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一种新的岩石可钻性分级方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出了用岩石A、B值来表示岩石可钻性级别的新观点,研究了岩石A、B值测定方法和原理;用岩石A、B值来指导钻头配方设计是可行的。  相似文献   

利用模糊数学中的隶属函数对岩石可钻性进行了分级,收到较好效果。该方法与其它分级方法相比,计算简便并克服了一些分级方法的不足,因此更加实用。  相似文献   

Analysis of Impact Hammer Rebound to Estimate Rock Drillability   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary ?In this paper, the piston rebound common to both the Schmidt Impact Hammer and down-hole hammer drills has been analyzed and calculated by means of stress wave theory and the energy conservation law. A quantitative relationship between the amount of rebound of the piston and the impact resistance index, or hardness of the rock, has been established. Those analytical results will not only be of benefit in acquiring a deep understanding of the usable range and condition of the Schmidt Impact Hammer, but also provide a definite answer to the feasibility of using the hammer rebound in drills with down-hole hammer tool to carry out a real time measurement of the nature of the formation under the bit.  相似文献   

介绍了一种利用测井资料快速求得岩石可钻性级值的计算机方法。该方法能够比较准确地预测岩石可钻性,快速做出连续的地层可钻性剖面图。室内微钻头可钻性试验和江汉油田现场应用验证表明:该系统具有比较高的可靠性,是可以投入油田现场应用的。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Several physical parameters and anisotropy related to rock textural arrangements, schistosity and weakness planes such as cracks and joints affect the...  相似文献   

The characterization of rock masses is one of the integral aspects of rock engineering. Over the years, many classification systems have been developed for characterization and design purposes in mining and civil engineering practices. However, the strength and weak points of such rating-based classifications have always been questionable. Such classification systems assign quantifiable values to predefined classified geotechnical parameters of rock mass. This results in subjective uncertainties, leading to the misuse of such classifications in practical applications. Fuzzy set theory is an effective tool to overcome such uncertainties by using membership functions and an inference system. This study illustrates the potential application of fuzzy set theory in assisting engineers in the rock engineering decision processes for which subjectivity plays an important role. So, the basic principles of fuzzy set theory are described and then it was applied to rock mass excavability (RME) classification to verify the applicability of fuzzy rock engineering classifications. It was concluded that fuzzy set theory has an acceptable reliability to be employed for all rock engineering classification systems.  相似文献   

模糊综合评判法在岩石可钻性分级中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将传统的岩石物理力学性质测试方法与模糊理论中的模糊综合评判法相结合,总结出一种相对简单但有效的岩石可钻性分级模型.结合实际钻进的岩石,确定分级模型的影响因素分别是为压入硬度、摆球塑性系数、金刚石钻进时效;以正态分布函数作为隶属函数来计算模型的评价矩阵,通过模型确定岩石的可钻性等级.运用Matlab软件将计算过程实现程序化,模型计算结果表明该方法能够对岩石可钻性作出较客观精确的分析.  相似文献   

青海野马泉整装勘查矿区在以往的钻探生产中施工难度大,钻头寿命短,提下钻频繁,导致施工周期长,成本高。由于矿区岩石的可钻性不明,钻头适用效果差。通过现场调研、采集岩样,进行室内试验测试(包括薄片分析,XRD测试等),获得了石英含量、石英粒度、长石含量、长石粒度等数据,通过分析计算确定了矿区的岩石可钻性,据此设计选用了钻头。野外试验表明,钻头钻进效果好、性价比高。  相似文献   


One of the main challenges that deep mining faces is the occurrence of rockburst phenomena. Rockburst prediction with the use of machine learning (ML) is currently gaining attention, as its prognosis capability in many cases outperforms widely used empirical approaches. However, the required data for conducting any analysis are limited, while also having imbalances in their recorded instances associated with rockburst intensities. These, combined with the multiparametric nature of the phenomenon, can deteriorate the performance of the ML algorithms. This study focuses on the enhancement of the prediction performance of ML algorithms by utilizing the oversampling technique Synthetic Minority Oversampling TEchnique (SMOTE). Five ML algorithms, namely Decision Trees, Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest and Logistic Regression, were used in a series of parametric analyses considering different combinations of input parameters, such as the maximum tangential stress, the uniaxial compressive and tensile strength, the stress coefficient, two brittleness coefficients and the elastic energy index. All models kept their hyperparameters fixed, and were trained with the initial dataset, in which synthetic instances were added gradually aiming in the attenuation of a balanced dataset and its further expansion, until the number of synthetic instances reached the number of real data. The assessment of the SMOTE technique is given and its performance is evaluated though the different strategies adopted. The results indicate that SMOTE has a considerable positive effect in the accuracy of the overall classification and especially in the improvement of the within-class classification accuracy, even after the balancing of the dataset.


Applications of NTNU/SINTEF Drillability Indices in Hard Rock Tunneling   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Drillability indices, i.e., the Drilling Rate Index? (DRI), Bit Wear Index? (BWI), Cutter Life Index? (CLI), and Vickers Hardness Number Rock (VHNR), are indirect measures of rock drillability. These indices are recognized as providing practical characterization of rock properties used in the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) time and cost prediction models available for hard rock tunneling and surface excavation. The tests form the foundation of various hard rock equipment capacity and performance prediction methods. In this paper, application of the tests for tunnel boring machine (TBM) and drill and blast (D&B) tunneling is investigated and the impact of the indices on excavation time and costs is presented.  相似文献   

The results of geotechnical explorations, engineering geological investigation (including laboratory and in situ tests) and field observations have been used, along with borehole logging charts, to obtain the rock mass geotechnical data. Based on the data, the rock mass along the Sabzkuh water conveyance tunnel route was classified by rock mass rating (RMR), Q-system (Q), rock mass index (RMi) and geological strength index (GSI) (3 methods). A new series of correlations were established between the systems based on the data collected from the study area. These relationships were then compared with those reported in the literature, and two new relations were recommended. The classifications were utilized to calculate mechanical properties (rock mass strength and deformation modulus) of the rock mass along the tunnel according to available empirical relations, and to distinguish the upper-bound and lower-bound relations.  相似文献   

工程岩体卸荷力学特性的研究与发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
卸荷状态工程岩体的力学条件与传统的加载岩体有本质的区别。在回顾岩体卸荷力学研究现状基础上 ,分别从试验研究、理论研究和工程应用方面提出了当前岩体卸荷研究中存在的主要问题 ,并对今后的发展提出了一些看法  相似文献   

合理确定含裂隙岩体力学参数是岩土工程设计和岩体数值分析的基础和关键,在众多裂隙岩体力学参数弱处理方法中,Hoek-Brown准则表现出很好的适用性,尤其适用于深厚覆盖层以下的岩体。结合小浪底水利柜纽工程和镇江-扬州长江公路大桥对弱化方法予以介绍和探讨。  相似文献   

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - All numerical and analytical methods dealing with the calculating deformation of rock mass require deformation modulus (Df) which is measured by direct or...  相似文献   

韩丽丽 《探矿工程》2016,43(3):23-26
本文提出了一种基于粒子群优化相关向量机(PSO-RVM)的岩层可钻性预测方法。该方法选取岩层埋深H、声波时差AC、电阻率ρd、岩层密度ρ和泥质含量Vsh等5个参数作为评价岩层可钻性的基本参数。以某油田Du4钻井为例,采用PSO-RVM方法、多元回归方法和RVM方法对岩层可钻性进行评价。计算结果表明,PSO-RVM模型的预测结果与实测数据非常接近,其预测精度明显高于多元回归方法和RVM方法,说明本文提出的方法具有一定的优越性和较高的精度,可以较好地应用于钻井工程中岩层可钻性预测。  相似文献   

分析了爆破冲击波的传播特点,指出了对岩石破坏最大的是拉伸应力波,并对岩体结构对岩石爆破效果的影响进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional, elastic and elasto-plastic finite element (FE) programs have permitted calculation of the displacements and the factor of safety (FOS) for the excavation for a tower, 132.70 m high (above foundation) on the island of Tenerife. The tower is supported by a 2 m thick reinforced concrete slab on jointed, vesicular and weathered basalt and scoria. The installation of rod extensometers at different depths below the slab has permitted comparison between measured and calculated displacements and the estimation of in situ deformation modulus. The moduli deduced from the simple empirical equations proposed by Hoek et al. (In: NARMS-TAC, 2002) and Gokceoglu et al. (Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 40:701–710, 2003) as a function of GSI, and Nicholson and Bieniawski (Int J Min Geol Eng 8:181–202, 1990) as a function of RMR, provide an acceptable fit with the measured settlements in this type of rock. Good correlation is also obtained with the empirical equation presented by Verman et al. (Rock Mech Rock Eng 30(3):121–127, 1997) that incorporates the influence of confining stress in the deformation modulus. The FOS obtained from different correlations with geomechanical classifications is within a relatively narrow range. These results increase our confidence in the use of classification schemes to estimate the deformation and stability in jointed rock.  相似文献   

Because the main failure type of a dangerous rock mass is collapse, the treatment of such a mass should focus on controlling collapse failure. When treating dangerous rock masses, disturbing the mass (e. g. by blasting) needs to be avoided, as this new damage could cause collapse. So the self-bearing capacity of the mountain mass must be used to treat the dangerous rock mass. This article is based on a practical example of the control of a dangerous rock mass at Banyan Mountain, Huangshi, Hubei Province. On the basis of an analysis of damage mechanism and the stability of the dangerous rock mass, a flexible network reinforcement method was designed to prevent the collapse of the rock mass. The deformations of section Ⅱ w of the dangerous rock mass before and after the flexible network reinforcement were calculated using the two-dimensional finite element method. The results show that the maximum deformation reduced by 55 % after the application of the flexible network reinforcement, from 45.99 to 20.75 ram, which demonstrates that the flexible network method is effective, and can provide some scientific basis for the treatment of dangerous rock masses.  相似文献   

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