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Geological and geophysical investigations in the Northern part of Afar-Region were carried out by a group of scientists in 1967 and 1968. The Afar-structure is framed by the Ethiopian Highland in the West, the Somali Plateau in the South and the Danakil horst in the E. Its northern part is occupied by the NNW trending Danakil Depression (Danakil Graben), a branch of the NW trending Red Sea-Graben. The block mosaic border land in the West as well as the Danakil Alps consist of basement overlain by unfolded Mesozoic strata. Within the Afar Depression the pre-Tertiary formations are covered by limnic-fluviatile — in upper portions marine — sediments, Miocene and Pliocene in age, thickening towards the centre of the Depression. These basin fillings indicate a major phase of rift faulting prior to and during their deposition. Marginal extensions of these “Danakil-Formation” on both flanks of the Depression accompany the structural borders of the Danakil Graben, coinciding with the “outer rift structural margin” (Mohr 1967). Evaporites occupy the deepest part of the structure, “the inner Danakil Graben”, downfaulted or opened by major rift movements during Pliocene. A NW trending fault zone cutting through the flat plain north of Dallol covered by gypsum beds, seems to form the Eastern margin of the inner Danakil Graben. In its southeastern prolongation the fault and fissure system of the Amarti Volcanic Range is situated. Still active rift faulting during Quaternary caused the present topographic form of the region. These movements were followed by a marine ingression. Its sediments (Zariga-Formation, 14 C Modell ages 25 000–34 000 y) ring the depression and pass into gypsum beds towards the centre of the basin. The deepest parts of the Depression are hidden beneath the Afrera-Formation (14 C Modell ages 5800 y) framing the Lake Assale/Bakili and the Lake Afrera (soft limestones, clay and gypsum beds). The rift-forming movements in the northern Afar were accompanied by strong volcanic activity. Besides different igneous rocks intruding the pre-Tertiary and Tertiary strata of the rift margin, extensive basaltic lava flows intercalate and locally underly the Danakil-Formation. Potassium-argon age determinations on these “Afar Basalts” yielded Miocene to Pliocene age. In the southern area of the Danakil Graben the Upper Tertiary sedimentary basin fillings are replaced by “Afar Basalts” (plateau-forming flood basalt) flows. They are succeeded by scoriaceous fissure alkali-olivine-basalts and their differentiated lavas forming huge volcanoes aligned parallel to the rift structures. The Central Volcanic Range (Erta Ale volcanic chain) marking the central part of the Danakil Graben, remains active today. Besides the basaltic activity, numerous huge volcanoes display rhyolitic rocks with strong alkaline affinity.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird ein Überblick über einige grundlegende Merkmale der Geologie der Anden gegeben. Der Stand der geologischen Forschung wird kurz skizziert.
Some principal aspects of the geology of the Andes are reviewed. The present state of geological research is briefly described.

Résumé L'auteur présente un aperçu sur les principales données de la géologie des Andes. La situation actuelle de la reconnaissance géologique est brièvement esquissée.

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Zusammenfassung Die Arbeit enthält Ergebnisse von Geländeuntersuchungen in den nordchilenischen Kordilleren. In dem geologisch wenig bekannten Raum der Provinzen Atacama und Antofagasta wurden neue stratigraphische Tatsachen entdeckt, u. a. in der Küstenkordillere ein über 1000 m mächtiges Paläozoikum und eine Lias-Transgression, sowie in der Hochkordillere ausgedehnte Vorkommen präkambrischer Gneise und Glimmerschiefer und Lias mit reicher Fossilführung.Die seit der Trias geförderten Ergußgesteine und die Rolle des mittelkretazischen Andenplutons werden geschildert. Ferner wird auf die Beziehungen zwischen magmatischen und tektonischen Ereignissen in Nordchile eingegangen.Der Bau der Küstenkordillere seit der Trias wird vorwiegend von Bruchverformung geprägt. Faltung ist fast ausschließlich auf prämesozoische Serien beschränkt. Die Platznahme des Andenplutons in der Mittelkreide kann hier mit keiner Faltungsphase in Verbindung gebracht werden. Die Faltungsintensität in der Hochkordillere ist zwar stärker, wirklich alpinotype Verformungen werden jedoch selten erreicht.
Resumen En este trabajo se da una visión general sobre estudios geológicos realizados en la cordillera del norte de Chile, entre los 22 y 26 grados de latidud sur. Estos estudios los realizó el autor en el año 1956, en calidad de huésped de la Universidad de Chile.En la Cordillera de la Costa entre Chañaral y Taltal, y en un perfil por la Cordillera al Este de Vallenar, pude comprobar una serie de novedades en el campo de la estratigrafía.En la Cordillera de la Costa, aflora una potente serie paleozóica (1000 m de potencia), probablemente Silúrico Superior o Devónico, la que se muestra intensamente plegada. Por otra parte pude datar como perteneciendo al Paleozóico una transgresión liásica entre Bahia Cifuncho y Las Bombas.En la Alta Cordillera, al Sur-Este de El Transita, existen espesores considerables de gneises y esquistos precámbricos. En la quebrada de Pinto y quebrada Chanchoquin, afloran sedimentos de la parte alta del Liásico inferior y Liásico medio, los que son muy fosiliferos. Dentro de los sedimentos liásicos se depositaron concordantemente coladas de porfiritas. También aparecen volcanitas postliásicas.Pudieron determinarse dos generaciones de roca plutónica: una vieja, compuesta principalmente de material diorítico que muestra ordenación de petrofabric, y una intrusión mas moderna compuesta de granito fresco no deformado. Este material está claramente intruido en la formación porfirítica en el valle del rio El Carmen entre el Alto del Carmen y San Félix. Es probable que este granito sea más jóven que el batolito mesocrétácico de la Cordillera de la Costa.Finalmente se discuten las relaciones entre procesos tectónicos y magmáticos en las Cordilleras del norte de Chile. Diversos croquis y figuras ilustran los puntos tratados.Por la ayuda prestada en la preparación de los trabajos de campo, le agradezco al Señor Jorge MuñozCrsti, Director del Instituto de Geología de la Universidad de Chile. En los trabajos de campo me asistió el Ingeniero SeñorAntonio Pena.

Zusammenfassung Das bearbeitete Gebiet umfaßt das Gebirge Munzur Dag und Umgebung in der Osttürkei. Zwei Einheiten werden unterschieden: Die Munzur-Dag- und die Kemah-Einheit. Die erstere besteht aus mesozoischen Gesteinen in kalkiger Fazies. Es ist eine série compréhensive die mit dem Jura beginnt, bis in die Oberkreide hinaufreicht und in der ultrabasische Gesteine, die der Oberkreide angehören, auftreten. Die Kemah-Einheit besteht aus obermesozoischen und tertiären Gesteinen, die vorwiegend in klastischer Fazies entwickelt sind. Hier kommen Andésite vor, welche mit Eozänschichten wechsellagern.
The studied area is covered by Munzur Mountain and its environment, located on the eastern side of Turkey. The area is divided into two different parts: the Munzur Dag area and the Kemah area. The Munzur Dag area consists of limestone facies rocks of Mesozoic age. These rocks begin with the age of Jurassic and continue into upper Cretaceous as a série comprehensive. In addition, in this area ultrabasic rocks of Cretaceous age are observed. The Kemah area consists of more clastic facies submitting beds of the upper Mesozoic and Tertiary age. Andesites, alternating with the Eocene beds, are also seen.

Résumé La région d'étude comprend les montagnes de Munzur Dag et leurs environs à l'E de la Turquie. La région est divisée en deux parties: la partie de Munzur Dag et celle de Kemah. La partie de Munzur Dag est constituée de roches mésozoiques ayant un faciès calcaire. Ces roches que se poursuivent sous forme de série compréhensive montrent un âge qui va du Jurassique jusqu'au Crétacé. On y aperçoit en outre des roches ultra basiques d'âge Crétacé. La partie de Kemah est formée de couches quaternaires et tertiaires qui présentent pour la plupart un faciès clastique. Ici on observe également des couches éocènes en alternance avec les andésites.

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Herrn Professor Dr.Roland Brinkmann zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Geologische und petrographische Untersuchungen im Thurntaler Quarzphyllit und im angrenzenden Altkristallin südlich des Tauernfensters lassen einen mehrfachen Wechsel von Deformation und Kristallisation erkennen. Im gesamten Untersuchungsbereich waren vor allem Deformationen gefügeprägend für die Gesteine.Für den Thurntaler Quarzphyllit wird ein lithostratigraphisches Schema vorgestellt, welches ein altpaläozoisches Alter wahrscheinlich macht. Die tektonische Grenze zwischen Altkristallin und Quarzphyllit war mehrphasig aktiv. Sie bildet eine breite Mylonitzone und läuft spitzwinklig auf die Periadriatische Linie zu. Tektonische Daten zeigen gemeinsam mit petrographischen Befunden an, daß Altkristallin und Quarzphyllit die Diaphthorese und alle nachfolgenden gefügeprägenden Phasen bereits in enger Nachbarschaft zueinander erlebt haben. Für die absolute zeitliche Einstufung der einzelnen Deformationsund Kristallisationsphasen muß ein breiter Interpretationsspielraum verbleiben, da radiometrische Daten fehlen.Die Markinkele-Linie wird neben DAV, KV und Drautallinie als vierte wichtige tektonische Trennfuge im Altkristallin südlich des Tauernfensters eingeführt. Die mehrphasigen Deformationen an dieser Linie liefen in verschiedenen Tiefenlagen ab. Zuletzt sind oberflächennahe Kaltdeformationen festzustellen.Die Bedeutung der Periadriatischen Linie zu alpidischer Zeit muß im Zusammenhang mit den erwähnten intrakristallinen Störungen gesehen werden, da diese alle in die Periadriatische Linie einmünden.
Geological and petrographical investigations in the Thurntaler Quarzphyllit and in the Altkristallin south of the Tauern Window show a polyphase change of deformation and crystallisation. The metamorphic textures of the whole investigated zone are mainly controlled by deformation phases.A lithostratigraphic column is presented for the Thurntaler Quarzphyllit which supports the Early Paleozoic age of this unit. The tectonic border between Altkristallin and Quarzphyllit was active for several times. A large zone of mylonites was formed which converges at a low angle with the Periadriatic Lineament. Tectonical data and petrographic studies show that Altkristallin and Quarzphyllit have undergone together a phase of retrograde metamorphism and all following stages of geological history. As radiometric data are lacking, a wide range of possibilities must be kept open in dating single deformation or crystallisation phases.Additional to the DAV, KV and Drautal-Line, the Markinkele-Line is established as a fourth important fault within the Altkristallin south of the Tauern Window. At this line, polyphase deformations took place at different crustal niveaus, at last ending up in mylonitisation near the surface.The significance of the Periadriatic Lineament at alpine times must be regarded in context with all above mentioned intracrystalline faults, as they all geometrically join the Periadriatic Lineament.

Résumé Les recherches géologiques et pétrographiques dans la Quartzphyllite de la Thurntal et dans l'Altcristallin adjacent au Sud de la Fenêtre des Tauern font apparaître un changement répété de la déformation et de la cristallisation. Dans toute la région, ce sont surtout des déformations qui ont affecté la texture des roches.Pour la quartzphyllite de la Thurntal il est proposé un schéma lithostratigraphique qui rend vraisemblable un âge paléozoïque ancien. La limite tectonique entre l'Altcristallin et la quartzphyllite est passée par plusieurs phases d'activité. Elle forme une large zone mylonitisée et s'allonge avec un angle aigu avec la ligne périadriatique. Les données tectoniques comme les analyses pétrographiques, montrent que l'Altcristallin et la quartzphyllite ont subi ensemble une diaphtorèse et toutes les phases déformatives suivantes intervenues dans leur proximité immédiate. Etant donné l'absence de données radiométriques, une grande latitude d'interprétation doit être laissée pour la datation absolue de chacune des phases de déformation et de cristallisation.La ligne Markinkele est intégrée, à côté de DAV, KV et de la ligne de la Drautal, comme quatrième niveau tectonique séparatif important au Sud de la fenêtre des Tauern. Les déformations polyphasées le long de cette ligne se déroulent dans des niveaux de profondeur différents. Finalement on peut constater des mylonitisations à froid survenues près de la surface.La signification de la ligne périadriatique au cours de la période alpidique doit être vue en liaison avec les failles intracristallines mentionnées, parce qu'elles débouchent toutes dans la ligne périadriatique.

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Caliches: Large areas of the northern Sahara and the Algerian High Planes are covered by mostly 1–5 m thick caliches. Their age (Pliocene in the Sahara) decreases to the north and their precipitation is generally independent of groundwater. Their profile is composed (from top to base) as follows:
  • Upper soil, loose and mostly of eolian origin.
  • Upper part of caliche, with very characteristic, dense, partly layered-knobby texture, formed slowly by solutional and reprecipitational processes of ± freely outcropping caliches under addition of eolian material.
  • Under part of caliche, highly porous, somewhat chalky and greyish-white; precipitated mainly by capillar rise of solutions in permeable and calcareous rocks.
  • Substratum, preferentially calcareous sandstones, alluvial deposits and marls.
  • The mineralogy of the caliches (whose main components are represented in fig. 4 A-C) is rather monotonous: in addition to relicts of the substratum (partly dissolved or pushed aside by precipitation of calcite), there are only newly formed low-Mg-calcite and some quarzine (length-slow quartz). Sr-contents of calcite rise clearly from substratum to upper part of caliche. Gypsiferous Crusts (or Cementations): They are found mainly in the surroundings of Chotts (flat, ± saline lakes) and in oases of the NE-Algerian Sahara. Their formation began — mostly caused climatically — after the period of caliche formation and is still continuing in some places. Most of these gypsum-crusts are formed by evaporation of near-surface groundwaters in sandy soils. Water saturated in gypsum precipitates large crystals of gypsum (relatively low in Sr), partly filled by sand, at groundwater-surface. Fine crystalline crusts (relatively high in Sr) are formed by ascendent waters with lower gypsum content ± directly under the landsurface.  相似文献   

    Nisyros as well as the islet of Yiali are found in the crossing of two fault lines, that of Episcopi — Patmos and the one of southern Aegean (Soussaki-Gulf of Saronic — Milos — Santorini — Dodecanese) it consists almost exclusively of volcanic rocks, that is lavas and tuff and very limited appearence of Holocene formations. The presence of two volcanic effusions is certified, everyone of which began from basic magma, poor in SiO2 (olivinic pyroxenic andesites), and gave as final products acidic petrological types (liparites and volcanic glasses). The basic magmas of the first volcanic periods are found only in few places and in very limited areas of appearence. After the ascension of volcanic fragmental products the cycle of the first volcanic period closed with the creation of very thick beds of pumice. The second volcanic period gave more petrological types with transitive forms. After the creation of olivinic — pyroxenic andesites followed the exit of trachyandesites, trachytic and dacitic lavas with final creation of rhyolite and of volcanic glasses. The extension of the mentioned rocks is noted in detail on the geological map. The classification of the exact geological age is difficult because there is no place where they come in contact with sediments. In general the researches think that the volcanity in the region of Dodecanese began during the middle or the end of the Miocene with successive explosions up to the young geological ages. Only on the islet Yiali which consists exclusively of acid lavas (pumice stones, rhyolite, perlite) fossiliferous layers of marly limestone, sandstone and konglomerate are found, as much at the sea level as in the top of the layers of pumice stone, of tyrrhenian age. The discovery of tools of obsidian in the layers of pumice stone is perhaps a sign that these explosions continued up to the Holocene period. Among the post volcanic phenomena are classified emanations, sulfur-genetic activity with the creation of sulfur deposits of the island and the presence of the thermal healing springs in many parts. Petrochemically the lavas of the island Nisyros and Yiali belong to calcium alkaline magmas.  相似文献   

    Zusammenfassung An Hand mineralogischer Messungen and struktureller Beobachtungen an Dünnschliffen kann zwischen dem primären and dem diagenetisch entstandenen Mineralbestand unterschieden werden. Von besonderem Nutzen ist dabei der Vergleich zwischen der sandigen Flutfazies and der tonigen Normalfazies. In der Normalfazies hat sich der angelieferte Mineralbestand wegen der geringeren Durchlässigkeit erhalten. Der Mineralbestand der Flutfazies war starker den diagenetischen Umwandlungen ausgesetzt.
    A series of samples of a sandstone from the Middle Keuper Formation of Northern and Southern Germany have been investigated on their grain size distribution and mineral contents by microscopic and X-ray methods. Most of the minerals were subject to considerable changes during the diagnetic history of the sediment: Secondary growth of orthoclase around different feldspars including plagioclase, authigenic formation of glauconite and chlorite from biotite as well as formation of anatase and brookite from ilmenite. Various minerals cementing the porespace were observed: Magnesite, calcite and dolomite, quartz, rocksalt and ironoxides. The precipitation of anhydrite and gypsum in a particular region of the Rhine Rift Valley depends on the tectonic contact of the investigated sandstone with anhydrite bearing layers. The chemical reactions, which lead to the formation of the diagenetic minerals, and their temporal sequence are discussed.

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