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Using heat as a tracer allows for estimation of ground water recharge rates based on subsurface temperature measurements. While possible in theory, it may be difficult in practice to discriminate the effects of climate from the effects of ground water advection. This study uses synthetic simulations to determine the influence of variability of ground surface temperature (GST) on the ability to estimate vertical specific discharge from temperature profiles. Results suggest that in cases where temperature measurements are sufficiently deep and specific discharge is sufficiently high, estimates of specific discharges will be reasonably accurate. Increasing the number of times temperatures are measured, or producing models that incorporate variations in GST, will increase the reliability of any studies using temperatures to estimate specific discharge. Furthermore, inversions of temperature measurements should be combined with other methods of estimating recharge rates to improve the reliability of recharge estimates.  相似文献   

Estimation of groundwater recharge using water balance model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The main purpose of this paper is to apply a water balance concept with two models in the Ching-Shui watershed to describe the groundwater recharge. First of all, a soil moisture budget model is established to estimate the infiltration, runoff, evapotranspiration, and groundwater recharge in the watershed, where the moisture content of the soil is tracked through time. Secondly, the groundwater recharge was also estimated by the model of the base-flow-record estimation, with the assumption that groundwater evaporation is negligible. In addition, since the analyzed base-flow trends are high, when executing model analysis, the depths of infiltration estimated by stable-base-flow analysis is used to obtain more reasonable groundwater recharge value. The coefficients of groundwater recharge by the precipitation in the Ching-Shui watershed estimated from the established soil moisture budget model and the base-flow model were 12.40% and 9.92%, respectively. Comparison show the result of both models to be close.  相似文献   

Seismic discontinuities in the mantle are conventionally interpreted to be caused by phase transformations observed in the individual mineral species (including, to some extent, solid solution). Recent investigations, however, indicate that there are many difficulties in interpreting these discontinuities in terms of phase transformations alone. It is suggested that some of the seismic discontinuities in the mantle are due to phase transformations in the individual minerals, some due to interactions between the minerals, and still others due to compositional changes.  相似文献   

It is proved that if a spherical shell is magnetized in the direction of and proportional to a magnetic field of origin internal to the shell and the magnetizing field later disappears, no magnetic field exists external to the shell. Similarly if a spherical shell is magnetized parallel to and proportional to a magnetic field of external origin and this magnetizing field later disappears, the magnetic field internal to the shell is zero. These theorems are true only if these ideal conditions are met, but are applicable to the interpretation of the natural remanent magnetization of the lunar crust. It is shown that the present absence of a magnetic dipole field of the Moon supports the hypothesis that the magnetizing field was of internal origin but does not distinguish whether this was due to a dynamo in the lunar core or to a primaeval magnetization of its interior. Local magnetic fields around the Moon are interpreted as arising from the departure from sphericity of the shell and large craters.  相似文献   

nua u mam n ma aa ¶rt;mn ¶rt;u aa, ma a n¶rt;a [1]. mma m ¶rt;u aa a ¶rt;auu nauMi (uuuu n) uMa (¶rt;uauu anm), m amm u nu [2–5]. u¶rt;m mam u nu ¶rt;u ¶rt; u¶rt; mu ¶rt; u a ¶rt; ¶rt;a. mu a aa, n¶rt;ua m a aa, nua a¶rt; u u i uu a a¶rt; zi nu nu aa ¶rt; ¶rt;a, m ¶rt;um mua m, a¶rt;u ¶rt; a, ¶rt;m, mnam, anu ¶rt; naa, nm a an u nu. a ¶rt;mn ¶rt;u m n a nu u ¶rt;mn ¶rt;u, ma a ma n¶rt;a [1].  相似文献   

A model to simulate recharge processes of karst massifs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The recharge processes have been evaluated for two karst massifs of southern Italy, the Mt Terminio and Mt Cervialto, characterized by wide endorheic areas. The annual mean recharge has been estimated by Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, from regression of annual mean values of different ground‐elevated rain gauges and thermometers. The recharge has been distinguished for endorheic areas and the other areas of spring catchment, and the ratio between the output spring and input rainfall has been also estimated (recharge coefficient). The annual recharge has been used to calibrate a daily scale model, which allows to estimate the amount of effective rainfall, which is retained as soil moisture; the amount reaching the water table (recharge s.s.); and the amount of rainfall, which develops the runoff and leaves the catchment. All these amounts vary through the hydrological year, in function of soil moisture deficit and daily rainfall intensity. The model allows estimating the recharge conditions through the hydrological year, and it is a useful tool for water management. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A primary model for evaluating the effect of stemflow on groundwater recharge has been developed. The model, a cylindrical infiltration model (CI model), is based on the infiltration area of stemflow-induced water instead of canopy projected area for determining the stemflow inputs to the soil surface. The estimated ratio of recharge rate by stemflow to the total recharge rate determined with this model agrees closely with values obtained from the mass balance of chloride in subsurface waters. This primary model is considered to be useful for estimating the effect of stemflow on groundwater recharge.  相似文献   

Rutledge AT 《Ground water》2005,43(3):292-293

Some methods of the interpretation and application of paleomagnetic data for the stratigraphic separation and correlation of Neopleistocene moraines, as well as the factors affecting the degree of ordering of magnetic moments of ferromagnetic particles in a moraine, are considered. A refined interpretation of the well-known Ryabushkin-Pevzner model of moraine magnetization is proposed. It is shown that the way of using an occasional coincidence of the direction of long axes of fragments with the direction of magnetization vectors, which is stated in some publications, has no grounds for its application for the stratigraphic separation of moraines related to the Dnieper and Moscow glaciations. However, it cannot be ruled out that this phenomenon may be used for the investigation of processes of glacial lithogenesis.  相似文献   

A positive water temperature anomaly of 0.11°C and an inverse gradient of potential temperature of 1.5 × 10?2°C/m has been measured at the TAG hydrothermal field in the rift valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at latitude 26°N by means of a thermistor array towed between 2 and 20 m above the seafloor. This anomaly appears to be associated with hydrothermal discharge from the oceanic crust. The temperature data are interpreted in terms of (1) a steady, turbulent thermal plume rising in a homogeneous, neutrally buoyant medium, and (2) turbulent diffusion in the ocean-bottom boundary layer. The calculations indicate that the thermal output of the TAG anomaly area is of the order of several megawatts, which is of the same order of magnitude as some continental geothermal systems. The thermal output from the TAG anomaly area represents a significant fraction of the total heat loss resulting from the generation of new lithosphere at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 26°N.  相似文献   

An analytical solution of a linearized Boussinesq equation is obtained to predict water table fluctuations as a result of time varying recharge from a strip basin for any number of recharge cycles. The analytical solution is obtained by using finite Fourier sine transform. Applications of the solution for the prediction of water table fluctuations and sensitivity analysis are demonstrated with the help of example problems. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Estimation of recharge from floods in disconnected stream-aquifer systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Stream-aquifer interaction has been the subject of much research for cases of good hydraulic connection (continuous saturated zone) between a river and an aquifer. Under these conditions, floods do not represent a very large net input to the aquifer because most of the water that enters the aquifer during the flood returns to the river when its stage recedes. The situation is different in disconnected stream-aquifer systems, where the streambed lies above the water level in the aquifer, thus preventing return flow from the aquifer. Under these conditions, floods may represent large, but hard to quantify, water inputs. Here, we present a methodology to estimate recharge from floods for disconnected stream-aquifer systems. Recharge is estimated as the product of a flood time function (dependent on the streamflow) and an unknown factor, which is obtained from calibrating a ground water flow model to aquifer heads. The approach can also benefit from concentration data, which can be very informative when river water concentrations vary over time. This methodology is applied to a field situation where recharge from river flooding is found to amount to nearly 15 million m(3)/year on the average, which represents 40% of the total aquifer inputs. Recharge from flooding helps explain major head recoveries, suggesting that basin water management programs should allow some floods to occur.  相似文献   

A method for the automatic inversion of resistivity soundings is presented. The procedure consists of two main stages. First, application of linear filters which transforms the apparent resistivity curve into the kernel function, and vice versa. In the second stage the first and second derivatives of the kernel function are calculated and used in a second-order modified Newton-Raphson iterative fitting procedure. The model obtained is optimal in the least squares sense. The method has been tried on some field examples and produced resistivity models which show a good agreement with the geological well logs.  相似文献   

The fact that dependent variables of groundwater models are generally nonlinear functions of model parameters is shown to be a potentially significant factor in calculating accurate confidence intervals for both model parameters and functions of the parameters, such as the values of dependent variables calculated by the model. The Lagrangian method of Vecchia and Cooley [Vecchia, A.V. & Cooley, R.L., Water Resources Research, 1987, 23(7), 1237–1250] was used to calculate nonlinear Scheffé-type confidence intervals for the parameters and the simulated heads of a steady-state groundwater flow model covering 450 km2 of a leaky aquifer. The nonlinear confidence intervals are compared to corresponding linear intervals. As suggested by the significant nonlinearity of the regression model, linear confidence intervals are often not accurate. The commonly made assumption that widths of linear confidence intervals always underestimate the actual (nonlinear) widths was not correct. Results show that nonlinear effects can cause the nonlinear intervals to be asymmetric and either larger or smaller than the linear approximations. Prior information on transmissivities helps reduce the size of the confidence intervals, with the most notable effects occurring for the parameters on which there is prior information and for head values in parameter zones for which there is prior information on the parameters.  相似文献   

We examine the oscillations of the meridional neutral wind in the F region as seen by the EISCAT radar. We propose an interpretation in term of eddies (tourbillons) of typical size of a few tens to a few hundreds of kilometers. The observed rotation velocity is a few hundreds of meters per second. We suggest that the tourbillons are a common feature of thermospheric movements. We propose an optical experiment to check the validity of this assumption.  相似文献   

Резюме С помощью принятия простых кинематических предположений и на основании ω—уравнения выла определена конфигурация полос облаков в полностью окклюдированном циклоне без фронтов. Облачная система определяется полем скрытой теплоты, выделяемой в процессах конденсации. Полосы облаков теоретически представляют собой в основном листы синусоидальной спирали.

Address: Boční II, Praha 4-Spořilov.  相似文献   

Structural interpretations of negative gravity anomalies at Campi Flegrei and Campania are reviewed. The interpretations are not uniquely determined, as different models correspond to equally good anomaly fits.These models are examined using a new method based on the interpretation of the apparent density map computed from the gravity anomaly map.As regards the Campi Flegrei anomaly, a funnel-shaped caldera 3D model is readily obtained. This is more appropriate than previous interpretations, as not only anomaly but also apparent densities are fitted.As about the regional structures, the used approach suggests that the more pertinent model is a large magmatic intrusion, 9 to 14 km deep.A final scheme is proposed linking this intrusion to the funnel-shaped caldera as the main regional reservoir.  相似文献   

Groundwater warming below cities has become a major environmental issue; but the effect of distinct local anthropogenic sources of heat on urban groundwater temperature distributions is still poorly documented. Our study addressed the local effect of stormwater infiltration on the thermal regime of urban groundwater by examining differences in water temperature beneath stormwater infiltration basins (SIB) and reference sites fed exclusively by direct infiltration of rainwater at the land surface. Stormwater infiltration dramatically increased the thermal amplitude of groundwater at event and season scales. Temperature variation at the scale of rainfall events reached 3 °C and was controlled by the interaction between runoff amount and difference in temperature between stormwater and groundwater. The annual amplitude of groundwater temperature was on average nine times higher below SIB (range: 0·9–8·6 °C) than at reference sites (range: 0–1·2 °C) and increased with catchment area of SIB. Elevated summer temperature of infiltrating stormwater (up to 21 °C) decreased oxygen solubility and stimulated microbial respiration in the soil and vadose zone, thereby lowering dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in groundwater. The net effect of infiltration on average groundwater temperature depended upon the seasonal distribution of rainfall: groundwater below large SIB warmed up (+0·4 °C) when rainfall occurred predominantly during warm seasons. The thermal effect of stormwater infiltration strongly attenuated with increasing depth below the groundwater table indicating advective heat transport was restricted to the uppermost layers of groundwater. Moreover, excessive groundwater temperature variation at event and season scales can be attenuated by reducing the size of catchment areas drained by SIB and by promoting source control drainage systems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Local surface water and stormflow were infiltrated intermittently from a 40-ha basin between September 2003 and September 2007 to determine the feasibility of recharging alluvial aquifers pumped for public supply, near Stockton, California. Infiltration of water produced a pressure response that propagated through unconsolidated alluvial-fan deposits to 125 m below land surface (bls) in 5 d and through deeper, more consolidated alluvial deposits to 194 m bls in 25 d, resulting in increased water levels in nearby monitoring wells. The top of the saturated zone near the basin fluctuates seasonally from depths of about 15 to 20 m. Since the start of recharge, water infiltrated from the basin has reached depths as great as 165 m bls. On the basis of sulfur hexafluoride tracer test data, basin water moved downward through the saturated alluvial deposits until reaching more permeable zones about 110 m bls. Once reaching these permeable zones, water moved rapidly to nearby pumping wells at rates as high as 13 m/d. Flow to wells through highly permeable material was confirmed on the basis of flowmeter logging, and simulated numerically using a two-dimensional radial groundwater flow model. Arsenic concentrations increased slightly as a result of recharge from 2 to 6 μg/L immediately below the basin. Although few water-quality issues were identified during sample collection, high groundwater velocities and short travel times to nearby wells may have implications for groundwater management at this and at other sites in heterogeneous alluvial aquifers.  相似文献   

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