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The potential for reduction of 99TcO4(aq) to poorly soluble 99TcO2 · nH2O(s) by biogenic sediment-associated Fe(II) was investigated with three Fe(III)-oxide containing subsurface materials and the dissimilatory metal-reducing subsurface bacterium Shewanella putrefaciens CN32. Two of the subsurface materials from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Hanford and Oak Ridge sites contained significant amounts of Mn(III,IV) oxides and net bioreduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) was not observed until essentially all of the hydroxylamine HCl-extractable Mn was reduced. In anoxic, unreduced sediment or where Mn oxide bioreduction was incomplete, exogenous biogenic TcO2 · nH2O(s) was slowly oxidized over a period of weeks. Subsurface materials that were bioreduced to varying degrees and then pasteurized to eliminate biological activity, reduced TcO4(aq) at rates that generally increased with increasing concentrations of 0.5 N HCl-extractable Fe(II). Two of the sediments showed a common relationship between extractable Fe(II) concentration (in mM) and the first-order reduction rate (in h−1), whereas the third demonstrated a markedly different trend. A combination of chemical extractions and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy were used to characterize the Fe(III) and Fe(II) phases. There was little evidence of the formation of secondary Fe(II) biominerals as a result of bioreduction, suggesting that the reactive forms of Fe(II) were predominantly surface complexes of different forms. The reduction rates of Tc(VII)O4 were slowest in the sediment that contained plentiful layer silicates (illite, vermiculite, and smectite), suggesting that Fe(II) sorption complexes on these phases were least reactive toward pertechnetate. These results suggest that the in situ microbial reduction of sediment-associated Fe(III), either naturally or via redox manipulation, may be effective at immobilizing TcO4(aq) associated with groundwater contaminant plumes.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed to separate the compositional variations in ocean island basalts into those that result from variations in source composition and from the melting process itself. The approach depends on correlations between isotope ratios, which can only come from source inhomogeneities, and elemental concentrations. Analysis of three data sets shows that the inhomogeneities beneath Theistareykir, in NE Iceland, Kilauea and Pitcairn can be produced by subduction of oceanic islands and volcanic ridges. The thicknesses of the lithosphere on which such islands were constructed and potential temperatures of the plumes that produced them can be estimated from the geochemical observations. Model ages are harder to determine, though simple assumptions give about 400 Ma for the Theistareykir source and 1.2 Ga for Kilauea. The model may also provide a physical explanation for the commonly used isotopic classification of ocean island basalts, with the isotopic composition changing from HIMU through EMII to EMI as the melt fraction increases. These results have been obtained from a small number of data sets obtained from ocean island basalts erupted in small areas during short time intervals. More such observations are needed to discover whether geochemical observations from other islands are consistent with the same model.  相似文献   

Four vertical profiles of the concentration and isotopic composition of Nd in seawater were obtained in the western North Pacific. Two profiles from the Kuroshio Current regime showed congruently that although the Nd concentration increases gradually with depth, its isotopic composition varies significantly with depth depending upon the water mass occupying the water column. The high-salinity Kuroshio waters originating from the North Pacific Tropical Water (NPTW) carry the least radiogenic Nd (?Nd = −7.4 to −8.7) to this region at ∼250 m from the western margin continental shelves, most likely from the East China Sea. The Nd isotopic compositions in the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) that occurs at 600 to 1000 m in the subtropical region are fairly uniform at ?Nd = −3.7. The profile data from the ∼38° to 40°N Kuroshio/Oyashio mixed water region off Sanriku of Honshu, Japan, also suggest that the newest NPIW with ?Nd = −3.2 is formed there by the mixing of various source waters, and the radiogenic component of Nd is derived mainly from the Oyashio waters.In the Pacific Deep Water (PDW) below ∼1000 m, the Nd isotopic composition is neither vertically nor horizontally homogeneous, suggesting that it serves as a useful tracer for sluggish deep water circulation as well. Two profiles from the Izu-Ogasawara Trench showed a minimum ?Nd value at ∼2000 m, suggesting that there exists a horizontal advective flow in the vicinity of Honshu, Japan. There is some evidence from other chemical properties to support this observation. The waters below 4000 m including those within the trench in the subtropical region have ?Nd values of around −5, suggesting that the deep waters are fed from the south along the western boundary, ultimately from the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the South Pacific. This extends up to ∼40°N along the Japanese Islands. In the subarctic region (>∼42°N), the waters have more radiogenic Nd with ?Nd > −4.0 throughout the water column, presumably due to the supply of Nd by weathering in such igneous provinces as the Kuril-Kamchatska-Aleutian Island chain. The lateral inhomogeneity of the Nd isotopic composition in PDW suggests that there may be different circulation and mixing regimes in the North Pacific Basin.  相似文献   

Mg-bearing calcite was precipitated at 25°C in closed system free-drift experiments from solutions containing NaHCO3, CaCl2 and MgCl2. The chemical and isotope composition of the solution and precipitate were investigated during time course experiments of 24-h duration. Monohydrocalcite and calcite precipitated early in the experiments (<8 h), while Mg-calcite was the predominant precipitate (>95%) thereafter. Solid collected at the end of the experiments displayed compositional zoning from pure calcite in crystal cores to up to 23 mol% MgCO3 in the rims. Smaller excursions in Mg were superimposed on this chemical record, which is characteristic of oscillatory zoning observed in synthetic and natural solid-solution carbonates of differing solubility. Magnesium also altered the predominant morphology of crystals over time from the {104} to {100} and {110} growth forms.The oxygen isotope fractionation factor for the magnesian-calcite-water system (as 103lnαMg-cl-H2O) displayed a strong dependence on the mol% MgCO3 in the solid phase, but quantification of the relationship was difficult due to the heterogeneous nature of the precipitate. Considering only the Mg-content and δ18O values for the bulk solid, 103lnαMg-cl-H2O increased at a rate of 0.17 ± 0.02 per mol% MgCO3; this value is a factor of three higher than the single previous estimate (Tarutani T., Clayton R.N., and Mayeda T. K. (1969) The effect of polymorphims and magnesium substitution on oxygen isotope fractionation between calcium carbonate and water. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 33, 987-996). Nevertheless, extrapolation of our relationship to the pure calcite end member yielded a value of 27.9 ± 0.02, which is similar in magnitude to published values for the calcite-water system. Although no kinetic effect was observed on 103lnαMg-cl-H2O for precipitation rates that ranged from 103.21 to 104.60 μmol · m−2 · h−1, it was impossible to disentangle the potential effect(s) of precipitation rate and Mg-content on 103lnαMg-cl-H2O due to the heterogeneous nature of the solid.The results of this study suggest that paleotemperatures inferred from the δ18O values of high magnesian calcite (>10 mol% MgCO3) may be significantly underestimated. Also, the results underscore the need for additional experiments to accurately characterize the effect of Mg coprecipitation on the isotope systematics of calcite from a chemically homogeneous precipitate or a heterogeneous material that is analyzed at the scale of chemical and isotopic zonation.  相似文献   

New techniques of isotopic measurements by a new generation of mass spectrometers equipped with an inductively-coupled-plasma source, a magnetic mass filter, and multiple collection (MC-ICPMS) are quickly developing. These techniques are valuable because of (1) the ability of ICP sources to ionize virtually every element in the periodic table, and (2) the large sample throughout. However, because of the complex trajectories of multiple ion beams produced in the plasma source whether from the same or different elements, the acquisition of precise and accurate isotopic data with this type of instrument still requires a good understanding of instrumental fractionation processes, both mass-dependent and mass-independent. Although physical processes responsible for the instrumental mass bias are still to be understood more fully, we here present a theoretical framework that allows for most of the analytical limitations to high precision and accuracy to be overcome. After a presentation of unifying phenomenological theory for mass-dependent fractionation in mass spectrometers, we show how this theory accounts for the techniques of standard bracketing and of isotopic normalization by a ratio of either the same or a different element, such as the use of Tl to correct mass bias on Pb. Accuracy is discussed with reference to the concept of cup efficiencies. Although these can be simply calibrated by analyzing standards, we derive a straightforward, very general method to calculate accurate isotopic ratios from dynamic measurements. In this study, we successfully applied the dynamic method to Nd and Pb as examples. We confirm that the assumption of identical mass bias for neighboring elements (notably Pb and Tl, and Yb and Lu) is both unnecessary and incorrect. We further discuss the dangers of straightforward standard-sample bracketing when chemical purification of the element to be analyzed is imperfect. Pooling runs to improve precision is acceptable provided the pooled measurements are shown to be part of a single population. Second-order corrections seem to be able to improve the precision on 143Nd/144Nd measurements. Finally, after discussing a number of potential pitfalls, such as the consequence of peak shape, correlations introduced by counting statistics, and the effect of memory on double-spike methods, we describe an optimal strategy for high-precision and accurate measurements by MC-ICPMS, which involves the repetitive calibration of cup efficiencies and rigorous assessment of mass bias combined with standard-sample bracketing. We suggest that, when these simple guidelines are followed, MC-ICPMS is capable of producing isotopic data precise and accurate to better than 15 ppm.  相似文献   

The rate of pyrite oxidation in moist air was determined by measuring, over time, the pressure difference between a sealed chamber containing pyrite plus oxygen and a control. The experiments carried out at 25°C, 96.7% fixed relative humidity, and oxygen partial pressures of 0.21, 0.61, and 1.00 atm showed that the rate of oxygen consumption is a function of oxygen partial pressure and time. The rates of oxygen consumption (r, mol/m2sec) fit the expression
(A)  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of compound-specific hydrogen isotope (D/H) analyses for investigating sedimentary organic matter raises numerous questions about the exchange of carbon-bound hydrogen over geologic timescales. Important questions include the rates of isotopic exchange, methods for diagnosing exchange in ancient samples, and the isotopic consequences of that exchange. This article provides a review of relevant literature data along with new data from several pilot studies to investigate such issues. Published experimental estimates of exchange rates between organic hydrogen and water indicate that at warm temperatures (50-100°C) exchange likely occurs on timescales of 104 to 108 yr. Incubation experiments using organic compounds and D-enriched water, combined with compound-specific D/H analyses, provide a new and highly sensitive method for measuring exchange at low temperatures. Comparison of δD values for isoprenoid and n-alkyl carbon skeletons in sedimentary organic matter provides no evidence for exchange in young (<1 Ma), cool sediments, but strong evidence for exchange in ancient (>350 Ma) rocks. Specific rates of exchange are probably influenced by the nature and abundance of organic matter, pore-water chemistry, the presence of catalytic mineral surfaces, and perhaps even enzymatic activity.Estimates of equilibrium fractionation factors between organic H and water indicate that typical lipids will be depleted in D relative to water by ∼75 to 140‰ at equilibrium (30°C). Thus large differences in δD between organic molecules and water cannot be unambiguously interpreted as evidence against hydrogen exchange. A better approach may be to use changes in stereochemistry as a proxy for hydrogen exchange. For example, estimated rates of H exchange in pristane are similar to predicted rates for stereochemical inversion in steranes and hopanes. The isotopic consequences of this exchange remain in question. Incubations of cholestene with D2O indicate that the number of D atoms incorporated during structural rearrangements can be far less than the number of C-H bonds that are broken. Sample calculations indicate that, for steranes in immature sediments, the D/H ratio imparted by biosynthesis may be largely preserved in spite of significant structural changes.  相似文献   

European vegetation during representative “warm” and “cold” intervals of stage-3 was inferred from pollen analytical data. The inferred vegetation differs in character and spatial pattern from that of both fully glacial and fully interglacial conditions and exhibits contrasts between warm and cold intervals, consistent with other evidence for stage-3 palaeoenvironmental fluctuations. European vegetation thus appears to have been an integral component of millennial environmental fluctuations during stage-3; vegetation responded to this scale of environmental change and through feedback mechanisms may have had effects upon the environment. The pollen-inferred vegetation was compared with vegetation simulated using the BIOME 3.5 vegetation model for climatic conditions simulated using a regional climate model (RegCM2) nested within a coupled global climate and vegetation model (GENESIS-BIOME). Despite some discrepancies in detail, both approaches capture the principal features of the present vegetation of Europe. The simulated vegetation for stage-3 differs markedly from that inferred from pollen analytical data, implying substantial discrepancy between the simulated climate and that actually prevailing. Sensitivity analyses indicate that the simulated climate is too warm and probably has too short a winter season. These discrepancies may reflect incorrect specification of sea surface temperature or sea-ice conditions and may be exacerbated by vegetation-climate feedback in the coupled global model.  相似文献   

Using molecular dynamics simulations and electronic structure methods, we postulate a mechanism to explain the complicated reactivity trends that are observed for oxygen isotope exchange reactions between sites in aluminum polyoxocations of the ε-Keggin type and bulk solution. Experimentally, the molecules have four nonequivalent oxygens that differ considerably in reactivity both within a molecule, and between molecules in the series: Al13, GaAl12, and GeAl12 [MO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12n+(aq); with M = Al(III) for Al13, n = 7; M = Ga(III) for GaAl12, n = 7; M = Ge(IV) for GeAl12, n = 8]. We find that a partly dissociated, metastable intermediate molecule of expanded volume is necessary for exchange of both sets of μ2-OH and that the steady-state concentration of this intermediate reflects the bond strengths between the central metal and the μ4-O. Thus the central metal exerts extraordinary control over reactions at hydroxyl bridges, although these are three bonds away.This mechanism not only explains the reactivity trends for oxygen isotope exchange in μ2-OH and η-OH2 sites in the ε-Keggin aluminum molecules, but also explains the observation that the reactivities of minerals tend to reflect the presence of highly coordinated oxygens, such as the μ4-O in boehmite, α-, and γ-Al2O3 and their Fe(III) analogs. The partial dissociation of these highly coordinated oxygens, coupled with simultaneous activation and displacement of neighboring metal centers, may be a fundamental process by which metals atoms undergo ligand exchanges at mineral surfaces.  相似文献   

Schwertmannite (ideal formula: Fe8O8(OH)6SO4) is typically found as a secondary iron mineral in pyrite oxidizing environments. In this study, geochemical constraints upon its formation are established and its role in the geochemical cycling of iron between reducing and oxidizing conditions are discussed. The composition of surface waters was analyzed and sediments characterized by X-ray diffraction, FTIR spectroscopy and determination of the Fe:S ratio in the oxalate extractable fraction from 18 acidic mining lakes. The lakes are exposed to a permanent supply of pyritegenous ferrous iron from adjacent ground water. In 3 of the lakes the suspended matter was fractionated using ultra filtration and analyzed with respect to their mineral composition. In addition, stability experiments with synthetic schwertmannite were performed. The examined lake surface waters were O2-saturated and have sulfate concentrations (10.3 ± 5.5 mM) and pH values (3.0 ± 0.6) that are characteristic for the stability window of schwertmannite. Geochemical modeling implied that i) the waters were saturated with respect to schwertmannite, which controlled the activity of Fe3+ and sulfate, and ii) a redox equilibrium exists between Fe2+ and schwertmannite. In the uppermost sediment layers (1 to 5 cm depth), schwertmannite was detectable in 16 lakes—in 5 of them by all three methods. FTIR spectroscopy also proved its occurrence in the colloidal fraction (1-10 kDa) in all of the 3 investigated lake surface waters. The stability of synthetic schwertmannite was examined as a function of pH (2-7) by a 1-yr experiment. The transformation rate into goethite increased with increasing pH. Our study suggests that schwertmannite is the first mineral formed after oxidation and hydrolysis of a slightly acidic (pH 5-6), Fe(II)-SO4 solution, a process that directly affects the pH of the receiving water. Its occurrence is transient and restricted to environments, such as acidic mining lakes, where the coordination chemistry of Fe3+ is controlled by the competition between sulfate and hydroxy ions (i.e. mildly acidic).  相似文献   

This paper describes a chemical model that calculates solute and solvent activities and solid-liquid equilibria in the H-Na-K-OH-Cl-HSO4-SO4-H2O system from dilute to high solution concentration within the 0° to 250°C temperature range. All binary and ternary subsystems are included in the model parameterization. The model is validated by comparing predictions with experimental data, primarily in higher order systems, not used in the parameterization process. Limitations of the model due to data insufficiencies are discussed.The Harvie and Weare (GCA44, 981, 1980) solubility modeling approach, incorporating their implementation of the concentration-dependent specific interaction equations of Pitzer (J. Phys. Chem.77, 268, 1973), is employed. This model expands the variable temperature Na-K-Cl-SO4-H2O model of Greenberg and Moller (GCA53, 2503, 1989) by including acid (H2SO4, HCl) and base (NaOH, KOH) species. Temperature functions for the chemical potentials of 5 acidic (sodium bisulfate, sodium sesquisulfate, mercallite, potassium sesquisulfate and misenite) and 6 basic (4 sodium hydroxide hydrates and 2 potassium hydroxide hydrates) solid phases are determined.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope exchange between H2O and H4SiO4 was modeled with ab initio calculations on H4SiO4 + 7H2O. Constrained optimizations were performed with the B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) method to determine reactants, transition states, and intermediates. Long-range solvation was accounted for using self-consistent reaction field calculations. The mechanism for exchange involves two steps, a concerted proton transfer from H4SiO4 forming a 5-coordinated Si followed by a concerted proton transfer from the 5-coordinated Si forming another H4SiO4. The 5-coordinated Si intermediate is C2 symmetric. At 298K and with implicit solvation included, the Gibbs free energy of activation from transition state theory is 66 kJ/mol and the predicted rate constant is 16 s−1. Equilibrium calculations between 298K and 673K yield αH4SiO4-H2O that are uniformly less than, but similar to, αqtz-H2O, and therefore αqtz-H4SiO4 is expected to be relatively small in this temperature range.  相似文献   

The thermochemistry of jarosite-alunite and natrojarosite-natroalunite solid solutions was investigated. Members of these series were either coprecipitated or synthesized hydrothermally and were characterized by XRD, FTIR, electron microprobe analysis, ICP-MS, and thermal analysis. Partial alkali substitution and vacancies on the Fe/Al sites were observed in all cases, and the solids studied can be described by the general formula K1-x-yNay(H3O)xFezAlw(SO4)2(OH)6-3(3-z-w)(H2O)3(3-z-w). A strong preferential incorporation of Fe over Al in the jarosite/alunite structure was observed. Heats of formation from the elements, ΔH°f, were determined by high-temperature oxide melt solution calorimetry. The solid solutions deviate slightly from thermodynamic ideality by exhibiting positive enthalpies of mixing in the range 0 to +11 kJ/mol. The heats of formation of the end members of both solid solutions were derived. The values ΔH°f = −3773.6 ± 9.4 kJ/mol, ΔH°f = −4912.2 ± 24.2 kJ/mol, ΔH°f = −3734.6 ± 9.7 kJ/mol and ΔH°f = −4979.7 ± 7.5kJ/mol were found for K0.85(H3O)0.15Fe2.5(SO4)2(OH)4.5(H2O)1.5, K0.85(H3O)0.15Al2.5(SO4)2(OH)4.5(H2O)1.5, Na0.7(H3O)0.3Fe2.7(SO4)2(OH)5.1(H2O)0.9, and Na0.7(H3O)0.3Al2.7(SO4)2(OH)5.1(H2O)0.9 respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first experimentally-based report of ΔH°f for such nonstoichiometric alunite and natroalunite samples. These thermodynamic data should prove helpful to study, under given conditions, the partitioning of Fe and Al between the solids and aqueous solution.  相似文献   

Fe released into solution is isotopically lighter (enriched in the lighter isotope) than hornblende starting material when dissolution occurs in the presence of the siderophore desferrioxamine mesylate (DFAM). In contrast, Fe released from goethite dissolving in the presence of DFAM is isotopically unchanged. Furthermore, Δ56Fesolution-hornblende for Fe released to solution in the presence of ligands varies with the affinity of the ligand for Fe. The extent of isotopic fractionation of Fe released from hornblende also increases when experiments are agitated continuously. The Fe isotope fractionation observed during hornblende dissolution with organic ligands is attributed predominantly to retention of 56Fe in an altered surface layer, while the lack of isotopic fractionation during goethite dissolution in DFAM is consistent with the lack of an altered layer. When a siderophore-producing soil bacterium is added to the system (without added organic ligands), Fe released to solution from both hornblende and goethite differs isotopically from Fe in the bulk mineral: Δ56Fesolution-starting material = −0.56 ± 0.19 (hornblende) and −1.44 ± 0.16 (goethite). Increased isotopic fractionation is attributed in this case to the fact that as bacterial respiration depletes the system in oxygen and aqueous Fe is reduced, equilibration between aqueous ferrous and ferric iron creates a pool of isotopically heavy ferric iron that is assimilated by bacterial cells. Adsorption of isotopically heavy ferrous iron (Fe(II) enriched in the heavier isotope) or precipitation of isotopically heavy Fe minerals may also contribute to observed fractionations.To test whether these Fe isotope signatures are recorded in natural systems, we also investigated extractions of samples of soils from which the bacteria were isolated. These extractions show variability in the isotopic signatures of exchangeable Fe and Fe oxyhydroxide fractions from one soil sample to another, but exchangeable Fe is observed to be lighter than Fe in soil Fe oxyhydroxides and hornblende. This observation is consistent with isotopically light Fe-organic complexes in soil pore water derived from the Fe-silicate starting materials in the presence of growing microorganisms, as documented in experiments reported here. The contributions from phenomena including organic ligand-promoted nonstoichiometric dissolution of Fe silicates, uptake of ferric iron by organisms, adsorption of isotopically heavy ferrous iron, and precipitation of iron minerals should create complex isotopic signatures in soils. Better understanding of these processes and the timescales over which they contribute to fractionation is needed.  相似文献   

Triplicate porewater lead concentration profiles were determined on six occasions in a Canadian Shield lake. Total Pb concentrations were also measured in a dated core obtained at the same site. This information, as well as an extensive dataset comprising ancillary geochemical measurements on porewaters and sediment and the population densities of benthic animals, is used in a one-dimensional transport-reaction diagenetic model to investigate the transport and mobilization of Pb in these sediments. Application of the model consistently indicates the presence of a zone of Pb production to the porewaters that lies above a zone of Pb consumption. The profiles of various porewater constituents and thermodynamic calculations indicate that Pb is mobilized in the zone of production by the reductive dissolution of iron oxyhydroxides, whereas it is removed in the zone of consumption by precipitation as a solid sulfide. Rate constants are estimated for reductive iron dissolution (kdFe(III) = 2.0 ± 0.5 × 10−1 cm3 mol−1 s−1), Pb adsorption on iron oxyhydroxides (kadsPb = 98 ± 55 cm3 mol−1 s−1), and Pb precipitation (kpptPb = 8 × 10−20 mol cm−3 s−1 to 16 ± 13 × 10−22 mol cm−3 s−1, depending on the solubility product assumed for the precipitation of PbS). According to model calculations, diagenetic processes, such as remobilization, molecular diffusion, bioturbation, and bioirrigation have a negligible influence on the solid phase Pb profile. In agreement with this finding, the present-day fluxes of dissolved Pb by diffusion (JDPb = −6.5 × 10−11 mol cm−2 yr−1), bioturbation (JBPb = −1.1 × 10−13 mol cm−2 yr−1), and bioirrigation (JIPb = −1.5 × 10−11 mol cm−2 yr−1) are small compared to the flux of Pb deposited with settling particles (JSPb = 5.3 × 10−9 mol cm−2 yr−1).  相似文献   

Pedogenic goethites in each of two Early Permian paleosols appear to record mixing of two isotopically distinct CO2 components—atmospheric CO2 and CO2 from in situ oxidation of organic matter. The δ13C values measured for the Fe(CO3)OH component in solid solution in these Permian goethites are −13.5‰ for the Lower Leonardian (∼283 Ma BP) paleosol (MCGoeth) and −13.9‰ for the Upper Leonardian (∼270 Ma BP) paleosol (SAP). These goethites contain the most 13C-rich Fe(CO3)OH measured to date for pedogenic goethites crystallized in soils exhibiting mixing of the two aforementioned CO2 components. δ13C measured for 43 organic matter samples in the Lower Leonardian (Waggoner Ranch Fm.) has an average value of −20.3 ± 1.1‰ (1s). The average value yields a calculated Early Permian atmospheric Pco2 value of about 1 × PAL, but the scatter in the measured δ13C values of organic matter permits a calculated maximum Pco2 of 11 × PAL (PAL = present atmospheric level). Measured values of the mole fraction of Fe(CO3)OH in MCGoeth and SAP correspond to soil CO2 concentrations in the Early Permian paleosol profiles of 54,000 and 50,000 ppmV, respectively. Such high soil CO2 concentrations are similar to modern soils in warm, wet environments.The average δ13C values of pedogenic calcite from 9 paleosol profiles stratigraphically associated with MCGoeth (Waggoner Ranch Fm.) range from −6.5‰ to −4.4‰, with a mean δ13C value for all profiles of −5.4‰. Thus, the value of Δ13C between the pedogenic calcite data set and MCGoeth is 8.1 (±0.9)‰, which is in reasonable accord with the value of 7.7‰ expected if atmospheric Pco2 and organic matter δ13C values were the same for both paleosol types. Furthermore, the atmospheric Pco2 calculated for the Early Permian from the average measured carbon isotopic compositions of the paleosol calcite and organic matter is also analytically indistinguishable from 1 × PAL, with a maximum calculated atmospheric Pco2 (permitted by one standard deviation of the organic matter δ13C value) of ∼5 × PAL.If, however, measured average δ13C values of the plant organic matter are more positive than the original soil organic matter as a result of diagenetic loss of 13C-depleted, labile organic compounds, calculated Permian atmospheric Pco2 using these 13C-enriched organic values would underestimate the actual atmospheric Pco2 using either goethite or calcite. This is the first stratigraphically constrained, intrabasinal study to compare ancient atmospheric CO2 concentrations calculated from pedogenic goethite and calcite. These results demonstrate that the two different proxies record the same information about atmospheric CO2.The Fe(CO3)OH component in pedogenic goethite from a Triassic paleosol in Utah is significantly enriched in 13C relative to Fe(CO3)OH in goethites from soils in which there are mixtures of two isotopic CO2 components. Field-relationships and the δ13C value (−1.9‰) of the Triassic goethite indicate that this ancient paleosol profile experienced mixing of three isotopically distinct CO2 components at the time of goethite crystallization. The three components were probably atmospheric CO2, CO2 from in situ oxidation of organic matter and CO2 from in situ dissolution of preexisting calcite. Although mixing of three isotopically distinct CO2 components, as recorded by Fe(CO3)OH in goethite, has been described in modern soil, this is the first example from a documented paleosol. Its preservation affirms the need for careful, case-by-case assessment of ancient paleosols to establish that goethite in any particular soil is likely to be a valid proxy of atmospheric Pco2.  相似文献   

A 40 cm deep Sphagnum-dominated peat monolith from Bolton Fell Moss in Northern England was systematically investigated by lipid molecular stratigraphy and compound-specific δ13C and δD analysis using gas chromatography (GC), GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), GC-combustion-isotope ratio-MS (GC-C-IRMS) and GC-thermal conversion-IRMS (GC-TC-IRMS) techniques. 210Pb dating showed the monolith accumulated during the last ca. 220 yr, a period encompassing the second part of Little Ice Age. While the distributions of lipids, including n-alkan-1-ols, n-alkan-2-ones, wax esters, sterols, n-alkanoic acids, α,ω-alkandioic acids and ω-hydroxy acids, display relatively minor changes with depth, the cooler climate event was recorded in the concentrations of n-alkanes and organic carbon, CPI values of n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids, and the ratio of 5-n-alkylresorcinols/sterols. Superimposed on the fossil fuel effect, the relatively cooler climate event was also recorded by δ13C values of individual hydrocarbons, especially the C23n-alkane, a major compound in certain Sphagnum spp. The δD values of the C29 and C33n-alkanes correlated mainly with plant composition and were relatively insensitive to climatic change. In contrast the C23n-alkane displayed variation that correlated strongly with recorded temperature for the period represented by the monolith, agreeing with previously reported deuterium records in tree ring cellulose spanning the same period in Scotland, Germany and the USA, with more negative values occurring during the second part of Little Ice Age. These biomarker characteristics, including the compound-specific δ13C and δD records, provide a new set of proxies of climatic change, potentially independent of preserved macrofossils which will be of value in deeper sections of the bog where the documentary records of climate are unavailable and humification is well advanced.  相似文献   

The Pt-Re-Os isotopic and elemental systematics of 13 group IIAB and 23 group IIIAB iron meteorites are examined. As has been noted previously for iron meteorite groups and experimental systems, solid metal-liquid metal bulk distribution coefficients (D values) for both IIAB and IIIAB systems show DOs>DRe>>DPt>1 during the initial stages of core crystallization. Assuming closed-system crystallization, the latter stages of crystallization for each core are generally characterized by DPt>DRe>DOs. The processes governing the concentrations of these elements are much more complex in the IIIAB core relative to the IIAB core. Several crystallization models utilizing different starting parameters and bulk distribution coefficients are considered for the Re-Os pair. Each model has flaws, but in general, the results suggest that the concentrations of these elements were dominated by equilibrium crystallization and subsequent interactions between solid metal and both equilibrium and evolved melts. Late additions of primitive metal to either core were likely minor or nonexistent.The 187Re-187Os systematics of the IIAB and IIIAB groups are consistent with generally closed-system behavior for both elements since the first several tens of Ma of the formation of the solar system, consistent with short-lived chronometers. The Re-Os isochron ages for the complete suites of IIAB and IIIAB irons are 4530 ± 50 Ma and 4517 ± 32 Ma, respectively, and are similar to previously reported Re-Os ages for the lower-Ni endmembers of these two groups. Both isochrons are consistent with, but do not require crystallization of the entire groups within 10-30 Ma of the initiation of crystallization.The first high-precision 190Pt-186Os isochrons for IIAB and IIIAB irons are presented. The Pt-Os isochron ages for the IIAB and IIIAB irons, calculated using the current best estimate of the λ for 190Pt, are 4323 ± 80 Ma and 4325 ± 26 Ma respectively. The Re-Os and Pt-Os ages do not overlap within the uncertainties. The younger apparent ages recorded by the Pt-Os system likely reflect error in the 190Pt decay constant. The slope from the Pt-Os isochron is combined with the age from the Re-Os isochron for the IIIAB irons to calculate a revised λ of 1.415 × 10−12 a−1 for 190Pt, although additional study of this decay constant is still needed.  相似文献   

Global carbon cycle models require a complete understanding of the δ13C variability of the Earth’s C reservoirs as well as the C isotope effects in the transfer of the element among them. An assessment of δ13C changes during CO2 loss from degassing magmas requires knowledge of the melt-CO2 carbon isotope fractionation. In order to examine the potential size of this effect for silicate melts of varying composition, 13C reduced partition functions were computed in the temperature range 275 to 4000 K for carbonates of varying bond strengths (Mg, Fe, Mn, Sr, Ba, Pb, Zn, Cd, Li, and Na) and the polymorphs of calcite. For a given cation and a given pressure the 13C content increases with the density of the carbonate structure. For a given structure the tendency to concentrate 13C increases with pressure. The effect of pressure (‰/10 kbar) on the size of the reduced partition function of aragonite varies with temperature; in the pressure range 1 to 105 bars the change is given by:
(1)  相似文献   

Applications of speleothem calcite geochemistry in climate change studies require the evaluation of the accuracy and sensitivity of speleothem proxies to correctly infer paleoclimatic information. The present study of Harrison’s Cave, Barbados, uses the analysis of the modern climatology and groundwater system to evaluate controls on the C and O isotopic composition of modern speleothems. This new approach directly compares the δ18O and δ13C values of modern speleothems with the values for their corresponding drip waters in order to assess the degree to which isotopic equilibrium is achieved during calcite precipitation. If modern speleothems can be demonstrated to precipitate in isotopic equilibrium, then ancient speleothems, suitable for paleoclimatic studies, from the same cave environment may also have been precipitated in isotopic equilibrium. If modern speleothems are precipitated out of isotopic equilibrium, then the magnitude and direction of the C and O isotopic offsets may allow specific kinetic and/or equilibrium isotopic fractionation mechanisms to be identified.Carbon isotope values for the majority of modern speleothem samples from Harrison’s Cave fall within the range of equilibrium values predicted from the combined use of (1) calcite-water fractionation factors from the literature, (2) measured temperatures, and (3) measured δ13C values of the dissolved inorganic carbon of drip waters. Calcite samples range from ∼0.8‰ higher to ∼1.1‰ lower than predicted values. The 13C depletions are likely caused by kinetically driven departures in the fractionation between HCO3 (aq) and CaCO3 from equilibrium conditions, caused by rapid calcite growth. 13C enrichments can be accounted for by Rayleigh distillation of the HCO3 (aq) reservoir during degassing of 13C-depleted CO2.Modern speleothems from Harrison’s Cave are not in O isotopic equilibrium with their corresponding drip waters and are 0.2‰ to 2.3‰ enriched in 18O relative to equilibrium values. δ18O variations in modern calcite are likely controlled by kinetically driven changes in the fractionation between HCO3 (aq) and CaCO3 from equilibrium conditions to nonequilibrium conditions, consistent with rapid calcite growth. In contrast to δ13C, δ18O values of modern calcite may not be affected by Rayleigh distillation during degassing because CO2 hydration and hydroxylation reactions will buffer the O isotopic composition of the HCO3 (aq) reservoir. If the effects of Rayleigh distillation manifest themselves in the O isotopic system, they will result in 18O enrichment in the HCO3 (aq) reservoir and ultimately in the precipitated CaCO3.  相似文献   

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