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Large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns determine the quantity and seasonality of precipitation, the major source of water in most terrestrial ecosystems. Oxygen isotope (δ18O) dynamics of the present-day hydrologic system in the Palouse region of the northwestern U.S.A. indicate a seasonal correlation between the δ18O values of precipitation and temperature, but no seasonal trends of δ18O records in soil water and shallow groundwater. Their isotope values are close to those of winter precipitation because the Palouse receives  75% of its precipitation during winter. Palouse Loess deposits contain late Pleistocene pedogenic carbonate having ca. 2 to 3‰ higher δ18O values and up to 5‰ higher carbon isotope (δ13C) values than Holocene and modern carbonates. The late Pleistocene δ18O values are best explained by a decrease in isotopically light winter precipitation relative to the modern winter-dominated infiltration. The δ13C values are attributed to a proportional increase of atmospheric CO2 in soil CO2 due to a decrease in soil respiration rate and 13C discrimination in plants under much drier paleoclimate conditions than today. The regional climate difference was likely related to anticyclonic circulation over the Pleistocene Laurentide and Ice Sheet.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Re and Os, and the isotopic composition of Os have been measured in the Japan Sea sediments to assess the response of the Japan Sea to glacial–interglacial climate change and associated weathering fluxes. The osmium concentrations in the sediment samples analyzed vary from 59 to 371 pg/g, and 187Os/188Os from 0.935 to 1.042. Only 187Os/188Os of sediment samples from dark laminations deposited under suboxic to anoxic conditions and having elevated concentrations of Re and Os, and with ≥ 80% hydrogenous Os are explained in terms of seawater composition. Lower 187Os/188Os were observed for sediments deposited during the last glacial maximum (LGM) when planktonic foraminifera from the Japan Sea recorded lighter oxygen isotopic composition. Decrease in dissolved Os fluxes from continents and/or change in the composition of the dissolved load to the Japan Sea are suggested as the driving mechanisms for the observed lower LGM 187Os/188Os. The results of this study, coupled with lower 187Os/188Os during the last glacial observed at other sites from ocean basins with different lithology and contrasting sediment accumulation rates, suggest that this trend is characteristic of the global oceans.

Data from this study show that the Japan Sea recorded higher 187Os/188Os during the current interglacial coinciding with excursions of oxygen isotopic compositions of planktonic foraminifera to heavier values. This is explained in terms of preferential release of 187Os during deglacial weathering and/or higher continental Os flux driven by warm and wet climate. This study demonstrates that Os isotopic composition of reducing margin sediments has immense potential to track variations in the seawater composition. In addition, 187Os/188Os of reducing sediments may be used to draw inferences about local paleoceanographic processes in semi-enclosed basins such as the Japan Sea.  相似文献   

西藏纳木错湖相沉积的U系、14C年龄和孢粉分析结果表明,纳木错沿岸的拔湖约1.5~8.3m和8.3~15.6m的T1和T2分别形成于末次盛冰期以来约(11.81±0.10)~(4.22±0.09)kaB.P.期间和(28.2±2.8)kaB.P.左右。该套湖相层的孢粉组合、地层和湖岸堤的分布表明,在末次盛冰期期间,纳木错湖面主要波动于拔湖12~20m之间,但湖面最低可达拔湖约8m。区域植被主要为以蒿和莎草科为主、含松和桦的草原。在约11.8~4.2kaB.P.期间,湖面波动于拔湖2~9m之间,区域气候整体较为暖湿。其中全新世大暖期出现在约8.4~4.2kaB.P.期间,气候温暖湿润,区域出现针叶林或针阔叶混交林,气温可能比现今高约5℃,降水量可能比现今多100~200mm,湖面扩张并升高,最高可达拔湖约10m。  相似文献   

西藏纳木错末次盛冰期以来的古植被、古气候和湖面变化   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
西藏纳木错湖相沉积的U系、14C年龄和孢粉分析结果表明,纳木错沿岸的拔湖约1.5~8.3m和8.3~15.6m的T1和T2分别形成于末次盛冰期以来约(11.81±0.10)~(4.22±0.09)kaB.P.期间和(28.2±2.8)kaB.P.左右.该套湖相层的孢粉组合、地层和湖岸堤的分布表明,在末次盛冰期期间,纳木错湖面主要波动于拔湖12~20 m之间,但湖面最低可达拔湖约8m.区域植被主要为以蒿和莎草科为主、含松和桦的草原.在约11.8~4.2ka B.P.期间,湖面波动于拔湖2~9m之间,区域气候整体较为暖湿.其中全新世大暖期出现在约8.4~4.2 ka B.P.期间,气候温暖湿润,区域出现针叶林或针阔叶混交林,气温可能比现今高约5℃,降水量可能比现今多100~200mm,湖面扩张并升高,最高可达拔湖约10m.  相似文献   

The type section silts of the late Pleistocene Wilson Creek Formation at Mono Lake contain outsized clasts, dominantly well-rounded pebbles and cobbles of Sierran lithologies. Lithic grains > 425 μm show a similar pattern of variability as the > 10 mm clasts visible in the type section, with decreasing absolute abundance in southern and eastern outcrops. The largest concentrations of ice-rafted debris (IRD) occur at 67–57 ka and 46–32 ka, with strong millennial-scale variability, while little IRD is found during the last glacial maximum and deglaciation.Stratigraphic evidence for high lake level during high IRD intervals, and a lack of geomorphic evidence for coincidence of lake and glaciers, strongly suggests that rafting was by shore ice rather than icebergs. Correspondence of carbonate flux and IRD implies that both were mainly controlled by freshwater input, rather than disparate non-climatic controls. Conversely, the lack of IRD during the last glacial maximum and deglacial highstands may relate to secondary controls such as perennial ice cover or sediment supply. High IRD at Mono Lake corresponds to low glacial flour flux in Owens Lake, both correlative to high warm-season insolation. High-resolution, extra-basinal correlation of the millennial peaks awaits greatly improved age models for both records.  相似文献   

The regular variations in magmatic activities along the Northwest Pacific plate have been little studied in spite of their importance. In this contribution, systematic analyses were conducted on tholeiitic basalts from three Ocean Drilling Program sites (Sites 304, 1149, and 801), including the petrographic features, major and trace elements, Nd isotopic compositions, and mineral structure and compositions of whole rocks. Volcanic rocks from Sites 304, 1149, and 801 belong to tholeiites and exhibit depleted light rare earth elements (LREE), large ion lithophile elemental contents (LILE), and relatively depleted Nd isotopic ratios (143Nd/144Nd=0.513139–0.513211), similar to those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB). Comprehensive data on mineral compositions, whole-rock geochemistry, and geochronology demonstrate that a regular variation trend exists in the north-south direction along the Northwest Pacific plate. The 143Nd/144Nd values (0.513139–0.513211) and trace-element ratios for whole rocks (Sm/Th=15.35–30.00; Zr/Hf=28.53–35.76; Zr/Y=2.58–3.67; Th/La=0.04–0.06; Th/Y=0.33–0.70), as well as the trace-element ratios (Zr/Hf, La/Yb, Ti/Zr) of clinopyroxenes from Sites 1149 and 801 tholeiites show larger variations compared to those from Site 304 tholeiites (143Nd/144Nd=0.513185–0.513195; Sm/Th=18.19–20.58; Zr/Hf=31.07–33.26; Zr/Y=2.62–3.03; Th/La=0.05–0.06; Th/Y=0.48–0.57). Mineral zoning textures were obvious in tholeiites from Sites 1149 and 801 but were rarely observed in Site 304. These regular features were likely attributed to the differences in the heterogeneity of the magma source, the process of magmatic evolution, the plate-spreading rate, and the effective and ineffective mixing.  相似文献   

特提斯构造演化对西北非地区油气成藏的控制作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
特提斯构造带油气资源丰富,从特提斯演化来分析盆地油气成藏具有重要的意义。西北非位于特提斯构造带西段,具有三叠、锡尔特、伊利兹等多个超大型含油气盆地,主要有以撒哈拉地台为主的古生界成藏组合和北部大陆边缘为主的中新生界成藏组合。特提斯构造演化对西北非油气成藏具有明显的控制作用:特提斯洋开启以及海侵阶段,控制盆地烃源岩、盖层发育;特提斯洋关闭阶段,构造运动活跃,发育含油气圈闭,控制油气运移及分布。  相似文献   

The northernmost part of the Kamchatka Peninsula of northeastern Russia, located along the northwestern margin of the Bering Sea, consists of zones of complexly deformed accreted terranes. Progressing from the northwestern Bering Sea inland are the Olyutorskiy, Ukelayat, and Koryak superterranes, which were accreted to the Okhotsk–Chukotsk volcanic–plutonic belt (OChVB) during the Campanian–Maastrichtian (Koryak) to Middle Eocene (Olyutorskiy), respectively. To constrain the accretion paleolatitude of the Koryak superterrane, we paleomagnetically sampled a sedimentary series on the Mametchinskiy Peninsula. At the Mametchinskiy Peninsula, in the northeastern Penzhinskaya Guba (61.45° N, 163.75° E), a gently deformed, well-bedded section of fine-grained Lower to lower Upper Cretaceous turbidites, the Mametchinskaya and Tylakrylskaya Formations are exposed. These strata, which represent the lower part of the sedimentary cover of the terranes in this region and the forearc of OChVB, were sampled at 39 sites (three to seven samples per site). Within the Ainyn terrane, more than 1000 m of section of Cenomanian–Turonian age was sampled at a basal locality (sample groups I and II, sites 1–18, 19–29) and at an upper locality of Valanginian–Barremian age (sample group III, sites 30–39) along the western shore of the Peninsula. Thermal demagnetization and principal component analysis of the demagnetization data show lower-temperature (A) and higher-temperature (B) magnetic components. Although group III samples did not display a coherent A component, the A component of group I and II samples was observed as a single-polarity lower-unblocking temperature component generally removed by 100–400 °C. This component failed the fold test at the 95% confidence level. With respect to direction, the A component is similar to both the present-day field and axial–geocentric dipole directions expected at this site. The B component was observed during thermal demagnetization steps up to 580 °C and was always of downward-directed inclination. Coherence of bedding corrections within each section do not allow statistically meaningful fold tests within groups I, II or III. Assuming the B component represents a Cretaceous magnetization, two overall models are proposed. In the first model (preferred), with the highest clustering of directions (k-value=36.7, N (sites)=36), indicates significant poleward motion of the Ainyn terrane (observed paleolatitude λM1=61.0±6.5°; expected North America plate reference site paleolatitude λE=74.0±3.5°). In the second model, no significant poleward displacement is implied (λM2=72.0±9.6).  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋风压关系的变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1949 ~2008年共60年的热带气旋(TC)历史资料,分析TC中心最低气压和平均最大风速的相互关系,发现存在阶段性特征变异,继而对其进行了定量分析,得出过去60年中国整编的历史热带气旋资料中,风压关系序列前后明显不一致,存在变异现象,其变异点有两个,即1971/1972年、1974/1975年,其中以前者最为明...  相似文献   

殷志强  秦小光 《中国地质》2010,37(1):212-222
通过对松嫩盆地东部末次冰期以来榆树黄土剖面的粒度、磁化率等指标分析研究后认为:(1)该地区的黄土至少于4万年前的末次冰期开始沉积,沉积物类型为黄土与河流沙混合沉积,粒度可有4个组分,其中46kaB.P.以前主要是以第④组分为主导的水成河流沙,46kaB.P.以后主要以第③组分为主的黄土粉尘。(2)松嫩盆地东部的黄土粉尘主要来源于科尔沁、松嫩等西北广大沙地,末次冰期是科尔沁等沙地大规模发育的时期。(3)东北地区全新世气候演化可分成5个阶段:10000aB.P.左右,9000aB.P.左右,6000aB.P.前后,4500aB.P.左右,2500aB.P.以后。  相似文献   

Four stratigraphic sections in the southern part of the Columbia Basin preserve a sequence of aeolian and non-aeolian sediments ranging in age from 9·43 to >47·0 14C ka based on accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating of fossil molluscs, geochemistry of Cascade Mountain-sourced tephra and association with formally recognized pedostratigraphic units (the Washtucna and Old Maid Coulee soils). Study sections are interpreted as representing concurrent deposition of loess and distal Missoula Flood rhythmites in valleys tributary to main drainages backflooded during the Missoula Floods, and formation of carbonate and iron-rich soils. Sediments belong to the formally recognized L-1 and L-2 loess units established for the Palouse loess, which were deposited in the Columbia Basin subsequent to events of glacial outburst flooding. Sediments associated with the Mount Saint Helens set S and set C tephras in the study sections preserve a fauna of five species of gastropod mollusc which have not been reported previously from sediments of late Pleistocene age in the Palouse region. The fossils comprise two distinct faunules stratigraphically separated by the Mount Saint Helens So tephra. Accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating of the fossils collected above the tephra in two of the sections yielded ages of 12·48 ± 0·06 and 9·43 ± 0·05 14C kyr. These ages suggest that independent determinations of the 13·35 14C kyr age of the So tephra in other areas where Missoula Flood sediments are preserved are probably accurate, and help to refine the age of the latest events in the most recent sequence of catastrophic glacial outburst flooding.  相似文献   

北京西山是中国末次冰期旋回风成黄土与古气候研究的经典地区。除风成黄土外 ,该区各种次生黄土也十分发育 ,由于后者的堆积速率较大 ,其环境变化的分辨率更高。次生黄土中S1古土壤由 3层古土壤夹两层黄土构成 ,L1中的古土壤由两层古土壤夹 1层黄土组成。经年代测定和古气候分析 ,S1中的 3层古土壤分别可与深海氧同位素 5阶段中的 3个暖期对比 ,S1中的两层黄土可与5阶段中的两个次阶段对比。  相似文献   


西北太平洋海陆相互作用强烈,受黑潮和亚洲大陆风尘输入影响显著,是研究海洋沉积物中有机碳埋藏与陆源输入、海洋初级生产力和海洋环境演化关系的理想靶区。本研究基于采自九州-帕劳海脊北部的重力活塞647 cm长的KPR12岩芯,分析了总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、有机碳稳定碳同位素组成(δ13CTOC)、蛋白石(Opal)以及粒度等指标,初步探讨了近40万年来轨道尺度沉积有机碳的来源、埋藏特征及其影响机制。岩芯的TOC含量平均值为0.214%,呈冰期较高、间冰期较低的旋回特征。岩芯沉积物粒度的不同端元反映了研究区风尘输入大致呈冰期较高的趋势。岩芯的δ13CTOC(-25.24‰~-21.04‰,平均值为-22.59‰)显示有机质以海源为主(约62%),海源有机碳含量趋势与TOC的变化一致。研究区不同时期陆源物质的输入受风尘输送和黑潮的综合控制,黑潮增强可能对该区间冰期陆源有机碳贡献的升高有一定影响。岩芯中TOC与Opal含量的相关性分析表明,海洋初级生产力可能不是控制该岩芯有机碳含量变化的主要原因。冰期-间冰期旋回中的深层水通风条件、黑潮和北太平洋中层水的发育以及陆源细颗粒物质输入可能共同影响着本区沉积有机碳的降解与埋藏保存。


Tree-ring records from western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis var. occidentalis Hook.) growing throughout the interior Pacific Northwest identify extreme climatic pointer years (CPYs) (i.e., severe single-year droughts) from 1500–1998. Widespread and extreme CPYs were concentrated in the 16th and early part of the 17th centuries and did not occur again until the early 20th century. The 217-yr absence of extreme CPYs may have occurred during an extended period of low variance in the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. We mapped climatic boundaries for the interior Pacific Northwest based on the location of sites with similar precipitation variability indices. Three regions, the Northwest (based on chronologies from nine sites), the Southwest (four sites), and the East (five sites) were identified. Our results suggest that western juniper radial growth indices have substantial interannual variability within the northwestern range of the species (central Oregon), particularly when compared with western juniper growing in its eastern range (eastern Oregon, southeastern Idaho, and northern Nevada) and southwestern range (southern Oregon and northeast California). We suspect that the substantial differences in the variability of western juniper radial growth indices are linked to the influence of ENSO events on winter/spring precipitation amounts.  相似文献   

本文用末次冰期北美大冰盖南缘的风尘堆积记录来重建末次盛冰期的亚极地环境变化.磁化率、有机碳含量和潜育化程度的资料表明,末次盛冰期的前期(约21000~15000aB P.)植被覆盖较差,而后期(15000~10000aB.P.)植被覆盖较好,15 000aB.P.环境发生了急剧的变化,磁化率曲线显示了大约1000a的氧化-还原周期.这种大约1000a的环境变化周期很可能由低纬地区的海洋和大气的扰动所驱动,这种扰动的能量通过北美大冰盖及时地传递到北大西洋.  相似文献   

An assemblage of land snails from an aeolianite deposit on the coast of the southern Greek island of Andikithira is shown to date to 16 000 yr BP and thus represents the period of the last glacial maximum (LGM; Oxygen Isotope Stage 2). The assemblage has no modern analogue. Five of the ten species are extinct on the island and some of these now live only at high elevations (> 950 m). Significantly cooler temperatures, some 5-8°C below present, and slightly drier moisture conditions (lower rainfall, partially offset by reduced evapotranspiration at the lower temperature) are inferred. The large temperature depression at the LGM, well documented in northern and central Europe, extended also to the Mediterranean climate of southern Europe. Late Quaternary climatic changes had a considerable impact on the fauna of this isolated island.  相似文献   

张沛全  刘小汉  孔屏 《地质科学》2008,43(3):588-602
本文重点讨论雅鲁藏布江大拐弯入口地区末次冰期以来冰川活动的地貌学、14C和10Be定年结果及其构造—环境意义。在海拔3,200m的观景台发现距今24~18ka的冰砾阜,说明末次盛冰期时大拐弯入口地区有大规模的冰川下移现象,并阻塞了雅鲁藏布江主河道,形成堰塞湖,暗示雅鲁藏布江在末次盛冰期时已经下切到与目前接近的深度。在海拔3,150m的打林村阶地,其4级阶地上的砾石10Be暴露年龄显示该阶地形成于距今9.0~8.7ka的末次冰期与新冰期之间的间冰期,意味着这一期间则隆弄冰川再次下移导致阻江。近60年来则隆弄冰川3次跃动,两度阻江,是20世纪3次气候突变的表征。雅鲁藏布江大拐弯入口地区末次盛冰期以来的冰川进退历史对气候变化有良好的指示作用,该历史与大拐弯入口地区的构造地质背景有密切的联系。  相似文献   

西北太平洋黑潮延伸体是全球海洋动力过程最复杂、对全球气候变化最敏感和全球海洋渔业产量最大的区域之一,然而,目前对该海区物理、生态及生地化循环等过程的认识仍受限于长期连续海洋观测资料的缺乏。本文回顾了国际上针对黑潮延伸体海区的相关观测情况和取得的主要进展,介绍了近年来我国在该区域观测系统的构建工作及取得的初步成果,包括构建了全球首个西北太平洋黑潮延伸体定点观测系统;发现黑潮延伸体海区海洋涡旋的平流效应对该海区模态水的总潜沉率贡献超过一半,所携带当地的模态水只需要一年半的时间就可到达海盆的西边界;基于潜标首次展示了黑潮延伸体区域3种不同类型次温跃层涡旋流速的直接观测结果,为开展其生成消亡机制及其全球次表层物质能量输运提供了重要的现场观测基础。最后,本文展望了今后观测系统的发展方向,即在跨圈层和多学科交叉方面发展成为我国在西北太平洋重要的深远海综合观测网络。这将为揭示多尺度物理-生物过程耦合、深海能量串级及其气候效应与深海碳循环等领域实现突破提供重要的观测支撑。  相似文献   

张彦  马学慧  刘兴土  仝川  杨平 《第四纪研究》2018,38(5):1221-1232

泥炭丘(palsa)是在多年冻土区泥炭沼泽地形成的冻胀泥炭丘体,它的形成和发育受区域水文条件、植被群落和气候变化等因素影响。新疆阿尔泰山区特殊的地形特征、丰富的水资源及寒冷的气候特点,使得山区泥炭沼泽资源较丰富;同时,为高海拔多年冻土区泥炭丘的形成和发育提供了有利条件。本研究于2014年8月,通过对新疆阿尔泰山区泥炭资源的调查,对山区多年冻土区泥炭丘的分布、形态特征以及发育现状做较详细调查,结果显示,新疆阿尔泰山泥炭丘分布在2500 m a.s.l.左右的亚高山草甸带多年冻土区,位于黑湖和三道海子的泥炭丘受人类干扰较小,保存较完整,而位于哈拉萨孜的泥炭丘受人类活动干扰严重,处于退化阶段。此外,选取黑湖泥炭丘剖面(93 cm)和哈拉萨孜泥炭丘剖面(180 cm)为主要研究对象,结合AMS 14C测年数据建立了年代-深度关系,探讨阿尔泰山区泥炭丘的剖面特征、形成年代、发育过程及泥炭的累积速率。研究结果表明,全新世以来,阿尔泰山区泥炭丘泥炭累积的平均速率为0.015~0.035 cm/a;在约10000 a B.P.的早全新世时期,阿尔泰山区气候温暖干旱,是泥炭丘形成的萌芽期,泥炭累积速率较慢;约7000~2500 a B.P.,气候温暖湿润,进入中全新世大暖期,有利于泥炭累积,是山区泥炭丘主要发育阶段;约2500 a B.P.以后的晚全新世时期,山区气候进入寒冷干旱阶段,泥炭的累积速率缓慢,此时是泥炭丘的衰退期。由于阿尔泰山区地质地貌、水文条件、局地小气候特征等多重因素的影响,使得山区内不同区域泥炭丘的泥炭累积速率的峰值、发育过程及发育状态在时间上存在着差异。本研究结果不仅揭示了阿尔泰山区泥炭丘发育过程,也为山区冻土的发育及气候演化过程提供重要线索。


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