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基于MODIS的MCD12Q2数据,采用趋势分析和相关性分析方法,结合遥感降水和气温数据产品,探求了天山新疆段2001—2014年植被物候的时空变化及其影响因素的相对作用。天山新疆段植被物候始期呈明显的垂直地带性分布特征,集中于3月10日至5月15日,全区14年平均值为3月20日;植被物候末期具有纬度地带性分布特征,集中于10月1日至10月25日。天山新疆段植被物候始期在山区呈不显著推迟趋势,绿洲和平原呈不显著提前趋势;植被物候末期主要呈不显著提前趋势;降水量和气温是影响天山植被物候期的重要因素。物候始期受当年春季气温的影响最为显著,也受到前一年冬季降水量的影响,其与降水量呈正相关,与气温呈负相关。夏季和秋季降水量是天山新疆段植被物候末期的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

We examined the changes in streamflow on the northern slopes of the Tianshan Mountains in northern Xinjiang, China, over two time scales: the past 500 years, based on dendrochronology data; and the past 50 years, based on streamflow data from hydrological stations. The method of artificial neural networks built from the data of the 50-year period was used to reconstruct the streamflow of the 500-year period. The results indicate that streamflow has undergone seven high-flow periods and four low-flow periods during the past 500 years. To identify possible transition points in the streamflow, we applied the Mann–Kendall and running T tests to the 50- and 500-year periods, respectively. During the past 500 years, streamflow has changed significantly from low to high flow about three to four times, and from high to low flow about three to five times. Over the recent 50 years, there have been three phases of variation in river runoff, and the most distinct transition of streamflow occurred in 1996.  相似文献   

天山托木尔峰南坡科其喀尔冰川流域径流模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
天山冰雪融水是塔里木河的重要补给水源。利用融雪径流模型(SRM)对天山南坡科其喀尔冰川流域冰雪径流进行模拟研究。基于流域的气象梯度观测,确定了不同高度带降水梯度和月气温直减率。基于2007和2008年的实测径流值优化确定了各月的积雪、裸冰以及表碛覆盖冰的度日因子值。模拟结果表明,融雪和融冰径流过程都得到了比较好的模拟。流域径流对气候变化的响应研究表明,气温是敏感因子。气温分别升高1℃、2℃和4℃时,以融雪径流为主的3—5月径流分别增加48%、155%和224%,以冰川径流为主的5—10月径流分别增加30%、77%和104%。气候变化也会影响流域径流过程,气温升高4℃、降水增加20%时,春季径流峰值出现时间由5月中旬提前到4月20日左右。流量由6 m3/s增大到17 m3/s。  相似文献   

以自然灾害风险四因子理论为基础,综合考虑研究区自然及社会经济情况,建立适合天山山区干旱灾害风险概念框架和指标体系,结合GIS技术进行了该地区干旱灾害风险评估与区划。结果表明:致灾因子危险性较高的区域是伊犁河谷及天山北坡一带,东疆地区和南疆西部危险性较低;承灾体脆弱性较高的区域为伊犁河谷和博州地区,吐鲁番、哈密及克州属于低脆弱区;孕灾环境敏感性较高地区主要分布在天山北坡的精河至吐鲁番一线、阿克苏地区西部、巴州北部等地,伊犁河谷、巴州北部、哈密市北部、南疆西部山区属低敏感区;防灾减灾能力整体表现为中东部高于西部区域;新疆天山山区干旱综合风险整体呈现出中部高、两端低的趋势,即中部的天山南北两侧干旱风险高于南疆西部和东疆地区。构建的评估模型总体反映了研究区旱灾综合风险水平,可为新疆天山草原灾害风险管理、应对气候变化、抗旱减灾行动提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解天山和阿尔泰山长期气候变化特征,利用基于树轮资料的25条历史气候序列,集成重建了天山和阿尔泰山近150 a的年降水量和夏季气温变化情况。结果显示:20世纪上半叶是天山区域极端气候年份频现时期,而阿尔泰山极端气候年份在20世纪上下半叶分布数量相当且在19世纪下半叶相对较少。两个山系极端低值气候年份的一致性更好,且与部分历史记录吻合。天山在过去150 a内大致经历了5个偏干时期和5个偏湿时期,以及3个偏冷时期和3个偏暖时期;阿尔泰山则经历了5个偏干时期和6个偏湿时期,以及4个偏冷时期和4个偏暖时期。此外,除均存在2~6 a左右的变化周期外,天山年降水量重建序列存在27~30 a和38~39 a的变化周期,夏季平均气温重建序列存在10.5 a、53.5 a和63.7 a的变化周期;阿尔泰山夏季均温存在12.6 a的变化周期。分析表明,ENSO对天山和阿尔泰山年降水量有显著影响,而太阳黑子数与阿尔泰山夏季气温呈滞后负相关关系。  相似文献   

在天山北坡不同区域间隔海拔高度100 m左右采集5个树轮梯度年表,分析树木径向生长沿海拔高度变化的规律。结果发现:在树轮年表特征中,平均轮宽、树龄和敏感度等存在海拔梯度变化,平均轮宽和敏感度随海拔升高而降低,而平均树龄则与海拔高度呈正相关。高海拔采样点在同一区域和不同区域间一致性最好,低海拔采样点次之,而森林中部最差,东部和中部低海拔区域采样点的一致性要好于西部,坡向、坡度等小生境的差异也是影响树轮生长垂直变化规律的重要因素。存在同时影响不同海拔高度树轮生长的环境要素,西部和中部高海拔树木对该要素的响应更显著,在更为干旱的天山北坡中部和东部,对树木径向生长的影响较大的环境因子要多于西部伊犁地区。  相似文献   

利用常规高空地面、机场跑道自动观测系统(AWOS)、微波辐射计及FY4A新一代静止气象卫星等资料对2019年12月9~13日发生于北疆沿天山一带的一次持续性浓雾天气进行观测特征及演变分析,结果表明:(1)此次大雾天气过程是发生在500 hPa高空脊区控制,低层不断有暖平流东伸,地面位于蒙古冷高压后部均压场的大尺度环流背景下。(2)大雾发生前,地面明显升温有利于地表融雪、水汽蒸发,这为浓雾的形成和维持提供有利的水汽条件。浓雾维持期间,地面风速维持1 m.s-1左右的弱风场,温度露点差≤2℃,空气接近饱和,准噶尔盆地低洼地形均为浓雾维持提供有力环境条件。浓雾消散期间,风速增大,急剧降温,快速增湿,有利于雾滴凝结为米雪,使得浓雾消散。(3)Brunt-Vaisala(布伦特-维萨拉)指数能较好的反映浓雾期间边界层稳定度,并能提炼出相关稳定度阈值。浓雾期间相对湿度≥85%高度层主要集中在100米以下的贴地层,持续深厚的湿度层为浓雾形成和持续提供较好水汽条件,大雾期间强逆温层顶主要维持在600 m高度,当逆温层顶高度抬升时,有利于雾滴粒子、水汽粒子向上扩散,能见度好转。(4)FY4A卫星的多通道可见光及红外通道差图像能较好的监视白天及夜间大雾的形成、维持及生消变化,对于业务中短时临近预报有较好的帮助。  相似文献   

In this study, we assess spatial patterns of variations and trends of onset, cessation, and length of growing season using mean air temperature data recorded at 51 stations in Xinjiang province, NW China over the period 1959?C2008. Rank-based Mann?CKendall trend test and linear regression method are used to detect the significance and the magnitude of growing season change, respectively. Regionally, the average onset of the growing season has shifts 5.3?days earlier while the average ending date has moved 7.1?days later, increasing the length of the growing season by an average of 12.6?days. This study reveals a quite different result from previous studies. While the lengthening of the growing season in Xinjiang in the past 50?years is similar to that of previous studies, we find that the lengthening can be mainly attributed to delay of cessation in autumn rather than advance of onset in spring. The extended growing season will have strong implications in regional agricultural production of Xinjiang.  相似文献   

本文通过对中国科学院天山积雪与雪崩研究站不同开阔度森林下积雪表面短波辐射的观测研究,分析了森林积雪短波辐射收支特征,短波辐射透射率。结果表明:阴坡林下积雪表面短波辐射小于阳坡,且随森林开阔度的减小而减小;林下雪面短波辐射和净短波辐射随太阳高度角增加而逐渐增加,不同开阔度林下雪面短波辐射和净短波辐射的差异也随太阳高度角的增加而不断增大;阳坡、阴坡林冠上方和80%开阔度林下积雪短波辐射在晴天日变化呈单峰型,林下积雪短波辐射峰值出现时间由林冠上方直接辐射和散射辐射的相对关系决定;多云天气,短波辐射的日变化特征取决于云量的变化;林冠开阔度越大,其短波辐射率越大,日平均短波辐射透射率随太阳高度角的增加而增加,且开阔度越大,其增加速率越快,短波辐射透射率日变化呈“U”型,早晚大于12:00~17:00。  相似文献   

掌握新疆天山北坡酿酒葡萄成熟期降雨特征,对科学制定酿酒葡萄种植规划,采取趋利避害的生产管理技术措施具有实际意义。基于天山北坡35个气象站1961-2016年8-9月逐日降雨资料,采用线性趋势法和ArcGIS空间插值技术,对过去56a该区域酿酒葡萄成熟期(8-9月)降雨日数、降雨量、连阴雨天气次数、连阴雨天气降雨强度等要素的时空变化进行研究,并对照前人关于该区域酿酒葡萄种植气候适宜性区划成果,对酿酒葡萄不同适宜种植区葡萄成熟期降雨特征及其影响进行分析。结果表明:天山北坡酿酒葡萄成熟期(8-9月)降雨日数、降雨量、连阴雨天气次数、降雨强度、大量以上降雨日数的空间分布均总体呈现随海拔高度的升高而增加的特点。1961-2016年,研究区酿酒葡萄成熟期除降雨日数总体以-1.16d·10a-1的倾向率极显著 (P=0.001)减少,大量以上降雨日数以0.07d·10a-1的倾向率显著 (P=0.05)增多外,降雨量、连阴雨天气次数、连阴雨天气日数及其降雨量变化趋势均不显著。天山北坡酿酒葡萄种植气候最适宜和适宜区葡萄成熟期的降雨量、降雨日数、连阴雨天气次数、连阴雨天气日数及其降雨量都很小,期间总降雨量大多不足40 mm、降雨日数少于20 d、大量以上降雨日数不足1 d、连阴雨天气次数少于0.3次、连阴雨天气日数少于5d、连阴雨天气降雨量不足25mm,该分区降雨量以及连阴雨天气少,对提高酿酒葡萄产量和品质十分有利。酿酒葡萄次适宜种植区葡萄成熟期降雨天气稍多,降雨量40~90 mm、降雨日数20~25 d、大量以上降雨日数1~2 d、连阴雨天气次数0.3~1.0次、连阴雨天气日数5~8 d、连阴雨天气降雨量25~40 mm,对酿酒葡萄产量和品质有一定不利影响。天山北坡8-9月降雨量90 mm以上、降雨日数30d以上、大量以上降雨日数2d以上、连阴雨天气次数多于1.0次、连阴雨天气日数8d以上、连阴雨天气降雨量40 mm以上的区域均在海拔1500m以上的山区,该区域恰恰也是酿酒葡萄不适宜种植区,因此对酿酒葡萄无影响。综上所述,新疆天山北坡酿酒葡萄种植区尤其是适宜及最适宜种植区葡萄成熟期的降雨量、降雨日数、连阴雨天气次数和日数都较小,且近56a稳定少变,因此,对该区域酿酒葡萄生产的影响较小。  相似文献   

Mcteorological data at 17 weather stations in the Tianshan Mountains from 1959 to 2003 were analyzed to explore the variations in temperature and snow cover.The abrupt change test for snow depth was performed using Mann-Kendall statistic.The spatial distribution of maximum snow depth was calculated by employing GIDS interpolation and DEM data.The results show that mean temperature in winter had a rising trend at a rate of 0.44℃/10a.The minimum temperature in winter increased more evidently at a rate of 0.79℃/10a.The maximum snow depth has obviously deepened at a rate of 1.15 cm/10 a in the past 45 years,and it was about 16% higher than the average during 1991-2003.The Mann-Kendall statistic test of snow depth indicates that the abrupt change occurred in 1976.The maximum increment for snow cover depth occurred in Zhaoshu(Kunes)(39.3%)and Nilka(39.7%)in the west Tiansban Mountains.In contrast,the snow cover depth reduced by 17% in Barkol in the east Tianshan Mountains.There was a primary change periodicity of about 2.8 years in snow cover.In addition,snow cover days with a depth more than 10 cm increased distinctly,however,there was no obvious advance or delay in snow beginning and ending dates.  相似文献   

 Meteorological data at 17 weather stations in the Tianshan Mountains from 1959 to 2003 were analyzed to explore the variations in temperature and snow cover. The abrupt change test for snow depth was performed using Mann-Kendall statistic. The spatial distribution of maximum snow depth was calculated by employing GIDS interpolation and DEM data. The results show that mean temperature in winter had a rising trend at a rate of 0.44 ℃/10 a. The minimum temperature in winter increased more evidently at a rate of 0.79 ℃/10 a. The maximum snow depth has obviously deepened at a rate of 1.15 cm/10 a in the past 45 years, and it was about 16% higher than the average during 1991-2003. The Mann-Kendall statistic test of snow depth indicates that the abrupt change occurred in 1976. The maximum increment for snow cover depth occurred in Zhaoshu (Kunes) (39.3%) and Nilka (39.7%) in the west Tianshan Mountains. In contrast, the snow cover depth reduced by 17% in Barkol in the east Tianshan Mountains. There was a primary change periodicity of about 2.8 years in snow cover. In addition, snow cover days with a depth more than 10 cm increased distinctly, however, there was no obvious advance or delay in snow beginning and ending dates.  相似文献   

Climate changes affect the abundance, geographic extent, and floral composition of vegetation, which are reflected in the pollen rain. Sediment cores taken from lakes and peat bogs can be analysed for their pollen content. The fossil pollen records provide information on the temporal changes in climate and palaeo-environments. Although the complexity of the variables influencing vegetation distribution requires a multi-dimensional approach, only a few research projects have used GIS to analyse pollen data. This paper presents a new approach to palynological data analysis by combining GIS and spatial modelling. Eastern Colombia was chosen as a study area owing to the migration of the forest–savanna boundary since the last glacial maximum, and the availability of pollen records. Logistic regression has been used to identify the climatic variables that determine the distribution of savanna and forest in eastern Colombia. These variables were used to create a predictive land-cover model, which was subsequently implemented into a GIS to perform spatial analysis on the results. The palynological data from the study area were incorporated into the GIS. Reconstructed maps of past vegetation distribution by interpolation showed a new approach of regional multi-site data synthesis related to climatic parameters. The logistic regression model resulted in a map with 85.7% predictive accuracy, which is considered useful for the reconstruction of future and past land-cover distributions. The suitability of palynological GIS application depends on the number of pollen sites, the distribution of the pollen sites over the area of interest, and the degree of overlap of the age ranges of the pollen records.  相似文献   

利用新疆天山北坡经济带12个国家气象站逐日最低气温和平均气温资料,研究该区域1965—2019年持续低温指数CCDI的变化规律及其对气温变化的响应,结果表明:研究区的年、季平均气温均呈显著升高趋势,其中冬季升温幅度最大,夏季升温幅度最小;受气候变暖的影响,研究区CCDI呈显著减少趋势,其中冬季减少幅度最大、夏季最小;研究区CCDI和平均气温之间呈显著的反相关,年、季都经历了气温距平由负转正、同时对应CCDI距平由正转负的过程;年、季CCDI对平均气温的敏感系数均为负值,说明CCDI值随着气温的升高而减少,敏感系数绝对值春、夏、秋三季均呈显著减小趋势,即CCDI对气候变暖的响应在减弱,而冬季则呈显著增大趋势,即CCDI对气候变暖的响应在增强。  相似文献   

利用天山地区近50年(1966—2015年)逐日气象资料,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验法研究了天山南北坡相对湿度(RH)的时空变化特征,分析了天山南北坡RH对平均气温、降水量、平均风速、参考蒸散量、日照时数的敏感性,并探讨了引起RH变化的主导因素。结果表明:(1)整个天山地区RH变化有略微上升的趋势但不显著,北坡RH总体呈下降趋势,南坡RH总体呈上升趋势。(2) RH空间分布呈自北向南递减趋势,南北坡全年及春季以下降趋势为主,而夏、秋、冬三季均以上升趋势为主,且南坡变化趋势的显著性高于北坡。(3) RH对风速、气温、日照时数及参考蒸散量均为负敏感,对降水量为正敏感。北坡RH对各气象因子的敏感程度依次为日照时数>参考蒸散量>风速>气温>降水量,南坡敏感程度依次为日照时数>风速>参考蒸散量>气温>降水量。空间分布上,仅降水量敏感系数高值区位于北坡伊犁河谷,其余要素敏感系数高值区均位于南坡。(4)参考蒸散量是影响天山地区RH变化的主导因子,整个天山地区参考蒸散发贡献率较高,日照时数贡献率高值区集中于北坡伊犁河谷,风速、降水量、气温贡献率高值区均集中于南坡克孜勒苏地区。  相似文献   

新疆中天山一次城市暴雪过程诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用NCEP逐日4次1°×1°再分析资料和Micaps常规观测等资料,对2011年3月发生在新疆中天山城市暴雪过程进行天气学诊断分析。诊断计算包括:中尺度分析、水汽通量、水汽通量散度、水平散度、垂直速度、高低空风场、螺旋度、假相当位温等。结果表明:暴雪是南北两支锋区在中亚地区交汇后东移发展造成的,降雪前乌鲁木齐城区出现东南大风,地面强烈减压升温为暴雪天气触发不稳定能量提供了热力条件,500 hPa有>30 m·s-1的西南急流,700 hPa存在低空切变,散度和垂直速度表现为明显的高层辐散、低层辐合的对称结构。降雪强盛期整层呈现上负下正的垂直螺旋度对,θse低能舌伸至200 hPa,700 hPa至400 hPa维持θse高能舌区,湿层厚度高达300 hPa。这种物理量场的配置有利低层湿空气聚合及向上的抬升运动,为暴雪的产生提供了必要条件。此次冷空气以偏西路径影响城区,在冷空气明显的条件下,受城市热岛效应影响,强降雪容易发生在温度较高的城区,同时降水中心倾向于出现在锋区的位置。  相似文献   

本文通过2011-2013年中天山高寒无人区自建的自动气象站获取的稀缺气象资料,客观地揭示了观测区域的气象条件,给出部分气象特征参数变化特征,为中天山高山达坂区气象观测研究工作奠定一定基础,并得出如下结果:(1)迎风坡盛行风向SE、N,SE占35%,N占25%,N向风力集中4级以下,SE明显偏大,3级风比重15%,4级风比重7%,5级风比重4%;6级风比重1%,6级以上的风力几乎为零。背风坡主导风向角度范围在247.5°-337.5°,风力基本在6级以下,6级及以上风力出现概率不足1%。3-5级风占的比重较大。(2)日平均气温≤-10℃日数所占观测总日数的百分比,其值分别为:0.0%(恰西)、44.5%(江不肯达坂)、9.8%(江巴口子)、15.1%(铁力买提达坂)。恰西、江不肯达坂、江巴口子、铁力买提达坂4站日平均相对湿度≥80%的频率分别为5.9%、18.4%、16.1%和22.6%。(3)换算得出恰西、江不肯达坂、江巴口子、铁力买提达坂观测期间10m高度最大瞬时风速与小时平均风速分别为33.8/27.9m/s、41.0/27.3 m/s、25.7/17.7m/s、34.0/17.2 m/s。  相似文献   

Summary Central England temperature data for 1659–1986 are analysed using a new procedure for separating the trend from monthly mean temperatures. The method has been developed without any important assumption relating to the trend function. The monthly trends are illustrated. It is suggested that a general warming tendency underlies various cooling and warming periods. Several autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) processes have been fitted to the stationarized time series of which an ARMA (2, 1) process proved to be the most appropriate model. Calculations on the data after adjustment to remove non-linear trends show much lower autocorrelations of yearly and individual monthly mean temperatures than estimated before.
Zusammenfassung In vorliegender Studie werden Temperaturdaten von Mittelengland des Zeitraums 1659 bis 1986 unter Zuhilfenahme eines neuen Verfahrens zur Trennung von Trend und Monatsmittel analysiert. Die Methode wurde ohne besondere Annahme für die Temperaturtrendfunktion entwickelt. Die Monatstrends werden illustriert. Daraus ergibt sich eine allgemeine Tendenz der Erwärmung, der Perioden der Abkühlung und der Erwärmung überlagert sind. Verschiedene Verfahren mit autoregressiven gleitenden Mitteln (ARMA) wurden an die stationären Zeitserien angepaßt, wobei sich ein bestimmter ARMA-Prozeß (2, 1) als besonders geeignet erwies. Nach einer Anpassung durch Entfernung der nichtlinearen Trends ergaben die Berechnungen weit niedrigere Autokorrelationen der jährlichen und monatlichen Temperaturmittelwerte als bislang angenommen.

With 6 Figures  相似文献   

In order to investigate the physical structure characteristics of the clouds and precipitation over the Tianshan Mountains in summer, the Urumqi Institute of Desert Meteorology of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) carried out an atmospheric detection experiment in Bayanbulak from 1st to 31st August 2012 by means of a wind-profiling radar and a Doppler weather radar. Using the radar observation data, this paper analyzes the dynamic, thermodynamic, radar echo intensity and macro-micro structure characteristics of the 2–3 August precipitation process. The results show that: (1) The radar echo intensity of this rainfall process changes within 5–38 dBZ, and the precipitation cloud system is under the height of 6500 m, with notable 0 °C level echo bright band between 1200 m and 2000 m height. NCEP analysis data shows that the cloud top temperature ranges from ?25 °C to ?32 °C. These indicate the features of typical stratiform cold cloud precipitation. (2) Atmospheric motion during the precipitation process presents the multi-layer structure with wind velocity varying within the range of 3.0–8.0 m/s. The temperature advection is presented with the vertical structure distribution of “cold-warm-cold”, which indicates relative stability of the atmospheric stratification. (3) By retrieving and analyzing the raindrop size distributions below 0 °C level bright band within 600–1200 m height, when the precipitation evolve from early stage to its peak stage, the concentration of the tiny particle zone (D?≤?2.5 mm) changes a little while the concentration of the medium particle zone (2.5?<?D?≤?4 mm) and the concentration of the large particle(D?>?4 mm) increase considerably; but after peak stage the concentration in the medium particle zone and the concentration in the large particle zone decline first, then the concentration in the tiny particle zone reduces. (4) Raindrop size distribution data is used to calculate the precipitation intensity and the liquid water content, whose spatial-temporal variation characteristics are the same. During peak stage of the precipitation, the instantaneous precipitation intensity reaches 5.0 mm/h, and the liquid water content reaches 0.35 g/m3. This study would help deepen the understanding on the physical structure of the clouds and precipitation over the Tianshan Mountains in summer, and also provide some scientific basis for cloud seeding operation over this area.  相似文献   

利用近50年新疆天山南北坡乌拉斯台河和乌鲁木齐河流域不同气象站点气温资料,对比分析了天山南北坡的气温变化趋势、入春与入夏时间、气温年极值、气温年较差及冬季逆温层变化特征。结果表明:天山南北坡显著升温时间约为1997年,北坡的乌鲁木齐气温增加趋势最大,为0.402℃·(10a)-1;南坡的库尔勒比乌鲁木齐入春、入夏早,乌鲁木齐主要入春、入夏时间分别为4月和6月,而库尔勒分别为3月和5月;北坡比南坡入春连续5天平均气温约高1℃,而两者入夏连续5天的平均气温接近;天山南北坡年最高气温的最大值、最小值和年平均最高气温随海拔的升高逐渐降低,而年最低气温的变化南北坡表现不一致,并且南北坡各站点的气温年较差随着高度的增加而减少;1月北坡逆温层的厚度大于南坡,北坡逆温层小渠子和蔡家湖的气温差变化趋势为-0.208℃·(10a)-1,南坡逆温层巴伦台和和静的气温差变化趋势为0.236℃·(10a)-1。  相似文献   

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