth at 172 Ma and this, together with REE and other traceelement data, shows these basalts to be similar in compositionto the more primitive basalts among the Karoo basalt lavas.It is suggested that the Kirwan basalts were derived from asource which was similar to that of the southern Lebombo variantof the Sabie River Basalt Formation of the Karoo Volcanic Province.This part of the Karoo was closest to the Kirwanveggen beforethe break-up of Gondwanaland.  相似文献   

Flood and Shield Basalts from Ethiopia: Magmas from the African Superswell   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
The Ethiopian plateau is made up of several distinct volcaniccentres of different ages and magmatic affinities. In the NE,a thick sequence of 30 Ma flood basalts is overlain by the 30Ma Simien shield volcano. The flood basalts and most of thisshield volcano, except for a thin veneer of alkali basalt, aretholeiitic. In the centre of the province, a far thinner sequenceof flood basalt is overlain by the 22 Ma Choke and Guguftu shieldvolcanoes. Like the underlying flood basalts, these shieldsare composed of alkaline lavas. A third type of magma, whichalso erupted at 30 Ma, is more magnesian, alkaline and stronglyenriched in incompatible trace elements. Eruption of this magmawas confined to the NE of the province, a region where the lavaflows are steeply tilted as a result of deformation contemporaneouswith their emplacement. Younger shields (e.g. Mt Guna, 10·7Ma) are composed of Si-undersaturated lavas. The three maintypes of magma have very different major and trace element characteristicsranging from compositions low in incompatible elements in thetholeiites [e.g. 10 ppm La at 7 wt % MgO (=La7), La/Yb = 4·2],moderate in the alkali basalts (La7 = 24, La/Yb = 9·2),and very high in the magnesian alkaline magmas (La7 = 43, La/Yb= 17). Although their Nd and Sr isotope compositions are similar,Pb isotopic compositions vary considerably; 206Pb/204Pb variesin the range of  相似文献   

哀牢山古特提斯洋东南分支洋盆-斯雷博河洋在构造演化上存在俯冲极性问题,沙耶武里地区大片玄武岩的构造属性是对斯雷博河洋俯冲方向的重要制约。沙耶武里玄武岩SiO2含量为49.43%~51.35%,K2O+Na2O含量为5.30%~6.18%,在化学成分上属于钙碱性岩石;其稀土元素的总量为57.65×10-6~64.69×10-6,LREE/HREE=3.69~3.84,表明在其形成过程中发生过一定程度的岩浆分异作用。基于此,对沙耶武里玄武岩进行了成因分析、构造环境和可能的形成机制探讨,认为沙耶武里玄武岩形成于岛弧环境之中,是在晚石炭世哀牢山-斯雷博河洋向西俯冲消减形成,其岩浆来源于受大洋岩石圈混染的亏损地幔楔,形成过程之中有地壳物质参与。  相似文献   

<正>Recently,we carried out the National Nature Science Foundation of China(No.41303027)and focused on pillow basalts in western Karamay from West Junggar.The detailed geological survey at a scale of 1:500 distinguished an assemblage of accretionary complex in western Karamay.The accretionary complex consists of  相似文献   

<正>This study used trace elements in olivine as a new petrogenetic indicator to further constrain the petrogenesis of potassic basalts from the Erkeshan-Wudalianchi-KeluoXiaogulihe potassic volcanic field(EWKX for short)in the Songliao Basin of NE China,with a combination of the previous olivine and whole-rock geochemical data.We  相似文献   

柯坪玄武岩位于塔里木板块西缘,产于下二叠统库普库兹曼组和开派兹雷克组中。岩石化学组成以富集TFeO、TiO2、P2O5和SiO2不饱和为特征。大部分样品属碱性玄武岩系列,个别属拉斑玄武岩系列。它们的稀土元素和微量元素显示了板内拉张环境玄武岩的地球化学特征。εNd(t)=-1.73~-3.69,εSr(t)= 27.56~ 56.87,^206Pb/^204Pb=17.87~18.02,^207Pb/^204Pb=15.45~15.53,^208Pb/^204Pb=38.22~38.49。Nd、Sr、Pb同位素组成证明柯坪玄武岩源自于前寒武纪的富集型大陆岩石圈地幔。而且,这种情况在塔里木盆地及周缘地区十分发育的镁铁质岩浆岩中具有广泛的代表性。据此,可以将新疆南部和北部划分为两个明显不同的同位素地球化学省。南部省以富集型地幔的同位素组成为特征,而北部省以亏损型地幔的同位素组成为特征。分属于这两个省的古生代晚期阶段岩浆岩有可能不是同一个地质过程的产物。  相似文献   

The Austurhorn intrusive complex in southeastern Iceland representsthe evolved hypabyssal remains of an eroded Tertiary (6–7Ma) central volcano. The complex consists of a layered gabbrointrusion, a composite granophyric stock, and abundant maficand felsic dikes. Mineralogical and geochemical trends amongcontemporaneous, compositionally diverse liquids from the complexprovide insight into the genesis of evolved basalts and rhyolitesin Iceland that are difficult to infer from studies of onlylavas. Mafic and felsic samples have comparable ranges in incompatibletrace element ratios (Ba/La and P/Ce) and Sr- and Pb-isotopes(O'Nions and Pankhurst, 1973; B. Hanan, pers. comm., 1988),suggesting derivation from a common parental composition. Majorand trace element variations throughout the Austurhorn suiteare consistent with fractional crystallization of the observedphenocrysts. Quartz-normative basalts were derived from parentalbasalt containing 7.8 wt.% MgO by extensive low-pressure crystallizationof olivine, augite, plagioclase, magnetite, and ilmenite. Thefractionating assemblage is consistent with the observed mineralogyof associated gabbro. Moreover, the cumulus mineralogy of thegabbro provides evidence for fractionation processes in a compositionalinterval not represented by dikes and sills (i.e., 54–63wt.% SiO2).Diversity among the mafic dikes reflects severaladditional factors: (1) crystallization under conditions ofvariable oxygen fugacity; (2) separate mantle melting eventsthat produce different Ce/Yb values; (3) contamination of somemafic dikes at depth, presumably by interaction with felsicmagmas. Major and trace element trends among most felsic samples canbe modeled by fractionation of the observed mineral phases:plagioclase, K-feldspar, clinopyroxene, ilmenite, apatite, allanite,and zircon. Although crustal melting has been proposed for generatingIcelandic rhyolites, most Austurhorn felsic samples are unlikeliquids derived by melting of hydrated basalts. In particular,apatite and zircon have controlled the abundances of Zr, Hf,and the REE in the felsic rocks, but they are unlikely to beresidual phases during partial melting of basalt. One felsicdike, interpreted as a melt of an evolved source, shows petrographicevidence of in situ anatexis and also has anomalous trace elementabundances and unusually high 206Pb/204Pb.  相似文献   

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