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Using a model of the general circulation, the response of the temperature and wind in the Earth’s atmosphere to variations in solar UV radiation flows during an 11-year activity cycle is studied with respect to their dependence on the wavelength. Satellite measurement data for the 23rd cycle that were characterized by anomalously low flows of UV radiation at minimum activity are used in calculations. To implement numerical scenarios, wavelength-dependent variations in the UV radiation flow changing absorption in the bands of ozone and molecular oxygen are used in the radiation block of the model. Based on empirical data, a spatial structure of stationary disturbances having the wavenumbers S = 1, 2, and 3 are assigned at the lower boundary of the model. The calculation results demonstrating the changes in the atmospheric parameters between the solar activity maximum and minimum within the height range 0–120 km are presented. It is shown that the response of monthly average values has a wavy structure in latitude, i.e., a nonseasonal character, amounting to several degrees in the lower atmosphere. The results obtained indicate that planetary waves are an important link in the transmission of an external effect on the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of the zonally averaged circulation in the middle atmosphere (16–96 km) is simulated using a numerical model based on the primitive equations in log pressure coordinates. The circulation is driven radiatively by heating due to solar ultraviolet absorption by ozone and infrared cooling due to carbon dioxide and ozone (parameterized as a Newtonian cooling). Since eddy fluxes due to planetary waves are neglected in the model, the computed mean meridional circulation must be interpreted as thediabatic circulation, not as the total eulerian mean. Rayleigh friction with a short (2–4 day) time constant above 70 km is included to simulate the strong mechanical dissipation which is hypothesized to exist in the vicinity of the mesopause due to turbulence associated with gravity waves and tides near the mesopause.Computed mean winds and temperatures are in general agreement with observations for both equinox and solstice conditions. In particular, the strong mechanical damping specified near the mesopause makes it possible to simulate the cold summer and warm winter mesopause temperatures without generating excessive mean zonal winds. In addition, the model exhibits a strong semiannual cycle in the mean zonal wind at the equator, with both amplitude and vertical structure in agreement with the easterly phase of the observed equatorial semiannual oscillation.Contribution No. 497, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle.  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of changes in the zonal circulation and amplitudes of stationary planetary waves are performed with an accounting for the impact of solar activity variations on the thermosphere. A thermospheric version of the Middle/Upper Atmosphere Model (MUAM) is used to calculate the circulation in the middle and upper atmosphere at altitudes up to 300 km from the Earth’s surface. Different values of the solar radio emission flux in the thermosphere are specified at a wavelength of 10.7 cm to take into account the solar activity variations. The ionospheric conductivities and their variations in latitude, longitude, and time are taken into account. The calculations are done for the January–February period and the conditions of low, medium, and high solar activity. It was shown that, during high-activity periods, the zonal wind velocities increases at altitudes exceeding 150 km and decreases in the lower layers. The amplitudes of planetary waves at high solar activity with respect to the altitude above 120 km or below 100 km, respectively, are smaller or larger than those at low activity. These differences correspond to the calculated changes in the refractive index of the atmosphere for stationary planetary waves and the Eliassen–Palm flux. Changes in the conditions for the propagation and reflection of stationary planetary waves in the thermosphere may influence the variations in their amplitudes and the atmospheric circulation, including the lower altitudes of the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

The paper presents and analyzes, from the point of view of smooth dynamic systems theory, a two-layer baroclinic model of the troposphere in geostrophic approximation. The model describes airflow in β-channel within the tropospheric part of the main Hadley circulation cell. It enables to obtain, after application of the Galerkin method, a fairly simple low-parametric dynamic system describing the phenomena of non-linear interactions, bifurcations and blocking in the atmosphere. This enables to take into consideration such basic factors influencing the atmospheric dynamics like the heat exchange within the surface, orography, vertical variability of zonal wind and hydrostatic stability. Impact of zonal thermal variability of the surface and vertical shear of zonal wind in the troposphere on the orographic bifurcation was investigated and the oscillation character in the dynamic system after Hopf bifurcation of the second kind was analyzed. Additionally, the model dynamics was investigated in conditions including momentum forcing in the upper and lower parts of the troposphere and excluding orographic interaction, as well as in the conditions of thermal interaction between the troposphere and the surface for the vertical shear of zonal wind in both tropospheric layers. Impact of the mean zonal wind in the troposphere on the properties of model dynamics was assessed. It was proved that zonally varied surface temperature and layered mean zonal wind in the atmosphere are the parameters that have basic influence on the model dynamics. They cause numerous bifurcations and strongly influence the periods of oscillations of the model variables. They are often Hopf bifurcations of the second kind during which tropospheric states fairly distant from the ones before the bifurcations are generated. This significantly influences the model predictability.  相似文献   

The propagation of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) is studied in the context of geometrical optics in the nonisothermal, viscous, and thermal-conductive atmosphere of Earth in the presence of wind shifts. Parametric diagrams are plotted, determining the regions of allowed frequencies and horizontal phase velocities of AGWs depending on the altitude. It is shown that a part of the spectrum of AGWs propagates in stationary air in an altitude range from the Earth’s surface through the ionospheric F1 layer. AGW from nearearth sources attenuate below 250 km, while waves generated at altitudes of about 300 km and higher do not reach the Earth’s surface because of the inner reflection from the thermosphere base. The pattern changes under strong thermospheric winds. AGW dissipation decreases with an adverse wind shift and, hence, a part of the wave spectrum penetrated from the lower atmosphere to the altitudes of F2 layer.  相似文献   

—The radiative-convective feedback and land-sea thermal forcing play significant roles in maintenance of the summer monsoon circulation over the Indian sub-continent. In this study, the role of radiative transfer in maintaining the monsoon circulation is examined with numerical sensitivity experiments. For this purpose, a sixteen layer primitive equation limited area model is used to perform numerical simulations with and without atmospheric radiative transfer processes parameterized in the model. The initial values and boundary conditions for the numerical integrations of the model are derived from operational analyses of the ECMWF, UK. The results show that the radiative transfer is essential in maintaining the intensity of the low level Somali Jet as well as the upper level Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) over the Indian sub-continent and adjoining seas. The meridional circulation over the region is also well simulated. As a result, enough moisture transports from the warm equatorial region to simulate more realistic orographic precipitation in the windward side of the mountains along the West coast of India. Without radiative transfer processes in the model atmosphere the simulated monsoon circulation weakens, moisture transport decreases and the precipitation lessens.  相似文献   


By using 2-D chemical model, the trend of total column ozone over the Tibetan Plateau is simulated. The results show that from 1980 to 1993, the total column ozone over the Tibetan Plateau decreases; after 1995, it starts to recover. But until 2050, it will not still reach the level of 1980 total column ozone. Under Tibetan special circulation, its total column ozone recovers more rapidly than zonal mean. Therefore, the Tibetan special meridional circulation is not a main reason why the total column ozone over the Tibetan Plateau decreases more strongly than zonal mean.


two-dimensional time dependent model of the stratosphere incorporating the major interactions between radiative-photochemical and dynamical processes is described. The main prognostic equations considered are the thermodynamic equation and the general conservation equation for the minor chemical constituents representing the odd oxygen (O x =O+('D)+O3), odd hydrogen (HO x =HO+HO2), N2O, odd nitrogen (NO x =NO+NO2+HNO3), CF2Cl2, CFCl3 and odd chlorine (Cl x =Cl+ClO+HCl). The zonal wind and mean meridional circulations are determined diagnostically by the integration of the thermal wind equation and the stream function equation in the meridional plane espectively. The large scale eddy processes are parameterized in terms of zonal mean quantities using the generalized diffusion formulation on a sloping surface. The radiative heating and cooling and the hotochemical sources and sinks are incorporated in a form which allows for the major interactions among the minor trace constituents, temperature and mean circulation.Two integrations consisting of natural stratosphere and a stratosphere contaminated by the chlorofluoromethanes through lower boundary fluxes are carried out for 23 model years by changing the declination of the sun every day and using 6-hour time step. The model simulations of temperature, mean circulation, ozone, HO x , N2O and NO x in the meridional plane for the normal stratosphere, show satisfactory agreement with the available observations. Based on the results of second integration it is found that the injection of chlorofluoromethanes in the atmosphere at the estimated current production rates can lead to significant changes in the meridional distribution of ozone, temperature and NO x in the middle and upper stratosphere. The results also indicate that the percentage total ozone depletion increases from tropics to high latitudes and from summer to winter high latitudes. Also discussed are the results of additional experiments incorporating the reaction of HO2 with NO and the reactions involving ClNO3.  相似文献   

定常情况下,本文利用球坐标系(λ,φ,r)的动力、热力学方程导出三维速度场(vλ,vφ,vr)的动力系统.这种包括摩擦力和热传导的不可压缩大气运动的动力系统,无论从定性上还是从定量上都能描述由赤道和极地间的加热不均匀造成的三圈环流.定性上表明,在北半球经向速度vφ和纬向速度vλ同符号,地表刮北风(vφvλvφ>0)和刮西风(vλ>0)相对应.在南半球,经向速度vφ和纬向速度vλ符号相反,刮北风(vφvλ>0)相对应,刮南风(vφ>0)和刮东风(vλp可以用球调和函数plm(sinφ)cosmλ来表达.当取l=6,m=0时即可导出三圈环流.在经圈剖面(φ,r)上,地表的φ1=±56°和φ2=±28°左右,以及赤道是速度场的奇点,它们都是鞍点,说明在副热带是下沉运动,在中纬度是上升运动,这正是三圈环流中的Ferrel环流的特征.这样经向速度vφ和纬向速度vλ相联系,经向速度vφ又和垂直速度相联系,那么三圈环流的三维速度场就构成了一个整体.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—The formation of impact craters on the Earth’s surface is accompanied by the effect of shock waves on rocks. The shock wave compression...  相似文献   

The finite difference method (FDM) is an important numerical approach for simulating the propagation of seismic waves, and some FDMs can be used to study the impact of the Earth’s curvature and topography over large distances. To efficiently model the effects of the Earth’s irregular topography on the propagation of seismic waves, here we optimize a previously proposed grid mesh method and develop a novel two-dimensional boundary-conforming FDM based on a curvilinear polar coordinate system. This method efficiently simulates the propagation of seismic waves in an arc-shaped model with large variations in surface topography. Our method was benchmarked against other reported methods using several global-scale models. The consistency of the results confirms the validity of our proposed optimization strategy. Furthermore, our findings indicate that the proposed optimization strategy improves computational efficiency.  相似文献   

An axisymmetric model of convection in a rotating cylinder in an external uniform magnetic field has been considered. In the considered model, the meridional circulation is created by a nonuniform rotation of the lower boundary relative to the other boundaries. In the considered model, the time of formation of the stationary regime in the magnetic field considerably increases if the vertical density (compressibility) inhomogeneity is taken into account for Ekman numbers of E = E M = 3 × 10−3. This example shows that the compressibility of a medium should be taken into account in the convection and dynamics of the magnetic field when the magnetohydrodynamics of the Earth is analyzed.  相似文献   

The origination of various plasma inhomogeneities in the magnetosheath in front of the Earth’s magnetosphere is analyzed within classical magnetohydrodynamics. The effect of directional discontinuities or tangential and rotational discontinuities of the solar wind on plasma is studied. The origination of inhomogeneities of the type of secondary MHD waves in the magnetosheath is shown; the former equalize plasma parameters when restoring the stationary state. The effect of a rotational discontinuity on the bow shock–Earth’s magnetosphere system is of special interest, with distinguishing of plasma inhomogeneities of the plateau type observed in the near-Earth space.  相似文献   

The results of the long-term recording of thermal neutron flux near the Earth’s surface with the use of an unshielded scintillation thermal-neutron detector are presented. The data obtained indicate the presence of periodic variations in the thermal neutron flux with the lunar diurnal and the lunar monthly periods. A hypothesis about the existence in the Earth’s crust of radon-neutron tidal variations in the concentration of thermal neutrons, correlated with the Moon’s phases and which have the gravitational origin, is formulated and confirmed experimentally. A simple mathematical model is proposed, which satisfactorily describes the observed variations. The case of the anomalous behavior of thermal neutrons is presented, which correlates with the high local seismic activity.  相似文献   

Four years of SBUV ozone data and NOAA/NMC temperature data are analyzed for the relations between the annual total ozone behaviour in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and the transport of ozone by planetary waves. It is found that the interhemispheric differences in the annual variation of total ozone are well explained by the interhemispheric differences in the planetary waves and the resulting ozone transports. The annual variation of the ozone transports by the stationary waves is found to control the ozone behavior in both hemispheres. Both the day-to-day and the interannual variation in total ozone are found to be strongly related to the corresponding variability of the planetary waves.Contribution Number 46 of the Stratospheric General Circulation with Chemistry Project at NASA/GSFC.  相似文献   

Electric conductivity of the lower mantle. Methods and results   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The methods and results of estimating the electric conductivity of the Earth’s lower mantle are discussed. It has been indicated that the available estimates are qualitative since, first, the spatial-temporal characteristics of the geomagnetic variations on the Earth’s surface have been insufficiently accurate until recently and, second, the models of variations on the core surface are hypothetical. The situation is similar to the problem of determining filter parameters without knowing a filter entry. Nevertheless, the estimates of admissible conductivity limits at the mantle-core boundary and the general form of the conductivity radial dependence have been obtained based on the Earth thermodynamic model and certain global characteristics of the secular geomagnetic variations.  相似文献   

Simulation of tides in hydrocarbon lakes on Saturn’s moon Titan   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Numerous hydrocarbon lakes have recently been detected on Saturn’s largest moon Titan, representing the only known large bodies of liquids on a planetary surface outside the Earth. In the context of comparative oceanography, tides and tidal currents in two representative lakes on Titan (Kraken Mare and Ontario Lacus) are simulated by a three-dimensional baroclinic ocean circulation model. Since the tide-generating force on Titan is an order of magnitude larger than on Earth and the gravitational acceleration is small, tides and currents are substantially larger than in Earth’s lakes and are more comparable with those in Earth’s oceans. The predicted maximum tidal range in Kraken Mare is 4 m. The tidal wave propagates around the basin of Kraken Mare, while a nearly standing tidal wave is excited in Ontario Lacus. Titan’s rotation is too slow to affect the tidal flow in any Titan’s lake. The tidal current velocity in Kraken Mare amounts to a few centimeters per second except in the vicinity of a narrow strait, where it is enhanced by an order of magnitude. In summer, when the lake is stratified, internal tides can develop. Seiches cannot be caused by tide. In the largest lakes, atmospheric tide may cause additional lake surface displacements.  相似文献   

The gravitational interaction in the Earth–Moon–Sun system is considered from the standpoint of influencing the formation of time variations in the geophysical fields and some natural processes. The analysis of the results of instrumental observations revealed the main periodicities and cycles in the time variations of subsoil radon volumetric activity with the same periods as the vertical component of the variations of the tidal force. The amplitude modulation of seismic noise by the lunar-solar tide is demonstrated. It is shown that the intensity of relaxation processes in the Earth’s crust has a near-diurnal periodicity, whereas the spectrum of groundwater level fluctuations includes clearly expressed tidal waves. Based on the data on the tilts of the Earth’s surface, the role of tidal deformation in the formation of the block motions in the Earth’s crust is analyzed. A new approach is suggested for identifying tidal waves in the atmosphere by analyzing micropulsations of the atmospheric pressure with the use of adaptive rejection filters.  相似文献   

We investigated to what extent the isentropic, non-geostrophic formulation of zonally averaged circulation derived for stratospheric conditions is applicable to climatological transport in the extratropical troposphere and lower stratosphere. The study is based on 10 years of daily data of ECMWF analysis and on the ECHAM3 climate model of the German Climate Computing Centre. The main result is a scalar isentropic mixing coefficient, Kyy, and a mean meridional transport circulation consistently derived from the same data base. For both data sources, isentropic mean meridional circulation is derived from horizontal mass flow rate for 4 representative months. Alternatively, a mean meridional circulation is calculated from total diabatic heating rates of the ECHAM3 model. It is shown that only the latter is in good agreement with the ECMWF mean meridional circulation. Isentropic analysis also comprises the seasonal cycle of the climatological meridional gradient and flux of Ertels potential vorticity (PV). Application of Tungs flux-gradient relation yields that for all seasons Kyy is positive in height-latitude regions where statistical significance is reached. Large Kyy values, marking regions of more efficient mixing, have been found in the subtropical vertical band of weak westerly wind and in mid-latitudes in regions of upward-propagating baroclinic wave activity in the middle and upper troposphere. Based on the ECMWF data and results of baroclinic-wave behaviour, strong indications are presented that positive zonally averaged PV flux polewards of the jet core in the NH is strengthened by stationary waves and nonlinear effects. Reduced eddy transport is apparent in winter and spring slightly below the subtropical tropopause jet. The seasonal cycle of Kyy from ECHAM3 data is to a great extent in agreement with the result based on ECMWF analysis. In the model, reduced interannual variability enlarges the height-latitude range where sign of Kyy is significant.  相似文献   

A new approach to analytical and numerical study of the process of the post-glacial uplifting of the Earth’s surface was proposed within the framework of a viscous model. Displacement of the Earth’s surface is considered as the motion of the density boundary due to chemico-density convection. It is shown that the incorporation of the non-Newtonian rheology at observed velocities of post-glacial uplifts requires an obligatory presence of faults in the lithosphere and gives rise to quasi-uniform motion of the mantle material, whose viscosity under the lithosphere is, on the average, sufficiently small and amounts to ~1019 Pa. The study of the stability of the constructed model of the post-glacial uplift considered as the chemico-density convection relative to the thermal convection shows that the velocity of thermal convection developing in the presence of a quasiuniform mantle flow related to the post-glacial recovery is ~1 m/yr.  相似文献   

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