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Archaeological investigations in Camels Back Cave, western Utah, recovered a series of small-mammal bone assemblages from stratified deposits dating between ca. 12,000 and 500 14C yr B.P. The cave's early Holocene fauna includes a number of species adapted to montane or mesic habitats containing grasses and/or sagebrush (e.g., Lepus townsendii, Marmota flaviventris, Reithrodontomys megalotis, and Brachylagus idahoensis) which suggest that the region was relatively cool and moist until after 8800 14C yr B.P. Between ca. 8600 and 8100 14C yr B.P. these mammals became locally extinct, taxonomic diversity declined, and there was an increase in species well-adapted to xeric, low-elevation habitats, including ground squirrels, Lepus californicus and Neotoma lepida. The early small-mammal record from Camels Back Cave is similar to the 11,300–6000 14C yr B.P. mammalian sequence from Homestead Cave, northwestern Utah, and provides corroborative data on Bonneville Basin paleoenvironments and mammalian responses to middle Holocene desertification.  相似文献   

This paper presents the preliminary results of phytolith analyses of a peat located in the cerrado of the Uberaba municipality, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The phytolith soil sequence is discussed by comparison with phytolith assemblages extracted from dominant plants (Cyperaceae and Poaceae). Increasing mean age of phytolith assemblages with depth is assumed. Poaceae Cuneiform bulliform cell, Parallelepiped bulliform cell and Elongate smooth long cell types dominate up to 80 cm, rapidly drop to 42% at 80 cm and regularly decrease from 42% to 2% upwards. Cyperaceae Rondel concave type shows the inverse trend, being dominant in the upper part of the profile. This pattern can be assigned to increasing selective dissolution of the Cyperaceae phytolith type with depth, or/and to a decrease of water stress suffered by the grasses, leading to a decrease of bulliform cell silicification. Soil processes and paleo-environmental changes hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

Most Ordovician source rocks consist of accumulation of a colonial marine microorganism, Gloeocapsomorpha prisca (G. prisca) whose nature, ecology and affinity with extant organisms have been in dispute for years. Furthermore, recent studies have shown major differences in phenol moieties between two G. prisca-rich samples. Examination of five G. prisca-rich kerogens by electron microscopy and pyrolysis studies revealed (i) the occurrence of two markedly distinct “morpho/chemical” types: a “closed/phenol-rich” type (Baltic samples) and an “open/phenol-poor” one (North American samples) and (ii) the selective preservation of the resistant micromolecular material building up the thick cell walls in the original organism. Comparison with extant Botryococcus braunii (a widespread green microalga) grown on media of increasing salinity suggests that G. prisca is likely to be a planktonic green microalga related to B. braunii, which can adapt to large salinity variations which, in turn, control its polymorphism. The large differences in colony morphology and in the content of phenol moieties observed in fossil G. prisca and the resulting occurrence of two “morpho/chemical” types, should therefore reflect depositional environments with different salinities. The presence of thick, highly aliphatic, resistant walls in G. prisca selectively preserved during fossilization, accounts for the major contribution of this organism to Ordovician organic-rich sediments and for the resulting typical signature of Ordovician oils.  相似文献   

High levels of morphological variability have been attributed to various ecological and developmental mechanisms, including selection for ecological generalists in an unstable environment, inherent developmental plasticity, and the absence of competitors in an empty ecosystem. The late Albian–early Cenomanian hoplitid ammonite Neogastroplites of the Mowry Sea of North America, notorious for its extreme levels of intraspecific variability, is used as a test case of the idea that a lack of competitors promotes variability. The group responded to the invasion of a second ammonite, the engonoceratid Metengonoceras, into the Mowry Sea by spreading into a previously unoccupied region of morphospace, suggesting possible ecological character displacement and a release from constructional constraints. However, morphological variability did not decrease, as would be predicted by the competition model. The variability of Neogastroplites might instead result from environmental instability or developmental flexibility.  相似文献   

为探讨柴达木盆地晚更新世的环境变迁,同时为青藏高原隆升对气候变化的影响提供基础资料,对柴达木盆地昆特依地区ZK1404钻孔沉积物中的正构烷烃分布特征以及ASM14C测年数据进行了分析。结果显示,昆特依地区晚更新世沉积物的正构烷烃总体上呈现以高碳数为主的分布特征,多数样品以nC27nC29为主峰,部分以nC31为主峰,呈现出显著的奇碳优势。少数样品中低于nC21的短链正构烷烃相对丰度较高,主要以nC17nC20为主峰碳数,无明显的奇偶优势。根据正构烷烃分布特征、AMS14C测年数据、区域地质调查资料及沉积环境判断,柴达木盆地昆特依地区晚更新世(33600~26370a B.P.)气候环境以温凉干旱与温凉干旱偏湿交替出现为特征,与现代大陆性干旱荒漠气候截然不同。  相似文献   

Variations in the carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of pristane, phytane, n-heptadecane (n-C17), C29 ααα 20R sterane, and aryl isoprenoids provide evidence for a diverse community of algal and bacterial organisms in organic matter of the Upper Ordovician Maquoketa Group of the Illinois Basin. Carbon isotopic compositions of pristane and phytane from the Maquoketa are positively covariant (r = 0.964), suggesting that these compounds were derived from a common source inferred to be primary producers (algae) from the oxygenated photic zone. A variation of 3‰ in δ13C values (−31 to −34‰) for pristane and phytane indicates that primary producers utilized variable sources of inorganic carbon. Average isotopic compositions of n-C17 (−32‰) and C29 ααα 20R sterane (−31‰) are enriched in 13C relative to pristane and phytane (−33‰) suggesting that these compounds were derived from a subordinate group of primary producers, most likely eukaryotic algae. In addition, a substantial enrichment of 13C in aryl isoprenoids (−14 to −18‰) and the identification of tetramethylbenzene in pyrolytic products of Maquoketa kerogen indicate a contribution from photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria to the organic matter. The presence of anaerobic, photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria in organic matter of the Maquoketa indicates that anoxic conditions extended into the photic zone.The δ13C of n-alkanes and the identification of an unusual suite of straight-chain n-alkylarenes in the m/z 133 fragmentograms of Ordovician rocks rich in Gloeocapsomorpha prisca (G. prisca) indicate that G. prisca did not contribute to the organic matter of the Maquoketa Group.  相似文献   

Pleistocene faunas from south China are difficult to subdivide based on the long temporal ranges of many taxa and a reduced number of genera in comparison to faunas from temperate north China. In south China, the Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna is a very general one and includes a relatively stable suite of genera that apparently persisted for long periods of time. These attributes have made constraining its time range difficult. Application of electron spin resonance (ESR) dating of tooth enamel constrains the ages well where uranium uptake was minor. Where uranium uptake into teeth was significant, an approach combining ESR and 230Th/234U isotopic analysis also yields excellent ages. Previous estimates of early, middle and late Pleistocene time ranges previously determined by biostratigraphic seriation for the Ailuropoda–Stegodon fauna are confirmed in all cases but are made more precise with our approach, including specific time ranges for certain archaic taxa. Absolute dating also yields an extended time range for Gigantopithecus blacki of 1200 to 310 ka.  相似文献   

Molecular stable carbon isotope technique was employed to study well-sourced crude oils collected from a single drilling well and from the entire Lunnan oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. The stable carbon isotopic composition of n-alkanes from crude oils showed that Ordovi-clan-derived oils are enriched in ^13C and Triassic-derived oils are depleted in ^13C. This is consistent with the distribution and evolution trend of stable carbon isotope ratios in crude oils/organic matter from all over the world in geological history (Stahl, 1977; Andrusevich et al. ,1998). An extensive survey of literature indicates that, except for thermal maturity, organic matter input and depositional environment, paleoenvironmental background is another key factor that affects the stable carbon isotopic composition of Ordovician- and Triassic-derived crude oils. The results showed that gas chromatographic-isotope ratio mass spectrometry ( GC-C-IRMS), combining with biogeoehemical evolution of organic matter in geological history, may be a powerful tool in refining oil/oil, oil/source correlations in multi-age, multi-source petroliferous basins like Tarim.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Estherites corrugatus from the basal part of the Coniacian Second Member of the Nenjiang Formation in Nenjiang County, north-east China is revised following the application of a new preparation technique to some of the carapaces and an examination of specimens under a scanning electron microscope, both of which revealed morphological features on the carapace that had not been recognized previously. Restudy of the type species of the two subgenera Estherites (Euestherites) and Estherites (Parestherites) also revealed details of carapace features not seen hitherto. These indicate that they should be separated from Estherites. As a result, Euestherites is upgraded to genus level and Parestherites is placed in synonymy. The importance of Estherites and Euestherites is considered in the context of Late Cretaceous assemblages of these crustaceans and the three conchostracan provinces (South-West, South-East and North China) that are recognized to have been present in China during the Turonian–Santonian period.  相似文献   

Spores of the dung fungus Sporormiella have been suggested to indicate the presence, perhaps also the abundance of past megaherbivore populations. Nonetheless, basic studies demonstrating a correlation between Sporormiella concentration in lacustrine sediments and modern herbivore abundance are lacking. This study of Sporormiella representation in grazed and ungrazed landscapes provides supporting evidence for the application of Sporormiella as an indicator of megaherbivore presence and abundance in ancient landscapes. However, Sporormiella representation is spatially sensitive to the distance from the dung source. In lakes where Sporomiella are abundant in shoreline sediments, they decline sharply with increasing distance from the lake edge. Although this study provides supporting evidence for the application of Sporormiella as a proxy for herbivore presence and abundance, independent proxies should be applied in conjunction with Sporormiella to control for changes in lake size.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地石炭系是中国北方新区新层系油气勘探调查研究的热点,盆地东部地区石炭系出露较全,但多数学者认为柴东地区不存在二叠系。针对扎布萨尕秀组归属于石炭纪还是二叠纪的争议,采集扎布萨尕秀组的砂岩碎屑锆石开展了U-Pb LA-ICP-MS同位素测年,获得40个和谐年龄分布在2488±34 Ma至288±3 Ma之间,最年轻的一组碎屑锆石的加权平均年龄288.0±2.0 Ma(MSWD=0.112,n=21)。这意味着该扎布萨尕秀组中的砂岩沉积于288 Ma之后,晚于国际石炭—二叠纪界限(299 Ma)。依据野外调查和已有研究成果,扎布萨尕秀组中赋存丰富的虫筳科化石,其中膨胀型虫筳属Pseudoschwagerina或Sphaeroschwagerina的出现是进入二叠纪的重要标志。结合碎屑锆石年代学和虫筳属化石特征,扎布萨尕秀组应归属早二叠世,说明柴达木东部地区存在二叠纪沉积记录。该认识为深化柴达木盆地晚古生代—中生代沉积建造和构造演化提供了重要的地层学证据。   相似文献   

Nautilus subplicatusSteinmann, 1895 is a latest Cretaceous species of nautiloid which is common in southern South America (Chile, Argentina) and the Antarctic Peninsula and which is best assigned to the genus EutrephocerasHyatt, 1894. Nautilus dorbignyanusForbes in Darwin, 1846 and Nautilus valenciennii Hupé in Gay, 1854 are here considered to be senior synonyms which later authors have apparently overlooked. The type material of these two taxa is reillustrated. On the basis of this and additional material it is demonstrated that only a single nautiloid species occurs in the Quiriquina Formation of late Maastrichtian age. For this we propose to use N. dorbignyanus as the oldest available name.  相似文献   

Acanthoceratid ammonites from near Maceió, in the State of Alagoas, provide evidence of a mid-Cretaceous marine incursion into the present onshore part of the Alagoas Basin. The ammonites Pseudocalycoceras sp. cf. P. harpax (Stoliczka, 1864) and Kamerunoceras sp. are assigned a late Cenomanian age. The rock is a siliceous oolite that occurs as derived nodules and fragments in late Cenozoic continental sediments. It is interpreted as an originally calcareous oolite formed in a near-shore, high-energy environment. Absence of primary cement suggests that silicification took place early in diagenesis. The silicified, and therefore more resistant material from the original Cenomanian sequence was reworked and redeposited with the Cenozoic sediments. The age, indicated by the ammonites, suggests that the original deposition was related to the global late Cenomanian—early Turonian sea-level rise.  相似文献   




A new Late Pennsylvanian species of gymnospermous fossil wood, Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanense sp. nov. is described from the Lower Taiyuan Formation (Stephanian B-C) near the village of Xiaheyan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, northwestern China. The specimen consists only of silicified secondary xylem. The tracheids are pycnoxylic with 2–3 seriate bordered pits, arranged in subcircular or hexagonal alternate (araucaroid) pattern. The pores of the pits are small, linear, and regularly tilted. Xylem rays are homogeneous, uniseriate, 1–25 cells high. Cross-fields are filled with numerous mixed simple pits of various sizes. Growth rings, axial parenchymatous elements and resin canals are absent. The geographic distribution of Zalesskioxylon woods is reviewed. Zalesskioxylon xiaheyanense sp. nov. grew at low latitudes, and because of the lack of growth rings, probably lived under relatively uniform climatic conditions. Our new species supplements the poorly known distribution of Carboniferous wood in China.  相似文献   

The Upper Cretaceous Bagh Beds yield many biota of which ammonoids are particularly well known. Previously Bagh ammonoids were grouped into many genera and species within several families. The present study, however, shows that failure to recognize dimorphism and a wide range of interspecific variation within the single genus Placenticeras perhaps results in taxonomic oversplitting. Specific dimorphism in P. mintoi has been established.  相似文献   

During the late Pleistocene and early Holocene, Bison was widely dispersed across North America and occupied most regions not covered by ice sheets. A dietary study on Bison paleopopulations from Alaska, New Mexico, Florida, and Texas was performed using two methods that relate dental wear patterns to diet, mesowear analysis and microwear analysis. These data were compared to a mixed sample of extant Bison from the North American central plains, extant wood Bison from Alberta (Canada) and a variety of other modern ungulates. Mesowear relates macroscopic molar facet shape to levels of dietary abrasion. The mesowear signature observed on fossil Bison differs significantly from the hyper-abrasive grazing diet of extant Bison. Tooth microwear examines wear on the surface of enamel at a microscopic scale. The microwear signal of fossil samples resembles to modern Bison, but the fossil samples show a greater diversity of features, suggesting that fossil Bison populations regularly consumed food items that are texturally inconsistent with the short-grass diet typical of modern plains Bison. Mesowear and microwear signals of fossil Bison samples most closely resemble a variety of typical mixed feeding ungulates, all with diets that are substantially less abrasive than what is typical for modern plains Bison. Furthermore, statistical tests suggest significant differences between the microwear signatures of the fossil samples, thus revealing geographic variability in Pleistocene Bison diets. This study reveals that fossils are of value in developing an understanding of the dietary breadth and ecological versatility of species that, in recent times, are rare, endangered, and occupy only a small remnant of their former ranges.  相似文献   

A metamorphic petrological study, in conjunction with recent precise geochronometric data, revealed a complex PTt path for high-grade gneisses in a hitherto poorly understood sector of the Mesoproterozoic Maud Belt in East Antarctica. The Maud Belt is an extensive high-grade, polydeformed, metamorphic belt, which records two significant tectono-thermal episodes, once towards the end of the Mesoproterozoic and again towards the late Neoproterozoic/Cambrian. In contrast to previous models, most of the metamorphic mineral assemblages are related to a Pan-African tectono-thermal overprint, with only very few relics of late Mesoproterozoic granulite-facies mineral assemblages (M1) left in strain-protected domains. Petrological and mineral chemical evidence indicates a clockwise PTt path for the Pan-African orogeny. Peak metamorphic (M2b) conditions recorded by most rocks in the area (T = 709–785 °C and P = 7.0–9.5 kbar) during the Pan-African orogeny were attained subsequent to decompression from probably eclogite-facies metamorphic conditions (M2a).The new data acquired in this study, together with recent geochronological and geochemical data, permit the development of a geodynamic model for the Maud Belt that involves volcanic arc formation during the late Mesoproterozoic followed by extension at 1100 Ma and subsequent high-grade tectono-thermal reworking once during continent–continent collision at the end of the Mesoproterozoic (M1; 1090–1030 Ma) and again during the Pan-African orogeny (M2a, M2b) between 565 and 530 Ma. Post-peak metamorphic K-metasomatism under amphibolite-facies conditions (M2c) followed and is ascribed to post-orogenic bimodal magmatism between 500 and 480 Ma.  相似文献   

We study the azimuthal velocity variation of Pg waves in the Moldanubian, which is a crystalline segment within the Bohemian Massif in the Czech Republic. We use the data from a multi-azimuthal common-shot experiment performed as part of the ALP 2002 refraction experiment, complemented by profile refraction data from the CELEBRATION 2000 experiment. We analyze the travel times of waves recorded by 72 portable seismic stations deployed along two circles with radii of 35 and 45 km around a shot. The observed travel times display an azimuthal variation indicating anisotropy of 2%. The minimum and maximum velocity values are 5.83 and 5.95 km/s, respectively. The direction of the maximum velocity is N50°E. These values characterize horizontal anisotropy of the uppermost crust down to 3 km. The strength and orientation of uppermost crustal anisotropy in the Moldanubian is consistent with the overall upper crustal anisotropy in the entire Bohemian Massif. The high-velocity direction is roughly perpendicular to the present-day maximum compressive stress in the Bohemian Massif and Central Europe and coincides with the orientation of structures formed by the main Variscan tectonic events in the area. This indicates that the anisotropy is caused predominantly by alignment of textural elements and minerals in the rocks, which developed in early geological stages rather than by a preferred orientation of cracks or microcracks due to present-day stress. If the crack-induced anisotropy is present in the medium, then its strength should not exceed 1% and the cracks should be water saturated.  相似文献   

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