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多媒体与数据库技术、电子地图系统空前发展,已使得它们之间相互结合更加紧密,出现了在电子地图系统、地理信息系统( GIS)应用多媒体技术表达地理穿梭间信息的趋势.针对地理空间知识和空间关系及人类认知特点,设计建立了基于地理空间语义网络和多媒体表达的电子地图系统,探讨了系统的组成、结构和功能,并对应用实例作了简要介绍.  相似文献   

视频具有表达直观、信息丰富、动态实时等特点,将其与GIS有机集成形成地理视频(GeoVideo),可更加形象的表达地理空间.该文利用视频分割技术将视频分割为具有不同摄像机运动状态的视频片段,针对摄像机运动的视频片段,采用摄像机跟踪(Camera Tracking)技术求算视频帧对应的摄像机内外参数,并基于地理视频数据模型,采用KML/XML描述视频帧、摄像机位置、摄像机姿态等之间的时空映射关系.最后,设计了原型系统,在网络环境中聚合地理信息服务、视频流媒体服务与KML文档服务等,实现了视频与三维地理场景的交互与融合.实验表明,基于该地理视频数据模型,利用视频数据可实现对地理场景的增强表达,使用户能更形象的认知地理空间.  相似文献   

地理空间认知是了解和表达地理环境的过程,涉及认知内容、认知过程、认知工具等多维度。《义务教育地理课程标准(2022年版)》蕴含着丰富的地理空间认知的学习要求,剖析新课标中地理空间认知内涵,有利于在教学过程中更加精准地把握地理空间的认知要素、认知过程和认知工具。  相似文献   

周其楼  张捷 《地理研究》2013,32(8):1508-1516
近年来物联网在全球掀起巨大热潮。作为新一代信息技术,物联网不仅将给生产运行、经济和社会管理乃至个人生活带来极大影响,同时将会给地理学带来深刻变化,成为信息地理研究的重要对象。深入分析物联网对于地理学核心概念以及信息地理研究方法带来的影响,构建物联网时代信息地理研究的理论框架,主要包括:物联网构造了新的地理空间--现实地理空间与虚拟空间的统一体,推动人地关系的改善;物联网时代的信息实时收集与处理特征,使得空间结构、产品空间、行为空间发生重要变化,信息作为区位的影响因素将得到增强,城市交通、居住、工作和休憩功能空间受到影响,物联网从规范产业链和改变消费行为两个方面影响商业模式,人的环境感应能力增强,影响人们的空间感知和空间行为;基于物理世界的海量实时数据,信息地理研究方法发生变化,实证、时间维度、微观尺度等方面的研究将会增强。进而,系统性提出物联网时代信息地理的主要研究内容。  相似文献   

地理信息系统学科中几个基本问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理信息科学(GISci)尚不成熟,但中国地理信息系统(GIS)高等教育发展快速,因此GIS学科发展面临许多问题和挑战。尝试从哲学本体论、认识论和方法论角度探讨GIS学科中的几个基本问题:现实世界、概念世界、数字世界、空间认知、空间表达、空间分析与研究方法,同时从社会实践角度总结了GIS应用中的组织、管理与社会问题。1)系统总结地理空间、空间认知与信息表达的关系以及地理信息的基本特征;2)回顾GIS的概念与内涵演变,论证GIS概念的多样性与同一性,分析了几个代表性的GIS研究方向;3)在回顾地理学研究范式转变的基础上,探讨空间分析、知识产生过程以及基于GIS的地理学研究范式;4)辨析GIS与组织管理间的关系、GIS与社会间的互动关系,特别强调发展中国家GIS应用面临的问题。建议围绕“空间认知与表达”、“GIS方法论”、“GIS、组织与社会”进行跨学科研究,完善GIS学科体系。  相似文献   

地理信息可视化中的二元方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩雪培  李满春  徐建刚 《地理研究》2008,27(5):1087-1096
作为一种方法论的探索,以二元分析为基本方法,初步探讨和形成了地理信息可视化二元概念模型 ,力求构建一个简单的、易于被人们理解和接受的地理信息可视化理论框架。文章首先从地理学、语言学、哲学等方面阐述了二元方法论的理论基础,然后以符号语言学为范式,从地理信息可视化的所指与能指两个方面展开,阐述地理信息可视化二元方法论的主要内容;最后得出结论。研究表明:①地理信息具有二元性,它包括时间与空间二元 、瞬时与历时二元、空间几何与空间属性二元、定性与定量二元;②地图设计也具有二元性,它们是地图整体样式与个体符号二元、符号外观与内在二元、形状与尺寸二元、色彩与纹理二元。  相似文献   

空问数据分类分级表达是GIS最基本的功能之一.针对目前GIS中空间数据表达的不足,借鉴Frederico.T等学者关于本体驱动的地理信息系统中类的变化类型及其变化机制的思想,将土地利用中类的变化分为垂直导航和水平导航2种类型.利用OWL描述的地理数据分类等级体系中的一个概念导航到其父概念或子概念,通过合并地理本体中的某个地理概念的所有子概念所关联的地理要素类中的要素,实现地理空间数据内容的复合;通过将地理本体中的某个地理概念所关联的地理要素类中的要素分别归类到其子概念所关联的要素类中,实现地理空间数据内容的特化.基于本体方法研究地理数据分类分级表达是对目前地理空间数据可视化表达方法的有益补充和丰富.  相似文献   

基于对象的GIS时空数据模型设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GIS时空数据模型是描述空间实体的时间特性和空间特性的有机体,是GIS存储、再现、分析动态的现实世界的基础.该文采用面向对象的思想将地理实体抽象为空间对象,对空间对象的空间几何信息、属性信息、时间信息进行封装,提出了基于对象的GIS时空数据模型的构建方法.重点探讨了基于对象的地理实体描述方法、空间对象的时态特征和时态数据的存储方法,为时空信息的有机集成、共享管理、决策分析与应用提供了关于时空数据组织与管理模式的新思路.  相似文献   

地理信息Web检索系统体系结构、原理及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了地理信息Web检索系统的含义、体系结构及基本原理,并重点阐述地理信息检索系统的发展,包括该领域两个重要的研讨会:GIR和GeoCLEF;讨论了地理信息Web检索系统与Google Maps等通用地理类搜索工具的区别,并对一个有代表性的地理信息Web检索系统SPIRIT做了详细说明;指出地理信息Web检索系统目前面临的挑战包括:地理本体的建立,页面地理信息的抽取,空间索引的建立,主题和空间双重搜索模型的运用,搜索结果的排序及搜索结果的地图可视化。  相似文献   

陈用成 《地理教学》2012,(20):39-40
地图是地理学的"第二语言",可以表达地理要素的空间分布、空间联系及其变化、发展。图表承载了丰富的信息,不仅是学生获取地理知识的源泉,还成为培养与发展学生智力、能力的手段。因此,读图用图是学生地理学习的基本技能,用好图表是课堂教学改进的重要方法。本文以高一地理"地貌"一课的教学为例,探讨如何有效运用地理图表,提高课堂教学实效的途径。  相似文献   

Great strides have been made in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) research over the past half-century. However, this progress has created both opportunities and challenges. From a geographic perspective, certain challenges remain, including the modelling of geographic-featured environments with GIS data model, the enhancement of GIS’s analysis functions for comprehensive geographic analysis and achieving human-oriented geographic information presentation. Several basic theoretical and technical ideas that follow the workflow and processes of geographic information induction, geographic scenario modelling, geographic process analysis and geographic environment representation are proposed to fill the gaps between GIS and geography. We also call for designing methods for big geographic data-oriented analysis, making best use of videos and developing virtual geographic scenario-based GIS for further evolution.  相似文献   

我国地理信息产业的发展现状及思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章讨论了地理信息和地理信息产业的涵义,以及发展我国地理信息产业的重要性,对我国地理信息产业的现状进行了思考与分析,并提出了建议。认为我国地理信息产业面临机遇与挑战,通过扶持国产GIS软件,制定空间数据标准和交换格式标准,扩大地理信息技术服务的应用领域,珍惜人才,重视教育,我国的地理信息产业将有很大的发展空间。  相似文献   

The relevance of geographic information has become an emerging problem in geographic information science due to an enormous increase in volumes of data at high spatial, temporal, and semantic resolution, because of ever faster rates of new data capturing. At the same time, it is not clear whether the concept of relevance developed in information science and implemented for document-based information retrieval can be directly applied to this new, highly dynamic setting. In this study, we analyze the criteria users apply when judging the relevance of geographic entities in a given mobile usage context. Two different experiments have been set up in order to gather users' opinions on a set of possible criteria, and their relevance judgements in a given scenario. The importance ascribed to the criteria in both experiments clearly implies that a new concept of relevance is required when dealing with geographic entities instead of digital documents. This new concept of ‘Geographic Relevance’ is highly dependent on personal mobility and user's activity, whose understanding may in turn be refined by the assimilation of ‘Geographic Relevance’ itself.  相似文献   

Geographic representation has become more complex through time as researchers have added new concepts, leading to apparently endless proliferation and creating a need for simplification. We show that many of these concepts can be derived from a single foundation that we term the atomic form of geographic information. The familiar concepts of continuous fields and discrete objects can be derived under suitable rules applied to the properties and values of the atomic form. Fields and objects are further integrated through the concept of phase space, and in the form of field objects. A second atomic concept is introduced, termed the geo‐dipole, and shown to provide a foundation for object fields, metamaps, and the association classes of object‐oriented data modelling. Geographic dynamics are synthesized in a three‐dimensional space defined by static or dynamic object shape, the possibility of movement, and the possibility of dynamic internal structure. The atomic form also provides a tentative argument that discrete objects and continuous fields are the only possible bases for geographic representation.  相似文献   

A common concern when working with health‐related data is that national standard guidelines are designed to preserve individual statistical information, usually recorded as text or in a spreadsheet format (‘statistical confidentiality’), but lack appropriate rules for visualizing this information on maps (‘spatial confidentiality’). Privacy rules to protect spatial confidentiality become more and more important, as governmental agencies increasingly incorporate Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a tool for collecting, storing, analysing, and disseminating spatial information. The purpose of this paper is to propose the first step of a general framework for presenting the location of confidential point data on maps using empirical perceptual research. The overall objective is to identify geographic masking methods that preserve both the confidentiality of individual locations, and at the same time the essential visual characteristics of the original point pattern.  相似文献   

This paper presents a formal framework for the representation of three-dimensional geospatial data and the definition of common geographic information system (GIS) spatial operations. We use the compact stack-based representation of terrains (SBRT) in order to model geological volumetric data, both at the surface and subsurface levels, thus preventing the large storage requirements of regular voxel models. The main contribution of this paper is fitting the SBRT into the geo-atom theory in a seamless way, providing it with a sound formal geographic foundation. In addition we have defined a set of common spatial operations on this representation using the tools provided by map algebra. More complex geoprocessing operations or geophysical simulations using the SBRT as representation can be implemented as a composition of these fundamental operations. Finally a data model and an implementation extending the coverage concept provided by the Geography Markup Language standard are suggested. Geoscientists and GIS professionals can take advantage of this model to exchange and reuse geoinformation within a well-specified framework.  相似文献   

地理空间认知综述   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
地理空间认知研究是地理信息科学的核心内容之一,包括地理事物在地理空间中位置的研究和地理事物本身性质的研究。地理空间认知作为认知科学与地理科学的交叉学科,需将认知科学研究成果进行基于地理科学的特化研究。从认知过程的角度对地理空间认知研究进行综述,包括地理知觉、地理表象、地理概念化、地理知识的心理表征和地理空间推理。  相似文献   

While current Geographic Information Systems (GISs) can represent observational spatial data well, they have limited capabilities in representing some non‐observational social elements and goal‐driven behaviours that can be important factors in a wide range of geographic issues. Such social components may include laws, regulations, polices, plans, culture, and customs, as well as their relations and interactions with the geographic environment at different scales. Getting beyond traditional data‐centred approaches, this research presents a knowledge‐oriented strategy in order to address these issues within a GIS context. We incorporate two major conceptual elements. First, extending from conventional agent notions and their geographic applications, geographic agents (GeoAgents) are considered as a basic representation component to specifically address social rules and goal‐driven behaviours that impact the Earth and environmental systems. Second, in order to incorporate GeoAgents with current space–time representation, a new conceptual representation framework, called ‘fields, objects, time, GeoAgents, and relations’ (FOTAR), is introduced to address the cross‐scale processes of both social and natural interactions. A Java‐based prototype, GeoAgent‐based Knowledge System (GeoAgentKS), is described to implement this framework by integrating agent technologies with multiple data and knowledge representation techniques, such as expert systems, concept maps, mathematical models, and geospatial databases. The application of this prototype in a case study is also presented, investigating scale‐dependent human–environment interactions under different emergency situations for community water systems in Central Pennsylvania, USA. In this case study, a systematic set of methodologies of knowledge acquisition, representation, and confirmation for constructing GeoAgents' knowledge bases by using expert systems were explored to formalize high‐level knowledge and social behaviours in the FOTAR‐based representations. The results show that the proposed conceptual representation framework is achievable at both implementation and application levels, and the prototype tool is demonstrated to be valuable in facilitating knowledge sharing, policymaking, municipal management, and decision‐making, especially for real‐world emergency management.  相似文献   

“Geographic polarization”, the spatial concentration of “like” voting behavior, is a phenomenon closely related to “partisan polarization”, the intensification of diametrically ideological positions, is understudied, and is critical to the understanding of current American electoral behavior. To date, few studies have examined geographic polarization, and those that do have done so at the scales of regions, states, and counties. However, local influences operating within areas smaller than counties influence voting behavior and can produce geographic polarization. To address these scalar and methodological shortcomings, this research focuses on the smallest political units, precincts, using a case study of the Greater Cincinnati Metropolitan Area. Presidential election data from 1976 through 2008 were collected by precincts, analyzed using spatial statistics, and mapped to examine evolving geographic polarization over this 32-year period. The results measured at the precinct-scale, suggest an increased concentration of partisan behavior and emphasize a local residential spatial pattern of geographic polarization.  相似文献   

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