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本文从日本沿岸选取了28个验潮站及联测的GPS站,利用奇异谱分析(Singular Spectrum Analysis,SSA)和SSA+自回归滑动平均(Auto Regression Moving Average,ARMA)方法预测了2014—2018年的近海海平面变化和地壳垂直变化.并用同时段的验潮及GPS的实际测量值进行验证,结果显示,SSA+ARMA预测的相对海平面精度为0.0357~0.0607 m,地壳垂直运动的精度为0.0049~0.0077 m,绝对海平面的精度为0.0433~0.0683 m,且三者SSA+ARMA的预测结果均优于只用SSA预测的结果.在此基础上本文利用SSA+ARMA预测了日本沿岸2019—2023年的近海绝对海平面变化,结果显示,2019—2023年的平均海面高较往年(2014—2018)升高0.0353 m,2003—2023年绝对海平面的变化率为0.0039 m·a-1,预测结果较为理想.
本文从日本沿岸选取了28个验潮站及联测的GPS站,利用奇异谱分析(Singular Spectrum Analysis,SSA)和SSA+自回归滑动平均(Auto Regression Moving Average,ARMA)方法预测了2014—2018年的近海海平面变化和地壳垂直变化.并用同时段的验潮及GPS的实际测量值进行验证,结果显示,SSA+ARMA预测的相对海平面精度为0.0357~0.0607 m,地壳垂直运动的精度为0.0049~0.0077 m,绝对海平面的精度为0.0433~0.0683 m,且三者SSA+ARMA的预测结果均优于只用SSA预测的结果.在此基础上本文利用SSA+ARMA预测了日本沿岸2019—2023年的近海绝对海平面变化,结果显示,2019—2023年的平均海面高较往年(2014—2018)升高0.0353 m,2003—2023年绝对海平面的变化率为0.0039 m·a-1,预测结果较为理想. 相似文献
中国近海海平面变化特征分析 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
用经验正交函数分析方法,对中国近海14年多的测高海平面同化格网资料进行分析,给出了黄海、东海和南海各海平面变化主要主成分的空间变化和时间变化特征.用标准Morlet小波变换方法分析了各海区主成分时间变化序列的时频特征.分析结果表明,各主成分的空间分布特征与当地的海洋环流或洋流特征相对应.时频分析结果显示,中国近海海平面变化的显著周期主要为年周期信号.其次,黄海和东海还显示准2个月的非稳态信号,东海和南海具有较显著的半年周期信号,东海半年周期信号的能量不稳定.此外,在南海及台湾东部海域,首次发现存在较为显著的准540天周期信号,其动力学机制目前尚不明确.坎门和西沙验潮站资料的时频特征分析也验证了该信号的存在.最后本文给出了中国近海海平面在1993~2007年间的平均上升速率和其区域分布特征. 相似文献
对GEOSAT测高卫星在中国近海区域(0°-35°N,105°-127°E)以及127°-135°E内6个ERM周期(1987年1月1日-4月12日)的地球物理数据记录(GDR)中的数据进行了编辑和预处理.根据卫星弧段的实际长度选取了混合轨道误差模型,并采用最小二乘技术对上升弧段与下降弧段交叠点处的不符值进行了平差计算.处理结果表明,所选用的方法可以大大地消除径向轨道误差的影响,使交叠点处的不符值由原来的56cm(RMS)降低到现在的24cm(RMS)在此基础上,构造出6个1°×1°的中国近海海平面及其平均海平面.该平面被称为"测高大地水准面"与美国Ohio州立大学的OSU91A重力场模型的大地水准面相比,两者具有同等量级的精度及一致的形态。 相似文献
福建沿海的海面变化及其影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文根据福建沿海4个验潮站的验潮资料,计算了各站的局域海平面长趋势变化。结果表明,福建沿海的局域海平面变化速率为1 ̄2mm/a,4个验潮站的平均变化速率为0.9mm/a,最后讨论了海面变化可能引起的次生灾害。 相似文献
利用连云港验潮站长达43年的验潮资料,结合华北地区4次7级以上强震和江苏及其以东黄海海域18次中强以上地震的震例分析,认为:经基本消除主要干扰因素的连云港平均海平面变化,表征了与地震有关的地壳形变信息。它对监测华北地区强震和江苏及邻近地区的中强震,具有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
联合卫星重力、卫星测高和海洋资料研究中国南海海平面变化 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
利用卫星测高、GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)卫星重力和海洋实测与模式资料,在季节和年际尺度上,探讨了海水比容变化和海水质量变化对中国南海海平面变化的影响.在季节尺度上,利用测高和ECCO(Estimation of the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean)模式得到的南海海水质量引起的海平面变化的周年振幅和GRACE卫星独立观测的结果在地理分布上有很好的一致性.GRACE卫星观测到海水质量引起的南海平均海平面变化具有明显的季节性变化,其周年振幅为(2.7±0.4)cm;利用另一种独立的方法(测高减比容)得到的平均海平面周年振幅为(2.7±0.3)cm,两者符合得很好.在年际尺度上,南海平均海平面变化表现出明显的年际变化特征,且主要为比容海平面变化的贡献.卫星测高结果表明,1993~2009年的南海平均海平面变化为(5.5±0.7)mm/a,明显高于同期全球平均海平面变化趋势(3.3±0.4)mm/a.GRACE卫星观测到的海水质量变化没有表现出明显的趋势信号,这说明南海整体上与周边海域或陆地水的水循环是平衡的. 相似文献
验潮站能够观测海平面长期变化,并被用于重构全球平均海平面上升.然而,中国沿海区域的海平面长期变化尚未被揭示.本文构建了一种数据同化方法,可以重构中国沿海地区1950年以来的海平面上升.该方法以全球验潮站观测为约束,同时利用气候模式输出的动态海平面和陆地水质量迁移导致的海平面指纹效应.本文重构的全球平均海平面上升与之前的研究结果接近.中国沿海地区20个验潮站的重构结果显示,1950~2020年中国沿海平均海平面上升速率为(1.95±0.33)mm a-1,高于同时期的全球平均上升速率(1.71±0.17)mm a-1.此外,本文还发现,中国沿海平均海平面上升速率在1980年以后是之前速率的3倍以上,速率从1950~1980年的(0.84±0.28)mm a-1增加到1980~2020年的(3.12±0.21)mm a-1.该发现说明中国沿海海平面存在显著的加速上升,这些结果增进了对中国沿海海平面长期变化的理解与认识. 相似文献
The completeness and the accuracy of the Brest sea level time series dating from 1807 make it suitable for long-term sea level trend studies. New data sets were recently discovered in the form of handwritten tabulations, including several decades of the eighteenth century. Sea level observations have been made in Brest since 1679. This paper presents the historical data sets which have been assembled so far. These data sets span approximately 300 years and together constitute the longest, near-continuous set of sea level information in France. However, an important question arises: Can we relate the past and the present-day records? We partially provide an answer to this question by analysing the documents of several historical libraries with the tidal data using a ‘data archaeology’ approach advocated by Woodworth (Geophys Res Lett 26:1589–1592, 1999b). A second question arises concerning the accuracy of such records. Careful editing was undertaken by examining the residuals between tidal predictions and observations. It proved useful to remove the worst effects of timing errors, in particular the sundial correction to be applied prior to August 1, 1714. A refined correction based on sundial literature [Savoie, La gnomique, Editions Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2001] is proposed, which eliminates the systematic offsets seen in the discrepancies in timing of the sea level measurements. The tidal analysis has also shown that shallow-water tidal harmonics at Brest causes a systematic difference of 0.023 m between mean sea level (MSL) and mean tide level (MTL). Thus, MTL should not be mixed with the time series of MSL because of this systematic offset. The study of the trends in MTL and MSL however indicates that MTL can be used as a proxy for MSL. Three linear trend periods are distinguished in the Brest MTL time series over the period 1807–2004. Our results support the recent findings of Holgate and Woodworth (Geophys Res Lett) of an enhanced coastal sea level rise during the last decade compared to the global estimations of about 1.8 mm/year over longer periods (Douglas, J Geophys Res 96:6981–6992, 1991). The onset of the relatively large global sea level trends observed in the twentieth century is an important question in the science of climate change. Our findings point out to an ‘inflexion point’ at around 1890, which is remarkably close to that in 1880 found in the Liverpool record by Woodworth (Geophys Res Lett 26:1589–1592, 1999b). 相似文献
海平面变化是社会经济发展和科学研究的重要内容.利用1993年1月至2012年12月共20年的TOPEX/Poseidon、Jason-1和Jason-2卫星测高数据,研究中国海海平面的时空变化.首先通过三颗卫星伴飞阶段数据得到三颗卫星之间的逐点海面高系统偏差,进行逐点海面高改正,建立了20年的中国海海面高异常时间序列.分析了中国海海面高异常空间分布,给出了1月到12月月均平均海平面异常的空间变化规律.分析了中国海海面高异常的时变规律,分别给出了年、季度和月的海面上升速率.利用小波分析研究了中国海海面高异常周期变化规律,分别给出了渤海、黄海、东海和南海的海面高变化周期.讨论了ENSO对海面高异常的影响. 相似文献
We present sea level observations derived from the analysis of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) data recorded by five coastal GPS stations. These stations are located in different regions around the world, both in the northern and in the southern hemisphere, in different multipath environments, from rural coastal areas to busy harbors, and experience different tidal ranges.The recorded SNR data show periodic variations that originate from multipath, i.e. the interference of direct and reflected signals. The general assumption is that for satellite arcs facing the open sea, the rapid SNR variations are due to reflections off the sea surface. The SNR data recorded from these azimuth intervals were analyzed by spectral analysis with two methods: a standard analysis method assuming a static sea level during a satellite arc and an extended analysis method assuming a time dependent sea level during a satellite arc.The GPS-derived sea level results are compared to sea level records from co-located traditional tide gauges, both in the time and in the frequency domain. The sea level time series are highly correlated with correlation coefficients to the order of 0.89–0.99. The root-mean-square (RMS) difference is 6.2 cm for the station with the lowest tidal range of 165 cm and 43 cm for the station with the highest tidal range of 772 cm. The relative accuracy, defined as the ratio of RMS and tidal range, is between 2.4% and 10.0% for all stations.Comparing the standard analysis method and the extended analysis method, the results based on the extended analysis method agree better with the independent tide gauge records for the stations with a high tidal range. For the station with the highest tidal range (772 cm), the RMS is reduced by 47% when using the extended analysis method. Furthermore, the results also indicate that the standard analysis method, assuming a static sea level, can be used for stations with a tidal range of up to about 270 cm, without performing significantly worse than the extended analysis method.Tidal amplitudes and phases are derived by harmonic analysis of the sea level records. Again, a high level of agreement is observed between the tide gauge and the GPS-derived results. Comparing the GPS-derived results, the results based on the extended analysis method show a higher degree of agreement with the traditional tide gauge results for stations with larger tidal ranges. Spectral analysis of the residuals after the harmonic analysis reveals remaining signal power at multiples of the draconitic day. This indicates that the observed SNR data are to some level disturbed by additional multipath signals, in particular for GPS stations that are located in harbors. 相似文献
Carla Braitenberg Patrizia MarianiLavinia Tunini Barbara GrilloIldikò Nagy 《Journal of Geodynamics》2011
Our goal is to determine vertical crustal movement rates from tide gauge and satellite altimetry measurements. Tide gauges measure sea level, but as they are fixed to the crust, they sense both sea surface height variations and vertical crustal movements. The differential sea level rates of sufficiently nearby stations are a good means to determine differential crustal movement rates, when sea level height variations can be assumed to be homogeneous. Satellite altimetric measurements determine sea surface height variations directly and can be used to separate the crustal signal from the sea surface height variations in tide gauge measurements. The correction of the tide gauge sea level rates for the sea surface height contribution requires collocation of the satellite pass and the tide gauge station. We show that even if this is not the case, the satellite altimetric observations enable correction of differential tide gauge rates for the effects of sea surface rate inhomogeneities. 相似文献
The joint probability method (JPM) to estimate the probability of extreme sea levels (Pugh and Vassie, Extreme sea-levels from tide and surge probability. Proc. 16th Coastal Engineering Conference, 1978, Hamburg, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, pp 911–930, 1979) has been applied to the hourly records of 13 tide-gauge stations of the tidally dominated Atlantic coast of France (including
Brest, since 1860) and to three stations in the southwest of the UK (including Newlyn, since 1916). The cumulative total length
of the available records (more than 426 years) is variable from 1 to 130 years when individual stations are considered. It
appears that heights estimated with the JPM are almost systematically greater than the extreme heights recorded. Statistical
analysis shows that this could be due: (1) to surge–tide interaction (that may tend to damp surge values that occur at the
time of the highest tide levels), and (2) to the fact that major surges often occur in seasonal periods that may not correspond
to those of extreme astronomical tides. We have determined at each station empirical ad hoc correction coefficients that take
into account the above two factors separately, or together, and estimated return periods for extreme water levels also at
stations where only short records are available. For seven long records, for which estimations with other computing methods
(e.g. generalized extreme value [GEV] distribution and Gumbel) can be attempted, average estimations of extreme values appear
slightly overestimated in relation to the actual maximum records by the uncorrected JPM (+16.7 ± 7.2 cm), and by the Gumbel
method alone (+10.3 ± 6.3 cm), but appear closer to the reality with the GEV distribution (−2.0 ± 5.3 cm) and with the best-fitting
correction to the JPM (+2.9 ± 4.4 cm). Because the GEV analysis can hardly be extended to short records, it is proposed to
apply at each station, especially for short records, the JPM and the site-dependent ad hoc technique of correction that is
able to give the closest estimation to the maximum height actually recorded. Extreme levels with estimated return times of
10, 50 and 100 years, respectively, are finally proposed at all stations. Because astronomical tide and surges have been computed
(or corrected) in relation to the yearly mean sea level, possible changes in the relative sea level of the past, or foreseeable
in the future, can be considered separately and easily added to (or deduced from) the extremes obtained. Changes in climate,
on the other hand, may modify surge and tide distribution and hence return times of extreme sea levels, and should be considered
Parts of this paper have been presented orally at the session “Geophysical extremes: scaling aspects and modern statistical
approaches” of the EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2–6 April 2006. 相似文献
An annual amplitude of ∼18 cm mass-induced sea level variations (SLV) in the Red Sea is detected from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites and steric-corrected altimetry from 2003 to 2011. The annual mass variations in the region dominate the mean SLV, and generally reach maximum in late January/early February. The annual steric component of the mean SLV is relatively small (<3 cm) and out of phase of the mass-induced SLV. In situ bottom pressure records at the eastern coast of the Red Sea validate the high mass variability observed by steric-corrected altimetry and GRACE. In addition, the horizontal water mass flux of the Red Sea estimated from GRACE and steric-corrected altimetry is validated by hydrographic observations. 相似文献
The stability of the mean ocean level was investigated using the T/P altimeter data of 1993-1997 in 39 blocks of about 30° by 30°: 20 blocks forming the Pacific Ocean, 10 the Atlantic, and 9 blocks in the Indian Ocean. The 1993-1997 yearly means were found to be nearly constant, the computed linear terms came out as: (0.9±1.3) mm/year for the Pacific, (0.3±1.1) mm/year for the Atlantic, (–0.7 ± 1.4) mm/year for the Indian Ocean. No SST model was used in the solution. 相似文献